VBS 2008 Monday


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Second Reformed Church2008 Vacation Bible


Our morning started out with registration. Laura De Young would really be at a loss without our VBS secretary Mary

Ann Lane.

While the kids were congregating upstairs for their time of music and skits our kitchen staff was busy putting together

the class room snacks.

• Gail Walker, Shirley Harvey and Jennie Hubright

Mike Sicienski and Brenna Raes were ready for these active little ones.

This years theme is from Galatians 5:22-23The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience,

kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Now for a few slides of our morning time together.

VBS is for kids, but you can see that there are many who like to stay and watch the skits.

You guessed it sign language. These boys taught

me the sign for love. Thumbs up for getting it right.

What is VBS with out music. Julie Reesor is our leader for some fun filled farm music.

A lot of time and though go into decorating the classrooms.

Crafts are great as you can see in these happy faces.

Our crafts department is cleaning up and getting ready for the next group.

Don’t distract the sound man. He is running the show.

Many hours go into VBS. When the week comes and you see all the happy faces it is all worth it.

VBS can sowing many seeds. God will make them grow in His time.

Co Coordinator’s Laura De Young and Shannan Sicienski