How to Plan and Set Financial Goals


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#CreditChatWednesday | 3 p.m. ET

How to Plan & Set Financial Goals

Join our #CreditChat every Wednesday at 3 p.m. ET. This week, we talked with Joe Saul-Sehy @AverageJoeMoney!“

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Featuring: Joe Saul-Sehy

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Why is it important to set financial goals?What might hold us back?

“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.”

Tweet by @FamZoo


- Thomas Carlyle

My money wants to know where it’s going. Tweet by @Krissylynn

Without a financial goal, you lack direction.



savings, retirement savings, and can stick to budget.Savers with a plan are 2X more likely to have emergency

Tweet by @AmericaSaves

to achieve it), you’ll quit chasing hot investments.If you start with the goal and work backward (what do I need


Tweet by @AverageJoeMoney

the hard investing and insurance decisions you’ll make. Tweet by @AverageJoeMoney

People think goal setting is “fluffy” but your goal drives all


If you don’t have a map, you might end up lostWHY CREATE FINANCIAL GOALS?

Tweet by @DLFreedmanand/or miss the right destination entirely.

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

What types of financial goals shouldwe create for ourselves?


Goals for an emergency fund, retirement, paying down debt, TYPES OF FINANCIAL GOALS

perhaps a home or another major purchase.

Tweet by @magnify_money

Set mini goals along the way to keep yourself on track! Tweet by @Qualtrust


Goal: teach your kids about emergency funds and haveeach fund from a % of allowance/chore/job money.

Tweet by @FamZoo


Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

What are some steps you shouldtake when creating realistic goals?

Consider both your current life situation andwhere it is you want to be while setting goals.

Tweet by @LeslieHTayneEsq


Assess where you are with your finances. Many people have no real idea how they’re doing.


Tweet by @Quizzle

Get as detailed as possible and get buy-in from anyone who’s planning with you.

Tweet by @AverageJoeMoney


Provide real numbers and not just estimates

Tweet by @SenseOfCents


or “dream” numbers for your goals.

Make goals that are manageable and measurable.


Tweet by @ErinMcHanaburgh

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

How often should we track our progress?Any favorite tools to help do this?


Check in on short-term goals monthly,medium goals quarterly, and long-term yearly.

Tweet by @ReadyForZero

Kick it old school and crunch your budgetwith pen and paper every week or two.

Tweet by @magnify_money


Be mindful of your goals every day will help you stick to them. Tweet by @MoneyMattersMan


Everyday! Each morning helps to set the pacefor the day. I like ZigZiglar’s goal planner.

Tweet by @YoungFinances


Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

How should we handle setbacks in ourfinances? Should we reconfigure our goals?

A setback is a sign of progress. Learn from itand modify goals as needed. Keep moving forward.


Tweet by @MsMadamMoney

You should always be re-evaluating your goals.Make sure they’re helping not hurting. And priorities change.


Tweet by @MarioBonifacio

You should embrace the setbacks. They’re going tohappen. You’re fooling yourself if you think it will go perfectly.


Tweet by @AverageJoeMoney

Setbacks happen. They are good moments to assess your budget and your goal’s plan. Adjust as necessary.

Tweet by @AmericaSaves


Accomplishing goals is easy. If you defineeasy as staying disciplined and modifying behavior.

Tweet by @csmithraleigh


Welcome failure and learn from it.Set new goals - and eventually success will come.


Tweet by @GraceKvantas

Wednesdays | 3 p.m. ET#CreditChat

Any final tips for those looking to makesmart financial goals?

Talk about your goals with your accountability partners.They will help you stay motivated and on track.


Tweet by @YoungFinances

Tips for making financial goals? Start today and start small if you need. Any savings is better than none.

Tweet by @moneytalk1


Like with any goal, set a date for your financial goals.


Tweet by @mybanktracker

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