Zionist nightmare & palestinian resistance


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There is not much that is special about the Zionist species of ethnic cleansing and will to genocide.

Mick NapierScottish Palestine Solidarity Campaignmick@scottishpsc.org.uk

Zionist nightmare and Palestinian resistance

Ethnic cleansing& genocide…a British tradition

"Clearly, during years [of] 1845 to 1850 the British

government pursued a policy of mass

starvation in Ireland with intent to destroy in substantial part …

the Irish People.“

Prof. Richard Boyle

Genocide completed under British rule:the last indigenous Tasmanian died in 1876

“I do not admit…that a great wrong has been

done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia…a

stronger race, a higher-grade race…has come

in and taken their place.” Churchill – voted

‘greatest Briton of all time’ in 2002

“I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time.” (To the Palestine Royal Commission 1937)

Churchill – voted ‘greatest Briton of all time’ in 2002

1918: Britain gave Palestine to Zionists who began evicting Palestinian ‘dogs’

British Army First Judean Battalion (1921)

Israel has seized Palestinian land every day since 1948

Zionist militias carried out the first wave of ethnic cleansing in 1948

Today, Zionist settlers prefer Biblical fundamentalism to ‘socialist’ rhetoric

But – secular or religious - Zionism still means killing Palestinians…

Dead Palestinian

Palestinians have always resisted

Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, killed fighting the British in 1936

1936-39 revolt against British

Palestinians have resisted peacefully…

…facing jeering soldiers…

…with determination..

…with stones against tanks…

…in an unequal struggle…

…Arab ‘terrorists’ facing a British ally…

…displaying heroism that gives them...

…the right to demand…

…our solidarity.

....they have voted in democratic elections…

…against Obama, Brown, Netanyahu and Arab allies

..against US + EU + UN + Russia =

(=‘The Quartet’)

Blessed are the peacemakers


‘Business as usual’

The Israeli Gulag is bursting with 6,000 political prisoners

I see The Quartet called for the

release of Hamas’ one Israeli prisoner

Fine people - democrats

Fakhri Al Barghouti: 32 years in Israeli prisons for resistance

Israeli humiliation of Palestinians continues at the illegal checkpoints

Routine torture and sadistic experiments


Murder continues. One example:

1. Detained...

2. Forced to the ground.

3. One soldier left in control.

4. Held, arms behind back, immobilised.

5. Executed and left on the ground.

Collective punishment continues - Gaza

House demolitions accelerate

Israel’s mass killings were never condemned by The Quartet

White phosphorous other weapons

Collateral damage. So were his parents.

Training children to kill

Jewish settler children are taught by their parents how to kill Arabs

Israeli children sign bombs

The bombs were dropped…

Warriors confrontingthe enemy


Fighting shepherds and farmers…

Fighting refugees, using human shields

Get a civilian and push him in front of you…

OK, standard procedure followed. One is tied to the jeep – what next?

Lebanon 2006:The Israeli Army assault begins

Are you wearing that

new cool tee-shirt?

Which tee-shirt?

Tee-shirt popular with Israeli Army snipers

Invading Lebanon again in 2006

S***! This is for real and I’ve only been beating up civilians for the last few years

…they were routed by dedicated and highly trained guerillas in South Lebanon

The Generals said it would be a walkover

It has been

After engaging with Hezbollah…

It was a trick – there were two of them

As the pro-Israeli Economist put it bluntly…

Palestine will be free one day

You want a Free Palestine. I want a Palestinian-free

area. One of us has to win.

Israeli terrorism isn’t unique

…backed up by the inevitable violent repression…

But colonial armies can be defeated…

French Army after Dien Bien Phu

The Land and Freedom Army in Kenya. Called ‘Mau Mau’ by the British

Vietnamese – they humbled America…

Though US troops wiped out many villages

My Lai, Vietnam

US final defeat in Vietnam - 1975

The Berlin Wall came down - 1989

South African apartheid fell - 1994

Black South Africans queue to vote.

Freedom for Palestine. The end of Zionist apartheid and ethnic cleansing – ????

Eugene DebsUS socialist 1855 - 1926

You can forgive the man who robs you, but you can’t forgive the man you rob — in his haggard features you read your indictment and this makes his face so repulsive that you must keep it under your heels where you cannot see it.

Support the Palestinian call for an international campaign of BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel until it ends its crimes.

Join, support and donate to the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign and help in the Palestinian struggle for their freedom.www.scottishpsc.org.uk 00 44 (0)795 800 2591
