Zimbra set up


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Installing And Configuring Zimbra Mail Server

First we need to install Sysstat and GMP

Sysstat A common task for System Administrators is to monitor and care for a server. That's fairly easy to do at a moment's notice, but how to keep a record of this information over time? your server is to use the Sysstat package.Sysstat is actually a collection of utilities designed to collect information about the performance of a linux installation, and record them over time.

GMP The library gmp provides the extended arithmetic for the number types

Stop other mail servers

Chkconfig sendmail off

To turn off sendmail automatically after reboot.

Service sendmail stop To stop sendmail…otherwise it will conflict with zimbra mail server

Then go to System -> Administration and change the DNS settings.

Install webmin and logon to it using web browser

Configure DNS

Forwarding Setup Go to Servers -> BIND DNS Server address

Create forwarding and Reverse zone

Creating a Mail Server Record ( MX Record ) Go to the Forwarding Zone that we created and select “Mail Server”

Creating Address Records Go to “Address” and set "Priority” “Name” and “Address” for an Address Record.

Now our DNS server is UP. Go to BIND DNS Server and Restart the BIND ( Stop and Start DNS again ). Then we have to configure 2 Configuration Files. Configure “/etc/hosts” file Change it as follows

Configure “/etc/resolv.conf” file Change it as follows

Now our DNS is configured. You can use “nslookup” and “dig” commands to test that.

Installing ZIMBRA First you need to run “chkconfig named on” command to Turn On the DNS server always

For large email transfers - zmprov mcf zimbraMtaMaxMessageSize 10240000 Activate Instant Messenger - zmprov mc default zimbraFeatureIMEnabled TRUE Activate Instant Notifications - zmprov mc default zimbraFeatureInstantNotify TRUE After that type “exit” and Reboot the server

Now you can login to “Zimbra Admin Server and create accounts

Then you can access the Web Client and send/receive email

Set up Evolution (Default mail client for Zimbra)

Install ThunderBird