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Y O U R M O N T H L Y G U I D E T O F I R S T P R E S B Y T E R I A N A C T I V I T I E S & E V E N T S






4/5 P




Pastor’s Message


Fall Kick Off

Children & Youth

Discipleship: SS,

Small Groups



Info., News & More

Presbyterian Women

Session Highlights




From the Pastor’s Desk

Hello church,

A professor started off my last D.Min class with this piece of wisdom passed down from his father:

“Here’s how I define success: Find out what God wants you to do. Then, do it.”

This story has shaped me in ways I cannot count. Members of the PNC will recall me having told this story during inter-

views. Session and staff will remember that I started off with this story when I arrived at First Presbyterian Church ten

months ago.

I’ve had several people ask me recently, “What’s going on around here? There’s excitement in the air, but I’m not quite sure

where it’s all headed.” And I have told each one, “We are still prayerfully trying to figure out what exactly God wants us to

do…why we exist as First Pres. Once we figure that out, we’re going to do it, and be persistent in continuing those efforts!”

Overall, I want to tell you that I truly love our congregation, and I implore us all to pray, “God, what will you have me/us



The Session has been deeply engaged in amazing, ongoing conversations about our vision & mission, our core priorities,

and the way we go about doing ministry…and this is a very fluid process. I think it’s safe to say we believe God has us

here in downtown Bradenton for a reason, and we are starting to identify new ways to BE the church in our local con-

text. Thus, our new sermon series to kick off the year: “Your City. Your Church.”

We are improving our ability to SHOW the love of Christ to our local community. The new food pantry, the coordina-

tion of ministry efforts with other churches, building relationships with local schools…these are all helping us be the

hands and feet of Christ!

First Press

Continued on page 2 F I R S T P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H , B r a d e n t o n , F l o r i d a


Lead Pastor: Rev. Dino Rustin

Associate Director of Discipleship: Pastor Jeff Holton

Director of Music Ministry: Ted Hayes

NexGen Ministries & Maintenance: Kevin Greene

Grace Lane, Financial Secretary Michelle Noval, Admin. Assistant

Christine Melchior, Custodian Christina Kessler, Nursery Worker

Church Web Site: Church Email address: Mailing Address: 410 15th Street West, Bradenton, FL 34205 Contact Numbers: (941) 746-6141 / Fax: (941) 747-1198

September 2015 FIRST PRESS Page 2



Continued from the cover page

We are developing new opportunities to GROW: Sunday School

classes, Small Groups, a revitalized Student Ministries program, as

well as Family Sunday School. We want to get every member of First

Pres to get plugged into a learning/fellowship group outside of wor-


We got to experience some new ways to KNOW God through wor-

ship during the summer. This was a fun way to get our whole church

together and try something a little different…break out of our rou-

tines and comfort zones, as we are so often told to do in Scripture.

With Ted coming back in September, we are excited about a great year

of worship!

In addition, we are tending to long-overdue campus repairs and

beautification. We have an amazing campus with deep, historic

roots in this community, and the campus deserves some TLC. The

great news is that we have been putting money in savings for a

long time for projects like these. To complement the faithfulness of

our congregation in its giving, our trusts and endowments con-

tinue to provide additional funds from interest, and our savings

account is strong.

I feel blessed to be part of a church that has a lot of life in it! We

have a rich history, and we also have new opportunities allow our

legacy to continue on for generations to come. I think you’ll agree

with me that we have A LOT of great Kingdom of God stuff going

on here!

We kickoff the year on September 13, and I hope every single one

of you will join us for that special morning. Besides the return of

Ted Hayes, we’ll have 9:45 worship…brunch afterwards…and a

bunch of tables displaying various ways we can all get plugged in.

Thank you for joining with me as we seek God’s will for our Church


In Christ


1 Stu Gregory

3 Julia Gullett

4 Pat Arnold

8 Herman Jenkins, Piper Pullen

12 Wm Clayton Johnson,

Tanya Li Roth

14 Yvonne Bedell, Greg Bustle

15 Shirley Frank, Hunter Dragon,

Martha Murden, Nancy Varner,

Eleanor Watson

16 Jane Stockhausen

17 Mildred Blankers, Maggie Rieniets

21 Harriet Lively, Paul Grabiak

22 Karina Hurt, Malory Barnes

23 Stephen Davitt, Marion McClellan,

Bob Schermer, Corky Taylor

24 Emily Routh

25 Priscilla Kline, Kelsey Grabiak

26 Kenneth Russell

28 Gary Miller, Charolette Hawkins,

Annabelle Rustin

29 Tom Montgomery, Jennifer Routh,

September 2015 FIRST PRESS Page 3

KICK OFF THE FALL WITH US! On September 13, the congregation of FPC will all worship together to

welcome in the new school-year at 9:45 a.m. in the Sanctuary. After

worship, we’ll move into the Fellowship Hall for a huge brunch that you

won’t want to miss!

Come out and learn more about our ministries and opportunities to get

“plugged in”. View the tables and booths that will feature our ministries.



First Presbyterian Church ~ 410 15th Street West ~ Bradenton, FL 34205 ~ Published monthly

FALL KICKOFF Sunday, September 13 ~ One Service @ 9:45

CONGRATULATIONS . . . God’s blessings on Ivy Kessler, born August 24, 2015,

to Jeff and Christina Kessler and to big sister, Savannah.

Ivy weighed 6 lb, 14 oz and was 19.5” long

Please see page 6 for details on a baby shower for Christina and baby Ivy.


September 2015 FIRST PRESS Page 4

Youth Missions Trip 2015 Thank you to all for the prayers as the youth and adults of First Pres went on our mis-

sion’s trip with TEAMeffort to Starke, Florida from July 19th – 23rd. On this trip we built

sheds/homes at a local church campus for a low income community called the Lost Valley

Campground in downtown Starke. This village is a housing community for people who

have nowhere else to go. Many of the people in this village are either on parole or proba-

tion. Some individuals were assigned to live there by courts; others have mental illnesses

or emotional problems or they are retired, living on limited income from disability or So-

cial Security. We did not have any opportunities to visit inside the village but we were

able to drive by it and see what it looked like. Our daily routine (Monday through

Wednesday) consisted of hard work from 9am to 2:30 out in the blazing sun and torren-

tial down pours. We built and painted the sheds that would eventually be a home for

individuals in the Village. When the workday was finished we returned to the

TEAMeffort headquarters camp where we would clean up, eat dinner and go to a chapel

service. The chapel services were lively with challenging messages and a small group

discussion time. Thursday was a half day of work and we spent a hot and grueling three

hours digging holes and planting saw grass at the TEAMefort camp. Thursday afternoon

our group went to a movie and out to dinner and returned for the chapel service. Friday

morning we left camp early and traveled to St. Augustine for a relaxing day at the beach.

Overall, we had a great time, we faced and overcame some challenges and we bonded

together as a group. God was truly glorified this week.

Sunday, September 20th — Student Ministries KICK OFF

Join us for SCHOOL YEAR KICKOFF at the Garrison’s home. Parents can

drop their kids off at Mr. & Mrs. Garrison’s home (2312 Morgan Johnson

Road) at 5pm and pick them up at 8pm (You can stay if you’d like). There

will be tons of food, drinks (pop/soda), and munchies. Mr. Garrison will

have the pool open and hopefully a functioning zip line. Feel free to bring a

friend or two. We are planning on eating, playing and having a short time of

discussion and worship.

September 2015 FIRST PRESS Page 5


THE This fall quarter is an exciting time for us at First Presbyterian

Church. We are launching a new Family (Ages K – Adult) Disciple-

ship Hour which will be kicking off Sunday September 20th from

9:45 –10:45 am. We will be trying a new ministry model that is de-

signed to help families grow together in their relations with Jesus

Christ. Every Sunday parents and their children will meet in the

children’s ministry area located upstairs in the Church building.

We will all meet together for a time of worship and an introduction

to the topic for the day. At the conclusion of the large group time

all age groups (parents included) will break off into their small group. Once the small group concludes everyone will con-

vene in the large children’s ministry room for a wrap up and conclusion.

We will be using age appropriate material from The Gospel Project®. This is a chronological, Christ-centered Bible study for

Kids, Students, and Adults that examines how all Scripture gives testimony to Jesus Christ. Over the course of three years,

participants will journey from Genesis to Revelation and discover how God’s plan of redemption unfolds throughout Scrip-

ture and still today, compelling them to join the mission of God.

Sunday Morning, Sunday School Classes— 9:30 a.m. There are several adult classes to choose from, such as: Cornerstone (which will resume in November),

Lighthouse and the Covenant Class. More information available at the Fall Kick-Off on September 13!

Mid-Week Small Groups

1,000 GIFTS WOMEN’S STUDY (Janet Schmoll—Tuesday evenings 6:30-7:45 p.m.—Outreach Room)

This five week study will meet Tuesday evenings from September 15th to October 13th in the Outreach Room in the Fellow-

ship Hall from 6:30 – 7:45pm. All women are invited to attend for a study based on Ann Voskamp’s best-selling book

“1,000 Gifts”.

BIBLE STUDY (Pastor Harry Ferguson—2nd & 4th Tuesday evenings 7:00-8:30 p.m.—Cottage)

Join us on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month for a Bible study in the book of Romans.

NEW MEN’S STUDY (Pastor Jeff Holton & Drew Sarchet—date/time—TBA) We are planning on meeting in the mornings and having a study that will be determined at a later date.

MEN’S MONDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP (Ralph Garrison—Monday evenings 7:00 p.m.—Cottage) Join us beginning on Monday, September 21, for a time of fellowship and Bible Study (study: TBA)

PIECEMAKERS (Mary Herold—Thursday mornings from 9:00 a.m.-Noon—Outreach Room) Join us for a time of devotion, as well as making quilts for various charities. No matter what your skill level is with a sewing

machine, you’re invited to join!

FALL 2015

Interested in other Small Group opportunities? Please contact Pastor Jeff at the church

September 2015 FIRST PRESS Page 6


"Sip & See" party in honor of

our nursery coordinator, Christina Kessler & her new baby, Ivy

Sunday, September 20, 2015

immediately following the 11:00 service

Please see Sunday bulletins for more details

If you would like to help host or contribute toward a group gift card,

contact Monetta Rustin at 941-748-5838 or

Notes of Appreciation … I want to thank all of you who have been praying for my daughter, Laurie Cheston. She is on her way to a complete recovery

and enjoying her life. Praise the Lord for His healing mercy!

JoAnne Duke

Thank you for all of your prayers. My surgery went remarkably well and I was released from the hospital the very

next day!!

Steve Palmieri



Those who participated in the photography may pick up their

directories at the FALL KICK-OFF on Sunday, September 13.

Please see Sandy Garrison.

You may also pick up your directory by coming to the office

Monday-Friday between 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

September 2015 FIRST PRESS Page 7

Local Outreach

We need your help!

We are collecting clothing and other items for local outreach.

Donation needed: NEW or GENTLY USED for MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN

CLOTHING: T-shirts, Shirts, Jeans, Pants, Jackets, Shoes, Hats

UNDERGARMENTS—(NEW/packaged): Socks, Underwear and Undershirts

HYGIENE ITEMS: Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Combs, Brushes, Soap, Deodorant & Safety Blades

MISCELLANEOUS: Duffle Bags, Back Packs or Light Tote Bags

CHILDREN’S ITEMS: Clothing, Shoes, Toys, School Supplies


contact Marlo Lane for pick-up (941-465-9446)

“Be of one mind, having compassion for one another” 1 Peter 3:8

September September 9 & 10—Circles Start Up “Come to the Waters” by Rev. Judy Record Fletcher

JOY CIRCLE (The Cottage) 2nd Thursday at 7:00 p.m. LEADER: Caroline MacDonald (517-881-7374)

LOVE/PRAISE CIRCLE (Outreach Room) 2nd Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. LEADER: Joanne Miller (941-756-4172)

September 18 & 19—Women of Faith Conference: September 18-19, Orlando, Florida. Join us on

Sunday, September 27, during the 11:00 a.m. worship service for some powerful testimonies!

September 27— Presbyterian Women’s Sunday: Installation of new officers, as well as the Lifetime

Membership Award to be presented.

October October 19—Annual Autumnfest at the Manor. Join us on Monday, October 19, from 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Presbyterian Women September & October Events

September 2015 FIRST PRESS Page 8

As we all know, Sunday is the day we come together to worship

God, and as such the Lord's day should be for just that. Although

many of us do not see each other any time except on Sunday, that is

not the time to bring church operations issues to staff, Elders or

Deacons, as all of us, too, are in church to worship. Unless a matter

you observe or know of needs immediate attention, please contact

the appropriate staff member, ministry team chairperson, etc. during

normal office hours. Thank you for your respect and understanding.

Tom Vorpahl

Chair, Personnel Ministry Team

There is an old gospel song that is only two lines long, but sums up my feelings at this time:

“God is so good! God is so good!, God is so good,

He’s so good to me!”

I can’t even begin to tell you how God has blessed me in this tragic time in my life. We always think that this sort of

thing happens to others, not to me, but when it does, there are many challenges we face. God has met every need in

my life as they have occurred during this time. First Presbyterian Church, Bradenton and Pastor Dino, your prayers

have been felt, and are being answered daily! I have received over 115 cards, letters and many phone calls express-

ing love and offering prayers on my behalf.

First Presbyterian Church, you are the greatest church I know of! I am so happy to be a part of this body of believ-

ers, as well as to be able to serve God, as He has called me to do, in this great church of God!


I will be resuming my duties as Organist-Director of Music Ministries beginning on Wednesday, September 9, 2015,

at the Chancel Choir Rehearsal at 7:00 p.m. We will be singing in the worship service beginning on Sunday, Septem-

ber 13, 2015, at 9:45 a.m. (Fall Kick-Off Sunday). What a great Sunday this will be for me! The Chancel Handbell

Choir will begin rehearing on Monday, September 14, 2015, at 6:15 p.m. We have added a few new bells to our three

octaves — how exciting!

Anyone interested in joining this great ministry, please give me a call at 941-356-0714.

“To God be the glory, great things He has done!”

Ted Hayes

Godis so good!

September 2015 FIRST PRESS Page 9


All Stated Session meetings are open to members. Please call the office if you plan to attend.

Devotion and Opening Prayer

Pastor Dino opened the meeting with prayer. He led a discussion based on Gal. 5:1-6.


Guest, Roger Melchior ,presented information on our defibrillator and first aid tools. We authorize

Facilities to investigate further.

Janet Schmoll’s request to lead a women’s Bible study based on the book “1,000 Gifts” was approved.

Pastor Jeff moved that we use the Gospel Project Curriculum for children, youth and adults. The

motion was approved.

Ministry Team Reports

Membership moved that we use the Custody Evangelism Income budget (09841) for some of their

plans. The motion was approved.

Personnel moved that we hire Carrie Holton as temporary Nursery Worker for 4 weeks, covering for

Christina’s maternity leave. The motion was approved.

Old Business

We have signed the Certificate of Commencement for our Pantry project.

Our Life Together

We continued our visioning discussion on Patterns of Change.

The next Stated Meeting will be Tuesday, September 22, at 6:00 p.m. in the Outreach Room.

A motion to adjourn was approved and the meeting ended with prayer at 8:20 p.m.

Christine King

Clerk of Session



Susan Vorpahl & family on the death of her sister, Loraine Whitmore, who died August 8th in Sheffield, England

Kaye & Allen Butler and family on the death of Kaye’s father, Alden Lionel “Bill” Wonderley, Jr.,

who died in Virginia on August 11.

Rae Flanders & family on the death of Dave Flanders, who died on August 13.

Peggy Heaney & family on the death of Peggy’s husband, Ron Heaney, who died on August 18





Heaney Family, Flanders Family, Vorpahl Family, Butler Family, Vicki Taylor, Charlie Copple,

Pat Jensen, Jeannie Oliver, Tom Hallada, Larry Bustle, Roger Lane, June Watson,

Jack Adams, Kathryn O’Connor, Ann Cope, Norman Ernest, June Ritter,

Karen Montgomery, Gayle Young, Jo Zonders

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”

Colossians 3:23

September 2015 FIRST PRESS Page 10

Health Care Facilities Address Telephone Name(s) Bayview Nursing & Rehab. 105 15th St. E

Bradenton, 34207

747-8681 Ben Castleman (Rm 311)

Casa Mora 1902 59th St. W.

Bradenton, 34209

761-1000 June Watson (Rm 329)

DeSoto Beach Club 5201 DeSoto Road

Sarasota, 34235

953-7160 Adah Hagen (Apt. B209)

Inn at Freedom Village

6410 21st Ave W.

Bradenton, 34209

798-8250 Myrtle Overby (130)

Margaret “Jo” Zonders (128)

Our Home at Wares Creek 1725 Manatee Ave W

Bradenton, 34205

746-5226 Jane Arquette

Summerfield Assisted Living 3409 26th St. W.

Bradenton, 34205

751-7200 Madalene Whiting

Westminster Manor

Health Care (HC)

1700 21st St. W.

Bradenton, 34205

748-4161 Esther Krieger (Room 410)

Emily Davis (HC)

Westminster Shores

Assisted Living / RAL

1610 3rd Ave W

Bradenton, 34205

748-1700 Bob Given (Room 133)

Westminster Towers

Assisted Living (AL)

320 15th St Ct. W.

Bradenton, 34205

747-1881 Carol Hasper (HC 334B)

Elma Westney (AL Apt. 150 )

Name(s) Address Telephone Dick Pence 3003 McDill Road, Bradenton 34207 739-1504

Ella Marie Robertson The Inn at Freedom Village

6410 21st Ave W, Apt #227, Bradenton 34209


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


9:00 Food Pantry

10:30 Staff Meeting

4:00 Stephen Min.

5:00 Facilities Mtg.

5:30 Mission Mtg.

2 3 9:00 Food Pantry

9:00 OCC Sewing

5:45 Deacons

4 5

10:00 PW’s CT


6 Communion 9:45 Blended Worship

11:00 Adult SS with Dino

6:00 Youth Group

7 Newsletter

Sub. Deadline


Church Office


8 9:00 Food Pantry

10:30 Pew Crew

10:30 Staff Meeting

6:00 Men’s Bible Study

Fellowship (BSF) Intro

7:00 SG/H. Ferguson


10:00 Love & Praise


7:00 Choir

10 9:00 Food Pantry

9:00 OCC Sewing

5:00 Finance Mtg.

7:00 Joy Circle


12 8:00 am

to 2:00 pm

Boy Scouts

Rummage Sale


Parking Lot)



Community Brunch

9:45 Worship Service

11:00 Fall Kick Off with a

Huge Brunch/KOINONIA

Community Brunch

6:00 Youth Group


6:15 Bell Choir

6:30 Boy Scouts

15 9:00 Food Pantry

10:30 Staff Meeting

6:30 Men’s BSF

6:30 Women’s Bible


16 7:00 Choir

17 9:00 OCC Sewing

9:00 Food Pantry



20 Baby Shower 8:30 Informal Worship

9:30 Adult SS

9:45 Family Discipleship

11:00 Worship Service

12:00 Baby Shower /

Christine Kessler & Ivy

6:00 Youth Group

21 6:15 Bell Choir

6:30 Boy Scouts

7:00 SG/ MMNF

22 9:00 Food Pantry

10:30 Staff Meeting

6:00 Session

6:30 Men’s BSF

6:30 Women’s Bible


7:00 SG/H. Ferguson

23 7:00 Choir


9:00 OCC Sewing

9:00 Food Pantry


10:30 Card Ministry


27 PW Installation 8:30 Informal Worship

9:30 Adult SS

9:45 Family Discipleship

11:00 Worship Service

6:00 Youth Group

28 6:15 Bell Choir

6:30 Boy Scouts

7:00 SG/ MMNF

29 9:00 Food Pantry

10:30 Staff Meeting

6:30 Men’s BSF

6:30 Women’s Bible


30 7:00 Choir

September 2015 FIRST PRESS Page 11






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My soul finds rest in

God alone …

Psalm 62:1
