Year 4 Home Learning Week 2 -


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Year 4 Home Learning Week 2

Page 1: Contents

Page 2-4: English planning

Page 5: Reading planning

Page 6: Spelling planning

Page 7-14 Maths planning

Page 15: Mr Tumnus images

Page 16-19: Character description adjective mats

Page 20-28: Multi-sensory spelling activities

Page 29: Spelling missing words activity


This week we will be starting a project in English that will see us using a wide range of the writing skills that we have developed so far this year. We will be using them in some familiar and unfamiliar contexts and having some fun by filming ourselves reading and performing our work (if you are able to). The videos referred to can all be accessed through the following link -

The image to the left is taken from the link shown above. In order to access the videos required, click on the playlist symbol in the top right corner of the screen and then select the video that you require. Each video number is referenced whenever you need it in our instructions below.



This week we are going to be focussing on the creating and describing of characters, with us working to describe a given character today. Remember, when describing a character it is important to create a vivid image in your readers’ heads by not just describing their appearance, but also giving clues as to their personality. Such clues can often be given through the appearance of the character so careful thought can create excellent descriptions. E.G. A description of a character as having blood-red clothing could work as an indicator of the character perhaps having a sinister side, though this would obviously become clearer through exploration in the story. Your activity today will be to take a look at the attached picture of Mr Tumnus from The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe. Using carefully chosen adjectives and adjectival phrases (click this link if you need a quick recap of what an adjectival phrase is: try to describe his appearance as vividly as you can, think very carefully about powerful adjectives and phrases that could paint a clear picture in the heads of readers. You could also use the attached word mats to help. Extension: What else could you do/use in addition to adjectives in order to deepen your descriptions? Have a go, and then we’ll explore possibilities a bit more on Wednesday.

Tues We are going to start applying the revision we did yesterday and the work we have done previously on character description and profiles. Please watch the Eldorado video at the following web address: The focus today will be on creating the characters for the detective agency that you began in the reading session earlier. The video refers to using 2A sentences to describe characters, which we know are adjectival phrases within sentences. I would like you to use adjectival phrases such as these in describing your characters, though they could also be formed through the use of prepositions – e.g. Are the shoes under the chair yours? When thinking of how to describe your character, consider how you could describe the following: appearance, characteristics, personality, special skills etc. In order to do this, you could use the adjectival phrase sentences to describe the characters using the senses. e.g. How they look, sound etc. Don’t worry about writing your character descriptions as paragraphs at this point, stick to bullet-point sentences about each of your characters. Draw upon your work from yesterday to give you ideas.

Weds Return to the character description of Mr Tumnus that you did on Monday and refamiliarise yourself with the descriptions you used. We’re going to consider how to improve them, make them stronger and give deeper clues as to personality. The key to doing this will be the use of carefully chosen powerful verbs and prepositional phrases (follow this link for a reminder of prepositional phrases - It can also be an opportunity to join ideas into fuller descriptions. An example could be: ‘A pair of knotted, curved horns protrude from under a nest of brown hair’. Or, ‘A long, wooly tail is draped like a snake over his strong and hair-covered arms’.

Once you have practised the use of powerful verbs and prepositional phrases to extend description, take some time to apply the learning by extending the descriptions of your own characters from yesterday. Extension: Could you also use some well-chosen figurative language (similes and metaphors)?

Thurs Watch the lesson 3 video from LitFilmFest ( and take on board the ideas it offers in terms of character description and areas to focus on. Your task is to then write a paragraph character profile for each of your own characters that uses the learning from this week. Try to give clues as to the personality of your characters as well as their appearance, and think carefully about how to link your ideas together.

Remember to use: Powerful adjectives and adjectival phrases Prepositional phrases to help link ideas together. Powerful verbs, as everything is doing ‘something’.

Challenge: Figurative language.

Fri Today is about performance! Watch the LitFilmFest lesson 4 video ( on the theme of filming. Once you have watched the video, your task is to practise and then perform a reading of your work from yesterday in character as the people you are describing. If you can, and want to, you can film this and share it with Mr Hardwick and Mr Westwood (and with LitFilmFest if you want to and your grown-ups agree). Alternatively, if you can’t film or don’t want to, then please perform it for someone at home who can then offer you feedback. Obviously, it would be lovely to film it in order to share it if you can!



LO: To make inferences and predictions based on the front cover of a story Remember that to infer means to ‘read between the lines’? The skill of inference in reading means you are able to pick up on and make sense of clues that authors and illustrators put in their texts and you are thus able to make thoughtful, reasoned predictions based upon these. They may not always be accurate, but if you are able to offer clear, evidence-based reasoning then they are still good inferences and predictions. Take a look at the cover of the short book (Eldorado) that we are going to be using over the next few week in English and consider if you are able to identify any clues that will help you answer any of the following questions: What genre do you think this book is? How do you know? Where/when do you think it is set? How do you know? Who are the characters? What might be the plot? What might be going to happen? Will there be any surprises? Evil characters? What is the significance of the range of different characters shown on the cover? What do you think the font chosen for the title might tell you? Jot these ideas down on paper, or if you are able, annotate a copy of the front cover with them similarly to how we have done before.

Tues (to please be done before the English session)

Read chapter 1 of the attached book, ‘Eldorado’, or watch a reading of it at the following web address: Review the inferences and predictions that you made yesterday – how accurate were they and how could you now revise them? Finally, complete the Detective Agency challenge suggested in the video in order to then create your own detective agency characters in English.

Weds Review your work on summarising from last week – take another look at the resources from last week as well if you need to. Read chapter 1 one final time, then go through the chapter highlighting (or jotting down) what you consider to be the main points and key events of the chapter. Remember that it is about identifying the key ideas that are crucial to the story, with only absolutely necessary detail. It is in deciding what the necessary detail is that the skills lies so do take your time in considering it.

Thurs Using your notes on chapter 1 from yesterday, take the time to carefully summarise the chapter. Consider the detail required and how you can link the points together into a clear sentences and a cohesive paragraph.

Fri Spend the time for reading today watching the LitFilmFest Guest Author video on character – lesson 5 -


Mon This week we are looking at words which have an /ee/ sound which is spelled with an ‘i’. Take a look at the words on the list: merriment, happiness, plentiful, penniless, happily, prettiest, nastiness, beautiful, pitiful, silliness. Jot down each word carefully with joined handwriting then underline the /ee/ sound in each word. Can you identify the root words for each and thus what the rule is for when a suffix is added to words such as these? Put these into two columns with a short explanation of the rule you found underneath. The spelling list will be available on Spelling Shed from today until Sunday.


Yesterday, you should have discovered that the rule of adding suffixes to the root words of these spellings was to exchange the y (at the end of the root word) for an i, before then adding the suffix. E.G. Happy becomes happily with an –ly suffix added. Today, we want to make sure that you fully understand each of the words on the list. Write down each of the spelling list words, again with lovely joined handwriting. Then, spend some time looking up the meanings of each of the root words in a dictionary (if you don’t have a physical one, use an online one). Use this and the following suffix meanings to then write a clear definition of the words: ment - , ful – full of, est – the most, less – without, ness – creates nouns, ment – forms nouns, usually from verbs. Once you have done that, use your understanding to fill in the sentence blanks on the attached sheet using our spelling list words.

Weds Spend your spelling time today simply practising the spelling words using careful cursive handwriting, or an activity from the attached multi-sensory spelling activity pack.

Thurs Refer back to your meanings work from Tuesday. Your challenge today is to put each of the each of the words into some verbal sentences as practice. Once you think you have got some good sentences and understanding of the words, try to use them in conversations with the adults at home. Let us know how this works out and give us a little taste of the chats you have.

Fri Spend today’s spelling time putting the spelling words into a range of different written sentences. Go for complex or compound sentences where you can, and be sure to use careful cursive handwriting. At some point before next Monday, please ask someone at home to test you on the spellings and let us know how you do!

Maths - Problem Solving This week we are continuing with the I See Maths videos as they are a fantastic way to develop our reasoning and problem solving skills and really help us to apply and consolidate our knowledge! Please work through these at your own pace and if you are following a different scheme entirely then that’s fine too! Remember, these lessons are just ideas to help you out and can be adapted to suit life at home. Please ask if you have any question or want some ideas! The questions for each of these activities listed below are also included in this document as are the answers. Mon Video – Follow the link below to find the video dated the 26rthMarch named

‘Boys, Girls, Children’. Watch the video, pausing it as you go to give you time to think and jot down an answer!

When you’ve watched the video through, have a go at the following questions: Write your answers down on a piece of paper. Please note that the answers are also included (no peeking!) so that you can self-mark once you are finished.

Tues Video – Follow the link below to find the video dated the 27th March named ‘Different Stories’. Watch the video, pausing it as you go to give you time to think and jot down an answer!

When you’ve watched the video through, have a go at the following questions: Write your answers down on a piece of paper. Please note that the answers are also included (no peeking!) so that you can self-mark once you are finished.

Weds Video – Follow the link below to find the video dated the 30th March named ‘Shape Puzzles Part 1’. Watch the video, pausing it as you go to give you time to think and jot down an answer!

When you’ve watched the video through, have a go at the following questions: Write your answers down on a piece of paper. Please note that the answers are also included (no peeking!) so that you can self-mark once you are finished.

Thurs Video – Follow the link below to find the video dated the 31st March named ‘Shape Puzzles Part 2’. Watch the video, pausing it as you go to give you time to think and jot down an answer!

When you’ve watched the video through, have a go at the following questions: Write your answers down on a piece of paper. Please note that the answers are also included (no peeking!) so that you can self-mark once you are finished.

Fri And now for something completely different! We have been contacted by Dr Calculus who has an urgent mathematical assignment for you! Watch the video below to find out more! The password for the video is maths) Please note that as this video is on Vimeo that there are no adverts or follow on videos so the site is safe for children to access.

Once you have watched the video, have a go at solving the pirate code which is included below this page! Remember, each answer should match up with a number connected to a letter in the alphabet. These letters should spell out the location of the pirate treasure! When you have decrypted the code, try to find the location using a map. (Google maps or if you have an atlas at home!) Then, send a picture of the location or a quick note or video to Class Dojo to help Dr Calculus!

Extra Keeping going with your work on TT Rockstars and any other times tables games you have managed to find such as Coconut Multiples!

The website: has lots of different interactive games that you can play about lots of different mathematical topics!

Monday – Boys, Girls, Children

Tuesday – Different Stories

Wednesday – Shape Puzzles Pt1


Friday The Pirate Code of Dread Pirate Roberts

A B C D E F G H I J 5 9 16 27 3 9 4 106 94 71

K L M N O P Q R S T 1 13 77 1486 4632 11 53 55 99 108

U V W X Y Z 702 388 141 663 484 47

232 – 138 =

198 – 99 = 6 x 2 x 1 = 409 – 404

9 x 3 =

1 + 2 + 0 = 2154 – 2141 =

8 x 2 =

1386 + 3246 = 2 x 2 x 4 = +1897 + 2735 =

Week 2 Maths Answers






Please send in evidence of you solving the pirate code!

Write the correct spelling into each sentence.

The boy was filled with _____________ when he saw his new bike.

The children got in to trouble because of their _____________ at break


The dress was the most ______________ thing she had ever seen.

After he bought all of the gifts, John was left _______________.

There was so much food at the party, the guests said it was


The teacher looked at his class _______________ when all their hands

shot up to answer the question!
