Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings


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  • 8/13/2019 Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings


    WEEK : 3 DAY 1 : Listeningand Speaking

    Subject: English

    Day: Tuesday Date : 17.01.2011Time : 8.35 10.05amClass: 2 AnggerikT eme: World of elf T!pic: !ree"ings"!cus: #is"ening and $eaking#nt$!ducti!n:

    This lesson fo%uses on lis"ening and s$eaking and "he main fo%us&ill 'e ge""ing $u$ils "o lis"en and re%i"e (a)) %han"s.


    1.1: *y "he end of "he + year $rimary s%hooling, $u$ils &ill 'ea'le "o $ronoun%e &ords and s$eak %onfiden"ly &i"h "he%orre%" s"ress, rhy"hm and in"ona"ion.

    1.2: *y "he end of "he + year $rimary s%hooling, $u$ils &ill 'ea'le "o lis"en and res$ond a$$ro$ria"ely in formal andinformal si"ua"ions for a -arie"y of $ur$oses.


    1.1.3:A'le "o lis"en, "o say aloud and re%i"e rhymes or sing songs.1.2.1:A'le "o $ar"i%i$a"e in daily %on-ersa"ions


    *y "he end of "he lesson, "he $u$ils &ill 'e a'le "o:1 /e%i"e "he (a)) %han"s &i"h "he %orre%" $ronun%ia"ions,

    in"ona"ion and rhy"hm.2 !ree" ea%h o"her %orre%"ly.

    Time: 0 minu"esTeac ingAids:

    The ello ong (a)) %han".



    Educati!nalEmp asis:


    ACT#'#TY TEAC(#)* A)DLEA+)#)*ST+ATE*Y


    1. is$lay "he (a)) %han"s2. Tea%her re%i"es "he (a)) %han"s.3. 6u$ils lis"en "o "he "ea%her.

    /einfor%emen""hrough fun and$lay.

    The ello (a))%han"s.

    /efer "o a$$endi 1

  • 8/13/2019 Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings


    1. 6u$ils re%i"e "he (a)) %han"s.2. Tea%her in"rodu%es ges"ures &i"h

    "he (a)) %han"s.3. 6u$ils re%i"e "he (a)) %han"s &i"h


    9. i-ide $u$ils in"o 9 grou$s andea%h grou$ &ill re%i"e "he (a))%han"s.


    The ello (a))%han"s.

    1. Tea%her asks $u$ils orally ongree"ings.

    2. Tea%her asks $u$ils "o res$ond"o "he $u$ils.

    3. Tea%her asks $u$ils "o go aroundand gree" "heir friends orally.

    o%ial skills.

    ello, my name isanif. o& areyou;

    ello, 4 am

  • 8/13/2019 Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings


    WEEK : 3 Day , :+eading

    Subject: EnglishDay: Wednesday Date : 18.01.2011

    Time : 8.35 .35amClass: 2 AnggerikT eme: World of elf T!pic: !ree"ings"!cus: /eading#nt$!ducti!n:

    This lesson fo%uses on reading. The main fo%us &ill 'e ge""ing$u$ils "o $ronoun%e "he $honi%s oo sound and %an read "he&ords &i"h oo sound.


    2.1: *y "he end of "he + year $rimary s%hooling, $u$ils &ill 'ea'le "o a$$lykno&ledge of sounds of le""ers "o re%ogni)e &ords in linear

    and non>linear "e "s.2.2: *y "he end of "he + year $rimary s%hooling, $u$ils &ill 'e

    a'le "o demons"ra"e unders"anding of a -arie"y of linear andnon>linear "e "s in "he form of $rin" and non>$rin" ma"erials

    using a range of s"ra"egies "o %ons"ru%" meaningLea$ningStanda$d:

    2.1.2: A'le "o 'lend $honemes in"o re%ogni)a'le &ords and read"hem aloud.2.2.2: A'le "o read and unders"and $hrases in linear and non>linear "e "s.


    *y "he end of "he lesson, "he $u$ils &ill 'e a'le "o:1 /e%ogni)e &ords and read "hem aloud.2 /ead and unders"and "he $hrases.

    Time: +0 minu"esTeac ingAids:

    #yri%s of The ello ong and &ord %ards on gree"ings.



    Educati!nalEmp asis:


    ACT#'#TY TEAC(#)* A)DLEA+)#)*


  • 8/13/2019 Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings



    1. Tea%her re-ie&s las" lesson&i"h $u$ils.

    2. Tea%her and $u$ils re%i"e Theello (a)) %han"s.

    /e%all andres$ond.

    The ello (a))%han"s.

    3. Tea%her sho&s &ord %ards ondifferen" gree"ings in a day.

    9. Tea%her sho&s $i%"ure %ardson differen" "ime in a day.

    5. Tea%her reads and asks "he$u$ils "o follo&.

    +. 6u$ils read aloud 'y"hemsel-es.

    ?nders"anding&ords 'y lookinga" "he$i%"ure@%on"e ".

    !ree"ing in "hemorning:

    !ood morning

    !ree"ing in "heaf"ernoon:

    !ood af"ernoon

    !ree"ing in "hee-ening:

    !ood e-ening

    !ree"ing 'eforegoing "o slee$:

    !ood nigh"

    7. 6u$ils are asked "o read "hegree"ings 'y "hemsel-es.

    8. Ea%h $u$il is asked "o read"he gree"ings.

    /eading aloud. !ree"ing in "hemorning:

    !ood morning

    !ree"ing in "heaf"ernoon:

    !ood af"ernoon

    !ree"ing in "hee-ening:

    !ood e-ening!ree"ing 'eforegoing "o slee$:

    !ood nigh"

  • 8/13/2019 Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings


    . Tea%her re-ie&s las" lesson&i"h $u$ils.

    10. Tea%her and $u$ilsre%i"e The ello (a)) %han"s.

    /e%all andres$ond.

    The ello (a))%han"s.

    WEEK : 3 Day 3 :W$iting

    Subject: EnglishDay: Thursday Date : 1 .01.2011

    Time : .05 10.05amClass: 2 AnggerikT eme: World of elf T!pic: !ree"ings"!cus: Wri"ing#nt$!ducti!n:

    This lesson fo%uses on &ri"ing. The main fo%us &ill 'e ge""ing$u$ils "o %ons"ru%" sim$le sen"en%es on gree"ings.



    3.1: *y "he end of "he + year $rimary s%hooling, $u$ils &ill 'e

    a'le "o form le""ers and &ords in nea" legi'le $rin" in%luding%ursi-e &ri"ing.

    3.2: *y "he end of "he + year $rimary s%hooling, $u$ils &ill 'ea'le "o like using a$$ro$ria"e language, form and s"yle for arange of $ur$ose.


    3.1.1:A'le "o &ri"e in nea" legi'le $rin":a &ords' $hrases


    *y "he end of "he lesson, "he $u$ils &ill 'e a'le "o:1 Wri"e in nea" legi'le $rin" $hrases.2 Wri"e sim$le $hrases &i"h guidan%e.3 a"%h "he ans&ers &i"h "he %orre%" $i%"ures.

    Time: +0 minu"esTeac ingAids:

    #yri%s of The ello ong



    Educati!nalEmp asis:


  • 8/13/2019 Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings


    ACT#'#TY TEAC(#)* A)DLEA+)#)*ST+ATE*Y


    1. Tea%her re-ie&s las" lesson&i"h $u$ils.

    2. Tea%her fo%uses on "he$hrases in "he las" lesson.

    3. 6u$ils are asked "o gree" ea%ho"her &i"h "he $hrases "ha""hey ha-e learned.

    Ber'al linguis"i%. Word %ards ongree"ings.

    9. Tea%her sho&s &ord %ards ondifferen" gree"ings in a day.

    5. Tea%her sho&s $i%"ure %ardson differen" "ime in a day.

    +. Tea%her asks $u$ils "o ma"%h"he &ord %ards &i"h "he$i%"ure %ards sho&n on "he&@'oard.

    ?nders"anding&ords 'y lookinga" "he

    $i%"ure@%on"e ".

    !ree"ing in "hemorning:

    !ood morning

    !ree"ing in "heaf"ernoon:

    !ood af"ernoon

    !ree"ing in "hee-ening:

    !ood e-ening

    !ree"ing 'eforegoing "o slee$:

    !ood nigh"

    7. Tea%her guides $u$ils "o%ons"ru%" sim$le $hrases ongree"ings.

    8. 6u$ils %ons"ru%" sen"en%es"hemsel-es.

    Cons"ru%"ing$hrases &i"hguidan%e.

    !ree"ing in "hemorning:

    !ood morning

    !ree"ing in "heaf"ernoon:

    !ood af"ernoon!ree"ing in "hee-ening:

    !ood e-ening

    !ree"ing 'eforegoing "o slee$:

    !ood nigh"

  • 8/13/2019 Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings


    . Tea%her dis"ri'u"es&orkshee"s "o "he $u$ils.

    10. 6u$ils %om$le"e "he&orkshee"s.

    4den"ifying Workshee"s

    /efer "o a$$endi 3

    WEEK : 3 Day - :Language A$ts

    Subject: EnglishDay: Driday Date : 20.01.2011

    Time : 8.35 10.05amClass: 2 AnggerikT eme: World of elf T!pic: !ree"ings"!cus: #anguage Ar"s#nt$!ducti!n:

    This lesson fo%uses on language ar"s. The main fo%us &ill 'ege""ing $u$ils "o $rodu%e fli$ fla$ 'ooks.


    9.1: *y "he end of "he + year $rimary s%hooling, $u$ils &ill 'ea'le "o en(oy rhymes, and songs "hrough $erforman%e.

    9.3: *y "he end of "he + year $rimary s%hooling, $u$ils &ill 'ea'le "o $lan, organi)e or $rodu%e %rea"i-e &orks foren(oymen".


    9.1.2: A'le "o sing a%"ion songs and re%i"e (a)) %han"s &i"h%orre%" $ronun%ia"ion, rhy"hm and in"ona"ion.

    9.3.1: A'le "o $rodu%e sim$le %rea"i-e &orks &i"h guidan%e'ased on :' (a)) %han"s


    *y "he end of "he lesson, "he $u$ils &ill 'e a'le "o:1. To re%i"e "he sim$le (a)) %han"s2. 6rodu%e sim$le fli$ fla$ 'ook on gree"ings.

    Time: 0 minu"esTeac ingAids:

    Word %ards on gree"ings, %olour $a$ers, %olours and s%issors.



    Educati!nalEmp asis:


  • 8/13/2019 Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings


    ACT#'#TY TEAC(#)* A)DLEA+)#)*ST+ATE*Y


    1. 6u$ils are asked "o gree" ea%ho"her &i"h "he $hrases "ha" "heyha-e learned.

    2. Tea%her sho&s "he lyri%s Theello ong and %hanges i" in"o a

    (a)) %han".

    3. Tea%her re%i"es "he (a)) %han"sand $u$ils follo&.


    Word %ards ongree"ings and "heThe ello (a))%han".

    /efer "o a$$endi 9

    9. Tea%her dis"ri'u"es %olour$a$ers "o "he $u$ils.

    5. Tea%her sho&s $u$ils ho& "omake "he fli$ fla$ 'ook.

    +. 6u$ils make "he fli$ fla$ 'ooks"hemsel-es and dra& on "he'ook.

    7. 6u$ils dra& gree"ings on "he'ook.

    Crea"i-i"y 8. Colour $a$er,%olours ands%issors.

    8. Tea%her asks a fe& $u$ils "o$resen" "heir &orks.

    . Tea%her sele%"s "he 'es" 'ooks"o 'e dis$layed.

    6u'li% s$eakingskills.

    10. The fli$ fla$'ook.

    .#)**/ KE 0 -

    Ta$ik : 27 anuari 2012

    (a$i : umaa"

    .asa : 7.35 8.05 $agi

    Subjek : u)ik

  • 8/13/2019 Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings


    Kelas : 1 ahlia

    T!pik : ?ni" 1 Aku dan u)ik

    "!kus : Tem$o %e$a" dan lam'a"

    Standa$d Kandungan : 1.1 enyanyi $el'agai re$er"oir se%ara solo dan'erkum$ulan

    Standa$d embelaja$an : 1.1.9 enyanyi mengiku" "em$o

    %e$a" lam'a".asa : 30 mini"

    Akti&iti :

    1. !uru memainkan lagu.

    2. urid mendengar lagu yang di$erdengarkan.3. !uru menulis senika"a lagu di $a$an hi"am.

    9. urid menye'u" senika"a lagu dengan se%ara 'eramai>ramai.

    5. urid menyanyi lagu dengan 'im'ingan guru.

    +. urid dimin"a menyanyikan senika"a lagu dengan (elas se%ara

    kum$ulan, kelas dan indi-idu.

    7. urid menyanyikan lagu semula dengan gerakan 'e'as.

    WEEK : - Day - :Language A$ts

    Day: Driday Date : 27.01.2011Time : 8.05 .35am

    Subject: English Fear 2Class: 2 AnggerikTime: 0 minu"es"!cus: #anguage Ar"sT eme: World of elf

  • 8/13/2019 Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings


    T!pic: !ree"ings#nt$!ducti!n:

    This lesson fo%uses on language ar"s. The main fo%us &ill 'ege""ing $u$ils "o $rodu%e fli$ fla$ 'ooks.


    9.1: *y "he end of "he + year $rimary s%hooling, $u$ils &ill 'ea'le "o en(oy rhymes, and songs "hrough $erforman%e.

    9.3: *y "he end of "he + year $rimary s%hooling, $u$ils &ill 'ea'le "o $lan, organi)e or $rodu%e %rea"i-e &orks foren(oymen".


    9.1.2: A'le "o sing a%"ion songs and re%i"e (a)) %han"s &i"h%orre%" $ronun%ia"ion,

    rhy"hm and in"ona"ion.9.3.1: A'le "o $rodu%e sim$le %rea"i-e &orks &i"h guidan%e'ased on :

    ' (a)) %han"s%bjecti&es:

    *y "he end of "he lesson, "he $u$ils &ill 'e a'le "o:1. To re%i"e "he sim$le (a)) %han"s



    Teac ingAids

    Word %ards on gree"ings, %olour $a$ers, %olours and s%issors.

    Acti&itity :1. 6u$ils are asked "o gree" ea%h o"her &i"h "he $hrases "ha"

    "hey ha-e learned.

    2. Tea%her sho&s "he lyri%s The ello ong and %hanges i"in"o a (a)) %han".

    3. Tea%her re%i"es "he (a)) %han"s and $u$ils follo&.

    9. Tea%her dis"ri'u"es %olour $a$ers "o "he $u$ils.

    5. Tea%her sho&s $u$ils ho& "o make "he fli$ fla$ 'ook.

    +. 6u$ils make "he fli$ fla$ 'ooks "hemsel-es and dra& on "he'ook.

    7. 6u$ils dra& gree"ings on "he 'ook.

    8. Tea%her asks a fe& $u$ils "o $resen" "heir &orks.

    . Tea%her sele%"s "he 'es" 'ooks "o 'e dis$layed.


  • 8/13/2019 Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings


    WEEK : DAY 1 : Listeningand Speaking

    Day: onday Date : 30.01.2011

    Time : 8.05 .35amSubject : English Fear 1Class: 1 Gek&aTime: 0 minu"es"!cus: #is"ening and $eakingT eme: World of Gno&ledgeT!pic: ound Around ?s#nt$!ducti!n:

    This lesson fo%uses on lis"ening and s$eaking and "he main fo%us&ill 'e ge""ing $u$ils "o lis"en and re%i"e (a)) %han"s.


    1.1 *y "he end of "he + year $rimary s%hooling, $u$ils &ill 'ea'le "o $ronoun%e

    &ords and s$eak %onfiden"ly &i"h "he %orre%" s"ress, rhy"hmand in"ona"ion.


    1.1.1 A'le "o lis"en and res$ond "o s"imulus gi-en &i"h guidan%e :a en-ironmen"al sound

    1.1.3 A'le "o lis"en "o, say aloud and re%i"e rhymes or sing songs&i"h guidan%e1.1.9 A'le "o "alk a'ou" a s"imulus &i"h guidan%e.


    *y "he end of "he lesson, "he $u$ils &ill 'e a'le "o:#is"en and s"a"e "he en-ironmen"al sounds.


    A$$re%ia"ion of na"ure, %o>o$era"ion

    Teac ingAids

    ong %har"

    Acti&ities 1. Tea%her $lays re%orded sounds of na"ure e.g. 'irds

    %hir$ing, raining, rus"ling of lea-es, &a"erfalls, %ars honking

    and %ons"ru%"ion si"e.

    2. Tea%her ge"s "he $u$ils "o "alk a'ou" "he sounds.

    3. 6u$ils lis"en and "alk a'ou" "he sounds.

    9. 6u$ils gi-e reasons "o "heir likes and dislikes.5. Tea%her di-ides "he $u$ils in"o + grou$s.

    +. Ea%h grou$ is gi-en a fe& "y$es of o'(e%"s.

    7. Tea%her asks "he $u$ils "o dis%uss &i"h "heir $eers and

    %rea"e sounds using "he "hings around.

    8. Tea%her asks ea%h grou$ "o $resen".

    . Tea%her re&ards "he $u$ils.

  • 8/13/2019 Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings



    WEEK : DAY 1 : Listeningand Speaking

    Day: onday Date : 30.01.2011Time : 11.25> 12.55$m

    Subject : English Fear 1Class: 1 ahlia

    Time: 0 minu"es"!cus: #is"ening and $eakingT eme: World of Gno&ledgeT!pic: ound Around ?s#nt$!ducti!n:

    This lesson fo%uses on lis"ening and s$eaking and "he main fo%us&ill 'e ge""ing $u$ils "o lis"en and re%i"e (a)) %han"s.


    1.2 *y "he end of "he + year $rimary s%hooling, $u$ils &ill 'ea'le "o $ronoun%e

    &ords and s$eak %onfiden"ly &i"h "he %orre%" s"ress, rhy"hmand in"ona"ion.



    1.1.1 A'le "o lis"en and res$ond "o s"imulus gi-en &i"h guidan%e :

    a en-ironmen"al sound1.1.3 A'le "o lis"en "o, say aloud and re%i"e rhymes or sing songs&i"h guidan%e1.1.9 A'le "o "alk a'ou" a s"imulus &i"h guidan%e.


    *y "he end of "he lesson, "he $u$ils &ill 'e a'le "o:#is"en and s"a"e "he en-ironmen"al sounds.


    A$$re%ia"ion of na"ure, %o>o$era"ion

    Teac ingAids

    ong %har"

    Acti&ities 1. Tea%her $lays re%orded sounds of na"ure e.g. 'irds

    %hir$ing, raining, rus"ling of lea-es, &a"erfalls, %ars honking

    and %ons"ru%"ion si"e.

    2. Tea%her ge"s "he $u$ils "o "alk a'ou" "he sounds.

    3. 6u$ils lis"en and "alk a'ou" "he sounds.

    9. 6u$ils gi-e reasons "o "heir likes and dislikes.

    5. Tea%her di-ides "he $u$ils in"o + grou$s.

  • 8/13/2019 Year 2 Topic 1 Greetings


    +. Ea%h grou$ is gi-en a fe& "y$es of o'(e%"s.

    7. Tea%her asks "he $u$ils "o dis%uss &i"h "heir $eers and

    %rea"e sounds using "he "hings around.

    8. Tea%her asks ea%h grou$ "o $resen".

    . Tea%her re&ards "he $u$ils.

