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Chapters 19-20

You will explain the events that led to World War II

You will describe the major events of World War II (Pearl Harbor, D-Day, the Atomic Bomb, etc)

You will describe the major events of the Cold War (Berlin, Cuban Missile Crisis, etc)

You will explain how the Cold War manifested into culture for social change in the 1960’s

Germany never got over the humiliation and unfairness of the Treaty of Versailles

One of the conditions of the Treaty was Germany was not allowed to expand the size of their army

Beginning in 1919 Germany fell under Weimar Republic, a weak, unofficial democratic structure.

Meanwhile in 1922 Benito Mussolini took power in Italy and installed a totalitarian government A totalitarian government is one in which the leader of the

party has 100% control of the state and the people have little to no freedoms.

Although Hitler would also be known for running a totalitarian government, his rise to power was slow-and-steady.

In 1923 Adolf Hitler rose to power as part of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, nicknamed the Nazi’s The power grew due to the new-found love of socialism

throughout Europe

As part of their socialist revolution, the Nazi’s participated in the Beer Hall Putsch

The putsch was a failed armed attempt to overthrow the Weimar Republic The results were 16 Nazi members and 4 police officers

dead. As one of the leaders, Hitler was arrested for treason

Although he was sentenced to 5 years in prison, Hitler only served 8 months.

Hitler actually saw the trial and prison sentence as an opportunity for his career. His arguments in court were impressive to even the judges,

who granted him extreme leniency.

In prison he wrote an autobiography called Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”).

In the book he wrote about a future, glorious society led by the Aryan race. The only obstacles were the Jews.

Following the crash of 1929 Germany’s economy was hit hard.

Less than a year later the Socialist Nazi party would win 18% of the vote and become 2nd largest party in German government The Nazi’s quickly elected Adolf Hitler to represent them.

Through incredible charisma and skilled politically strategies, and despite being Austrian, Hitler managed to legally rise in power in Germany

By 1934 Hitler and the Nazi party had slowly re-written the German laws to reflect a dictatorship of one party.

On March 9, 1935 Hitler announced that Germany would build an air force and add 450,000 soldiers to the army. Remember the Treaty of Versailles’ conditions?

Hitler’s assumed that the Western powers wouldn’t enforce the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles during the Depression.

He was right. Great Britain felt that Germany was just being “bratty” and let them build what Britain considered a worthless army. Britain was also hurt by the depression; no one was paying attention to


That same year, however, Britain and France did oppose Benito Mussolini’s attempt to capture Ethiopia for Italy.

This angered Mussolini, and he formed an alliance with Germany called the Axis.

The Axis grew when Japan willingly joined the union and Germany annexed Austria, Hitler’s home country.

Hitler then attempted to annex Czechoslovakia, threatening another world war to get it.

Led by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, the western nations agreed that Czechoslovakia would be given to Hitler if he promised not to make any more demands. This strategy is called appeasement

Appeasement only made Hitler more convinced that the west would not challenge him in war.

Hitler’s next move was to take Poland, and he confidently declared this on March 15, 1939.

Finally, Great Britain and France realized that Hitler would not stop. They allied with Poland in the event that war broke out.

They also allied with Joseph Stalin, since the Soviet Union was the last remaining power against Germany.

On September 1st, 1939, after more promises not to fight, Hitler invaded Poland.

Two days later, Britain and France declared war on Germany. World War II had begun.

Japan meanwhile, acting as the “Hitler of the East” invaded China from their Korean colonies and began easily taking over the state of Manchuria in 1931.

Japan wanted the enormous wealth of resources that could be found in China and Soviet Siberia.

However, Japan was worried that they did not have enough resources to fight such a strong nation as the Soviets.

Instead, they decided to move south and east and take the islands and resources of the East Indies.

To do this would bring the war in Europe and Asia a little closer to the United States though

Up to this point, the USA was staying out of the fight.

Germany was conquering Europe faster than anyone thought possible thanks to their panzer divisions. Panzers were 300 tanks, along with necessary supplies,

supported by airplanes above.

Germany’s blitzkrieg’s (lighting wars) first took over Poland, then Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, and by May (only 8 months after war was declared) they were ready to make a move on France.

On June 22, 1940, France signed an armistice, granting Germany control of the country.

Britain was obviously the next target.

Despite massive calls for isolationism in America, President Franklin Roosevelt convinced congress to supply Britain with supplies.

Hitler’s plan was to first bomb as much of Britain as possible to prepare for invasion.

Britain and Germany traded bombing raids, and Britain was being heavily defeated.

Then Hitler switched strategies and began bombing cities instead of military factories.

While demoralizing to the citizens, it gave Britain enough time to rebuild their air force.

By September, 1940, the Battle of Britain was postponed.

Unable to quickly and effectively take Britain, Hitler then turned to attack the Soviet Union.

Hitler had expected a quick takeover, but he also expected help from Mussolini and Italy. The Italian military was pathetic. At the time, they had

suffered more losses than successes. Their only success had been capturing Albania.

Had Hitler been able to move as fast and swift as he planned, Europe might never have recovered enough to beat him.

The delays cost him. By December of 1941, Germany still had not had the knock-out punch they were hoping for.

Prior to World War II, Japan and the United States were strong economic partners. Thus, Japan knew the USA had the resources to stop them

in a war.

Japan felt their only chance to succeed in taking over the Pacific Ocean was to wipe out the United States’ naval fleet to the point where the USA couldn’t recover.

On Sunday morning, December 7th, 1941, Japan attacked the naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Unfortunately, the attack did not effectively take out the American fleet. USA was wounded, but not destroyed.

And now, America was ready to join the war.

In an attempt to push the Japanese back to their homeland, the United States began their “island-hopping” military strategy.

Led by General Douglas MacArthur, the US split into two groups: One would cross the southwest Pacific through New

Guinea, Philippines, etc. The other would go from atoll to atoll through the middle

of the Pacific Ocean.

With two quick battles, the American’s won momentum and began their march to Japan May 7: In the battle of Coral Sea, the USA saved Australia

from invasion. June 4: The battle of Midway Island; The USA destroyed 4

Japanese carriers and established control over the Pacific

American and British forces met Germany’s General Erwin Rommel in Northern Africa

Hitler’s intent was to move south and take Africa, the Middle East (where he was allied), and India.

The new infusion of fresh American soldiers, however, was able to push Hitler back into Italy and the rest of Europe.

In the Battle of Stalingrad, Hitler was also defeated thanks to a new technique the Soviets implemented called Sniperism.

By the end of 1942, Hitler’s plans of world domination were over. He was still the number one power in Europe though.

Prime Minister Winston Churchill and General Dwight Eisenhower agreed that Hitler must be stopped now or never…

He, along with General Rommel, was too good for conventional tactics

Eventually they would have to invade Europe if they wanted to win.

To accomplish this, they decided to attempt the largest naval invasion in history.

Leading up to this invasion (given codename “D-Day”), the allies created fake intelligence campaigns, redesigned airplanes, and trained 2 million soldiers without telling them any plans.

D-Day was supposed to be on June 5th, but there was rain that night.

On June 6th, 1944, planes dropped 24,000 soldiers (and thousands of decoys) behind enemy lines to try and distract the German armies.

At 6:30 AM, the five beaches of Normandy (code-named Utah, Gold, Omaha, Juno and Sword) were the site of 5,000 amphibious boats carrying 160,000 soldiers

The size of the armies and the decoys worked. Within a week the beaches were secured and the allies were marching into Europe.

Hitler and Germany put up another good fight over the winter, but by April, 1945 the Allies were in Germany.

Meanwhile, Soviet troops had pushed German troops out of the Soviet Union and into Poland.

Sensing defeat, Hitler moved into a bunker under the city of Berlin.

On April 28th, rebel Italian soldiers shot and killed Benito Mussolini. Two days later, on April 30th, Hitler committed suicide.

On May 7, 1945, Germany formally surrendered.

The war in Europe was over, but Japan was still fighting in the west…

After the death of President Roosevelt in 1945, President Truman took over looking to end the war quickly.

Even after two major victories in 1945 (at Iwo Jima, and Okinawa), the Japanese refused to concede.

Truman’s intelligence told him that the only way to convince Japan to surrender would be all-out invasion Invasion was expected to cost 2,000,000 lives.

Truman began preparing the country and the army for invasion when he received news from New Mexico: The scientists working on the Manhattan Project had

successfully tested the worlds first Atomic Bomb.

Suddenly Truman had two options: invasion, or bomb.

America only had two bombs, and it had taken 4 years to build them. But no one else knew that.

Truman decided to use the bombs and avoid the deaths of soldiers in invasion.

They chose Hiroshima for the first bomb, which dropped on August 6, 1945.

Within the next few days, Truman made announcements which made it seem as if the United States had hundreds of these weapons.

To heighten this notion, they dropped the second bomb three days later on Nagasaki.

The scare tactics worked. Japan surrendered on August 14, 1945. The war was over.

Although rumors existed that the Jews were being mistreated during World War II, no one did anything. The western world’s own prominent anti-semitism was

partially to blame. But it’s also true that nobody really thought the atrocities would be as bad as they were.

Prior to Kristallnacht the oppression of Jews had risen to the point the prominent Jews had already begun fleeing Europe Albert Einstein (Scientist), Marlene Dietrich (Actress),

Sigmund Freud (Psychologist), Henry Kissinger (Politician)

By the time Kristallnacht occurred on November 9, 1939, Jewish oppression was a millenium-long process.

But no one in the world had pulled off an atrocity like the pogroms that began that night. A pogrom is a violent, race-based riot.

Overnight the state police, called the Schutzstaffel (the SS), raided nearly every Jewish home and business in the major cities of Germany. 1 billion marks ($5.5 billion today) of damage done

All Jews rounded into ghettos

30,000 arrests and at least 91 deaths

Jewish community officially blamed for the damage and forced to pay off the debt.

After the pogroms Jews were given three options: Those with skills could remain in the ghetto to work for

army factories

Relocate to a concentration camp for slave labor

Sign an intent to emigrate, but only if they agreed to release all personal property to the state.

Following Kristallnacht, Hitler’s 2nd-in-command Hermann Goring was angry that so much property was destroyed and so many Jews left alive Security Chief Reinhard Heydrich hated the Jews but

recognized their power as a slave labor force.

The German plan was simple: work Jews to the literal death.

Concentration camps were designed around slave labor, but demonstration executions and deaths due to exhaustion were common.

Constant pogroms, roaming death squads and random killings also were daily occurrences within ghettoes.

The Germans had expected most Jews to simply leave, but other European nations weren’t taking them.

The German citizens experienced a slow, willing brainwashing as the Nazi party spent a decade blaming Jews for all of Germany’s political and social woes. Combined with apathy toward the future, a refusal to

challenge the government in media, strong oppression by the government for those who did, and long anti-Semitic feelings, the holocaust was allowed to continue.

Reports reached Poland, Britain and USA as early as 1942 but the media refused to publish any details. The west were just as anti-Semitic and were afraid that the

great war would just be painted as a Jewish rescue mission

The public began to realize the problem after years of rumors, but few believed it could possibly be as bad as witnesses described.

For most of the war when the outcome was still in doubt, Germany’s temporary solution to rid themselves of Jews was forced labor and emigration.

By the end of 1944 it was more and more likely that Germany would lose.

Therefore Hitler ordered transition into the Final Solution: execute as many Jews as possible.

Death camps like Auschwitz were designed to receive train-loads of humans, execute up to 1200 per gas chamber at a time, and dispose of the bodies.

Shortly after D-Day the Soviets began discovering the true scope of the Holocaust On July 23 1944 Soviet armies liberated Majdanek, the first

camp discovered by allied powers.

January 27th, 1945, Soviets liberate Auschwitz. The camps are clearly part of a larger system. Word is sent to the

allies in Western Europe

April 11, 1945, American armies liberate Buchenwald

April 15, 1945, British armies liberate Bergen-Belsen

April 29, 1945, British armies liberate Dachau

For each of these camps there were between 7000-60,000 prisoners still alive per camp, with an average of 10,000 bodies still left unburied

By the end of the war, the holocaust would claim 6,000,000 Jews and 11,000,000 deaths overall.

As 1944 turned into 1945 and it was clear the allies would win, the western and eastern allies began to grow distrustful of each other. The soviets weren’t as bad as the Nazis…but they were still


Roosevelt had managed to convince Stalin and Churchill to make certain concessions toward peace and had agreed to some of his own.

By the time the victors met in Potsdam in 1945, though, Truman was in charge of the US.

The allies agreed that military trials should be held to convict the leaders of Nazi Germany for crimes against humanity. It was the last thing they agreed on.

Britain and America wanted free, democratic states in Europe. The Soviets wanted communist states.

All three wanted Germany and, specifically, Berlin.

Rather than fight, the sides agreed to split Germany and Berlin Germany into East and West

Berlin into four sections, one each controlled by the USA, Britain, France, and Russia.

The war ended with around 60,000,000 total deaths counting battles, civilian, and the holocaust.

Immediately after it’s end, it looked like the world was heading into yet another war.

Among the results of World War II, one of which was the rise of the United States to the number one economic and military leader of the world. They achieved the glory of being the hero’s of the winning

side while suffering almost no personal damage from the war.

If America was number 1, the Soviets were number 2—or 1B.

The problem: America and the west believed that Eastern Europe, like Western Europe, should be democratic. The Soviets pushed for communist.

By 1946, the two “allies” were already fighting.

In 1946 Greece and Turkey began a civil war between the democratic and communist parties.

In response, President Truman created the “Truman Doctrine,” which provided aid to the democratic parties of the nations.

Hidden within the legal language of the policy, however, was a clause establishing the United States’ right to fight the spread of communism all throughout the world.

Following this, US Secretary of State Gen. George C. Marshall proposed the Marshall plan. Factories in America would work around the clock (which

meant lots of jobs) to make products for Europe.

These supplies would then be airdropped into Europe to help them repair their nations after 6 years of war.

Marshall wanted to include communist nations in Europe as well, but the Soviets wouldn’t allow it.

Instead, the Soviets started their own program called COMECON, with the same goal as the Marshall plan.

The Marshall Plan was a huge success, but COMECON failed entirely because the soviets were still recovering too.

The gap between communist nations (all in poverty) and democratic nations (all economically recovering) was enormous.

The western powers formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949. The goal: stop the plague of communism beyond its current borders, no matter what.

In 1949 Mao Tse Dong, a communist took control of China, further igniting the fear of “commie spread.”

That same year, Russia shocked the world by successfully testing their own atomic bomb.

The western world was comforted knowing that, ultimately, they had the most powerful weapon in history on their side.

Now the Soviets were equally equipped. We would later find out that Soviet spies had stolen the

plans for the atomic bomb from the United States. Hence, the sudden appearance of their own bomb.

Both sides believed the best way to prevent war would be to build as many bombs as possible. The arms race was on.

Multiple events helped fuel the cold war in the first decade By 1960 the stockpile of nuclear weapons in both countries

was 10,000-40,000.

A “conflict” with Korea from 1950-1953 between communist North Korea and democratic South Korea

The launch of Sputnik in 1957 created fears that not only were the soviets beating the west in the arms race, but they were weaponizing space.

Construction of the Berlin Wall, separating the western, democratic section of the city from the Eastern, communist nation it dwelled in This sparked the Berlin airlift as well.

The failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion to remove communist Fidel Castro from power in Cuba

The Berlin Airlift Berlin was seen as an island of democracy in a sea of


In June 1948 the Soviets began a blockade of the entire democratic section of the town, made even more secure by the construction of the Berlin Wall.

In order to get supplies into West Berlin, Britain and the US began a round-the-clock airlift dropping supplies into the city Food, clothes, newspapers, tools, lumber, even food for the

animals at the zoo.

At it’s height, the planes were dropping new loads of supplies every three minutes.

By May the Soviets admitted defeat and removed the blockade from the city.

On October 14, 1962, a U2 spy plane took pictures of intermediate and long-range ballistic missiles being constructed in Cuba, 90 miles from Florida.

The United States kept this knowledge secret while they prepared for retaliation.

On October 22nd, President Kennedy decided on a course of action: The United States would blockade Cuba.

In a public address that night, Kennedy told America and the rest of the world the plan and revealed that they knew about the missiles.

The Soviets denied any missiles, called the Americans liars, then quickly accelerated the missile construction

Because of the Bay of Pigs disaster, most of the world was skeptical that America was telling the truth.

On October 25th, the United Nations agreed to an emergency meeting.

Most of the world denounced the United States and their blockade of the impoverished Cuban nation.

Then it was US ambassador Adlai Stevenson’s turn to talk.

Stevenson famously turned the tables on the Soviets and the rest of the world with a stirring speech by forcing the Soviets to lie about the missiles, then presenting the evidence that they existed.

STEVENSON: All right sir, let me ask you one simple question. Do you,

Ambassador Zorin, deny that the U-S-S-R has placed and is placing medium

and intermediate range missiles and sites in Cuba? Yes or no? Don't wait for

the translation, yes or no?

ZORIN (statement in Russian followed by English translation through a

United Nations Interpreter): I am not in an American courtroom, sir, and

therefore I do not wish to answer a question that is put to me in the fashion in

which a prosecutor does. In due course, sir, you will have your reply. Do not


STEVENSON: You are in the court of world opinion right now and you can

answer yes or no. You have denied that they exist. I want to know if you -- if

this -- if I've understood you correctly.

ZORIN: Sir, will you please continue your statement. You will have your

answer in due course.

STEVENSON: I am prepared to wait for my answer until hell freezes over.

Over the next three days the United States and Soviet Union challenged and attacked each other on the sea and in the air

They also held secret, “back-channel” meetings to discuss the possibility of a peace agreement.

The plan was that if nothing changed the US would invade Cuba and begin nuclear war on Monday the 29th. So on Saturday, a final plea agreement was offered.

On Sunday, the Soviets accepted. If the US agreed to remove missiles from Turkey at a future date AND agreed never to invade Cuba again, the Soviets would remove all non-defensive missiles from Cuba. The crisis was over.

To ensure the crisis never was repeated, a telephone hotline was installed between the White House and the Kremlin, so that future leaders could talk one-on-one.

Why was the United States so eager to go after any communist nation, even Korea and Cuba?

Americans believed communism was subject to the domino theory: if one country fell to communism, it would spark revolution in many other countries. Similarly, if one nation fell to democracy, it would also

start the domino affect.

When Vietnam began to fall to communism in the late 1950’s, it was essential that America stop it.

Through a combination of racist arrogance, unfamiliar jungle warfare, and an unpopular draft, the US spent 15 years unsuccessfully trying to stop the communist spread

The Vietnam War was the first major war to receive significant opposition from Americans at home

Television crews, for the first time ever, reported the death and destruction from the front lines.

The government did a bad job of explaining the domino theory, making Americans wonder why they were fighting a 3rd world country of villages.

There was no Hitler, so no one knew who to fight.

The government initiated a draft for young men People who were forced to go to war did not fight as well as


Wealthy kids could get out of the draft with money

War protests were organized around the nation to urge students to rebel…in any way possible.

Protest became the motto of the 1960’s.

Martin Luther King Jr and the anti-war college protestors became strange allies from 1963-1968 Both were in favor of non-violence.

Both were in favor of ending the draft (since poor and minorities were the majority of those serving

Both were in favor of equal rights, including for women, young, and African Americans.

Positives: Civil Rights and Voting rights acts were passed from 1963-1965, which gave ALL citizens equality under the law.

Negatives: The assassination of MLK and the death of student protestors at Kent St. showed Americans were still a deeply divided nation on social equality.

In 1985 Soviet reformer Mikhail Gorbachev came into power as the Premier of Russia.

Gorbachev liked the political role of socialism but couldn’t get over the abject failure of the USSR’s economy Changing the economy would be impossible without

changing the government.

Gorbachev advocated “perestroika,” or “restructuring.”

By 1989 his major reforms included a new constitution for the people and the establishment of a presidency-by-election.

On November 9th, 1989, the Berlin Wall was allowed to be taken down. The Cold War was over.

USSR in 1989 was 92 different ethnic groups and 112 different languages. Not everyone was thrilled at the changes.

On August 19, 1991, Gorbachev was arrested by revolutionaries. However, unlike in previous years, the mass citizenry did not support the revolution

On December 25, 1991, Gorbachev resigned and gave power to Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin had been disillusioned toward communism ever since a

trip to a grocery store on a state visit to Houston with President George H.W. Bush in 1990.

He would later admit that the sight of so many foods available so cheaply convinced him something was wrong in Russia.

At the same time the territories of Ukraine and Belarus declared their independence. USSR was over.

The Soviet Union’s fall triggered a series of small incidents in the early 1990’s.

Yugoslavia broke out in civil war in 1990. By 1991, a policy of “ethnic cleansing” began that resulted in 250,000 deaths and 2 million homeless.

This time the world stepped up. By 1995 a joint force by NATO would create the independent states of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro

A similar activity occurred in 1991 when Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, invaded the small nation of Kuwait

Western forces waged a successful battle called “Desert Storm” to repel Iraq, beginning 2 decades of hostilities.

Back in 1980 the Soviet Union had invaded the Islamic nation of Afghanistan.

A wealthy Saudi Arabian named Osama Bin Laden volunteered to aid the Afghans in their resistance Bin Laden was a millionaire heir and owned a construction


The United States joined the resistance in order to further destabilize the Soviet Union.

Bin Laden’s reputation among Arab nations was considerably bolstered by his success at saving the Afghan nation

Thus when Iraq invaded Kuwait Bin Laden expected the Saudi government to request his assistance again.

To Bin Laden’s horror, Saudi Arabia rejected his offer and enlisted the aid of the non-Muslim United States.

A few years earlier in 1988 Bin Laden had organized a militant wing of Islam which he called Al-Qaeda. The original target of Al-Qaeda was the Soviet Union.

Bin Laden began speaking against the Saudi Royal Family, who then determined to silence and expel Bin Laden. Bin Laden argued Muslim nations should only be defended

by Muslims. To rely on the west was to admit weakness.

Outraged, Bin Laden was exiled in 1992 to Sudan and lived the rest of his life in hiding.

Unbeknownst to anyone at the time, Bin Laden changed Al-Qaeda’s new target to the United States

As early as 1990 FBI agents began noticing a connection with Al-Qaeda and an interest in New York City

In 1993 a truck tower loaded with explosives went off in the basement of the World Trade Center. The intent was to collapse the towers; this part failed, but 6

people were killed.

What no one realized at the time was that there was a back-up plan.

8 years later, Al-Qaeda carried out their largest attack: the September 11th terrorist acts.

Bin Laden wouldn’t be killed for another 10 years, but the world officially transitioned. Wars were no longer between nations; they were fought against nation-less groups.

History and time are living entities. Its important to know how we got to where we are now. How do we avoid a Great Depression? A Black Plague?

How do we instill another Renaissance? Another enlightenment?

It is impossible to know the effects of something until years later. Treaty of Versailles in 1918, WWII in 1939

Martin Luther hangs a letter, Protestant religions are born.

Propaganda is everywhere about everything. You are propaganda. I am propaganda. Learning that your brain is capable, intelligent, and unique is the best way to keep history from, as the cliché goes, “repeating itself.”

“Decisions are made by those who show up.”—Truman

“Dictators ride upon tigers, which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry.”--Churchill.

“What good fortune for governments that people do not think.”—Hitler

“Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunters.”—African proverb

“If you don’t know history, you don’t know anything. Like a leaf that doesn’t know it’s a part of a tree”—Crichton

“Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.”—Frost
