World War I 1914 - 1918. ∗ Arms Race & Militarism – policy of building up a strong military...


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World War I1914 - 1918

∗Arms Race & Militarism – policy of building up a strong military to prepare for war

∗Alliance System – countries made agreements between nations to provide aid and protect one another

∗Nationalism – extreme pride in one’s country∗Imperialism – when one country takes over another

country economically and politically∗Assassination of Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand

Causes of World War I

∗World War I was the first war in which advanced weaponry and tactics were used

∗There was a race for creating more weapons of mass destruction among nations

∗There was a desire to create a large amount of weapons as well as building up a nation’s army and navy

∗New military technology invented


∗Complex alliances drew most of the countries of Europe into war.∗ Triple Alliance

(Central Powers) – Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy*

∗ Triple Entante (Allied Powers) – France, Great Britain and Russia

*Italy was originally in the Triple Alliance, but switched sides to join the Allies in hopes of getting more land


∗The idea that people with the same ethnic origins, language, and political ideals had the right to form sovereign states through the process of self-determination


∗Areas in the Balkan region (Eastern Europe) started to promote their own nationalism and declare their independence ∗ Balkans – Albanian,

Greeks, Romanians, and Slav

∗ Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia as one of its territories in 1908, which created great hostility in the region

∗ Serbia was newly independent and thought that Bosnia should be one of their territories

Nationalism prior to WWI

∗All of the major powers were engaged in a scramble for empire to bolster their economies

∗European countries needed foreign markets after the increase in manufacturing caused by the Industrial Revolution

∗The fiercest competition was between Britain, France and Germany∗ Competed for economic expansion and control in Africa,

the Middle East, the Balkans, and Russia


∗ Serbia wanted to ally Slavic people in the region including Bosnia & Herzegovina

∗ Black Hand: a Serbian nationalist group wanting to rid Bosnia of Austrian rule∗ Did not want to have an alliance with Austria-Hungary∗ Did not want to be under Austrian control ∗ Wanted to great a greater Serbia

∗ Austria was determined:∗ Not to lose any land they had previously claimed∗ Not to allow take over∗ Not to allow creation of a Slavic nation


∗June 28, 1914 – Franz Ferdinand & his wife Sophie were killed while visiting Bosnia to promote good will between the Bosnian people and Austria-Hungary

∗Princip – a 19 year old Serbian nationalist was the assassin∗ Member of the Black Hand

Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

Domino Effect

Austria Hungary blamed Serbia for Ferdinand’s death and declared war on Serbia.

Germany pledged their support for Austria -Hungary.

Russia pledged their support for Serbia.

Germany declares war on Russia.

France pledges their support for Russia.

Germany declares war on France.

Germany invades Belgium on the way to France.

Great Britain supports Belgium and declares war on


∗Both sides predicted the war would end quickly ∗Western Front (France and Germany border) = Trench

Warfare∗ Since neither side could advance, fighting lines became

stationary and soldiers were forced to live in the trenches for years

∗WWI as a stalemate∗ Neither side can make a move to win∗ Use of machine guns greatly contributed to the

stalemate∗Both sides of war lost millions of lives without gaining

ground, despite the large number of troops and arms


∗Trench Warfare: ∗ a type of fighting during WWI where both sides dug

trenches protected by mines and barbed wire∗The empty area between trenches was called “no

man’s land” – anyone who climbed out of the trenches faced instant death from enemy machine gun fire

∗Trenches were dug from the English Channel to Switzerland

∗ 6250 miles, 6-8 feet deep

Trench Warfare

WWI Technology

∗Machine Guns∗Submarines (“U-Boats” in


∗Airplanes (viewing only)

∗Armored Tanks (not effective)

∗Hand Grenades∗Flame Throwers

∗Poison Gas∗ Carried by wind∗ Burned out soldiers’

lungs∗ Deadly in the

trenches where it would sit at the bottom

∗ Unrestricted submarine warfare (Germany)∗ Britain established a naval blockade that prevented food and arms from

being shipped to Germany→ Germany sank merchant ships in retaliation

∗ In 1915, a German submarine torpedoed the Lusitania, a British passenger ship, killing approximately 1,200 people, including 128 Americans.

∗ German submarine attacked the Sussex, a French ferry ship, and killed 50 passengers. The U.S. threatened to intervene if Germany sank any more merchant ships without prior warning; Germany agreed (Sussex Pledge).

∗ Suffering from near-starvation, Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare and planned to sink all ships in the blockaded areas → violated the principle of ‘freedom of the seas’ → President Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany

∗ Zimmermann Note∗ British intercepted a note from the Germans to the ambassador in

Mexico, promising to help Mexico get back land (parts of TX, AZ, NM, CA) lost to the U.S. in exchange for Mexico’s help against the U.S. → letter was published in American newspapers to gain public support for the war

America Declared War on Germany on April 2, 1917

United States enters WWI


∗1918 in the Argonne Forest in Northeastern France ∗Germany had fortified their positions by using miles of

barbed wire, often hidden in the underbrush, in addition to the steep natural terrain to secure their position

∗American General John J. Pershing and the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) shattered the German defenses and opened a hole in the German lines → known as one of the greatest American battles during the final weeks of WWI

∗Alvin York received the Medal of Honor during this battle – reportedly killing 25 Germans and capturing 132 prisoners with just a rifle and pistol

∗America broke the deadlock in Europe → Germany surrendered in November 1918

Battle of Argonne Forest

∗March 1915 – Czar Nicholas II resigned throne due to riots in Russia → Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks (communists) took control of government and withdrew Russia from the war∗ Russia’s total loss in life was over 5 million

∗Offered Germany a truce and surrender lands that included parts of Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, & Estonia

∗AFTER RUSSIA WITHDRAWS ∗ Most German soldiers were sent to the Western Front – too

late to be helpful ∗ Allies launched a massive counter attack – Second Battle of

the Marne –Allies were victorious.∗ Nov. 11, 1918 an armistice was signed to end the war

Russia Withdraws from WWI

∗Fourteen Points∗ Each major European nationality should be given its

own country and government∗ Increased international cooperation

∗Freedom of the seas∗Reduction of armaments∗Removal of trade barriers∗End to secret diplomacy

∗ Creation of the League of Nations

Wilson’s Fourteen Points

∗A new organization of nations that would mediate international disputes and act against aggressors

∗Help preserve peace and prevent future wars by pledging to respect and protect each other’s territory and political independence.

∗Wilson’s Opponents∗ Henry Cabot Lodge∗ Imperialist / led Congressional campaign against League of

Nations∗ Thought League of Nations would “handcuff”

∗ Congress War Powers∗ Stop U.S. expansion∗ Limit the president’s power

League of Nations

Treaty of Versailles

∗ Signed June 1919∗Germany

∗ Stripped of Armed forces∗ Made to pay reparations∗ Assume responsibility for the War∗ Angry over the war guilt clause ∗ Angry over loss of land

∗Europe ∗ Wanted Germany to PAY! (reparations)∗ Didn’t trust Germany∗ Wanted to humiliate Germany∗ Break up Germany into several smaller countries

∗ Other Nations∗ Italy and Japan did not get the land they wanted

∗President Wilson thought Europe was being unfair∗U.S. Congress ultimately rejected the treaty

∗ Felt league would limit Congress power to declare war∗ Did not ratify the treaty∗ America rejected the League of Nations∗ Believed the best hope for peace was to stay out of the

affairs of Europe → ISOLATIONISM

U.S. – Treaty of Versailles

∗America returned to a policy of isolationism∗ Separated themselves from other countries’ affairs and

problems∗ Inflation∗Workers Strikes∗1st “Red Scare” in 1919

∗ America’s fear of Communism begins!∗Strikes get Violent

∗ Bombings – 8 bombs in 8 cities suggested a nationwide conspiracy

∗Palmer Raids∗ Attorney General Palmer established General Intelligence

Division headed by Hoover → organized a series of raids on headquarters of various radical organizations

Impact of War

American Home Front

∗ Total War∗ Devoting all of the nation’s

resources to war∗ Rationing of goods / Limit on use

of products conserving food to avoid a shortage.

∗ Daylights saving- keep farmers and factories working in sunlight to save on oil and coal.

∗ Bonds- Liberty/Victory: American loan Govt. money to be paid back with interest.

∗ Women and War∗ Women went to work in the

factories∗ Worked the farms∗ Kept troops supplied with basic

needs, nurses, clerical help∗ Earned voting rights granted in

19th Amendment by working!

American Home Front

∗ Selling the WAR∗ Labor and business not enough∗ Sway public opinion

∗ Patriotism∗ German taken out of schools∗ Sauerkraut = Liberty cabbage∗ Hamburgers = Salisbury Steak∗ German American persecuted

∗ Great Migration ∗ Immigrants from Europe declined

significantly∗ African Americans and Mexicans

move to north for work.∗ African Americans for Industry∗ Mexicans for farms and ranches

∗ African Americans in WWI -∗ Discrimination and racism in army∗ Even worse when they got home

Violation of Rights?

∗ Espionage Act: Made it a crime to criticize the war effort

∗ Sedition Act: expanded Espionage Act to make any public expression of opposition to war illegal → allowed officials to prosecute anyone who criticized the president or government

∗ Conscription = forced draft violation of democratic and republican principles (not very American)∗ Selective Service = register for war (men 21-30) then you enter a draft ottery∗ 2.8 million drafted∗ 2 million volunteered

Selective Service vs. Conscription
