Word Of The Week (Wow)


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Word of the Week


Highlighting SAT Words

fearless; courageous &


Word Origin: Latin

intrepid (adjective)

somebody who is beginning or

learning an activity and has acquired little skill in it

Synonyms—newcomer, neophyte

Word Origin: Latin

novice (noun)

An expression of joy ; the act of rejoicing

Related words:

jubilant, jubilance, jubilancy, jubilate, Jubilate, jubilee

Word Origin: Latin

Jubilation (noun)

Sanguine (adjective)


1. Cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or


2. Bloody, gory

3. A reddish, ruddy complexionWord Origin: Latin

Transgression (noun)

the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle; a sin or crime

Tiger Woods apologized publicly for his many private transgressions.


1. High-minded; Noble

2. and character

Revealing generosity or nobility of

mind Word Origin: Latin


1. Wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious;

2. Careful in providing for the future; provident: a prudent decision.

Word Origin: Latin


1. Excessively particular, demanding, and critical; hard to please

2. Requiring excessive care; painstaking

Word Origin: Latin


1. Excessively particular, demanding, and critical; hard to please

2. Requiring excessive care; painstaking

Word Origin: Latin
