with Hoda Toloui-Wallace FundRazr Coaching Elizabeth George FundRazr Marketing


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Hoda Toloui-WallaceFundRazr Coaching

Elizabeth GeorgeFundRazr Marketing

1. Pre-Launch: How to ensure your campaign will succeed

before it launches

2. Promotion: Learn how to reach out for donations and

promote your campaign.

3. Boost: Push past a lull and revitalize your campaign with

booster tips.

4. Post-Campaign: Engage your donors and finalize your


PART 1:Pre-Launch

• Title: Motivate people with your title: show urgency and importance of your cause.


• Introduction: Cover the 3 W’s; WHO, WHAT, WHY. Focus on how your supporters can make a difference to your cause.

• Personal Message: Thank people for reading your story and contributing (money & social sharing).

• Written Pitch: Tell your story; be sure to edit, highlight, and separate into key sections.

Add photos and videos.

• Image: Get your supporters emotionally engaged with an interesting image that identifies both you and your cause.

• Video: Get more attention and DOUBLE your donations by adding a video. Learn ‘How To’ by visiting www.youtube.com/fundrazrvideo

*GIVEAWAY*$25 donation to a lucky participants campaign.

• Set Goal & Deadline: How much do you need to raise & when do you need it by?

• Perks: A perk is something you can offer in exchange for a contribution. Give people the opportunity to participate rather than merely contribute.

*GIVEAWAY*$25 donation to a lucky participants campaign.

PART 2:Promotion

• Start Sharing: Make the launch of your campaign an anticipated event.

• Social Equity: Approx. 20% of your goal should be raised by close friends and family to legitimize your campaign for others to donate.

• Sharing Tools: Utilize the share tools available on your campaign page.

• Facebook Promotion Share on FB at least 3x per week, include images

for extra reach. Create a FB page to post updates, pictures, and

to maintain a giving audience.

• “Tell A Friend”: Send a Facebook notification directly to your Facebook friends. It’s a great reminder & drives traffic to your campaign.

*GIVEAWAY*$25 donation to a lucky participants campaign.

• FundRazr Widget: Host your campaign on websites to create more visibility & build a community.

How-To Embed Your Campaign Widget

• Twitter Promotion: Tweet your campaign 1x per day. Ask your followers to retweet.

• Share on Google+: Remember to include names, circles and email addresses.

• Pin it: ‘Pin’ the campaign photo, hashtags, and story details for others to discover.

*GIVEAWAY*$25 donation to a lucky participants campaign.

PART 3:Boost

• Add Updates: Keep friends and supporters engaged by adding updates.

• Thank Your Contributors: This will re-engage existing donors & attract new ones.

• Contact Local Media: After proving your ‘social equity’ reach out to local media.

• Outreach to Local Bloggers: Tell them your story.

• Take it Offline: Reach out to your community with offline fundraising efforts.

• Add a Perk: A perk can really add excitement to your campaign and give it a boost!

*GIVEAWAY*$25 donation to a lucky participants campaign.

PART 4:Post-Campaign

• Thank Everyone: Ensure people know that you appreciate their contribution.

• Provide an Update: How much did you raise? Where will the money go? How have they helped?

• Transparency: Exceed your goal - Where will the extra money will go? Didn’t meet your goal? Will you have another campaign?

• Fulfillment: If you had perks, it’s time to fill the orders.


*GIVEAWAY*$25 donation to a lucky participants campaign.

Thank you for joining our webinar!

Questions? coaching@fundrazr.com
