WAROONA AUTO Next Issue:- SERVICE CENTRE Friday, 27 … · 2020. 10. 27. · November 2020 Page 1...


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  • November 2020 Page 1


    Alcoa …proud supporters of the Drakesbrook Despatch

    Australia’s aluminium

    November 2020 Issue 127


    9733 1007

    City Discount All Mechanical Tyres Servicing

    Curtis Parker Kevin Wren Ken Hassell 25 yrs Ex 50 yrs Ex 40 yrs Ex Manager Principal Senior Fitter

    Next Issue:-Friday, 27thNovember


    WednesdayNovember 18th2020 at 12pmFor Advertising &

    Copy Please Email:drakesdespatch@

    gmail.comOur address is: 4 South

    West Highway,Waroona (PO Box 215,

    Waroona 6215)Our phone number is9733 2183, If no one

    answers the phone andyou need to leave a

    message PLEASE speakslowly and precisely sothat your message can

    be dealt with.Alternatively call either:Bev (Secretary) 0400 204

    340 or Mike (Editor)0420 567 520


  • November 2020 Page 2

    E L E C T R I C A LE C 1 1 6 2 2


    0427 664 519E: admin@robwheelerelectrical.com.au

    At Waroona Carpet Care we prideourselves on a quality service at areasonable price.

    We offer the following services

    • Hot water extraction carpet cleaning• Lounge & upholstery• Pram cleaning• After-hours business cleans• Drop off Mat/rug cleaning

    (at our residence) • Rental vacate carpet cleans

    Please follow our Facebook page

    Waroona Carpet Care for further updates

    To book call or text us on 0482 692 273

    Email waroonacarpetcare@outlook.com

  • Agricultural Society3rd Thurs—Alison Birch 9733 1092

    Central Districts Axemen’sAssociation.

    Linda Miller 9733 2098

    Community CarWaroona Resource Centre -

    9733 2545

    Coolup Craft GroupWednesdays CWA Room,

    Coolup 9530 3258

    Dam SpinnersFortnightly Craft Centre, Waroona

    Joy Jackson 9733 1810

    Lake Clifton LandcareContact: Nancy Fardin 9739 1154

    Wagerup CommunityConsultative Network

    For information contactTom Busher at Alcoa on 9733 8768

    FRAGYLEPreston Beach Hall 3rd Sat.

    Bi- Monthly Laurie Snell 9733 1219

    Community Calendar for Meetings, Church Services & Events


    9733 3057

    Ring or call at theST VINNIES SHOP

    To make an appointment forWelfare

    Lake Clifton/Herron ResidentsAssociation

    Meetings every 2nd month on the 2nd MondayContact: Jenny Rose 0428 343 028

    Waroona Historical Society3rd Thurs 4:00pm

    Debra Tyler 041 7 70 5 966

    Waroona Hamel RSLMeetings are:2nd Thursday in Feb, Apr,June, Aug (AGM), Oct,Dec.4pm Memorial Hall- all welcome

    President: Tracey FicklingPh: 0408 937 577


    South Mandurah Al-Anon GroupEvery Monday at 10am Uniting Church,

    2 Rees Place, Wannanup



    Services are held everySunday at 10:30am

    Enquiries at Parish Office9531 1248

    Seniors Recreation Councilof WA Inc - Peel Branch

    Strong on Your FeetExercise Class for SeniorsWaroona Senior Citizens Centre

    Millar Street

    Mondays 1 - 2pm, Cost $5 includesafternoon tea.

    For Further Informationplease contact: Jan McGlinn

    Ph: 9535 4749Mob: 0427 088 615

    Waroona Lions 2nd & 4th Monday—

    John Clare 0407 080 671

    First Waroona Girl GuidesSaturdays 9.30 - 11.30am

    Fouracre St.(During school terms)

    Preston Beach Progress Assoc.Quarterly Meeting,

    phone 9739 2090 for details

    Senior Citizens WelfareLast Wednesday - Jan Wood 9733 3701.

    Hall Hire: Shire Office 9733 7800


    Thatcher Street,Waroona

    Worship Services & SundaySchool

    Each Sunday at 9:30amA warm welcome is extended to all.

    Elders: Daphne BennellJennifer Turner

    Phone: 0499 859 303Minister: Rev. Robert Jetta

    Tai ChiPisconeri Hts Park

    Thursday, 9.30am – Del Leahy9733 1201

    WAROONA BUS toMandurah Forum then

    Halls Head-

    8:30 from Birch St. then 9:00am from the Waroona

    Hotel, S’West H’wayNovember 12th & 26th

    Mandurah Bus Charters9581 6555

    Waroona Creative Arts CentreArt, papercraft, multimedia,patchwork, spinning and knitting.Please contact Sarah 0408934462New members welcome


    Mass Time:Saturday at 5:00pmSundays at 8.30am

    Parish Priest: Father ConcordBagaoisan OSJ

    Mobile 0435 494 472Email:


    Coolup LCDC (Landcare)1st Monday of the monthKim Wilson 9733 2628

    Coolup CWA2nd Monday each month

    Coolup Progress Association1st Thurs of month 9:00am Coolup Hall

    Bev Alexander 0407 381 281

  • November 2020 Page 4

    Waroona Pensioner’s Social Club

    1st Wed—Dot Hansen 9733 1892


    Meetings at 7 Butler RetreatWaroona

    7 pm every 2nd FridayNeeded, prayer Warriors for our

    Nation from 2 Chronicles 7v14All welcome supper after.


    Sub Centre Opening TimesTues & Thurs

    9:00am - 12 noon,then 12:30 to 3pmPhone: 9733 2122EMERGENCY: 000


    WaroonaCommunity Market

    In the Memorial Hall

    Next Market is SundayDecember 6th

    9am - 1pm

    Bay prices are $20 andsellers can set up from

    7:00am. For moreinformation please contactBev McLean 0400 204 340or Jo Sherar 0421 113 620from the Waroona Action

    GroupFacebook - waroonacommunity market

    Congratulations to thefollowing people withBirthdays in November

    Waroona PlaygroupPlaygroup is openMon, Wed. And Thurs9-11am for children0-5yrs old

    2 Henning Street Waroona WA 6215Facebook - Waroona Playgroup 2017waroonaplaygroup@gmail.com

    Seniors News

    For Sale6 Bradford Dolls - $100 eachGeorge Foreman indoor/outdoor electric grill/ BBQ $100newShopping trolley $10Twin Reading/ embroiderylamp $502 Gollys $10 and $15 Dollcouch $30Charlie Bear $50 Rocker $30Pilot Teddy - limited edition $3070yr old English celluloid doll inown box $50Ring 0422 447 631

    Iris BlancheAnn GardnerJo EvansJoseph FiorenzaKeeley GoldsworthyOlive BellVicki LorrawayKelly Westlake

    Advertising Costs Increase

    At our last Committeemeeting we agreed on thefollowing new prices for


    Business Card or smaller $20Grayscale / $25 Colour

    6cm x 12cm $28 Grayscale /$35 Colour

    Quarter Page $40 Grayscale /$50 Colour

    Half Page $80 Grayscale .$100 Colour

    Full Page $160 Grayscale .$200 Colour

    Mike Whitney - Editor

    One Little Dot...A class was given a homework

    assignment to find out somethingexciting and relate it to the class thenext day.When the time came to present whatthey'd found, the first little boy theteacher called on walked up to thefront of the class.He picked up a piece of chalk, made asmall white dot on the blackboard andsat back down.Puzzled, the teacher asked him whatit was."It's a 'period'," he replied."I can see that," said the teacher, "butwhat is so exciting about a 'period'?""Darned if I know," said the boy, "butyesterday my sister was missing one,Mum fainted, Dad had a heart attackand the boy next door joined theNavy."

    Hello everyone, hope you are welland enjoying the warmer weather.Please make sure at the nextmeeting, either for Seniors orPensioners, that you put your namedown for our Xmas Lunch at TheDrakesbrook Motel. Looking forwardto this outing. If you are a Seniorcitizen, we are looking for newmembers. We meet at Seniors Hall inMillar Street every last Wednesday ofthe month, with the meeting startingat 1.30pm, Afternoon tea follows andthen we play Bingo, so come alongand give it a go. We’d love to see you.Kind regards, Janet Wood (Secretary)9733 3701


    Our next meeting is to be hostedby Linda Benbow at 15 ButlerRetreat on Sunday November 15at 10am. All welcome.

    WANTED TO BUYColour slide projector, preferably

    automatic feed. Please phone Margie0457 755 048.

    Please don't forget items for our Xmasraffle on the 20th November. We willhave the basket at our next meetingon the 4th November. Sandra.

    Pensioners News

  • November 2020 Page 5Waroona Veterinary Clinic News

    One of the most exciting foods westock is available from Hills PetNutrition. The diet is called Metabolic.Why is this food exciting? Well itoffers a new approach to managingoverweight dogs and cats.Traditionally weight loss foods for petshave been based on a low caloriehigh fibre formula. The idea being tomake the pet feel full while on acalorie restricted diet. This works formany animals but it often fails whenthe dog or cat is being fed extra treatsor table scraps in addition to theirweight loss diet.How is Metabolic different?Metabolic is part of the new weightloss approach called neutrigenomics.Nutrigenomics is a branch ofnutritional genomics and is the studyof the effects of foods and foodconstituents on gene expression.What has been discovered over thelast few years is that fat is ametabolically active organ. In fact, fatis now considered to be an active partof the endocrine system and hasdirect influence over the release andregulation of hormones. In obeseanimals (and people) fat becomes thelargest endocrine organ in the bodyand drives inflammatory mediators.

    Nutrigenomics and Weight Losswere not done in a controlled labsetting but in people’s homes as an inhome feeding trial. What they foundwas even with owners still feedingtreats or not following therecommendations perfectly, that thedogs involved still safely lost 28% ofbody fat and cats lost 29% body fat intwo months. In both cases it wasclinically proven that the weight lossspared lean body mass.In terms of gene expression, thestudies also showed that there was asignificant change in dogs and catsfed Metabolic. The food workednaturally to promote healthy geneexpression changes that weremeasured at 3 different phases of thestudy. By the end of the study theseanimals metabolism resembled that ofa healthy lean pet. With more than50% of our pets obese, this is verygood news.And if this all sounds wonderful, thescientists who identified theapproximately 250 genes responsiblefor obesity while working for Hills petnutrition, are now working in thehuman medical field. Soneutrigenomics based diets for peopleare closer than you think.

    So obesity is basically a chronicinflammatory condition which is badbecause it predisposes your pet to ahuge list of chronic health problemssuch as arthritis, hip dysplasia,hypertension, insulin resistance,diabetes, respiratory conditions,kidney disease and decreasedimmune function.The Metabolic diet is not a low caloriehigh fibre food. Metabolic aims tochange the metabolism of overweightpets to be more like the healthymetabolism of a lean pet. It does thisby up and down regulating genes thatare responsible for metabolism andappetite and for weight gain. So itactivates the metabolism to regulateappetite and burn fat. For pets withinefficient energy metabolism whenthey go on a diet their brain can’t tellthe difference between calorierestriction and starvation. So whatoften happens is the pet’s braindefends their fat stores by decreasingtheir metabolic rate. By usingMetabolic the obese animal’smetabolism changes to act more likethat of a lean animal.It has been clinically proven to safelyand naturally improve metabolism indogs and cats. The trials of this food


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    Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 6:00pm, Sat: 9:00am -1:00pm By Appointment Onlywww.facebook.com/waroonavet.com

  • November 2020 Page 6

    The History of Waroona Hotels - Researched by A.R.Hornanthonyhorn@bigpond.com

    Waroona originally had threefunctioning hotels: The DrakesbrookArms Hotel, The Waroona Hotel, andThe Farmer’s Arms Hotel. The originalWaroona Hotel is not the currentWaroona Hotel. This has often led tosome confusion. The hospitalityindustry in Waroona began with alicence issued to Sarah Jane Warwickin January 1897 (pg 19 PG) and itwas listed as an Eating, Boarding andLodging Licence in Drake's Brook.(Drakesbrook and Waroona wereeffectively the same place.) Allboarding houses, hotels, billiard hallsand other similar establishments hadto be licensed and are thus easy totrace in old government gazettes heldat the State Library of WesternAustralia.

    In the same year there were two morelistings; one a Wayside HouseLicence issued to William Warwick(Sarah's husband) for theDrakesbrook Arms Hotel and in thesame month there was a ProvisionalLicence issued to Alfred ThomasProut for the Drake's Brook Hotel.This Provisional licence issued toThomas Prout appears to have been

    abandoned or sold. Warwick'sDrakesbrook Arms Hotel locationremains a mystery. It was thought tohave been the one shown on an oldhand-drawn town map located west ofthe railway line on the corner of DrakeRd and McNeil Rd. This is unlikelybecause in William McNeil'sapplication he clearly stated that hishotel was there. There is no trace ofthat building today. The licence issuedto Alfred Thomas Prout is a mystery inmore ways than one - it was eitherabandoned or sold on. Oneinteresting point about Prout was thathe made a few applications for hotellicenses in the district (eg. In Yarloop,Bunbury, Drakesbrook) but nothingseemed to become of them. Hereturned to Adelaide and died

    unexpectedly in 1913. Hemay have originallyintended setting up hisDrakesbrook Hotel inFouracre St between DeHamel and Birch Streetson the original Lot 26.This is based on the factthat a one-acre block ofland, originally listed asDrakes Brook Town Lot26 registered to Prout,was confiscated by theDrakesbrook Road Boardin June 1933 for non-payment of rates - twentyyears after Prout died! Hisfamily in Adelaide maynot have been aware ofthis asset. In January1899 (pg 21 PG) WilliamWarwick's licence was

    upgraded from a Wayside HouseLicence to a Publican's Licence forthe Drakesbrook Hotel in Waroona.(Note; the hotel name has nowchanged from the Drakesbrook ArmsHotel to the Drakesbrook Hotel, thelatter being the name originallyregistered by Alfred Thomas Prout.Warwick's Drakesbrook Hotelchanged hands a few times and was

    eventually closed downleaving just two hotels inthe town The premises onwhich the DrakesbrookHotel was registered wasalways listed as belongingto Sarah Jane Warwickand not William Warwick.The first indication of alicence for the originalWaroona Hotel wasgranted to William McNeilin July 1899 and the Police

    Gazette (pg206) listed itas aProvisional Licence and then inOctober 1899 (pg 304) the licencewas upgraded to a General Publican'sLicence. About the same time DavidMcClure succeeded in obtaining aPublican's Licence for his venture, theFarmer’s Arms Hotel which waslocated at No 3 McNeil Rd. Theoriginal building still stands and isknown as Brookside House today. InMcClure's application he describedthe premise's location as Block 44Harvey*, Drakesbrook. The location isclearly evident on an early map whichlisted Waroona as being in the HarveyAgricultural District at the time. Theoriginal Waroona Hotel registered byWilliam McNeil and located on thecorner of Drake Rd and the railwayline was transferred to Hugh McNeil(possibly his son) in August 1900.Hugh then moved the business to Lot1 McNeil Rd where the cattle-yardsare located near Coronation Rd, or forthose not familiar with the area, it ison the other side of the railway linefrom the present location of the

    current Waroona Hotel. HughMcNeil's old Waroona Hotel was listedin the Post Office directory for the lasttime as a hotel in 1928. For a periodthe building was used as a boardinghouse before closing, being finallydemolished about 1967. In the meantime David McClure's Farmers ArmsHotel located at Brookside housecontinued operating for about fouryears until November 1903 when he

  • November 2020 Page 7applied to have his publican's licencetransferred to a new two storeybuilding located on lots 64 and 65Fouracre Street in the Waroona town-site. The transfer took pace in 1904and the name was altered to the NewFarmers Arms Hotel. This is wherethe current Waroona Hotel nowstands. What was unusual about thislicence transfer (or removal as it wasquaintly described) was that thepremises McClure was moving tobelonged to his opposition, namely;Hugh McNeil! - as shown in a

    following paragraph. It wasn't until twoyears later in 1906 when a widow,Sarah Agnes O'Driscoll from

    Brunswick Victoria, applied for apublican's licence to manage the samehotel. It isn't clear if her application wasimmediately successful because shedidn’t become the Farmer’s Arms Hotelpublican for another two years. In herapplication she confirmed that thepremises belonged to Hugh McNeil. Thepublican for the intervening two years(1906/07) was F. Jones. By then DavidMcClure had moved to Kalgoorlie wherehis immediate family, the McClure Bros,ran a store. After becoming the publicanfor the New Farmer's Arms Hotel in1908, Sarah O'Driscoll continued in thatrole, and apart from some adjustmentsin 1912/13, she remained the publicanuntil 1922. By then Hugh McNeil hadmarried her daughter Kathleen Mary in1914. In the following years HughMcNeil embarked on numerous hotelbusiness transactions in the South Westand only returned to Waroonapermanently in the late 1930's. In July1939 a notice appeared in the WestAustralian on July 1 indicating that theHotel was to be extensively upgradedand this was followed by a namechange. The Farmer’s Arms Hotel wasrenamed; Waroona Hotel, the nameoriginally used by William McNeil in July1899. By now it is obvious that HughMcNeil had taken over all the hoteltrade in town having previously closedthe original small Waroona Hotel on theother side of the railway line. A poignantending to the Hugh McNeil saga in thehotel trade was that he died in the

    Yarloop Hospital in 1942 at the age of72 during his tenure as publican of theWaroona Hotel and his wife KathleenMary died three weeks later.PS. It should be remembered thataddresses in or near Waroona beforethere was a local Post Office (1900)occasionally included the name of aconvenient Post Office (or AgriculturalArea) which may have been inanother town.

    Hello, my name is DominiqueMorcombe and I am pleasedto be of service to our localcommunities across WA. Iam also mobile which meansI come to you (yes anywherein Perth right through todown South) and we sittogether to go through all ofthe paperwork that requiresyour attention as well astaking the opportunity tocarry out your Identificationcheck. No need to leave yourhome or travel anywhere!The attached flyer outlinesmy range of servicesPlease phone me on

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    and that is why I make it my job to ensure that this part ofyour transaction is effortless.

    Please call Dominique on 0408 924 581 to discuss yoursettlement requirements.

  • November 2020 Page 8


    The Council of the Shire of Waroona will hold its Ordinary Council meetings on the 4th Tuesday of each month,(Unless advertised otherwise).

    Meetings will be held at the Waroona Shire Council Chambers, rear of 52 Hesse Street, Waroonacommencing at 4.00pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend.


    Waroona CRC Inc & Waroona Family Support’s priority, as always is for the wellbeing, healthand safety of our employees and clients.The Centre is taking active measures to manage COVID-19 and to protect the mostvulnerable in our community as the virus continues to spread.We want you to stay engaged with the Waroona CRC and Family Support Service through thisdifficult time, however PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND THE CENTRE IF:

    �� You have returned from overseas in the last 14 days�� You have been In contact with someone from overseas in the last 14 days�� You have had contact with someone who has tested positively for COVID-19�� You are experiencing flu-like symptoms such as Coughing, Fever, Fatigue/muscle

    aches or Shortness of breath

    Please do not be offended if you show signs of being ill and we ask you to leave the building.Ways that you can interact with our Staff apart from visiting the Centre is to contact us viatelephone or email.

    Contacts are:Waroona CRC (Mon –Thurs. 9am-4pm, Fri 9am-3pm)Telephone 9733 3011 Email: reception@waroonacrc.com.au

    Community Car bookings: 9733 2545

    Family Support Service 9733 2902 or 0490 300 994Waroona, Yarloop and Preston Beach (Mon -,Thurs) 9733 2902 orEmail: fsssupport@waroonacrc.com.au

    Harvey (M&T) St Pauls Church Young St Harvey 0490 314 466Email: fssharvey@waroonacrc.com.au

    Pinjarra (Tues) 0409 468 425Email: fsspinjarra@waroonacrc.com.au

    If numbers are engaged, please contact the Waroona CRC on 9733 3011

  • November 2020 Page 9

    Whilst the Waroona Show did notoccur on Saturday 10th October, anafternoon tea was held at theWaroona Showgrounds whereGovernment representatives, Alcoa ofAustralia,Waroona Agricultural SocietyCommittee and Life Memberscelebrated the Official Opening of twojointly funded projects, both in thevicinity of $100,000 each. An overdueextension to the administrationbuilding to coordinate the WaroonaShow and seven toilets – one family,two disabled and four unisex, will beof huge benefit for the Waroona showand the general community. Amidstlast minute exterior painting andhanging of historic photos the dayprior, the refreshed administrationbuilding looked impeccable.


    highly commended their BuildingProject Manager - Mark Winter,Maree Ellis - Grants and DonnaWalmsley - Project Coordinator andcommittee members who allcontributed substantially to theprojects.

    LIFE MEMBERSHIP TO COLLEENARCHIBALDA very special part of the afternoonwas to present a Life Membership toColleen Archibald, who commencedstewarding in the Photography sectionto follow Life Member Don Spark.Entries in that time were around100 and got up to over 500 one year.The average is about 350 entries intotal from the adult and children’ssection. Other diverse involvementhas been RSL bar, P&C gates, JuniorFooty kiosk, Murray Pony Club jumpsand novelties, assisting with the Ruralambassador, creating maps for theShow and Landcare displays.Colleen’s considered views havealways been a valued contribution tomeetings. Congratulations Colleen.

    Completion of the ablution blocklocated on the east side of theshowgrounds was also the day prior.The office extension and kitchenrenovation was jointly funded by theAlcoa Waroona SustainabilityProgram, Federal GovernmentStronger Communities Program, Shireof Waroona and the WaroonaAgricultural Society. Andrew HastieMP, Adam Gilbert - Alcoa RefineryManager, Mike Walmsley Shire ofWaroona President, and EricWalmsley Waroona Ag SocietyPresident shared in cutting a firstprize ribbon with ‘dagging’ shears –fitting with the agricultural theme. Anewly formed representative body ofthe 580 agricultural shows in Australiaknown as Agricultural Shows Australiaformed in 2019 was successful incanvassing the Federal Governmentto create a $20 million grant forshowground infrastructure upgrades.

    Chairman Dr Rob Wilsonagain cut a first prize ribbonalong with Mike Walmsley andEric Walmsley with funding forthe ablution block beingfinancially backed up also bythe Shire of Waroona and theWaroona Ag Society.Waroona Ag SocietyPresident, Eric Walmsley

    – W.A.S. President Eric Walmsley, AlcoaRefinery Manager Adam Gilbert, cutting

    the ribbon – Andrew Hastie MPrepresenting Federal Government

    Stronger Communities Grant program,Mike Walmsley President Shire of


    Mike Walmsley Shire of WaroonaPresident, Dr. Rob Wilson Chairman

    of Regional Agricultural ShowsAustralia, Eric Walmsley W.A.S.


    Waroona Agricultural Society Committee and Stewards at theOfficial opening of their new meeting room and kitchen renovation.

    Life Membership to ColleenArchibald presented by W.A.S.

    President Eric Walmsley

  • November 2020 Page 10Waroona Historical Society

    The Haub Family – The lives of those leftAs weknow,RobertPahl wassentenced to aperiod of

    incarceration at Her Majesty’sPleasure. He spent nearly 11 years injail and was released during 1929 andnearing 70 years old, went back to hisold home near Lake Clifton. Heexisted in loneliness for a time andfinally, being missed by a neighbour,his body was found in the bush not farfrom his farm at Lake Clifton in June1931. At the time of writing this, it isnot known where he was laid torest……possibly Pinjarra.Augusta Haub (Otto’s mother)For some time, Augusta had been livingin retirement in East Perth. Whilst on avisit to her daughter Lena (now Mrs. J.Williamson) in March 1938 at westWaroona, Augusta joined her son in lawon a duck shoot on a nearby lake. Whilein the middle of the lake, the boat inwhich they were sitting developed aserious leak and started to fill rapidlywith water. Whilst Mr. Williamson rowedvigorously towards the shore, Augustaattempted to bail the water out of theboat. Some distance from the bank, theboat lurched, filled with water and sankand both occupants were left standingin five feet of water.Augusta found it impossible to wade tothe shore and Mr. Williamson decidedto head for the bank where animprovised raft was moored. With theassistance of Lena, Mr. Williamsonreturned to assist Augusta and lifted heronto the raft. As they were making theirway to the shore Augusta’s head sank,but she informed Lena that it was justa temporary weakness and wouldquickly pass. When the shore wasreached, Augusta was found to beunconscious and she was taken intoWaroona, but by the time a doctorarrived Augusta had passed away.Augusta’s memorial is at theDrakesbrook Cemetery.Beatrice Kathleen Haub (Otto’s wife)In 1922 Beatrice Haub married WalterJames Marsh of Pinjarra. They went onto have at least 5 children. Tragedystruck Beatrice once again - herdaughter Margaret Kathleen Marsh wasbadly burnt on 26 August 1932 whenher clothing caught fire from a coalwhich had fallen out of the fire.Margaret was not taken to hospital until30 August and her conditiondeteriorated and she died on 19

    alleged habitual drunkenness and non-support, when she applied for divorcein 1925. In 1945 Millicent marriedWilliam John Taylor in Newtown theyhad five children. Millicent’s memorialis at Woronora Memorial Park, NewSouth Wales.

    Photo courtesy of Leanne Potter

    This is the final chapter in the story. Wehope you have enjoyed reading thechapters each month. Hopefully nextyear we will have another local familyto focus on.

    September in Pinjarra Hospital. Anenquiry found she died from toxaemiaresulting from septic infection from theburns. A verdict of accidental deathwas delivered at a coronial inquest.In 1942 son Robert Walter Marsh, aged20 years – POW Changi - died fromwounds and was buried at Karanji WarC e m e t e r ySingapore. Onenight in 1947 afterarriving home fromwork and havingdinner as usual,Walter Marshpacked his bags,gave Beatrice £2and walked out oftheir house andher life. Beatriceobtained a divorcefrom Marsh in 1952claiming 5 years ofseparation. In 1959,Beatrice marriedPercy George Palmer. Beatrice died inJune 1992 and is buried at MidlandCemetery, she was 91 years old.Millicent Adele Haub (Otto’sdaughter)After Beatrice Haub’s marriage toWalter Marsh, Millicent, took on thesurname of her mother’s new husband,but also kept her birth surname of Haub– she was then known as MillicentHaub-Marsh.Little is known about Millicent’s earlylife in Western Australia, but it isbelieved in 1943 she was listed as anurse at Wee Waa District Hospital inNSW. In the same year, Millicent, then23 years old, married Oliver BedeWaddell, a bricklayer. Oliver was 24years older than Millicent and had beenmarried previously. Within two days oftheir marriage, Oliver had begunrepeatedly assaulting and beatingMillicent after coming home drunk. Itwas two years until Millicent could tellher story in court after repeatedlyhaving her husband before theNewtown Court for assault andapprehended violence. In August 1944she told a Judge she could not countthe black eyes, the times her mouthwas punched until it ran blood and thenumber of kicks he dealt out to her.“Waddell would floor her with a punchand then put in the boot,” she said. Veryoften she used to spend the night in anouthouse. Millicent was to undergo aserious operation - a result of hersufferings, and for that reason herpetition was given priority. Oliver’sformer wife, Clara Ann Waddell also






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    50 YEARSAGO, THISMONTH –NOVEMBER1970 WaroonaLions vote and

    decide on getting name badges forthemselves. Known affectionately as“dinner plates”, they were plain whiteat first (like the one on Larry Scott inthe picture) and changed to the purpleand gold one, that we have now, inlater years.40 YEARS AGO, NOVEMBER 1980Work starts on what will eventually bethe man-made sandy beachswimming area at Drakesbrook Weir,which the Waroona Lions Club initiallywanted called “Lions’ Park”

    Man Made Beach at Drakesbrook Weir

    30 YEARS AGO, NOVEMBER 1990Waroona Lions have a really good gettogether night with Pinjarra Lions.District Governor Clive Reid alsoattends.

    20 YEARS AGO TODAY, NOVEMBER2000Lion John Hill receives the prestigiousaward of Lion International Effort WithMembership for his proactive endeavours torecruit new members.

    Lion Larry Scott stillwears the Original White

    Waroona Lions Badge

    DG Clive Reid

    John Hill

    10 YEARS AGO TODAY, NOVEMBER 2010The 4th year of Waroona Lions Driver Educationprogram takes part at the old Iluka mine site,(formerly Waroona Speedway) with 12participants. Lions Andrew “General” Paton,Kevin “Obi” O’Brien and Dom Della Francacook the barbecue for them afterwards

    Drivers Education SessionBBQ


  • November 2020 Page 12

    IN THE LION’S DENWe’re Back! If onlyin a small way,anyway. In October,our members wereinvolved in 4

    different events, the most that we’vebeen able to do since Covid-19started. First of all, at the end ofSeptember, on the 28th, our twointrepid train drivers, Lions DennisHindle and Alan Lochowicz, took ourtrain out to the Pinjarra Trots for theday and a splendid time was had byall. Then on Tuesday 13th October, weprepared and served lunch to theSouth West Bike Trek for Children’sLeukaemia riders. It was a goodturnout this year, with some 15 or so

    cyclists and some of the guys, whohad been doing it since the beginning,told us that we had been providinglunch for this event for 16 yearsrunning!! Quite an achievement.Secretary Matt Della Francapresented our cheque for $500 toTeam Leader Eric Maddox. Thanks toLion Rose Reynolds Davis for puttingthe fruit platters together and preprepping the rest of the grub andthanks to Lions Mike Whitney, Eric"Roodog” Bennett and Matt DellaFranca for making the sandwiches.On Thursday 15th October, I had theenormous pleasure of takingpart in my first ever LionsEye Health school children's

    eye testing at Leeming PrimarySchool, with the amazing Welch AlynSpot Vision camera, which can checka child's eyes for defects in an instant.It was really enjoyable and exactlywhat the Lions are really all about - atthe coalface, serving the community.Six different Lions Clubs wererepresented in the team - Armadale,Baldivis, Boddington, Gosnells,Leeming and Waroona, from whom,Lion Matt Della Franca also took part.Both Matt and I are fully trained nowand maybe we can be of service tothe two Waroona Schools next.

    The Bike Trek Cyclists

    Having Lunch

    Secretary Lion Mattpresents the cheque

    Leeming Primary School Eye Testing

    Finally, it was our lastwood raffle of the seasonon Saturday 17th October,outside of IGA. With 3 of our keyfund-raising events cancelled, due toCovid-19 (Monster Auction, VintageMachinery Rally and WaroonaShow), the wood raffles have beenour saving grace. We had to cancelthe June one due to Covid but theothers have performed well. Thankyou to the Waroona Community foryour never-ending support. Wewould also like to say a HUGETHANK YOU to our 2 Lions WoodRaffles Team Leaders - Lion FrankPisconeri and his off-sider, Lion AlanLochowicz. Great work gentlemen!We have quite a few things comingup in November. On Sunday 1st, wewill be supporting the WaroonaCommunity Markets, as always withour BBQ trailer. On Saturday 7thNovember, in the daytime, we willhave a BBQ outside of WaroonaMitre 10 for their official grand re-opening. On Saturday November14th, we have a new event calledLap The Map to raise funds for theAustralian Lions DiabetesFoundation (See advert elsewhere in

    this publication) and we are alsotalking to IGA about having regularfortnightly sausage sizzles onSaturdays there, as well. And finally,we will be opening Jim’s Kitchen andselling food at the John Butler concerton the Oval on Saturday 21stNovember. Phew! Talk about makingup for lost time. Finally, although Ijumped the gun and put an ad onFacebook, the Community ChristmasGala Night could be in jeopardy thisyear as well, due to lack of funding.Watch this space!

    AND DON’T FORGET, WEARE ALWAYS LOOKING FORNEW MEMBERS FOR THELIONS. Contact me, JohnClare on 0407 080 671 orSecretary Kirsten Goode onwaroona.wa@lions.org.auAND DON’T FORGET THAT IFYOU WANT TO HIRE OURMOBILE COOLER TRAILER,Contact Lion Wookie Davis

  • November 2020 Page 13

    LAP THE MAPRaise awareness and funds for

    World Diabetes Day.On Saturday November 14th

    donate a gold coin, get your friends andfamily to sponsor you and walk together

    with those seeking a solution.All funds raised will go towards

    prevention,awareness, and research in the fight

    against diabetes.CONTACT LION JOHN CLARE on

    0407 080 671OR leo.chairman201w2@gmail.com

    For a Registration form andSponsorship form


    Leos NewsThe LEOs arealso gearing upfor a renewedperiod of activity.On SaturdayOctober 3rd, they

    cooked the sausage sizzle forRecFishWest’s “TroutFest” atDrakesbrook Weir for the 4th yearrunning. The number of attendeeswas down this year on previous years,maybe because they moved it fromtheir usual September date to Octoberand it was school holidays, so a fairfew people had probably gone away.Thanks to LEOs Mikaylee, Morgan,Lily and Courtney (all thegirls!) and future LEO, Rubywho helped and kind of tookover! Obviously, a futureLeader!! They are also nowfully accredited to collectempty cans and bottles, aspart of the State ContainerDeposit Scheme, so if you’dlike to donate your cans andbottles to the LEOs, so thatthey can have the cashto go towards futureCommunity projects, justtake them down to thecollection point, next tothe Footy Club canteen,every Wednesday andSaturday from 9 to 1 andquote the LEOs Accountnumber of C10266715.On Saturday 7thNovember,about 6 or 7 ofthem are goingup toBoddington, tohelp theBoddingtonLions with theirhuge annualrodeo. TheBoddingtonguys alwaysneed as muchhelp as theycan get,because it issuch a bigevent and theyonly have 10members, sothe LEOs aremanning thegates andgiving carparkingdirections.They have alsopledged their

    support again for the WaroonaChristmas Lights Project, which theyhave been involved with, as a partnerwith Alcoa, from the beginning. Theyare donating another $1000 and thisyear, Phase 3, will concentrate onCentennial Park with some giantangels and baubles. Then in January,they will be an integral part of the firstever District LEOs Conference for 3days during the school holidays onJanuary 18th, 19th and 20th at MyalupPines Cottages, when (hopefully) all 6LEO Clubs in the region, will gettogether for some training workshops,fun activity, including a morning at thebeach and other events. President


    Leos at Troutfest

    Part of the crowd at Troutfest

  • November 2020 Page 14Quambie Park Team 2 wins Peel Aged Care Games 2020 Champion Team

    Peel Livelighter Aged Care Games2020 were held at the MurrayRecreation & Aquatic Centre onWednesday 13th October. TheLivelighter Aged Care Games areheld each year throughout the State,organised by the Seniors RecreationCouncil of WA Inc. Peel Branch ofSRCWA conduct their Peel AgedCare Games each year on a rotationalbasis throughout the Peel Region. MPRobyn Clarke officially opened the

    Games after being welcomed bySRCWA President Phil Padden, CEODawn Yates and Peel BranchPresident Jan McGlinn OAM..Alcoa volunteers were thanked onceagain for helping out with the PeelGames during their October Month ofService, as were all other volunteersfrom SRCWA and the Peel Branch. Sixteams competed in the Games with thefollowing results: Gold, Silver andBronze medals were presented to 1st,

    2nd and 3rd place team members andall competitors from all participatingteams received Participation Medals.The Perpetual Trophy was presentedto the Champion Team along with areplica to keep.Best Presented Team – Mad HattersTea Party –Winners – Quambie Park Team 2 -Score 315Second Place – Bedingfeld - Score310Third Place – Quambie Park Team 1 -Score 287Oldest participant was May Elvard,100 years young - BedingfeldBest Presented Team – Mad HattersTea Party – Baptistcare Graceford

    Waroona Playgroup

    Term 4 Fun!!Spring has finallysprung! We havea jam packed term4 planned for all

    our members, the sun is shining and ouramazing playground is the perfect placeto bring the children for a play. Below isa list of events and activities planned forNovember;

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    We’re so excited to be able to offerthese incredible events for you like thedisco and PANDA week mothersceremony/morning tea, PANDA orPerinatal Anxiety and DepressionAustralia. We would not be able tocomplete events like this if it wasn’t forgrants available, support from ourcommunity and our members. We willbe looking to fill committee positionssoon for our 2021 year and call for allpeople interested to get in touch with usso we can lock in a date for our AGM.Playgroup is open Monday, Wednesdayand Thursday from 9am to 11am. It’s afantastic facility for parents,grandparents and carers to besupported and connect whilst they bringchildren to play, learn, interact andgrow. We have indoor and outdooractivities as well as coordinate craft andother sensory activities. For moreinformation, follow Waroona PlaygroupInc. on Facebook or emailwaroonaplaygroup@gmail.com Bringalong a piece of fruit to share and we’llsee you at 2 Henning Street.Your committee – President - HayleyLewkowski, Vice President – Ali August,Treasurer – Sarah Rozman, Secretary– Jayne De Rosa, Committee Helpers– Jessie Kelly & Sharni Silvestri.

  • November 2020 Page 15Coral’s Charity Crafters

    Our numbers aregrowing and on 24thSeptember therewere twelve ladiesbusy at the tables –and it is lovely to

    welcome Helen to our group. Thankyou to Joy for the yarn, and for abeanie which will go to ArmadaleHospital for Radio Lollipop. Anotherthank you to Margaret for a donationof yarns. Our ‘other’ Joy is workingon covering coat hangers. Polly has 2crib blankets, 1 cat, 1 bear, 1teddy/fox and 1 rabbit which will go toArmadale Hospital. Mavis is enjoyingthe social get together and keeping intouch. She had also received a cardfrom Mona in New Zealand. Glenda isnow back near her mother and Monaapparently now has a budgie.Barbara has 2 pairs of bootees & onejacket, two 45cm crib blankets forKEMH and one crochet rug inDockers colours for Bunbury RegionalHospital. Helen is working on aknitted rug. Nola is continuing on withher baby rugs. Judy has sent 4crochet-top hand towels and 4 facewashers to Pam Corker who nowhave a fundraising shop in thebuilding foyer. The shop also hascraft items and home-made jams andwill welcome any contributions ofsuitable saleable items to assist withfund raising. Pam has completedher Fan & Feather rug which went toPam Corker and is busy working onanother one. Ella has 5 sets ofbeanies/bootees for KEMH and 4colouring books & pencils plus pencilsharpeners for Radio Lollipop.Brenda 3 bonnets and a pair ofbootees for KEMH. Christine acrochet 45cm crib rug for Armadaleand 1 x 36inch rug for KEMH. Coral

    Polly, Brenda and Christine will sewup the bonnets and Jane will sew upthe chevron strips. From CarolFerguson and her sister, 8 knittedblankets – 3 to Pam Corker and 5 forPeel Health Mandurah. Friends ofPeel Health are holding an afternoontea on Thursday 19th November at2pm to thank volunteers and BunburyRegional are holding their annualDonors morning tea on Monday 23November, 10am at Dalyellup. Ourcharity crafters Christmas morning teawill be on Thursday 3rd Decemberand this will be a combined morningtea with the Book Club. Crafters willattend 10am as usual. It is anticipatedthat morning tea will be approximately11.15am and finished in time for BookClub to begin at 12 noon. Nextcrafters dates: Thursday 5th & 19thNovember followed by end of yearwind up on 3rd December. Keep welleveryone & stay safe.

    12 beanies for Bunbury Regional, acollection of 24 tree-house books plus12 Tree House books from her grand-daughter, 2 doll size bibs, a beanie andpr. of tiny shoes for Armadale Hospital.Coral also delighted in reading an itemfrom Summertime Fun, a story calledPenny the Paper written by her grand-daughter about a school visit to a paperrecycling plant. John stopped by andupdated the group about the conceptplan to rebuild the Yarloop Workshops,and also said that next year it will be150 years since Western Australia’s firststeam engine - the Ballarat, worked inBusselton. On 8th October with tenladies present, we learned of the sadloss of Margaret Gumbrill who was anactive member of the knitting group formany years. Our sympathy to family andfriends. Coral had 9 beanies forBunbury Regional and 24 Little TreeHouse books for Radio Lollipop. Brenda4 Dude dolls for Peel Health and 2 setsbeanies/bootees for KEMH. Christine 2crochet beanies for KEMH and 1 x 45cmcrib blanket for Armadale. Poly 1crochet 45cm crib blanket for Armadale,1 small bag for Radio Lollipop and 1dog, 1 girl and 1 ‘cute’ doll for PeelHealth. Pam a multicolour knee rug forPam Corker, Nola has completed her29th baby rug so far this year, 6 areready for KEMH and Nola is nowthinking about a different project. Helenis working on a pink rug, and alsobrought a donation of yarn from herdaughter-in-law which is muchappreciated. Barbara 1 x 45cm crib rugfor Armadale, 1 jacket with beanie, 1jacket and 1 pr. bootees for KEMH and1 knee rug for Pam Corker. A big thankyou for the following donations: 7beanies – 2 will go to Radio Lollipop and5 to Bunbury Regional, 16 bonnets and3prs bootees from a lady in Perth.

    Waroona Public Library - Book of the MonthThe brilliant andexplosive newnovel from theauthor of theaward-winning TheMuseum ofModern Love.Why is a massivebridge being built

    to connect the sleepy island of Brunywith the mainland of Tasmania? Andwhy have terrorists blown it up? Whenthe Bruny bridge is bombed, UNtroubleshooter Astrid Coleman agreesto return home to help her brotherbefore an upcoming election. But thisis no simple task. Her brother and

    sister are on either side of politics, thecommunity is full of conspiracytheories, her mother is fading and herfather is quoting Shakespeare. Only onBruny does the world seem sane. UntilAstrid discovers how far thegovernment is willing to go. Bruny is asearing, subversive novel about family,love, loyalty and the new world order.It is a gripping thriller with a jaw-dropping twist, a love story, a cry fromthe heart and a fiercely entertainingand crucial work of imagination thatasks the burning question: what wouldyou do to protect the place you love?We have Received Our BookExchange. Come and see the greatnew authors and lots of old favorites.

    Waroona Creative Arts GroupHello everyone – it wasa very different Octoberfor us this year withoutthe Waroona Show.Although we

    understand and concur completelywith the reasoning behind thecancelling of the Show, we missedthis important event. Many of ourmembers put craft items in the MainHall and many of us work asstewards, so we missed it immensely.Hopefully things will be back to normalnext year.Let me tell you about Wednesdays atthe Creative Arts Centre. Eachfortnight the quilting and patchworkpeople meet to sew, share ideas andchat. Some patch-workers are doing amystery quilt and some are preparingspecial gifts for grandchildren andgreat grandchildren. There is a sparesewing machine if anyone whodoesn’t have a machine, wants tocome along and have a go.The alternative Wednesday isspinning day. These Wednesdays arebecoming very lively. Most peoplebring their own spinning wheel andspin wool while chatting about knitting,crocheting and felting. We have aspare spinning wheel if anyone wantsto learn to spin.Some people, let’s call them textileartists, come every Wednesday andeither patchwork or spin. Of courseanyone can come on a Wednesdayand do any type of craft or art. We areopen 10am to 2pm and we are on thecorner of Henning and EastcottStreets. We’d love to see you there.

  • November 2020 Page 16







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  • November 2020 Page 17

  • November 2020 Page 18

    New ways toshop with us!

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  • November 2020 Page 19

  • November 2020 Page 20

  • November 2020 Page 21

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    Sea to Scarp Natural Therapies8 South West Highway Waroona.

    We have been helping people for over 17 years and wewould like everyone to know we are still here to help.

    Things might look a bit different with social distancing andour number has changed but everything else is as it's

    always been.Our new number is 0439 331 122

    and you can call or text. Thank you for your continuedsupport.

    See you soon Amanda and Sue Wright.

  • November 2020 Page 22

    Are you a traceability ace?Stock traceability is the first step in good biosecurity and is a key part ofeveryday sound farm management practices. Traceability is essential tomaintain access to export markets and for food safety. It allows stock to betraced for disease or residue purposes and deters stock theft.

    How are animals traced?If you own cattle or other livestock, you must register as an owner of livestock,identify stock correctly, obtain a property identification code (PIC) for eachproperty where you keep them and record movements to your property on theNational Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database. Cattle must have aregistered identifier (brand and/or earmark) and an NLIS electronic device thatenables animals to be tracked from property of birth to slaughter or export.

    Are your cattle registered to your property?The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) findthat half of all traceability non-compliance issues involve cattle that are notregistered to the PIC they are leaving from. This breaks our traceability chain, isa potential biosecurity and market risk and can also hold up processing at theabattoir.

    Don’t get caught out!Now - and not when loading the truck - is the time to check that your cattle areregistered to your property by using an NLIS scanner. Scan the tags and DPIRDcan assist you to run a check on the NLIS database and to update any missingmovements. If you do not have a scanner, they are easy to use and available toloan from Waroona and Harvey Community Resource Centres or by contacting1300 WA NLIS (1300 926 547), or email nlis@dpird.wa.gov.au. Furtherinformation is available on agric.wa.gov.au/livestock-movement-ID

    • Venison for dinner again? Oh, deer!• How does Moses make tea?Hebrews it.• England has no kidney bank, but itdoes have a Liverpool.• I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.• They told me I had type-A blood, butit was a typo.• I changed my iPod's name to Titanic.It's syncing now.• Jokes about German sausage arethe wurst.• I know a guy who's addicted to brakefluid, but he says he can stop any time.• I stayed up all night to see where thesun went, and then it dawned on me.• This girl said she recognized me fromthe vegetarian club, but I'd never metherbivore.• When chemists die, they barium.• I'm reading a book about anti-gravity.I just can't put it down.• I did a theatrical performance aboutpuns. It was a play on words.• I didn't like my beard at first.Then itgrew on me.• Did you hear about the cross-eyedteacher who lost her job because shecouldn't control her pupils?• When you get a bladder infection,urine trouble.• Broken pencils are pointless.• What do you call a dinosaur with anextensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.• I dropped out of communism classbecause of lousy Marx.• I got a job at a bakery because Ikneaded dough.• Velcro - what a rip off!• Don’t worry about old age; it doesn’tlast too long !

    If you love words you are aLexophile

    Here are Examples ofLexophile Humour

    British HumourIn the UK, some supermarkets haveadmitted that there is horse meat intheir home cooked burgers.Even places like Burger King havehad to admit that there are "smallamounts" of horse meat in theirburgers.Tesco is a big supermarket chain inthe UK. Within hours of the news thatTesco's 'all beef hamburgers'contained 30% horse meat, thefollowing quips hit the Internet:I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse. Iguess Tesco just listened!Anyone want a burger from Tesco?Yay or neigh?Not entirely sure how Tesco is goingto get over this hurdle.

    Had some burgers from Tesco forsupper last night.I still have a bit between my teeth.A woman has been taken into hospitalafter eating horse meat burgers fromTesco. Her condition is listed asstable.Tesco are now testing all theirvegetarian burgers for traces ofunicorn."I've just checked the Tesco burgersin my freezer ... "AND THEY'REOFF!"Tesco is now forced to deny thepresence of zebra in burgers, asshoppers confuse barcodes forserving suggestions.

    I said to my spouse, "These Tescoburgers give me the trots..."To beef or not to beef, that isequestrian".....I hear the smaller version of thoseTesco burgers make great horsed'oeuvres.These Tesco burger jokes are goingon a bit. Talk about flogging a deadhorse.Since they're selling the meatwrapped in plastic, is that technicallya "Trojan Horse?"Instead of choosing "rare, medium orwell done, it's now Win, Place orShow"At first, I thought, "Oh great, I've beensaddled with another email to forward,but something spurred me on."

  • November 2020 Page 23Peel Harvey Biosecurity Group

    For bookings Ph: 9733 1254 or viaFACEBOOK

    2/61 South Western Highway, Waroonasandra@wisebotanicals.com.au

    Find us on Facebook and Instagram

    Weed ID and Advice Workshop proves popularSo popular wasthe Weed ID andAdvice Workshop,

    two sessions were run instead of justthe one that had been originallyplanned. Over 70 people attendedacross the two sessions, with a totalof 150 weed samples brought in toidentify and discuss. The PHBGwelcomed back, weed experts GregKeighery, Order of Australia recipient,and Principle Ecologist AndrewMitchell to host the workshops. Theworkshop was informative andinteractive with many attendeesproviding feedback that theworkshops increased their knowledgeof weed identification and control.Attendee, Ms Mcarthur wrote after theworkshop, ‘Thank you so much fororganising it, such knowledgeablepresenters - so much to learn!’Another attendee wrote, ‘Veryinformative and such a mountain ofknowledge. Many thanks to allinvolved’. A large number of Shire ofSerpentine/Jarrahdale grounds crewattended and the officers had manyquestions about the plants they comeacross in their day to day work. Allattendees received the perfectcompanion to weed ID and control inthe form of the Southern Weeds and

    their Control booklet. Correctidentification of weeds is the first stepin effective control. The take homeresource provided at the workshopdescribed both physical and chemicalcontrol options. Many common weedsmade an appearance on the day withlots of different samples from theoxalis, erodium and sow thistlegroups. There were also unfamiliarsamples, like the asparagus samplethat was declared, the highly invasiveblack flag with its tiny corms ready tospread. Attendees discussed thegrowing threat from Euphorbia whichis starting to become more commonon roadsides and can cause seriousallergic reactions. There was even aplant that the experts couldn’t identifyand it was takenhome for furtherstudy. ‘The firststep in weedcontrol is correctidentification -knowing whichweed you’redealing with helpsdirect control to themost effectivemethod. At ourworkshop over80% of attendees

    said they would be more confidentidentifying weeds going forward,’ saidweed education officer, Teele Hooper-Worrell. ‘The intention of hosting ourworkshops is to upskill our communityin weed identification, leading to moresuccessful weed control. It’s a greatfeeling seeing how popular andsuccessful the workshop was and thePHBG look forward to hosting moreworkshops like this one in 2021,’ saidMs Hooper-Worrell. The next WeedID and Advice workshop is plannedfor early 2021 in Harvey. Landholderswho want to be kept up to date withupcoming events are encouraged tofollow the PHBG Facebook page orsign up to the PHBG quarterly e-newsletter by emailingmedia@phbg.org.

    Presenters Andrew Mitchell and GregKeighery discuss weed samples brought

    in by attendees'

  • November 2020 Page 24“Using the innate wisdom of plant medicine to nourish and nurture

    I’m reading the mostwonderful book atthe moment,“Breath; The New

    Science of a Lost Art”, by JamesNestor. My August article for theDrakesbrook Despatch if you recall,was on stress, and I have writtenabout it here before. There is somuch we can do to assist ourselves inreducing and controlling stress and thedisease outcomes as a direct orindirect result of stress. Recently inAugust of this year, I completed ateaching course in meditation andbreathwork in the beautiful Perth hillsof Kalamunda. The course wasfacilitated by a naturopathic coachspecialising in cancer and stress. Hesteered me towards many of the mostexciting, compassionate and groundedmediation experts, brain researchers,quantum medical practitioners,biochemists and breathworkfacilitators and more. Of course, thishas led me down the proverbialgarden path so to speak and since, Ihave discovered more and morepractitioners within this expansive fieldof health. James Nestor, the author ofBreath was one the authors that I hadbeen introduced to. This is a mustread. If you are a chronic mouthbreather, if you experience sleepapnoea, if you experience repeatedsinus infections, if you snore, if youcan’t chew with your mouth closed, ifyou cannot exercise with your mouthclosed, if you eat a diet of soft, refinedmushy foods, if you have teethcrowding, if you experience respiratorydisease and I could go on, then thisbook is for you. James Nestor is ajournalist who has travelled the worldtrying to figure out why humans havelost the ability to breathe correctly andthe terrible consequences as a result.Modern research shows us that bymaking the smallest adjustments tothe way we inhale and exhale we canhave the most tremendously positiveoutcomes for our health. In the book,James, along with another participant,participated in a research trial of 20days where they had to breathethrough their mouth only (noses areplugged for 10 days) during phase 1and then 10 days of nasal breathing(mouths are closed with tape duringsleep) during phase 2. During the 20days they must sleep, eat, exerciseand monitor their health daily whilstonly nasal or mouth breathing. Theymust also participate in breathingexercises during phase 2, nasal breathstage. Numerous tests wereperformed at Stanford University;

    getting to know me; the I AM. Istarted to pay attention to the cuesthat came my way from everywhere.Meditation was the key for me. Ibegan to meditate daily. At first for 10minutes, then 20 minutes, slowly,piece by piece all the pieces of thepuzzle began to fall into place. Istarted to practice yoga daily. I chosenot to compromise on daily walks innature (at that time I was still runningbut I don’t practice running anymoredue to the physical stress it causesmy body) and I paid more attention towhat foods I ate. This quieter modeof being, allowed room and space toenter my head space. From there Iwas able to navigate my thoughtsmore coherently, I was able topractice a thank you ritual which Ishare with many of my clients. Ilearnt this technique when I wasstudying flower essence therapy backin the late 90’s. This technique canbe very powerful; essentially, wethank the situation or story line forcoming to our attention. Thank youfor alerting me, but not now thankyou, not now. Right now, I am inperfect time, in perfect space and inperfect harmony. So not now thankyou, not now. There is a little more toit than that but basically, you’reacknowledging the situation, theanguish, the rage, the frustration etcbut you don’t engage with it. Youdon’t pay it any attention. You’vealerted the ego to the fact that yes,you know the story line is there, youacknowledge it but that is all you areoffering it. When you are able to dothat, it takes the edge off of the dramaand the perceived importance of it.You make room for more, you allowthe presence of calm to enter, youallow more nourishing thoughts toenter. Having a daily practice ofmeditation, breathwork, prayer, yogaor something which gives you a senseof calm can be liberating to yourhealth. Since breath is free to everyhuman on this planet and it is a basicphysiological function could it bepossible for you to never breathe thesame again and discover a healthier,rejuvenated and happier you?Please go tohttps://www.mrjamesnestor.com/breath for more information on JamesNestor’s work. Yours in health andwellbeing Sandra @Wise BotanicalsThe information in this article is foreducational purposes only and allreaders understand that allinformation within does not in any waydiagnose, treat, cure or prevent anymedical condition.

    blood gases, inflammatory markers,hormone levels, smell, rhinometry,pulmonary function, X-Rays and moreat the onset of the trial, the turnovermark and at the conclusion. We readhow painful it was for James to movethrough phase 1 and we are witness tohow his health deteriorates withinhours of his nose being plugged.Likewise, we journey with him duringphase 2 (nasal breathing) as his healthimproves almost to miraculous highs.It was a fascinating journey and Ipromise you; you will be transformedby the information that’s in this book.Following on from James and theinformation in Breath, it only madesense for me to continue on this trail. Icame across the work of Dr EdithUbuntu Chan a Harvard graduate inApplied mathematics who during aQiGong class had a profoundmeditative experience; “In onemoment, I was peacefully following aguided meditation, in the next moment,suddenly I experienced myselfBURSTING into Infinite pieces ofLOVE and LIGHT……….Theexperience was so intensely Blissful ~so profoundly Beautiful ~ sooverflowing in Love...  I had noreference point for anything like this.All I knew was... I was HOME. “http://www.dredithubuntu.com/meet-dr-e.html Dr E as she is affectionatelycalled also talks about the importanceof air quality. We know how importantgood nutrition is, we also know howimportant good quality hydration is toour well-being but do we recognise theimportance of the quality of air weinhale, the amount we inhale and alsothe amount of carbon dioxide weexhale? You might be surprised tolearn of carbon dioxide’s role in weightloss. Each exhale of carbon dioxidehas weight. The body just doesn’t loseweight via exercise burning off fat andless calories in, but more throughexhaled breath. Carbon dioxide mixedwith water vapour accounts for eightand half out of ten pounds of fat lossvia exhalation, the rest is sweated orurinated out. It would pay to slow thebreath down and increase ourexhalations via nasal breathing, I think.As I was studying Homeopathy,nutrition and naturopathy between2009 and 2015 I experienced what Inow know to be mild bouts of anxiety.I was also pulled into a mild depressedstate. It confused me. It scared me.Synchronicity turned up the volume forme during this time in the form ofmeditation yoga, breath work, quantumhealing, nature-practises that directedmy attention inwards, introspection,

  • November 2020 Page 25

  • November 2020 Page 26

    Consumer Protection Level 8, 61 Victoria St Bunbury WA 6230 PO Box 1747 Bunbury WA 6231 T: 9722 2888Fax: 9791 2263 Email. anneta.bellingeri@dmirs.wa.gov.au www.dmirs.wa.gov.au www.wa.gov.au

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    Check and compare when grocery shoppingWith many people experiencingfinancial hardship due to the COVID-19coronavirus pandemic, one wayconsumers can save money is bychecking and comparing unit priceswhen grocery shopping. Unit pricingshows consumers the value of groceryproducts as a cost per standard unit ofmeasurement on shelf labels. Largegrocery stores and some online groceryretailers must display the unit pricewhen selling packaged food and othergrocery products, such as bread, eggs,fruit and vegetables and toilet paper.This can be helpful for consumers tocheck and compare the unit price of anitem to see if a product is right for theircircumstances. Ask yourself whether abig pack of cereal would be more cost

    effective for your family than a smallpack. With unit pricing on shelf labels,or when shopping online, you canquickly and easily compare the valuefor money of different package sizesand select the one that best fits yourbudget and needs. Keep these money-saving tips in mind for your next groceryshop:1. The unit price of large packs isusually – but not always – lower thansmall or medium size packs, so it paysto check.2, Avoid buying a bigger pack if it’slikely to go to waste.3. Compare the unit price of differentsizes of the same brand’s product, aswell as different brands of the sameproduct.

    4. Look out for special offers whichmight temporarily have the lowest unitprice.5. If a product is available loose orpre-packaged, check the unit price ofboth.6. Compare unit prices in different partsof the supermarket - the same productmay be sold in different sections, eg.cheese, meats, seafood, nuts, fruit andvegetables.

    For more information on unit pricingand how the Unit Pricing Code visit theAustralian Competition and ConsumerCommission’s website:www.accc.gov.au/consumers/groceries/grocery-unit-prices

    Rent scams on the riseThere’s a lot to weigh-up whenhunting for a rental home, such asyour budget and the location, but oneimportant thing to investigate iswhether the property is actuallyavailable. Scammers are takingadvantage of WA’s tight rental marketby posting fake adverts, or respondingto ‘rental wanted’ posts, on classifiedsites and pretending to be landlordswith vacant homes for lease. WAScamNet is aware of nine victims whohave lost more than $27,060 to rental

    scams in the first nine months of thisyear – a whopping 320 per centincrease on 2019’s figures, when fourvictims lost $6,440 in the whole 12month period. The scam works likethis: the hopeful tenant is sentpictures of the property and answersa few questions, before beinginformed that they are the successfulapplicant. They are even invited todrive-by the property to view itexternally, but excuses such asCOVID-19 or the owner beingoverseas are provided as to why theycan’t go inside at his point in time.Then the money-grab begins – inorder to ‘secure’ the property, thevictim is told they need to pay thebond and rent upfront via banktransfer. A time is then arranged tomeet at the property to receive the

    keys and that’s when the penny dropsthat it’s a scam. The property is eitheroccupied, not available, or is in-factfor sale instead of being available torent.How to protect yourself:1. Be suspicious of properties beingrented for well below the currentrental value.2. Never solely rely on photos beingprovided to you – do a reverse imagesearch to see if they have been usedpreviously.3. Search the address given online tosee if the property is listed by adifferent agency.4. Only deal with landlords you canmeet face-to-face or go through aregistered real estate agent orproperty manager.5. Never hand over money until youhave inspected the property andcompleted a rental agreement (lease).6. Get confirmation that any bond hasbeen lodged.7. Know your rights as a tenant.Information can be found here on theConsumer Protection website -www.commerce.wa.gov.au/consumer-protection/renting-homeIf in doubt – contact WA ScamNet on

    1300 30 40 54.

  • November 2020 Page 27


    FOR WAROONAOn 1 October, the State Government launched its Containers for Change deposit scheme which allows eligiblecontainers to be exchanged at approved refund points for 10 cents each. At its September meeting, Councilapproved an application for a mobile deposit service to run out of the Waroona town site allowing local residentsand community organisations direct access to the scheme. Community Recycling WA, the approved applicant, willprovide a mobile refund point 8 hours per week near Memorial Hall; Wednesday mornings from 9.00am to 1.00 pmand Saturdays from 8.00am to 12.00pm. “Having a local point to exchange containers will help increase recyclingrates and reduce litter, said Shire President Mike Walmsley The scheme will benefit kids looking to save money andcommunity groups who can fundraise through Containers for Change”. The scheme is coordinated by WA ReturnRecycle Renew LTD (WARRRL) and any other commercial entity, social enterprise, charity, not-for-profit, orcommunity group can apply to be a refund point operator. Considering we use more than 1.3 billion eligible drinkcontainers in WA each year; the Containers for Change scheme is a wonderful concept to minimise waste andsupport the community.

    PLANS TO ACTIVATE WAROONA TOWN SITE TAKES BIG STEPS FORWARDFollowing significant public support through recent community planning workshops, the Shire of Waroona hasreleased a plan to activate the Waroona Town Centre. The activation of the Town Centre was clearly the highestpriority from the community. The Shire’s proposal is to secure strategic land in which to develop a high qualityInter-generational Activation Space in the heart of the town. The proposal is for Council to undertake a low interestloan of $660,000 at 1.8% to secure main street land at 95 South West Highway, and 30 and 34 Fouracre Street andopen this up for a high quality community activation space to breathe energy into the main street. A further lowinterest $450,000 at 1.8% loan will then be obtained to use as seed funding to help generate external grant fundingfrom external bodies. Shire President, Cr Mike Walmsley hopes that the community embraces the concept to developa high quality family space in the middle of the town centre. “The plan is a once in a generation project that will addsignificantly to the quality of life for our residents as well as bring visitors to town”. “Securing the land and havingfunds that we can lobby other government agencies and bodies such as Lotterywest and the Peel DevelopmentCommission is a critical component to making this project a reality”. “If the community are supportive of the proposalto proceed with this project, a detailed Master Plan will be done which could include things like a regional skatepark, pump track, passive recreational space, additional parking, barbeques and seating and the opening up of theSouth West Highway through to the Fouracre Street reserve and business community”, Cr Walmsley said. TheShire will be undertaking further consultation on planning for this space. “These parcels of land compliment reservescurrently controlled by the Shire, such as the old Scout Hall land and adjacent reserves towards the train line, whichgives us a considerable area in which to create a space that will be vibrant and help develop a heart in our townwhere we hope all ages will have a place to rest or recreate. “The savings that we have made through our resourcesharing with the Shire of Murray more than covers the cost of the loans, which collectively is around $60,000 everyyear over 20 years”, Cr Walmsley said. “We are looking at a number of ways to activate and beautify our town, andthis is considered Stage 1”. The public can provide their comments on this proposal by emailingeso@waroona.wa.gov.au, writing to the Shire of Waroona, 52 Hesse Street, Waroona 6215, or visiting the websiteat www.waroona.wa.gov.au.

    Media Contact: Sue Cicolari Executive Support Officer Ph: 9733 7805 E: eso@waroona.wa.gov.au


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  • November 2020 Page 28

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    Armyworms on the marchIn less than a year, fall armyworm(Spodoptera frugiperda) has becomewell-established in Kununurra,Broome and Carnarvon. It isconsidered a tropical moth speciesbut is expected to move further southas the weather warms up this spring.It has recently been detected in trapsin Geraldton.Fall armyworm caterpillars and mothslook very similar to many othercaterpillars and moths already presentin Western Australia. The look-alikesinclude cluster caterpillar, budworm,bollworm, lawn armyworm, commonarmyworm, beetarmyworm and Africanarmyworm. Fallarmyworm, like manyof the look-alikespecies, is in the mothfamily Noctuidae.Each species in thisgroup will generallyhave a preferred groupof host plants that theylay eggs on and thecaterpillars feed on.Fall armyworm is reported to have avery wide host range but prefersgrasses, especially corn. As a group,any of the caterpillars from thespecies listed above can do a fairamount of chewing damage. Many ofthem are considered common pests in

    backyard gardens and are alsosignificant crop pests. Theyare not easy to control,however for many moth pests,exposure to Bacillusthuringiensis (Bt) (e.g. Dipel)or spinosad while they areyoung caterpillars could beeffective. When applying anypesticide for insectmanagement, please read andfollow the label directions.To help map the distribution oftall armyworm please sendclear photos of suspect

    caterpillars to MyPestGuide or thePest and Disease Information Service(PaDIS). To view our fall armywormidentification guide, please see ourwebsite agric.wa.gov.au and searchusing the term ‘fall armyworm’.

    Above: Spodoptera frugiperdacaterpillar with distinctive keyidentification featureshighlighted.

    Opposite Spodoptera frugiperdaadult moth.

  • November 2020 Page 29

    The Power of the BlessingThere is power in the blessing of GOD’s mercy and grace.

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    The Last of theAustralians’ was asitcom broadcast in the1970’s. In one of the

    episodes, leading characterTed Cook, (played by actor AlwynKurts), lamented; ‘First thedepression, then came the war, thenmeeting you ... (referring to his long-suffering wife!) ... just one darnedthing after another!’ Perhaps we canrelate to his sentiments as we lookback on the past two decades. Firstwe had the world-changing 2001terrorist bombings of the twin towersin America. Then the Global Financialcrash of 2008 followed by the stockmarket crash of 2015. As well asthese ‘global’ events, Australia hasalso experienced severe floods,prolonged drought and dreadfulbushfires. Then followed anotherglobal event with the covid-19 virus in2020. Quoting Ted Cook; ‘... just onedarned thing after another!!’ Manyare wondering if GOD is judging theNations. That may well be the truth.The bad news is; things will only gofrom bad to worse, unless we turnback to GOD and repent of defyingHIS holy laws and doing things thatare abominations in HIS sight. Thegood news is; ‘[GOD’s] mercyrejoices (triumphs) overjudgement’ (James 2:13). Thereforewe have hope and can avail ourselvesof HIS mercy (compassion) and grace(undeserved favour), because HISlove for us is far greater than any sinand far stronger than any judgement.The author of Romans reminds us in5:20 that ‘... wherever sin increasedthere was more than enough ofGOD’s grace to triumph all themore’ (The Passion Translation).However, we must turn back to HIM

    with sincere, heartfelt sorrow and bewilling to turn from our sinful ways.The Bible says ‘there is nothing newunder the sun.’ In Ecclesiastes 1:9King Solomon writes; ‘the thing thathas been – it is what will be again,and that which has been done isthat which will be done again ...’(Amplified Version). For this reasonalone we should take note of thethings that have happened in the pastand learn from them. In Leviticus 26,GOD says there are blessings forobedience but judgements(punishments) for disobedience. HEwants to bless us but we must chooseHIS ways. The Israelites continuallysinned against GOD’s holy laws andsuffered consequences. GOD wasn’tpleased with the majority of them andmany died in the wilderness becausethey worshipped false gods, behavedin ungodly and immoral ways andwere continually ungrateful,complaining and trying GOD’spatience. When speaking of theirjourney from slavery in Egypt to ‘ThePromised Land,’ the Apostle Paul inhis first letter to the Corinthianbelievers, warns them to learn fromthe lessons of history, telling them;‘Now these things are examples(warnings and admonitions), for usnot to desire or crave or covet orlust after evil and carnal things, asthey did’ (verse 6) ‘... these thingshappened to them for an example(and warning) to us: they werewritten to admonish and fit us forright action by good instruction, wein whose days the ages havereached their climax’ (verse 11Amplified). Nothing has changed;nothing is ‘new under the sun!’Individuals and Nations will sufferconsequences of sin, which we ignore

    to our detriment, because unless weheed the warnings, learn from history,turn from our wickedness and seekGOD’s mercy and grace for a newbeginning, things will continue to gofrom bad to worse. Author KerbyAnderson warns; ‘... It is vital that wereconsider the nature of life in earliertimes. For within those eras ... are theseeds of the troubles we face today.There are many reasons for thedecline and fall of a nation but animportant (and often overlooked)reason is its abandonment of religion.When the traditional beliefs of anation erode, the nation dies.’Historian Will Durant said; ‘There isno significant example in history,before our time, of a societysuccessfully maintaining moral lifewithout the aid of religion.’ In otherwords, ‘without GOD we descend toour lowest order!’ The TenCommandments are now removedfrom public places, Christian valuesare seldom taught in public schools,Christianity is ridiculed in mosteducational institutions and themedia, lawlessness abounds,economic discipline is a thing of thepast and bureaucracy is stifling freeenterprise and freedom of faith andspeech. Life has become cheap withthe youngest and oldest mostvulnerable. But – ‘there is power inthe blessing of GOD’s mercy andgrace;’ power totriumph over thejudgement we deserve,with the assuranceJESUS will make allthings right - if we willturn back to HIM andchoose to be - blessedto be a blessing,Cheryl.


  • November 2020 Page 30

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    the same time and day. Jodie Bonnerwas thanked for her past 3 years asSecretary/Registrar and coordinatingnominations for shows and allocatingpen numbers which is no easy taskand very time consuming. PastCommittee Member Rob Pritchardwas also thanked for his general inputduring the year and especially duringthe Open Bird Show in July. The 2021Programme of Events has also beenset and will be listed in the Decemberedition of the Despatch.

    was re-elected Treasurer which wasaccepted after the meeting as he wasan apology. Committee Membersnominated and elected were JohnKennington (Stakehill) and ChiefSteward. Pam Wade (Waroona),Thomas Spencer (Northam) Firstofficial function for the new committeewill be a “Double Delight-Whammy”Sun 1st November Mini Show/ClubAuction.Lots of visitors are anticipated as theCommunity Markets will be on theShowgrounds on the western side at

    Waroona PoultryClub was able toconduct its AnnualGeneral Meetingon Sunday11th October

    despite numerous apologies. ReeceJarrett (Mardella) was re-electedPresident. Rebecca Nelson(Serpentine) replaces Pam Wade asSenior Vice President. Layla MorrisonFerguson (Chidlow) was electedSecretary to replace Jodie Bonner (Retired) Ken Landwehr (Waroona)

    Waroona Poultry Club News

    In the DrakesbrookDespatch Octoberedition I apologised tothose players left offWAFL Players list and

    none larger than Darren Birch whosuited up for South Fremantle. Uponhis return, he was the backbone ofWaroona League teams for 3 or 4years before an early retirement afterthe 2008 season. UnfortunatelyWaroona finally hit the jackpot with arepeat of Peel Football League resultsfrom 2009-2012 inclusive and anachievement that will take somematching in years to come.This year will see a 10 yearPremiership take place at the SocialHall prior to the AFL 2020 Grand Finalbetween Richmond Tigers andGeelong Cats this Saturday. The31st of October is a special day foryours truly and also represents thedate all Waroona players will beofficially returned to the club.President Shane Dellafranca will bebusy processing those clearancesand League Coach Matt “Tempo”Templeton will be busy talking to

    Waroona Football Club Newsplayers ensuring line up in the “Redand Black”.Hopefully the majority of playersremain loyal and time is running outfor class players Mat Thomas, BenWright, Courtney Lakay to achieve theultimate success again in 2021. It isnow 9 years since Waroona Demons reached the top of the mountainagain and the lingering impact of the“Pandemic” will make it twice as hard.Winter of 2020 has been different,difficult and will take a united teameffort both on and off the field as wehead towards next season. WaroonaDemons Football Club plays a vitalrole in our small rural community andsuccess in 2021 will be a great tonictowards mental health and enjoyinglife despite Covid-19 Pandemic stillhanging around. Waroona Demons“Loud and Strong” is the way to go aswe fight our way tosustainability, bothfinancially andsocially. KenLandwehr (LifeMember) WaroonaFootball Club

  • November 2020 Page 31Chook Yard Farmer Ken

    Daisy the Gold Laced WyandotteBantam failed to hatch any chicks andmy good mate Russell from Wagerupsold me some day old chicks to do thejob but again she got cold feet. Luckilyanother Belgian Duccle was cluckyand it took half a day and she issmitten with her new babies .Received a report this morning that adozen Belgian duccle eggs given to afriend Vanessa in Harvey (all 12 werefertile) that 11/12 hatched despite thepower blackout 3.00am Sunday night.Have sold some fertile eggs privatelyto clients in Collie, Kwinana andGosnells so Chookyard Hotel isdefinitely spreading its wings. At thelast Harvey Poultry Auction sold 3dozen fertile eggs for a total of $85which goes towards poultry feedcosts. A Light Sussex stretched itsfluffy bum last week and I enjoyed adouble yolka which covered twopieces of toast. The bright yellowcolour with the spinach, green lawnmowing cuttings and special feedmixture all contributed to a greatcolour outcome. Free range chickensis the way to go and fresh eggs arefull of protein which must make youhealthy with a little exercise. Limesare still $2.20 per small lime andcannot wait for new ones to ripen onthe tree in “Wallys Orchard”. They aresuperb in Pure Blonde CalorieReduced Beer or normally CoronaBeer and not the Corona Virus varietyas well as a cooking aid. A crime inmy humble opinion that largesupermarkets are able to chargeexhorbitant prices for such a smallpiece of fruit. Sadly we had twoelderly chooks pass on to ChookHeaven, named “Thing” a FrenchWheaten Maran Cross and Polyannaa Gold Cross. Poly was a Gobergpullet and closest in type to a Polishvariety which my daughter Caitlin wasdesperate to have in our flock.Mundijong Markets was normally agood source but unable to supply aPolish hen on this occasion.Whenever she moulted, she lookedlike a new breed from another worldbut we loved her all the same and shebecame part of Chookyard HotelHistory. In the last few weeks, havepurchased some galvanised tinpoultry feeders and hung them downfrom the rafters or netting which hasgreatly reduced the wastage of feedfor vermin such as rats. Bait stations

    are frequently being renewed and putin new locations together with help fromyounger brother Neil with special bait intubing to have an immediate impact.We are slowly winning the war and Iam determined we do not give upkeeping chickens because of a verminproblem. Talking to other producersonce you have poultry food stored, therats are not far behind you. Evendiscovered a rats nest in the woodstorage area of the barbecue at theeastern end of the patio which wascarefully dismantled and destroyed.Bait stations are strategically placed toawait “Mr Rat” if they return. Since thehouse fire just over 2 years ago wehave been reluctant to crank up the tilefile or barbecue and slowly removingtimber fuel from the location.Unfortunately our two house cats Leoand Boots only enjoy catching themouse species and find rats too hard tohandle. Leo a faithful doctored Tom isat ease sleeping on the end of my bedand also takes station on the top of myrecliner in the family room and AussieRules has been non stop for the last

    few months thanks to the world healthpandemic situation. Two new creamlegbars have found a new home atChookyard Hotel and Hugo, a 7 weekold cockerel and a hen appropriatelynamed Mammoselle who startedlaying blue eggs on her arrival whilst inquarantine has not stopped. Eggproduction is full bore with the warmweather and fresh free range eggs areavailable at the discounted price of $4per dozen. Even the bantam eggs havefull yellow yolks and boiled are so tasty.The new Taj Mahal has proven a greatinvestment and based on concrete sono nasties can impact on the poultrylivestock.A special thank you to my wife of 32years, Maryann for her continuedsupport of Chookyard Hotel operationsand especially this coming Mondaywhen she takes over as Manageresswhilst I have a special holiday of twodays at Peel Health Campus a
