VBS2 Development Suite: Terrain Editing Products...


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Visitor 4 combines the capabilities of standard mapping software with powerful VBS2 terrain editing tools for for quickly producing rich geospecific terrains for VBS2.

Key Features in Visitor 4:

�• Drag and drop support for many common raster and vector formats directly into the workspace (DEM, DTED, GeoTIFF, PNG, SHP, KML)

�• VBS2�terrain�area�definition�made�simple�by�drawing�a�playbox�over loaded data, can be resized and moved easily during terrain production

�• Define� more� than� one� VBS2� terrain� output� from� a� single�database

�• Raster caching for rapid scene drawing, even very large data sets remain very responsive while zooming and panning

�• Basic vector editing tools, including attribute table editing

�• Measure distances

�• Export�loaded�raster�and�vector�data�to�any�of�the�supported�formats

�• Layer-based architecture for more complete control of all loaded data including 3D model objects

�• Import�Visitor�3�projects�from�WRP�or�PEW�files.

Visual Landbuilder works alongside Visitor to convert vectorial map data into high fidelity 3D representations suitable for use in VBS2.

Key Features in Visual Landbuilder:

�• Convert common mapping data from vector format into object placement instructions for Visitor 3 or 4 such as polygon vegetation into forests, point vegetation into individual trees or plants, polylines into roads, and point or polygon building data into 3D buildings.

�• Support�for�automatic�clipping�of�input�shapefiles�for�faster�production,�it�is�no�longer�necessary�to�first�trim�shape�data�to�exact�VBS2�terrain�extents

�• Procedural building generator can use polygon footprint input to create fully functional enterable buildings with multiple storeys, in a wide variety of cultural styles

�• River generator can convert a polygon water area into a true 3D body of water for correct water behaviour in VBS2

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VBS2 Development Suite: Terrain Editing Products

Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2™) is a fully interactive, three-dimensional training system providing a premium synthetic environment suitable for a wide range of military and similar training and experimentation� purposes.� VBS2� offers� large,� realistic� terrain� areas�with� an� unparalleled� level� of�environmental realism. The VBS2 terrain editing products provide the capability for quick recreation of�specific�real�world�areas�within�the�simulation.

The VBS2 Terrain Editing products consist of Visitor 4 and Visual Landbuilder.
