Variable on two sides of equation MA.7.2.3: Apply inverse relationships between addition and...


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Variable on two sides of equation

MA.7.2.3: Apply inverse relationships between addition and subtraction, and

multiplication and division, to solve one-step problems

A: Definition

• Unknown value on both sides of the equation.

B: Equation• First you combined the liked terms of x.

For example 2x=3+x in this equation you subtract one value of x from each side of the equation and you get x = 3.


15x (- 6)= x+7

Solution • I solved this equation by first isolating the

variable . So you do the inverse of subtracting 6 which adding 6. So that cancels out. So then you do the same to the other side. So, 7+6=13. Bring the 13 down. Also bring down the 15x. Next, you subtract the positive x on the right side of the equation, which cancels out. You next minus that 1x from the 15x(15x-1x). That then equals 14x. Then divide the 14x by its self(14x/14), which the x is left over. So the 13 you had earlier you have to bring that down over 14. Therefore, x= 13/14.

15x – 6 = x + 7

CreditsThank you…


*Morrisha 4 telling me some answers
