Use the following worship guide as we gather on Sunday


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Use the following worship guide as we gather on Sunday morning via Zoom. Simply click here:

** Announcements are at the end of this order of worship. **

The Service of Worship

First and St. Stephen’s United Church of Christ Baltimore, Maryland

Third Sunday in Eastertide – Year B April 18, 2021 10:30 a.m.

Some portions of Zoom church may be recorded to share brief clips on our webpage. All personal information or prayer concerns will not be a part of recorded information.

Prelude Open Our Eyes, Lord with Open My Eyes That I May See Nancy Chronister

arr. Tornquist Welcome and Opportunities for Ministry The Rev. Kelly M. Sisson, Pastor Call to New Life by Young Lives Nancy Chronister and Jordan Tibo

A Lesson from the Psalms Psalm 4 Bill Ingram, Liturgist

Hymn for Praise #8 NCH Praise To The Living God Sharing Our Joys and Concerns

Remember these known joys and concerns: - Cindy McCartin’s mother and Brian’s grandmother – after surgery in Boston this past week. - Jen and Jackie Langdon’s father, recovering after an eye stroke last week. - Sara and Lakin Prescott after their marriage last weekend in NC. - Michael and Valerie Thaxter-Grant as Michael recovers from COVID-19 - Those affected by mass shootings. - Alex Vishio – Theologian at Large studying at SMU. - Emily Perl’s mother in Tiffin, OH - Len Dufauchard’s parents in Colorado. - Gloria Banks – living with cancer - Alex Vishio’s father – living with cancer - Barbara Joellenbeck living with cancer - Stef’s brother, Dave, living with Alzheimer’s - All those living in this time of pandemic – healthcare workers, emergency responders, custodial helpers, grocers, food suppliers, scientists – especially local restaurants, nursing homes, hospitals, those struggling with physical distancing and mask wearing.

A Time of Quiet to Remember concerns shared and others on our hearts. “Say Their Names” (we remember those whose lives have been lost this week to gun violence)

Congregation Responds to each name: “Lord, in your mercy.”


((This portion is adapted from The Rev. Thom Shuman, PCUSA)) Chorus of Petition Open Our Eyes, Lord Call to Reconciliation (congregation reads bold print)

We are reminded over and over of God’s gracious forgiveness. But we still find it hard to believe, don’t we? And however afraid we are to let go of our old ways, God continues to offer us new life. So, join me in confessing our fears and doubts, especially in these days, to the One who is eager to make us whole.

Unison Prayer for Forgiveness

In the brain fog of these weary days, we not only have trouble finding words of hope and life, God of Grace, we have even more trouble turning words into actions. We continue to struggle to be one in heart and soul, as we choose sides, listen to conflicting voices, and turn our backs on those who are different. And with such great grace poured out on us, we tend to hoard it, rather than sharing it with those around us. Forgive us, God of love. Forgive us, that we would rather stay behind the locked doors of our fears, rather than go out into the light of the future you offer to us. Fill us with healing and grace as we offer our brokenness to you, that we might be made whole. This we pray, as we proclaim Jesus Christ as our Lord and our God.

Silence is kept Assurance of Pardon

This is the good news of old, as well as fresh as today: God comes into our lives, to lead us out of fear’s shadows into the life God offers to us. This is the word we have heard; this is the voice we hear; this is the grace which is ours: God is faithful, forgiving us, and making us whole. Thanks be to God! Amen.

Offering Ourselves

Please remember that during this time of physical distancing our mission continues, expenses continue, and staff continues to work. If you would consider making an offering through on-line giving, or mail your check to the church address, you can find all of that information on our church web page:

The Gospel Lesson John 20:19-31 Bill Ingram, Liturgist

The Lesson in Music In Christ Alone Jordan Tibo, Soloist

The Homily Tattoos, Scars, and the Stories They Tell Rev. Sisson

The Artists’ Moment Dr. Estill Putney

Hymn for Sending Rise Up Peace Eternal Benediction Rev. Sisson

+ + + + +

A Special Welcome Today to Estill Putney. Estill is a resident of Blacksburg, VA, and after the sermon she will be talking about her experience with visual arts in the church.

Talk Back! We will have Talk Back today after the service. Estill Putney will be joining us to field any questions about our proposed arts ministry. All are welcomed to stay and join in the conversation.

Plans for church renewal have been discussed since the Annual Meeting. We have heard from artists and experiences from members of other churches about this proposal. If you


have comments, questions or ideas – you can post them or read what others are saying by going to:

Help ACTC!! As the emergency need for food continues for people in our city, ACTC has sent out a cry for extra help. Each week we ask you to drop off in a box on the pastor’s porch by Monday at 10 a.m. or you may deliver them directly to the parking lot of Ascension Lutheran Church between noon and 2p.m. We will receive canned goods, this coming week. The drop off address: 535 Brook Rd. Towson.

+ + + + +

The Re-entry Task Force met on Monday, March 8th to continue its conversation on the effects of COVID 19 on worship at First & St. Stephen’s in light of new developments. The consensus was to focus on making a “hybrid” church, using both a Zoom platform, accompanied by in-person attendance at some date in the future. It will be critical to obtain the appropriate equipment: cameras and tripods that correctly align with the broadcast system in the church. This will require having one or two individuals developing this arrangement and then training other members of the congregation to handle this task. Funding will need to be secured for whatever is purchased, and we believe that it will not be prohibitive. There are grant opportunities available.

We re-visited the idea of meeting outside of the church on the side lawn, as had been done several times. The problems with regard to this practice were the noise from York Rd, barking dogs being walked by area residents, the conversations of those who park their cars in our “lane”, the labor to bring the technical equipment to the site, and the capricious nature of the weather.

While AA and the Day School continue to operate in our building, what we must accomplish to conduct worship requires more preparation. Additionally, the Central Atlantic Conference has not changed its guidelines for COVID restrictions, even with Gov. Larry Hogan’s easing of them.

The group discussed the impact of vaccinations. While a number a people have been able to get one shot, if not two doses, we still have the issue of persons who have not fallen into the 1a and 1b scenarios. Persons underneath the of age of 65, youth and children, have not been offered this opportunity. We have not yet achieved “herd immunity.”

After considering all of these factors, it is still too soon to predict a date for re-entry to the sanctuary. The Task Force will continue to assess and monitor the situation. The safety of our members is our ultimate focus.

If you have other questions or comments, please contact Consistory President, Karen Lovelace, at:

+ + + + + If you want to speak with the pastor during social isolation time, her phone number is: 410-832-3974. Or, you can email her at: Kelly is glad to set up a facetime or zoom appointment with you.

If you would like to receive the worship materials, hymns, etc. for Sunday, please place your email in the chat column of Zoom at the end of the service, or email the pastor at

Have you considered joining the membership of First and St. Stephen’s? If you are interested in learning about membership at First and St. Stephen’s United Church of Christ, please let the pastor know of your interest. She will contact you. We are still receiving new members during our time of physical isolation.
