US HISTORY Chapter 3 Colonial America 1587-1770. Lesson 1 – Early English Settlements Roanoke (NC)...


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Chapter 3Colonial America


Lesson 1 – Early English Settlements

Roanoke (NC) 1584 – Sir Walter Raleigh started this

settlement with 100 men on island off the coast of North Carolina...rough first winter, abandoned settlement and returned to England

1587 – Raleigh tries again...takes 91 men, 17 women, & 9 children back to Roanoke

John White’s (leader of the group) daughter gives birth to first English child born in North America (child’s name was Virginia Dare)

Lesson 1 – Early English Settlements

Roanoke (NC) Group runs low on supplies, White

returns to England but when arrives, Queen Elizabeth takes his ship for the war with Spain...he was supposed to return to Roanoke within a few months but it took three years instead

When White returned, colony was abandoned...only clue was the word “CROATOAN” carved on a post...colonists were never seen again

Lesson 1 – Early English Settlements

Jamestown (VA)Failure at Roanoke

discouraged new colonies for years

1606 – group of English merchants/businessmen (Virginia Company of London) received a charter (document from King James to organize a settlement) for a colony in North America...left England in December

Lesson 1 – Early English Settlements

Jamestown (VA) April 1607 – three ships (Susan

Constant, Godspeed, & Discovery) arrive in Chesapeake Bay & sailed up one of the rivers until they found a suitable spot for settlement

Named the settlement “Jamestown” and the river the “James River”

Very difficult to survive...Capt. John Smith made the colonists work (farm, hunt, build shelter) instead of just search for gold


Lesson 1 – Early English Settlements

Jamestown (VA)Smith leaves & goes back to

England...without him, colonists go through the “starving time” winter of 1609-1610 plus fighting with Natives

Colonists eventually discovered a profitable crop...tobacco

Lesson 1 – Early English Settlements

Stop at 8:20

Lesson 1 – Early English Settlements Virginia

Relations with Natives improved after John Rolfe married local native named Pocahontas

Land ownership expanded when VA Company gave a headright (land grant of 50 acres) to settlers who paid for their voyage to America

House of Burgesses (1619) – first representative govt. in the colonies

Lesson 2 – New England Colonies

Religious Freedom in England King Henry VIII wants a

divorce...Pope says no 1534 – Henry breaks away

from Catholic Church...forms the Anglican Church

Not everyone agreed with this Catholics – still considered the

Pope their spiritual leader Protestants

Puritans – wanted to reform the Anglican church

Separatists – wanted to leave and set up their own church

Lesson 2 – New England Colonies

The Pilgrims Some Separatists left

England & moved to the Netherlands

Didn’t like the Netherlands...wanted to move again

Made arrangement with VA Company

Separatists could settle in VA & practice their faith freely

Separatists would pay VA Company a portion of profits they made

Lesson 2 – New England Colonies

The Pilgrims Separatists considered

themselves “Pilgrims” because their journey had a religious purpose

Mayflower Leaves Sept. 1620 35/102 passengers were

“Pilgrims” Remaining passengers were

called “strangers” Years later, all the

passengers became referred to as “Pilgrims”

Lesson 2 – New England Colonies

The Pilgrims Landed in Plymouth,

MA Plymouth was

outside VA and VA laws so they developed the Mayflower Compact (document outlining their loyalty and plan of govt.)

Lesson 2 – New England Colonies

The Pilgrims Winter of 1620/1621

nearly half of the colony died

Spring 1621 – two local Native Americans (Squanto & Samoset) helped the colonists by showing them how to farm, hunt, & fish...also helped the Pilgrims live peacefully alongside the Wampanoag tribe

Lesson 2 – New England Colonies

Other Colonies Massachusetts

Plymouth (1620) was the first settlement

Boston (1630) also founded for religious freedom (by John Winthrop)

Great Migration (1630s) – more than 15,000 Puritans move to MA for religious freedom

Although based on religious freedom, Puritans were not tolerant of other faiths

Lesson 2 – New England Colonies

Other Colonies Connecticut

Founded in 1636 when Rev. Thomas Hooker took his congregation south of MA

Started the town of Hartford 1639 – Hartford, Windsor, &

Wethersfield formed the colony of Connecticut...adopted a plan of govt. called the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (first written constitution in America)

Lesson 2 – New England Colonies

Other ColoniesRhode Island

Established by Roger Williams (banished from MA)

Williams founded the town of Providence

Becomes first place in America where all faiths – including Jews – could worship freely

Lesson 2 – New England Colonies

Conflict w/ Native Americans In some areas, Natives &

Colonists partners

1636 – Pequot and settlers in New England fight, hundreds are killed

1675 – Metacomet (aka King Philip) wanted to stop colonists from moving on to native lands...forms alliances with other natives to fight “King Philip’s War” vs. colonists, colonists win enables them to really expand their territory and power in New England

Lesson 3 – Middle Colonies New York

Originally founded by the Dutch and called New Amsterdam

Had an excellent harbor & river trade

English had colonies to the North (MA, NH, CT, RI) and the South (MD, VA) and wanted New Amsterdam

1664 – English send a fleet of ships to attack New Amsterdam, Dutch surrender

English King Charles II gives the colony to his brother, the Duke of York, who renames it New York

Lesson 3 – Middle Colonies

New Jersey Was originally part of

New York Named after the island

of Jersey (in English Channel)

To attract settlers, NJ promised freedom of religion, trial by jury, & a representative assembly

Lesson 3 – Middle Colonies Pennsylvania

Founded by William PennPenn wanted the colony to

be a safe place for Quakers“Quakers” – believed

everyone was equal, could follow their own “inner light” to reach salvation (didn’t need clergy), and they were pacifists (people who refuse to fight in wars)

Lesson 3 – Middle Colonies Pennsylvania

Penn believed the land belonged to Native Americans & settlers should pay for it...he negotiated several treaties with the Natives

Several southern counties eventually formed their own legislature, broke away, and became Delaware

Lesson 4 – Southern Colonies Maryland

Started by Sir George Calvert (Lord Baltimore)

Colony began as a safe haven for Catholics

Border dispute between MD & PA leads to formation of Mason-Dixon Line

Surveyors Charles Mason & Jeremiah Dixon mapped the boundary b/w the two colonies

Eventually, Protestants took control of MD & made Anglican Church the official church

Lesson 4 – Southern Colonies

Bacon’s Rebellion Occurs in VA VA Gov tells settlers to

stop moving west (onto Native American land)

Western settlers didn’t like VA govt. b/c it was dominated by Easterners

Western settlers ignored Gov’s request and move west...they then complained when govt. didn’t protect them from Native attacks

Lesson 4 – Southern Colonies

Bacon’s Rebellion 1676 – Nathaniel Bacon

(western farmer) leads attacks on Native American villages, continues on to Jamestown...Bacon dies unexpectedly or he may have taken over VA...English troops are called in to restore order

Bacon’s Rebellion shows that settlers won’t be limited to the coast

Lesson 4 – Southern Colonies The Carolinas

Originally formed in 1663 as one colony called “Carolina”

Carolina – Latin for “Charles’ Land” (King Charles II)

northern Carolina’s main exports were tobacco, timber, & tar

southern Carolina’s were rice & indigo

Slave labor was very important to rice crops

1729 – Carolina is officially split into North & South Carolina

Lesson 4 – Southern Colonies Georgia

Founded in 1733 by James Oglethorpe (last British colony in America)

Set up as a place where debtors could get a fresh start

British officials also wanted it as a first line of defense b/w Spanish Florida and the rest of the colonies

Oglethorpe built forts and the town of Savannah to defend against the Spanish
