UNIT 8 UNIT 8 Psychologically Speaking. What psychoanalysis is? Patient lying on the couch with the...


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Psychologically Speaking

What psychoanalysis is? Patient lying on the couch with the

analyst sitting, pen and notebook poised, behind him.

People asked already have such an idea of the analytic situation from a thousand cartoon images. Even jokes may familiarize us with some of the essentials of analytic technique.

Psychoanalysis first emerged, was pioneered by Dr Josef Breuer and his patient who described the therapy from 1880 to 1882 as a "talking cure. As a therapy, psychoanalysis is based on the observation that individuals are often unaware of many of the factors that determine their emotions and behavior.

These unconscious factors may create unhappiness, sometimes in the form of recognizable symptoms and at other times as troubling personality traits, difficulties in work or in love relationships, or disturbances in mood and self-esteem.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)


Sigmund Freud was born on May 6 1856, in the small town of Freiberg, Moravia, which is now in Czechoslovakia. He was the eldest of eight children born to Jacob and Amalie Freud.

1866 Sigmund with his father Jacob.

(Earliest known photo.)

When Freud was about three years old his father, who was a wool merchant, lost much of his business. The family were now poor and had to leave Freiberg, where Freud was happy, and go to live in Vienna, the capital city of Austria.

It was in Vienna that Freud came across anti-semitism 反犹太教 for the first time. Jewish people had been persecuted in Europe for hundreds of years and they would often be called names or attacked on the street. Freud's father told him of a time when a man knocked his hat into the road and told him to get off the pavement. "What did you do?" asked Freud. "I walked into the road and picked up my hat" replied his father.That incident made the young Freud feel more….

Freud was intelligent and hard-working at school, and always liked to express his opinions even when he disagreed with his teachers or other pupils. When he was older Freud said that he didn't think he was particularly clever, even though he often came top of the class - the most important thing was working hard and wanting to find out about things.

When he left school he was not sure what he wanted to do. At first he thought he would become a lawyer. Then he decided to study medicine and become a doctor, so he enrolled in the medical school of the University of Vienna. From 1859 until 1938, Sigmund Freud was a doctor in Vienna.

While he was still at university,Freud decided to specialize in neurology, the study and treatment of the brain and the nervous system. In 1885, just before he got married, he obtained a grant to go to Paris to see the famous neurologist Jean Martin Charcot. Freud returned from Paris determined to study and treat mental disorders. He called his new ideas 'psychoanalysis'

Textual Structure schedule   The story developed according to the confl

icts. In this comedy play, there are two conflict

s. The chief conflict was between the mother who wanted to stick to the traditional way of life and the daughter who yearned for change and freedom, especially, as is often the case, in love and marriage.

Of course, this conflict is not new, as we can find in our famous love story in the western culture Romeo and Juliet.

What is unusual was the way the conflict was resolved. It was resolved in a melo-dramatic way by a psychologist. A minor conflict is the fight over Mrs.Kent between Mr. Kent, her husband, and the psychologist, who pretended to be her long-lost first husband coming back to claim her. It was interesting that the resolution of the first conflict occurred at the same time when the second conflict was resolved.

Language points

– pompous : adj. trying to make people think you are important

eg. ~ language in a ~ manner He was a ~, officious little bureaucrat

(官僚 ) . The leader of the band bowed in a ~ man


sternly : adv. severely; seriously

stern adj. eg. a ~ rebuke ~ discipline He is ~ to his son.

declare : v. announce

eg. He ~d the man ( to be ) innocent. Here: I declare : I must say.

fuss : v. to give too much attention to small unimportant matters

eg. Stop ~ing ! What is she ~ing about ? She is always ~ing with her clothes.

Out with it : Tell me about it.

eg. Don’t be shy. Out with it .What do you want ?

genteel : adj. respectable well-bred

eg. He is an educated man and is ~.

delicate: adj. sensitive

eg. He has a ~ ear for music. a ~ sense of smell

stifle: v. to keep back; to feel that breathing is difficult

eg. The smoke ~d the firemen. The children were ~d by the gas.


adv.: ( to do sth. as soon as you think of it ) without thinking of the result

impulsive : adj. eg. He is an ~ man. This is an ~ action.


– adj. very very good

eg. What ~ weather !

primitive :

– adj. of the earliest times

eg. ~ society ~ accumulation

bourgeois :

adj. typical of middle-class people; conventional

convention :

– n. social behavior and attitude

eg. Break down the old ~s and follow the new road in developing industry.

absurd :

– adj. reasonless

eg. She said to herself that the idea was ~ It is ~ to predict that the sun will not rise

tomorrow. Absurdity : n.

decide on sth. :

– to reach a decision about sth.

eg. They haven’t decided on the date yet. The negotiations lasted several months,

but they still couldn’t decide on the terms.

reprimand : n.( C or U )

– severe official scolding eg. The speeding motorist received a ~ and a tic

ket from the policeman. We can’t let his behaviour go without ~. He was given a severe ~. v. eg. The teacher ~ed the class for being noisy. The principal ~ed the student for his chronic lat


snoop :

– v. to secretly look round a place in order to find out sb’s private affairs.

We don’t like the girl as she likes ~ing. snooper : n. snoopy : adj.

put sb. on sb’s honor :

– believe sb.

eg. The housefather put the boys on their honor not to smoke in the dormitory.

at a cost :

– 以……的代价, 花…… eg. I had a small room at a cost of fifty y

uan per night. At the meeting this wrong line was declar

ed bankrupt. But at what a cost !

in some measure :

– to some degree

eg. Their success was in some measure the result of thorough preparation.

He is in some measure rather careless.

a fool’s paradise:

– 指 “懵懵懂懂自得其乐的状态” eg. They couldn’t live in a fool’s paradise.

They might be robbed by some robbers at night.

open one’s eyes to :

– to make sb. realize sth.

eg. This visit opened my eyes to the great changes that have taken place.

hunt some clue :

– to try to find out

eg. I don’t hunt some clue why he doesn’t come.

readjust :

– v. to make a small change to sth

adjust : v. eg. The desks and seats can be adjusted t

o the height of any child. I must adjust my watch; it is slow.

hang around one’s neck :

– to become one’s burden

eg. You should find a job; if not, you’ll hang around your parents’ neck.

beat about the bush :

– to avoid or delay about sth.

eg. He would not answer yes or no, but beat about the bush.

He beat about the bush for half an hour without coming to the point.

present :

– v. introduce

eg. Allow me to ~ Mr. Brown to you. The ambassador was ~ed to the president.

Text B :

bigamist 犯重婚罪的人 belligerently 好战的 contaminated 被弄脏的 plug away 苦干 eg. They plugged away at their work. agitate 使不安 be ~d about sth. eg. She is always ~d about some boring things.

bind 束缚 be bound to eg. He is bound to the business. on account of : because of 由于 eg. I was thinking of going down to B

eijing for a fortnight, on account of my health.

I’ve come to know Tom moderately well on account of this business.

flesh and blood : 1) 肉体,人性,情欲; 2) 人类

zinnia 百日草 marigold 金盏花,万寿菊 au revoir : bye-bye 再会 hereafter : ad. 从此以后 keep a watch on : 监视,密切注视 eg. The police kept a watch on that ho

use for two weeks. Keep a close watch on the kettle so it

doesn’t boil over.


Dramatize the text
