Understanding personal motivations · Understanding personal motivations How to make sure your...


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UnderstandingpersonalmotivationsHow to make sure your message is heard

June 2017

IPM AG, Eichenstrasse 2, 8808 Pfäffikonwww.ipmag.ch, 055 511 0117

What do top quartile leaders do differently from

the bottom quartile?

Why do some teams become much more productive

with a different leader?

What is the secret ingredient?



Top leaders are able to identify what motivates you

They communicate accordingly and pull hard on that lever

They know how to appeal to you, which button to

push you and make you run as fast as you can

Motivation Communication Performance


The secret ingredient

Selective Hearing -

We only hear what we want to hear

Identify what types of communication would be

heard by your listener


Communicate according to a person’s motivation

This makes sure the message is not only heard –

but is also retained

Motivation of “Green” and “Red”


Basic Need


To Avoid




Work style


Stability, order, to feel in control of a situation, plans ahead, avoids mistakes, prevents problems, continuity, familiarity

Calm, observes and listens first, thinks before speaking, speaks slowly

Process-oriented, careful, reliable, patient, reserved, listens well, risk-averse, monitors things, unassuming, sees the trees (vs. the forest)

Mistakes, being rushed, not enough notice to prepare, not having a backup Plan B

Takes the time, long-term sustainable solutions, guarantees, meets the criteria

Considers process details to identify potential issues, uses proven methods

Wants clear instructions, focuses on procedures and details

Abrupt changes, too much risk, unclear guidelines, embarrassment

Security / Sustainability

Progress, growth, results, success, change, challenge, independence, adventure, own development, competition

Comfortable speaking first, confident, wants their way

Goal-oriented, dynamic, flexible, fast, wants to achieve something, seeks opportunities, full of ideas, sees the forest (vs. the trees), tries new things

Routine, little room to move around, too much detail, administrative tasks

Spontaneous, comfortable with U-turns, visualizes the results

Seeks to find solutions, quick wins, what needs to be changed? Do something!

Acts quickly, lots of concurrent ideas, likes to delegate, focuses on the larger picture

Feeling of being blocked, things taking too long, not seeing results

Self-Assertion / Achievement

How to appeal to “Green” and “Red”


Bottom line

How to pitch

To close the pitch

Appealing words



Is this a stable and sustainable solution?

Focus on preventing problems or solidifying existing processes, explain all the details, hard copy presentations/brochures, show the actual product or prototypes that one can touch, demos

“Let’s plan the next steps”

Proven, has been around for a long time, sustainable, safe, long-term solution, this fixes the issue completely

Does this fit my existing setup? Does it meet all my requirements? For how many years will the supplier support this offering? Have I thought about everything that can go wrong?

Not 100% sure I need the change, not many people have used this before, I am not ready for this

Security / Sustainability

Does this bring me further?

Focus on how your proposal helps achieve their goals and get there sooner, use diagrams and sketches, short bullet points, few details, discuss expected outcomes, keep it brief and to the point

“I will take care of this for you”

New, innovative, the best, you are the first, short cut, opportunity to….

Do I like the expected results? Will we see a difference?When can we start? Will this take too long?What’s in it for me?

Don’t see how this helps me, too complicated, the impact is too small (it does not move the needle)

Self-Assertion / AchievementAudience is :


Be proud of one’s work / competence /achievements, be recognized, be authentic, be independent, speak your mind

Straight-forward, often suspicious, judgmental, argumentative, critical

Not being involved in decisions, being told what to do, adapting to others

Is this the best option available? Am I being treating fairly? Will I get the recognition?

Finds discrepancies, performs thorough analysis with information from different sources, makes comparisons

Direct with issues, comfortable with conflict, individual contribution, complex structures, wants precision, prefers things in writing

Lack of precision, sloppiness, not being heard, not given enough credit, others do not see the complexity

Self-reliant, seeks high quality, continuously improves things, questions assumptions, work life vs. private life

Basic Need


To Avoid




Work style


Recognition / Individuality Belonging / Integration

Relationship and contact with other people, working with others, togetherness, affiliation with a group they like

Small talk first, more evasive, non-committal, seeks to maintain positive atmosphere

Friendly, extroverted, lively, easy-going, adaptable, enjoys conversation, brings everyone on board, works well in teams

Extensive documentation, having to say “no” directly, making enemies, conflict

Is this the best option for us? Does this serve our common interests? What is the consensus?

Thinks who else can help/brainstorms with them, adapts to the changing needs of the situation, motivates others to solve problem

Prefers to see you or hear your voice, 80/20 rule, more accepting of mistakes, work should also be enjoyable

Too much structure, the need for perfection, human element is missing, not being invited to events

Motivation of “Blue” and “Yellow”

How to appeal to “Blue” and “Yellow”

Is this distinctive and of high quality?Bottom line

How to pitch

To close the pitch

Appealing words



Provide comprehensive written documentation, let them derive their own conclusions, ask about their special requirements, “what do you think?”

“Would you like some time to check everything again?”

Quality, exclusive, customized, precise, mention awards

Have I considered all the options? Have I looked at this from all angles? Am I missing anything? Am I willing to put my name behind this?

This is nothing special, the offer is not complete/not accurate, something is not consistent in the documentation, need to think everything through

Will this be accepted by my team?

Face-to-face meeting, discuss over lunch/coffee, “let’s do something together”, mention others who are using this, skip the complexity

“Who else needs to be involved in this decision?”

Team, partner, win-win for all stakeholders, mention people they also know

This is too complex for us, many of my colleagues would not like this, want to maintain relationship with current supplier

Audience is : Recognition / Individuality Belonging / Integration


Will my colleagues like this idea? Have I brought everyone onboard? Does this peer (whom I look up to) also use this? What is the consensus opinion?

Motivation of “Black” and “White”


Information, logic, analysis, rational understanding, knowledge, clarity, structure

Asks why, reasons, facts, numbers, data, black and white, features, may appear distant

Basic Need


To Avoid




Work style

Asks lots of questions, curious for facts, likes to think, wants to understand, brainy, derives intelligent solutions, concrete in their language, can be rather theoretical

Subjective decisions, things that do not make sense, vague situations

Well-reasoned arguments based on evidence/analysis

Gathers clues with research, thorough analysis of credible information, critical reasoning, understanding of cause and effect

Relies on factual information, downplays un-substantiated hearsay and perceptions

Stress Not understanding why, irrational (“stupid”) decisions, lack of transparency

Emotional connection, inner/outer harmony, sympathy, higher purpose, good feelings

Complex stories, anecdotes that are graphically descriptive, full of feeling

Feelers for other people’s emotions, sees the nuances of situations, empathizes and imagines, intuitive, comfortable with ambiguity, can be quite abstract

Destructive confrontations, too much information, too rational associations

Good feeling and good conscience, to act responsibly, supplements with gut feelings

Weighs in possible consequences on others, empathizes with potential reactions, comfortable with incomplete information

Sensitive to others’ feelings, seeks mutual understanding

Lack of harmony, disputes, behind-the-scenes

Rationality / Knowledge Empathy / Intuition

How to appeal to “Black” and “White”

Is this a logical and intelligent solution?Bottom line

How to pitch

To close the pitch

Appealing words



Graphs, charts, calculations, scientific reports, spreadsheets, well-structured and logical arguments, clear framework

“What do you think”?

Smart, intelligent, analytics, data, researched, scientific basis, structured, features, continuously informed

Do I clearly understand the logic behind this and how this works? Do the arguments make sense? Is there a catch?

Not enough information to make decisions, something does not add up, “I do not fully understand this”

How will this affect the people?

Tell stories to illustrate your point, use lively examples to clarify abstract concepts

“How do you feel about this?”

Impact, responsible, honest, holistic, harmony, positive effect on people, trust, human, environmentally friendly

What solution is mutually acceptable to you and me, am I acting responsibly? How would those involved feel about this?

Does not have a good feeling for the offering yet, does not trust the counterparty, product is not intuitive to use

Audience is : Rationality / Knowledge Empathy / Intuition

