TUESDAY CLASSIFIED ATWATER-KENT RADIO · "OR KENT Excellent 6 -room heaea and garage. '|40 per mo....


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  • TUESDAYtt*M^*lggg!5gs!gg=5gg=gSBBag5L^.--__J5g^^


    AH ads published In both TOR- ttANCK HERALD and LOMITA NBWBL

    Rataa tar combined circulations, tooth wen: tee Eaaertlon, per wnrf j0 fwo laaertlons, per word____ to Three laaertlons, per word _ 4 Mo four Danrtlona, per word __ So

    flailum ad, 12 words. DteptaT Classified, 80o per Inch.fldtt lines to Inch. Estimate SIX

    TOMNAKY words to the line. In- atala and figures count as words.

    M nte at SOo per Inch. CmaMad Ad Columns close: Ftor Ttaeeday Edition, 6:30 p. H.

    ir.mfrTay For Friday Edition, 6:10 P. M.

    nranamy. 'Phone Torrance 200.SHMOe Tv.nr.ltn 102.


    * FOacral Notices * Carda of Thanks « I*teu Notices « Loat ud Found » BMKesa Directory f Faraooal

    1 Tnaal Opportunities t UnaliKnu Opportunities

    U MBBMtal 11 far Beat: Houses, Furnished II TCr asaat: Bouses, Unfurnished B far Rent: Apartments and

    Flats, Furnished U For Bent: Apartments and

    Mate, Unfurnished K For Beat: Rooms, Furnished W For Bent: Rooms, Unfurnished IT For Bent Oarages II JP»r Rent: Stores and Offices JPor Rent: Furnished or Unfur-

    nished It Soot* And Room U For -a*av. Automobiles and Ao-

    eawoviM U For Sale: fitotttture and House-

    Bold Goods IS Far Sale: Bones and Livestock K For Sale: Mlsoeaaoeous M p«ip Wanted: Male nttta ay the month. Phone 1S7-J.

    IT Bel* Wasted: Female H Bd» Wanted Male and Female M SttaaUons Wanted 10 Wanted To Buy U Wssrte* To Rent U Waaftua; Miscellaneous U Bad Estate: Improved M Baal Batata: Unimproved H *or Lease H Oil Properties, Leases, Royal-

    11**, etc. tf laeeaae Property M Sari Estate for Sale or Trade H Marias* futniments M MhmHaaMtui

    5 Lost and FoundFOOKD Saturday: ; pair tortolse-

    akeB classes. Owner may have aate ay calling at Dr. Lancas- ter^* oBlco and paying for ad.

    6 Business Directory

    D. C. TURNERIn Rsppaport'a Store

    Export Shoe Repairer . ttakni Old Shoes Look New

    3AKNKT VAPOR BATHS; Swed- ish massage. 2021 Carson St,

    CANBKT BEAUTY SHOP, 1913 Canoa. Marcelling, 76c. Phone M-W.

    KaJTS Wtedew Cleaning Service Hoarse, tore, fftce. -Reasonable. rhaa* XM-IC. M04 Qramercy.

    BBHBRtTOHIMO. Mrs. King, 12«7 Waat Carson St., 1 Block west of M«* TO***.


    No Brokerage KIOBB* completed In ten minutes. Drive ia Park free Get check

    Drive away. O. W. BRACE

    W»» So. Flgueroa Street at Santa, Barbara

    Pbone Vermont 6016

    TOR LOANS on Torrance property ee Moores & Williams, 1008 S. Pacific Av«., San Pedro.

    11 For Rent: Houses, Kurnisned

    POR RENT Two-room furnished housed; garugu space. (15 per month, water and light paid. Qua, not and cold shower baths, tele- phone service. Inquire at office, Tonanoe Auto Camp, or Gilbert, Hanaea and Page.

    house on Carson St. Inquire R.t. Detnlnger, First National Bunk, Torrance,

    bath, caa, lights and water In- clude*. 1441 Carso* St, Tor- raace.

    [ HRKB-ROOM HOUSE, furnished; all modern; cheap rent. 1441 Caraao St.

    12 For Rent: House* Unfurnished

    OK RENT Six- room house; ga- rage, wuikliouiv: largo yard; on Hoover, first house north of n«Ui St. Keystone.

    "OR RENT 4 -room modem house. Inquire 17f J Andreo Ave.

    "OR KENT Excellent 6 -room heaea and garage. '|40 per mo. 8*a Gilbert. Hanseu ft Page.

    13 For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Furnished

    FOR RENT Largo, roomy, home- like apartment of three rooms and batli, furnished, In four-fam- ily flat; just calclmlned, painted and varnished, and new linoleum on kitchen and bath. {26 to permanent tenant. A. Crane, 917

    FOR RENT Furnished apartment In Edison building: suitable for

    one or two gentlemen. Continuous hot water. Low rent to perma- nent tenant. Inquire Apt 6.

    3-ROOM APARTMENTS, fur- nished; hot and cold water; ga- rages. Inquire Apt. H or K, California Court, 1006 Sartort. '.

    14 For Rent: Apartmentsand Flats, Unfurnishedi ____________________

    hath, rear, upstairs; also ga rage. $S5 month. 1819% Andreo

    17 For Rent: GaragesFOR RENT Oarage, 1780 Arllng

    ton Ave,

    19 For Rent: Furnished or Unfurnished

    ATTRACTIVE 3-room furnished o unfurnished apartments, 2 beds Reasonable. 2076 Redondo Blvd. Apt. A.

    21 For Sale: Automobiles and Accessories

    OVERLAND 3-passenger coupe first class condition. Crosley

    ' Special Trlrdyn radio set 226 Redondo boulevard.

    22 For Bale: Furniture and Household Goods

    BEDS, dressers, dining tables

    Carson St.

    DAVENPORT, »7; new twin beds »20. 1927 Carson St.

    23 For Sale: Horses and Livestock

    In good condition, both $40. -20609 Sherer St., Nestorla, Calif.

    24 Poultry and Pet StockFOR SALE Fox terrier puppies

    beautifully marked. Reasonably priced. 1024 Portola, Torrance

    25 For Sale: Miscellaneous

    GOOD young Jersey cow, milking heavy; will be fresh again Dec 6. 206D9 Sherer St., Nestorla Calif.

    26 Help Wanted: MaleWANTED Man familiar with auto-

    mobile business, as restden salesman for an old established line of cars. Qood proposition to good man. Write Box 476, Qar- dena, Calif.

    WANTED Salesman for Torrance territory. Gardena Music Co. Gardenu, Cal.

    27 Help Wanted: FemaleWANTED Girl for general house-

    work. Apply after 6 p. m., 2021 Carson St '

    30 Wanted to Buy .WANTED To buy beet cattle and

    veal. Trailer for rent Geo. W. GUIespie. P. O. Box »1S, -Ingle- wood. Calif.

    WANTED Real estate. List your properties with the Nelll Realty Company. 8-M-tf

    33: Real Estate: Improved


    $750.00The owner of a 60xl80-ft. corner lot, came into our office and Bald he had to have some money. Put tho price on thia at one-half value. Terms.

    $3500.00For 10 days only. Good

    Andreo. Garage. Only $1000 down and monthly.

    •1 goad lots, 50x160, clone to Western Ave. $350 each. Half cash.

    Good 3-room house. 'Water, electric light. Garage,

    Only »150 down and month- ly payments. Stop paying

    Wu havu some of the best buys over offered In Tor- |-unc« by owners who must have money. They have overbought und are selling ut prices that you can make good money.

    H,,im: In and nee our rental list


    Phone 176

    mortal Park, ova Fanny C. King, 1384 Sartorl. Phone 174 Tor- rauce (or courtesy car.


    By Frederick M. Essig

    Sunday, 8:30 a.m. (to his wife): "Now, Belle, listen to reason. Here I've worked hard all week an' 1 nppd a rest as much as anybody. I can stay right here at home and rend a better sermon than "

    10:46 a.m. (at the phone): "'Lo, Sim. why alncha in church this mornln'? Gee, thinka old Brownie Bettln there with a lotto ole ladles llstenin' to that ole fogy for three- quarters of an hour! Good night! Whatclia say to a couple games of

    noon, Reverend. . . . Why, yes, I'm gonna start comin' to church right awny. I believe in the church nn'all that, an' I think you'ro doln' a good work here. . . . No, I don't think I'd wanta consider joinln1 the church just now. . . . Tell ya how it Is: I might feel different about It, only there's so man; hypocrites in the churches, an* i there's one thing I can't stand "

    " tell you why I don't. I never wpnt to church yet but what they pushed u collection Plato right un-der my nose, and the preacher never comes to see me but what he wants money for' something or other, an' "

    6:45 p. m, (to his son): "No, you can't have no supper. Boys tha play hookey from Sunday school don't deserve no supper.' Now you march off to bed and don't let me hear of you playin' that trie again. Why, when I was a boy I'd no more thought . . . Howya gonna know how to behave if ya never go to Sunday school? Whaddaya think would happen, to the Sunday school If every boy "

    Etc., etc., etc.

    Soap Company Will Give Demonstration

    At Renn's GroceryThe Los Angeles Soap Company,

    manufacturers of White King and Mission Bell soap products, have made arrangements for a special demonstration and sale of their products at the W. A. Renn market on Carson street next Thursday and Friday.

    Local women are promised many helpful laundry hints, but, as an extra inducement, special gift of- fers of both White King and Mis- sion Bell soap are published In an advertisement in this Issue.

    Judge Lrndsay in Inspiring Address

    To School PupilsBusiness men of Torrance do-

    nated the money which made pos- sible tjie appearance of Judge Ben Liridsay of Denver- at the high school auditorium last Friday after- noon. Judge Llndsay entertains the students of the school with a delightful talk and drove home to them the importance of doing right for right's sake and not through fear of the consequences of "getting caught."

    Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tansey and daughter were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waldrod at their new home In Laurel canyon.

    Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buschlen of Long Beach were callers at the

    33 Real Estate: Improved..NEW 4-room bungalow, 2 bed-

    roo'ms; hardwood floors ; restricted district; 50-foot lot; near Moneta and Western Ave. $4250: month- ly payments of $50 each, or $250 cash, $45 per month. A. E. Howey, 1638 Fourth Ave., Los Angeles. EM 7189.

    FOR HOMES IN LOMITA, and, for fire, compensation and automo- bile Insurance, see

    J. W. WBLTE 1144 Norbonno LomtU

    Across from School

    FOUR- ROOM modern house, with double garage: all street assess- ments paid. Half cash and bal- ance $30 per month. 2223 An- dreo Ave.

    TO BE MOVED Two furnished houses, 3 rooms and bath, new, $260 each. E. Craven, S. Su- sana and Jasper, Redondo.

    34 Real Estate: UnimprovedWESTERN AVE. CORNER, Block

    40, Tract 4983. $300 down .bal- ance $30 month, including in- terest. Write owner, 4116 Clinton St., Los Angeles, or phone 594- 353.

    1889 AMAPOLA. $300 down, bal- ance $40 month, including In- terest. Write 'owner, 4115 Clinton 8t, Los Angeles, or phone 694- 353.

    BSjg*|f*^i^Bj hod been employed at the Union ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H Tool Company. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1

    There are no relatives In this *^HHH^IIIHIR^|IHIHIH| country, but two sisters In Sweden. &MjkW£Uj]JKLfy^^a

    The burial will be from Stone ^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^H

    2 fr m. Thursday. May 14.


    "Many Thanks, Friendsfor your kind words"

    Your warm words of appreciation and goodwill as expressed in last Tuesday's Torrance Her- ald have tauched us deeply.

    We will strive to merit the continuance of your friendship by "carrying on" in the future as we

    have In the past.

    Faithfully yours, JAMES W..POST,

    ' President.

    First National Bankof Torrance


    Equip Your Home With a"LORAIN"


    Eliminates Pot WatchingOven Heat Regulated. Gas Ranges eliminate pot watch- ing. Put your whole dinner in the oven, roast, vege- tables, and everything, set the RED WHEEL, then take the afternoon off and forget about cooking till dinner time. When you go home all you will have to do is to turn off the gas and serve a perfectly cooked dinner.





    I Congratulations to the

    | First National Bank' Ev.n though 1 am a littl« latt, 1 do hop* that th* First ' National Bank and its honorable president, J. Wallace Post, will

    aoespt my b«t wi«hoi and congratulations on thalr 12th Anniversary.

    A^ the first merchant in this community, 1 feel that 1 am in a position to realize tho splendid t.rvic. given by thi. institution during the l*sn years of our struggle, and will further state without fear of contradiction that if it wai not for the helping hind of The First National, tome of "ui pioneer merchants" would not be where we are today.

    Well, First National, here ii hoping that your IUCCCM from now on will eclipse your. fine showing of the past yean.


    R^ft^y PRESCRIPTIONSfM^^P we are careful Druggists

    Ks8^*. -i^ii w y /H

    When you bring ui a 'prescription we fill it promptly, taking only the tim* neoeuary to do It with care and verify it afterwarda.

    But w. !» uke only PURE FRESH DRUGS of .tandard etrength

    and our pric«i are very reasonable.


    Com* to u* FIRST.

    TORRANCE PHARMACYPhone J-J MALON6 BRO8. Terr.no., California

    MAY 12, 1926

    ATWATER-KENT RADIOCombined with the

    Pooley Console .. Offers the Ideal Installation for the Home ^


    DEBRA RADIO CO. 1Radios Exclusively

    Carson at Cabriflo, Tonaaice Phone 73-J


    , • "J

    '. '.-"

    ' ' - ' ' ' : 1;

    "- ' I


    ' - - ' *

    i]"4 O . j

    ,i ?i


    / Calling Cards ; Wedding Invitations and i

    Announcements , j' , '». A

    Come and see our . 1 display of samples. |


    Prompt Service and Moderate Prices |

    TORRANQE HERALD !Herald Building., 1419 Marcelina Ave, |

    Telephone 200 Tcrrance 1

    i' -j

    ' . -,-r!


