TRINITY TIDINGS Tidings/2015 April.pdf · April 2015 TRINITY TIDINGS The monthly newsletter for...


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April 2015


The monthly newsletter for Trinity English Evangelical Lutheran Church Appleton, WI

Trinity Lutheran Church

Remember - Rejoice - Renew at the Synod Assembly !

Trinity will be recognized for its 100th Anniversary at the

upcoming East Central Synod of Wisconsin Assembly in May. They

will add our story to a booklet with other congregations celebrating

similar milestones. Below is what we submitted.

I hope you enjoy it! Pastor Brian

Trinity Lutheran Church, in downtown Appleton,

recently celebrated its 100th Anniversary with a look back at its

past. In 1913, the United Lutheran Church in America

considered Appleton an area ripe for an English-speaking

Lutheran congregation. On February 7, 1915, Trinity English

Evangelical Lutheran Church was formally organized in Odd

Fellows Hall with 15 charter members and 3 children.

On August 12, 1917, Trinity's chapel, located on the

corner of Harris and Oneida streets, was dedicated. The very

next Sunday the congregation extended a call to their first

pastor, the Rev. Frederick Schreckenberg. By 1923, membership

had grown to 217. The chapel was becoming much too small. On

December 9, 1923, construction of a larger sanctuary began at

South Allen and East Kimball Streets – the new sanctuary and

parsonage were dedicated in 1925.

Feeding the Hungry . . . Serving the Community


Maundy Thursday

April 2 Worship at 6:30 p.m.

Celebration of First Communion with

Emalee and Anna Funk.

Good Friday April 3

Worship at 6:30 p.m.


April 5 Worship at 9:00 a.m.


Maundy Thursday, April 2 at 6:30 p.m. Ushers - 2 needed Communion Assistants - 2 needed Handwashing Assistant - 1 needed Altar Care & Stripping of the Altar - 2 needed

Good Friday, April 3 at 6:30 p.m. Acolyte - 1 needed Ushers - 2 needed Cross Bearer - 1 needed

If you are able to help or if you have questions, please contact the church office at 734-9895 or Or talk to Pastor Brian in person or via email at Thank you for your help!


CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST – 10:00 – 10:15 a.m. [Lower Auditorium] COMMUNITY TIME – 10:15 – 10:55 a.m. [Lower Auditorium]

April 5th -- EASTER SUNDAY – Matthew 28:1-10 He is Risen Indeed!! No Continental Breakfast or Community Time April 12th – The Great Commission – Matthew 28:16-20 Disciples, Apostles and Us April 19th – Peter’s Vision – Acts 10:1-17; 34-35

Peter’s Vision of animals – which ones are kosher? April 26th – Service Sunday Decorate cookies for Loaves & Fishes

Maundy Thursday & Good Friday Volunteers Needed

Trinity Family Bowling Sunday, April 12 from 11 am - 1 pm

Stay tuned for more details!!


Trinity Lutheran Church

Remember - Rejoice - Renew Continued from Cover Story (p. 1)

After some very difficult years, a recent

seminary graduate, ignoring the advice of his

elders, accepted the call to lead Trinity. The

Rev. Clement Zeidler was senior pastor during

a tremendous growth period at Trinity. In

1954, construction of the new Parish Hall

began. By 1960, the church was busting at the

seams – with 2,732 baptized members

and an average Sunday attendance of

727. To meet its seemingly ever-

expanding needs, the congregation

dedicated a much larger sanctuary in

1963. The final major construction

project was completed in 1996, when

Trinity added a new entry way, an

elevator, handicap accessibility and

expanded their fellowship areas.

Our 100th year allowed a look

back at our past – but, it really became

a way to look ahead. And it all began

with some shocking news about our

future – in April 2014, the city of

Appleton declared its intent to acquire our

property for a new public library. Instead of

focusing on the negative, Trinity decided to

focus on all that we do well.

We added a third night of free meals

through Loaves & Fishes, we fed the

community at our second annual “God's work.

Our hands.” Sunday picnic, and we continue to

feed the community each Sunday morning in

body and spirit. We focused on one story each

week with the narrative lectionary - which

allowed us to combine our Sunday School and

Fellowship Time into a very successful cross-

generational experience. During our 100th

year, we also focused on how our stories are

God’s stories. Stories of all that Trinity has

been about – about all that we are – and our

hopes for all that we will be. These stories

helped us promote year-round stewardship,

leading to the development of our first-

ever narrative budget.

Our 100th Anniversary was a cause for

celebration – and boy did we celebrate!

Each month we held a special event.

These events were not only fun for our

members – but each one also supported

our mission statement by serving the

community and feeding the hungry. We

also issued a new photo directory,

collected and published our stories, and

sang our favorite hymns each Sunday.

Our celebration concluded on the

weekend of February 7 and 8 with an

Open House and a worship service that

filled the sanctuary. Many former pastors and

our new bishop were on hand to help the

family and friends of Trinity rejoice in the Lord

always. The weekend concluded with food, of

course – a wonderful brunch served by our

friends at Fox Banquets.

The joy found in the good news of Jesus

Christ shines through the people of Trinity!

What’s next for us? It doesn’t matter, for we

will continue to share this joy where we are

needed the most – and that is where God will

send us!


Word from the Council President

Friends at Trinity – Words taken from Pastor Brian’s recent sermon: “Fruits of the Holy Spirit – love, joy, peace and patience.” And I’m here to say that dealing with City regarding the proposed Appleton Public Library site is teaching your Executive Committee and Church Council the meaning of the word “patience.” As I write this article in mid-March we know the following: the City has three appraisals on our site and, we believe, three appraisals on the Fox Banquets site. Our attorney has been in constant contact with the city attorney, but has had minimal response. So we continue to be in a holding pattern with the City regarding a possible offer to purchase. (Perhaps by the time you read this, things will have changed – I’m an optimist!) Meanwhile, we are finishing up Listening Sessions and moving toward the second phase, “Taking Stock –determining purpose and core values” under the guidance of Pastor Jean from the Synod office. The Listening Teams have opened their ears to listen to others telling their stories, and, in turn, have opened their hearts in courage to tell their own. (When Listening Session information is compiled, we will share the information via the Weekly Bulletin.) So, in this Easter Season, as we welcome the risen Savior, we ask him to help us persevere in faith, remain steadfast in hope, and grow in love.

Blessings to you,

Jeanne Jeanne Beckley Council President

The Trinity Grants Committee is currently accepting Grant Requests. Grants provide

resources for projects, programs, individuals or groups that meet one of the following conditions: Would seem likely to enrich or provide some special benefit to the spiritual life of the


Would provide some worthy addition or improvement to the congregation’s facilities not likely to be achieved through other channels

Would give needed assistance or support to a worthy individual or family or Christian enterprise or program

Grant applications are available in the church office. Completed applications must be returned to the church office by Wed, April 22nd, 2015. If you have questions, please contact Chris Anderson-Kroiss, Grants Committee at 920-585-8988 or


April Stewardship Drive In April we will focus on Women of the ELCA, in preparation for the upcoming Appleton Conference of WELCA Spring Event on Saturday, April 25. The event will take place at Grace Lutheran in Winchester. We will collect donations for Grace Lutheran Church’s Pantry. The BIG need this year is for men’s hygiene products.

Here is a list of needed items: Razors Shaving Cream Body Wash Deodorant Toothpaste Toothbrushes Socks T-shirts

To help support our Synodical mission, we are asking each woman of Trinity to give one dollar - $1.00. This will be our offering for our local and churchwide ELCA. Watch for collection boxes in the church entryway. Questions - talk to Judy Natz or Wanda Fischer.


June 19-21 for


at Crossways Waypost Camp in Hatley, WI

Kayaking is a fantastic way for all adults to get active in the outdoors! Learn basic kayak strokes and maneuvers on Mission Lake in preparation for a river trip. Then, you will spend a fun day Saturday paddling in God’s Creation! Enjoy small group conversations, wild-life viewing, and grow in self-confidence as you paddle 10-16 miles on a local river. Crossways will provide all the kayak gear, guides, and the Gospel. All you need to provide is a sense of adventure. Adult Price: $57 Contact: Mary Lindsley … 920-740-7646 …. She will be coordinating our group. For more information, check out the Crossways Website:

ECSW Women of the ELCA Conference Spring Event

Saturday, April 25 Grace Lutheran Church

8396 Steeple Hill Dr. Larson, WI 54947

“You Never Know When You are Making a Difference in Someone’s Life” 1 Peter 4:10

$10.00 per person

Watch for more information including registration in the April Weekly Tidings.



1 9 am KiT

Noonhour Phil.

3:30 pm L&F

7:00 pm AA

2 9 am A.W.C.

Noon - AA

6:30 pm Maundy


7:30 pm AA

7:30 pm Al-Anon

7:30 pm Singers

8:00 pm Bells

3 3:30 pm L&F

6:30 pm

Good Friday



5 EASTER ! 9:00 am Worship

6 3:30 pm L&F

7 pm Bible



6:30 pm Exec.


8 9 am KiT

10:30 HHH

Noonhour Phil.

3:30 pm L&F

6:45 pm Confirm.

7:00 pm AA


Noon - AA

7:30 pm AA

7:30 pm Al-Anon

7:30 pm Singers

10 3:30 pm L &F


12 9:00 am Worship

10:00 am

Continental Bfast

10:15 am

Community Time

11:00 a.m. Trinity

Family Bowling

13 9:15 am L&F

Board Mtg.

3:30 pm L&F


15 News. Deadline 9 am KiT

Noonhour Phil.

3:30 pm L&F

6:30 pm EGA

6:45 pm Confirm.

7:00 pm AA

16 Noon - AA

7:30 pm AA

7:30 pm Al-Anon

7:30 pm Singers

17 3:30 pm L&F

18 5 pm Sons of


19 9:00 am Worship

10:00 am

Continental Bfast

10:15 am

Community Time

20 10 am


3:30 pm L&F

21 6:30 pm

Council Mtg

22 9 am KiT

Noonhour Phil.

3:30 pm L&F

6:45 pm Confirm.

7:00 pm AA

23 9:00 am Collate

Newsletter 11:30 am Red Ox

Noon - AA

7:30 pm AA

7:30 pm Al-Anon

7:30 pm Singers

24 3:30 pm L&F


26 9:00 am Worship

10:00 am

Continental Bfast

10:15 am

Community Time

27 3:30 pm L&F


29 9 am KiT

Noonhour Phil.

3:30 pm L&F

6:45 pm Confirm.

7:00 pm AA

30 Noon - AA

7:30 pm AA

7:30 pm Al-Anon

7:30 pm Singers

Trinity Lutheran Church 209 S. Allen St., Appleton WI 54911

April 2015


WORSHIP TEAM SCHEDULE April 2015 / Hope Team

April 5 Greet - West: Marita Wagner & Kerrie Jo Wagner Greet - East: Can you help? Altar Care: 1. Sandy LeMoine 2. Can you help? Acolyte: Mitchell VanderWielen Ushers: 1. Kerrie Jo Wagner 2. Dick Rendall 3. Jerry LeMoine 4. Sandy LeMoine Reader: Jean Haese Communion Assistant: Jean Haese Healing: 1. Jeanne Beckley 2. Can you help? Children’s Time: Mary Bankert Fellowship: Carla Knoke & Sandy LeMoine Care of Pew Racks: Kerrie Jo Wagner

April 12 Greet - West: Lorraine Niemi Greet - East: Jeanne Beckley Altar Care: Marita Wagner Acolyte: Ben Miller Ushers: 1. Kerrie Jo Wagner 2. Brenda Miller 3. Marty Miller 4. Dick Rendall Reader: Leanne Meidam-Wincentsen Communion Assistants: 1. Can you help? 2. Can you help? Children’s Time: Wanda Fischer Fellowship: Jeanne Beckley

April 19 Greet - West:

Marita Wagner & Kerrie Jo Wagner Greet - East: Dan & Glennis Schuelke Altar Care: Marita Wagner

Acolyte: Mitchell VanderWielen Ushers: 1. Kerrie Jo Wagner 2. Dick Rendall

3. Can you help?

4. Can you help? Reader: Leanne Meidam-Wincentsen Communion Assistants:

1. Can you help? 2. Can you help? Children’s Time: Jann Seidl Fellowship: Glennis Schuelke

Care of Pew Racks: Kerrie Jo Wagner

April 26 Greet - West: Can you help? Greet - East: Jeanne Beckley Altar Care: Marita Wagner Acolyte: Ben Miller Ushers: 1. Kerrie Jo Wagner 2. Brenda Miller 3. Marty Miller 4. Dick Rendall Reader: Leanne Meidam-Wincentsen Communion Assistants: 1. Can you help? 2. Can you help? Children’s Time: Dena Krueger Fellowship: Jeanne Beckley


Bible Study Opportunities In April

Opportunities at Trinity to Study God’s Message for You Please consider joining a study of God’s message with others at Trinity. It is a fun experience, with lots of good discussion. Here is a summary of the upcoming opportunities in April!

Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room

Readings and conversations focus on the readings for Sunday and:

Are cheerfully “open door”…so you are welcome at any time.

Last about an hour, depending on the desire of the group.

Readings for Wednesdays in April include:

April 1 - Matthew 28:1-10 April 8 - Matthew 28:16-20

April 15 - Acts 10:1-17, 34-35 April 22 - Acts 13:1-3, 14: 8-18

April 29 - Romans 1:1-17

You are Welcome to…

“Keep in Touch” with God and with one another Refreshments provided!

First Monday of the Month !!! April 6 at 7:00 p.m.

Monday evening Bible Study (usually the first Monday of each month) meets on Monday, April 6 at 7 p.m. in the Fireside Room. Please join us as we discuss Max Lucado's study, entitled "You'll Get Through This". Do you yearn for some hope in these troubled times? Most of us do, as did Joseph when he was thrown into a pit. And pits have no easy exit. Come join us as we talk about how God lightens our load, no matter how heavy. Call or email Mary Robertson with any questions or ideas: 450-1350.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the 11th ANNUAL GOLF OUTING July 26, 2015 It will be hard to surpass 2014’s total of over $8000, but with everyone’s help it can be done. We are looking for completed baskets for the silent auction, items for baskets, golf balls, hole sponsors and, of course, cash donations are always welcome. If you have any questions or donations at this time, contact Jean Haese 722-4423 or Sandy LeMoine 729-9641. Items can also be brought to Trinity on Sunday mornings or during the week. As always, we really appreciate everyone’s support! Thanks.

Trinity Family Bowling

Sunday, April 12

11 am - 1 pm

Stay tuned for more details!!


Noonhour Philosophers Wednesdays from Noon - 1 pm Upper Auditorium

Wed. April 1 PARTING THOUGHTS Rev. Roger Bertschausen, Senior Minister of the Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Wed. April 8 FINANCIAL INSTABLITIES AND GOVERNMENT POLICIES Corry Azzi, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Lawrence University

Wed. April 15 APPLETON HISTORICAL SOCIETY Mark Moderson, Member of the Board of Directors Wed. April 22 INNOVATION DUET John Brandenberger, Professor of Physics Adam Galambos, Professor of Economics Lawrence University Wed. April 29 ONIONS AND MAILBOXES: A TRIBUTE TO ELLEN KORT Rusty McKenzie, Poet and Other Poets Galore

VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH April 2015 - Dorothy Warren If you want to see the face of caring, I would introduce you to Trinity Member, Dorothy Warren!! Dorothy is always doing something for someone else, whether it would be a fellow Trinity member, a friend, a relative, a student, or a guest at Loaves & Fishes!!

Dorothy has been a Trinity member since 1966. She serves on the Help, Healing and Health Team where she delivers worship tapes to shut-ins every week; makes sure that shut-in members get a new devotional every quarter; takes communion; and makes sure the CareNotes are available to members and visitors. You will also find Dorothy helping with Community Time and the Continental Breakfast …. Or anywhere else help is needed!! Dorothy is a trained Stephen’s Minister and has ministered to those members needing special care. In the past she worked with the youth groups at Trinity.

Dorothy is also devoted to Loaves & Fishes at Trinity, and works there every Monday night and many Wednesday nights. In this role she gets to know many guests and their stories.

Dorothy was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (Yup, she’s a Yooper). She came to Appleton and taught school in the Appleton school system all her professional career. Dorothy retired a few years ago as a 2nd grade teacher at Janet Berry school. She continues to volunteer at Janet Berry in a math program and in the library. Dorothy is an avid reader and formed a book club after she retired. They meet once a month at the Copper Rock and share what each has been reading, trading books and ideas. And, she LOVES her Packers! Don’t get in her way leaving church when the Packers are playing.

Dorothy has many friends and enjoys luncheons and outings with them. She loves the symphony and looks forward to each concert.

Dorothy is close to her family, especially her niece and grand-niece who live in Iowa. She spends a lot of quality time and holidays with them.

Dorothy, thank you for having such a caring

heart and serving and loving Trinity, your family

and your community.


Trinity Lutheran Church

Remember - Rejoice - Renew Stories from Trinity Members

A strange coincidence that led us to Trinity happened the last Sunday we attended church at The Church of the Good Shepherd in Houghton, Michigan, before moving to Appleton. Our bulletin had a photo of Trinity English Evangelical Lutheran church in Appleton, Wisconsin. The church had been renovated and the picture was taken the day of the dedication. Since Trinity was the closest Lutheran church to our new home, it was very natural that we went to that church. Pastor Kindem welcomed us on our first Sunday and then the next night he came to our home to tell us more about Trinity. What he had to say made us think that Trinity was a good place for our family to worship. It was a warm and sunny fall day on Sunday, October 6, 1963, when Kris and I, along with our five children, Peter-8, Helen-7, Alice-3, Karen-2, and Erick-10 months, joined Trinity. It did not

take us long to feel at home at the church and with children of many different ages, we fast became involved in many different aspects of church life. I have enjoyed being a member of Trinity for almost 62 years so far. It has always been an important part of my life and I have made many good friends through the years.

Annelise Jensen On the way home from skiing one Saturday with Pastor Kevin Ruffcorn, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I apologized for falling asleep on him. He replied that it was okay because he had been practicing his sermon for the next day in his head. I said, “I hope you get a better response to your sermon tomorrow.”

Erick Jensen

Join me and my Thrivent Action Team … Trinity Members – Fighting Cancer One Mile at a Time I’m looking for 10 Trinity Members to join me in the Sole Burner 5K on May 9th. The registration fee will be FREE for the 1st Ten people that sign-up at Trinity. ***AND you’ll get a Sole Burner t-shirt with our Trinity Logo*** Even if you don’t run/walk, EVERYONE at Trinity may participate by supporting and donating funds to the Trinity runners/ walkers.

Sign-up to run/walk by contacting Mary Lindsley by APRIL 2ND; and Mary will submit and pay for the registration. Those donating to the run may do so thru May 2nd. Together we will…. Do GOD’S WORK…with OUR FEET … Serving the Community in tandem with our Thrivent Action Team … Connecting Faith and Finances for Good. Questions: Mary Lindsley … 920-740-7646 …


Dear Friends of Trinity, On May 2nd, my son Matthew and I will be participating in the 2015 Human Race (through the

Volunteer Center of East Central Wisconsin). Since I am a board of member of Fox Valley Lutheran Homes – Matt and I will be running on their behalf.

I ask you to please consider making a pledge in support of our efforts and this worthy organization. Fox Valley Lutheran Homes is a non-profit organization dedicated to provide independent living for those who are 62 or better. They offer a ministry of hope and help. Their long-term goal is to end the isolation and invisibility that prevents lower income elderly from accessing the support they need to live with independent dignity in the Fox Valley community.

If you would like to pledge to our 5K run, you may sign up on our pledge sheets at church – or on-line. For Matt:

For Pastor Brian:

Thank you in advance for your support!

Pastor Brian and Matt

Everything that is done

in the world is done

by hope.

Martin Luther


Trinity English Evangelical Lutheran Church

209 S. Allen St. Appleton, WI 54911 920-734-9895

An ELCA congregation

Congregation Council

President . . . Jeanne Beckley 739-2426 Vice Pres. . . Mary Lindsley 740-7646

Secretary . . . Leanne Meidam Wincentsen 757-5570

Treasurer . . . Chris Anderson-Kroiss 585-8988

Wanda Fischer . . . 788-9331 Dena Krueger . . . 257-3691 Kay Schroeder . . . 851-6204

Judy Natz . . . 419-7126 Mary Robertson . . . 450-1350

Sue Ruppel 739-8558 Ken Schucknecht . . . 734-6193

Steve Schulze 450-8880 Chris Vander Wielen . . . 419-7073

Kerrie Jo Wagner . . . 277-4932

Feel free to contact any of these individuals with your thoughts, needs or

concerns for Trinity.


Pastor Brian Bankert Office Manager Sarah Bultman Organist Jon Peterson

Custodian Moore Clean 920-284-8951 Pastoral Care: Please contact the church office at 734-9895. In case of emergency, you may contact Pastor Brian on his phone via voice or text - 703-314-1931.

Holy Week at Trinity

Maundy Thursday April 2 at 6:30 p.m.

Celebration of First Communion for Emalee & Anna Funk.

Good Friday April 3 at 6:30 p.m. at Trinity

Joint ELCA Good Friday Worship

12:15 p.m. at Prince of Peace Lutheran

2330 E. Calumet St., Appleton

Easter Sunday April 5 at 9:00 a.m.



We at Fox Valley Lutheran Homes are going through the season of Lent, preparing for Easter, just as you are. We are looking forward to a glorious Easter and to the Resurrection of our Lord! We are also looking forward to spring when we can enjoy sitting outside on our balconies, taking walks across the street in the park, and getting out in our gardens here at Fox Valley. If you haven’t seen our facility, we invite you to come for a tour. See the beautiful Commons room, the wonderful facility which many of us call home and which is a truly safe and welcoming place for seniors. At the current time, there are three-one bedroom apartments vacant and two-two bedroom apartments vacant. Either John, the building manager, or I, the Executive Director, would be pleased to show you some of them! I’ll see some of you at our Annual Meeting here on April 18, with refreshments beginning at 8:30 a.m. I’ve begun visiting Appleton Conference churches! Yours could be next! I am anxious to spread the word about Fox Valley Lutheran Homes history with the Appleton Conference and what we can do for each other. See you soon and have a blessed Easter! To reach our staff: John, Building Manager – 419-5754; Ruth, Care Coordinator – 734-7225; Becky, Executive Director – 734-7225. Your continuing prayers and support keep our ministry here at FVLH alive! Becky Luett, AIM, Executive Director
