Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials


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  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials


    Pow der Technology, 60 (1990) 99



    Recent Results of Triaxial Tests with Granular Materials


    Znst ztut e or Sozl M echanzcs and Rock M echanzcs, Unzv erszty of Karl sruhe, Kazserstr 12, D-7500 Kar lsruhe 1


    (Recewed December 13,1988, m rewed form June 22,1989)



    I n this paper are presented some recent

    traaxur l test r esul ts obtamed w h dry sand,

    sugar, rape, wheat and synthetic granulates

    The device used was a tr laxwl apparatus

    specaal ly desrgned to test dry sdo mater s

    The resul ts are reported wrth a mew to facll l-

    ta mg development and checkmg of appropn-

    ate constltu twe equati ons. This IS only pos-

    sible if special pr ecauti ons have been taken

    to suppr ess error sour ces and guarantee a

    homogeneous deformation The resul ts pre-

    sented here reveal some character lstlcs of the

    sample behavlour , namely (I ) even durang the

    ml eal lsotroplc consohda tlon the samples

    behave anasotropwal ly, (11) he mhomogene-

    ous sample deformati on sets m from the

    begmnmg of the traaxl al compression and,

    therefore, the test resul ts cannot be evaluated

    without a deconvolu tlon technique, and (ur )

    with loose sands and granulates constltu ted

    f rom soft grams, as well as at high stress

    levels, a peak state 1s not obtained and, there-

    for e, any reference to a fr iction angle 1s

    questionable A simple deconvolutlon tech-

    ni que B also presented


    Loading h&ones occurrmg m practice are

    very complex, and very few can be simulated

    by laboratory tests. In general, deformation

    occurs together with a rotation of the prm-

    clpal stress dlrectlons. Despite several

    attempts, e g the simple shear tests described

    by Budhu [ 11,


    has not been possible to

    simulate this sort of motion m the laboratory

    with a homogeneously deformed sample.

    Homogeneity of the deformation is, however,

    an mdispensable property of tests which are

    supposed to provide the basis for developmg

    and checkmg constitutive equations. Thus, a

    0032-5910/901 3 50

    distmctlon should be drawn between the

    laboratory tests which do not fulfil the

    requirement of homogeneous deformation

    (e g. the shear box test) and those which

    allow homogeneous deformation to some


    The mam representative of the latter group

    1sthe so-called tr laxzul test, which was mtro-

    duced mto soil mechanics m the twenties by

    Ehrenberg The pnnciple of this test is as

    follows: a cylmdncal sample is compressed m

    the axial direction, while the hydrostatically

    applied lateral stresses u2 = u3 are kept con-

    stant. During the test, the axial and lateral

    displacements ui and u3, respectively, are

    measured as well as the axial force F,. The

    results are evaluated as follows


    f3 =



    A= i (do - 22.~~)~

    Of course, this evaluation presupposes that

    stresses and strams are homogeneously (1.e


    constantly) distributed withm the sample,

    otherwise the above evaluation is meanmgless.

    Although the tnaxlal test appears quite

    simple, a series of difficulties and errors has to

    be circumvented


    A new tnaxial apparatus (see Fig. 1)

    has been designed m the Institute of Soil

    0 Elsewer Sequola/Prmted m The Netherlands

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials


    1 Loadnlg frame

    2 Lorbdmg piston

    3 Pressure cell

    1 Top cap

    5 Bottom cap



    7 Load cell

    3 Bellows

    9 Spoke-wheels



    Fig 1 Layout of the trlaxlal test apparatus

    Mechanics and Rock Mechamcs of the Karls-

    ruhe Umversitya. The apparatus has been

    designed for samples with the mitral dunen-

    sions h, = 10 cm and d, = 10 cm. The axial

    load is exerted by movmg the loadmg piston.

    The velocity of the piston can be regulated m

    the range 4 pm/h to 20 mm/mm. In the pres-

    ent tests, a downwards piston velocity of 10

    mm/h is used. The ram is fixed to the top end

    plate of the specunen. The apparatus allows a

    maxunum axial load of 100 kN. The maxi-

    mum design confmmg pressure u2 = u3 is

    1400 kPa. The tnaxial apparatus is character-

    ized by the followmg special features

    Axzal force measurement

    The axial force 1s measured beneath the

    pressure chamber by a load cell with a precl-

    sion of *30 N The force is transmitted out-

    side the pressure chamber by means of a rod

    guided by two spoke-wheels (see Fig. 2). A

    steel bellows is used to separate the pressurized

    cell au from the atmosphere and makes it

    possible to transrmt the axial force outside

    the pressure chamber, while the two spoke-

    wheels (see Fig. 3) guarantee a vertical align-

    ment of the transmission rod The influences

    due to the stiffnesses of the bellows and the

    *A Jomt research project (‘Sonderforschungs-

    oerelch’) on ~110shas been estabhshed by several mstl-

    tutes of the Umverslty of Karlsruhe with the fmanclal

    support of the German Research Community (DFG)

    In the framework of this project, the authors mvestl-

    gate the mechamcal behavlour of sdo materials

    Fig 2 Prmclple of the axial force measurement



    Fig 3 Schematic representation of the spoke-wheels

    and the bellows

    spoke-wheels are determmed by an appropn-

    ate calibration.

    Since the axial force is measured beneath

    the pressure chamber, the measurement is not

    mfluenced either by the fnction between the

    loadmg piston and the sealmg or by the

    confmmg pressure.

    Adjustable cell pressur e

    Air 1sused as cell fhud. The cell pressure

    can be measured with an accuracy of Au, =

    Au, = +0.2 kPa with a pressure transducer. As

    already mentioned, m the usual tnaxial tests,

    the lateral stress is kept constant. Complex

    loadmg histones can be apphed by varymg the

    cell pressure. This is achieved by a computer-

    controlled motor valve, with which the cell

    pressure can be adjusted with an accuracy of

    +2 kPa

    Lateral stram measurement

    Problems and methods related to the lateral

    stram measurement are discussed by Tatsuoka

    [2]. The use of a proximity transducer is

    reported by Dupas

    et al [3].

    The method

    applied by Ueng et al [4] (freezmg) is

    mapphcable to dry materials. In the present

    mvestigation, the lateral stram of the sample

    is measured directly by means of three collars

    which contact the sample m the upper,

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials



    Fig Lateral strain collars

    middle, and lower parts, respectively These

    steel collars are equipped with electric stram

    gauges (see Fig. 4) and are pre-stressed m such

    a way that they contact the sample with a

    gentle pressure. An mcrease m the sample

    diameter causes a change m the curvature of

    the collars, which results m a local stram

    bemg measured. With


    bemg the thickness of

    the collar and


    bemg the radius of curvature at

    the location of the stram gauges, the stram E

    of the collar caused by the displacement u3 is

    given by E =


    Typical values for the present apparatus are

    d, =

    0.15 mm, u3 = 10 mm,

    r = 50


    resulting m a stram of E = 1 5 X 10P4 The

    datalogger fmally allows the determmation of

    the lateral stram of the sample with an

    accuracy of +0.02 % Calibration shows a

    neghgible hysteresis and a satisfactory linear-

    ity. For a detailed description of the lateral

    stram measurement, the reader 1sreferred to

    [5]. Because of the mcompressibmty, the

    rubber membrane surroundmg the sample is

    not expected to mfluence the measurement of

    the lateral deformation of the sample.

    End plate lubracatlon

    In conventional tnaxial tests, the sample

    contacts the filter stone directly. The friction

    at the upper and lower end plates hmders the

    lateral expansion of the sample, which is a

    requirement for the homogeneous deforma-

    tion of the sample [6]. To overcome this

    effect, tall samples

    (ho/d,, = 2.5)

    have been

    used m the past, and it was expected that the

    end plate friction would not mfluence the

    middle part of the sample. However, this

    method forces the sample to deform mhomo-

    geneously and, therefore, lubncated ends have

    been used to reduce the friction between the

    end plates and the sample [ 71.

    In the present tests, the followmg standard-

    ized method of lubrication is apphed: A 0.05-

    mm thick film of the grease UNISILKON,

    TK44 N3RECA is applied to the surfaces of

    the end plates, which are made of glass. The

    grease film is then covered by a 0.3-mm thick

    rubber disk. This method has been found to

    successfully suppress the friction at the end

    plates. The thickness of the lubncation layer

    is kept constant from test to test


    Fr lctl on between the end plates and the


    The use of lubricated ends reduces the

    friction between the end plates and the sam-

    ple considerably and the deformation of the

    sample becomes more uniform However, it is

    generally acknowledged that the friction

    cannot be ehmmated completely by using the

    lubncated ends. Besides, the effect of the

    friction at the end plates on the test results is

    difficult to assess In the direct shear test, the

    fnction angle between the lubncated end and

    the sand (fine to medium) was found to be

    smaller than 0.25” [8]. This fmdmg is m

    accordance with that of Goto and Tatsuoka

    [9], accordmg to which the friction angle was

    reduced to 0 14” .

    0 16” by the use of lubn-

    cated ends. Fnctlon reduction without

    bedding error can possibly be achieved by

    using extremely hard and smooth endplates.

    For this purpose, we have examined end

    plates which were ground, lapped, pohshed

    and covered with a thm film of tltamum-

    alummum mtnte. However, the friction

    between sand and end plate could not be

    suppressed below 2”. This fmdmg 1sm accor-

    dance with the observations of Lmton

    et al


    and Ueng

    et al


    Corr ectzon for the beddmg err or

    A problem associated with the use of the

    lubncated ends is that the axial deformation

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials



    measured mcludes not only the deformation

    of the sample but also the deformation of the

    lubrication layers the so-called



    There are two mam approaches to correc-

    tion of the beddmg error. The first approach

    is theoretical or semi-theoretical, whereas the

    second approach 1s experimental. For a

    thorough exposition of the first approach, the

    reader is referred to [ll]. Because of the

    many sunphfications mvolved, an exact cor-

    rection cannot be achieved through the

    theoretical approach. In the present study,

    the experimental approach wilI be discussed.

    There are two experimental methods

    proposed by Newland and Alley [12] and

    Roscoe et al [13] respectively. In [12], the

    beddmg error is corrected by evaluatmg an

    isotropic compression test. The difference

    between the axial and the radial stram gives

    the correction for the beddmg error. This

    method seems to be quite simple at first

    glance. Isotropic compression tests, as will be

    described m the sequel, show, however, that

    the samples behave amsotropically This

    renders the method by Newland and Alley


    The method by Roscoe et al

    was origmally

    proposed to deal with lateral membrane

    penetration and the same pnnciple was used

    to correct the beddmg error by Sarsby et al

    [ 141. In our mstitute, a test senes has been

    carried out by Goldscheider [ 151 swnmg at an

    exact determmation of the beddmg error.

    Figure 5 shows the results under monoto-

    mcalIy increased normal stress for dense

    Karlsruhe medium sand. A large scatter m the

    test data can be readily seen. The bedding

    error can be roughly accounted for by the

    followmg empirical equation [ 151:

    u IkN/m*l


    E to=03mm

    zi 02

    Fig 5 Beddmg error us normal stress after Gold-

    schelder [ 15 ]


    - = al[l - exp(-a20)]





    results from the compression of the

    rubber membrane and from the mdentation

    of grams mto it;

    to 1s

    the mitral thickness of

    the rubber membrane; (TIS the normal stress,

    ul = 0.3 and a2 = 0.0037 m’/kN are con-

    stants dependmg on the material tested.

    This fmdmg can be compared with that of

    Mochlzuki et al [

    171. The bedding error

    correction accordmg to eqn. 5) has been

    apphed to treat the data presented m Figs. 7

    and 9. This correction does not take mto

    account the compression of the grease layer.

    Neglecting the correction, however, appears

    to be Justifiable since the thickness of the

    grease layer amounts only 0.05 mm. Accord-

    ing to Sarsby

    et al [


    the untial


    of the sample has minor influence on the

    beddmg error, so that eqn. 5) can be apphed

    with equal force to loose Karlsruhe medium

    sand. For materials other than Karlsruhe sand,

    the correction for the beddmg error 1s made

    by assummg that the rubber membrane is

    totally compressed at u = 1000 kPa, i.e. At =


    Obviously, this correction overestimates

    the bedding error. However, it offers an upper

    bound for the bedding error.

    It can be seen that no matter how the cor-

    rection for beddmg error is made, theoreti-

    cally or expenmentally, an exact correction

    can never be expected. Without proper pre-

    cautions, the

    correction could even brmg

    about a greater error than no correction at all

    Resides, the beddmg error may only mfluence

    the deformation behaviour It does not have

    any influence upon the strength charactens-

    tics. Certamly, this does not mean that we

    should simply overlook the bedding error

    Rather, the difficulty as well as the necessity

    for the correction should be appreciated.

    In the haste to obtam corrections for

    bedding error, experimental results are also

    presented m the hterature without cor-

    rection for the bedding error, e.g. [18]. We

    are of the opmion that the significance of the

    bedding error should be studied for certam

    typical tests. The total test results, however,

    should be presented without any correction.

    Sufficient data, e g. thickness of the rubber

    membrane and of the grease layer, the elastic

    modulus and the Poisson ratio of the rubber

    membrane, the density of the sample and the

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials



    mean diameter of the grams should be pre-

    sented m case such corrections are required.

    In the present paper, the beddmg error is

    corrected for several typical tests m order to

    show its influence on the stress-&ram behav-

    iour, see Figs. 7 and 9. For the total tests,

    however, the beddmg error is left uncor-


    Correctaon for t he effect s of t he l at eral


    The corrections


    account for the effect

    of the lateral membrane on the stress stram

    behavlour should consider.


    the axial load carried by the lateral mem-


    (u) the lateral confinement caused by the

    expansion of the lateral membrane durmg


    A correction for the axial load carried by

    the membrane has been discussed by Bishop

    and Henkel [19]. There, the membrane was

    assumed to have the form of a right cyhnder

    durmg compression. This correction is negh-

    gibly small. Moreover, it becomes meanmgless

    as soon as the specimen bulges.

    The second correction can be made usmg

    the followmg equation:


    In denvmg eqn. (6), the membrane 1s

    assumed to have the form of a nght cylmder.

    In the case of bulgmg, a mean value of the

    lateral stram can be used.

    In the present tests, the rubber membrane

    placed around the sample has a Young modu-

    lus of

    E =

    1400 kPa and a Poisson ratio of 0.5

    [20]. In the unstretched state, the diameter

    and thickness of the rubber membrane

    amount 94.0 mm and 0.3 mm, respectively.

    Accordmg to eqn. (6), at a lateral &am

    e3 = 10% (which corresponds - roughly - to

    the peak state for a sample of dense Karlsruhe

    medium sand), the rubber membrane exerts a

    lateral compression of


    1.26 kPa on the

    sample. If we do not take thus effect mto

    account, we overestimate cp by the amount

    shown m Table 1.


    The materials tested are Karlsruhe sand,

    sugar, wheat, rape and synthetic granulates.

    TABLE 1

    CorrectIons for the frlctlon angle due to lateral mem-

    brane confmement


    cp= 20”

    cp= 40”


    0 59”

    0 48”


    0 30”

    0 24”


    0 15”

    0 12”


    0 06”

    0 05”


    0 03”

    0 02”

    The gram size distribution curves of the mate-

    rials are given m Fig 6. In Table 2, the

    extreme densities, the mean diameters of the

    grams and the specific gravities are summarized.

    (The maxmum and mmimum densities are

    expenmentally determined by convention

    according to the German Standard DIN

    18126 )



    Sample preparation

    The specimens are prepared by pluviation.

    The setup for the preparation procedure con-

    s&s of a silo with a central outlet setting

    on a distnbutmg cylinder. Three sieves are

    mounted m the cylinder. The particles flow-

    mg through the opening are distributed by

    the sieves and fall homogeneously into an

    auxiliary mould. Durmg pluviation, the mould

    IS moved downwards with a velocity of 12

    mm/mm to keep the falhng height constant.

    The auxiliary mould consists of the lower end

    plate and a supportmg lateral wall composed

    of three removable pieces.

    TABLE 2

    Extreme densltles, mean duuneters of the grams and

    speclfx gravities of the mvestlgated matwals






    (kN/m3) ( kN/m3) (mm)

    Karlsruhe medmm

    14 10 17 00

    0.33 2 65



    8 46 9 49

    0 43


    7 14 8

    15 300 125

    Rape 6 45 6 99 1 54 1 04


    6 38 6 75

    2 45 1 18


    5 53 5 88

    2 88 1.01


    5 96 7 03

    2 52 088

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials


    006 02

    06 2

    6 20

    gram size [mm


    Fig 6 Gram size dlstrlbutlon curves of the materials tested
















    Accuracy of the measur ement of the m al

    densz y

    The accuracy for the mltlal density can be

    estimated by conadermg the total differential

    of the density

    VAW+ WAV




    where V and W are mltlal volume and weight

    of the granular mass, Ay, AV and AW are the

    vanatlon of the mltlal density, of the mlt1a.l

    volume and of the weight of the granular mass


    In the present tests, the mltlal diameter of

    the sample 1smeasured at the upper, nuddle and

    with an accuracy of 0 1 mm and the sample is

    weighed with an accuracy of 0.5 g. The initial


    V =

    785 cm3 and weight

    W =

    1354 g

    have been obtamed for dense samples of

    Karlsruhe medium sand. Substltutmg these

    quantities m eqn. (4), we obtam AT < 0 05


    Scatter of the m al denslty

    The mltlal density depends on the fallmg

    height and the pourmg mtenslty. For a gwen

    pourmg mtenaty, the density 1sproportional

    to the falling height, while for a @ven falling

    height, the density decreases with the mcrease

    of pourmg intensity, see also [21]. It was

    found that a constant falhng height of

    25 cm produces dense sand samples with a

    speclflc gravity of y = 17 kN/m3 Vanatlon of

    the fallmg height


    results m different denw-

    ties accordmg to the followmg emplrlcal


    y = y. -a

    exp(--bh) (8)

    where y0 = 17.0 kN/m3,

    a =

    2 5 kN/m3 and

    b = 15/m

    In order to enunciate the vanatlon of the

    initial density, 30 tests with the same falling

    height were carried out. With the afore-

    mentioned samphng set-up, a fanly good

    reproduclblhty of the mltlal density was

    achieved: The mean value of the mltlal den-

    sity was 7 = 16.92 kN/m3 with a standard

    deviation of 0 12 kN/m3.

    Test pr ocedur e

    After obtammg the final sample height, the

    sample surface 1s equahzed by sucking off all

    roughness aspenties with vacuum. The mould

    is then gently placed on the pedestal m the

    tnaxlal apparatus. The three collars are

    mounted on the auxiliary mould. The piston

    1s moved downwards until contact between

    the upper end plate (which 1smounted on the

    piston) and the side walls of the auxiliary

    mould 1s estabhshed Subsequently, the

    rubber membrane 1s ixed to the upper plate

    and a vacuum of 15 kPa 1s apphed to the

    sample mtenor. As soon as the vacuum 1s

    apphed, the external atmosphenc pressure

    acts upon the sample and makes it stiff (I e


    self-sustammg) so that the auxiliary wall

    becomes dispensable. After removmg the

    auxlhary mould, the collars are mounted on

    the sample m the upper (1 cm from the top

    end plate), mtermedlate (m the middle of the

    sample) and lower (1 cm from the bottom

    end plate) height (see Fig. 4). The pressure

    cell is closed and sealed by lowenng the

    chamber, which 1s made from reinforced

    perspex The cell pressure 1s then mcreased

    step by step followed by regulation of the

    axial force This computer-controlled process

    1s performed m such a way that a nearly

    hydrostatic stress path 1s apphed. The vacuum

    1s released as soon as the value of the cell

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials



    pressure reaches 15 kPa. Subsequently, the

    sample is compressed m the axial direction by

    movmg the piston downwards.



    Although there is enormous experimental

    research concemmg tnaxlal tests m the hter-

    ature, most of the references are centered on

    the material behaviour under devlatonc load-

    mg. Only a few references describe the mate-

    rial behaviour under hydrostatic loadmg

    [22,23]. The reasons are as follows. firstly,

    the deformation developed at this stage is

    usually small compared with that durmg shear

    and 1s considered to be neghgible, secondly,

    exact measurement of the deformation durmg

    the hydrostatic loadmg 1smore difficult than

    durmg the subsequent compression

    In the present tests, the axial and lateral

    deformations dunng hydrostatic loadmg are

    measured by a commercial displacement

    transducer mounted between the two end

    plates and the three collars described m the

    section on

    L. era1 strazn measur ement

    The displacement transducer permits mea-

    surement of axial stram with an accuracy of

    +O 02% (by absence of the beddmg error)

    Illustrated m Fig. 7 are the test results with

    different materials evaluated with and with-

    out correction for the beddmg error

    It can be seen that the small magnitude of

    deformation durmg hydrostatic loadmg can

    only be expected for dense sand. For loose

    sand, however, especially for granular mate-

    rials consistmg of compressible particles, e.g.

    rape and wheat, the deformations resulting

    from hydrostatic loadmg can be as large as

    those during the subsequent shear The values

    of the maximum stram max ei , es)) at the

    end of the isotropic loadmg are given m

    Table 3

    The beddmg error has a stnkmg mfluence

    on the deformation behavlour durmg iso-

    tropic compression This is especially the case

    when the resultmg strams are small, see for

    mstance Fig. 7(a) and (b).

    An mterestmg observation is that the axial

    stram is usually not equal to the lateral stram

    although the loadmg path apphed is hydro-

    static The mitral amsotropy 1s found to

    depend on the mitral density of the sample.

    TABLE 3

    Maxlmum &rams under hydrostatic loadmg


    Dense Karlsruhe medium sand 0 267

    Loose Karslruhe medium sand 0 496

    sugar 1 241

    Wheat 1840

    Rape 5 467

    Lupolen 4 143

    Dense sand behaves nearly isotropically,

    whereas loose sand seems to be stiffer m the

    axial direction than m the circumferential

    direction, see Fig. 7(a) and (b). This mitral

    amsotropy of sand under hydrostatic loading

    has also been reported by other mvestlgators

    [22, 231. The tests m Fig. 7 with dlffer-

    ent materials and mltial densities show a

    great diversity of the deformation behaviour

    under hydrostatic loadmg, both quantitatively

    and qualitatively, dependmg on the materials

    and densities concerned The mitral amso-

    tropy has been found to persist dunng the

    subsequent shear and has a remarkable mflu-

    ence upon the strength and deformation

    dunng shear [ 241


    Figure 8 shows some of the typical test

    results on dense and loose Karlsruhe medium

    sand Cauchy’s stress and logarithmic stram

    are used for the evaluation. No corrections

    are made m the evaluation either for the

    bedding error or for the membrane effects

    The symbols 0, C and A stand for the corre-

    spondmg quantities denved with reference to

    the upper, middle and lower part of the sam-

    ple It can be seen from Fig. 8 that three

    stress stram and volumetnc stram curves are

    obtamed as a consequence of the mhomoge-

    neous deformation


    tztatzve descrzptzon of the tests and

    determznatzon of the parameters

    Quan z a zve descrzp tzon of the tests

    The followmg parameters are used to

    describe the stress stram and volumetnc strain

    curves quantitatively.

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials



    0 3

    0 2

    0 1





    Dr =


    0 /


    corrected /











    7’ q

    &,[ I


    0 1 0 2

    0 3






    . q




    . D






    D, =

    18 2

    . D


    e corrected





    0 5

    1 0 1 5




    E,[ l


    Dr = 62 4





    E,C l


    0 2




    0 4






    0 7’



    . /




    D, = 12 2

    ’ ” corrected







    ’ 02 04


    2 0

    1 5

    1 0

    0 5




    . /,O

    :/ CI

    .‘A m


    D. = 78 6

    zy’ ’ corrected

    ;/D • I uncorrected




    1 0

    1 5


    D, ~00








    /‘. o


    . m

    . 0







    Fig 7 Deformations under hydrostatic loading for (a) dense Karlsruhe medium sand, (b) loose Karlsruhe medmm

    sand, (c) sugar, (d) wheat, (e) rape and (f) lupolen

    - the mtral slope of the stress stram curve,

    E, -

    the ml&l cldatancy angle, Go



    E,= v


    Jlo= iA



    El= 0 El e,=o

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials














    D, = I L 2


    U3 -2OOkPa








    8 Typical trlaxlal tests on (a) dense Karlsruhe medium sand and (b) loose Karlsruhe medmm sand

    -the fn&on angle at the limit state, cp




    i 1

    l+ (73 max


    -the axial stram at the hmlt state, elf

    - the dllatancy angle at the hmlt state, 9


    = arctan; (12)

    El E,=Cf

    In the above equations, ilf 1s the axial stram

    rate at fdure.

    De ermma l on of the parameters

    It can be seen that the parameters

    E,, J/0


    are defined by stress and stram rates at a gwen

    stress or stram state The rate quantltles are

    difficult to evaluate exactly from the test

    data. In the present paper, these parameters

    are obtamed by a numerical denvatlon pro-

    cedure, m which the denvatlve at the stress

    state elk (the stress state of the kth reading)

    is obtamed by calculatmg the slope of the

    straght hne passmg through four nelgh-

    bounng pomts usmg the least mean square


    Effect of the bedding error on the test resul t

    As has been shown m the section on

    Observations durmg hydrostatic compression,

    the beddmg error has a stnkmg influence on

    the results durmg lsotroplc compression In

    order to demonstrate the effect of the

    bedding error on the subsequent tnaxlal


    0 5 10 15


    Fig 9 affect of the beddmg error on the test result

    compression, a typical test with Karlsruhe

    medium sand evaluated with and wlthout

    correction for the beddmg error 1sshown m

    Fig. 9. It can be seen that the mfluence of the

    beddmg error on the result 1svery small.

    The parameters gwen m Table 4 serve to

    appreciate the beddmg error quantltatmely.

    It can be seen that the beddmg error has a

    remarkable mfluence on the mltlal slope of

    the stress stram curve


    and the mltlal

    d&& ncy

    angle O. This fact makes the evalu-

    ation of these parameters even more difficult

    Whereas the beddmg error has still quite a

    small mfluence on the dllatancy angle and the

    axial stram at the lmut state, and elf, It has

    no influence on the fnctlon angle cp.

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials



    TABLE 4

    TABLE 5

    Parameter of the trlaxlal test m Fig 9 evaluated wlth-

    out and with correction for the bedding error

    Obtamed scatter of the parameters

    Parameter Uncorrected Corrected


    43 53”

    43 53”




    26 57”

    26 57”

    -35 10”

    -31 63”

    6 27%

    6 13%

    ReproducMl t y of t he t ests

    The test results are subjected to systematic

    and stochastic errors. The stochastic error can

    only be appreciated when a number of tests

    are performed. This demands that repeated

    tests under the same condltlons should be

    conducted to confirm the vahdlty of the tests.

    Despite the unportance of reproduclblllty

    of the tests, the theme 1s seldom addressed. In

    the present tests, reproduclblllty 1sstudied by

    performing tests under the same mltlal den-

    sity and the same confmmg pressure. The

    word Same should be understood m the sense

    of the section on Sample preparation and

    testing procedure For each test, a repeated

    test 1scmed out m the present study. If a

    large deviation 1s observed, a further test 1s

    conducted. As an example, Figure 10 shows

    five repeated tests on dense Karlsruhe

    medium sand It can be seen that apart from

    test No 5, the reproduclblhty 1s quite satlsfy-

    mg. Upon readmg the test record, we noticed

    that the supportmg vacuum was extracted too




    0 37”




    2 93”

    2 07”


    0 33%

    early m test No. 5. Therefore, test No. 5 1s

    excluded from the evaluation. Table 5 shows

    the obtamed scatter of several parameters

    Lat eral expansion

    Accurate measurement of the lateral stram

    showed that, contrary to a widespread opm-

    ion, bulging (z e , unequal expansions along

    the sample height) occurs not only m the

    neighborhood of the peak stram but

    from the

    very beganrung of t he t ruaxl al ompr esst on, see

    for instance Fig. 11. It can be seen from Fig

    11 that dense samples develop a stronger

    nonuniform deformation than loose samples

    If bulgmg occurs as a spontaneous blfurca-

    tlon (cf. [25]) it should be avoidable by

    proper lubncatlon - at least m the mltlal

    stage of the compression However, our tests

    show that although the lubrlcatlon suppresses

    considerably the amount of bulgmg (to a

    degree which cannot be perceived by the

    naked eye), slight bulgmg 1sstfl present from

    the begmnmg of ax& compression. This fact

    has also been reported m [8] If bifurcation

    (1 e


    non-uruqueness of the sample deforma-

    tion path and onset of mhomogeneous

    deformation) has to be excluded, the reason

    for bulgmg has to be sought m some mlt1a.l

    mhomogenelty of the sample and (assummg

    that, owing to our precautions, the mlt1a.l

    density 1s constant throughout the sample)

    this can only be the mhomogenelty of the

    mltlal stress field due to gramty.

    In the meanwhile, it has also been theoret-

    ically and numencally corroborated (as will

    be shown m a forthcommg pubhcatlon) that

    this mltlal stress mhomogenelty, however

    small, 1sresponsible for bulgmg which grows

    with mcreasmg deformation. It IS only at the

    final stage of the tests, when bulgmg 1svisible

    to the naked eye, see Fig. 12. The falure

    mode m Fig. 12 has been observed m more

    than thtiy tests on dense sand samples and m

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials


    D, = 96 5 O/o U3 =300 kPa

    I I I



    I I




    I I I



    radial dIsplaceme& [ mm



    Dr = 11 8

    a3 = 300 kPa



    4 6

    radial displacement I mm



    Fig 11 Evolution of the lateral deformation durmg trlaxlal compression for (a) dense Karlsruhe medium sand

    and (b) loose Karlsruhe medium sand



    Fig 12 A sample of dense Karlsruhe medium sand (a) before and (b) after the test The test was termmated

    at e1 = 12% A vacuum of 100 kPa was applied to support the sample

    most of the tests on other mater& Note

    I e

    , the

    expansion m the middle 1s larger than

    that m most of the previously used experr-

    that m the lower part of the sample. Thus

    mental techniques no means were provided to however, does not contradict the above

    follow separately the lateral deformations of reasoning about the mfluence of gravrty. As

    the upper, middle, and lower parts of the discussed m the section on Fnctlon between

    sample the end plates and the sample, the boundary


    several tests with loose sand samples, condltlons are not ideal. Fnctlon exists at

    a shght

    barrelling has also been observed,

    the end plates, which hmders the lateral

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials



    expansion of the sample. As loose samples are

    much weaker than dense samples, the mflu-

    ence of the friction might overwhelm the

    gravity and become dominant In addition,

    the mitral density mhomogeneities are more

    pronounced m loose samples

    This fmdmg imposes the necessity for some

    deconvolution technique (z e


    back calcula-

    tion towards the results of a fictitious homo-

    geneously deformed sample) of the data

    obtamed Of course, this cannot be under-

    taken without some assumptions concernmg

    the real (but unknown) deformation field.

    Takmg mto account that at the lower sample

    end the mitral axial stress is, due to gravity,

    somewhat higher than at the upper end and

    that bulgmg is always manifested as a greater

    lateral expansion at the


    part of the

    sample, it is assumed that both the axial and

    the lateral deformations proceed faster at the

    lower than at the upper sample end. This also

    means that the axial stram e1 is not homo-

    geneously distributed over the sample and

    that the quantity log,,[ (h, - u r/h,-,] is merely

    a mean value 5i taken over the sample height.

    This means futhermore that, whereas the

    lower part of the sample has reached, say, the

    peak deformation and the hnut state, the

    upper part is still m an earher stage of the


    The deconvolution can be undertaken

    under the assumption that the genume upper,

    middle, and lower axial deformations fulfil

    the conditions

    El,U/EZ,U = Cl/T,

    El.JEZ,I = Zllf2

    el.dE2.1 = Cl/52

    with P2= (e2,u + Q + e2J/3.

    The subscripts u, 1, 1 denote the upper,

    mtermediate and lower collars, respectively

    This procedure leads to three stress-stram

    curves, one for each part of the sample, which

    comcide more or less, see for example Fig 13.

    Limit state

    The stress-stram curves of tnaxial compres-

    sion are expected to obtam a maximum value

    which is called peak. The correspondmg stress

    state 1scalled a

    Zzmzt tate.

    Often, the peak is

    followed by a decrease of the stress deviator

    lul - us1 upon continued deformation This

    stress decay is termed


    It should be


    0 5 10 15


    Fig 13 Deconvoluted stress strain and volumetric

    stram curves for dense Karlsruhe medwm sand

    noted that a too drastic softenmg should be

    attributed to pronounced mhomogeneities of

    the deformation rather than to the material

    behavlour. Actually, a test should be termi-

    nated as soon as the mhomogeneities become

    pronounced, smce any contmuation of this

    test is meanmgless (the measurements

    obtamed cannot be evaluated m the sense of a

    unique stress stram curve)

    It is commonly expected that a contmued

    deformation will lead eventually to the so-

    called critical state, where no further volume

    changes (dilatancy) occur. However, m the

    course of tnaxial compression this critical

    state is usually not obtamed withm the range

    of feasible homogeneous deformations. As

    mentioned above, the deformation of the

    sample cannot be increased arbitrarily with-

    out the onset of mevitable mhomogeneities.

    It must be added that for loose sand sam-

    ples and for samples tested at high confining

    pressure as well as for other granular materials

    consistmg of soft grams, e.g wheat and

    rape, a limit state m the above sense is


    obtamed and the stress-stram curves mcrease

    contmuously as shown m Fig. 15(d) and (e)

    Agam it could be argued that after a sufficient

    stram the peak would, probably, be reached.

    However, this cannot be achieved due to the

    limited range of feasible deformation A

    senous difficulty arises from this fact m the

    determmation of the friction angle.


    A curious effect was observed dunng tests

    with the synthetic granulate


  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials




    Fig 14 Trlaxlal test on polystyrol

    whose grams are angular and hard. This effect

    mmics the collapse of loess soil upon munda-

    tion. A sudden collapse (also called “stick-

    slip”) takes place as the deviatonc stress I u1 -

    usI attams a certam value as shown m Fig. 14.

    The collapse is accompanied by an abrupt

    reduction m axial stress and a hght sound


    Whether collapse occurs seems to depend

    upon the shape and hardness of the grams. In

    addition, the gram size distribution might be

    also a controllmg factor. Indeed, the gram

    size distribution of polystyrol has been found

    to be extremly uniform, as shown m Fig. 6.

    Besides, collapse has also been found to occur

    m potato powder [ 261.


    Baro tr opy

    The term barotropy 1sused to signify the

    dependence of the mechamcal behaviour of

    the materials on the stress level [ 271 If the

    relations descnbmg barotropy are known, the

    results obtamed can be extrapolated towards

    low pressure levels, which are of mterest for

    silo design but also extremely difficult m


    In the present tests, barotropy is mvesti-

    gated by conductmg tests with samples of the

    same m1tia.ldensity under varymg confmmg

    pressures. The test results with Karlsruhe

    medium sand, sugar, wheat, rape and luran

    are shown in Fig 15. For clarity, only the

    stress stram and volumetnc strain curves

    plotted usmg the mean value of the stress and

    stram over the sample height are shown.

    Given m Fig. 16 is the dependence of the

    fnction angle cp,derived from Fig. 15, on u3

    for Karlsruhe medium sand, sugar, wheat,

    rape and luran. As no hmit state can be

    reached except for dense Karlsruhe sand, the

    friction angle 1sevaluated at the axial stram

    of 10%. It can be seen from Fig 16 that the

    friction angle decreases with mcreasmg con-

    fmmg pressure. The fact that the fnction

    angle depends on the confmmg pressure is a

    common feature at least for the granular

    materials covered by the present tests. For

    rape and luran, we have almost a hnear depen-

    dence of cpon u3.

    The dependence of the dilatancy angle

    on the confmmg pressure is shown m Fig. 17.

    Agam, the dllatancy angle 1~ calculated with

    respect to the axial stram of e1 = 10% for

    materials for which no limit state was

    obtamed. G 1s ound to decrease with mcreas-

    mg confining pressure In other words,

    dilatancy 1s suppressed by mcreasmg con-

    fmmg pressure The fact that both cp and

    decrease with elevatmg confmmg pressure can

    be explamed by the stress dllatancy theory

    developed by Rowe [2&S].

    A statement pertinent to the above discus-

    sions should be made at this stage As shown

    m the section on Quantitative description of

    the tests, it is a difficult task to evaluate rate

    quantities from expenmental data. Fre-

    quently, the test results are fitted into a

    theory, e.g the stress dllatancy theory. The

    fnction angle can be evaluated with great

    confidence. The dllatancy angle, however, can

    only be evaluated with a poor confidence

    The results depend largely on the evaluation

    method, which has been rarely mentioned m

    the literature

    The dependence of the mitral slope of the

    stress stram curve on the confmmg pressure

    (see Fig 18) can be described by the empm-

    cal relation proposed by Janbu [29]





    and n are material constants,

    pa 1s

    the atmospheric pressure.

    The dependence of the mitral dllatancy

    angle on the confmmg pressure is grven m

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials







    1'0 115



    &=I 6 2






    Fig 5 Trlaxlal tests on (a) dense Karlsruhe medium sand, (b) loose Karlsruhe medmm sand, (c) sugar, (d) wheat,

    (e) rape and (f) luran

    Fig. 19. It can be seen from Fig. 19 that for stress level and the mltlal den&y. In fact,

    Karlsruhe sand the mltml dllatancy angle

    apart from matenals compnsmg compressible

    remams nearly constant vrespectlve of the

    or crushable particles, e.g. wheat, rape and

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials




    2 4’6

    a 1’0




    Fig 16 Dependence of ‘p on u3

    2 4’6

    8 lb

    a3 [ lOOkhI

    Fig 17 Dependence of on u3

    sugar, the mitral dllatancy angle has roughly

    the same value for a given material. Therefore,

    we can conclude that the mitial dilatancy








    2 4

    ’ 6 8



    [ l OOkPol

    Fig 18 Dependence of E0 u3 on a3

    angle 1s constant irrespective of the stress level

    and mitral density.

    The dependence of the axial stram eu at

    the hmit state on the confmmg pressure is

    given m Fig. 20 for dense Karlsruhe medium

    sand. elf is proportional to the confmmg

    pressure Tlus fact has also been observed by

    Colhat-Dangus et al [ 301. In other words, the

    material becomes more ductile with mcreasmg

    confmmg pressure.


    The dependence of the mechamcal behav-

    iour on the mitral density is called pykno-

    tropy. In the present study, pyknotropy is

    investigated by conducting tests with the

    same confmmg pressure while varying the

    m&al density from test to test. The test

    results for Karlsruhe medium sand are shown

    m Fig. 21.

    The dependence of the friction angle cp,

    dilatancy angle ,


    tie and E f on the

    relative density 0, defined by

    D, =

    mx(r - ‘YInin

    ~(YlllOX %li*) (14)

    can be derived from Fig. 21 and IS given m

    Figs. 22 to 26, respectively.

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials



    0 SUGAR


    a RAPE

    d 2 4' 6

    8 1' 0

    u3 I l OOkPa


    Fig 19 Dependence of tie on u3


    d 2 4 ’ 6 B 1’0


    I 100 kPa 1



    Dependence of Elf on u3 for dense Karlsruhe

    medmm sand

    It can be seen from Figs. 22 and 23 that

    both cpand mcrease with mcreasmg relative

    density 0,. This can be also explamed by the

    stress dllatancy theory.

    An almost hnear relation between

    E J,

    and D, can be seen from Fig. 24. A simple

    explanation I that dense sand is stiffer

    than loose sand.

    The relation between tiO and D,, see

    Wg. 24, conforms agam the observation that

    C3 = 100 kPa


    Fig 21 Tests on Karlsruhe medmm sand with (13 =

    100 kPa and varymg mltlal densltles


    40 ’ 60



    D, I 1



    Dependence of cpon Q for Karlsruhe sand

    20 40

    ’ 60 80

    l b0

    D, I 1

    Fig 23 Dependence of 9 on


    for Karlsruhe sand

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials



    I II I I

    ' 60

    I I


    40 60 160

    D, LohI

    Fig 24 Dependence of Eo las on D r for Karlsruhe


    Q. I”1


    40 -


    ’ .




    30 -


    20 -

    10 -

    0 :‘;‘;1/11’/‘1’/

    20 40 ' 60

    80 lb0

    Dr %I

    Fig 25 Dependence of 0 on D for Karlsruhe sand

    20 40 ' 60 60 lb0

    Dr [ 1

    Fig 26 Dependence of Elf on D r for Karlsruhe sand

    the mltlal dllatancy angle 1s approxnnately

    independent of the n&al density

    The relation between elf and D, given m

    Figure 26 shows that with mcreasmg mltlal

    density the sand becomes more bnttle.

    Taking barotropy mto account, the func-

    tional dependence of the fnctlon angle cpon

    the confmmg pressure u3 and the relative

    density D, 1s shown m a three-dnnenslonal

    space of 9, o3 and D, m Fig. 27, which pro-

    vides an overall picture of barotropy and


    As to the unportance of barotropy and

    pyknotropy m silo problems, we refer to a

    recent paper by Ravenet [31], where the

    slgnlficance of the vanatlon of the stress level

    and of the density along the silo height 1s


    L2 -

    LO -

    36 _

    36 _

    3L -


    t0 ,



    a,[ lOOkPa

    Fig 27 Dependence of q on ~3 and D for Karlsruhe



    Systematic mvestlgatlons of barotropy and

    pyknotropy are rather rare Only recently

    have some types of soils been mvestlgated m

    this sense. The results (see also Tables 6 and

    7) may be summarized as follows-

    Tests by Fukushlma and Tatsuoka

    Fukushnna and Tatsuoka [18] have

    focused then attention on very low lateral

    stresses in the range from 0.02 to 4 bar. They

    mvestigated Toyoura sand with void ratios

    e, = 0.85 and e, = 0.70 (in order to mvestl-

    gate the effect of lateral stress, samples with

    identical mltlal void ratio e, should be

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials



    TABLE 6

    Comprehensive representation of test series and results of other authors Frlctlon angles m parentheses mdxate

    that no peak was obtamed

    Authors Material Number do


    of tests

    (cm) (cm)


    Fukushlma and

    Tatsuoka [ 181

    Hettler and

    Vardoulakls [ 81

    Hettler and

    Gudehus [ 321

    Goto and

    Tatsuoka [ 91

    Kltamura and

    Haruyama [ 161


    eta1 [30]

    Toyoura sand


    7 15 ca 085 05 35 5

    Karlsruhe sand


    78 28 0 565

    Oostershelde sand 3 Medium

    Darmstadt sand

    4 Dense

    Toyoura sand 38

    Toyoura sand


    15 20 7 75 07


    0 68 0 80

    Shmasu tuff

    6 134 164

    Hostun sand


    20 20140 Dense




    ca 070

    0 582

    0 546




    05 41 6

    40 38 6

    05 43







    10 0









    44 2

    39 1

    37 4

    (38 7)

    36 6

    (34 4)

    43 9

    50 39 2

    1 42

    1 34

    2 38








    48 1


    37 2

    1 36 8



    compared. However, e, can only be obtamed

    (z e , i311//i303) decreases with decreasing u3.

    with a scatter and, therefore, it varied wlthm They attributed this “apparently contradic-

    the ranges 0.660.. .0.687 and 0.824.. .0.898). tory phenomenon” (we cannot detect any

    It was found that the barotropy of cp (I.e., contradiction herem) to the lack of any


    (compressive stress is taken positive)

    membrane correction, which they consider

    mcreases with decreasmg u3 and that the

    necessary for lateral stresses below 0 1 bar

    barotropy of the deformation characteristics After membrane correction, they detected

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials



    TABLE 7

    Comprehensive representation of test series and results of the present mvestlgatlon Frlctlon angles m parentheses

    mdlcate that no peak was obtamed In this case, the frlctlon angle IS calculated with reference to the axial stram

    of El = 10%


    Material Number

    of tests





    D, cp

    TlZar) (“)

    Kolymbas and Wu

    Karlsruhe sand 51 10

    10 co 980 05

    Sugar 10 10


    10 0

    38 8

    ca 162 05

    (33 3)

    10 0

    ca 254 05


    Wheat 8 10 10 ca 683 05


    Rape 8 10 10 co 12.0 10


    Luran 6 10 10 ca 741 05


    (15 8)

    45 1

    (29 0)

    (36 0)

    (28 4)


    (25 4)

    (28 0)


    (21 3)

    that barotropy becomes considerably smaller

    for lateral stresses below 0.5 bar. It seems that

    the experiments were carried out with the

    utmost precision and accuracy. Nevertheless

    Fukushlma and Tatsuoka remark the follow-

    mg pomts:

    -At extremely low pressures, the stress

    becomes very non-umform, smce the self-

    weight of the sample becomes mcreasmgly

    important (the mevitable mhomogeneous

    deformation of the sample has not been




    Hettler et


    - Bulgmg occurs as is clearly visible m their

    Photo 1. This phenomenon has not been

    taken mto account m evaluating the test


    - The lateral membrane buckles at large

    stram and low pressure.

    - No correction for beddmg error was pro-

    vided for.


    et al [8

    321 investigated very large

    and extremely squat samples (mitial diameter

    d, = 78 cm, mitml height h, = 28 cm) of vari-

    ous types of sand. Owmg to the large dlmen-

    sions of the samples, the number of tests is

    hnuted. In some of their tests, a correctron of

    the beddmg error has been undertaken by the

    use of a bouton mounted at the lateral mem-

    brane of the sample. However, it cannot be

    assured that the motion of this bouton is

    identical with the one of the adjacent sand

    particle. It appears strange that with Karlsruhe

    sand no barotropy was detected m the u3-

    ranges 0.5.. .3 bar and 0.5.. .4 bar, whereas a

    pronounced barotropy was detected m the

    range 0.5.. .lO bar. Barotropy was clearly

    observed with sands from Oostershelde and

    Darmstadt. With loose samples from Degebo-

    sand, a peak was not obtained.

    - In many loose samples, a peak of the stress

    Another important and controversial

    stram curve was not obtamed.

    fmdmg of Hettler

    et al is

    that the mcipient

  • 8/9/2019 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials



    ralal strams (z e


    the radial strams occunng

    at the begmnmg of the tnaxial compression)

    are null We could not confirm this statement

    As shown m Fig. 28, the radial expansion

    sets on as soon as the devlatonc loadmg

    is applied This observation is not mfluenced

    by bedding error.

    - 0





    Dr : 96


    0 01

    02 03 OL 05


    I 1

    Fig 28 Imtlal radial stram us axlal stram

    New (1988) ASTM state of the art

    In a senes of papers presented m 1986 m

    [ 331, barotropy and pyknotropy of soils were

    systematically mvestigated [9,16, 301. The

    fmdmgs are m close agreement with those

    presented here (see also Tables 6 and 7). In

    particular, the lack of peak of the stress-

    stram curve at high stress levels is stated m

    [301 to be the true elementary response of

    the material

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (added m proof )

    The authors are mdebted to Prof. F

    Tatsuoka, Umversity of Tokyo, who read the

    manuscript and pointed to discrepancies be-

    tween the friction angles cpof dense Karlsruhe

    sand at u3

    = 100 kPa as they have been stated

    (1) m our Figs. 9,15a, 16 and m Table 4, (u)

    m Fig 22. The remark of Prof. Tatsuoka gave

    nse to a retrospective mvestigation m the

    course of which we found that the several

    charges of our Karlsruhe sand are SUbJeCto

    a considerable scatter. Of course, this finding

    refers also to previous pubhcations on Karls-

    ruhe sand. However, we maintam that withm

    each test series reported m this paper (see

    Figs. 15(a) and 21) the same sand type has

    been used. Thus, our partial results referrmg

    to barotropy and pyknotropy retam their

    vahdity .


























    mstantaneous area of sample

    mitral diameter of sample

    mean gram diameter

    thickness of collar

    relative density

    mitial slope of stress-&ram curve

    elastic modulus of rubber membrane

    axial force

    mitral height of sample

    atmospheric pressure

    curvature radius

    mitral thickness of rubber membrane

    compression of rubber membrane

    axial displacement

    radial displacement

    volume of sample

    weight of sample

    specific weight

    axial stram

    axial stram at peak (failure)

    radial stram

    normal stress

    dilatancy angle

    u&al dilatancy angle

    friction angle


    M Budhu, J Geotech Eng , 111 (1985) 698

    F Tatsuoka, m R T Donaghe, R C Chaney and

    M L Silver (ed ) Advanced Tr zaxlal Testzng of

    Sod and Rock, ASTM, Baltimore, 1988, pp 7 -


    J -M Dupas, A Pecker, P Bozetto and J -J Fry,

    m R T Donaghe, R C Chaney and M L Sdver

    (eds ), Advanced Trzaxlal Testwag of Soal and


    ATM, Baltimore, 1988, pp 132 - 142

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    32 A Hettler and G Gudehus, Gbotechmque, 35

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