Topology for Dummies



Introduction to topology

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    Metric Spaces The Euclidean distance is: 1 dimensional: ( )( ) yxyxd =,1 2 dimensional: ( )( ) ( ) ( )2222112 , yxyxd +=yx n dimensional: ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2222211, nnn yxyxyxd ++= Lyx All these metrics satisfy three conditions (x, y can also be vectors in Rn):

    1. ( ) 0, >yx if yd x and ( ) 0, =yxd if yx = 2. )xyd yx, ( ) (yxd ,, =3. ( ) ( ) ( zydzxdyxd ,,, + ) Other functions can also be defined that satisfy these three properties: Taxi-cab metric: ( ) 22111 , yxyxe +=yx Discrete metric: ( ) == yx yxyxd ,1,0,0Cantor metric: Used for infinite sequences of zeros and ones Max metric on C[0, 1] (all continuous functions defined on [0, 1]): ( ) ( ) ( ) [ ]{ }1,0:max,max = xxfxggfd

    . Now, we can combine a set X (like ) with a metric d to have a metric space: mR A set X (could be Rn) along with a metric d is a metric space (X, d)

    Thus we can define metric spaces more generic than the Euclidean metric space

    ( )( )mm d,R like [ ]( max,1,0 dC ) ] the space of all continuous functions on with the metric.

    [ 1,0Cmaxd

    Obviously we can define more than one metric on the same space X. Then if we can find m, M for all Xyx , : ( ) ( ) ( )yxMdyxdyxmd ,,, 121 then the metrics and

    are called metrically equivalent. 1d

    2d We can also define a metric subspace ( )AdA, when XA and Ad is the same as but is defined on A.


    Finally we can use the concept of a generic metric to define an open ball: ( ) ( ){ rxadxraBd

  • Open sets (1) In a Euclidian metric space like ( )( )11, dR we can define an open set such as ( ) . The main property of this set is that we can always define another open set in any of each points. On the other hand we cannot take an open set around 2 for .


    [ )3,2 In a more general case, in any metric space ( )dX , , we can take an open ball as

    . And in any point ( raBd , ) ( )raBx d , we can take another open ball . We call this property the fried egg property:

    ( sxBd , )

    ( )raBd ,

    ( )sxBd ,

    We can use that fried egg property to define an open set as a set where every point has the fried egg property. Of course the idea of the open ball is directly connected with the metric that we use (as in the idea of the open ball). For example in with the normal Euclidian metric an open ball will look just like the above figure. But if we use the discrete metric then if the radius is greater than 1 the open ball will cover the whole set .


    1R Thus we have to say which metric we use when we define/mention an open set: d-open set if we are in ( ). dX , Also if we have metrically equivalent metrics then they define the same open sets, i.e. a subset of X is open wrt both metrics. Using the above definition of an open set we have three main properties: 1. The union of any number of open sets is also an open set. 2. The intersection of a finite number of open sets is also an open set (if we have an

    intersection of infinite number of open sets then we could end up with a single point).

    3. In a metric space ( )dX , the sets ,X are open. These 3 properties are effectively the corner stone of topology!!!

  • Continuity in metric spaces The classical definition of continuity of a function is:

    mnf RR : is continuous at Xa iff: ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ax,a,x nm dwheneverffd:00

    I.e. for any given I need to find a range of x such that the range of f(x) will be smaller than 2 or from a different point of view I need to find a range of x around a point a such that f(x) will be in (or just) a predetermined range around f(a):

    ( )af



    a +a

    For example in 1D ( ): 0=a

    ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3001 +== xffxffxfd ,

    Hence if 8= : ( ) ( ) ( ) 51183883

  • We can use this definition for more generic metric spaces: Let (X, d) and (Y, e) be 2 metric spaces is continuous at iff: YXf : Xa

    ( ) ( )( ) ( ) axdwheneverafxfe ,,:00 . As we use metrics to define the conditions ( ) ( ) ): ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2

  • ( )af



    a +a

    ( )( ),afBe

    ( ),aBd

    ( )( )( ),1 afBf e

    ( ) (( )( ) ,, 1 afBfaB ed )


    Finally we can define continuity in terms of open sets. The main property here is that if we take the inverse image of an open ball then we have an open set (it could be a ball or a union of balls). Hence, let (X, d) and (Y, e) be 2 metric spaces s continuous at iff: is d-open subset of X when U is an e-open set of Y.

    YXf : iXa ( )Uf 1

    For example if we have ( ) and we take an open set in the co-domain which will result to

    ( ) xxf 5.0= 11 RR ( 4,2( ) ( )8,44, =21f , i.e. another open set. On the other

    hand if we have something like this:

    Then if we take the open set ( )5.0,1 =U we have that ( ) = Uf 1 which is open! But if we have that ( 2,4 =U ) ( ) [ )1,01 = Uf which is not open!

  • Topological Spaces We have seen that a Metric Space (MS) is a set X with a metric d (X, d). Into that MS we define the concept of Open Sets (OS) using the metric d and the idea of the fried egg property. We have also seen there that the OS have three important properties. Now, lets try to expand/generalise the concept of the MS. In order to do that we abolish the use of a metric, thus the concept of the fried egg property is meaningless now. In our underlying set X we take a collection of subsets T that have the property that if we take the union of any number of subsets from that collection the result will be another subset in that collection and if we take the intersection of a finite number of subsets then again the result will belong to this collection T. We also need to take the set X (as the union may result in X) and the empty set (for the intersection of 2 disjoint sets) to be in T. Now, these subsets as called open wrt T for obvious reasons. It is important to note that these OS are very different that the OS of a metric space. These sets are simply elements of T that satisfy a couple of specific properties. For example it is likely that the same subset may be open in T1 while it is not open in T2, i.e. it belongs to T1 but not in T2. The set X with the collection T define a topological space (X, TX) and T is called a topology on X. A special type of a topology in X is formed if we do not take all the sets but we take only those that satisfy the "fried egg property" i.e. those that are d-open. If the underline set X is then this topology is called the Euclidean Topology. nR Finally it does not make sense to talk about OS before we define a topology. The OS that we have learned in high school are effectively based on the Euclidean topology on . nR Obviously there are many examples of topologies. As the continuity was previously defined in terms of open sets (i.e. sets in a Euclidean space that have the fried egg property) we can define continuity in more general topological spaces: Let (X,TX) and (Y,TY) be topological spaces, a function is continuous if YXf :

    ( ) XTUf 1 when . YTU A homeomorphism between 2 topological spaces (X,TX) and (Y,TY) is an onto and one-one function such as and are continuous. Then the topological spaces (X,TX) and (Y,TY) are called homeomorphic. Effectively this means that

    YXf : XYf :1

    ( ) XY TUfTU 1, and ( ) YX TVf 1,TV , i.e. there is a one-one correspondence between the 2 topological spaces. Then we say that (X,TX) and (Y,TY) are topologically equivalent, i.e. we can study (X,TX) for some specific properties of each TX-open sets and export these results to sets in TY.

  • Closed Sets Let ( be a topological space then a set D is called closed (wrt to T) if )TX , TDC . A neighbourhood of a point x in X is an T-open set U that contains x. Of course the neighbourhood depends on the topology used! A closure point Xx of a set A is a point where all of its neighbourhoods intersect A. This effectively means that if we have a A in X and a generic point x in X then I take all the possible open sets around that point x. If all of them intersect A then this point is a closure point. Note that an internal point is also a closure point:

    The closure of a set A is the collection of all of its closure points. I.e. the closure of A is the smallest possible closed set that contains A. Again the closure depends on the topology. A set A is called dense in X if its closure is X, i.e. all points in x have all of their neighbourhoods intersecting A. If we can find a point x in X that has just one neighbourhood which does not intersect A then A is called nowhere dense. If I have a set x in A (not in X) and I take a neighbourhood around it and this does not have contain any other element of A then this point is called isolated point. A point x in A is an interior point of A if it has a (even just one) neighbourhood U such as . AU A point x in A is an exterior point of A if it has a (even just one) neighbourhood U such as . = AUA point x in A is a boundary point of A if all of its neighbourhoods intersect both A and Ac.

  • Properties of Topological Spaces If we have a topological space (X, T) and we can find 2 sets U & V in T such as

    then (X, T) is called disconnected. XVU =The Euclidean space is connected and more specificly a subset in is connected if it is an interval.

    nR R

    The component of x in X is the largest connected subset of X that is connect (wrt T). A topological space is path connected if it is connected and there is a path that connects each point x in X with each point y in X. A path is a continuous function from [ (wrt Euclidean topology) to X. ]1,0Note: in most cases (but not always a connected space is also a path connected). Assume the set A=[0, 1] and a collection ( ) ( ) ( ]{ }5,5.0,8.0,0,1.0,1=S then obviously [ ]1,0


    SUU . This collection S is called a cover of the set [0, 1]. If the sets

    in S are open then we have an open cover. It is possible to have infinite sets in S to cover the same set A: ( ) [ ]{ }1,0:1.0,1.0 xxxS += . As there is an overlapping to the above cover we can take a subcover, i.e. a collection of sets that cover A that has some elements of S. If this subcover has a finite number of sets then it is called a finite subcover. Also, wrt the Euclidean topology every open cover of [0, 1] has a finite subcover. The finite subcover property (wrt Euclidean topology) applies only to closed and bounded sets. Using the property of the finite subcover we can prove that a continuous function

    is bounded and attains its least upper and greatest lower bounds. This means that the image of [ under f is closed and bounded: Extreme value theorem.

    [ ] Rbaf ,:]ba,

    We have seen that the finite subcover property (wrt Euclidean topology) applies only to closed and bounded sets. These sets are called compact and can be extended to more generic topologies: A topological space is called compact if each open cover of X contains a finite subcover of X. Note that the concept that compact sets are closed and bounded sets does not hold for topologies other than the Euclidean. Also, every closed subset of a compact set is also compact. A Hausdorff space is a topological space with some specific properties where the compact sets have some nice properties. More specifically a Hausdorff space is a topological space where each pair of distinct points x, y in X can have disjoint neighbourhoods. For example every metric space is a Hausdorff space. Also in a Hausdorff space every set {x} is closed. Previously we said that in the Euclidean topologies the compact sets are those that are closed and bounded. In order to have this connection for a topological space then the space must be Hausdorff, i.e. in a Hausdorff space a compact set is closed and bounded and vice versa.

  • Sequences in Topological Spaces A sequence (an) converges to l in R if (an-l) is null, i.e. for each >0 there exists N

    such as ( )( ) lallalalad nnnn +
