Todikamp Volgograd




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Lekovito dejstvo petroleja(kerozin) i ekstrakta oraha je vec zvanicno dokazano.

Zahvaljujuci naucniku Mihailu Todiku,ekstrakt je danas ponovo aktivan i veoma popularan.

Na bazi je petroleja i zvanicno ga proizvodi Naucno-istrazivacki institut iz Volgograda, nazvali su ga Todikamp-Ideal.

Тодикамп купить в Москве Вы можете у нашего представителя,

позвонив по телефону:

+79167482118 (Игорь).

Тодикамп — настойка зеленых грецких ...

Zvanicno ga proizvodi Naucno-istrazivacki institut za proizvodnju mesa i mleka iz Volgograda. Osim kerozina i oraha dodali su I brojne druge bioloski aktivne materijale, propolis, svetni prah itd. i preparat nazvali todikamp-ideal. Sa ovim dodacima ekstrakt je jos kvalitetniji i delotvorniji.

Ljudima koji boluju od skrivenih bolesti preporucuje se po 15 kapi kerozina sa kockom secera.

Laksim bolesnicima se kao preventiva preporucuje jednom nedeljno ujutru i uvece po 1 kasicica destilovanog kerozina sa cajem.

  The only officially sold in Russia TODIKAMP (Todikamp-Ideal TU9379-083-10514645-04) - produced by the Volgograd Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry, as of now allowed to use as a means for the animals.

Todikamp comprises polyunsaturated fatty acids, steroids, herbal, chlorophyll (total 8 components by TLC).

The drug is contraindicated, prior to use , consult with your doctor.

Biological properties Todikampa.


On sale there TODIKAMP manufacturing rep. Moldova.

The cost of the bottle 100 ml - 300 rubles.



400131, Russia, Volgograd,

street named after Marshal Rokossovsky, 6.

Tel.: (8442) 39-10-48, 01/11/39;

Fax: (8442) 39-11-42,


Todikamp-ideal - a cure for the disease hundred

Scientists Volga Research Institute of the production and processing of meat and dairy products have developed a unique formulation of generic drugs Todikamp-Ideal and Todikamp-lactam, which helps in many diseases. And for about a dozen years, they are very popular and in great demand. Todikamp-ideal - extract (hood) of walnuts waxy rich pollen and propolis (TU 9379-083-10514645-06). This is a transparent oily liquid from light yellow to greenish-brown in color and odor, contains tannins, essential oils, vitamins, organic acids, unsaturated fatty acids, biologically active substances.   It has strong anti- inflammatory, wound healing, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiparasitic, Bole-appeases action. Stimulates tissue regeneration and blood formation, increases immune reactivity, a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland. It is effective in the treatment of cancer, musculoskeletal, skin, colds and many other diseases. Todikamp-lacto - liquid amber to dark brown in color with the aroma of honey (TU 9229-147-10514645-07). It consists of an extract honey walnut milk-waxy, lactulose concentrate, vitamins, organic and fenolkaronovye acid, polyphenols, and other biologically active substances. drug has antioxidant, immune-stimulating, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, tonic properties and stimulates the development of bifidoflora.It is recommended to apply it in various neoplasms, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the thyroid gland, skin diseases, metabolic disorders, etc. Today, there are many proposals for the acquisition of this wonder drug and on the Internet and in the media, and in the stalls . But the fact that there are talking about the preparations made by the original legalized recipe developed by the Volgograd scientists. Therefore I'd like to warn all the thirsty, to experience the miraculous power Todikampov - beware of imitations! This product can only be purchased in the Volga NIIMMP.

Volgograd, st.   Rokossovskogo 6   Tel: (8442) 37-38-09, 39-10-48  
