To Next Slide Middle and Southern Colonies Chapter 7 - New SS Book Terry Sams Piedmont Elementary


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Middle and Southern Colonies

Chapter 7 - New SS Book

Terry SamsPiedmont Elementary

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A (an) _________is a person who does hard

physical word.


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A person skilled at making something by hand is a (an)_______.


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What were differences between North Carolina

and South Carolina?

South Carolina had better ports and farmland so it

grew more quickly.

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Cash crops such as ______ and _____ were

grown to be sold for cash.

Tobacco and indigo

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The _______believed that all people should be able

to worship freely.


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The _____ and _____Rivers helped make Philadelphia a center of trade and the largest city in the colonies.

Delaware and Schuykill

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James, Duke of York, became the ____of New



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Who founded Maryland as a refuge for Catholics?

Lord Baltimore

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What two cities did people usually migrate to when they arrived in the

Middle Colonies?

New York and Philadelphia

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What are some clues you might read if you are

reading an autobiography?

The author uses the word “I” or “me”.

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What attracted many people to the middle


Religious freedom

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A (an) ______________is someone that is chosen

to speak and act for others.


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A (an) _____ is an official agreement between nations or groups.


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How did Philadelphia’s location help it grow to be

the biggest city in the British colonies?

The city became a trade center because

of its good harbor.

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Who founded Pennsylvania and why?

William Penn for religious freedom.

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What famous American started the first lending


Benjamin Franklin

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What did many colonial children do to learn

useful skills?

They became apprentices .

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Virginia’s legislature was called the _______. This group met to write and

change laws.

The House of Burgesses

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______was an important cash crop in the Southern colonies. It was bought to be made into a blue



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What was the colony of New York originally


New Netherland

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How did the colonist in New York and new Jersey take part in government?

They elected representatives to


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What popular book did Benjamin Franklin writethat contained stories,

jokes, and sayings?

Poor Richard’s Almanack

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Today people still have the __________ freedoms

that were practiced in Pennsylvania.


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People in the Middle Colonies came from many_______ and _______.

Cultures and religions

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Why did proprietors allow religious tolerance?

It attracted Colonists to the area

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In a ________, the people, not the government,

decide what to produce?

Free market economy

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Someone who studies with a master to learn a

skill or business?


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A large farm on which crops are raised by

workers who live on the land is a _______


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A place protected from threat or harm is a______.


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A person that owes money is called a ______.


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What was the largest and wealthiest English colony

that also had the first elected governor?


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A (an) _____is a group of people with the power to make and change laws.


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What crops make planters wealthy?

Tobacco and rice

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Who founded the colony of Georgia as a place for

poor people and debtors?

James Oglethorpe

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A ______was a person who owned and

controlled the land in a colony.


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A (an) _______ is a person who watches and

directs the work of others..


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A (an) ______was an African American

religious folk song.


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What did slaves do to survive the hardships of


Built a close community, tuned to Christianity, combined

African and American customs, religion, and music

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That’s All!

Good luck on your test!
