Tips For Your Newborn Photography Session!



Just a little info to help you get the most out of your Newborn Session.

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Info and Tips for a Great



Scheduling your session…

The best time to shoot a Newborn is between 5

and 14 days old - this gives enough time for the

milk to come in for breastfeeding mothers (giving

us a full, happy tummy for longer) but baby is still

young enough to get those cute, squishy, sleepy

poses and has not yet developed the com-

mon skin problems like newborn acne. After ba-

by arrives, I try to schedule the session within that

window of time.

(We can photograph later, if delayed because of a NICU stay etc - the poses may just look a little different and more “stretched out” or awake.)

For the best experience and results, the session is

shot at a relaxed, calm pace. I only schedule 1

Newborn session a day and these can take any-

where from 2 to 4 hours. Therefore, I advise that

you don't schedule other commitments or appoint-

ments too close after your session time, that day.

Choosing an outfit is easy - newborns look best in their birthday suits!

Please dress baby in loose clothes, and avoid any outfit that must be removed over their heads – a

simple sleeper is best. (Popping their blanket into the dryer for a few minutes can help keep them


The studio is heated to keep baby warm while in their

“birthday suit” . I advise parents to dress in layers that can

be removed easily if it’s too warm!

I have a range of simple hats etc, but you are welcome to

bring anything special to you, and I will do my best to

include it in the shoot.

At the end of the session, I take a couple of parent shots -

so I advise you to all wear (or bring) a white or light-

coloured, plain top.

I like to keep a relaxed, calm atmosphere in the studio so, to avoid distractions, we ask that you only bring immediate family members (the ones to be

included in the session). I do make exceptions, though, for "chauffeurs"!

Siblings are welcome, but please bear in mind that younger siblings

(under 3) are adjusting to the new family member - it may not be

the best time to expect them to cooperate. We will give it a try,


(With young siblings, we will usually do sibling & family photos

first, so that they can go home earlier, or to the park, with Dad.)

Congratulations on your upcoming new arrival!

This booklet is to help you with any questions you may have so that you and your little one

are prepared and can get the best from your session.

A warm, sleepy baby with a full, happy

tummy is a camera-ready baby!

If you are nursing, try to avoid eating any-

thing spicy or gassy for 24-48 hours before

your session.

Give baby a really good feed just before you

head to our studio. (If driving more than 20

mins, it may work better to feed when you

arrive at the studio, before we start). Of

course, newborns tummies are still very small,

and we do not rush our sessions, so also be

prepared for us to break for mid-session

"tummy top-ups".

If they did feed before you left home for the

session, bring your baby into the studio in

their car seat. I like to remove the baby from

the seat, if possible, because they don’t rec-

ognise my scent as much as Mom's, so are

less likely to wake.

Accidents will happen... it is completely

normal, and completely ok!

There is no need to stress or apologize for

any little messes made when the diaper

comes off. I have clean-up supplies on hand

and am used to cleaning all of my textiles,

after a session.

This is your time to sit back and relax!

I have a comfortable waiting lounge just for you. While I capture the

memory of your bundle's teeny toes, you get to chill out... so, pack a

snack, feel free to bring a book to read, a laptop to browse on (free WIFI

available), some thank you notes to write … or just take a NAP! :)

I also have a Keurig with hot drinks for you to enjoy. Just enjoy the break,

and I'll take care of the rest!

Food Guide For

Breastfeeding Moms

Here is a helpful guide of common foods to

avoid while nursing. Skipping these foods 24-48

hours before your session, may help things go


(Every baby is different, but these are the ones

that most commonly affect babies under 6

weeks… so this list may also help you if you find

your baby gets quite gassy!)

Acidic Citrus foods like:

Cranberries, Pineapple, Grapefruit, Oranges,

Lemons, Berries, Tomatoes or tomato products

(like ketchup or salsa)

Peanuts, Pizza, Chili, Mexican Food

Gassy vegetables like:

Asparagus, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage,

Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Onions

Limit Foods like:

Pop, Coffee, Tea, Wine or Beer

The studio... located at 44876 Iris Place in Chilliwack,

near to Twin Rinks Ice Arena. The studio has

been designed specifically for this purpose, to

give you the best results.


After your session is complete, I will put 1 or 2 "sneak peek" shots on our Facebook page or blog (if you

wish) within a few days. Then, after about 2 weeks, I will send you a link and password to your personal,

online viewing gallery. This gallery will stay "live" for 2 weeks, so that you can make your choice as to

which images you would like, with which digital file/print package.