The Wordsmith Journal Magazine



Established October 2011, The Wordsmith Journal is an online magazine geared to serve readers of Christian literature. Every month you'll find interviews with new authors as well as those firmly established in the Christian industry, book reviews, interesting columns, and other great information. From sweet to edgy, our readers are bound to find something for their reading pleasure!

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The Wordsmith Journal...The Premier Magazine for Lovers of

the Written Word! ~ Est. Oct. 2011~


Pamela S Thibodeaux, Editor

The Wordsmith Journal Magazine


The Wordsmith Journal Magazine

April 2012 Issue 2

©The Wordsmith Journal Magazine All Rights Reserved

We’ve Moved!

The Wordsmith Journal has a new home at:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Once again we’d like to congratulate our Kindle Contest Winners, Linda Oliphant--winner of the Kindle + 20 books and Joanna LaFalaise -- winner of a $25 Amazon gift card.


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Welcome our new Sponsor:

Christian Book Marketing *With the addition of CBM and the combined efforts of our Sponsors & Partners, TWJ's newsletter now goes out to over 12000 contacts!

Meet our Reviewers!

Michelle Sutton

Kelly Klepfer Deborah Piccurelli

Linda Attaway Sarah Heath

Kim Ford Shawna K Williams

Welcome New Columnists

Kellye Davis Williams & LaSharnda Beckwith

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The Wordsmith Journal @ RT Book Lovers Convention!

Author Mary Manners took 100 TWJM

postcards with her to the RT Book Lovers

Convention in Chicago, IL - Thanks Mary for your support!

Authors ~ Check out our new Advertising Opportunities!

In This Month's Issue

Columns & Blogs

Behind the Mystery by Ellen Kennedy Consider This by Rita Schulte

Faith & Fitness by Kellye Davis For a Thousand Generations

by Scott Higginbotham Michele's Musings by Michele Abshire

The Proactive Author by W. Terry Whalin The Power of Positive Faith

by LaShardna Beckwith You Are Not Alone by Dawn Kid

Author Interviews

Linda Oliphant (our Kindle winner!) Dave Moore

Pamela S Thibodeaux Scott Higginbotham

Book Store

Featured Fiction

Featured Non-fiction

Featured Publisher

Revell Books

Author Pages

Mary Manners

Kathi Macias

Michelle Sutton

Rodney Christian Power

JM Hochstetler

Don Furr

Patty Mason

April 2012 Issue 3

©The Wordsmith Journal Magazine All Rights Reserved

The Good Fight Shawna K Williams ASIN: B0061YJAKU

Roger Talbot's life is defined by his devotion to public service. Having just successfully prosecuted a brutal murder case, Roger turns his attention to discovering the shady dealings of Niles Parker -- the town's former mayor, Roger's old boss and the father of the woman Roger almost married. Pennye Carrington ran away from Port Delamar with plans never to return. However, learning that her brother had murdered a family member of a famous movie star changed those plans. Pennye comes back with the hope of bringing stability to a family in disarray, but facing the torment of her childhood may be more than she can handle. Roger's mission to bring down Niles Parker and Pennye's desire to keep her brothers out of trouble create a middle ground, where two people who couldn't be further apart, embark on a danger-filled journey of discovery to find themselves and each other. Available Now At: Amazon Barnes & Noble Christian Desert Breeze Publishing

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The Good Fight Matthew R. Horn


Jeffery Scott had always made it on his own. Unwanted by his family, Jeff spent his childhood being shuffled from family members to orphanages before finally ending up alone, homeless, and on the street. One night, in a dark, cold alley behind a local restaurant, Jeff's life was saved by a dark suited, masked vigilante whose true identity was unknown to him. Sixteen years later, he crosses paths once again with the dark suited stranger. This time, it is Jeff who saves the vigilante's life, and this time he discovers the masked man's identity. Jeff learns to understand the quest of good versus evil and becomes the reluctant protégé of the masked hero. Ultimately, he arrives at a crossroad where he must decide whether the quest itself is good or evil. Jeff's inner struggles eventually draw the line between what he wants to do and what he must do. His decisions not only affect those he cares about, but they alter and shape the course of his young life. Through the mask of the vigilante, Jeff finds the courage and determination he needs to get an education, change his life, and become the person even his own family believed he could never be.

Order The Good Fight Online

E-Book at Amazon

E-Book at Barnes and Noble

E-Book at Smash Words

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April 2012 Issue 4

©The Wordsmith Journal Magazine All Rights Reserved

Abba Father; A Simple Prayer

John Poche’ ISBN-13: 978-1450749336

Dealing With Life Problems “It’s not a matter of if we will experience problems, it’s when.” For most of us life problems are inevitable. How do we deal with problems related to relationships, marriage, divorce, family, employment, work, finances, addiction, health or death of a loved one? John shares his personal story of how a short prayer and simple praying helped resolve some stressful problems and changed his life into happy, joyous and free. He describes the development of his simple prayer plan and and numerous experiences of his twenty year prayer journey. He offers many suggestions in hope his biblically-inspired simple prayer will help you experience the joy of knowing God is present and working in your life. It worked for him; maybe it will work for you. Available @ in Paperback or Kindle Available @ Barnes and Noble for Nook! Available @ Smashwords for all other EReaders!

Check out Mr. Poche's Crab Art!

Mr Poche is one of TWJM’s sponsors!

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© 2012 You never know whom God will send to answer your prayer… In 1950, my mother, Mary Lula Edwards, traveled by train with her two children from Plattsburgh, NY, to visit her mother in Montgomery, Alabama, and then back again. We were on our way back home when catastrophe struck. I was three and my baby brother Andrew was about 2 months old. Along with having to hold my hand, my mother had to carry the baby on a kind of heavy blue cotton pillowcase equipped with straps, keep track of her purse, a diaper bag and our luggage, all at once. It’s probably no wonder that, when alighting from a taxicab, she forgot to retrieve her purse and was left standing on a New York City sidewalk in front of Grand Central Station, holding tightly to two small children without train tickets or a penny to her name. My memories of the situation are fuzzy, but the story has been repeated so often, I can see her standing on the pavement with tears in her eyes, murmuring a prayer. The baby was crying and I was tugging on her hand, whimpering. My father was in Plattsburgh, almost 300 miles north. It was dusk, and the train home had already left. The crowd surged around her. She had no idea what to do. Just as she was at the end of her rope, she heard a voice. “Hello, Mrs. Edwards!” It was Mr. Mose Ginsberg, owner of Ginsberg’s Department Store in our home town. She had only met Mr. Ginsberg when she and Daddy bought furniture at the store, but at that moment, he was home and family and safe harbor, all rolled into one.

April 2012 Issue 5

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She explained our situation and Mr. Ginsberg, even though he was in a hurry, loaned her $100 in cash (a princely sum in those days) to get home. Out of all the thousands of people on the sidewalks of New York that evening, to have kindly Mr. Ginsberg appear is, in my opinion, a true miracle. That night, we stayed at a very modest NYC hotel—I remember being fascinated because the bathtub was right there in the room—and took the train to Plattsburgh in the morning. Upon our arrival, my dad went downtown to Ginsberg’s Furniture to repay the loan and extend his fervent thanks. Many people would say, "What are the odds of meeting a friend among millions of people in downtown New York City?" But odds have nothing to do with it when God is involved. The story of how Mr. Ginsberg was our answer to prayer became firmly fixed in the Edwards family lore. (In my research, I learned that ours was not the only story of Mr. Ginsberg’s kindness. He was a revered Adirondack institution until his death in 1974 at the age of 95.) God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. Hebrews 6:10

Author, E E Kennedy was born in Alabama and grew up in far northern New York State, where these mysteries are set. Read her weekly column, Behind the Mystery on The Wordsmith Journal Magazine’s website!

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Lullaby in Lone Creek Mary Manners

In eight seconds Dalton Merrill's professional bull riding days—and the fame he enjoyed—ended. When the adrenaline-junkie returns to Lone Creek Ranch to heal, he discovers a single reckless romp with sweet Emilee Walker has left her with more than a little heartbreak. She’s carrying his child. The last thing he wants is to be tied down with a wife and a son. Emilee Walker trusted Dalton with her heart, and he left her for the rodeo. She wanted Dalton to return home, but not like this. Now she wonders if it's responsibility or love that holds him in Lone Creek. This time she vows to show him what family ties and faith in God really means.

Mary Manners is one of TWJM’s Featured Authors!

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Interview with Linda Oliphant Winner of our Kindle Contest

By Mary Nichelson Congratulations to our most recent contest winner, Linda Oliphant! She was chosen from the 388 entrants and is the proud owner of a new Kindle and twenty books that were featured on the contest page. Like the many other contest candidates and readers of The Wordsmith Journal, Linda has been a life-long literary critic and appreciates the values that Christian fiction has to offer. She also has big plans for her new Kindle! MN-Congratulations on winning a Kindle and 20 books! We'd like to know you a little better,

April 2012 Issue 6

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so can you tell us about yourself? LO-I am a wife, mom, grandma, and pastor's wife. One of my favorite relaxing pastimes is reading. I've been a reader for years . One youthful summer I received an award for reading 50 books, and that love has continued. MN-You mentioned that you are a reader, but we'd like to know what role books play in your life. Are you a casual reader, or is it a constant in your day to day life? LO-I love that you can carry so many books in such a lightweight format (Kindle), ready for whatever book you are in the mood for. I love Christian books, especially when there is such a great variety of subject matter. I enjoy mystery and good suspense, and it's so much better in the Christian venue. I LOVE to read, and have caught myself reading the cereal box, or whatever is in front of my eyes, over & over! Books are better! MN-What motivated you to enter our contest? LO-I entered the contest because I love having more books to read, and the Kindle was an awesome bonus. I have a 10 year old grandson who borrows my Kindle when he's here so I'm so excited to be able to give him the one I won, for his 11th birthday in April! I want to continue his love for books ;)MN-Thank you for reading The Wordsmith Journal. What is your favorite part of our magazine? LO-I love knowing what books others are enjoying, and finding new authors. So many books, so little time - LOL

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Featured Author: Kathi Macias

Kathi Macias is a multi-award winning writer who has authored more than 30 books and ghostwritten several others. A former newspaper columnist and string reporter, Kathi has taught creative and business writing in various venues and has been a guest on many radio and television programs. Kathi is a popular speaker at churches, women’s clubs and retreats, and writers’ conferences, and won the 2008 Member of the Year award from AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association). Kathi “Easy Writer” Macias lives in Homeland, CA, with her husband, Al. Kathi is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of The Steve Laube Agency Find out more about Kathi by visiting her website.

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How to Move Beyond Fear to the High Places with God

By Rita Schulte ©April 2012 Hannah Hurnard’s book Hinds Feet on High Places is one of my favorite books. The main character in the story is Much-Afraid, who belongs to the family of Fearlings. Fear has driven her life much as it did mine. I’ve read it at two pivotal points in my life—the death of my mother and the death of my father. The book is a beautiful allegory dramatizing Much-Afraid’s spiritual journey to the High Places, where she learns to overcome her tormenting fears with the help of the Good Shepherd. The story is perhaps most interesting because Much Afraid is lame, and to help her overcome her fears, the Shepherd challenges her to walk the High Places along the narrow edges of jagged cliffs and high mountainous terrain with the unwelcome companions of Sorrow and Suffering. As the Shepherd introduces her to her new companions, she is visibly shaken. “I can’t go with them,” she gasped, “I can’t! I can’t O my Lord Shepherd, why do you do this to me? How can I travel in their company? It is more than I can bear. You tell me that the mountain way itself is so steep and difficult that I cannot climb it alone. Then why, oh why, must you make Sorrow and Suffering my companions? Couldn’t you have given Joy and Peace to go with me, to strengthen me and

April 2012 Issue 7

©The Wordsmith Journal Magazine All Rights Reserved

encourage me and help me on the difficult way? I never thought you would do this to me!” And she burst into tears. A strange look passed over the Shepherd’s face as he listened to this outburst, then looking at the veiled figures as he spoke, he answered very gently, “Joy and Peace. Are those the companions you would choose for yourself? You remember your promise, to accept the helpers that I would give, because you believed that I would choose the very best possible guides for you. Will you still trust me Much-Afraid? Will you go with them, or do you wish to turn back to the Valley, and to all your Fearling relatives, to Craven Fear himself?”[1] Risky Business As I’ve read this story throughout the years, I’ve asked myself what in the world motivated Much-Afraid to continue the journey? I believe the answer is found in the willingness to risk. I have come to the conclusion that to face the difficult seasons in life, you must be willing to walk with the companions the Shepherd gives you, and you must desire for them to shape and mold your heart, even when it feels as if they are breaking it to pieces. If you’re not willing, you’ll choose to play it safe and stay stuck in the valley; there is no greater travesty. Risking is scary business because our hearts are up for grabs. But if we, like Much-Afraid, will trust the Shepherd, even when it defies reason, he will turn sorrow and suffering into joy, and peace. How do we step out and risk trusting God? The same way Much Afraid did---by getting to know the Shepherds heart. Here are a few ideas to begin: · Spend time alone with God · Identify your worst fear and ask yourself if it’s too big for God to handle · Uncover any false beliefs you have about God---replace them with the truth · Don’t humanize God. He isn’t like anyone else you know · Watch what you tell yourself about your circumstances. Negative attitudes foster fear and unbelief · Practice the spiritual disciplines of silence, solitude, fasting and prayer · Meditate on verses that speak about God’s unfailing love and goodness

· Do a study on the names of God Much-Afraid made the journey to the High Places because she was willing to risk trusting the Shepherd with her life; even when she didn’t understand what he was doing. That took a knowing of the Shepherd’s heart through the power of intimate relationship. Once she was convinced his heart towards her was good---she was willing to risk. How about you, what’s standing in the way of you trusting God today? If it’s fear, surrender it to him just like Much Afraid did, and see if he doesn’t lead you to the High Places.

Rita A. Schulte is a licensed professional counselor in the Northern Virginia/DC area. She is the host of Heartline Podcast and Consider This. Her shows can be heard on 90.9FM in Lynchburg, Va. and 90.5 FM in NC, and soon to launch on Christian Life Internet Radio. Her book, Sifted As Wheat: Finding Hope and Healing Through the Losses of Life is currently with Hartline Literary Agency. Find & follow her on FB as Rita A. Schulte, MA, LPC and twitter @heartlinepod and subscribe to her blog, Life Talk Today. Read Rita’s monthly column Consider This on The Wordsmith Journal Magazine’s website!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The Wordsmith Journal Magazine is proud to partner & cross promote with Christian Fiction Book Reviews!

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April 2012 Issue 8

©The Wordsmith Journal Magazine All Rights Reserved

Mary’s Blessing Lena Nelson Dooley

ISBN-13: 978-1616386177

When her mother dies, Mary Lenora must grow up quickly to take care of her brothers and sisters. Can love help her to shoulder the burden? Mary Lenora Caine knows she is adopted. As she was growing up, her mother called her “God’s blessing.” But now that she’s gone, Mary no longer feels like any kind of blessing. Her father, in his grief, has cut himself off from the family, leaving the running of the home entirely in Mary’s hands. As she nears her eighteenth birthday, Mary can’t see anything in her future but drudgery. Then her childhood friend Daniel begins to court her, promising her a life of riches and ease. But her fairy-tale dreams turn to dust when her family becomes too much for Daniel, and he abandons her in her time of deepest need.

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Interview with David Moore By Mary Nichelson

There are two seasons throughout the course of our calendar year when Christians are particularly mindful of the sacrifice offered to earth for redemption; Christmas and Easter. Is it possible to attend a religious service on those two Sundays and not be reminded of our heavenly Father's great love? Author David Moore can relate to the palpable feelings involved in losing a son for the spiritual gain of others better than most. On a Friday night in 2002, his son slipped through his fingers and what follows is the nightmare every parent prays to avoid. His sincere narrative involves blood, sweat and tears, and the power of radical change that only prayer can offer. This is more than a bad story with a good ending, and to this day, it still resurrects the painful gut wrenching loss Moore perceived to be his new reality. Connecting with Moore through our recent interview was a connection to our heavenly Father and the greater purposes he intends to be birthed through pain. The story is painful, the message clear. God loves us more than we could ever imagine and in that love, is everything we could ever need. MN-Ten years ago, your wife finds a note written by your son stating he had left because he couldn't bear the burden of his perceived failure or what it might do to you. When you realized that he had runaway and why he had run away, what did that do to you as a father? DM-It made me really take a look at myself. I took custody of my son David when he was one and a half years old and raised him by myself until I married my wife Dorinda five years later. Everyone told me what a great father I was to raise my son by myself for five years and I bought into that. I felt like I had always been a good father, tried to always give to and do as much as I could for him. What I realized after he disappeared was that I had been more of a ruler then a father. I was loud, ruled with anger and fear, with a my way or the highway attitude. This was the same way I was raised and I always hated my dad for it. MN-You immediately hit the streets doing everything you could to find him. What was that experience like? DM-It was the most terrifying thing that had ever happened tome. I have lost both of my

April 2012 Issue 9

©The Wordsmith Journal Magazine All Rights Reserved

parents and it is a very hard thing to cope with. It still does not compare to the panic, pain and fear that I felt for those five days. MN-You interacted with several homeless shelters and street people. What did this experience teach you about homeless Americans? DM-I have mixed emotions because the homeless people I met in Dayton were wonderful, compassionate, and wanted nothing more then to help me, they would not even accept any money that I tried to give them. The homeless people that I encountered in Atlanta were the opposite. They only wanted to take my money, try to take advantage of me, and I would find out later that they had also robbed my son while he was there. I still have a heart to help the needy and have worked in our food ministry for 9 years but I am also careful with them. MN-Your prayer of submission to God changes everything. Your son was found moments later, but the instant transformation in you was incredible. In your opinion, what is the greater of the two miracles? DM-I truly feel like it is not two but both are part of the same miracle. God is always searching for his children to come home just like I was searching for my son. He used this one situation to accomplish one great miracle of salvation for my son David, my wife Dorinda, and I. MN-Your faith was tested shortly after this event. By this time, you, your wife Dorinda and David have dedicated your lives to God. David was injured in a football game and it was documented through x-rays that he had a torn esophagus and broken neck. You immediately called out to God and minutes later it is confirmed the hole had closed and the neck was no longer broken. What role does prayer play in your family now? DM-Prayer is a part of our everyday life now as much as eating and breathing. Prayer is how we communicate with God and nourish our relationship with Him. We have seen many other miracles of answered prayer for ourselves and for others through our prayer lives. I have always said that when you need God get down on your face and show Him. MN-I've seen you write "To God be all the glory" in a few places. Tell me what that means to you.

DM-It is so easy in our flesh to take the credit for things that go right in our lives. Sometimes I have prayed and seen a miracle answer to prayer and then completely forget to recognize and thank God for what He had obviously done. We are very quick to blame God at times. I want to live and talk in a way that always gives God the credit for everything good. Truly every good thing comes from Him. MN-How is David doing now? DM-David is doing great. He has been working as a leader in Mission Florida through Abundant Life Church of God in Lakeland Florida. This discipleship group raises up leaders and sends them out into the world to make a difference in the Kingdom of God. David has completed the first step in receiving his minister’s credentials and will be graduating from Lee University this spring with a Bachelors Degree in Church Leadership. I am so very proud of him. MN-What significance does Easter have for you as it relates to and parallels your relationship with David? DM-Easter is the most holy and special day of the year for me. God allowed His Son to be humiliated, tortured, and murdered horribly to save us. There is not a one of us that would even consider doing that with our child. I know I wouldn’t. Yet the bible says in Isaiah 53:10 that it pleased God to bruise Him. Both the Father and the Son volunteered to suffer for our salvation. I love my son so very much, yet how much more God loves us. MN-In writing the book, was it difficult reliving those painful memories? DM-It really was. I am crying even as I write this now. Every time I rewrote it I was reliving it. It brings back such emotions of pain yet tears of joy. MN-Do you have a favorite Bible verse that sums up your spiritual journey thus far? DM-Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will rejoice over thee with singing. Bio: David Moore is a chaplain serving through Victorious Life Church of God in Ypsilanti, Michigan. David volunteers to pray

April 2012 Issue 10

©The Wordsmith Journal Magazine All Rights Reserved

with the sick and the lost in hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and jails. He is married to the love of his life, Dorinda and has three sons, Shane, Adam, and David. You can learn more about David's ministry and his book at “The Father’s Love Website". You can order a copy of his book through Tate Publishing or through Amazon.

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Featured Author Michelle Sutton!

Michelle Sutton has written well over a dozen Christian novels. She is also a book reviewer, an avid blogger, the mother of two college students, a wife of over 21 years, a social worker by trade, and follower of Jesus Christ. Michelle is the founder of Edgy Christian Fiction Lovers -- A group of readers and writers who enjoy edgy fiction, and in particular edgy Christian fiction.

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Overcoming Slumps By Kellye Davis Williams ©2012

Are you in a slump because of situations out of your control? Do you feel at a low point in life? Maybe you just want to feel better and reduce stress. Well, it’s time to get back into balance with ... exercise. We all know the benefits of working out for the body, but exercise is just as beneficial to keep our minds clear and optimistic. American physician and cardiologist Paul Dudley White once said, “A vigorous 5-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy, but otherwise healthy

adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world.” With your doctor’s approval, the results of daily exercise can be so positive that you’ll look forward to making it a regular part of your life. Working out has helped me weather the daily ups and downs of life. As a personal trainer I also see this happening in the lives of my clients. Some of the things I say to myself and my clients while working out applies not only to the gym environment but to life in general. “You are not defined by where you are now, but by the path you are taking,” I like to remind my clients as well as myself. “Success is getting up one more time when you have fallen down,” is very applicable when one has faltered during an exercise….or feel they have “fallen” in a situation in life. “Get rid of all negativity,” I insist, urging my clients to go further than they think is possible. “You set the pace for your life, so wake up every day and believe that anything is possible,”… of my favorites because it calls attention to our goals….our dreams! I know that my clients need to hear these things, but sometimes I feel like I need to hear them more than anyone! Do you know how many times I have cried as I exercise and workout? At times I would hide my face so that no one would see the tears flowing. For some reason, exercising brought up memories, such as betrayals, losses, problems at hand. One of my clients came into the gym last week overwhelmed with some devastating news she had just received about an hour before she came in for her workout. She is a nurse and had taken a phone call from a doctor reporting that her grandfather had cancer. The report was for the doctor that she works for. The doctor giving her the report had no idea that he was reading the results of her grandfather to her. For several minutes before she began her workout I listened as she expressed her broken heart to me. She began her workout and at one point in her workout I had her kicking the “heavy bag.” I watched her kicking that heavy bag with such fury it took me by surprise. I didn’t say a word. I just let her go. And all the while she was kicking the bag, tears began to flow. As I witnessed this I realized once again that the

April 2012 Issue 11

©The Wordsmith Journal Magazine All Rights Reserved

needs that my clients bring into the gym are more than physical. It also reminded me that working out and exercising does so much more than strengthen the body. When she was leaving the gym I hugged her and assured her that I was there for her and I committed to her that I would be praying for her and her grandfather. At times things can seem overwhelming, but I also know that God is in control of our endeavors. It had been God who put the dreams I most cherished deep within my heart, and I believed that ultimately He would make the wrongs right. It was God that gave me the passion in my heart to reach my goals and dreams. It was God that placed the passion in my heart to help others reach theirs as well….in the gym and in their lives. God will do this for me! He will do it for my clients! And He will do the same for you! With each jumping jack, hop, step, lift, and stomp, I can see stress being relieved, strength being increased and optimism renewed — just as mine had been. Within a short time, as one commits their time to exercise, they will see their stress levels melting away, their mood improved, and they will begin to feel better, stronger and happier. By partaking of regular exercise, your outlook can be re-energized. You can gain a renewed sense of strength, of purpose, and could more easily adapt to changing circumstances. In the Bible, Paul told Timothy, “Spend your time and energy in the exercise of keeping spiritually fit.” — 1 Timothy 4:7. I honestly believe that taking care of our physical bodies and exercising regularly is part of what he is talking about here. More importantly is spending time in the presence of God and letting Him saturate our hearts and minds. These two things together can only bring hope, happiness, and well being! Therefore, budget some quality time for regular physical fitness. “But how can I find the time?” you may ask. Try this: Treat your exercise routine like an appointment. Write it on your calendar, and you’ll be more likely to stick with it. Engage in activities that you enjoy. Find a friend and take a brisk walk. Coach a ball team in your town. Play golf or a game of tennis. Try walking on a treadmill, so you can exercise regardless of

the weather. Take a bike ride or go on a hike with your family. Then, throughout the day, look for ways to be more active. You are a work of art, a masterpiece, and unlimited possibilities and blessings are ahead for you! Endorse healthy habits and promise yourself to take care of the magnificent creation that God created you to be.

Kellye Davis Williams is a personal trainer who focuses on the health and well being of her clients as well as coaching them to make positive changes that will impact the rest of their lives. She helps them to achieve their health and fitness goals as well as encourages them to strive for and achieve their " life" goals with her message of hope. As a model, Kellye exemplifies the essence of artistic beauty while proving the power of a woman is more than superficial refinement. Read Kellye’s Bi-Monthly column, Faith & Fitness on The Wordsmith Journal Magazine’s website!

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Feature Author J.M. Hochstetler

Joan was an editor with The United Methodist Publishing House for many years. She is currently the publisher and editorial director of Sheaf House Publishers, a Nashville, Tennessee,

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area small press, which she founded in 2006. She lives in the Nashville area with her husband and enjoys researching and writing historical novels, gardening, traveling, crafts, reading, and spending time with her family.

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Marianne Evans ISBN: 978-1-61116-164-9

From This Day Forward Christian Music agent Kellen Rossiter has everything he ever wanted: A-list clients from coast to coast, a loving wife who honors and respects him, and a faith life that’s never wavered—until now. Juliet Rossiter has the perfect life: a rewarding schedule serving the underprivileged, a husband who loves her as Christ loved the church, and a blessed future as a mother—at least that's what she thinks. For Better or Worse But what happens when their rock-solid marriage begins to crumble under the weight of an unexpected and powerful temptation? How does love survive when its foundation is shaken? 'Til Death Do Us Part When human frailty and the allure of sin deal a harsh blow to their relationship, it will take more than love to mend the shattered trust and heartbreak. It will take a lifetime of devotion. Devotion is part of the special Pelican Book Group 2012 Fall Preview! Pre-order Devotion and you'll a receive 30% discount! Click HERE for more details!

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Interview with Scott Higginbotham By Mary Nichelson

Author Scott Higginbotham doesn’t know this, but he is solely responsible for my love of historical novels. Before reading his first manuscript several years ago, I read Biblical fiction but was not impressed with the historical genre. You would never know it now since I am an advocate of Christian fiction, which reflects how life changing Higginbotham’s novels can be. “My heart’s desire is to have people examine their lives in the light of God’s truth, because the truth never lies. It never does.” Although he has a laid back confidence in God’s truth today, the assurance of his writing future was not always a source of peace for Higginbotham. “I did the unthinkable and lost my marble. (I only had one) I gave up and said, “God, you win. What do you want me to do?” It was a simple prayer, but one with far reaching effects. I studied the word, I prayed for wisdom, and used Romans 12:1-2 as a guide for finding God’s plan for my life. As the pieces clicked into place, my first novel was birthed and soon made it onto my hard drive. It’s historical fiction woven with enduring truths and goodness, a healthy salting of romance and humor, unlikely allies, questions of faith, and an ending that places an eye to the future.” Higginbotham’s work showcases the conflict in being spiritual when life is hard. He brings the message of faith and hope so vividly alive that you see it in action. He does this through realistic character conflicts and capitalizes on

April 2012 Issue 13

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the power of relationships. Although a writer of romance, he is not oblivious to the work involved in maintaining those relationships. “You can’t edit relationships as easily as you can a book!” Whether the reader experiences hardships involved in relationships or as it pertains to the life of a writer, he has this advice. “When life seems dark and dreary and you thump the proverbial wall, take a step back. Perhaps you have already arrived; the open door may very well be a few shuffles to the left or right.” With many uncertainties in life, there is one assurance. God’s love is steeped truth, and when it comes to historical fiction, Higginbotham relays that truth neatly clothed in medieval garb. But don’t let those knights in shining armor, castles, draw bridges and horses fool you. The story may read as historical, but you will find every conflict and resolution relevant and contemporary. MN-You chose to go directly to digital printing for your book, For A Thousand Generations. What motivated you to go that route as opposed to the traditional way of print then digital? SH-I went with the eBook option, because I was having trouble naming a bookstore in close proximity. That sounds funny, but the market is changing and last year Amazon’s eBook sales surpassed physical books. For lower cost and essentially the same return to an author, it’s very easy to expand your reach. Amazon has a great program where you can self-publish for free, so no one has to beg for space on a bookshelf, nor are there a garage full of books to try and sell. For so long I had been against this method, but once I realized that I had books that were good enough to be marketable and publishable through a traditional route, I decided not to continue the game of waiting. MN- As a fan and reviewer of historical fiction, I have to say your book was a true joy to read. It is a multifaceted read and includes something for everyone. How hard was it to successfully include romance, suspense, biblical principles, and humor into one story? SH-The words flowed quite easily. I had a very basic outline with an end in sight, but the story wrote itself. It’s amazing how I told the story to myself as I wrote it. I wrote it in the first person,

so it was easy to step into my protagonist’s shoes and live vicariously through him. MN-The foundation of the story is based on a time travel element that although unbelievable in reality, works logically within your novel. How did you keep this from overshadowing the other elements of the storyline? SH-The style I used is something I learned from Scripture and from sales. The gospel accounts of Jesus’ miracles, his death, and his resurrection are very straightforward and matter-of-fact. There are no flowery words or embellishments, nor are there persistent pleas that shout, “Believe this!” The eyewitnesses simply reported what they had seen and heard, no matter how outlandish outsiders may have viewed those events. In sales, if you believe in your product, then everything you say or do is informed by that belief. Additionally, by putting myself into Edward Leaver’s shoes, I told the story as though I was living every moment. MN- Let’s talk about timeless truths. You have in essence based your platform on this concept. Why is this theme so important to you? SH-This is important, because I have always loved the concept of seeing how God has had his hand in each generation and how the basic fruits of a Christian life are not bounded by time or place. I have also been fascinated by seeing how one small act can do so much good over the centuries and affect so many people. This gives people hope. I had an experience recently where someone told me how my explanation of the Trinity affected him so dramatically, that he gave his life to Christ, went to Bible college, and is now a worship leader. I was speechless when I learned this, because God has a way of turning small seeds into something much more grand than we can ever imagine. MN-Your career path has been versatile. You previously served in the Navy, are currently an engineer, seminary student, husband and father and now successful author. In what capacity do you feel the most comfortable? SH-Well, family does come first, but following that would be writing. Writing is an escape into another world solely up to the author’s discretion as to how to populate, design, and dramatize. It’s a passion that focuses my energies toward a goal.

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MN- In your novel, your characters live a Godly example and there is very little preaching involved. It reminds me of a quote by Saint Francis of Assisi that says “Preach the gospel at all times. If necessary, use words." Is that your spiritual philosophy as well? SH-Yes, I would agree with that sentiment, because Godliness can be woven into the fabric of any book. If the characters and drama are believable, then the conclusions your protagonist makes concerning spiritual matters, can easily be embraced by the readers. MN- Will For A Thousand Generations be a stand alone, or do you have a series in mind? SH-It will be a series, because Edward Leaver has much more to do, more trouble to get into and out of, and his wit draws from a deep well! And his wife Caitlyn, she will always have her hands full. MN-What is on your current reading list? SH-I read mainly in the historical fiction genre, because I love seeing what other authors do, what liberties they take or don’t take, and how they tell their story. I have found that the best stories simply are those that have to be told. If history takes a back seat, then explain it in the author’s note the reasons why. My characters are slightly more modern and customs had to be modified; marriages in the Middle Ages were arranged and love blossoming was a bonus. I chose the direct route and relied on another character’s use of pretexts and quick thinking to settle Edward nicely in the 14th century. MN-Are you a participant of Lent, and if so, do you tend to give something up, or vow to do something as your way of honoring the season? SH-I do not observe it, but I do believe that as Christians, we are a constant work in progress. We should always be undergoing change and seeking a closer walk with God. MN-What one personal character trait do you think would most surprise your readers? SH-I am a lot like my character since it is written in the first person, but I have much to learn from him. I learn much from my character, and I hope others will experience the same.

Since our interview, Scott Higginbotham has released a second novel titled A Soul’s Ransom, and both are now available at Amazon.

Bio: Scott Higginbotham has a passion for fiction that goes beyond simple entertainment. His writing informs, instructs, and encourages readers with his signature style. He holds a B.S. in Marketing and an MBA, and is finishing an MA in Apologetics at Luther Rice Seminary. Learn more about Scott by visiting his blog and connect with him on Facebook !

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Featured Sponsor: Christian Book Marketing

Christian Book Marketing is a division of Awesome God Publications, located in South Western, Pennsylvania. Awesome God Publications has been actively serving the Christian community since 1998. Through our sales of Christian Books and Bibles we have developed a strong customer base of active Christian readers and Churches. Because of the committed relationships we have developed through Awesome God Publications, we can easily promote your Christian book to a very targeted market of Christian readers. Through our years of experience in dealing with Christian books and publishers we have determined a need for Christian authors to market their books differently than traditional authors. We are able to market your book directly to a Christian audience who has proven that they have an interest in Christian books. Another advantage is that we are able to provide complete product handling - from warehousing your book to shipping and invoicing! Our years of experience and excellent

April 2012 Issue 15

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relationships with our contacts makes Christian Book Marketing a natural choice to promote your Christian book to as many Christian readers as possible! At Christian Book Marketing we are proud of our company! We feel we are truly working for the Lord and are thankful for the opportunity to serve Him and you. Christian Book Marketing~Working together for Him!

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Will You be a Lamb for Christ? By Michele Abshire © April 2010 As I wrote the story in March called A Redemption Story ~ A Lamb for a Donkey I began to think about our responsibility in being a Christian. These thoughts were reinforced during a sermon my Pastor taught recently. The message was about challenges that we face. Do those challenges cause us to give up hope in Christ? Are we standing by those that are weak and helping them up? Or are we “stepping on them” and “breaking their necks” with our self righteous attitudes? Are we holding them up in prayer or judging them? Do we realize that God has called us to be a “savior” to others in this life? That very morning I went to church ready to give up, not in Christ but on those very difficult people in my life. I was ready to throw in the towel, but pastor’s message brought conviction to my heart. Right there, sitting on the church pew, I envisioned the lamb being sacrificed for the donkey. Tears sprang to my eyes and I heard that small still voice “I placed that ‘donkey’ in your life for a reason. I have called you to be a lamb that they might have hope and be redeemed.” I knew it in my heart, I am Christ’s,

I belong to Him. I have been paid for with a price and I have a responsibility. He has placed people in my life that I might be a light to them. Certain people can be downright difficult; not always easy to love. They are just like a donkey; stubborn, ornery, selfish and mean at times. Do you have anyone like this in your life? Maybe even more than one person; a family member, friend, co-worker or boss? Have you ever wanted to just give up your stand and stop believing because it is just not worth it? Have you thought, that person is just too difficult to love, too difficult to deal with? You know, one of those people that are “bridge burners” instead of “bridge builders.” At some time or another in life we all have someone in our life that fits this description. I was overwhelmed with these thoughts as I contemplated the fact that Jesus was the precious Lamb of God that laid down His life for me. How much more should I lay down my life for those God has put in my life, difficult or not? We are all called to be Christ in someone else’s life. We may be God’s “Plan A” to lead someone to Christ. We may be the only “Bible” that person ever reads. In the Old Testament God, instituted a redemption plan for a donkey. A lamb had to die or the donkey’s neck would be broken(Exodus 13:13). It is the same in this life. Believers are known as God’s sheep and He calls us to die to self. Then there are the lost, those who have never placed their lives into the hands of Jesus. If they never accept the free gift of salvation they face eternal damnation. We are the messengers of God’s redemption plan. We are ministers of reconciliation. The Bible tells us to forgive as Christ forgave (Ephesians 4:32); love as Christ loved(Ephesians 5:2). The Lost need to see these things lived out in a Christian’s life so that they can see and know that God is real. To love the unlovable we must die to our own selfish nature. If we do not allow God to use us to reach others there is a possibility the Lost will face eternal damnation all because we did not do what God called us to do in this life. God told Ezekiel that if he did not speak as God directed him the people’s blood would be on his hands(Ezekiel 3:18-19). We have a responsibility to carry the love of God, the forgiveness of God and the cross of Christ into this world. As Christians, we are called to be “lambs” to help bring the redemption message to

April 2012 Issue 16

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“donkeys.” You may say “I can’t, I just can’t.” You may be just like I was when I said, “I’ve had enough, I can’t take it anymore.” Thankfully at the brink of giving up God brought conviction and He reminded me of my responsibility. He reminded me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. He reminded me that if I will trust Him, He will help me become that “lamb” to love that “donkey” He has placed in my life. You too can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. If God has allowed you to be placed in difficult relationships and situations then He has equipped you to walk through those challenges. He never gives us more than we can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13). That is His promise to each and every one of us. Sometimes we only see the difficulty and we forget that there will be a reward for our faithfulness to God’s call. One of the most amazing moments in my life occurred when one such unlovable, lost person said to me “You are the only person in my life that never left me. You stood by me when no one else would. You stood by me even when I didn’t deserve it.” I realized right there and then that I was truly being Christ to another. I was His hands, His arms, His unconditional love reaching out to a very difficult person. What this person said was true. Everyone else in this person’s life had turned their backs on him at some time or another. The reason I didn’t was not because of me but because of Christ in me. You can be a ‘lamb’ to reach the ‘donkeys’ in your life for Christ. You can be His hands, His feet, His mouth, His instrument of salvation to another. Christ did no less for us when He went to the cross. We were lost and undeserving of the sacrifice He paid yet still He loved us to Himself and to the Father. Will we lay down our lives for those in this world that desperately need to know Christ’s love? Will they see His life being played out in our lives? Will we be lambs for Christ? Love in Christ, Michele

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Michele Abshire is a housewife, mother, grandmother, and full time legal assistant. She has been published in Lake Charles, Louisiana publications, Christian Star Newspaper and Gumbeaux Magazine. Michele began writing notes of encouragement to people God put on her heart which led her in the direction of writing short encouraging stories, letters, essays and analogies. This quickly became a ministry for her. Michele's vision is to reach people with encouraging messages that will lift their heart and bring joy for sorrow and hope for discouragement. Michele enjoys your feedback so email Read Michele’s monthly column Michele’s Musings on The Wordsmith Journal Magazine’s website!

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The Wisdom Tree Mary Manners

ISBN: 978-1-61116-166-3

After the death of his parents, Jake Samuels has enough on his plate—including a fledgling church to lead and a mischievous younger brother to raise. The last thing he needs is a rambunctious woman to contend with.

April 2012 Issue 17

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Carin O'Malley is dealing with the death of her brother and a new job as an English teacher at East Ridge Middle School where Corey Samuels reigns as King of Chaos. The last thing she needs is to fall in love with a man...especially a handsome and complicated preacher like Corey’s brother Jake. But when Corey's antics toss Carin and Jake together, the two must draw from God’s wisdom to find refuge in His perfect plan for them. Pre-Order The Wisdom Tree now at 30% off, or pre-order at regular retail price and receive a $10.00 eBook gift certificate! Every eligible pre-order will be automatically entered into a drawing to win either a Kindle or Nook. More Details HERE!

Mary Manners is one of TWJM’s Featured Authors!

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Interview with Pamela S Thibodeaux By Mary Nichelson

Writer Ernest Hemingway once penned, "When writing a novel a writer should create living people; people not characters. A character is a caricature." In her latest release, The Visionary, author Pam Thibodeaux capitalizes on Hemingway's philosophy by creating realistic people struggling through past traumas, and offers them spiritual hope in the process. While some authors may sugarcoat their character's dramatic episodes, Thibodeaux approaches childhood abuse in a practical and constructive manner. She had a lot of help along the way, and just as her characters relied on God's direction, she gives him the credit

for outcome. MN: You have been writing for over thirty years now. What are some of your more memorable projects? PST: I love writing so it’s hard to pin down the most memorable, but I can say the most rewarding are the poems and prayers I write to give as a gift -- birthday or new baby, anniversary or holiday. MN: I loved your interview that was aired last December on kfdx Channel 3. During the interview, you stated that you are a “seat of the pants” kind of writer. Explain what that means for our readers. PST: Some writers plot out their entire story using vision boards, extensive outlines, pictures of the h/h, character sketches, etc. Some authors do a rough outline and have a pretty good idea of where the story is heading. Not me. Whether the story starts with a single thought, dream, or comment - whether the characters appear fully formed or just a name, I have no clue what’s going to happen next. The only thing I know is the story will end in a HEA (happily ever after) fashion. For instance in my current WIP (work in progress) I had no idea the characters full name, only Mel and it took nearly 17000 words before I knew the color of her hair and eyes. MN: Let’s talk about The Visionary, your most recent release. You tackled some heavy issues without depressing the reader. In fact, I believe you handled the topic of abuse and the long term affects of it in a very positive manner. What made you decide to write on childhood abuse? PST: I didn’t decide on the topic. God did. I know many will scoff at that, and authors who write Christian fiction write under divine inspiration also, but honestly I didn’t ‘decide’ to write about childhood abuse. When I began writing The Visionary, it was with the plan to write a light, sweet romance based around a set of m/f twins and their love interests. However, when I sent the first few chapters to critique partners and received comments about how close those twins were, the question started nagging at me.... What happened to or between them to make them cling so tightly to one

April 2012 Issue 18

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another? The answer was a total shock and one I argued, (yeah literally argued) with God over for three days. I walked out of my office while on a writing spree to find my husband watching a popular talk show. On the stage a young man was crying and apologizing to his sisters because he couldn’t stop the abuse they suffered, couldn’t protect them from it. I swear, I felt every drop of blood drain from my heart and the argument ensued.... I can’t write that, God! I have no clue about that kind of abuse! You’ve got the wrong person! For three days I’d sit to write and get up in a panic until HE asked, “Who are you writing for anyway?” At some point every Christian experiences the voice of God, whether a still small voice, a very audible one, or simply an impression on their heart and/or mind. There was no mistaking HIS voice that day and a I sat down and completed the entire first draft in four months, between Jan & April while working 2 part time jobs as a bookkeeper and tax preparer. This book was ALL God. I was just the typist. MN: The interaction between the main characters, twins Taylor and Trevor, flowed smoothly and was realistic. I take it you have siblings that you drew inspiration from? PST: I have three brothers but no twin and it did help to imagine how they might act under such circumstances. MN: There is a parallel storyline related to a renovation project. Are you a fan of HGTV or DIY networks? PST: Not at all, LOL! I’m not much of a TV person at all and when I do watch it is either a family show (Hallmark) or something intriguing like The Mentalist. I love a good movie (suspense, comedy or love story) and occasionally I’ll waste the day watching Lifetime or other movie channels but I’d much rather get lost in a good book.

MN: Your writing in The Visionary is edgy, yet you maintain Christian standards that contemporary readers will love. How difficult is it to write about disturbing themes without compromising those Christian standards? PST: Very! In fact when the heroine, Taylor is revealing her past to her hero (Alex) at one point Alex was very descriptive in his thoughts about her father.... “That’s one sick (fill in the blanks) - I kept shaking my head and saying “you can’t say that!” but I wrote it anyway. Only in one of the edit runs was I able to turn the entire scene around to Taylor’s POV and it came out like this.... Alex picked up the bottle of wine, realized it was empty and threw it against the fireplace on a surge of fury. “That was one sick . . .” Her eyes widened in shock and surprise at the foul name that escaped his lips, the vehemence with which he uttered it and the steady stream of language, equally foul, that followed. He got up to pace, ranted and raged, powerless to change what had happened. MN: While I believe The Visionary will provide the foundation to begin conversation and for some the healing process, there may be skeptics that have built an almost impenetrable wall around their heart following a traumatic event. What can you add that your characters might not have revealed to convince silent sufferers that there is hope for them? PST: I’m not sure if there is anything I can add that the characters might not have revealed. I tried to portray as realistically as possible for someone who has not suffered such trauma, the guilt and shame, bitterness, fear and rage and the shear hopelessness one might feel and that healing can be found and that although possible and even real, obtaining that healing is not always easy. But with God all things are possible to them that believe. My prayer is that the healing shown in The Visionary helps them believe in the power of God’s love and allow that love to heal their wounded soul. As the twins’ foreman and friend says.... “Don’t you think its worth a shot to give God a try and possibly gain a measure of peace in your life?”

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MN: Let’s talk about your reading preferences for a minute. You are embarking on a long distance road trip and can only take three novels with you. What three would you pack and why? PST: The Born In trilogy by Nora Roberts - I’ve read nearly everything the woman has written, read other wonderful authors and always go back to these three as my all-time, will-not-loan-out favorite books. MN: What’s next for Pam Thibodeaux? PST: Well The Wordsmith Journal Magazine keeps me busy but I hope to continue writing and finish the numerous WIP’s I have in various stages....some are just a thought jotted down, others a few scenes loosely tied together and yet others a blurb, synopsis or full short story that needs fleshing out and strengthening. I also have several non-fiction projects I’d like to complete. Alas, where HE leads, I will follow. Bio: Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana and the Owner/CEO/Ad Sales Director of The Wordsmith Journal Magazine. Her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!” Find out more about Pam by visiting her website or connecting with her on Face Book and following her on Twitter!

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Mary Nichelson ~ Journalist

Mary is an avid reader, writer, editor and self-proclaimed advocate for the authors that make Christian publishing the great industry it is. She supports publishers by interviewing authors and promoting their new releases, as well as

upholding a standard of ethics that defines the word “Christian”. Her passion is to see the publishing business excel by promoting literature that speaks to our generation without compromise. She is the host of Marysworld Internet radio talk show, maintains a website affiliated with several publishers, and is a member of the Evangelical Press Association. (EPA)

Mary's World Website & Blog Friend Mary on FB

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Use Book Reviews to Help Others By W Terry Whalin © April 2012 One of the ways that I broke into publishing on a consistent basis was writing book reviews. As more books are being published, there is an ever-increasing demand for book reviews. If you read books, then you can tap into this important area of publishing. You will help others and also gain visibility for you and your writing in the marketplace. For a number of different publications, I wrote individual book reviews. Then one of these publications asked me to be their book review columnist. For this assignment, I wrote a series of book reviews for each issue of their magazine. I selected the books, received review of books from various publishers, then I wrote my reviews and sent them into the magazine on deadline to be published. Over several years, I held this role with this magazine until it came to an end. Then I became the book review columnist for another publication for another season. Neither one of these magazines where I was a columnist are in print today. I learned a tremendous amount from my experience of writing those book review columns. While I've gone on and written many other things including a number of books, I continue to write for magazines and continue to publish book reviews. One of the places where I write book reviews is in the customer review section of Amazon. If you have purchased a book on Amazon, then

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you can write a customer review on any book. It does not matter whether you have purchased that book through Amazon or not because you can still write a review. For example, I read a number of books from my local public library. After reading the book, I write my review and post it on Amazon. It is a way you can support books through writing these customer reviews. They are not lengthy but at times, you may be among the few people who have reviewed a particular book. When the Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, wrote Scorpions for Breakfast: My Fight Against Special Interests, Liberal Media, and Cynical Politicos to Secure America's Border, I read the book and wrote a Five Star review because I enjoyed the book and learned a great deal from it. When the President of the United States and Governor Brewer had a moment together at the Phoenix Airport, the story received a great deal of media attention. Many of the one star reviews on the page are people who don't like Governor Brewer—and it is fairly obvious to me that they did not read the book. The book continues to have a fairly good sales number on Amazon because of the controversy. Consistently when I read books, I will write an Amazon review. I've written over 350 of these reviews. Here's some pointers for writing reviews: 1. Read the book. It seems like this aspect should be a given but people try to write reviews without reading the book. 2. Craft a good headline for your review. I suggest you create several words that draw the reader into reading your review. 3. Write a short summary of what the book is about. It doesn't have to be lengthy but needs to show you absorbed the contents of the book. 4. Pull a little quotation from the book and note the specific page where the quote appears in the book. 5. End with your recommendation about why someone should read this book. As an example, I'm going to show you a review I wrote about journalist Todd Starnes' book, Dispatches from Bitter America, a Gun Toting, Chicken Eating Son of a Baptist's

Culture War Stories. My review is located here. I began with a simple statement as the headline to show the reader what they would gain from this book: This Book Is Certain To Stir Conversation at the Dinner Table In my opening paragraph, I tried to summarize the contents of the book: From the red, white and blue cover along with the overalls, Bible and gun, award-winning journalist Todd Starnes makes a clear statement of his conservative perspective. Get ready for an insider's glimpse at the current state of America in DISPATCHES FROM BITTER AMERICA. With the next paragraph, I pulled a quotation that I found in the introduction about what motivated Starnes to write this book: I found the stories engaging and fascinating---yet carefully researched and documented (the final pages of end notes show the detailed research. In the introduction, Starnes gives this background as he sits in the Red Arrow Diner, "As I sipped on a cup of coffee, I was reminded of the lyrics from that great lee Greenwood song, "I'm Proud to Be an American."...And that's how I came up with the idea for this book. It's a collection of stories from my travels across this country--conversations I've had with regular folks who have deep concerns about the direction we are going as a nation." (Page 9) Also when I use a quotation it is a subtle way of validating that I'm not just throwing some review on Amazon. I read this book. In the final paragraph, I summarize why the reader wants to read this book: The well-told stories are organized into sections: Dispatches from DC, Dispatches from the Fly-over States, Dispatches from the Schoolhouse and Dispatches from the Pew. Get this book and absorb every story. You can't help to be educated and entertained through DISPATCHES FROM BITTER AMERICA. Whether you write books or magazine articles, whether you have been published a great deal or never, I encourage you to write book reviews. You will be a help to the authors and others who are looking for good books. Book reviews are another proactive way you can be involved in the publishing community, reach readers and sell books.

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W. Terry Whalin, a writer and publisher lives in Scottsdale, Arizona. A former acquisitions editor, former magazine editor and former literary agent, Terry has written more than 60 nonfiction books including Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams. To help writers, he has created 12-lesson online course called Write A Book Proposal. His website is located at: The Proactive Author is a monthly column focused on instructing authors in the art of Selling Books, Reaching Readers

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Play Perdida Dan Schmidt

ISBN-13: 978-1453641866

When life goes south, sometimes you need a beach. Near the equator, expatriates are trying to recruit a burned-out pastor to start a church in their beach community. Gray

Albright eventually agrees to try—so he moves his family to Playa Perdida to see what will happen. With a laconic pace, gentle humor, and attention to detail, Playa Perdida draws readers into life among offbeat expats living under the radar on the edge of obscurity. As Gray discovers, they're people with checkered pasts and uncertain futures—people like himself—in need of second chances. “Dan Schmidt has a terrific mind and a gift for language. In Playa Perdida, he has drawn on a world he knows well to craft a tale you will not forget.” John Ortberg, Pastor and Author Fiction for both sides of your brain.

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Give us This Day

June Foster ASIN: B0073NE9KO

When Jess Colton walks away from his past, he leaves alcohol behind but replaces it with a food addiction, yet nothing Holly Harrison does will allow her to escape from her mistakes.

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April 2012 Issue 22

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Feature Author: Don Furr

Don Furr can add to his list of accomplishments the title of author. With the release of Quest for the Nail Prints, Don is currently working on the sequel, Peter's Quest. Peter's Quest releases in 2013. A world traveler, Don is also an accomplished actor and playwright who owns and operates a major exhibit services company. He and his wife reside in Memphis, Tennessee, and have three children and five grandchildren. He has piloted his Jet Ranger helicopter for a local television station and is currently customizing a 1981 DeLorean as a replica of the car in the movie Back to the Future. He is an active member of First Baptist Church in Lakeland, Tennessee.

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Don't Question your Faith; Just Trust God By Dr. LaSharnda Beckwith

© April 2012

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen.” ( Hebrews 11:1) Do you have faith? Do you ever question your faith? I have strong faith is something I say to myself all the time! Then all of a sudden, life happened. I was experiencing one physical challenge after another. At one point, I found myself crying in my closest asking God why and pleading with Him to take away my pain. I was happy to receive every prayer offered to me and I was reading every scripture I could find to stand on to reinforce my beliefs. I had friends and family speaking faith into my life and I was

speaking encouragement to myself everyday also. But then I would find myself feeling sorry for myself again the thus the cycle would start all over again. My point is this; I do have faith even when I feel that my desperation during times of challenge makes me wonder. Joel Osteen said “everyone goes through seasons when the challenges of life feel overwhelming.” I say, Amen. You see it is during these times that our faith is questioned, not by others but by us. The enemy will put all sorts of ideas and images in our brains to keep us from trusting God; to keep us from having faith; and to keep us in a state of panic and desperation rather than reminding ourselves of God’s promises to each of us who believe. The scripture says, “And Jesus answered them, Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, Be taken up and cast into the sea, it will be done”! (Matthew 21:21, AMP) Maybe you think that what you are going through right now is impossible; but God’s word says “if we would have faith the size of a mustard seed we can say to this mulberry tree, be uprooted and planted in the sea, and it will obey you.” (Luke 17:6). God’s word says that “He has a plan and purpose for each of us; plans to prosper us and not harm us; plans to give us hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11). So don’t get discouraged when things are not going the way you would like; God has it all under His control. I continue to learn how important it is to look to God and focus on Him when we face trials. Why? Because if we don’t we will listen to the voice of doubt. Let’s not talk to God about how big our problems are, but rather let’s tell our problems how big our God is. The word says, “As a man thinks, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7). Now join me as I make it my intention everyday to thank God for changing my situation. Start thanking Him for His healing power; for the power of restoration; and for the power of His Holy Spirit that sustains us. I realize that sometimes life can be so upsetting and confusing that we don’t know what to pray; remember when we don’t know what to pray or say to God, the Holy Spirit speaks to Him on our behalf. (Romans 8:26-27). Father, I thank you right now in Jesus name for

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each person reading this article. Lord thank you for restoring each of us; for making a way out of no way. Lord, help us to trust you and to remember to believe in miracles, because we are one.

Dr. LaSharnda Beckwith, PhD, MBAA, MA, BPS, is an Empowerment Advocate, personal life coach, motivational speaker & leadership expert. She knows that in order for anyone to experience success in their personal or professional lives, there must be a fundamental change in attitude. One cannot be or think negatively and expect positive results. In addition, she loves to interact where she can encourage, enable, empower and energize others. She is a retired executive of more than 26 years with the Army & Air Force Exchange Service. She retired as Vice President of Eastern Operations. She is currently a Professor in the School of Management at Texas Woman’s University. She is an author and talk show host. Her new book, When You're Happy With You focuses on helping others find value, build self confidence, self-esteem and confront issues that may be holding them back and is currently available online through, and Her radio talk show “Living Happy Every Day with Dr. LaSharnda” can be heard, channel 1. Read her monthly column The Power of Positive Faith at The Wordsmith Journal Magazine’s website!

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Believe..... By Dawn Kidd © April 12, 2012 "For with God nothing shall be impossible" Luke 1:37

So, you still need a reason to trust Jesus ~ in grief, in joy, in everything? He walked on water ~ now you don't have to drown in your sorrows. He healed the blind ~ now your eyes can be opened to his love, mercy and grace. He fed the multitude ~ he can provide for all your needs. He turned water into wine ~ he can turn your sorrow into joy. He saw a little man perched in the top of a tree ~ he sees all your cares, desires and fears. He carried his own cross ~ he can carry your burdens. All you have to do is believe. With God, nothing is impossible. If you look into the evening sky, your eyes will see the most beautiful and shining stars. He placed each one there for you to see. The rivers, the animals.... everything that you see, it was all skillfully placed there by God's hand. If he can create a world for you to live in, how much more then, does he care about your heart? Believe, receive and's all very simple.

April 2012 Issue 24

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Dawn Kidd is the author of "You Are Not Alone" that chronicles the loss of her two infant children. As a result of her painful journey, she actively seeks out families that have experienced a loss in their life to let them know their pain is normal and they are not alone. Her passion and compassion for hurting people is contagious, and readers will immediately connect with her through challenges in their lives. Dawn resides in Paragould, Arkansas with her husband and two children. When she is not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family, cooking and reading.

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Featured Publisher: Revell Books ~ A Division of Baker Publishing Group

Revell began over 125 years ago when D. L. Moody and his brother-in-law Fleming H. Revell saw the need for practical books that would help bring the Christian faith to everyday life. From there, Fleming H. Revell Publishing developed consistently solid lists which have enjoyed the presence of many notable Christian writers over the years. This same vision for books that are both inspirational and practical continues to motivate the Revell publishing group today. Whether publishing fiction, Christian living, self-help, marriage, family, or youth books, each Revell publication reflects relevance, integrity, and excellence.

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The Discovery Dan Walsh

ISBN-13: 978-0800719814

An Engrossing Story of Family Secrets and a Love for the Ages When aspiring writer Michael Warner inherits his grandfather’s venerable Charleston estate, he settles in to write his first novel. But within the confines of the stately home, he discovers an unpublished manuscript that his grandfather, a literary giant whose novels sold in the millions, had kept hidden from everyone—but which he clearly intended Michael to find. As he delves deep into the exciting tale about spies and sabotage, Michael discovers something that has the power to change not only his future but his past as well. Laced with suspense and intrigue, The Discovery is a richly woven novel that explores the incredible sacrifices that must be made to forge the love of a lifetime. Author Dan Walsh delivers yet another unique and heartfelt story that will stick with you long after you’ve turned the last page. “His books grab your heart and don’t let go until the last page. I look forward to reading every novel Dan writes.”—Dr. Gary Smalley, bestselling author and speaker on family relationships Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble or from your favorite book store!

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April 2012 Issue 25

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What Price Can Be Put On A Soul? By Scott Higginbotham © April 2012 In the Middle Ages if you were of high birth, capture was not the end. However, those of lower parentage had an uphill battle if captured. Your life would be forfeit, hopefully merciful and quick. The wealthy could buy their freedom at a high cost, but oftentimes it drove their estates into bankruptcy. If you were in favor with the king or had established yourself with your peers, monies could be raised on your behalf. Nevertheless, there would eventually be a reckoning. Lending money to a king was a quick road into the tangled intrigues of court life. Owing money to the same was worse, because, despite gaining your freedom, you became an unwilling pawn. But what if there was a king who would pay your ransom, regardless of your station? And let’s up the impossible stakes by taking the role of a commoner, who owns nothing more than the clothes on your back. Who would pay for your freedom now? Why would they want to? After all, you have nothing to give in return. You’re lower than a worthless pawn, virtually unusable in the games of royal machinations, unless they need you to commit some reprehensible act where deniability is required. For someone to pay your life’s ransom would require a selfless act. A king would have to be out of his wits to make such an offer if there were no difficult conditions placed on your freedom. What if the only stipulations were to accept the ransom payment and follow the one who saved you? If the stakes were much greater than your physical life, and that fact was clearly seen and known, very few would reject such an offer. Jesus paid our soul’s ransom with his body and His life. We are unworthy and ungrateful, and I cannot imagine even some of our best friends laying down their lives to better ours and give us eternal life in the bargain. Moreover, Jesus paid our ransoms, and Romans 5 7-8 declares this thought, “For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

Paying someone’s ransom, their debts, or making sacrifices for another is a powerful way for us as Christians to demonstrate God’s grace. You can speak volumes about grace and sometimes never fully convey its depths until it is expressed in how you interact with others. Saint Francis of Assisi once said, “Preach the gospel at all times. If necessary, use words."

Scott Higginbotham has a passion for fiction that goes beyond simple entertainment. His writing informs, instructs, and encourages readers with his signature style. He holds a B.S. in Marketing and an MBA, and is finishing an MA in Apologetics at Luther Rice Seminary. Visit his blog and find him on Facebook Read Scott’s monthly column: For a Thousand Generations on The Wordsmith Journal Magazine’s website! Scott’s books, For A Thousand Generations and A Soul’s Ransom are available on Amazon for the Kindle! Both novels feature engaging plots, dramatic scenes, and vivid characters that live their faith. They are just like us.

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Feature Author Patty Mason

April 2012 Issue 26

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Patty Mason is a wife and mother who found hope and healing when Jesus reached into her well of depression and set her free. From her painful past God created Liberty in Christ Ministries, a ministry dedicated to helping others find hope, healing, and freedom for their souls. As a speaker and Bible teacher, Patty has reached audiences all over the world through Sisters on Assignment, Christian TV,, Salem Communication’s Light Source, and WLGT Blog Radio Live. Most recently, her story was featured on CBN, 700 Club. Her books include, Transformed by Desire: A Journey of Awakening to Life and Love, and Finally Free: Breaking the Bonds of Depression Without Drugs.

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A Time for Everything The Kevin Zimmerman Story

Michael L White ISBN-13: 978-0984216369

A Time For Everything: The Kevin Zimmerman Story is a real time depiction of biblical promises. The question "Does God still work miracles today like He did in biblical times?" compelled Kevin to commission the writing of the book. Dedicate to our military service members but applicable to all, A Time For Everything tells of the miraculous navigation of not just one, but two heavily infested mine fields while serving in the US Army.

Author Michael White continues to preach the gospel through this inspirational tale of miracles and God's hand in our lives. A Time for everything is a spiritual and much recommended pick for Christian readers and all who seek inspiration. You can purchase the book by logging onto The book can be purchased at all major online book distributors; such as, and

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Feature Author: Rodney Christian Power Rodney Christian Power grew up in Grand Falls, Newfoundland, joined the Canadian Corps of Engineers at an early age, and entered the military survey school in Ottawa. Upon returning to civilian life, he became a professional land surveyor and planner, establishing his practice in Vernon, British Columbia. Rod’s overseas experiences as an international consultant occasionally took him to isolated parts of the world and into dangerous circumstances. The seeds for Shadow of Light were planted while sorting out a NYPD communications problem in Brooklyn.

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April 2012 Issue 27

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Meet our Reviewers!

Michelle Sutton ~ Reviewer & Review Coordinator

Michelle has been reviewing books since 2007 and is a top 1000 Amazon reviewer as well as the Number One review contributor on She has reviews on her blog, which averages 5,000 page views per month (minimum) and many are featured on Novel PASTimes (formerly Favorite PASTimes historical review blog) as well as past reviews posted on Novel Reviews, the ACFW Afictionado e-zine, and other sites as a guest reviewer.

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Shawna K Williams ~ Reviewer & Social Media Expert!

Shawna is an editor for Desert Breeze Publishing and Solstice Publishing, speaker and teacher on writing techniques, homeschooling mom and multi-published author of historical fiction. Shawna enjoys books in almost any genre as long as they contain strong characters tackling real-life grit -- even if the book is sci-fi/fantasy. She also has a thing for dogs and pygmy goats, and believes the world would be a better place if people aspired to be the person their pet believes them to be.

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Deborah Piccurelli Deborah M. Piccurelli is an advocate for sanctity of life, and tackles such issues in her novels, weaving them into compelling stories. She has been an avid reader for most of her life, and now loves writing reviews for the works of her fellow authors. Deborah lives in New Jersey with her husband, and their two sons. To learn more about Deborah and her book visit her website, connect with her on Face Book or Twitter @DebPiccurelli

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Sarah Heath

Sarah Heath is a 19 year old college student from Dallas, Texas. She is currently obsessed with planning her perfect, dream wedding via pinterest (even without a groom a girl's gotta start planning sometime!), driving her convertible around town, and hanging out with her girlfriends. She enjoys drinking a tall glass of sweet tea while sitting down to read a good book or writing about her life on herblog. She has written reviews for publishers such as, Navpress, Thomas Nelson, and Bethany House. She is a member of FIRST Wild Card book review

April 2012 Issue 28

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Bloggers. Her reviews can be found at Reviews by Sarah Katie.

Linda Attaway

Linda Attaway has been an avid reader for as long as she can remember and is passionate about promoting Christian books and authors. She posts author interviews and reviews for a variety of publishers and organizations at her blog, Mocha with Linda, and on her Facebook page. She is a member of ACFW and has had articles published in Christian Fiction Online Magazine. A self-described word enthusiast and grammar geek, she also enjoys proofreading and editing. Linda lives in Texas with her husband and two teenagers and finds joy in serving as her church’s Care Minister.

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Kelly Klepfer

Kelly Klepfer reads books and writes book reviews. Amazon has tagged her as a top 1000 reviewer and she manages Novel Reviews blog spot. Her monthly column at Christian Fiction Online Magazine is, surprisingly, book reviews written by Novel Reviews reviewers. She also plays over at Novel Rocket a few days a month.

Her personal blog, Scrambled Dregs, is just that, a mish mash of all sorts of posts that focus on what she's passionate about. Currently she is taking a citizen's police academy, learning the art of Vegan cooking and baking, and gearing up for organic gardening.

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Deena Peterson

Deena Peterson has been devouring books since she first learned to read. Her preferred genre is mystery/suspense, but she tends to read a little of everything. She's a pastor's wife and a mother to eight (nearly all grown, which leaves her more time to read). In her free time she's trying out new recipes and bugging her husband for new books. Check out her blog at A Peek At My Bookshelf

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Kim Ford

im Ford has been a resident of Alabama for more than ten years. Originally from Georgia, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in English from Brenau Women’s College. She has spent the past 11 years in sales and marketing and has been an avid reader

April 2012 Issue 29

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of Christian Fiction for more than 20 years. A mother of two teen sons, both nearing the end of high school, Kim’s life is full and blessed. She enjoys singing, writing and spending time with her family. Keep up with Kim on her Window to My World blog!

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Our goal at The Wordsmith Journal Magazine is to introduce readers to authors of books with a strong moral message. Primarily Christian based, we do not adhere to any particular denomination, nor do we question the integrity or worship of our readers, interview candidates, sponsors, columnists, reviewers, or authors who advertise with us. We understand reading is subjective and what one person deems sweet, clean, cozy or inspirational, another will not. Please know we do not read nor endorse every book advertised in our magazine but trust that the author understands our goal and his or her work fits the desires of our readers.

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Publish His glorious deeds among nations. Tell everyone about the

amazing things He does. ~Psalms 96:3

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Pamela S. Thibodeaux Editor, CEO, Ad Sales Director

The Wordsmith Journal Magazine
