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THE WEEKLY EX PONENT \·oLrME \'). :\ou;b-. r 1.

·REC I STA nm N IN rn EJH MAN i "'" .~~::.: .. :·:.:".::,. '" "" .. '.~.:::~:.::.:~: ':.,::::.:.,,.' MANY IM PR O~EM ENTS MA a [ GLASS BRE~Ks All REGORas

11 ~!;':~~ h;;·.~:'.~,·i o~~~; ~~l.:~t·;~.~ ~:.:~o ~:l:~~('h~~~,~~~~;~i.;;"~ai;::,::::,'.no(w~l:~i ON G~MPUS OURlNG SUMMER i.1. l.1\ p\1'11H1~ • .Jun€' lt1, at the hon~~ llw Xe-" .JersP) Agri<ultural college I

~< t•nrc 111 011 l1f ll\t;~ collC'£.P, and the


a. 1-~1r11<tor 111 hort1c.11ltu1e. HP \'.lll

1ff1ir pa" u. .. off \CJ'\ succe!-':-full) IPa\P for :.":'c'' Jerse) about the mi<lclle The nfnct1:cu mernlJ('tS of t111s \.Par's c11 thr month. Profe ... sor Schermer-



iartuati11h class who wer<' in town horn :rn:-1 llu'n with t'l(· eollege fnr THE NEW ENGINEERING 6UILD1~4J ANO HAMILTON HALL TENNIS

'\ 1 r e all prc•~t_~nt. an<l about an equal Sf·\' ·rril yr•c1r~ an1l c111ri11g thut time has I COURTS ARE COMPLETED AND READY FOR USE-


1 1mhf'r of thp oltlf'r nlumui. C. T. m:1,•,... 11 :rnr friPnds among Lhe faculty MEMORIAL TABLET ALSO ADOS TO AT-

Sackett of the class of l~Ot. pn•sided and ~11Htf:'nts. lie has nlways 11roven TRACTIVENESS OF CAMPUS

o\·er t~e banquet and introdUC'('d the <1 loyal s11pportl'r of th<: college and! IS ALSO HEAVY

, Is• c-akers. Relling a!-l lhc kernot" of I tht> in_t<·n~st lw has ~hown in « ~111·~<' ''ti l.J t t11e Jirst 111 ·Pt' chlV~ llf rPg-~ ~oh: .\rl 1& .. •r, Dt: -rn·r 1 olo, Sec. 1bt• tnPPti1w tlw idea of <'O·opc-rafion '.lthh tics ha:; ht>en lll\alunlilf' Jlir; Tl.C' , ·~1!111'1' 1 .1 11 ;1~.1i11 rtforci-

tr.itlo l..ODlflle etl o\4-'l" 1 JIJ Frt·i-: • Albe' t Horton ( lID 0\\ .\t:r n1lturt>. h..t" i•Pn )lontanr.·~ sC'hnol:" rrnd with-; m: 11} f· 1f'111ls wis:1 him all ~ucct"ss in el an opportunit l· 1· i1 lltr.11;1 r 01

IDC' 1

11,wc ('r :-olle<l in wh; t will un- :'\ti. "' nal blt \' c.o ... Honw Sci~ in tl e sC'hnols .... President Tlamilton. bis 1ww pusllio:l. I 1e ·d 'llP1'0Y• .:._. it. 1

111 t e <31ll us

dottlJtedl) ..:ive to he t le Ia.r :-;.t c as nee I• ttd Hon. \Y. R. Hartma11 who was oni.:·\ - to he mad<•. F;rst, L·s11eC'lallr in the has eve tnn, lt:L i!l t1(' L'Ollt;f? Bl~1c'1 Border, Hozpm;.-in. Jlo1:lf' Sci. (f th( n1est~ of the eve_ning p:a;·elFORMER COLLEGE STUDENT DIESl,.yes of the en~uf'ering fan1lty and Th~ 1rg t re\ ious 1 la s w l~ t 1 t J 1 J Il1 k(. lrntt..-. I'. er hni::: sornf' uec·n11;ll of the m<'Clmg oC t le


stmlf>nls, the en ;tineering shed wns <.''f tlc prj ( :-:;01 h111Jlon., w 11 Ru~s€'l HaY. <'onal. !-', Electrk:1l. date hoar•l of education at Helena, <011 111 led nnd is '1.1-0\\ read;i.· for oc-

· T',, table"" mrr r:-or,lt• 1~ 1h1 ilCl· 11 t,lnn of \fort 1na r, tlH in , n

Hl th siltt:r j11hilt: lield m l..: 7.('·

m 1 this ~rnlflnlt-r \\ls pJ 1ctd t" 1r111

iJ1..:: 1·anq11 li:Y tht 1 ' ~€ s o the Rtal1· "hf' r·re 11 01 t .u t 1 J .,t w 11 F'tall t tl1t: n! d 01 the t I· dP1 who at u 1 l• 1·nllc-g t l f"" • reacbed a tel l en ollmen of 1 ' \ Harold Baker. )1a11l11,t•a11 Fh·{'. a 111 <l •<"m;scd hj 'IW~)SlleL't~ ro[ thl' \ 1.,'fl ·..:1i. ol the 1 1 .n .J. ... c·•1pa!lC'Y The fatult.' o! this

tr tle 11 11 re~ days o1 n is r ior. \ndtcr ll e~kbill. ('hino<.1k Ele<' j< 1 gp~ n• t;i.1) now nP"l<'Ul" I1r. \\" 01 '.\T .on·. :\lout. co11tai11 :rn a 1.'ol'nt <lPpa tment ha-.. otf1<·es tn thP ~\\ C' I ~to1.\ rf t.1h= i.:~t t ~tntp .m.l

last )"l.:.. tC,,. t•nrOJill\( nt Wls a lit le \\~a~·n{' Bl)wlrn HN 1 ldge, >lt-c 11an J ~ B< t :-i.. tt~11 the }('\\ h J!l'~I :ti::.itcd Inf dH· 1lPat~ aad fttnf~ra1 of 'Ii. s Lil 1hlllld111 and re._1t,tt1on and dnl.\\lng t' l ra .. 11 ri~ na ~4 ·1 i 1. ~ O\er ';'(1. \\ t:ll esdav t. \C'"l 1g the h.>tnl I lean T· ·11;inu:·rtu r Ins • nil t 'e re J1"115e for thp clas!:i ' 'l t IIt>nRlt•Y. Lflr r'I 1t 1 O('c\l Ill Q•>m~ \\ 1 wl· "1ll 1

1r<1\1de ,1 (omraln· tl1P Jl<l~l LWt·lll\·li ·, '~. a11U t ~ nrclLTU.c'l• lU tl(' four c1ess£s \\as ... l•". nr :-:p, ~t. lS\tll , )' ('}1rn.


'v " ·lt'Yerly.mad(' Ly Sd1n r Solh n. 1r·r o t<·r «n 01er. ton tor .inpondl.ltions f<>r Ill"'' oftbe junior am! s.Cn· • 0

l ,.,1, ,!J, ,- setter• in jo·cr2li, Lat yea a• +.hat time llH.~ {' rl \ Jt t 1, 01: o, C\il J·~L:!" !or tie cla..;;~ of lflH. ·its. )l1~s Hcnslev \\ ~ ,1 da 11gh1cr I~Jfl"l;:i -.s.ar1·nl:-;on·ad:r. A reading '11 11~-!J1 lcllng c,f t'P "


.,,. rflllme11t \\is 32;). !'~\ rvt'iing p its r rct (crliin-.. J l. t .. \gri. Thi l1a1H,Uet wa~ follow1•d h) a so-- o \I-=. \lie(' lle?l .JeY wstn.a"1+'r at rooc, 1 us ht en 111·0,·ided on the lower ~~ ,·r•ral otlwr I!! r< t n.~ Is w1.:·re-

o a. r• cord brt:ak J!!" l*t ndancc thtB '-L tdJi'lc- Dillol" .·\,;-r"i. <". ial hour, during wh .,h t!le 1ew"'r I \fntire anrl \\ill u~ r.l'TI1P1t1U('r(>cl hy fl~. 01 ~0r 1he exr·h.1sive use o( the en· Jll nn11l Lit 1

<1 k r ' .Fls .·rt::"H'l tell \ear '.\~a i< <' ( anncn Pt'ZC''°'lall, Sec. cradufltes hail the op11ni·1nnity to lllf'~t (·0111 t: 11eo11lr> a~ she spe-nl twc. years 1~111e1 rmg stud('nts and all of the en· the ca1Tvirig ut 01 ttl(' wr•rk llnw-

f _ e €lt rhig c.JJ=.s excep•ion lb \ =>r r.- 'LOI: n(z•n1an Art tll• oldlr OPC's anrl thp Ollit>r on1·s to t1dyin.,. m11g1c- at :'i.fo11uurn ~t;Jte Tlw ~11ec·rin~ 11erio<lkals "ill alway; be ever, new bu l11

·1r-: r' h~rl'.i 11:· t.:"

\\el <listrb'ttid anwng ,l'I tht. coi r::.ES 1 0 0 ('r'1W"ll. Pon:i.· Elec. meet the Dlf'"!lhers of the fttc"11·y whoiuew~ {Jf lln rknth will he lH?ar<l w"th cin hand. Tll nrnnniacrnrers exhi~it to hPaut1•y th~ f' n1

s a~ t • bt •. · · t I 11 1 h r donated to thf' de1mrlwent li-v 1 ho tif•1l tre('s aml ~hr 1bb(' stlll n.akt.,,

thls ~, 2r Of the £·ag1 1ec:ri11 cm.rsl~s l o C ·tine. lla,.10\Ytowu, Elec. "'-re 1ur-scnt l sWCl r£: r··~Tl· JY :1 \. lu tlP\V l· . 't tltE: me :t Ii i1t;1u1 c lie~ .,.r 'd. he

1 kttrila 't:DIZlllt'e g st. ~hJeou ca ·scin, 1 ou dcr Elec ?\IcKar Hardware companr v.ill be in-

~", i~"~:~~ ,~";~~,; ~.1~~,','.';., ;~h:r~1~rt~1~: ~~~~ ~:~r;:7~:.£~l~i~i'~~:.:. '.~;;tci \ f 0 ll[G [ s ij u ~a B tb IN s WORK .~~~,'.·,~ ~~'~'.~~~0::~·""~1::; ·:~~it i~~:~ n 'h• "'T"l. 'hin ('

3T" ino. Butte, Home Science. \tew months and at the pre~ent time PONSFORD-STIEB.

t al, ru c rnnira1 i 1d irrigatior en· '. •.11r" !l·,1"1·, l<.on .• 'ltl= c1·1.v Jiorue' it Is worth about three thousand dol-~ue<!ri11g Is very encouraging. The .\ ~ •· ·1

'" ·· \ 1ars. ·\ltPr a rnma1wP. la!';tirn:: se' nal

.i ollm<nt n the eng.itH.:ering cours•:s Science GH BENNION I DC'nn Richter. Profeso;;ors Conkling- years Mi:::s Hazel Ponsrord be<:ametl:f> sL.ows a 1~ vc..r rent increac.._,. over llarr1l1l nirk::o:1, Dillot .Agri. UNOER NEW GO~ and Dearborn have their ollices o:i bridi• of ('Iyde- Stil'.'b '13. durit1J! the th :i.t of La.Ht v~ar. The reorgan zed sec· \\"arren Drummout.l. Helena, Mech. the first floor, while Pro[essors Plew, summer. :\fiss P.0nsforrl was a Wt>ll retitna1 umrses ar"' abo very popular, ~lac Envin nozt\nru1 Home Sci I ·t 1 · 1 d th d h

:~~=~:~Yc;~~h :: );:;6 l:o~~·r: ;~~~ ~~~\~~ ;~~;a)l:~~:::~~,~~·~~:'.icai ~~e~ ~~'~h~l::~:~d, ~:~:i.le~~·~l~~l~u~'d: i~:~~:.g~~~l::=~~ls~~:E ~:~:,:l~~:~:u~~~ T"esentative of the state a.s a whole :\tarie Flood, ark City, Home Sd I IN NO BL E AN D MOST OF v ETERANS ON HA ND AN D NEW MA-1 In the laboratory a number of thelrourse in 1913 and during the f.!:-1::.t than bas been the case in previous Albert Ford. Bozeman, )1Pcb. I machines baYe already been in"::>ta.lled qtar has been employed at t~e Rce--Y<'ars, many more counties being rep· Helen Gray, IloBzt~man, Home Sci. I TERI A L LOOK S PROMIS ING -STRICT TRAIN IN G RULES and the work is going forward as cher drug store. Mr Stieb and bis

l " Th 11 t f o other E R GI ,,. l K Flee INSISTED UPON-GAM ES ARE SCH EDULED WI T H \ resen eu. e enro me:i r m . . ass, a\-cr Y. an., .., · ian~Oly as possible. As soon as all lllrid0 le[t imrnedintely aftn the C'·re--stalc:; is al!-:to greater than ever be- Ruby Hodg-ekiss. Chouteau, Home SE VER AL W ES TERN SC HOO LS of t'.J.e foundations are set a coJ.crete mouy for Hami~ton where they ex

' tore. SC"~Pnce. noor will be placed in this p;.irt of lf< C"t to make their future home. The c:las:::;eti met for the fir~l time Ileulah Haller nutte. JJome Sd. I the buihliug. 'fhPir many frirndR on tbf" bill a:-

n \Vcdnesl a' and the work went off Flnrcnee Hew tt. Billings. Home SC'i. The fonth 11 ~pn~on was officially' Pl if l:i!'>l Yt>ar·s entls are on the job.\ ..\. new concrete tenni$ court hae \Yf'll aR tJ.e Ex11011ent join in the be.1rt 1 t 'l 1.. 1 • 11 n...-,,., Hr-n'"' ~ri. r l I 1 1 · h f b t f t l ah in ,

·K 1 John Hine~. Bozema:i. Agri. openf•tl at :\lontan<l State \Yc-dn c::da:: IloweYer. :-\oble and Taylor are sLill hcl·n ht.ill just t~ast o 1 am lLo~ 1 nl •$:.l WI!; f's o~ ~11

11 't-!'> t1at 1ir1~ ,hesieR a. mo~t successful in the game for jobs at tackle. Truitt for thP us(' of the girls. This ne'··

t '·e·i•,. T ..... ;!iromiilPtC' list o( the Roy Hagen, Great Falls, Elec. \afh•n1n11 wlll:'n l'oad1 DNllliOI. had the t·ott.l ,,·11• a'ford iuor·' ti·m" for the Jhe c:xci1\atiou for t~c- new Y '.\l C . .. - h.1s alwl signified his dC'sire (more 'C' '"'

n•une1:1 tho Fre::)hruen who reglber- Joh HaF-tin:..s. Joliet, Elec. squad out lur Lle first time for a tl nn i-".:.h c.\dion~ than words) of secur- tt..,ac ing l-.f th{' ~arne a111l und01 btul \. V llhJi lias b ·n completPd .wd c<l 11 J! t c first three days: follow~ L. Sri,m1C>I Hollier Bozeman. titerh. warm.Hf'° up in real footlJall logs A in~ •t oh at ef'nte-r. 1-"'or the back Jr will proYe ven· POJ•Ular \'.1th th1 •v1n1h-.t , •• re~<l\; ft LH;' ac 2.t

Hatt \me.son, Ilozcman. Scrr<:tn.1 <Co~ inw<l o~; p-,~e Fuur) g>0dl~ nun1Jcr t_l1 volunteers ha~ an.:-~f,.lcl thf'rP is still a full t:rew of last g,rls o1 tht tollege <·01 :trudicin work t:i beg 1.

ial. 'e \\·en:d thi first l:<lll to the color~ mid vear·:-: men and it is here that the h" ]I;:, ('"")f'<:;t r·ompet1tion will bo f<iu:1d. I . I


W. B. Vestal and Clara F landers, Pro­minent Membe rs of 1914 Class,

Mar ried in June.


F ight New Instructors Added t o Fac­ul ty-Faces Mis~i ng-N ew Po·

si t io n F ill ed

'Villiam Baxter Vestal, jr .. and Clara Eight new members ba\'e been <tdded

:~:~~:tl;~1 '.:~~~~~~:: ''.:~~~~:~:::t::1~ ~:~~:~:;:,r::~a:'1~~,tl~:'.'.~:~:,;~,ti~::,:~i:h~~~ i ~ [ N ~TE H 0 l 0 5 I Gu p ID MA Kt s A b 0 Al -:~:1,'.~i1~1i ,'.:: '~~:';~er1~:~.roi: ''.'.~11fir;~lj~n~:.:P.p1;::~;n~':11~';:;'an';.~101;·~:;:"'~~1,~' BRIE[ 5[551nN \ GOll[G[ lOSrn SUR

iron than In their prpsent Jl1t11bled u11 j r u - - -r-·:m~id(•J'abl) augmented before the . end of the week ~ls a number oC t:te smts. I William Maddox of Last Year's Foot·

·:i.ra..1ager Kelley arri\·ed the middle I . h ball and Basketball T eam Weds old men have not reg-istered ns yet. of the.· \H·ek [rom An;.1conda and be John Fiske Chosen to D 1r~ct F res . Edi t h Breneman. A number of likely Jooldng candidates re1lorts g:ood progress on the scbt.~tlule men. Sophomor~s Are R ~in.stated from the Freshman c:Jass bas joined for the season. A number of games I -New A thletic Association

the i,;quad a:id it lucks as though the have already been scheduled with --- A pretty home wedding took place

c-ol\eg;e was gain~ to suffer no loss some of large westeri~ ~cl10_01s I The exec-utivc- committee of the Stu· (:t the home of Mr and Mrs. U. I. thrOll!?'.h the Joss of men t~1rough grad- and plans are now under ''a) fo1 a . . nrenema:i, Tuesday afternoon, Sep­uation last year. Indeed, judging from trip ihrough thC' south. HoweYer, it de:it senate held a short meeting m the first few practices il is not al all is not definitely known whether tilese the room of the student senate ·wed· temlx'r 1. at 2 o'clock, when tLeir

ing, June 12, at t!:teir borne on Sixth number is about evenly divi<led b&- unlikely tbat a number of the older 111ans will materialize or not. Dates nesclav at noon and disposed of a youngest daughter, l\hss Edith Brf'ne­

avenue. The ceremony was per form- tween the differe:tt departments of men may be forced to take a hitch wilh l\lissou la baYe been under co:t· numb~r of important matters. Chief man, was married to William Ernt'st

cd bY the ReY . }i""'. B. Lewis in the ~!:n c:l~~!enea::~s~h: o~~~i:sth:ai:~ in tb<'ir Uelt in order to ke<?p pnce ::~el~~~io~e~~t, e::J:~~~t~~e~o~ne !:\~~~ among them was t1e selection of John I Maddox of G-0v;, Ka:s:, :he ;:::~

::\larguerite Flanders were united in to the faculty of Montana State since

n·arriage at eight o'clock Friday even· the close or school last spring The

i r•ref'ence of a few of the intimate crease i·n registration during the past with tho I•,reshies. . h l t!lere M. Fiske of the senior class at tern· '1 many being ver orme Y ev. T~ statement of coaC'l1 Bennion to eonneC'tions with t e peop e over · h M E Ch h

friends o! tbe bride and groom. The . a11d 1'11st \vl1e11 and "·llere the battles pontry rhairman for th e rlass of 19lf. .. LaC'hlen. pastor of t e . . \1 ·t ' two years. the effect that the strictest training I I· 1 b th p opl are mHU

room was decorated wi t h smilax and Probably the most important change methods , .. 0

,11.1 not onlv. bo obserYed will be fought is not known. The Other matters were the election at of w He 1 0

young e ed . 1. 1 .

I " u :\l iS!=i Huth Noble of the sophomore bers. About 25 relattves an in Hi.l;i e

c·arnations. was the election of Professor Leon but e:1forced. together with the keen Mines have a lso started out this year class as clerk of the senate nn<l the [riends of the bride and groom \\ i•rP ?\fiss Helen Parker played the wed· D. Conkling lo the head of the Civil compeittion introduced into the squad with hi_gh ~opes of putting into ren.clmittanee of t::ie class of 1917 to iIJres.:-nt. Tbr: wedding march v.1as

tfoig march, Miss Flanders accompa.:i· En.gltH~ering depar tment to succeed with the coming of lhe new candi· 1 thC' field lllld i:i case they succeed in that body. ,played by Miss Elizabeth Fletcher. a ied by her father and M:iss Rausie Profes~or Knale who resigned to ac->s will assure the SUJJl)OrLerR or

1a11 pro~nhility n f! will be sched· The first matter taken up was the lil"elong friend oC the bride. Miss

noeeher, entering from one si de of r~pt a similar positio11 in Georgia. Pro- the Ulue and gold that ~1ontana State ukd w1tb tbem. suspension of lbe clru;s of l9li. \\"he:i. Annie Br~:1eman, sister or the ln '· 1~. the room and Mr. Vestal accompanied fessor Conkling comes very highly re· will have a team in the liehl wlliC'l1 Coarh Bc-nnion wen interviewed on last spring. it was round that tbe nc- was th~ bridesmaid. a~1Q Mr. Cl<>.utle by s. H. Solberg entering from the commended as the following article in- will he in the bel$L of physkal cond1 th!? subjcet or roolball was '';r: en- t·ounts of the freslnuan class werl' in Simmons of Helena, a brother of

ether. The ring service was u sed . dicales. 1 tion Thal tlw· nt:w t•oarh wil) re- thu::;ia.stit: oYe-i· the outlook. :' .1t.1 th.e bud shape and that t!lf::•n• were a. null\· gronm was best man. George Flanders ga\"e hil:> daughter Leon lJ. Conkling, associate 1.lfofres··1c·cin• t11p warm sUJlJIOrl of tl.1e sl.ud· matenal here and lhe heart) suppott r t• tlt•l h'Hl !J•en rnnningJ Tht.' bridC' wore 11\ v.ed•l r.).. . d brr o arcuun "' " • '" · -a·-'a} rrbe bride ,-..·as dressed in white Ror of ch·il engineering at Lehigh um· cnt body as well as other frnmds of of th(' student llo<lr he feels assutc ror a kn" timE". the s ... nah' 1 ~r11m11tly cl r~s of whit<' arpt met(>(1r and "ta· \Oil<' trimmed with shadow lace and versit.y in pe;insylvania, one of tbe the collerte in his efforts lo put into that ).lontan;1 8t.'1le will_ han."' •t te.~m .... u:-:pl·ndt•~ the tln'"'s from membcr . .;i1t11 llt'''. lace:, nnll :-:he enrrkd n ~ho"n· ci:r1et1 a shower bouquet of w1ite very best sc·hols of engineering in the <.>n°eet training rule:; as :Hloptecl by thb yc•ar that w.1ll _wk~·.1t.s 11_lac·p " 1 ~11 1 111 th~ ~etUtC' until such time :l:-' it-.; bu<1uet of hride·s nses. Tht b'Hlff· S\~e-<·t peas. :\Liss H.oech~r wore white t'uited Slates bas bt·en ele<:tP<I lo th~ olhC'r i:1stitutio11s ~oc·s without say- nnr of t'w \H."'!.-lte-tn Slhoob. Coath ·.ic<oint•· WC'l"e SC'ttled. F K '.\ltSpa<l- mai11. was f;"OW111"'d in m11t' p1~k c1

1 c

l"t't.>Pe ai~<l rarried vink roses. profPssorshi!J' ot ciYil ("nginc{'ring in i1tg:. C:q1L'lln i'\ol>le-. as well a!I. olher n'-·nniun·~ n·cord in thp past g-o~s t.o\·JC'n. ·,n:shknl of LlH' <'las~. prts(·Jli\~d df: c·hinr. r111cl (":lrried pink rist~-.: '1lit>

ro;Jowing th<' <·err•mony th<' couiil ~ thr :\lont<lil~l State college. and ha:; olll~r m€'rnbf'rs of thP sqnad ha,·~· \11"0· r,llhHLantial1• tlll"~t· '.:.'<l.ll 'llll'llts _a.Hl it ian at•t·ount of tht' finnnc1.l~ ol t:iat "r< om ;ind llt -;t ma \\rnrt:· tie n~ .. I n:c·l·h·i•c.! liw ('Qllgralnlations and best <HTl?-Jll1~d. Professor Conkling will mis,·tl th("ir h('artil·St ~uppnrt lo Conrh shonl<l lie s11flkit:•ut arµ:11ment lor th< ·!· .~ . 1 .. it wtt~ found to br out Jd·,ck (lrP~S suib. rht. Hn· H·IUll

\\irh•'!-: of those prese:ll and lunch was ~iH·C-t·<·il ProfrF-so1· R. D. K1wale, whollknnion in llis nu•tholls or trnlnin~ studt·lll hotly to ghC' him ~hlil~. un- c r'1~:.\ 1 ~rn~h~'1.:nsiiensiun was raised. H·lllP \\a~ prt>tlllY tlt• fo: tli. £.:,•rvE.'<.l. The <.·OIJJiit· !.-ipent a few days gof'~ to thf' c;f'orge Schol of Tccbuol· and eonditirming. qtWt"tiol'<d support. in nll his .el~ort: o Tht• ;111cstion of enfordn~ the C'U~· wtrl11i:ig. the rarlor in ydlr>\\ uMl in Billings with rl'lativcs. rc1.urni11~ O!!.Y, at At la ita. C";a. ttnder the ::'.lon- A':?. \d it has not been le:irnPd just to turn out a Hrst ('}ass tenm .101 tht: toms of tlll"' ::;pnnte wa th<"n consltler· \\hilt\ llh' fl1T1ing- l"l)t n n pinl\ int"

to tlwir home in Buzr-ma.n the follow- ta:H\ law Profps:--or Conkling also be· what .positions C1e 11ew men an• try- blut~ and f!Old Fal.thfn~ tt't111ll1!g aui~ rd and it wn~ deciclNl to put this rnnt· ''hit('. :\lr:o;., 0<.:1·ar Trds\"Pll, Mn Ti..

ln~l:n~:·k~oautifnl and n•efnl 1we•enls ~~~~~::n:~7=1~'::.~) aeon~'~::~:~~~~ '~1;~ :;:: ~1~~.:0 ';~1•~~01~,~·es:~t ~:~· .. ,~i:tcll~~~ ;;~~::/":,'t:::: !',~~:;~ltt·e l:~"'~:l 1:~


~1~io;, I ~.:~":n ~~1eer:a;:~~ ~~:c~11:0:~~'!'i°';~,:~ ~;;a'..l;;:"~r" t;,;"~l•~r~~:ti1

<'.:~: 1~::,orv< :·~.:l ' I c•nter 11po11 his clutir~ hert- \1,dthin a ..... uarc.l 11osiuons ntc·ant and ncith· I will do t'.w re~t 1•!•, int,..,· ahoul the' rnetnbC'rs of the Altl'I' thr> r~ ·rmony t~w

wen• re<:ei\"ed l.Jy \Jr. and ~!rs. \ i:sLl.t .., t 1·1·t"·sl1n1"n r!·,t".·s !Jnlni,. nuwilliu~ tn dC'cl c·o11ph• ri't·eivf'1l tht· t 1~rat lot trom their many friends. I few weeks. n. " ... ,.,

'.\lrs. \"pstal was.· l>orn in Bozeman I ProfE-.;-)SOI' (''.n.1kling- ~ralln<ited. from H TCO MB ahidl' hy thP t•nt>toms and it was con· ticns or tlH'il" 'rien~l· nn<l Jr.1 t)' :.11d ha• lived here with the exception th« engineering sc:wol o[ t"ornoll uni McCU NE·TRETS VEN . HESS·W I . <e<1ncnt!Y dt-c'llWd lwst /01 plareop~::: ::·i1;~1;;;;~~.'.~[i;~··;;~,,;~::,;,·~\'il'.';'.n, ~l :, or one year spent in Bo . .;ton at Sim· Yl'rsity i11 19011. During the IH:xt rour Th,, lll't.rrial!,t nf Pror1'ssor \\·. 0 matt<·r in the lrnnds

0 t rn ~

mons coll<>g•e. She rf'<'.ein•d h<>r ba<'hC'l· YPars he was rit.y PJ11:~,il1N•r of Elmlr.1, The marriage' or Ostar Tn•t!i\"1·11 and ~ . ·1 II .. tool~ mores \\ith fnll 110\\l"l° to 3l't. J 1cz '.\toort'. ~tis;; non tl-:P't Fsnt:l:> . ' . \, lil-\S Alice- McCune wat1 sol~m:-iiz<'d \\'hitl"umh and '.\liss Ah1g-nl PHS \. • 1 ,. l.ile of <:r~·.1t Falls, '.\lr-1. H. n. B('sPkl~. ~Ir" DUI nr~ Pro

01"s de~n·f~ al i\ lonlana Stat..• coll<'~e :\ Y., wh~rf' he wa:-1. t•mployt'<l lar~dy ihcf' hst mouth :tt t:1P l?ome or tht'I '.\ti~s H.ul.l ·"~ . $:_q nenaP and \[r, \\", Jl. fa\lm .... 11

laH !-:Jlring. She i::i wc~ll known a:1d iu highway work. F'rolll l~Hll lo l!lO•i rluriug the summer. :\lis~ \Ic{'11m· isl'. .'' I I" t ll\inoi· \!isi-; llesd and ;t mf'lnht•rot t:wsophonwr'l\a .. , l fht lu1d1 in ltas a large cirde of friends t:1rou~h- P1:ofe·ssor Conkling- was cO:ltl<'tleU a gradual~ nur:->p. Sh~ wa~ l'!HOlkd ::~::~l'f 1 ::.\ 11 ~.;.\;w an in~~·nH:to~· in thrlwa~ d1ost·n cll·rk of tht se?iati ~o "'\l~~ i~ th1t:e~· ''1.

1,en. lfil

c.ut tlw \'alley. \'estal ls asi;i~ Lant with thr Df'l<'ware &. L:H·kA\\ 1nna, the in. tlh hol11l' ~cil~m·,~ c·oursi' at thf' · I ptrtnll':il Prnft·~~or 1sta l"t-C'il \lhc rt ll. \ntlt'l°''111

· who did 1 t 1 • t 11 11( ! • Lak1· Shm·e> & )lkhlp,;.111 Suut'.wrn. arnl coll<'h\' last :i.tcar ;rnd is H·ry w<'"ll 1!0111• F.1·\Pllt"1' i ln1: ett·d· with thr ag-- nu t"l~t ll"ll to H' JO!ll t•ns )·,,ar ?It' l rl f' ' sb ' 1i H

<·it_:-. <'ngi11l·er or Bozt:111a11. HL; for­tt1t:r hotlH.' was in lmlianapoli~. Ile :ds•l n·cehc(l his bad1Plor'i:; d('gr:-e at tll 1 r·PllegP Sttrini; Their mar· r HCP follmn~ a colkg<• roman('c oi the

l 1~t tltnC" y1·nrs

lhP L'·hi1;;h Y~ll<'Y niilrr~~tls in varlou!i krnrnn on thf• hill. :\lr Tn•tsv1•11 IH \\'hit1orn; is ;o II~ or thP <'ollrg.t> '.'\uhk· b we'l filll,d to do h " r"k ,":Jr. or l "11 ~ \ jh. :\' , I I 1 b Uw intotruclur in animal Jiuslntntlr.'· nt runon'.\" i t•1111r nw . of thh; n:. H1• 1ble HiltlOll wl1 d1 ts '11 l'IC' 1( r \ '11

('U~itl!Pl"ill~ r:qiat'itH'~: am lr\(, ('- 111.~ c·o\h'g<· Thi ~·oung l"Clllpk an• rt'- Hnth IHYl' hrs! or rri.,1111~ in H< e-sid1 ~. n r·o11siderablc prncticr• ns COP t·c·i\ ing th1..· U1 t wishC'8 of tlwir many ma i who :_.,ladly WPkomC' the ) i11tit:. I

Jri• 111li:; o th<· hill. c·o111ilt•.

\( 01. ill' 1 0 I' t '! I o

( C'on1 i111wt.1 on Pa~e Four)

TllE \\"Er;KLY EXPO:\r::\T, FHll>AY, SEl'Tlrntmn 11. 1914. l'Vir~ TWO

THE WEEKLY EXPON N Tl Exponi.:nL 1~ preH·ntc<l to it~ E TI Staff Vacancies.

~ .1. '''" r; l l'tto r ,;,''r t >s >Hok \\ith but ba![ a o 'hmu .• _. LxL J1o•nt, 1 if !"i lmt.,. JI. ~1 Iberg, oTJL" o[ it::

!J:isbe<1 January I, l~'.l:"" U..0::5l t' lidr·nt ,, 0 rli 1 r:'> aud C'd1tor wa~ It ·~t h~ graduation. Emmet Riord;l

h. f ,., ,•r:r 1-"'riil;n.· of the <'ol· \\ho did i::ood scrvicl' In r~·porting- I:'> ar by an t.iditnrlal slaft chosPU also m ~ in:: frt.Jm t~<.." staff A. P:.rnl th s1ud1 n1s 01 tho !\Ioutano. .

C·)lh of ,\r:ricnlt·Jr"' a:ld 't~ J 11011111 on. l.!l' 11 e cnt ma!l.l~.J~g edl· Ai 1,..,, B<J;t; man, 'lontana j tur " uot l•t• li:ic-k fo~ ~l'\ 1 •ral w...ek:->,

I 0 l s \\llh thf• Joss ol It~ .ibkst me>n ST \YF j that th ~ht•(·t Il•P• .irs thi:: w~·ck.

Ed r n-C'11' :oherf T Kt lit' ·1-. fht r·· ll'<' c;t>\'l'rf.\1 ,·ac"HC'll'::; L>oth in Bu!llI 8!" \iana ••r t• I·' '.\IOrJ:!'<U 1 1 ~, b edi o:<>i anti hueinPS::'> <l1•partnH'lltS \l ' ;ne Ed~ c:~ P.llll Thornpsnn, 1 1 h» llllPd. ll f:-; nt·Prlkss to ~a .• A:- w·.llt· J-~dil·lr I·:. 1 .. •!o\lt: l'o tla t ,. t xnt.nt•!J('{" g-a 1ed in tht..' \\OJ'k c'1r ·llnn '.\lfLI" ~f'r o· t 11• ub k.dlon !..; Y1l11able A~

llllmt•r L J>.:h 18 • !Id ( , II r:11·lc :.; wnt / Int· t l'ollec.1cltC' Hr·~;.~~~t;~~IC'P (;ra' 1 , 1 1 1 ll4 l], r: \\SJl. )'"r i::.t.' It.· ind its I A


tl Ill c Jt, }10111 r . 1akt' u 1i1llo\\s tht lH'st ll<'\\~'•:l\H'r .K l..t•:.;he l't'lt :.!r \\,

c;i ~ He11ort• r F'lt•rl'IHf' \\'lg t n, .. 1 'D. Jh•port• r Ho\ ~1ra:1d.

~~ ~hl 1 lt oub r1~qu n. ll•t.'nt of an~·

1; c 11· ''ho ,, :oh :- 1 try for a po:-<ition b that thi>Y an• willing.

S ,b,.criptlon Hate- Twc1 Dollar:- pt,. )'" fi\"(' r·1~11t~ per copy .\dn•ru-.. ng- tt-:o; nw.dt• known llll ;1},JlliCatiou

I· nt<'r<•d as s<•1·tmd da.-.;s 111:111 malt(.)~ :it H u•mnu. \lontaua, 1111dt•r \c.:t ot l 01 of \larch ·~. l"•i~l

Thi• 1-:x11on~11l is n·aliy for cli~tri· hutioti rach Frida:· m11rni11~ and l'3.dl

rul·mher of t~ll' stall mu:-:t bl• n-;tdy to do his f-han· tow 1nl tlte complt•lion of thL' p;1pt>r Thi• l"di1or will ht.~ ~la\! to s~t" anyone \\ho i~ 111tt.•reslt•d in tlw work anti will i.:,iYe all a~~i~tann·


Now Is the time to get busy.

New Fall Goods just in.




RoseDrugCo The Rexall Store.

F RIEN DS NO L·'J~U~i.:,

i'<"'sil>lt, to St't> that tht.•Y nn• started The)· U!:)etl t be frit.•nds, jlst as close The Weekly Exponent is str:ct i ~

sh11ent en•e· jr,se. Its chief :n.::po~·e i'> •. po esent to 1~i:. r~aoers ez:-i ·e.·K an .1ccurate and complete record of the developments in college affairs dur ng that period and it is intended t~at its influence shalt be eXE"'lC'd fur the upbuilding of M. S. C. The paper is the result of volun~ary effort put fc 1 ti• by the students who compose the staff

\H•ll. as could be. Tiu• 1art:,t·st l:"n·shmun da:-;:5 i:1 t'l..:' But one :iad n bay that could go in 2.03

f'istory nf :\lontana Sr Ile is l':\.Jlt•ctcd So he said, an' he could-fer a quar­t 1 furni~h ~en·ral membt•r:-; and llO\\ ter, ~ .g~ess; g with bis 1~ the tluw to lwgln so that the work But

6~\~~.t~~-~llC~·a\~-a;·~~~R ,, ·11 ,l!O f1lt'\\,Hd as smoothly as 110:-<· IThan a uotter·s should be; an· one sihle. had a gray

I That "as top11y an' fast , but got

HIGH SCHOO L STUDENTS sr-aYi led t;Omewf'.y; FOUND "THE GALLATIN" So they tr:tded· -bot:i bone~t enough,

Fall Showing Of Jewelry

!"J l lll'W tJ in:..;"' Ill _h.'\\t,.'lry.

I o.....jln:nYafl'. l llt ( ,h..,~. I'i11t.~

II T..eath1..•r l~oPds :i.nd '\o,Tllic..;,

:ir1..· herr.

.....,hipmutl"', i I f11lidaY l rnl)d:-' 'll"L' arrin11,i: daiJ_,.

Thi' Yl':H \\·ill mark tli~ brg­c .... t ,1,·-..11rtmcnt ni l

l'n(t.·d and rilll' }t\\TJry l'\Cr ~11••\\'ll liy lb.

'\ Pll arl' r11nlially 111Yitl'd to

t~·ill and in .... pt:l'l nur f1le~:-'l' tin n1·•t kl'i \\ill lil' l''\Pl'(tl'd t~ I

\ \ e partic11Jarh

that huy.

clt::--in: ti)

lall nmr attcntinn tn i)\lr new Jim: - <•i l~;n·allil·n·..;," 1.l'athl'r­nackt·d T11ilet :-:et-.. and l m­lrrdl:i<.

H. A. Pease & Co. Jewelers and Optometrists.

··Pease"s for Quality." "THE HA L LMARK STORE."

Science for the Young. j , I allo.':· , .. · Y Greetings. 'Tlw Ga.In.tin b tht• unme of the An the~ u~cd t he 111euds, but the. \\ 'h l11t.• I.HJ.• st Frl ~hman da~s ullli<':1t1011 "-hkh b to l>e puhlishctl I ain't speak in now.

\\'c.·1 t :\.]:eri11wntal ~ina I T!iat h .• s PYer ·t·~isl1.:'n~tl at tht· in~l! iince •'l lorrnl~bt h.V r~1e :-;~·nior st~1- Tlll'v w~ed t' be friernls just as thick tuti n ant.I a lwaYy n.·;-i~tration oi up di•nts of lht• (;al!atin ll!gh !'>dtool Th1:-> · as two pea:: 11er c.i.ssmC'n. '.\tontana Statt.• sho~ltl b.lhe ur:-;t att£·11111t t(.l found a student lltl a pod· ·an' gut on jist as fine a.:; y' ha\' Pll+' of tlw lw"t Yt·rtrs n i~s or:!an ill tht.• high "'t'bool but the plense; J.. 'Jhc 1: .. 1 llliit Jo 111 ~ 11 thid Jan!·e attt•nd,\nr·e this Yt'ar makts sut'1 nut one had a maid who wn. precious :.;pir r oi p10;sp~rll) ,u1d P:\.tt'lldi; 10 an 1111dt~rt.lkt11:::: len"'lble. The . n~llla I a~ Pl'3ll. !ht P\\ ;rnd old fit•td<'l't:-. 1t:.. hc.trtlt'~t l!n" " 111 tollo'' tht> .tt"\\~Jl. 1 per ~t) Je "·1~at \\tmmen 11 cal~ an unusu~J ~1r1: ~n ti11,:;s It i~ a plt.•.1sun• to 1wle 1101 01 tlw lltPra.n mag-azwe An one da) she qmt-~ouldn t \\Ork th;it :h1• 11Poplt• ot :'\lont 1na. art• ret·og: .laml' .... Stote!';blll' ,,ho has been an) mo1e- ~

· t, t: <l l f t l .. l u t1 But ~ ent to the other rer tn e tlollars ~~:;:.~:s ·:~; ~l:1~n~i:~ ~Ill~ sa:-~~ ie:.'l;:l~l~ t ho-.l·n Nlitor of tht' paper has h~~I ~ more-ome 11t•w:-l 1ai1er <''.\Perii::nc-e .ind wi.I All honest enoug:1-jlst a cllauce. I ~tu· c·onfid(•nc(' n tht.•ir ability to unrlouhtt'dty fill hi~ i'Osition wt•\!. Lt1· 1 allow.

tarn out fully e<1nipp1;.•d nwn and \\O· C'il•n Bt~1wpP is lm~iness mnnager, }.n' they used t' be friends. but they mf"1 !hat they st;nd il rec.·ord brt>akin~ Thnma~ \\.t'b:ner. circula.tion man;.1~er, ain"t s11eakin' now. da~ to '.\lont.rna State. F;,H:ts prOY1~ and llarold Sll'wart anJ \·iyian ('or-1hat tnt'Y haY.::i. madt no mistake. hly are <Hh t'rtisini.; ma:iaht'rs.

'.\foutana's gn.1d11atc.·s han• from tbt..'


They u:-:ed t' be friends, an' they hnrd­lv c·oul<l bear

Fer on.e to be somewhere a:i' t'other not th('re.

They talk£>d it all °' t'r an' fixed up t'

\)ro q1~·d !it•r nwtht·t":-; llrl~dt>n diina From ,, st'\'t'lllh slOI".\ c_·ast'lllC'llt. ~mas!li 11 ;, «rashinl!. to tht IJ;.ist'ml·n~.

.'\ 11\.i SOlllt'Whnt appl't·ht'llSi \'(:''. Said 'this f'luna i:.; PXJ11~n:-;1\'t?,

'\" t t JlrO\.l'S by dl';HtJln :\e,,ton':-; law of i.:-rn\·itation ..

.\r!IH. with a chtl•1l taper To1wlw·d thf' tin:· tu g1.i~1clpa\.; pa11er; {;randpa ltaJwd t\ rot or hkht>r, 11r0ppt·d tht• sh1·t•t and shouted 'F'irt.•! •

Anhur wrnppt>tl in c·ontPmplatitrn. \ t'wt·d thi~ S{'(>lle of <·011fla1rratinn. Thi:-;,• ht• :-;aid "ConfirmR my notion

l lt>a cr~atPs hoth lil!ht ant.I motion.";P.

tirt\l c!a.. ... s-only ahout twt.·nt)' years ·t~v- .rntil tlw )ITl'~c.':1t timl', wtJrkf'd s1d~ b>· ~ide with the :::,raduat('S from I som . ul the largest schools of the, The l'uitt'.'d Statt,s C''.\J)erlme:lt sta· Th' be:\a~f th summt>r up Blue Moun· C;ws:11-'s deatl and burit'd, country and han~ not !:iUlft-rPd by the tion is alJout to send out t'.tree new tain way: .\nd ~o is l'kero. c_·omparison. '.\lontnua Stale i:-; equipJ)- and important bullt·Lns. Ont' deals So one IOOk her c-l1ihlren an' t'otber .\ntl wlwrp tht'S(' two old (:.l.:'nts haYe t:"d in t.~\'t>ry ont> ol 1t::-: dcpartuu:ms to with the blil-!ht in apJllt• ll'e<'s h.\· Pro· took bern. j:Ollt' t11n1 out n.~al men and wonwn of char· fp:-;~or o B. Swin~fr. Anothc·r is the A11 · liYed in one cottage all summer t' I \\ sh tlwir works would ~o. F:x. :l.dN whose work in latt'I' years will r('port of tht> ~tall• t•ntomolrn.:;bt. Pro- learn 11ut :\lonuna Tort>nto~t in thi:.; gT('al ft>ssor H. A Cooley and deals with JA lesson that's old HS t~e bills, I allow. It Didn't Matter. nnion That tht· pf'OJ1le of .'.\fonta:rn tht> wur~ <lone in. th~ study and con· An' th8~~.;1 ~e~a1in~en~~.~t-ds. but they Turnin~ to tlw new8paper reporter h;n·t• at la~t awakent'd to !his face is trol ot 111st•Cl 1wsL-; 111 :\fo1nana. dur- P who \\as a pa.,;st•ng-er, tht.• a\·iator ex-a.iteslt'd lJr tbt.• hundred aTHl seven i:ig- the past year The C1ird is the They used t' be friends, a::i' they li\·ed l'i.aimt:'d: frc::>'.111w11 who bare so far re~hi· n•port of the director of the experi- right nrx' dear "11 s all L\ff. thP 1iropeller·~ brok­krl""d 1 nwnl swtion in whkh is a reYiew of To each other, an' ::et :~ ··erunrkable t·n and we arl' doona·d 10 fall tj,Olhl Only a few n•ars a~o fift) students th<.• 20 ) t•ars of work done by the sta- store lf"U ! ·· wa::t ronsidt.>red a large enrollment in tion ::;inn> its founding. By each other fer years, an' !lad ne\·er "1;rl.':H ~nns'" l·rit"d the l't:>porter. auy dass, today it i::i unt' h1iudn•d Three olht-r experiment stalion hut- a spat, I hope \\t.' tit n t U11l 111to the \\ater.


and t\\ tlnty·liYe tomorrow it \\ill bt• lt:tins are jnst going to thc_i printers. Till one bo111tht a 'bulldog an' one 1 ( ·rn·t ,.wim a ,.troke" I a th1 usand. Thus is the \\·or!~ of thO:-l~ On<: deals wil~i corn growing in )Jon- bou~hl a C'at; .. . < • ---

who hilVl' alrt..'ady ~ont> lorlh h(lar· tana and is written by )[. L. \\rilso:i, An' o~~red~~ t~!~~- cat turned up half Olll cf l,nno freshnwn at tht.• l-111 bi.:- 1-1;n aud they ar~ 11hwin~ lhi~ ('ounty a~ric·ullurist for Custer rounty. So somebody doc-tared a soup-bone an' \'f>r:-;ity of Pt•nai'~l\ania. IS are o;;tudY·I <"oll1 ;.:_,~ t:t II tarth1.·r a~e..111 in th,_ f·>r The second i:; by J. R Parkl'r, a:::sis- threw w;1r


1.rnrl'.11 of hi!..:her edtl<'alii•tl fn tant entomologist anli treats of the It across to th' dog-fair enough, I al· Monlui.a. sugar b~~et webworm. The third is low.

_.\.galn t 111~ Expo11° n • w .111'11 :l•h~ ~ 11 ,1 bulletin is8ned in co-operation wilh An' tbey us~~tl t' be friends. but they rPl~"i t tin· I ;!n·s~ 01 '.\lontan St ;1.t • thP Xorth Ualrnta l''.\JH~riment l--Wtion ain't speakin now. €'\.lf' ''" :l most 'o di ti cn• .. 111•-~ •o ' 1 ~ and deals with the problems of rah,;. -J. '\Y. Foley.

111.1 :t l>ody 1i • anrl hanPstin~ flax.

Any Young Fellow 0 WA:\.:-- {) Ol r {_ L.·\:-;:-\ r IE HOI )'01.1.01 I'.\' Tiii·: )fATTEH

lo I lt :'>' ::; 10 I I TIL\l'.\ HI>' TIIOt't:Il"l"S O'.\

The L System Clothes fo r

Youn~ G entlemen h · I>< T•u l t E lH' THESE $! f>ICRIO!l ('LOTllES

l·'llH Tl L Ylll '.\(, l·'ELLll\\.

WALSH s The Best Possible Value In Fountain Pens


PRICE. $1.50.



PHILLIPS' BOOK STORE,-1z ~ -·-~ \liEXt_ y

I Is the ahhrc\1ath•11 for irnllnp Tl11· folh win~ in a chi mi:::.try (•:\.am "I ca:i dii:;soln• in akolwl ln1t not

in watl'r ·· \\'i~<'011Ri11 ~phin:\.

ing- ereel~. Tht.>y ~ln~ tr:1ining for cot-, lcr:t.' 11n's1dents l<..x.

- - --- --Ht.l'iPl' tor Prt:;cn1ng Pead1e::s-1

l Sp 11h-ntr 01 eold c.Tt•am . rnt-.'1h.> and laC'e powder.- E:\.,

\ · n had a Thom:.s 1·.1t. warbled II l' Caruso,

\ 111 1gi1b1 r '' 11111!. [!. ha.~1·h:1ll hat, d lltrn it doc.':-:.n 't do :-:n. l·:x..

'i. ·~ll E~ f IL\~llldO~

----$5.50 FOR $5.00'----

M ake the Bungalow Your Headquarters A T MEAL T IM E.

.\nd an~ oth1 r 1inw wht·n you an-. hunJ?;ry or thir~ty.

$5.50 M EAL T ICKET S F O R $5.00.


Tllf·: 11on,;1-: TllAT Ql"ALITY lH'lLT

We are l-Ieadq uarters F OR A LL S E ASONA BLE CU T FLOW ERS.

Langohr's Greenhouses

Montana State College of Agriculture

and Mechanic Arts

Prnctkal rourses in C'iYil. Elecfrical and ~[echanica1 1'.:ngineerin~. '.\lechanic Arts, Agriculture. Dairy. f-lorti­rultural. Home Eeonomic::>, Industrial C'bemb:Hry, Economic Riolo~y. :\1usk and Art.

B('autiful ~round:;. rommodious buildin_gs, com piele wood and iron ... hops. extensh·e laboratories. model kill'ht"'ll aud sewing rooms, musiC' and art studio.




We Are Ready F O R AN O TH E R YEAR.

1·:n:1tYTlll:\l, I:\ Tiii·: 1.1:\E tW l·'l ll:\ITI HI·: A:\ll Hn:s.


See Mrs. Stone For your party Gowns. Street Dresses a nd T ailo re d Suits. All w ork Guarantee d.

Blac k m o re Apartments.


For your Portrait \\'ork. Bring your Korlak \York for d\•\·eJc_)J'lllt·11t. .\ll work ~uarantt't'll




Gee, We're Glad that You Are , . GOllEGE G~~OUHE I~ BE SURE IT'S AN . TO WO~K IN [UROPE

1 O'CEDAR MOP 11 :-;Pf'nlr ninr•• likC' home now to have tlw boys romp in and ··c:hew the rag" with us.

Back A:>V, $AY. \\'E AHE GOI:>G TO Ill:.:A1' ~!ISSO{'LA 1'1!1S YEAR, GOT TO DO IT.

We've got a nice line of WOOL E NS F O R F ALL. W hen yo u are not t oo busy come In and look th e m

over. They can 't be beat for class, workmanship or price. If you wa nt your suit pressed t el l Rice.


Edwi n W illson Is En gag ed By Prof. Shaw For Ani ma l Hu sba nd ry

Work Abroad.

l<llleli with the poli·.h With the pleasant odor. No matter what rour preference may be UH to shape, size or price, there'!) an O'Ceda r

I J\lop to suit you.



==============:=-ii-::a-::n-;-:in-s-:--truclor in the I lome Economics

Boys, I n 11 i departme11t or the l'nil'ersity O[ l'tah f OJltQt OftS ror the 11ast six )c·ars, Ie:n·ini< this

I've I ~1 ·1e1a",~,.to1 go to C!uito, Ecuador, al which l'.===============' ll'f falhe1·, tbt~ lion. c:mrles

J:;dwin \Yillso:l IC'ft with Prof. Shaw the lat1er pan of .Jul) for England. whC're an l'XlendPr.l stotk purchasing trip will bl' made For lh<' past four years Mr. \\.illson has heen assisting Prof Thomas ~~law in ag-ri(·ultural work for the Great Xorthc1 rn and the

Smal l Size, 75c.

\\"ith the heavy padding to 11re,·ent marring your furniture, it's

only one LO uRe. Sold by


Owenhouse Hdw Co M ade ProfeM;or ~choppC" ba~ returned Hartman, is l·nitPd 8tat<'s minbter. Xorthern Pacilic railways. and he is ~--------------'

from 1he east with his wife and \\"hile i:l nozemnn :\liss Hartman wai:; to join Prof. 8h;.1w in l<:.tudand to ;----------------.

Arrangements tamily - ::- ~~~ct:~::' of honor at many social ~;/1~·~ ;~,:~b "~';'~,~ir~~ ~~~~. r~;.;' s~ I a. ~ h f'roft•s::.or Hrt·wPr and family have - :: Paul. ?\linn .. and for other points in

YOU hy hav ng !ht> finf•l't line ret rr.c<I to Bozt-man from t~eir vaca. t~e northwest. Prof. Sbaw has al·


Follow the example of the lill·

SwE'aters and

Ralmaecaan On•rcoats I ha,·e e\•er

i_..hown. C'omC' in and s;ee the f'lass-

le:-;t men's ~tore tn Bozeman.

Especially catering- to the needs

of C'ollt~~e he"ys.



-:: Born, to )fr. an<l Mrs. Roy Strohm r eady sailed and will be selecting the

per Cia~rmen an<l f:{O to

NEVES' BARBER SHOP at on August 29, a daughte r. desired stock. .l\I r . \\'illson will Rail T. ~1. Neves. Prop. Mrs. Strohm was formerly Miss Alma '----------------'

Last week a lin• broke~ ant i:i. the Bancroft who graduated from the mu· from Xcw York on the steanrnhip Ba l. big- coal bin 1wt1r the boiler sic <.letmrtment of th~ college in 1911. lie July 30 and will get the stock to­ltous...- which for a time threatened - :t- gether in l•;ngland and Scotland and

to destroy the e11t1r(' engineerin~ Rhed. )lrs. D. Z. :\lc·Culloug!l, known to her 1

return_ with it in about ~wo mo:1.ths.

The qukk work of thl" colll'ge tire de- college friends as Phoebe )lorgau ex- l . Prat. Shaw made an 11nportat1011 of

11artnu.:nt howeYcr saved the building. u~. spent pan ot" the summer in th~ I stock for Mr. Hill last year, but w.ill I T:1e 5.rl.:' w,u; C'anst.'<1 by spontaneous city with her iiarf'nts, )Jr. and :\lrs. a:ake a i~rnch larger one tl11s year.

~HORT GO~R~t I~ U~TllNtU

-:: home last week an:ompanied by he~ eires that he expects to buy ilO sires ---combustion fn the bin. Lyman :\[organ. She returaetl to he 11 !::iere has been such a demand tor

1 Tlrn culif'g:C' I <'h <'011Tll1:r has been ~ister, .:\an :\forgan ex·l 3, who will to be distributed throughout the north. Large Att en dance Is Expected in t he im1mned sincl i..:;t ~.1r.11g a11d a :ie-w ~;!lend the winter with ~er. \\est. He will huy the milking short School of Ag r iculture _ P lans

kitchen has lwl'n bL1ilt to l'are for .... born <.'OWl:> c·onsideretl best ns dual· Made Fo r Stock Judging Team



For living, clotlh's and plea~url',· bank the rest 'l.t our Saxings De-1mrtn~ent Wet•kly,

Ati your atl'OUnt beg:ins to in· c rease you \\ II lh1 1I ph•asure in sa\·ing more earh yc-ar

4 1, int e rest paid on Savings.

Gallatin Trust & Savings

1, w' m oc:~K"' " MANY OLD FAC ES W ITH US,







L. E. Gaee Jeweler antl Optician


tile IIIC'Tt asP<l b11f'i11<.'RS. :\In;. J. F . Pinson and daughter of purpose <..:OW:5. J;'ifteen cows will be

- :: Seattle ·wen' :rnmruer iwests at tho boug~t for demonstration purposc•s, --- I I The hulh~tin room of the CXJ>t>riment iome 01 ~lb:-; 1-"rieda Bull 'flt. ~lrs. none o[ lhese cows lo produce less T!:tis Call a Ih·ely interest is being

~tatinn hJ.s ht·en t>nlar.~ed and Is now Pinson wn!-' .:\liss Bertha King ex-'O!L than 10,llOO JJotmcls of milk per year. taken hy young men of lhe l'itate in

adequate to crirl' for the college sta· - :: About te:i head or South Devon cat.tle tile S(·hool of Agriculture, conducted

Holloway's Hat Store Fran sham Coal Company


DENTS OF THE COLLEG~: t1011 1111bl«.'ations. :\lit->s Trene Piednlue .11 Jet"t last\\ eel.;: will be boughl. They are also dual· by the college, which gives the young

- :: to take a po:.-1ition in the Fergus Coun- purpose (·ows and have made a won· ma n desiring a sciPnLilk farm educa-.Jnnws K eft>r of last year's gradual- ty lligh ~chool a::; instruttor In home derfu\ record in the southern provinc- tio:i, a Ilractical and thorou~h train· 12 S. Black Phone 253.

,ye ri~e 11rou<l to rnncu11C'e to you bis year, I h:it we a c in heltt r

HlPi to attf•nd to your footwenr

jini< cla'8 has bt·en a11pointPd ""'ist e<:onomlcs. cs and in Australia. These will be ling in three terms or six months each

ant in the Phy...;ks department. - :: - the first hrought to tais country. b~J\'O ~oys \\ho \\ant t_he education can eas-\ ---------------'

::- Suffolk. Pun(')1 mare~ and one slallion I 1ly ~ornplete tl11s ~our8e _upon the .\f1ss Balling<•r or the bolllt> scit·IH:e T!:te ~Lisst•s Pt·arl Heidllon and Rau- "ill be purchased and ship11ed with earnmgs they save lil the six months

Commercial ationa l Bank iee<18 t :iu ('H1 r hefon \\·p g1! l.1-

ntee to l:n \'f Yot: monC'Y on E'n•ry 1air. \\'p solicit a shnrt> of your radc. \\"c rpp] 'hat \\e ·an at g.

y your e\·ery want.

I C'pa,.tnH·nt rernrnPd Tue~llay fa-om sie Hoec!ler hoth of last yeai-'s grad· the cattle. of Yaeation. Professor .J ii. Holst,

I ua ting- class ha \'t:> l>t:gu11 work in the Euro1ll! when• she s11ent thP summer Ed · \1··11 1 j l b principal of the ScLool t f Agricul· I S~e ex,)l'rie-111.·t'd <·onsiderable clifficnl· (;allatin high SC'hool as im.;tructors iu wm

1 son ms us een on an llll'e, has receh·ed inquirie~ 1rorn all

) gettinl!: baC'k ht~<·ause of the war. home eronomks. .\liss Rocches has inspection trip to the demonstralio=i o\·er the state that presa~e a large


GEORGE COX, Cashie r .

Hoping to hP f<H ored \\ ilh a C'all, ·e art' yours.

For liL•ttrr shoes,

J . H. H A RR IS & CO.

2 \\'. ~fain Street.


,__. e~· .-..i.:_~

?ountain Pen " IT FILLS






AT ,-,Roecher's

Drug Store P resc r iptions a S pec ia lt y.

- ::- charge of the cooking and .:\liss Heigh- :a::u:norx:11~U:h~~:~1~~n:~~at~~1\l f~;;: first year class. Strange M it seems, ton of the sewing.

~tiss \\'allin, instruc-tor in French --:: -a:i.d Spanish has not yet returned

Homer :'llillL'gan 'l4. is engaged in from her European trip. She was also wool invet:Higation work at t~e experi· among the American tourists who ment station. were in Euro11e at the outbreak of t11e war. - ::-



If you want the best see

D. H. BUDD. Edna Lewis, chairman of the execu-

in Montana and in w·atibington l'.iat Gallatin county, Lhe leading larruing a re under Prof. Shaw's Stqiervision. county i:t ~[ontana, and the seat of and then go east over the Great North· the SL.:1.te college, shows comparative­ern the latter part of July. The work ly liltle interest in the institution, ac· in which be assbts Prof. Shaw as. cording to U1e men connected with agricultu ra l agent for the railroads is [the SC'hool of Agriculrnre. Most of 10 aid the fn rmern >f u 11~ notthwest the students come from far corners ~c_e_n_t_ra_I_A_1·_cu_e_. __ P_h_o_n_e_ 300 Red . J

live committee or the alum:-ii associa· of the state. Professor Atkinson, profe~sor of tion. recei\'ed letters recently from in solving different problems. The ex-

Agronomy hati been called out of town two of the alumni who arP in foreign pertci. are now worklne 011 a plot of Real College S piri t.

by the dcat~1 of his sister-in·law. lands. F \\'. Srhmidt wrote from land in \\'ashingwn where the soil The admission of t:rn School of Agr!.

- !:- South America when.:. he is the super· blows away eYery year. They have culture students to the college life on Owing to the increased amount o~ intendent of a cyanide plant and \\'. the matter in hand now so that they practically equal footing with the reg.

work the experiment :-;tation has en· D. Freeman from Siam. feel sure the problem will be soh·ed. ular college students who enroll for

gaged Miss I::pheretta MacUonald 01 :\fr. \\'illson feels that !le is Yery the ni:le months of school, has helped Lytle . .:\lont .. and )1iss Della Orth a!-1 stenographerti. fortunate in being 8elec·ted to make much in increasing interest in it. The

FORMER COLLEGE PEOPLE this t r ip with Prof_ Shaw through Eng-'short course men have during the past

- ::- FOUND SCHOOL OF MUSIC land and SC'ot land. It is certai:Jly re- had a spiri t or their own, and a The exten~io:-i department has ad· sponsible work, but he has proved real interest in the college. The rapid

cle<I ~.i-~:> Lra;.;,"' t(; its .J:t:...ff. P rofessor George \\~. ll ey, formerly himself yery \'a lunble In all he has increase jn this leads Principal Holst

- ::- a professor or music a t the college, undertaken and will, no doubt, do t!lis Ito predict that wi tl:in two years_. t he :\Irs. Herrick spent the summer cissisled by Miss Lo rraine La libert e, work to the satisfaction of his em- attendance a t the School of Ag11cul·

with friends and relatives in east and a g-raduate of the musie departmen t p loyers. It is an honor fo r Bozeman tu re alQne wi ll be 300 or more. ~ l r. sout!:i . • Qf the ro llege, have organized the to have a young man from here mak· Holst this year expects 26 or 27 of

Miss .\frKinne~:~-;;istant dean. a t- Great Falls school of music at Grea t ing such a good record, and it is also the old students back , aad believes

tended summer school in the univer· F aJls, !\lont. a cred it to the Montana State college t~at t he total en rollment will be eigh· 1 sity ot \\"ashington. Professor Hey taught music for fou r or wh ich he was a student. ty or more, and may the hun-

-U- years in the music department. He dred mark. :\lanl'ord ::>now spent the summer at was considered lo be one of the best

Kalispell in tl:e automobile business. violinists in the northwest. Since :\Uss t•rsula Ho<lgskiss i!i hac·k from lea\ing Bozeman he has been engaged

Choteau. in concen work in :"\ew York city.

CHAMBERS-CURRIER I On October 6 the School of Agricul--- ture open:; this year. The term con·

The marriage of Profe~sor g _ L . Cur- tinues for six months. The course r ier and ?11iss Bernice Chambers took tbat is open to the first year !:itudet ns - ::- .\1iss Laliberte is also well knO\n place du r i:ig the summ(>r months. Miss

Ruth Sweat, Amelia StanlC>y,. Edith in college C'irC'les M an accomplished Chambers is a graduate or the music

Fowler, Grace Mciver, Ruth Xoble, musician. ::3he graduated from the department of the Kansas SLnte col· 1

Dorothy .\'able, Loretta Givens arc the music department. in 1906 and later lege ancl h3

a violinist or rare ability.

Hall girls tram Great Falls went abroad \\hert• :-;he studit>d \\'~th Profe~sor Currit•r is the instructor in

for the first semesler includes: Composition, 2 hou rs. Industrial ari thmcli<', 4 hours. Farm IlhysicR, 5 hours. Carpenter work, -l hours. Stock judgin~. '1 hours.

Coal, Wood and Kindling

320 W. MAIN ST.

Kenyon-Noble Lumber Co.


Calls promptly answered. Head-quarters at D. D. Smith's store.

PHONE 180.

ARE SH OW ING THE NEW I -.. - su<·h famous maHL't'S as I.eopold, Go· 1 the F'arm .\fanagc•nit:• ni dt•partment of

.\fae .\I.~ er~ rrtur:w<l from Billings. do\\·sky, \'r.>rnon S11en{'f'I' and Hudolph the <·olle~e. lk is ahm <t graduat(I

--------------; - ::- Ganz. of K<in:.->t:s Stal<- ('Ollf'gt> The young

(T\\('II .\Jill:;; :\la1 ,,l H11lclt!II ,llJd \tar) Professor lil'Y and :\lii-;s Lalihl'rte J('onpk· are makin~ thPil' :10mL' in t.he X' e extend to You a most

Hearty Welcome

.:\[echanical drawin~. 4 hours.

T he Summers T rophy.

\'e want yon to C'Ome in and see store. \\~e han) 1hr moHt

plete stock of ShoPR in Hoze­Our Putire stock iH new and

not lrny any of the ol<l !:;tO<'k of f'hoes, but ha,·e

in an c•ntin:Iy nP\\ ~tock,

.>M EN 'S SH O ES.

.J. and T. COL'S!:>S.

HAHllY Gll.~Y·s.


A. J>;. !'/l•;TTL!•;TO~.

THO~fPSON nnos.

,.. u wil I find the New Styles at


ELINE PHILLIPS. 307 Soutb Cen tral.

Instr uct.ion

P I A N 0-V 0 I C E.

hreC' years study in Berlin.

~rNlow returiwd from Jkkna. intend to add ltt'W instructors to th<..' Seh(·rmt·rhorn Uungalow on Eight an:--I .. fac·ulty a8 the tinw goC's on and in nue

Harry L. Sunimer:i, on<.• or we ~talt:.''s lt"ad1:-tg lin.•::>IOt.:k Q1ell, bas !1acl a de· sign complt:'kd for a $;;u l rophy c·u11 w!JiC'h g-m·s to thl' stndf.'nt that (•xcels in stock judgin~. out of thl' lllt:mbers

of the Sd10ol of .\14ricultun• C'lastif'!>. Principal llobt and :\Ir. Sumnwrs nn" this YN\J' \H)rking to have a stoC'k judging tt•a_111 sent from Bozf·man b)

1 the Sc·:wol of Agrkultnrl', to lllL' an­nual lh·estock ~how at Lt~wiston, lllnho. If th<' School or AgrieultllrL· sto('k· judging team ctere:.1t~ that from th1.~

college, the plnn is to sPnd It on tu Portland for tlH• hig livPsuwk ~hO\\

on the coas t

I .\lhi-; \Ia:-y ~obi<: is haCI\ from

I \l'~liil:,ha::~ .. ('l:r::~·egislerod as a

H11ecial. I II -

I ,\(iS!i Lulu Chestnut MP('llt a week during th~ lattC'r part of Aui..;:ust iu Glader Park

- ::-:\1 iss Erma Lcssel ,·jgltc~ with Ruth

Sweat al Gn•at F'c.lllf; during- the .Juhi· JP(• \\'('t·k.

:: :\lbs .\larig:olcl and .:\tiss Miln ror e­

turnecl from l\alisp('ll. - ::

Ada llPer~tl'C'hf~r rt•lurnC'd from Bel­grade.

.Jac·k Milburn of the junior C'lass :1as t..'lken over the c·oll<"gc) agenc·y for the Gallatin luandry this year and will have rb<Jrge of all collections 011 lhe hill.


80111, to ). l r. a:id Mrs. Clin t C'r n.mer

a t Grinnell, Iowa, on Ju ly 27. a daugh. te r. Mrs. Cramer will be remember ed hy C'Olleg-~ people as Flora Carmi('bael, ex- '08.

- :: )figs Lois Hartman, '07, was t~e

g11C>st of Mrs. L . A. 'l'ha!Pr fo r a week during J uly. Miss Hart man has been

I Cat-You wouldn't have a show in 1

('APTAIN XOBLE \\'ALTl~H GRDt J•;S la fi~ht with nw. I havt: nill~' li\t'S.

,--,----------------------------! l•~rog- Yot11"rt~ not in 1t. I H' t'roak t. ('d hundreds or tlllU . .'S. Prlnct'ton j'*l._




\ '\ '\.

Gallatin Drug Company


"Mallory " llat )lodels, whkh c·orrl'ltly t.•x pre~s th(' ,t..·a~on s tn•nt1 of s1ylt', yet tn·oid !lie rxtrP1111• that ma kt·S u hal out of 1latt' almost i.l~ :-:oon ns it is pur 011. ".:\lallory" I lats nrt.• "Crnn•11ellt'" wt•a•r proof.- an ext'lusive f('atun• whkh kt•eps lhl"lll fr1.::1 h lookin~; anotht>r n•a:-:on why rour hat should he a "\lallo r)· ." :\l~o e''er)·tllin,; in Btc>tson':->,

CHAMBERS = FISHER CO . \\-e hear :;o muc:~1 nbout the l~rriblP

1on~ue--twist111~ and jaw lH'l akini.; namC':.-: or foreign Janguag-es. Just .mag'ine a Iorc·i~ner trying- tn get over

rw of t\u.•s1.• words Photos1H~tohc>lio­

i;raph, pholo<'hromolithoi::raph u:1d el· l'Ctrophotomicrogra11Iiy, ;Jlthoug~ they may took compnratin·ly ea::.y to us.­Exchange.




Gallatin Laundry Company G. R. MILBURN, College Agent .

>'IO'.'<: 79 H 'fl C'1.lled f 1r anil Del·n·rl'CI.

Ot~N llNtltLO Pl~NS ; M~Nr GH~N~THE r~CUlH



AEmrnnrnN IN rnESHM~N Cl~SS ~RE~KS f ll REC~AOS

Carl llt>lr->rrom. Anac 1nl,1. Cid!.

\rue Job i~oll [ 11llt.'. ..\i:;ri.

'.\tarth l .lohu~tJll, t lann•) I lnuh ~d.

.11 au h"l!••y, \na<·1q11Ja, . .\gri.

'.\I\ rtl4 1'. h . h..1 is1wll, ill!Jlll' ~C ·

H;:-mf111,J "1h~ Kn Ill I. C \II

1~1(>\\ 1 11:- i L•I< 1. Bozeman, St'l'

l\lar_a, 1 t L ..... 01.i· 'h.ZL·, I hi mp

Hoy L• ;:.:.1. lia ::; 1u•I t, lutli ma, 1.__tt-t

;,,~ tla). \\ h~n l\P was pl'P:-'t 11te1' J

l II t IJ\ lSt' l: t 1111~~ f' r hC' 11 W

hollJ(' I Tht• hrid1 1~1{' ~tll 1~ l !lilll~ it r

l'f 'tr. and )tr~. ll. I. Pr .1C' nau. ~t J

" s hon~ i'l I o m n 1 'l ~· t lt I .t r H l She ,'\. ST• lC'


r 1 1 t 1·y q rtnw:1 t c ! t C'

1 \lo: t na ~t .. lt' t'Ol t.•gL'. and t,Jk ·~o

~\.•I II 1 ( Jt_ (' \'\(l?'l . I 01

MAPIE~YRITP ReidMurdoch&Co.


Vermont Maple Sap Syrup


1 r.allon Tin

Callon Tin

t Callon Tin

~I .On

Thos. H. Rea ~ Co. fOR SPtGIH WORK ·rant•es '.\I 1· Butt• :;:;.<'<'

.\u I• :\h I -0: 111: I ~ , ,. 1 lon l

su in c ·uha r Dun. t. hls pr~H l• 1 ~d.

For!• 1 ng 1ee be h·" built a:1d '.:n I Ai c:t· '\ld'orn. nur11:-., lltime ~d.

t t I st " lr ,.•1e h l n ' llll c l I l ,~ 101 l_:::::::::::::~~~~:_~:_:_ __ _:E~x:c~lu~3~iv~e~A~g~e~n~ts~.-----~ n , t , p ( n t 11 ,,:\ TJS ! r;,

d1 Jl:l rt •uent '-'t tht' loll• h'. I .J lit:: c: Hllll I~ 11.\ io uwn11 a ~tr ing


Goxernme 1t Ap;:iropriates 'S25.000 1 0 cd o\ 1.•r 1 m E' • cL !!nH l an1: re" .\~l C· )1 , h.<1 -'Pl l h·i:

Ext~rs10·" \V)rii< .. college To Aid Id It r rl." 11 n IJ\ mills of mo.< 1. 1 n \\. )[ nur 1~t Pt. HJn. l:lcc

< 10 Ho. JJ. 11 C'OJl"<' t11 11a:; tl ,--------------------·-------------,

~ As: Jculturat Developnient da u ,1 :i~ h tll pa\,. dL'Uts. I fL'lll'.' )lillltZt r. Hut le, l·'leL·

Ill 1 HU.i c.e '·• m.uli [ ,.t ut:t 1r 1 •• JI "'\'e lJozcma 1, .\i.;.rJ

I 11 or th .:\lo~· ll:l ~lah (\I I rn eriu:: In J., !11 h IH}\ l:.ilY

I :111 Li 1.1' I\\ 1-.; pron 1ott d t 1 ~1.11 a~sl taut Jlt'f)1e.:o.

• o1 ' €' ''41 . l d cont1'rl'1'CC' o1 ~or$hlJl . u l '1t1is t ... 1 un a~st11.:1ah t t.: "' 1u1r I r ll ,. " •11 J»·o1es·

. . " f 01 <. Jur ( lf.. me •roft .rsh ~ l 19lt.1.

:.1 1 l <. <c 0 1 f"·of< 01 I nrv ~tur(is Vrhik~'r o

•h r JI '•In •i1 o1 t wu~ it in ci u· I. 11 h uu' t s.t' s. '":o- or him J It.•

'' l It n " h l ilt ir I ed1 'atlon !-.; a m.111 o1 firs ·<lass ah1 ty of ,. 1!·

""' Li- u~J t it ict:'rah c Jirit·t <"11 f'X)lt-ri1 nc·," nnd of I t I 11 l] IHI tr1inill"" fl thr"'

·i 1

· I' Jp '1!~ H ~1 cha Mac·" Ill• is E''l~I'· r r, II d.- t • t gr! l h. L c:<tf 11 lu ~ .i dtalrnc;:,-; wit !Stu

t c c €' n l t lnl'' t lbl l nd. h ll u111 1 .... c te::.. g-v. d lt-dnrt:r

Jt I h1 'l&t r t t11 11 1 11 t 1n1l ll l a n. i'f .1' I· <'ll'her.

111 c: Jt <lir tt 1 to t l' l I· Jin. kcll <.lf th1.• <ll·11art·

lJ 11 nt n 11 O< ~ton uuit ot t \II Cll!-= ne:er i n; Cori1c11

nsl 1 it n~ '"; h rf• ll oth r 1 1 U!l n.~r It'. \t.' him \ ht.,ait)

t It t 1 tu the~! t· \\ t l IL lllio'T'da 14 u n 11 d J.'.\S' I wish we hail

t" \ \ t H r\l t (1 c l•r. rrn1~ t d \\..,1111 en.Lil "";> t. l llJl'\

c l lnl 111 l lllrtl.'

T·1(' 11in .., lt. r~ of .. 1 cul· J·r Jllr-. rC"e, ,1 ~1·ddtlat

·1 ( 01 · 111 ·11 . 1'l t·r mu nl t ~ 1 io \\1.,~le).lll ns h<f'J. s1.~cued tor

'rn.11 · c 1"1.'1 nnor, Hozt>man. Agri

t 'ham 'l\IJ f\1 rkam. Billings. A.:ri.

lar<:ld Pippen!!r·r li1.isgow, Eh·l'.

:1 w 1 I'' t ston, =-'t"' t''l~\·t11t.~. Eli<'

\ .!t' I OPt', HoZl'ltHu. :'\!1·d1

It c I .trk e~t"-1·111 ll, Ci\ I.

".'\l uio1 c Qua'', l o .. t m 111, Art

:'-1:.-r~ Ho\\~ ]~o;('nta1 ~1 c

I· rllt""t Hohinson :.\loon., Biology,

rh1 11.1 h· ~s .\11 .\ i. ?1Jv ~ooins• n. 1 .. m1 11, Ll• 1.·

lHlo Holll'rts. ~alt·s\'lh Elt•C'

1,, rt1'· l:'ht>h l, I ozi m, n, Fkc

nu "r :..: r t.1.--; lt.•h-11 •. -\gri.

.lal'k ~Wt"'il.l, trl'l 1t F"llS, .\~ r i

J· 't•h n ~t"• n iah rn. I· t I :C'rton, 1-:lt~c

111110: :-.. \ 1 )hit •• :\lt•<:h.

1;onlon ~t ''t' \mh 'IHl.t, .\led1.

S; 11 IC' ~cott b Jtlt' .'.\lrl"l1.

t. tl1 tl 'olki.: I er f'o1 tile JU!.- l\\o

\< •• rt1. i·onl 1i:; lwre f ·1 1IT' l l<' \\.<> \· j ln l n 'C' s·p a ~~tl Ui.1. K , i~ .. :•

t.O] ~1• !lf'ft.. hL \\a~ f'J'E.'!lot d Jn

\ iou~ <nlligt <.H I\ t t lJH1 lf'ld r

ilP l'" \\C\ I( wa o: l n t

st 111 .1tl> t ( ~. :; Il I ~ '- ' d i?. 1

•r i.:.H 1 nl ,,f t 11.· ' '• L \ ,,<" a llf ht• Epwonll l~<1;.! 1 1t· v tu(' '.\I. I

11rdi. !le ow ha:; a. C'SJICllSI·

l JH Sll ( 11 ·rn • ('r t " II

Ji .., 1'rf'l·I< c· 1·a1t C"rv at Pon.

\ J r •H ha-. r. ~ 11 011 a\\

~!Olli i In I

~rt• P. ' J1ilJ 111 1llS W \\ 111

\"1• t hf' ht 1 ,\ l!"-h1 s of n 'JC>:'t of

• r1•1 ,., L is as t it'" g t t ir n N

" 0

\t K1 :l"a 1' un r l\, the '.\l

t , i s a ( KDO\ '1ot 1e ttnd at lo'' l ~t tP (' '.t"".::!.:C' th

.,, II" 1rt"' l :-o;o l lt'C: ally Ill\ tt. I

, ~3 011 t 1is ocT. s11 11, a, ho ~. la

A:\ l

A II· \II'. '

Cordial Welcome I .-.,·1 .\'I Ill:\ TO .. lA1-...t .. Ol il





THE HUB f.Ol lfp\\ I


roo. 11



lc:iJ 1


CREEK COALS. Y<,ur tr;irh~ \\ Ll 11n ·< ,..ia 1·tl

ll1 fl ~jtp l 01 llon~e. Phont 20.

Ut ;, .~Ill IU hRh' tllrc..u h Lht t.'h1..m ~tr\ 'J~pa1tll.Cllt lie \\1 I

tt11 .l .ric'Jlt toll 1 g<. thr u. dl)~ll J a\f..• drnr~ ... o[ Lil'" :n -.hmau q11izz.e:-r

\\·111 ... , a J, l' )(Jkn', \\",1sh., Sl'<'

La 1n1 Tn '<1. J lmc~. ~i:-1

Efiornontl Thi1.·1\ H:•eg11h, Ci' IL

John I on ns. H111ln ~s, ~ftc~

, r ,, r 11100 u t hP~10. th1 1 :......-------------------------------' i

t'a t.ountr' fhh \\Ori.. ., dd ~at,"'d. and labor. t ry and \\ill al~o tl'a<'.l a

to a it.\\ de .irt:urn• kw '' 1 a:. u ( :-.' Ill1~sica1 C.h7lliSL'.~

t!PJl tmr1t of ~u;;.1 uJc.~tJ l Pr<ifts:->or :\lurdu<·k is t lll'W aUJ~tio11

:l.nd tl.h r .a11l~ for it ma1ntcuan .He> ·o tht' irrir;ntin11 d1.•1•artm ... nt and !11

, O\\ L• Le dt.riH<l :rrn: C1 r 1 \\ill uaYf' d1;.u1.a" u~ a t:us wort ... un·

go\1.·rn:.ient to tht.1 m xuuun, o. ;:;~:j '<ler thl' d1·p.1rtmc·nl ot .\p:-ricultur .. ·.

111 111. J Prolt•s.,;;:or L'd1rs will haYe nn a-=sisrn.1t

The extt•nsion sen ice o! t.11.· \ ari· 1 in 11a• G1.•rman l'l<lsses rn the pC>rson

uns Hatt.• l·ollegl'~ is corning to be ::.u of .'.\liss Aili11gt'l'

tlt>Y1•lopL'd a ::; to hh'tnn-0 tile t>:>..t•cutiH.' Two Ht'W nlt'mbers ba\'C' been added

head of all tt'nchin!..:" i:1nt b t·arrit'd to the honw sC'it•ncP d('partment. :.\liss

lrom th e colle;.:.L' c·ampu~ to l ~h· 11ellph• l'.ulotta Fort.I ~M been dt•ctet.I lO takc­

of tht~ state. In the l·ase or th e train· :\lis::; l lunt's plal·~ who reslgtll'll to

ing of u:-aclnrs In ~~nice, thf• ten- take a position at the un!Yer!<.l t Y' (..(

dt·ncr is. to ~harl" tlll~ res11on:;.ibility \\'iseon~in. ~liss F'unl took past ~rad·

with the (kparllltL'.•t of '1.i4ril'ultural uatc work at lhl· Kansas Agrkultur<1l

cdul'ation. thus. 1ilacing t:1e _ed11cation· 1' l'Olle•e anu come' highly recommend·

al lt•ndership with a speciallst in rur- ~·d to \;L ~tatc·s facultr. :\lb::­

al an1l indu:-;triul ed11<.·at.t>n. Each de- ~m1Lh. a 1.:,r 1duate of thP d:;u-;.,

1iart1ient that \\Orks thr<iui;h the ct ... ~. 1 of 'lJ '\d also.assisl :n this dctmrt-

pal't ui.:nt of ,1gric11ltural extl'nsion is DH nl. >rofl':-; -or ~lartm will Ila\ c

resp1..111 · k or the klnrl and qu:ilftyld1arge f Lue co11r:o-l in cia1n:·16 .

of th( 11forma ion dclin:•rt.•d in its .ln111e::- K1·lfi>c ·H. will u:.-:.s.l:-t J'roft S·

11ar itll r Ae'd (\· \\!St a~I. I:i;t 111,:;nt sor llam of t.1e p~\sics 11 p~rtm• nt 111

t'1£ ll'Wt. 1 t> t'~ of 1h \\·e~t are 01i1e 01 the lnlioratorr \\01k.

;n IC. lf: th1 t·u11fliCl1" t ,1L t .1d h1 Ol\1 !! 10 the> dillh ultles In k.1Yill

oc ur hdwt.:. · n t 1e t~xtensi1H1 lnL oth· 1 r ~ :\t t.H llt't'-t it ume lht." librarl;.111.

er tte1

t ions. t·ollfg1.•

t Htik> of tht 11ld~: 1P ilu· ' l \\ ~ , Jpc:cd to fill t!·c 'acancv

l'h 1•xte11" 1 u ~l'f\"IU" 01 the h ft n \Ir~. Hobln.:.on, is nor ; :x1.u.:t1.:t~ J

r 1g ic lll'ln. ~ no" g1enernl· mt 11 tile erd o' nt·xt wef'k.

}\ ftt:Ogn zed 11 tlH \a iuus sL,lt1·~. 'hc-~e l1.111gl'':i \\ll)' a fe\\ 1l·\\" au

1'ufc.s!1;or nricker tixpre~sed the dit ons n t 11e s~1ops will compkt t11c

01 1in on t iat t 1e )lontana peo11lt> "(•n <·< 1 1lt·~(' fa<"ulty for the 11re~l·t1t )"l'tt'

£> xtr. rrt J)· fortl: rnte ti> lace th<> re-- hh•1 wit'l. the l::1r;:.c frt"shma.n t·nn''

~pon~ihllit) 01 all rural a:id agrlt·u ltur- tnPnt t>Houµ;h rnstructors <He on hano

:ti leadership with tht> state ac:ricul- 'o iu~urc> JJfon;onal supen isiou uf (:\.'l'h

turn! tolleg-t~ Those who n1·e ~svec· I s t ·dent'!.' work

1ally educat1..~t1 in rural and. nsricul· -------

:~~~:1<1"\:~~~s ~:o o~~;.r ':~~i~::~:n "r~~ I e 11 MM rn e flu n n l fl ln e [ e the adequate tramm~ of leadl!rs ha~ J ... [n illJllUU lJ UU[U .vet bl•en deviR1.·d and thf• rural people

"', Fr~ 1cis \\ 001 HlJ:c· \!:!' ·i

l.a\\"TC'llt't' \\·n.t1· " \ ll'llll', A~ri.

Jlaroltl Wt'l"C' Hozt;"mH1, Jliolo~y.

I 1or· thy %1t•banh. Chmn<•l, S1•<',

IL \\·. h:1 11 ... ~y l'ill1acs, Ci\' l.

( lill'C'l!l'I' Holt, Stf'\"l•T\S\ illt~. A!!ri

r1 Ill" "C'l'e innh·ll. I

·~o." :,;a ti Hob, \"ll\11' ('1 .i .t>. lt I

to :\h1111it' 1 lirt .l' J ol ? \\·1t1. !'ht jtl~t tlL ted on Yf•ll. '

·~o ~ht tl11I. 'llltot\\ered ron. hit



lh1·r fathe.r pron•d o he an flntidC•Lc '

I· xrha l!..:<'

l'<ll.LE<il-. l.OClnlOTl\"E

S[NAT[ Hnlne BDl[r 5[ee1nN / rh .. )· sl· 11· 11" mernb .. rs U UJ II r il.:J U a!i<l '-1..nll c:Ias· f's.

of the ]UJuor

'· Oar .-\lumni reprt:!sC'ntatiYe~. to

t-b t.'lt.•(·h·d b,\ Alumni assoc1al1ou.

TJi,, manag<.·r~ ol the 'arious s 11orts

_______ /shall li1.• C'XPP<.· 1 1..·d t o attt.•nd all nwEt

lugs durill;- the se:ison of tht.•ir part·

ont· of tiH' harde~l L~at tht> st.-:ia tL·1l·ular sport, but shnlt not be entitled

ha~. to a Ynte.

111 . a(·curda11C't.' with the regulation I Duties.

dra" n up and passtld by th"' !:it'nate F inancial. Din~ct control or all


and at 1 1P i-.'lml' tin P \\£ \\ill ;· ,-ou 1he ber.• that is to Le had

\\'t- irint nl1 kind r r '~ 11 " rls. inv1 · ations, head:;, envel·

0111·s. 'ldf' s In fa t '111 rh111.1.:.. ha1 «an do in the printing line


( ~11ccflo ~ 1r to Ii S11pt·ri<•r 1 're:-~.)

1tj'\\'e~t :.\fain ~ r• l'f Alway-; on in , " th work.




COAL Flint=Lynn Lumber Co., Phone 82~


WHY :-;oT Tit\' TI.r: "JTXEDO E\"EHYTHJ:-;G FOR Tr E

S~IOKl-:H AS \\'!- ·.1. ~\S .\ G .\'1r. OF !111.LIARllS OH POOL..

Tuxedo Billiard Parlors f;HA:\l>Y ''

Eat Breakfast and Lunch With Red l\J' ··.·Fl I . J.J • .-\.ST 'IU;>;. \Y




Central and Babcock.

"ill h»i't upon the leadership of their AfTrD Cllflfl[CCf''l rraM trainl'd 1eaders. To im·ent any other t\ ( n lJ U lJ lJ [l) lJ U [ (1 spriu_i:, .John :\1 Fish(• of the sen· r1..•t'l•ipts, and (':qieaditures. .All antil· '-------------------------------•

f.iChenu• ts quite apt to 11ro\·e u '~ry

wasteful undertaking-. as has been t!:J.e

experit.!llCtJ or toiome other state~.

Novel Athletic Badge.

'.\Ic>mbers of the l'"ni,·ersity of Pe:rn·

syh·ania Ynrsity l'lub confined to ath·

ktt~ who han• won their IC'tt1;:r "ill hneaCtt·r wear a s11edal lapC'l b'adge.

Six d1•.t:ii;n~ ~aH• been adoptetl. Tht.~

iootball lap('! ~hows a gi·idiron; bnse­

lmH, a rli:tmond: tra tk and tiPld an

ll\ al, rowing-, rPYerSl'd oar!", anci al·

lit•d SJlor ls, a cbt·tkcrboard. Tht.• hack·

~rouitJs 11• a1 c·a~l'::- Is blut> sc ;·1110 u11t·

' 1: IJ\ rt d .md J:Old,. Ex.



WAR Pictures



fl P.t' nrt.~ l 31 JI OtOCrrl.pJ'ts f

'Irr g ~l'C'llPS in •h, ri·Sl'llt grt:'at le 11ro1 e::tn n 1r


The Willson Co

Newly Organized Summer Session For

Teachers Proves a Complete Sue·

cess-Over Sixty Enrolled

ior dass was ehosC'n to aC't as tem- ahll" fun<ls for athlt.>tic purposes shall

pornry chairman for the lrt:>s~1men un· lw subje<:t to ehecking ac<.:ount or this

Lil the ell'<'lion of their president. The Council. .:\o or expendi·

regulaliun as drawn up was that some lures shall be made by the At:1letic

mt•mbl.-'r of the i:wnior tlasR who had DirPetor or by )fanagers without nu­

hP.f' na m('rnber of the se:-iatc in hi s thori ty from this t'ouncil a.ncl all bllh;

junior year. should he chosen by th e must be approYed Uy them.

l'XN:ntiYe <.·ommittee to act as terupor- b. General supervision of a ll nth·

Tht~ Summer School wh1 C' h was held ary thainuan until October Ui, or un· letic~. including relations wiU1 othtr

for tlw first time at the> college this til the chnirman of tbe C'lnss should institutions, approYnl of schedules nnd

summ(•I' c·tnne to a close on July 1;;. be elected


, g-e1wral athletic policks for t'1e in~ti·

Th<' chartt.·r members of the rolleg'? :\[r. F'h~ ke was president of the pres- tutlon

!!lili1mer sthol uumben•d sixty, which Pnt senior dass year antl in that 11. Athlet ic Managers shall be mem

\\ ~ lJPyowl tlw expi•C'talious of l'rc!'! c·a1m<'ity gainc-d much t•xiierience hers of the ju:1ior or senior dass elt.•ct

dl~n1 ll nmiltou and Prinl'ipal Jlol~t. "hich shou ld proH· Yaluable to :lim Pli h:· thE" stncknt body and shall bC'

wno hail ('harg(• of the work. Tb• !n his Jll'l·~t•nt position. Uirtrtly n•s1wnsibl C' to the Athlrtic

I i l <1f't' of tlw summer ~(>ssion is ln Anoth(•r matt.t•r dbcuss1.•d "a8 the C'o1111dl. Th<·Y Hhall bt' lwl<l din-ctlr

tr;1111 1e.11 lu.·r!'.' iu instn1cla1~ the Y011th IJ\lt':.tion of finwa· .. s and it was vott'd l'l'~11ons1l:Jle for t~l\' til1andal busint·"':'

(•, '.l~Hlluua along Jlra<·tlcal lines or n~· l'ic:i1lture llonh.• dt·UC"t', and otlh-r to assess t·avh orgn11izatlo11 re11n·sl~ nt of "''«h athluic cont1:st, a1Hl shnll \Jp

it l .... ·l:t s. At frt""Illent intt•nals •rllis t'd Ju tht· f·nati.:. one dollar for th:~ 1·1. 11 rt'tl tfl 11rt>st·nt In wr ting t " t'H'

t1 1«~~,r1.i,· mints of interest \\t.>1'1> <1:

rang-ed. ThEse t:X<"Ur~ions )JrQYt>ll YPry

o:.ular a1m n;:; the lcuchC<rs and un

duulJte<lly had much to do with the

onularit) \\hit h !be summt·r s1~~sion

•• t .1 ued. Tlw ::;um:nt·r School was a

cm ll1 ''' ~ JC"c·1•ss In e\ Pry way und will

1Crf'"lft1·r h.• .l !'('g11lar pan uf l11e cnJ.

tE:.e work

< n11ing ~t'a. (<HI eil, aftt reach <·onlpi,;t a l·omph-11

Soml. d ·l ussion of a plan for the t 11aHl'lal tal<'llh'lll To nsshn tlh

.1thlHics of Jw <"ilkgt• \\Us disc•l~~l'f! 1 .. 11r.,::1 r~ t•n<·l1 s1 all lmH• an as. i~t.i'"'r

.ind it w,1 ~ cl1>rltll"d to irw•Pnt a tila•t II .1 \~•.t:1•r c It' ·11 t1 h; the stllL1.•11t botly, I to tht· st11th•nt hody at an as::;emlil:: 111. Athletfc Director i;!1n.IJ bp dir1·t·t·

•Oday This pli1n whkh Is ~lvt· n bi'-- b 't·~11011sihl1.· f<.•r all l"Oad1i11g, tht'

low is one that is in ll~t· ut all th' t•<111dun ot 11lait•rs, and t:..lllll·5. I~ I hni.:.1·r 1111h1·rsi1it.•s of tht• <·on:llr~·, at·d ~hall he thl' c·nstotlian ol ail athkt l·

rr adOJ•tl•d Wclllld prohah\~ ho fmm :\ ~·pq'.lliidm. t5 hnll u :;hrdJu :-0.hpttlrpt t,111

~llj)l!Tior t1 th1.~ c·umbersornp plan 110\\ r . JI Tnl'l'.t.

tn USP. I\ El191b11ity Committee .. T11is shall

Tia· plan as ~i\i'n lwrt \\<\:; d r-awn:c·o11s.b t of thn·p faC'Ul ty l1lt'lllh<'r:5 cnotl ll!\ hy Prolt'SS(ff ::;wingh, to whoni :>e·n !Ilg' on t'Jt• uthlt:!t l" ('rn.:rt< 111, fl[I ·

tlw Cxponl•nt Is indt btt•d !'or th is pnint1·d li~ the 11n•. dt·nt. Thh; t·om·

l'at, sur1"' and I f'.ee yon'rt:' s.havin~

c. Ut!'id.,' ~?.lli ··d )[rs. C:u 11 y to udi::~· hor Pal~ '' 110 had takvn a.{1Ya11tagt, or llw warm "...:•at~c-r LO ~have


rop~ mtttt·l· ~hall h~\·c nli~ol111c- <·ontrol n1

in the all rnnt11.•r:-; of c·I 'rtbili t y Thc>y shall Athletic Organization of the

"l..\t.,. Tl"\• h1• llUnli I '\ 1 ... f tr

t. 111ied lh·tl.,''

ntl did ye

liltt- 1 ts \\mt a<l t nlls rvr rletl D"c

Secretary. Treasurer Ii lit\ ridt ado1 t l \i y tli1' l~'·H J'l.

I·. ulh fht.· 1 II r1·<th1• ncl kc•l on file •1te

Montana rot I" r"'Jit ~ £;! idem to l·nmpeti"' In

int -< 1.illeglatt• athlt, t ks who~" ~ · li ~

lJ ' ·ia,. wt Lt·1·11 11ropt·rlr c·t•rtiftetl

n.,. b' l l :n rhPy shall enfurt•t.: .t11 C'll

State College.

Athletic Council To c·nn.,.Ist o:

I. Chairman. F;,1 ult' ln(IJ'he

po1r. ~·11 h.' l'rcslr" nt

I P- ht. firm probably v; ut

•t t f5 u " to lH•l o tioss 1 )I

n f' ht.·r t c• Cl b st lJ t.s

hr P At,..le t1c Directer. t fi u " lbnit 1 t from r m1 t

11 t t lio a d sl .. 11 con•' iC~ I 'I T\\ u st 1le lt re r d. i ,(" u lec•eu l. h r to .._ , t .. 0 c .

I ~ u l. \\ 11 f•l t • 1 1 t 1t11 l

' "

Full 2 Ounce Tins

One ounce bags Sc, convenient for ci;;arettc ~mokers


fl:EET of foot is good-but slow 1, pace that brings Velvet tobacco l '

the goal. The selected middle leaf-t­years aging in the warehouse--perf i

temperature and ventilation - in t

years the best is then selected for Ve!. • tobac~n. Two years has ~cen harshne .. leave 1he leaf--the good rwor st: out uncontaminated-.mooth ! All bite hos l aged away-a perfect mellowne"' has l reached.

Vdvet has won its race. At al! dcale ...
