THE WEEKLY EXPONENT. OL IV THE WEEKLY FRIDAY, i;, 1912 No. 10 ACHESTAA IS NEW JERSEYS JUNIOR ·: ::. :7 :.:: ·:, :,::::·::: 1 0EDICATION W 0 RK :::n HA "E AR A IV En GO u NGI l HEAn Is SATU R nAY N 0 W AT u the g .. tting out of tlie annua l hook n "v u u rendered. consistrng of n piano solo b\" u ytu from next Georgia Ilollier; Yocal solu by Kate f}io ... t• who haYe lif'en c:ho!'c>n to n.('t piano solo by .\..lexnn· oder Leadership of Fred Jackson, CoUege Hu New Musical Organ- ization-Large Enrollment. 00 the stnff arc Lyndnll Da,-idson, Roh- Track Sweaters Have Arrived and are Willard Atkins is Elected President of der; Yoenl solo by Yie \'alleau, and p1- Furniture for New Club Rooms Finally crt Kelley an<l .John F'ske, the latter Being Worn by Those . Entitled to Deba ting Council at Brief Meet- ai.o ;olo by Ruth Hortman. I to "en e ns U usine-.;::1 manager. The Them- Gray with Stripe . ing Held Tuesday at Noon. Ali!-is Fox gave :i short tnlk pointing f'r._t hn'e had experience in th1'J out the importance of thinking beauti· hnC' of work and thc nbd1ty of the ful things, controlling one 's feelingd . latter in affairs well known au<l putting our thought!'! into action . \ CQ1JC'ge a·o:.tr is: now ID the S'> thn.t v.1th this staff to <lo the exeeu· The i-;weaters the Arb- The debating cou11cil held n After a short social time of f rmat on an•1, t 1 tiv(I work an<l the class ns a whole to letic asoeiatiou for those who won meeting \Vednesday noon, at which th<:? were serYed by tbe senior girls. n . .Tti.l'kson, who been ?-t>eure l I g-Pt ont the book, something \ery good their lCtters in track work last chief business was the election of offi- h:njl the organization, the outlook is cnn be expected. The editor announces lrn.H' nnd were distributed Mou- for the coming yenr and to take PARKER LEADS Y . W . C. A . •rv _good. Work has Lec>n going lllong th'.1t be expects the class ns a whole to <!uy to those entitled to them. action on the question submitted by the TUESDAY AT COLLEGE. lietly .for thr eoupie it cliJ of the work on the hook, so ;-:ho secured them were George Blinn. ing the- t•ndC"avor nf those promoting mnny members ha\'ing ability that can captain of the squad; Ralph Brabrook 1 sophomore class for the interclass de- 0 organi 1 .atiun to SC'e if tbl' L!fJ f:ir in making the hook an unqunli· B. Vestal, Jr., :M:i.x Kenck, 1Ia.x bate. Re\·. Purl:er of the Christian church led tbe Y. \\'. C. A. meeting Tuesday noon. He cmphadzed the need of Bible study and showed thnt Y. \Y. C. .] to make such an fictl success. In one case, especia11y. Leon Dn\·is, Willard I The first business taken up was the ganizatiun llowe\·('r, it hnq in the the work of the class as a F. "'· Schumacher and Joseph )!organ, election of officers. ' Willard Atkins of en found that there l><' n,J "hole was responsible for the excell· of spring 's graduating cln:,s. Tl.le the junior was unanimously chosen A. wns the moral and religious force in -ouble in this nnd i•ni·f of the book and it is hoped in thig sweatns arc grey with a large pony president. Lyndal1 Da\·idsou of the the college. miltnn Jias l'rorui"'<'tl finan<·ial sn11· thnt the class can be made to feel coll:1r. and the new athletic emblem for sophomore ('}ass, vice president, anJ \•1nouncement was made of two rt, it nuJy L1:ing: tit><'t't,;:,ary for the thnt the book is produeed by the ef- t.-eck-a gold uy" with blue shading )Iyrtle Alderf<on of the senior sel!· Bible "tudy classes to start this week, mbt·r" to gl't their o" n mu"i<', nnd of thC' class rather than h.v the -is plaeed on the left side of the coat. retary of this organization. cne lc>U by ).IyTtle in Ilamilton t:re lw no 1 lff'eulty then•. Thi-3 st·iff'. Oth<'r plans ha,·e been made nnll Those who haYe been out for track fur Regarding the question for tl1e inter- hall from to eight on \\'cdnesday .. , i'" the organizati 4 in eon n firm ba!"is, will be maifo i•ublic at the next meet- more than one year arc re l'iass clehate. the council 5:.eemed to be nights. :ind on<' led by Aldn Smith at r the,· will bn\'e a rrgular lt"ader n JW ing of th<' sophomore.... y·1•:.r a stripe for each of tl1e opinion that the question snb- thC' <.'ollege on Friday noons. d th; 'lt'<'l'"'"ary to retain onP. C1llt..,idt> nf tht.• one during which t.ho milted was one which was rather out trr it ,, 11 co ;:: 1 t" n goo<l start, nl'W ]1 ttPr W'1s serure11. :\lnrgnn is therC'· of elate. but owing to the fact thnt the tcrinl nj I cle\t'Jop. so there will be MI SS El l ZABETH rox fMe entitled to three !'.trjpes, Brahro•lk time was growing so short and that httle •roulJle in the ot' H r to two and Captain Blinn ancl members of the h1wer org:rnization. r.re entitled to one cnch. The hail alrrady done some work on this fnr tht• f,:>Jluwing 1·copJe ml't SPEAKS IN ASSEMBlY nre Y-·slrnped uf blue null gold and are it "·as decided to let it !oitan<l. tho bom seiPnre room" on ft ff worn on thC' IPft arm. ThC' question ns stated i:'l. tern11on"' to play the y:olin part:-.: .\n. Or1linnrily thP sweatC'r"i and letter::i That all cli!-iputes between capitol an•l W. B. GHOSEN fOR POSITION IN Arr ives and Formal Opening is to Take Place Tomorrow Night. Tomorrow will in all prob· al1ility see tho formal opening of the r.ew club rooms in the top floor of Ag- Ticultural lrnll. The furniture and other f!ttingR for the rooms arriv<'d the first of the week and yesterday and today ha•rn seen them installed. The student and faculty committee th at bas chargu of rooms h<'ld a meeting yester day afternoon and final preparations we!"e n1ade for the formal opening and a few minor the ma.nngemeut of th('! were attend(ld to. Among other things at th<' meeting of the eommitte<' that were the time for the club rooms. As 11lannccl nine thirty was the hour 5:et for sehool nights, but H was that a11 enrlier hour bt. set and, if the plan proved sath;fnr- tc.ry, then to make tlH• rhnnge baC'k to rrnc thirty. as this lattt'r change would bt ea..;ier to makf' than the t'hang<' from re lat('r hour to an c:>arlin one in rnse that thE" later hour "'honld pro"\<' nns:tt- isinctory. Anutbn matter takt>n up u Baxfrr, 11. }'. )JillPr, Clellrii:ia t ul- rtrC' awarded :it an but it 'ms labor hC' settled by a -,tate com- :i.s the of the n::i.me for thl"' ll nn1l HnlH'rt H1Hlson, violins: Officer of W. Y. C. A. Addresses Col- thoug-ht that the men hn<l. wait ell with pnwer to aet . '' !"resident of State College Alumni Ac- rooms 1 th<' titlC' of Clnh Rooms·' he· J. H .. \. B.inu'"• .\lircil Eherl1'. lege Students at Regular Assembly long for the swentcr:'i that ir u:-e· To guar<l again!'t a. similar cepts Good Position in F ar E ast. fog "'lllnl:'What arkson an1l :O:.plmt.>r on !'l'l'On.1 Friday-Good Attendance. to keep them waiting any mnr<'. ing in the future, it was decide<l to in· L eaves Good Private Practice. To those who hnn• visit('cl tbe ronmB . Iit-s Ll·nh Hartman the and consequently they WC'rc gi,·en out :o;ert in the rC'gulatio11s of t.he organiz'.l· !-;\nl'e the furniture was hC'ing !\no. The far have he"n without au:· This is the first tion some provision making the upper th<'ir appearnnre a most favor- od ancl it h; plannecl to ha'\"'e other Th<' prineipal speaker at assembly year that trnek sweaters have been its que!:iotion earlier in th-:- Be .. ide the othC'r speaker-)fi 5 s Fox- nhle impre .. sion. The pool an<l hillinT•l t•om(' in nt onl' of the next nwet- wac; )[iss Elizabeth Fox, nortn- awarded. Thc> association expects, ho1'·· year, thus doing away with the pos'l1· at as ... cmbly Friday morning, \\", B. bbles are installell in th<' west room It h tlwught that nn orchestr'l secretary of the Y. C. .. ·who e\·er 1 to purchase them for all who win l..ility of a. poor question being chosen .Freeman, ·o3. ga\·e a short talk on col- along with several chairs anll other fifteen ph'1·es t•an ensily be !'eCurerl ende::l\·ored to show the <'Olllprehenc;i\·c ktters in the future. ancl not being able to reject it. 1c.gc nfairs. )Jr. Freem<tn is the prt'"'- 11it•Ct.'S of furniture. Tht.• room d in atl1lili(•ll tn the it work now being done hy the asc;oci'.l· ic!<'nt of the Alumni assoeiation. and l1i':i to he aq a general lonnging and rnnt•<l to h:l\ l' traps and base <lrum, tlun, especially in Xew York and ('hi· remarks were the of nt- l<'ading room. in which smoking will be -,t and 'eco11<l e<>rnet-, first an1l see- engo. She made particular notice ,,f 5 TATE G HAM p I a N 5 HI p Is lOT tention . He mentionc<l the fact tliat he permittetl. It i< expcete<l in this eonne"· ti sJicle trombone and 3 the work being done hy some of the wns to leaYc soon for the fnr t'.lm that it will be neces!oiary to install ite. collegr organizations. l.,ollowing her where he has a contratt with the gnY· an C'leetric fan to remO\'C th<' smoke, .1s It tlioup;ht prol>able that the or- tnlk, Prof. Brewer introtlucNl W. B. crnment of Siam for thll rccfomation of it woulil be liahle to be e:ir- estrn will praetice two eYenings a Freeman, of the cl"'s of 1903,to the Of IN fOOTBAll ''lnrgetractofaridlnn<l. ried clown in the other floors of the •t.·k, proLahly on Tuesdays and Fri- srudPnts. Sft'.dug that he now had a po- \\'hile it is not generall.\• known, there htiltling and 1\·ould thus he for two hours at eatb meeting. s;tion with the government of Sia;n has been a new ruler nscenil the thrilne ot a nuisam'<'. The other room of the .,1is wiU g:i\'(• them a good workout and might haYc a few words of inter- \\ithin the past year. The new ruler get, the roomc; , as already an- l'h time, and more than likely the or· to tho college .students. )Jr . was edue.ated in .America and Europe l'C.Unl'ed, will be a readinl? and lounging nization will make its first public mnn, howe,·er, did not speak long, and B f S 11 S and is \·ery progressi\'e. Ile was in room, in which, howen•r, smoking will 1•earnnce at an a.sembly program confined mo•t of his remarks to tho y De eating tate Co ege aturday, Football Supremacy America at the time of the passing of not be permitten. This is to give the lortly after the holidays. a<frisability of retaining the name G U · · S · 39 3 C the reclamation net, ancl immediately man who desires to make use of tha :u t · it 1 c 11 · r oes to n1vers1ty--- core 1s to , arr The value of such an organization to - on ana ..'l.gneu ura O ege in pre tl1e effect that imch a plan vf club rooms and who does not use to· e college will be enormous, as it will cucc to Montana State CoJJege. and also M k" Pl t • F. t Q t action would luwc on the nrid lands in bacco, a chance to rnnl<f' use of the able to prOYicle music at College TC· steting that, in his opinion, the engin· a mg acemen In irs uar er ]l;s OWD COUntr,Y. TOOlllS without having to undergo tho t•tion5> 1 nnd other places ecring department should specialize in lrpon his aceession, this plan was un· discomfort of the tobacco !:: ID band can not. It might n1so tour irrigation engineer ing, as that was the Uertaken along with others and the In connN•tion with th<' rending room !<.tate with the band, thus making o big work of the west. In speaking oi I n a game marked by brilliant play· ball alternately, they again forced the Siam<'se minii:;ter in this country was in· featur<', it jg probable that a subscrip- re complete program possible. It tbP nd,·isability of retaining the old ing on the part of the uni\·ers1ty ttaP1 ball the college goal. structed to get into touch with tion will bl' fltnrted soon among the stu· 1 thought that the organization will college name, Mr. Freeman argued that and the re\-erse on the part of the \Yhcn the )[issoula men returneU at irrigation engineers in this country with dents with the idea in ·view of sub· 1ke regular tours, although it may not ap-riculturc was the basic industry of college team, the university won from the b<'ginning of the second half, they the itlea in min<l. of them for u:ribing to a large number of the most' possilJll' this year. because of the thl' west, and other inclu.,.tries depended the college by a score of 39 to 3, seemed to ha\·c tnken n. brace ancl. aftn such work in Siam. 1[r. Freeman was ropular maJrazines tliat nre not in tho rt that it is new and has not been on tit. ur<lny. The one score credited to th,3 IOws<'y got away with a 60·yard run in \Hitten to by the mini.,.ter and aftC!' college library. Owing to the fact tha.t Fox of the summer cor. · college was made by Carr, who p13.\"C1l the first minute and a half of play, miich correspondence was invited to call the eollege hai:; spent so mm•h on fl'renC'es which are l1eld throughout the fullbt1ck, a few minutes before the en i the college men fell to nnd the nt \\-n5:.hingto 11 . About n month ago already, it wa:, dc.•em('d no mo1e country, teling of the work they do, of the first quarter, when he rnatle a uni\'ersity had C'Yerything their wn.v matlC' the eall and aR a rcgnlt con· tlum right thnt snmC' of the students ..... iethrr fong enough tn present a fin· The organization also (f'ontima"cl on Page Three.) their slogan ana the daily program CUI'· plaC'(' kick from the college twenty ti "1! during the rest of th(' quarter, ow ... Jey trat'teJ with the g"OYernmem (Continu('d Oil Pnge Three) rieil out :it t11e meeting!"i . The north- yanl line after the ball had beeu 1 goi11g through for two touchllowns nn•l wegt conference last year was held nt through the uni\·ersity 1iue largt'ly b\· .Snwml for one. A nnmher of Oerhnr<lt, Ougnn. nnd )Iic:.s Fox statc<l the hard plunging of Y. Connor. in the of the two teams were ior fhl' next two years for his servil'('3. During- the pa.st )(r. bis. huilt up a l:ur.re and pra,... thnt !':he wn"' ,!lln1l to mr<'t two dell'· two mentioned nn<l .Alex Chri:·•tie wt•re mado during thi"i qunrter :\1111. townr1l tire in l'olora.Jn, wlU'rl' lw wa!:\ r1vEN If.:: f('S frOP"1 Bozeman there the for the college. ( W"l"' th(' la:-.t, thC' ('r>llegc Jll{'Jl bral'('•l. .\t rf'('lamatic.n engin<'t"r. Tit"l will t'tlil- tJ The daiJ:· program of tlw eonfNl"nre liurt in the first ha.If, bnt continuetl tc, the heginning of the n('x.t quartC'r tlw 1 tmuP to maintain his offii·i• tht•r(', hm i" ahout ni;; followc;: In the early mmn· vluy his fighting game for the t·ntin• original unhersit.' lineup was bn<:k. has left th<' ncth·e work iu ('harg\"' nf 1ng nn hour 1-; hy Bible stu1 1 y, hour of play. )fo:-;.t of thl' gain" Wt"lre rhP 1·olleg-e hnd hraeed and IH'lil them to while he takC'" i·harg-t• nf this lOk is Much Larger T han Before anrl f!.c lMur g1,·en o\·cr to made by ·y . Connor :1n1l ht• got aw: 1 y a :-.inglp toth'lulown . During this quar-1work in the fnr OOK BOOK PRINTING IS is to Appear During Second Week foll•H\-<'d hy an hour for sectional seH•ral times for 1oug gains through tc.r :1 numhC'r fonntnl 'n:re )Ir. PrN•nrnu left Boz<'llliln Inst December-Detrick to Print. at which. for example, thri tlw Carr played a g-011.I tr1ecl hy the t\\o a numb('r tor (la.'·· gning to Xt.•w York. where hi' sni.is C' 11 llc>g<' i;;tndents ma.'' m<'et togt'thrr and game ancl was in eYery pl:t,\·. I!flWt'\('c, rh(' colll'f!C small gain:-., wl11Jc,for LiYerpool tomorrow. lfC' will then t:ilk oyer their particular or the and fight whil'h tharad•·r· non_e the uni,·<>rsit.y W<'rt.' compl.l'te I. Igo aero--s France> to whcr(' <'. \, cook book h pro· present from like districts izcd the game thl' collC'ge men l upt:un Dornblnser wns out of the lie again sails. thi!'i time through thL' ('"'?-iug uit•t•ly and iiart of it will JllC'<'t and make plans to carry on th<'ir in Bozeman were entirely la<."king alter having <'ontracted a colrl on tht.• :\fNlitC>rrancnn nn 1 1 tht.• Hu('Z cnnal, :ti'· ->-Ct•<l in thl' hnn1h of tlh' pr1ntNS v·ork. The aftC'rno<rn hour" a.re ns<'d for the first qunrt('r of play, and the uui· l"tah trip, whil•h later intv riYing in in nhout gjx Wl"leks. The t•nntratt .for tlw rerrt>ation. _.\.<.;sociation <ln\· is set :l!'lidc Yersity had an easy time in winnin;.!. ton .. iliti!-". Jlis plaee wn" takt•n l.y nre two in ..,.iam wbrrr e"Jl<'riully for tlw entert::i.i;1mcnt of Por the unin•rsity, Ow'-ley was K<.•lly was nlso nut nf the )fr. 1,-,reeman will be located, one in tho clPll'g-:ttl':-<-. This last 1'ummer n flnra.I stnr, g.>tting away r.;ith tw l game owing to injuri<.'s re('Ci\'ed in north with the climate of our soutlrn·e"'· hPld on this in whi<'h Joni! runs of thirty-fiYe anil sixty rt:1h. The gam(' in detail W:l"' ns fol-,lft•rn country nnil the otht•r in tht" south llt'tril•k, nn1J it :s t'XJ!Cl't('1J th:•t •' l o•>k "ill 111• on ... :iJp hv thr !';.('e11nd k oi Dl'l'l'11th1'r. Th(' are unw the• ilt•lt>l!ates W<'r<' s.t.ippqi.;pd tn W<':lr aml hcinl? tll<' br-st gain:>r on lint' lows: with the typi<'al tropii•al l·limah•. In <'ristnmi's rt•pr 1 '"'C'1Jting Thc> Rm('atl abo tlu.• hall c1111si .. . First Quarter. 1 th<' northern ('011111ry the> i-;:11111• prnhl 1 •111"' I in ?-l'f'Uring ?-•'· 1' 1 \fl..,i:-.ft•il of "'tunt" lw ently. aml )lc<'arthy :JI qnafi<'r play,'11 Ow"'l<'y k1rk1>d c.ff to llt•.tgnc>y nt 3 ltl :•rr tu he llll't ns 'tr<' f11trr 1 1l in (' 11 1or: 1 i], . u tke tbe h •ok p:i) .for it': 1 ·l1 1 ·oll<'::!C-: or ·1 .... n1· ·1tion r!'prP..,entt••i a head,\· a!lll was a 1.J .au1l the n1l:tt•rnan rii.d t'n•l 1lown J a. 11 1 Xt•w .:\ft•\'.j,.,), nllmC'h', crdtm.,. I'll . 0 ' 1 ,( _:t kis h.l'.., 11 ti'l· Xl'X -.IH'tnlilol .. 11 rnt"nfthPworkhe. r,:111wr lti running hal'li: in hi" trn<'k..;. ('onnor tort• th.• cnuiplt>t<' 11 f 11io1 11 tl intl 111 " '\t 1 la"'t 1 thi• rr ine. .lrnw h\' l''lllt'!.:,l' :1"'"' 1 1 1•10 Tlit>I Th<' gamC' \\!\" t.'!C':tfl au.I ir\'l' fro111 }(•ft wing for 11in1 1 ynrds. ('nrr f:til£11l h'th 1 ·rtn arid <'ountn·. l '1' }.:irl .. ot Ort':.!1111 .1cr' \ lfur d e1 lh•i: 1 pPnrltu•-:, onh· 0111• ltt' 'I.! t·ai! 1 •1l, .1 a1 th1' Jin'" (:rime..; triC'1l a hurk • t 1 on in the Y t \. that on till' 0 uniYer...,itv or 11 IDJ otf wli.,h "'h g•1111l f 1r ha'f 1 :v:lT•I. t'op 'idt'. During lht"' first qua t r th1 t' Juor ""'"' 1·allt••l on ;1;.!" 11 aurl rc· ... ponilt•l ], ..:::i-111 ... outplnyftl the u \·1·1 1t' f w11h ·t c.1in. ..\la<l1l1•x: ..,t 11 k n n, U111l i th.it if' , ; .,.,, l(' w l and f-li tl1l tr < 011- l .) for I. " m<'a1l Int th• )(:> ()J1('(• fur tlw r 1 111rt·•l u iht•r .. 1t.y w '" JJ1n l1• n1-.1\ete1l ft lu111ldt•. SnH'Hl ri le 'o r ..... 'l'J \' '•lieu ht• got rn: J n .. ha 1 1, th n('xt phy O\\ .. · ,. fla-. 1 1el fl' '.m for n t 1 Juehd11\\ n au•l t 1 n 01 nd I ft 1•ntl for , ril"' a111 f'nt••rra n tbf"m t 1<'re. Tht'\' t l Jn. '?-t'('oncl quart •r . . 1 It H fol,lowetl thb \. _' wt h tJi,, chil·lren on ..... \t 01e of hrart1l .tnrl, hy ol '-1rntghr to• .:t '"lilt1tul !!Onl. l'core: unit"ebit\, 1 , (ontinne•l on P:i;...e Thr.,;e) 1 1.Jall. nnil carry ;:! the} (t ontiDUl'd on Pagt• R<hi"' r lu·•·n nn n?i•I with on Four.) GROSS- GOUNTRY WORK BEGIN Outlook for Championship Team T his Year Is Bright-Preps and Short- horns Meet Today at Football. The football rcturnt'd from )Ji:i- s11ula nn1l Conrh im·11C'1liatt'ly lwt:an prq1:1r:1tion fnr the- cumi11g- haskl•thnll !-itrnson. 1'h(' C':1111h- dalt'"' wt.•rr n•q\tl'"fr'1 t11 report Tur..,da·· :.nil nhout :-.t.'Yt•n Wt.•ftl 1111 ha111l ir11 th fir·t pradiet.'. ThiQ uumhcr \\ 1 1 Ull•loahtrdh .. llltlllh(l

THE WEEKLY EXPONENT. ·:::.:7:.::·: ,:,::::·::: 1 0EDICATIONarc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-004-10-001-004.pdfcrt Kelley an

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ACHESTAA IS ·::.:~, .::::::.~~ NEW JERSEYS JUNIOR M~OE ·:::.:7:.::·:,:,::::·:::1


W0RK I~~~]~::~·~:,~; :::n ·~:o~::~.~~:.;t;,'.~ HA "E AR A IV En GO u NGI l HEAn 11 ~1:E~:~~~;::~r:~::~l~:~:~:l;i:~:~:f;,~~·~,::·: Is SATU R nAY N 0 W AT u the g .. tting out of tlie annua l hook n "v u u rendered. consistrng of n piano solo b\" u ytu from next sprin~. Georgia Ilollier; Yocal solu by Kate

f}io ... t• who haYe lif'en c:ho!'c>n to n.('t • Simp~on; piano solo by ~Iau11 .\..lexnn·

oder Leadership of Fred Jackson,

CoUege Hu New Musical Organ­

ization-Large Enrollment.

00 the stnff arc Lyndnll Da,-idson, Roh- Track Sweaters Have Arrived and are Willard Atkins is Elected President of der; Yoenl solo by Yie \'alleau, and p1- Furnitu re for New Club Rooms Finally

crt Kelley an<l .John F'ske, the latter Being Worn by Those . Entitled to Debating Council at Brief Meet- ai.o ;olo by Ruth Hortman.

I to "en e ns U usine-.;::1 manager. The Them- Gray with Stripe. ing Held Tuesday at Noon. Ali!-is Fox gave :i short tnlk pointing

f'r._t t~o hn'e had experience in th1'J out the importance of thinking beauti·

hnC' of work and thc nbd1ty of the ful things, controlling one 's feelingd

. latter in husine~s affairs i~ well known au<l putting our thought!'! into action .

• \ CQ1JC'ge or~ a·o:.tr is: now ID the S'> thn.t v.1th this staff to <lo the exeeu· The i-;weaters purcha~ed b~· the Arb- The debating cou11cil held n ~hort After a short social time refre~bments

oces~ of f rmat on an•1, accnr1lin~ t 1 tiv(I work an<l the class ns a whole to letic asoeiatiou for those who won meeting \Vednesday noon, at which th<:? were serYed by tbe senior girls.

n . .Tti.l'kson, who ha~ been ?-t>eure l I g-Pt ont the book, something \ery good their lCtters in track work last ~pring. chief business was the election of offi­

h:njl the organization, the outlook is cnn be expected. The editor announces lrn.H' nrri\~ea, nnd were distributed Mou- cer~ for the coming yenr and to take PARKER LEADS Y . W . C. A .

•rv _good. Work has Lec>n going lllong th'.1t be expects the class ns a whole to <!uy to those entitled to them. Tho"·~ action on the question submitted by the TUESDAY AT COLLEGE.

lietly .for thr Ja~t eoupie week~. it cliJ mo~t of the work on the hook, so ;-:ho secured them were George Blinn.

ing the- t•ndC"avor nf those promoting mnny members ha\'ing ability that can captain of the squad; Ralph Brabrook1 sophomore class for the interclass de-

0 organi1.atiun to SC'e if tbl' colle~e L!fJ f:ir in making the hook an unqunli· ~I/. B. Vestal, Jr., :M:i.x Kenck, 1Ia.x bate.

Re\·. Purl:er of the Christian church led tbe Y. \\'. C. A. meeting Tuesday noon. He cmphadzed the need of Bible study and showed thnt Y. \Y. C. .] enou~h '\"'iolinist~ to make such an fictl success. In one case, especia11y. ;\\.~ikomb, Leon Dn\·is, Willard Atkin~, I The first business taken up was the

ganizatiun pos~ibl<'. llowe\·('r, it hnq in the 113~t, the work of the class as a F. "'· Schumacher and Joseph )!organ, election of officers. 'Willard Atkins of

en found that there ~houlil l><' n,J "hole was responsible for the excell· of la~t spring 's graduating cln:,s. Tl.le the junior clas~ was unanimously chosen A. wns the moral and religious force in

-ouble in this n~ve<"t, nnd Prt>!oiiden~ i•ni·f of the book and it is hoped in thig sweatns arc grey with a large pony president. Lyndal1 Da\·idsou of the the college.

miltnn Jias l'rorui"'<'tl finan<·ial sn11· c:i~e thnt the class can be made to feel coll:1r. and the new athletic emblem for sophomore ('}ass, vice president, anJ \•1nouncement was made of t~1e two

rt, it nuJy L1:ing: tit><'t't,;:,ary for the thnt the book is produeed by the ef- t.-eck-a gold uy" with blue shading )Iyrtle Alderf<on of the senior ela~s, sel!· Bible "tudy classes to start this week,

mbt·r" to gl't their o" n mu"i<', nnd fort~ of thC' class rather than h.v the -is plaeed on the left side of the coat. retary of this organization. cne lc>U by ).IyTtle Alder~on in Ilamilton

t:re t'hon~tl lw no 1lff'eulty then•. Thi-3 st·iff'. Oth<'r plans ha,·e been made nnll Those who haYe been out for track fur Regarding the question for tl1e inter- hall from ~cYen to eight on \\'cdnesday

.. , i'" the organizati 4in eon n firm ba!"is, will be maifo i•ublic at the next meet- more than one year arc al~o entitl~d re l'iass clehate. the council 5:.eemed to be nights. :ind on<' led by Aldn Smith at

r the,· will bn\'e a rrgular lt"ader n JW ing of th<' sophomore.... y·1•:.r a ~t.·n·ice stripe for each y~:tr of tl1e opinion that the question snb- thC' <.'ollege on Friday noons.

d th; 'lt'<'l'"'"ary fnn(l~ to retain onP. C1llt..,idt> nf tht.• one during which t.ho milted was one which was rather out

trr it ,, 11co ;::1 t" n goo<l start, nl'W ]1 ttPr W'1s serure11. :\lnrgnn is therC'· of elate. but owing to the fact thnt the

tcrinl nj I cle\t'Jop. so there will be MISS EllZABETH rox fMe entitled to three !'.trjpes, Brahro•lk time was growing so short and that

httle •roulJle in the maintainin~ ot' H r to two and Captain Blinn ancl Ye~rnl N~Yfi'Tai members of the h1wer clas~es

t· org:rnization. r.re entitled to one cnch. The !oitri1·e~ hail alrrady done some work on this

~o fnr tht• f,:>Jluwing 1·copJe haH~ ml't SPEAKS IN ASSEMBlY nre Y-·slrnped uf blue null gold and are qu<'~tiun. it "·as decided to let it !oitan<l.

tho bom seiPnre room" on Tm'~1ln~· ft ff worn on thC' IPft arm. ThC' question ns stated i:'l. "Re~nh·e1l,

tern11on"' to play the y:olin part:-.: .\n. Or1linnrily thP sweatC'r"i and letter::i That all cli!-iputes between capitol an•l


Arrives and Formal Opening is to

Take Place Tomorrow Night.

Tomorrow en~ning will in all prob·

al1ility see tho formal opening of the

r.ew club rooms in the top floor of Ag­Ticultural lrnll. The furniture and other

f!ttingR for the rooms arriv<'d the first

of the week and yesterday and today

ha•rn seen them installed. The student

and faculty committee t hat bas chargu

of the~e rooms h<'ld a meeting yesterday

afternoon and final preparations we!"e

n1ade for the formal opening and a few

minor detaih~ re~arding the ma.nngemeut

of th('! room~ were attend(ld to.

Among other things at th<' meeting

of the eommitte<' that were diseus~ed

wa~ the time for clo~ing the club

rooms. As fir~t 11lannccl nine thirty

was the hour 5:et for sehool nights, but

H was sugg-P~t<'d that a11 enrlier hour

bt. set and, if the plan proved sath;fnr­

tc.ry, then to make tlH• rhnnge baC'k to

rrnc thirty. as this lattt'r change would

bt ea..;ier to makf' than the t'hang<' from

re lat('r hour to an c:>arlin one in rnse

that thE" later hour "'honld pro"\<' nns:tt-

isinctory. Anutbn matter takt>n up

u Baxfrr, 11. }'. )JillPr, Clellrii:ia t ul- rtrC' awarded :it an :u~c;emhly, but it 'ms labor ~hould hC' settled by a -,tate com- ,~ :i.s the di~ru..;sion of the n::i.me for thl"'

ll nn1l HnlH'rt H1Hlson, :fir~t violins: Officer of W . Y. C. A. Addresses Col- thoug-ht that the men hn<l. wait ell s~l mis~ion with pnwer to aet . '' !"resident of State College Alumni Ac- rooms1 th<' titlC' of '· Clnh Rooms·' he·

J. H .. \. B.inu'"• .\lircil Eherl1'. B·~"t lege Students at Regular Assembly long for the swentcr:'i that ir wa~ u:-e· To guar<l again!'t a. similar ca~e ari~· cepts Good Position in F ar E ast. fog "'lllnl:'What un~ati~fartory.

arkson an1l :O:.plmt.>r ~nlberg on !'l'l'On.1 Friday-Good Attendance. le!-~ to keep them waiting any mnr<'. ing in the future, it was decide<l to in· Leaves Good Private Practice. To those who hnn• visit('cl tbe ronmB

llin~. . Iit-s Ll·nh Hartman plny~ the and consequently they WC'rc gi,·en out :o;ert in the rC'gulatio11s of t.he organiz'.l· !-;\nl'e the furniture was hC'ing in!-<tal11~1l,

!\no. The rC'ht•ar~nJ..; ~n far have he"n without au:· ceremon~·. This is the first tion some provision making the upper th<'ir appearnnre pre!ient~ a most favor-

od ancl it h; plannecl to ha'\"'e other Th<' prineipal speaker at assembly year that trnek sweaters have been elns~ ~eleet its que!:iotion earlier in th-:- Be .. ide the othC'r speaker-)fi5 s Fox- nhle impre .. sion. The pool an<l hillinT•l

rt~ t•om(' in nt onl' of the next nwet- F1icfa~- wac; )[iss Elizabeth Fox, nortn- awarded. Thc> association expects, ho1'·· year, thus doing away with the pos'l1· at as ... cmbly Friday morning, \\", B. bbles are installell in th<' west room

~s. It h tlwught that nn orchestr'l we~t secretary of the Y. V\~ . C. ~\ .. ·who e\·er1 to purchase them for all who win l..ility of a. poor question being chosen .Freeman, ·o3. ga\·e a short talk on col- along with several chairs anll other

fifteen ph'1·es t•an ensily be !'eCurerl ende::l\·ored to show the <'Olllprehenc;i\·c ktters in the future. ancl not being able to reject it. 1c.gc nfairs. )Jr. Freem<tn is the prt'"'- 11it•Ct.'S of furniture. Tht.• ~clllth room i~

d in atl1lili(•ll tn the Yiolin~ it i~· work now being done hy the asc;oci'.l· ic!<'nt of the Alumni assoeiation. and l1i':i to he u~ed aq a general lonnging and

rnnt•<l to h:l\ l' traps and base <lrum, tlun, especially in Xew York and ('hi· remarks were ~i\·en the gr~ntest of nt- l<'ading room. in which smoking will be

-,t and 'eco11<l e<>rnet-, first an1l see- engo. She made particular notice ,,f 5 TATE G HAM p I a N 5 HI p Is lOT tention . He mentionc<l the fact tliat he permittetl. It i< expcete<l in this eonne"·

ti clarinet~. sJicle trombone and 3 the work being done hy some of the wns to leaYc soon for the fnr cu~t. t'.lm that it will be neces!oiary to install

ite. collegr organizations. l.,ollowing her where he has a contratt with the gnY· an C'leetric fan to remO\'C th<' smoke, .1s

It i~ tlioup;ht prol>able that the or- tnlk, Prof. Brewer introtlucNl W. B. crnment of Siam for thll rccfomation of <itht>rwi~e it woulil be liahle to be e:ir-

estrn will praetice two eYenings a Freeman, of the cl"'s of 1903,to the Of UNl~·ERSITY IN fOOTBAll ''lnrgetractofaridlnn<l. ried clown in the other floors of the

•t.·k, proLahly on Tuesdays and Fri- srudPnts. Sft'.dug that he now had a po- \\'hile it is not generall.\• known, there htiltling and 1\·ould thus he ~omewhnt

~v.;i, for two hours at eatb meeting. s;tion with the government of Sia;n has been a new ruler nscenil the thrilne ot a nuisam'<'. The other room of the

.,1is wiU g:i\'(• them a good workout and might haYc a few words of inter- \\ithin the past year. The new ruler get, the ea~t roomc; , as already an-

l'h time, and more than likely the or· e~t to tho college .students. )Jr. Fr('~- was edue.ated in .America and Europe l'C.Unl'ed, will be a readinl? and lounging

nization will make its first public mnn, howe,·er, did not speak long, and B f S 11 S and is \·ery progressi\'e. Ile was in room, in which, howen•r, smoking will

1•earnnce at an a.sembly program confined mo•t of his remarks to tho y De eating tate Co ege aturday, Football Supremacy America at the time of the passing of not be permitten. This is to give the

lortly after the holidays. a<frisability of retaining the name G U · · S · 39 3 C the reclamation net, ancl immediately man who desires to make use of tha

:u t • · it 1 c 11 · r oes to n1vers1ty--- core 1s to , arr The value of such an organization to - on ana ..'l.gneu ura O ege in pre ~... fore~aw tl1e effect that imch a plan vf club rooms and who does not use to·

e college will be enormous, as it will cucc to Montana State CoJJege. and also M k" Pl t • F. t Q t action would luwc on the nrid lands in bacco, a chance to rnnl<f' use of the

able to prOYicle music at College TC· steting that, in his opinion, the engin· a mg acemen In irs uar er ]l;s OWD COUntr,Y. TOOlllS without having to undergo tho

t•tion5> 1 dance~, nnd other places wher~ ecring department should specialize in lrpon his aceession, this plan was un· discomfort of the tobacco ~moke .

!:: ID band can not. It might n1so tour irrigation engineer ing, as that was the Uertaken along with others and the In connN•tion with th<' rending room

~ !<.tate with the band, thus making o big work of the west. In speaking oi I n a game marked by brilliant play· ball alternately, they again forced the Siam<'se minii:;ter in this country was in· featur<', it jg probable that a subscrip-

re complete program possible. It tbP nd,·isability of retaining the old ing on the part of the uni\·ers1ty ttaP1 ball on~r the college goal. structed to get into touch with leadiu~ tion will bl' fltnrted soon among the stu·

1 thought that the organization will college name, Mr. Freeman argued that and the re\-erse on the part of the \Yhcn the )[issoula men returneU at irrigation engineers in this country with dents with the idea in ·view of sub·

1ke regular tours, although it may not ap-riculturc was the basic industry of college team, the university won from the b<'ginning of the second half, they the itlea in min<l. of ~ecuring them for u:ribing to a large number of the most'

possilJll' this year. because of the thl' west, and other inclu.,.tries depended the college by a score of 39 to 3, :--i~H- seemed to ha\·c tnken n. brace ancl. aftn such work in Siam. 1[r. Freeman was ropular maJrazines tliat nre not in tho

rt that it is new and has not been on tit. ur<lny. The one score credited to th,3 IOws<'y got away with a 60·yard run in \Hitten to by the mini.,.ter and aftC!' college library. Owing to the fact tha.t

)[i~s Fox ~poke of the summer cor. · college was made by Carr, who p13.\"C1l the first minute and a half of play, miich correspondence was invited to call the eollege hai:; spent so mm•h on th·~

fl'renC'es which are l1eld throughout the fullbt1ck, a few minutes before the en i the college men fell to piPce~. nnd the nt \\-n5:.hingto 11 . About n month ago ht~ rflr.n,~ already, it wa:, dc.•em('d no mo1e

country, teling of the work they do, of the first quarter, when he rnatle a uni\'ersity had C'Yerything their wn.v matlC' the eall and aR a rcgnlt con· tlum right thnt snmC' of the students

..... iethrr fong enough tn present a fin·

l~ll pro~rnm. The organization also (f'ontima"cl on Page Three.)

their slogan ana the daily program CUI'· plaC'(' kick from the college twenty ti "1! during the rest of th(' quarter, ow ... Jey trat'teJ with the Siam('~(' g"OYernmem (Continu('d Oil Pnge Three)

rieil out :it t11e meeting!"i . The north- yanl line after the ball had beeu pu~he 1 goi11g through for two touchllowns nn•l

wegt conference last year was held nt through the uni\·ersity 1iue largt'ly b\· .Snwml for one. A nnmher of chang-e~

Oerhnr<lt, Ougnn. nnd )Iic:.s Fox statc<l the hard plunging of Y. Connor. Tb~ in the lineup~ of the two teams were

ior fhl' next two years for his servil'('3.

During- the pa.st month~ )(r. Fn~eman

bis. huilt up a l:ur.re and lneratiH~ pra,...

thnt !':he wn"' ,!lln1l to mr<'t two dell'· two mentioned nn<l .Alex Chri:·•tie wt•re mado during thi"i qunrter :\1111. townr1l tire in l'olora.Jn, wlU'rl' lw wa!:\ Joi:at·~·l

r1vEN If.:: f('S frOP"1 Bozeman there the ~tars for the college. ( hri"ith.~ W"l"' th(' la:-.t, thC' ('r>llegc Jll{'Jl bral'('•l. .\t :\~ rf'('lamatic.n engin<'t"r. Tit"l will t'tlil­

tJ The daiJ:· program of tlw eonfNl"nre liurt in the first ha.If, bnt continuetl tc, the heginning of the n('x.t quartC'r tlw


tmuP to maintain his offii·i• tht•r(', hm

i" ahout ni;; followc;: In the early mmn· vluy his fighting game for the t·ntin• original unhersit.' lineup was bn<:k. h~1t has left th<' ncth·e work iu ('harg\"' nf

1ng nn hour 1-; ocup1~1~ hy Bible stu11 y, hour of play. )fo:-;.t of thl' gain" Wt"lre rhP 1·olleg-e hnd hraeed and IH'lil them to fl~si-.tant"' while he takC'" i·harg-t• nf this

lOk is Much Larger Than Before anrl f!.c 1~Pxt lMur 1~ g1,·en o\·cr to mi~·(•rn made by ·y . Connor :1n1l ht• got aw:1y a :-.inglp toth'lulown . During this quar-1work in the fnr l'a~r.


is to Appear During Second Week f:.itul~-. foll•H\-<'d hy an hour for sectional seH•ral times for 1oug gains through tc.r :1 numhC'r ~f fonntnl pn~se.s 'n:re )Ir. PrN•nrnu left Boz<'llliln Inst ~1111 _

December-Detrick to Print. confen•nc~~-.. at which. for example, thri tlw m1i\·er~ity. Carr played a g-011.I tr1ecl hy the t\\o team~. a numb('r tor (la.'·· gning to Xt.•w York. where hi' sni.is

C' 11 llc>g<' i;;tndents ma.'' m<'et togt'thrr and game ancl was in eYery pl:t,\·. I!flWt'\('c, rh(' colll'f!C hringin~ small gain:-., wl11Jc,for LiYerpool tomorrow. lfC' will then

t:ilk oyer their particular problem~. or the ''p~p·· and fight whil'h tharad•·r· non_e fu~ the uni,·<>rsit.y W<'rt.' compl.l'te I. Igo aero--s France> to ~[a 1·..,l•illes, whcr('

<'. \, cook book h pro· tho~f' present from like districts m ~ l.Y izcd the game thl' collC'ge men pla.Vt~d l upt:un Dornblnser wns out of the lie again sails. thi!'i time through thL'

('"'?-iug uit•t•ly and iiart of it will ~1e JllC'<'t and make plans to carry on th<'ir in Bozeman were entirely la<."king alter ~amr, having <'ontracted a colrl on tht.• :\fNlitC>rrancnn nn 11 tht.• Hu('Z cnnal, :ti'·

->-Ct•<l in thl' hnn1h of tlh' pr1ntNS thi~ v·ork. The aftC'rno<rn hour" a.re ns<'d for the first qunrt('r of play, and the uui· l"tah trip, whil•h later dt.~n~lope1l intv riYing in ~iam in nhout gjx Wl"leks.

The t•nntratt .for tlw rerrt>ation. _.\.<.;sociation <ln\· is set :l!'lidc Yersity had an easy time in winnin;.!. ton .. iliti!-". Jlis plaee wn" takt•n l.y Then~ nre two cli~trict<\ in ..,.iam wbrrr

e"Jl<'riully for tlw entert::i.i;1mcnt of th~ Por the unin•rsity, Ow'-ley was th~·llnd){h('n<l. K<.•lly was nlso nut nf the )fr. 1,-,reeman will be located, one in tho

clPll'g-:ttl':-<-. This last 1'ummer n flnra.I p:~rticular stnr, g.>tting away r.;ith tw l game owing to injuri<.'s re('Ci\'ed in north with the climate of our soutlrn·e"'·

i·:.~c>:int w:i~ hPld on this 11:t~-. in whi<'h Joni! runs of thirty-fiYe anil sixty ~·nril~. rt:1h. The gam(' in detail W:l"' ns fol-,lft•rn country nnil the otht•r in tht" south I~. llt'tril•k, nn1J it :s t'XJ!Cl't('1J th:•t

•' l o•>k "ill 111• on ... :iJp hv thr !';.('e11nd

k oi Dl'l'l'11th1'r. Th(' ~iris are unw the• ilt•lt>l!ates W<'r<' s.t.ippqi.;pd tn W<':lr aml hcinl? tll<' br-st gain:>r on lint' hm·k~. lows: with the typi<'al tropii•al l·limah•. In

<'ristnmi's rt•pr1'"'C'1Jting flower~. Thc> Rm('atl abo nth~111ced tlu.• hall c1111si .. t· . First Quarter. 1th<' northern ('011111ry the> i-;:11111• prnhl1•111"'

l'n~a:: I in ?-l'f'Uring n~ht•rt ?-•'· ]•ro~rn.m 1'1\fl..,i:-.ft•il of "'tunt" gi\·~·n lw ently. aml )lc<'arthy :JI qnafi<'r play,'11 Ow"'l<'y k1rk1>d c.ff to llt•.tgnc>y nt 3 ltl :•rr tu he llll't ns 'tr<' f11trr11l in (' 11 1or:1i],

. u tke tbe h •ok p:i) .for it': 1·l1 1·oll<'::!C-: or ·1 .... n1· ·1tion r!'prP..,entt••i a head,\· ~anw a!lll was a ~·1011 ~rou 1.J .au1l the n1l:tt•rnan rii.d t'n•l wa~ 1lown J a. 111 Xt•w .:\ft•\'.j,.,), nllmC'h', crdtm.,.

I'll .0 '

1 ,( _:t kis h.l'.., 11 ti'l· Xl'X -.IH'tnlilol .. 11 rnt"nfthPworkhe. r,:111wr lti running hal'li: punt~. in hi" trn<'k..;. ('onnor tort• thrvu~h th.• cnuiplt>t<' ?'i_\'~tt·ui 11 f irri~:itwn 11io1

11 tl intl

111" '\t •

1 la"'t 1 thi• rr ine. .lrnw h\' l''lllt'!.:,l' :1"'"' 11 1•10 ~ . Tlit>I Th<' gamC' \\!\" t.'!C':tfl au.I ir\'l' fro111 }(•ft wing for 11in11 ynrds. ('nrr f:til£11l h'th 1·rtn arid <'ountn·.

~ l '1' }.:irl .. ot tht~ Ort':.!1111 .1cr' \ lfur d e1 lh•i:1• pPnrltu•-:, onh· 0111• ltt' 'I.! t·ai! 1•1l, .1 a1 th1' Jin'" (:rime..; triC'1l a ~hart hurk

• t 1 on ~i-. ni·l~· 1 l in the Y \\~. t \. that on till' 0

uniYer...,itv or 11 IDJ otf wli.,h "'h g•1111l f 1r ha'f 1 :v:lT•I. t'op

'idt'. During lht"' first qua t r th1 t' Juor ""'"' 1·allt••l on ;1;.!" 11 aurl rc· ... ponilt•l

], ..:::i-111 ... outplnyftl the u \·1·1 1t' f w11h ·t ~ix·vurd c.1in. ..\la<l1l1•x: ..,t 11 k

n n, U111l i :q1p~1"e•l th.it if' , ; .,.,, l(' w l and f-li tl1l tr J.!~111, < 011-

l .) for

I. " m<'a1l Int th• )(:> ()J1('(•

fur tlw r 1 111rt·•l

u iht•r .. 1t.y ~(' OJl' w '" JJ1n l1• n1-.1\ete1l ft lu111ldt•. SnH'Hl ri le 'o r

~· ..... 'l'J \' '•lieu ht• got rn: J n .. ha 11, th n('xt phy O\\ .. · ,. fla-. 11el

r.~ fl' '.m for n t 1Juehd11\\ n au•l t ~, 1 n 01 nd I ft 1•ntl for ~.j , ril"' a111

f'nt••rra n tbf"m t 1<'re. Tht'\' t l l~ Jn. ~~t"' '?-t'('oncl quart •r r~u . . 1 It ~11•hclo~~n. H fol,lowetl thb \. _' wt h

tJi,, chil·lren on ontin~ ..... \t 01e of hrart1l .tnrl, hy m~un..;. ol '-1rntghr to• .:t '"lilt1tul !!Onl. l'core: unit"ebit\, 1 ,

(ontinne•l on P:i;...e Thr.,;e) 11.Jall. Ow~ley nnil :'niea~l, carry ;:! the} (t ontiDUl'd on Pagt• Thr~e)

R<hi"' r

lu·•·n nn ~\nwr:1•·1n, n?i•I with

('ontim11~'1 on Pa;~ Four.)


Outlook for Championship Team T his

Year Is Bright-Preps and Short­horns Meet Today at Football.

The football ~c1u;itl rcturnt'd from )Ji:i­

s11ula Sunrla~· nn1l Conrh J)o('k~tader

im·11C'1liatt'ly lwt:an prq1:1r:1tion fnr the­

cumi11g- haskl•thnll !-itrnson. 1'h(' C':1111h­

dalt'"' wt.•rr n•q\tl'"fr'1 t11 report Tur..,da··

:.nil nhout :-.t.'Yt•n Wt.•ftl 1111 ha111l ir11 th

fir·t pradiet.'. ThiQ uumhcr \\ 1 1 Ull•loahtrdh .. 111111~'1


THE WEEh.""LY ESPOXE XT. FRID.\ ¥. XOYf.)!llER 13. 191~

The Weelily Exponent. B ell P hone 211 Rad H ome P hone 3091

--------. 1 Russell Freeman COSTLY DELAYS l

Est,blishcd J an. l, 1910.

Outi.;.1 ·~ h of )lo:1'h1y Exp uent: l"·

t:dJli:ihC'll J n 1. l•<l.'j".

Puhl 'b"d ('\'l•ry J'rtil:ly of th~ l ol· kJ.:e ~·t•iir In an t•th JrL:tl !'ltaff cho!::ien from tht• ~tl11h•nt" of tht.• )1,,ntnnn. tHnr..~ l'ollt.· ~r uf .\~rjcultur~ and I lfrclrnuit• .\ rt ... Bozt•rn:rn. )loutana.

Editor inChit.'f .. ~olmer I!. ""lber~. ·14

B~;in'"' ~L1nn~1'r Fre•l E. GnrJ<>u. '13 )fan:1~111g Eili tor .


Lynibll P. Da,·id~l1 n, ....

Gracey 's Print S lzop J . Lew Gracey, Prop.

Printing for Particular People

Room 6 Galla t in L a ud & Investment Co.

' ! Nuff Sed"

nih• for tlll' argument.., a 1hancc11 an• 1n till' mud. rain :111d snow anil workin~ "Olltul ;th1oul!'lltl11t tht• s1'ns•ltl with only o.l•'

(i:c.1btlllfl ~laua:.rt-r -·· ··--· ····. -J 1 ,:--,. 1,n,rnl nilli·:Zl'"" in the t"nih•~ :-.hnrt trip in Yil'w :1ntl two >?:llllC':< _r~ h.:> _ • . .• T. Ernl•:-;t Border. l.:> :0-.t:llt'"" offl'r;ll:! rei!Ul:lr four .n•ir 1 n:~.n• 1l. The r11l.Y1•r:-.l' .'~:.._·atht·r.e.illll1t1on~

..\ .. :-;t nu ... inps..; ).1·1n:1~('r .··---· I,' ur"t' ..... t stu·h· Ill tht.• ehil t:'L:.!illl't'rin~ -:;J:...o tnafh· 1•rnrt1ct' 11 t111·ult . fhe:-t"' ma:·· .<.;l'O. \\'. Bhnu. '14 tl,•pn.rtuwnt. 3 r;, t"lll£'•l :igrii·ultur:d l't)l· }laYe hild tlu..•ir t•ffrl't. hnt. ~ht• coih'~"

.\ .... t, Bu .. i111• ... :-; :\Ltn:lr!l'r • ·-- 111''>"1'"' ror l'Xnrnplt• tht.• l)rC'!!llll, )laty I really h:is 1111 l .. \.l'll""t' fO oft Pr for the> .Hoy C. \J l-.or, '1.) IL ~d.· \fcint'lun. :\fit hi;.!an, :\nrth Dakn .... lmwiu).! ma1h• m ) f i ... souln.

\st. 'rtulatii)fl :\bu ',!(If -· --.. : -.1 1111 .i Kn.ri ... :l"• .\::::ricultnr:ll Collt•gt':' all 1 It i:... now up w tht• l'nll1'!!r to 1:rn·,.._,

ljow is

Business (fained

Bu,in1~-.1:1; j ... g!lint•1l through ~er­

,.il'l' :iml t hL• :-;ilH't·n• 1h• .... irC' to giYe !'":ili:->fnl'liou in C'H'r.'· wu;•.

Our ~eniN' ~n vou cons ists of lllt'fl h·int.•!\ of run' str('ogth and rJliciC'tll'''. En:-rv cht."'m ic nl n r lnt,1.! wl;id1 l'r.tt.·N· into you r pr('· ~r i ptinn j.., o f f ull -"trC'nµ't h a nd izu:Hantl•etl to be l'xnctly as tho rlot• tor nll'r~- .

EYrr•thing wr buy iQ purl'. tlu•n•f1ln• C'\ l'rything ynu gf.'t is pun~. Thnt is why w(' ttrC' gai:1· iii!.!' l111.;;i11~ ~. \\-C' want to gain y(lur .. ·.

at1,f11· inl.

ROSE DRUG CO • T he :it~ S tore

~. n \" 1-· LlarJ.:.

14 .!ran tll dt•lrtf' of na1•hl•h1r 11f ~c.ielH~l' ~Hlil in nthrr r~ll'lll" of ;ithldit'"' and in I

lut1•renl 1',.:ntc 1'.d1tiH .... ·••···· .......... i 1 t: , iJ 1. 1 .. u 1·,,rinl.!' tn ~r:11lnatt•s t)f th:it rlH' otlit•r l'tllit 1• ... r.; that.'' II rnl:e ph11··:-

J!liod~ nawr .... 13

I l\lr ... t'. lu l'\t'f'' l'll""~ tht'rl' 'lrt' Sl'Y"r1l 11 ..... \\illlt'f .t·11l 'Jlri1JI!. Tht• 1·oll1·~t' -------- -------:· thl1•t:c Hrportl''" Hoht. '1'. Kdh·y, '13 11(' Lt full .. 1:rt•'\ .. !· ~t·1·1~· nf ·~1'1l. .... ; .iulil h·in• 1la• ~'l' ... t l>:i .. 1,l'fh:dl t( .. , I r l \l' y1r,J--. o"'h•y pilt•tl it~~tJ 11. 1· {;1 nC' 11 1: Jlll t, r . ~ •"fllt'"'t"' ,1 • ···Ii• .. Wl'rO fi 1 lilc-1 :i:-. ti t Jrn' l'H'I' hC'l'n J•nt nnt EYt'r~- 11\<1'1 11•1x au•l thr1·w 1


11111 tor a t1n·:.v:1rd IL Lt·~ t' rt.t·1,..:.c\. 1>/1 r '" ·1 lw 11 l. c l'tf?l':' 'T \!?i1·ul•11n· 'n 11 ... 1 'l"lr·,.. squad \\111 ht• ,1ttt for .1 ]u ...... (ln n b·ft ... tuft l unnor lJL'!!'"lla~, .. 1

l~l tll r l He lt:'r . .. ~ . thi th1 '.\[u· 1.111c \rt .... FL1r ,.l':lr:- the.\· l'''~;tion ~nil p:11•h pl·we will lw lwth- f iur ::ir~I.... c nrr •lropp(•d ka·k an·l .t 3. \. \Yh I ·l. "" lit•tn m sn·11nld. t..OD't''tt·•l In- t'lht'r ... tuilt.•JJt,.. rt•:..:i..,h•re11 ""lll' thl! hall l11•t,n·t•11 tht• pu!"ts fro;n

GC'nt·r~l l?C'portl"'r. ".\hrlc .\J,fot:: n, •·To h• i•11:::11wt:r c•f t''.\.pC'ri1•net' it on th1• hil1. plnl'l'll tit. :->1·11n': 1111 ,.t' .. :...1ty. i: t' l

D ll l f I - l>w:-.lt"'Y k1l·kt•1l uff I ( ''nuur. w •) ~uh" ript1on H.th"'-Two o ::i,r:-; J'l'·'. t o. l;. h ilt~r-rc iu. hut t IC' uaml" n .11:.:. i•1 this form nf :1thlt·1i1·:-; for the e1[!h:i1 . \. he1t f · t t th~ n l':lllll' hal·k ].) :·nrcl .. . t'onnor matlt• t Yt'


Headquait ers at the Hub Both Phones

'l.1he Exponent i::i the h1""'t medium il1r ndYcr t i~crs to r cnch rolleg-c htntlcnt:S;.

Most peop!.• in t 1•n1l to save SOME TIME, 1 A nti " hilt• pu t t in g t 41(i le a. hl~ a Ln:r reg:ue of_ li ttle sums slip th rouch tbt.•i r 1111:.r\·r.. . .ii The way to ~:H·t.• ~Ul'Ct'" "fully is to :;:l\t' N OW: I W hy not hC'grn to :...aye :it thi~ au~pieious moment by opening a ~aY ings at•rount a t GALLATIN TRUST AND SAV.

INGS BANK Capital Sl00,000

\li~. ~ . D.\ \" IDSOX, CashiN.


(be Cbrpsantbemum Queen of Autumn Flowers, is now in season

Roses, Carnations, Sweet Peas and Pot ted Plan ts, at

Cangobr' s 6teenbous~s BOTH PHONES 315 S . TRACY A VE.





ROOMS 515.00 PER MONTH n k,~ ... litt l' ,rfu•n'nlc w'1at l'ollC'~~-. 1'."'l lt ,·, .>to the L'nllt'!!l' to m:1kC' !Zl1t11l ht:"l'. 3.

yl~nr. i1'\""o l't'nb prr COl'Y· • '. . .. ,l. lt•:;::f' 1"" J :::;rt"at •mpot !lllt~t"' 0 • l ••. r 111 ,t•f'utin• Ytnr Tht•n t'OIHl' 1h•b:itt'

ilit! rnh'"" Ul.l•fo kuo"u on :ip~1h~atloll. t'XJ•t ie H'e•1 ,, 0111 t: rn:t 1 :<t'C'lnn~ 111 ... J1r .... t r,utl llrDtnnM. · Tht• i·ollt~i!C' m:tdt"' gnorl in Yar1b :rnd f .1Tr tlilcl1'1l tw11 on a s1• it ;:.==============:r--------------·j Enterul n, ...... pcontl t.•lt1:-;..; mail mattt:'r 10.,. .. ion. T!it' pn1"'J'L'd ,.I" cmpli1yC'r 11°-, thl'"(' l;i .. r ·q,ar, winninO" two champion· irnl.'.k. 'fimt~ w:i!- l':tllt•cl with the ball


1 \..•t of k J t llC'g-e th• · "' on the tnllt'::l' .1; y<-1r1l lint anJ in tile-. at BOZl'lllnn. ::\1ontana, ~in~ t?r .: t.:: u:tll." w11•1h tn ·1111w w 1:1 eo .. l ~hi1•s. H is han•liC':q1prd souwwh·n ,-i:.itor:;. Jlll'"'t.""sion. Congre:-;s of .:i.brl·h 3, l:'.'>i!l. :wpli1•ant :itlt'IHlt.'d. T~1 mnn~· en"~':-. it tl:is Ye:tr, hut with 11knty of hanl work Second Quarter.

is Jtt•xt ti imp11s.,.1hk tor th~ ap_rl.1C',1nt an1l .11h•ntY of inh'rt'st th(' l'OllC'gC' ean fl t J 1 1t<'1 111 c1nl "11 · _\t till' ~tart nf lht.• !-t'eond pl'nml <.'on-

Tll. Weekly E ,_rnoncn t i s strictly a t.i pr,iyp rn 1

l' grai ''.: 1' 1 JI l • "in again . .\nil l:i:-..t l.'rlnH'~ the tr::iek ·nor tn1il,- t"·,, Yards 1111 :1 shift . liod(]'.,. ".t' g<1H't'rinl! frnm nn :l!!riC\l tnr:i en L~gc I"

student en terprise. Its chief p urp ose ·riw t'mpli\n'r usually infers that thl' mcrt in the ~p_rinl!. Thi• collr!!f:'. ha~ a ki...,s punlt•d :~;;yards to ).frl'a r thy, wlh1 1s t o present to i ts rea.ders each w eek .Ynnn:r m.ln took a rn\ll'"l' in farm drain gncul lint'UJl ni matl'nal and with an ;(·:1me h~h'k :...t•n•n. Ow..,Jpy was throw•1

It d of the t'\"l'll l.1reak in Jud• :...hnulil 11111k(' a Ye1T If· . 1 1 1 ~ ,,, •. ,J t•>r' an accurate and romp e e r ecor ,!?t' n,.; .Ill inl'iilrnt 1·1 Jn., t't)Ur!'t' in :t!!· or a t lrtt'·Yan O:-'s. ~, l. 1 ..:

d evelopments ill college affairs during ;i.·u'ture. an•l unh· ... ~ hC' knows tht"' np· gi•oil ,Jiowin;.? i'1 this cn~ut. through t:n·k·I~· for U yar.l.... Ow~lt•v that period and it is in t ended t hat its 1 II · fan liar with L:i.st yt•:i.r tlH· <'11lk~\' wnn t•n•r.'· cYt.'11t !!aineil a y:ud. ).[l•t arth.'· tric1l right . . rted '.or the up- i' e:lllt per::-"ll:l y. ur ~: . i • • . . mflu eucc shall be exe tlu,' c l\JrSt.':-. u.t Hn•h ottert'd n th(' lll t'Xl't•pt th<' f~t1tl.1all t•h:rn.11.1inn..;J~i.p -:~n:l 1eud for ont• yar•l. T;me .w:i... taken out b uilding of M . S. C. T he p aper is the :-.ttt"I in, it b diffi~ult if not impn ....... ihl~ th1• "":llli(' m::1.' h.1ppen ng.un this ~ ~n., I for Dt>,..l.'hamp,.;, who lt>ft the game. result of voluntary effort put forth by I o pro' t' to h m that thC' :1pplir·aut ·s C'n· •f th~ l'ollrg1• l!•.)l'" ont t.11 .1~1:1~- :1s tlu·~- Ho1.1an rephtt'l'll him. Ow:-.le~· ini1t~<l at t ho students \\ ho comp ose t!J.e staff. g:nC'l'ring studil'" were enrric•l any f~1r- il11l thC'n. :::-;1l tar th(' "IHrlt ha:; ht~•'n :1 tr.'" through tarkll.'. .\ nn::-it~- p:is,..

==-~----- tht•r. 1'bu" tbC' ,·onng' ~r:itlnat<' l"'Dl!lll· l•C'th'r 1Jurn thnt of la:...t ,Yl'ar and a l.'On· wa-:; in1ercrptecl h.' IIt·agnC''' aml t he -- fl' h:1, a ht•aq." hand1e:ip 'mpos('•l nn trnuant:t"' of tht• -":lllH"' ~pirit will hrin~ hall Wt'nt vn•r. '.\[:HMO'.\. took tb r t•e

CALENDAR. 1mn at thL' time wht•n be is lea ... t able gfon· to ),(nnt:rnn :-itatC' H!!;fiin. Foot· vards around C'nd. l'nnnor faih"'•l tn tl' rarn· it. 1'1111 j, not all. Th<' f.'ollege m ust tak·.' gain ant.I lforh~:-.ki:.s punteil 1.; yanl:; to

XoYt:'utht:'r :!\ ~~ 1 • 30- Thank:-.gidn)! '•Tlw institufo1ns n:unl'tl 3re g-0011 its deft.~::i.t thrr C' with g0oil qrace and t.:0 Owsley, wllll ~ignalt'd for n foir catch.

M~KE 'EM l~r

lfolp ~-our h('u~ tn egg prod uc· tinu at thib t ime of ~-ear by feeJ· ing Qy,.;tt.'r ~ht•IJ..., Grit. Cru!'.beil BonC'. l'te., if ~·ou waut results .

\\"f' !-'.t'll Uy-.tcr ~hell::; and Grit

Owen house /jiJrdWiJN {Q;,

r~c1':-i>. ont'... Tlwir t.'ngirwrr graduates ha\'f' into thC' nt>xt rontt.~:...t-; with 3 rletermiuM Ow:-1ley pluwcrl t hrough t nl'kl(' for ftllir

DecemhC'r 6, :Prid~iy. S:OO p , m- :ittainl"tl hhth standin~ in th(' profrssinn, ~tion rn hll.YC' r('H'Hgl"' :llltl to r('t r ie,·n ,·ardi and aclcl C'd three a r ournl right 1---------------­._fteh·n' L:tntNu~ prcsent · · T he Plf' ·iftt•r :-;urmounting the early hnndica~l it.· fnilun' thC' fi r -.;t of the yen r. ~ntl. Smt•:ul w t.•nt thrnugh guard for fr~!'lur's ).fah1dy'' at thl' Bozeman op impos1'•l hy the uanw~ of their coJl('ge". The st\lfh1nts must return to the fight "'''"t'll Ya rd~. Owsley m ndl.' three aroun<l Pm houst'. lt srem~ that tht.• oldC'r enginl'i."r alumni with inrre:ts('tl enNg-y. E'·t'r:· student entl n~J then found th(' same hole for

:>u.'t'mbi."r 13, Fridnf. ·< 30 P· m.- c:f eal'i1 of tht3"£" rn .. titutions woultl l'On· mu~t gin• the C')llrer tenm~ morr ~u:l- four ynrds. :-; mt'ad made it fir-.;t down. ;.~l'l"hman-:::>ophomore dt'l>nt('j 3!'sem'1ly !er a ~rl·:lt faY•lr on th(' nt'W gr:Htuntt:.·-;. port than C'\t'r 1,ef(irr. (lood spirit in ow ... it''" huckt'd. fo r t hret:'. Time wa.:: kilpl. 1 ;· ('n·opc>rntln~ for thr JiurposC' of h:n·· tlir :...1u1knt hoily CNtainly wa::i not re· taken. out for ( 'hristit•, who had hi:;

Dt•c1•mbrr l:l, Frida~-. 11:00 a. m .- in!! th<' namt' nf tl11~ l'Ollt.•gL"' ehnngetl. sp1'n .. ihl1• for thC' lnss of the foothali hcatl hadly cut. O w:-.ll'Y i,!ained t w). 11:-,nd e110l't:'rt ltl a:::""l'ml>ly h:ill. _\ gt•neral nnmC' for thl' in,titutinn. surn ~:lmt~. lt will h('lp :iny t1'am to wi~. ~ lllt."':1'1 tllrt•C' arnl t hC"n Ow,.;lt•~- t(1ok

Dt•<'t'ml•t'r 11, SJ.tur'1a~·, '-':Oll r- m.- <1" ~t:1ti." I ,l1fe~t', iD ... fNl•l of .\£!ricultn· En~r~· !-'tu1h'11t nm"t gC't in anil hoost t.·h.~ht ~·unh an•l maile it fir..,t <°fow1~. B:in•l l!i' {',.. C'ntt'rta nmeut in drill bnll. ra! '·uHl',!!"P. w. ul.J not nltl'r •hf' C"l"l,\· I· .-., t•ry fonnnl mo\·(' in :ithll't cs and C'Y- :--i11ll~:11l a nil lhY:-'lt.•\· huckt>il the line for

DccC'mht•r ~11, Frida_,, 1:'.::00 m.- :.t '11lin;.! t.r' tht• t:ra.Ju.1tc-- in a~riniJ rrv nth1•r 'tncl1•11t :1diYi1y. ~\. nnitl'·1 l'ii_:ht Yur1l"' :111'1 ~111c:1~1 J>lacr1l th<' hal Chr: .... ttua ... 'H• ,lt\on ht~iri-.. t ·re. ",till' it miultl be n er(' t help ltl ..:tucll'ut ho•l) cau 111 w1H11lt•rs for :rn ... ix udic:-. fr, 1111 tht \<[!,!i l.!'nal. (Jw ...

:\-l)\ tlll~H r .2._ .. l'r .1 ... ,-. Boo ... tl'r d3

t1t""' lt 1r stu•l('nt.., !!rR•l·rntin:! n .ilht l' t JU>('" in .. tit it ion. 11•_,. l"arrie1l it- O' l'T nu tht• •'X1 pb~· :lll 1 iu cdlt-';.!" ili ll li ll ol 'tlllh. \ moq:~mln to ha\(' fh" 'T't• 1•olli..:::•• lrns uot lo ... t lilo11m n._·r11ht·n i1·k1•1l g-n:d. :--;,.,n: m1i\-t•r:-i,.~-.

------ J, 11lll'"' nf lhl'"'C' 1·0 e..:::c ... 1·han..:::eil :-.liould. flit• fo(1th;_1'J g:alllt' ~hnuJ.1 11ot l"l'"t wnh 1: l'11lll'~1•, 3. L ooks L ike Shortsightedness. I 1• m111 rta,1 ·1 }.,. tlu•ir n:·JTiuii, ·• tl1e c· 11• gt. It 1 .. trnt' th:1t thC' ~·nm~ llnd!;.!:-.ki"'s kkkril out 11f bound:-. at th\" l rt 01 ""'nth ni.:- to tJu 1•olh·g\' in th•• Yar,ity :!.)-,·aril linL' . .\ forwanl pa.,., I

.\ltl111ugl1 tb \Hll.'l' m·1y !1c \'ir 1 L·~. it Now to \Viu. r H' 11f tJij..; sp•Ht. 1111t thi ... spMt i:-; 1)111'- f:uh•tl. ow .. Jt•y :-.pr nt1•cl uint• :u111 :1 h·llf C'• rl.tlHI.' ci•pC'::u ... t•J i·r ... tl .n-.1d1«• lri1.. OIH' o tlu• "'t'H'r;1l uf ··•prnl inq.•1rti1111·1• ,·:ir•h 1111 :1 fakl' kil·k. :-.mt•:ul allilt•il for au ·11 uunu-., c .. pet: .tlh 11 1m the et tn tl1e 1' dl1•,.:1'. L1•t l~Yt·r~ 0111\ !.!t't in fin• vartl" :uul rnnih' it fir,t down. J:!.DC'er.i1.: dt•t•tl t1111•nt. to a11'1"1' 1a: a1..: Flot:,a:i fbi"' YC~' wn .... a ••fiz7 lC'.· · and !n· to t•qn:tl 111 ... 1 yt•:ir·s r"-'l"Ol'll oflt'hri:-.;tt• thrflv ()"~l<'y with no guin. tbl colli•l.!;t' '.\1nntana _\~ric.iltur.11 t'o'· ,fo...,t "b.Y. it i~ lmr•l to :...ay. 'fhl-. ml· thl• C'11:11npi1111..,hip in t•n•rything d:-t'. }-\m(':lt.l i.i.Je,] and Ow:...ley n.r:,;otiat .. ~\1 IC'g-c>. 0111' "lrn h:I" hcC'u out :11uOll:! till' ~1 U:C' h:.t1l tJi,3 11('-.t team ir hns h:irl in onlY t wo '"~rnb. thC' hall g'tllllf{ o,·er. J•coplf' ,1f th1' world for a numt.l~r of ,.Par.... Tiu' C'nadi workeil hnril from tht-. STATE CHA.lt1PIONSHIP I S LOT lfo~an maile a prl'tty tackle and l'onnor y..:!!r:-. ..... h ,uid know whnt i"' l1C' ... t from .1 hti:dnninJ.! of tlw _Y('ar; the :;.tudt.•nt body OF UNIVE RSI TY IN FOOTBA.LL had failed to gain. ) laJ1lox mnik· n~ 1·r:.idical i;ttndpoiut. Howt>Yer, an l'n- "n" la'h nil the tt•nm. EYerything 1impre..,sion on thC' ~fotrtnna lint'. On ginl'('r who m:~ht :ipplr for :l po:-•ti.on Sl·1'1Ul'rl to point to a winning team nr (Con t iuuetl from P ag:e One.) 1the next piny t he collC'g"t' fumbled anll aut! state th:~t lw µ-r:i;Juatcd lrom uu :lg"· at h•a"t Ollt' that wnul1l makc> the hC'st -it wag thr Yarsity 's ball. ~me:ul gniDC'<l ncultural colkg:l' would no hi' pl:H•t>d !'Jm,,inJ.! in tin-. ln:...t frw yC'ar.... Th-." collt•gi', 0. six yanh and Ow:-lry four. Time wr.s

1 lht' :...amt.• planr as thl' man whl') :-.•on~ 111 th<' !:1st gamt• !'howrd what Q,, .. }e/ l• rought 1T odg~k1""' kiLkt·ff eallC'd S t.'on• nt the ('ntl of tht' f T!>t



28 W est M ain 3pecial Attention P aid t o S t udent s


For T.· n, . ;:. . l Children


;:·, Ill( or appil(•d sri<'OC<' srlu•ul. 0\J'r tl1r t'<11l1>~J:ll1'. ()f !'OUN' thero :lludrhix ga1nril \\\O \Ollls on ll sb!lt Second H alf. Nilvember Underselling Sale ll'd that h~· ~ r.1t}uah•tl fr(ltn :111 t•ngin- r1::1Jly J1:1ppt•nt"1l; tlil' lTni\·('rsity walkt"tf h:"ll'k 1.) :arih. 0\\,..Jt.') pn ntNl 30 yards, I ha lf. lilll\l'rsit~· . 11; <:OIJl'!;'.?l'. ~

_\ t ~riPul t ural l'ol11•g1• 1l• 1l's nnt earn· an~ !-iOllh' thi11}.!'s that wnul1l tt'ntl to pl:\~-. li t.' follo"l'd \\Ith fl\t:' :iard:-. 1ln1li.!'1' 1..,._ kiek,,d to ). ! ('( .lrth~ \\!1 ...

v.-ith it tlw lull import o! the work <l" 111' '""''' >11<h " sr:it,• of affair- in thn thrnugh ta1·kk. ! 'arr ma,fo it fll,t jb.Y sp1"nd1d d1>1l;.r111~. """''' li:ick j.; , d

ll l[ ,, utan.I ht:itt'. h 1" trut' tbat the t uu. With t ll' \\ithdrnwal of tht.• two down. Cnunor sp1t'1l a boll' <llltl tort• Y:lr11". ;-o;.11u·:i·l rai1 ... 1 to !.!:!Ill, lmt on th(' Sharp reduction in men s an

l(•ac ll''I .1';!r1t• 1ltun'. 1t ha,;. als' L!'il!Ut'"' l'L'helu1~1 with t111• ~Iint>'. thr> throu=.!h for ~n Ynr1b. ::\Cad1l•1X !.!:llnP• ~wxt play t>\\!"lt·Y 111:11lt• a ht•autiful (l1J. d l )1)(1~('

:-lrou~ t OU it'?-! Ill l'll'l·trical. meeh:lllh'al .:e \\'IS llft "th 11nl~· two ~:ITUC's four Y:Jt'lb :>rtlUIHl the Yar .. ity·.., rl;.!h~l,nr1} n111 f,1r l t1ul·h1luwn. Ont."' minutr t'\'Offien'ss tylish rea y- tO-\\'ear t'U~!ll "'l'r II)!, d1('11l 'tr,'". 1i o! to lu pl:n J. Ollf" w th tli1• rni,·l'r:-.itY ~·1111 ·1;1•1 rt'j•t•:t!t•1l fl)r OllC'. I 0 llllli" *,ioJ.; .1111\ t~·n 'l'l'Un1l ... had da]"t~il lwtwt'en apparel, misses' and \\'Offien 's a1t1 1 l'\""L

O!!''· imt

pl,- .... ,. ... a1

llllt If WOl

'''ntu"la 11

Jl Uh JS I t a

t' "nlm1e ... mnthemati1:s aul 11 L en n a111l on1~ m :\l ...... oul:1. 'Yitb fin• 11,,,,.,. on u ~trai~ht hlll' ... 0\\ .. \1·\·1thl• k11.'koff :iu.1 ow ... lt.•,-·,. f11~ht. ow ... lt~~.· llld i::l-'Uf'r I tr IllllU' .• \n ""(!(I I "'ii 11 SI lt lnlt' it ... a 1liffo·uit n•con•rt·tl a fumhh·. o" .. 11•.\ Jlllllll'll :!.:! :lll"LllllU 11.It~1Jly ltr11u~h1 !ht• b:i.Jl lit suits and coats, corsets, un-c:ll~ ..... ~:t) t:),!:~~ ... ~ ~~l~li~.:'.l' 11~ 11',tt .. rt l t r Ill l :...quall an•l 1~nnb l•l I nrr . \\ho ""' nadi••l nftc•r from ht•h1111l tlit• lint• and l mpir(' ~al d J .

11. .

'Ill -.tn· l 1[1t':!t', ~·t't t lo.:1(' l 1 ... '.\f Jilt an" A:...


1111 men <l l"\ 1·re • f •r ~t·tt ur: om thrt'C' Y:1r•l !-!alll. t'onnor clrrlt«l l'U l ""tl wonJ.l not nl11m a tr• d at 1.!''1:.1. ef\Vear, g OVeS ffi } Inety, _______________ ;_ ____________ ___ "" o: llllJ\<·r-in· . ~"; "' 11 ''~, .. 3·, I hosiery e tc, men 's suits, over-.r----------------- -------------, I 11 1 .. 1:.!"li1 ...... :iga111 lu•oh'•l tt1 '[d. au

11 • • • I


I f ,;-;-ou are in the market for some Coal


Bear Cre• k nud )Ioantain Home - lump and eg!;.!'; wood and kin.f· lin~.

"·e haYe the town.

'Cl)e 'Cl)m

Prim~ Virtues 1n Pl)otograpl)y

:Rrtistfr Quality Ptrmanan(v : and Ciktntss



12 Black :Rvr. S . Bozrman- 1

Candies Wholesale and Retail

at the

Sugi1r Bowl Opposite Lyric Theatre.

Hot Drinks Li ght Lunche;

BOZEMAN CAB CO. A utomobile same as h ack f or

ci t y calls t

Home P hone, 132 B ll ""0-'" e ' -~ _,:!



1 .• ~lH·r ua.i {' r ~'h

< thi' t• 'lJJC:.!•' Ollt

:- rl!'oe slitlW tlw fl

111 ,11 • T\11• l!r~:l t"'t

''\ an1l <l1•1'" nut Ill :Ill

,II :-.t't1JH' of tht• in ~t

ll•h··r' ... jJlj.! th:i l "

l' lf'llh t h:1- :lJIJ•f':l:'

no} Ill th l'\C'ry1l ':'"

You Still Have Time

To order your Thanksgiving Suit or Overcoat in our tailoring department. With it you get our guarante~ that if it does not please, it is ours.

"1111 b rou1.?l.1t tht' hall 1i:1d• :!1l. ·'"·~~-ti•.! coa ls, furn I h1ngs . shoes, etc.

1 Ow"ll''. 11r llt"l aru11111l h•it t•11il l•lr It\"(' Th d d l · ff \":l1'1h.· :-inll'H1l gai1H'1l four :11111 llllt'-h;•}f e ry goo s sec ion 0 ers I=----------------~·ank Ou tltp JH'Xt l'iaY ht• m:tdt' it unparelelled bargains . Sale fir~t do"n. O\\sll·v lll:lllt• j:i Yarils 1\,1 .. b

28 D , H

1 " 'I'! t J.11<·k. (>n ihl• \ll'Xt play l'moa.1 closes ovem er . on t IT he I en & a 11 I I llt'..:::l' fl' 'I\ ..... •f; L. u tho "t \t1• p.Jl•C'r:; .1

1 •tt ~. kt• p let' ti

J. n 1w j .... t-ik,~n

.... tc>·l th:it j ... th(' I i,;1 r a :--el 1n ..

'o{t: 11 ..

I• l <·


". l ·

' '



mt l 1k1

I t>

"- •th1•,.

Walsh's Spal d ing Jacket Swe aters

For )[1•n an1l \\"omru , Boy:-. arnl Girls. \Yh !\~ nn11 ~ru~'. =-'Iit.•ci:il color-.;

to onfor, if you clt·:-ir<.>.

N othing Better Made t han Spalding



i·at:1p11ht'1l throu...!h tl11' lint' inr A tOlh'h think of missing this chance. , ·lo" Ii, ch\ ... Jl·:· k t'kl·•I g11:1 an cl th1• Up-to-date Livery ""l'"1 (' ... , '"' h ii' l'r •t \·, :.'.i: c·1 11lt'!;.!'1'. l. and Auton1obile I ( h\ .. 11' k 1•k1 ll 1 o 1 ht• collt':!I'.'. Th('

Ch b F• h c Home Phone :.:!:>11 Bell P boue 37 'Oll<'Zl' fu111 l«I (JI th•' '"'" plav ll ·1 an1 ers- IS er o. \\ ~-.«lmau r1'1·0' 1•r1·.J thC" Ion I. On ti,, fu ... t p1 ' \\t'Jlt ti 11...:'.}I tht• JinP l•lf. :!I Ytr.l l1 t 1jUHtrr n, ::!:\ lt'1\ th, ....

l 11 t 1tl 11 ow11 t rt .:hrail tri ,J >r ' 1nJ, tUd l:mnn \\1•r1t th t ..!li 1 ... .. 1: l. I ut Ill ~··ur uu1'1 r:-; \ t 1r f' .t dv,,n, :O-:.t .. nt• "' • t 11,1, 'l•l

ll1·gl'. ;:. /for a thrt· •· ~ 11 :.!l l l ,!h1•:1d re·

\1 ht!'> JU r·t t I Hunt lt'hl,, ·1 {)\\ 1 lal'l'll Jl;111lt'"" i.t lt>t l.!Uanl. Jfo:rnn t ·r,t":.rh1'"11l Kl' t•,J 11 Hoil;.!' ... kl::-"' . h1tckt•1l th1· lilLl' tur t) tr I. l'-'tnnt' m:td~°'

\( 11l.!11:.. (11..,f t"u vnrd-. nn n l'l"ll"':-1-hut•k. t"ll 1111J1"1' ou n :...hurt lilll'k. H 11JHlll

( 11nnor tnnk four YC'arih irounil ll•ft l'ttil. C':l lll'1l ""\l'll .'arol" a111l 111:1 d C' it ~1r..,t l11Hl:.!'.""i'..i ..... tlh'U J•lliltl'rl ::n .' ·anb to :\f1'- .!.mu. lllllH a111l lfon: ln failed to l.!'ain 4 nlh~. "ho l' l!llP hai•k h•n. Il uut lluul lumhll·•l un ll t hl.'


cvllt.•g-t' took till' J•lu\'i1•1l through lt•lt tttt·kh' t'or "t'Y•"l li1 I. \tk111-. rt• pl11c1.• J li rtllll's at quar· ~ trd"'. l>i•hnrrt, who n•plnrt•tl :-0.m("lil , t·r. ll cul~~ t...1ss pu ntt'd ~O yar1b n1ul 11·1111· 1t fir t 1lown. :\fot ·arlhy trit>il J>l'll''t· rt camt.' hack t !i!"t'C' R onan lut

r i.;. I 11i.l !or nn ga iu. 1'hr suh .. t lt1fl· ~ th e !lfll' f v r a t wo y :irtl :.!ain. Ou tlh'

•W lit•i!:llt lO 1l r i ft in. l1L•h1lt~rt .\!llit1 1~1l llt''X l play ht.~ f:iill•tl to lllRKt.' d""'t'Ph~t' "'X :11ul nllt' half ynrtl ... thrnu;!h J. •t't Rtoneo '\\ 8~ thruwn for a tl'll yunl lo ....... t:11.'kk. ).h·f'anh~· on a .;hon lnu·k m:l d i.' i t fir:-.t tlnvrn . Jhnlf r iiunilt•tl 1t• ft ('li.1 Dehn(' r t ka'kt••l 30 ':1n1" to .\t k1u, for four ."11 J.._, S tunt\ rt.·1.J:1et•d ).td'ar- \ ( ( 'lut111ut••l llll P:1g-t• l~our.)

E. W. THOMPSON F our Cl!nlr B orber Shop

l' .' .•

WE Rt'"}W\'tfull: hi1l for a "h.ir' < 'Olli:" tr:tik, and w ~ll Ct'rt:1.nl

trl·:1t you fa ir. Try 11 "'


P hone 20 Opp. Court Hou

II THE -WEEKLY EXPOXEXT, FR!l>-'.L XO\ DfliER 13. 191~

Don't Wait Too Long T

0 give us your order for a new suit. or overcoat. We have the re~utation of givin.g

the best fitting, best all around suits for the money. Our repair department 1s in charge of a first-class practical tailor :ind our charges are reasonable.

COLLEGE NOTES ( 7. }~ t tt .i I If' Wf'I - t.•nd

borne rn h ;! T1m1Jn, returniu..{ -"emnn ..,. n 1 v af f•ruoon

. Ir



the kind you can carry in your pocket SOLD ONLY AT

Gleason's Cigar Store

.. r L.ibl1

i..,lt 1 ~ away fro1.1 1 ~Iiss l'h:-llis \\"olft• ~:l\l' a n•ry fiu.? tc · ,~.lrt uf tin~ wt• .. •k ,Ju 1s:H·n•cl 1·11JH'l'lt at ][amilton I lull la ... t

D 1:c1.lrl \\1tI~ t~l' departm~ut. 1

:--t1·111by aftt•r11nu11 to lhl• \Ullllg' l:ulk..; cnec JJ s cl ls~ls ,\ill be takc.i awl a fl'\\ <•tlit•r ~\ll'"t"'. lil'r wnrk w,1s

re of b.} ( irl fiott..,ch.tlt'i...

_.\u annou11t·emt t 1•arty wa" :,!h (',l

ll''"'l'l't'1.1l .' 11•1•r1·eiatt•d in \ ll'\\"' of tht' l::1·r I h:1l .. he wa"' formerly tonnet1 tC'1l wnh tht• mu~it· clt•partmt•nt of tht• col-

;•t t l(' ~1tdhtz "L'"ld1·n A \\\·~lnc .... ibY tc• l1·gP. "\liss \\'<1Ift"' sang: numerou~ ~a ere of JU('ll 'nn'1ruu P t ll' niarrial!t' of (•l•orge ·(',ii· l'!'t•cl "l'lel'tions, aftt·r which lig-ht re-

l t u..: u l th> I·\\ ,, th£' lleg1• st•l'fl'tarY. :.i.IHl )!is~ fre:-;hments Wl'Tl' St•rn•il. 'l'hi!-i )'<. thf"'









on to theo p1 wer ' · fir::-t of :l st•rit'!. of sacrt:'1l t•nntrrt::; whith '""ueh w 11 hou .... e th \ t' 3 Bnf'll. ,L stmlt•ut :it tht..• coll~·ge it is 1ilannt•1l tn holJ at Hamilton Hall l1een felt at the college for some time,

!about thn~P year::. ·1go. The wed<l1n,;

Pago 3


l MAX& ~I~E LC~L ~ C?R!.r'? ~EEK l LUMP EGG NUT

Both Phones FranK K;yle, Agent



Montana State C_ollege of Agriculture and ~echanic Arts

· Pr:-actic~I courses in. Ci\"il. Elec.trical and )fochanieal Engineering, 1frdwm~ ~\.rt~ . Agrieultnn\ D:-urr, Hortit•nlturc, Domrstic :Scien\!(', l ndu~trial l'hcmistry,. Eeonomic Biology, )[athewatics, Litl·ratnrc, l"or­cstr;·, Phnrmnry, )lu~1e nud _\.rt.

Beautiful_ g-ronnd~. eommodious buil!ling~, complete WtlOll nnll iron :~JP~r~x:t~:~;i'~'.t.! lahoratoric~, model kitchen nud ~e,\·ing rooms, muHic

J. 1\1. Hamilton, President BOZEMAN, MONTANA



e[lch :-:.nndar. l ut the college did not feel that it • s tu t~kc l'lnce so'lm• time next mtmth. __.:•-••• Heth of the prinl'lp:ds an' wl'll known C1Julll Fri'"e it the ncce:-;sarr finam:ia1 I

>h "· ""' wc·nt •o Bu•tc 0111


., the coli<A'<' people and han DEDICATION is SATURDAY >UPJ•Ort. nnrl thus no lender eou"1 be \\PC'b. in ortlt'r to g~·t an opportun Ji

1 "'f f -

1 th 1 .11 11 ~e<·ured. Howcn'r, the outlook :11 the

to t•as· a ballot, wr>nt on from therP i:·,st~eo cit,~.ieuc"' 00 c 11

as we n3

(C'ontinuell from Page One) prc!.-ient writing is YCry good, and the


Flint-Lynn Lumber Company 101 E ast M ain Street Phone 82

)fi111..,nuh bi E;l'O the gume hdw 1·rn I · college will now h;:lxe :rn orchestr;i t oilt g1· nrnl tl11~ l n n•r..,1ty. 1J • - •!--- subs<:rihe for othl.'r things to make th~ I ,-.,·hich, v.·ith pleut;· of work under )Ir.

, rncd 10

Bo enwn Tue>.Ja,· 111

orn·n,,. .\ta 1110<•\ing' .of the >enior. <·In" Tue•· roc.m< more u>cful. .fackson "s Jea<ler•hip. shoulu hecnmo ,, J·-------------------------------rr~.trd to tlu• t:!arne )fr. \\"hnrtou had ltfay. it wa:-; dl•cidl'd to nppomt commit· \\.hile 11othing definite iu regard to grent a factor in the colk_gc as the BUSINESS CARDS ht•k to aY tee..:i 1111 caps and gowns rtnc.l nlsu oa tl1e opening l'xeri:i~~!i to he held tumor· b!tud now i~.

.. -•:•- lea,·ing sonu•thinp: to the college b~· NW e\·enin~ is known at tbe time of ")fr. Jackson. who has hel'n ~ecureJ •ryont'!I r 1r tho frr,hm.tn ana sopho· v.-hith the class might he remembered. g11ing to press. it hi probable, bowe,·e;:, ro take charge of th~ work . is well n• rh•hnh team .. Wl'rC' h<'M n'stenl·r· I A cliscu~"ion (If thl'~e !':ttbjects also took: that the president of the Student Ren- e')nipped for it. He jg a gracluate ~i

forml•r at ~·30 in Prof. Tallman~s/rlru·c, Im! it was .l('cidetl to wait ~or ate, the chairman of the facult.'· com- tlic Xational f'on~en·atory of )lusic of m nnil thC" I.ittPr ,n the college as- the comn11ttee reporh before any action mittee on the club rooms nnd other XPw York City and has been engag~rl hh- hall. _\ uumUer from C'ach ('la~• was taken. The committee~ ha,·e not members who ban• hecn interested !n in orchestra. work since leadng that

ned out :rnil tl1rf'r candidates anU nu :-us yet heen appointed. the work ·will bC' called upon for short riace. ~mah' wt•n dw"'<'ll for ead1 team. _. • ._ t~lks on the rooms nud th<"ir purpoa•:?.

--:·- The members of the fourth prepara.· Other features will b pro\"ided and af· W. B. FltEEMAN CHOSEN "'he joint eClmmittf'(' of the faculty tory student~ iu food work prepare.} fer these ceremonies the rooms wil b t• FOR POSITION IN SIAM l stndC'nts met ~-c~terday aftNnoon and sen·ed a supper one e,·ening last open for U:3C. "'While it is planell to

(Continued from Page Ouc) th<' purpo~e of eomplcting the ar- week. rrhis is the first of n series of make this a coll ege function, neYerthe· g('mNtts for the opening of the n.eals which these young Jadies, )Iisses kss, it is expected tbnt a fe w of th~ b ro1>ms tomorrow c,·ening. The pro- Lindstrand, Elliott, Fletcher and Ger- citizens of the town who ha\"e been in· aihisor sbip the country has t aken ~1 m will be brief and details of it ber. will prepare and sef\~e. The pu:-- tnested in the mo,·ement will be pres- new impetus forwa rd ant.l, of all eas::-l ~ppcar on th~ bulk,tin hoard this pose of this exercise is to calculate the ent at this opening. crn countries, excels in the use of morl-· ning. food Yalue of each meal; t he menu will 'With the opening of the rooms, the ern implements and methods of agrieul-

- ·:--- be different in each em;e. the regulation of the place will fall to ture anll other modern seienee .. \.. Paul Thomp!->OO has bcen absent - •:•- the lot of the students. All the ma le )fr. Freeman ha~ made rapid ad,·ancc· m ~whool mnst of thiH week on ac· Amon,!? the former

5tuclents of the member:s of the 8tut.lent body a re to 111ent since his graduation from the eol-

ut of a !-<prninl~(l ankl<' receiYed Sun- college on the Hidelines at the l'"ni,-er- La,·e the use of tho rooms and it is 1lcg-e in 1903.. lie was irrigation en-

The Exclusive Shoe Store

A whole army of satisfied pat·

rons call this their shoe store. 1\Ve

n·oulr be pleaseU to include all

students in this array of patrons.

J. H. Harris & Co. ~2 ~.,est Main

. whilr ,.ne.,.tling with a friend. Re sit;- game ~aturday. were Ilor3

ee S. upon their eonduet thnt the sn('Cl"SS rir gineC'r for a short time aftrr hi~ ~rnd­uagrd ti) f!l'L up to the c·ollege yes- Daxis. former!;- of the cla~s of J!H..J-, friJure of thc rooms •kpends. The Stu- uation. but g:ln' up this work to take fay, howl'\"C'r, and n·ports that the ai~d )fisse

8 BernieC' E:C'mp nncl Hazt>l dent :-:.C'nate will doubtless m:tkl• proYi cbargc of the wnkr f:.npply and irriga- One of the

:IC' is ~t>ltin~ :dong fir:-t rntt• . >Ir. Ifill of last yenr's frC'~hmnn cla~s . The ~1l'n~ for nny per~onH who do not Jo;h(lw twn diYision of the southwC'StC'rn divi-Jllll'"o11 is n"'j!bten•1l il!, a sophomore the proper resped due to the rooms ::i!On of the United Rtates geoloo-ieal Most Sacred iir~t mentioned is taking a ('Onrsc rn ~ tlil' d1P111istry t•onr!"l .. at the college. economies at tlw rni\"l"rsit ,. with a a.1111 I he furni~hings~ :rnd it is not go· f'lll ,-ey, whieh po:-;ition ht" held for four Things in Life

., - •!•- y;('\Y of taking Jaw la!C'l'. ).[i:-;s KC'mn ing too far in saying thHt thC'.'r will 1111 years. Ile left the g-oYernment sen-ice I i:-; that Jitl(' hand of gold which si~-- ~he s('wing ilt.'p:irtmf'nt hns been thP is also ittc ]' ti<' )J'

1 institu- douLt Le hat·ked up by the facult;• in tv enter priYate practice. in which ~·e uifh>~ marria~t.'.

ipient of t\\'o arti«lt's this wee'.( tion . ~ tH rng 1 · issou a :rn;v recomeudation that tht•y may make. ll:l.dc the sanH• rapit.l stritles that he To th<' hridC', it is the ke:r lo il'.11 are u~ gn t ,·:duC' as rurios1- 'l'his m;uki:1 a nC\Y pltase in studL'nt go,·- t11dde in his C'arlif."r carcC'r. r :sin,i? to a all hnppin<'~H in the world_::_hcr ;. Tlw fir«t 1~ •1 old-fnshioneil quilt - •!•- ,ernment at the eollegC'. 1•rominC'nt pl:.l('e in hiH ehusC'n profos- constnnt companion through life.

\ .f I I . d k C'arl Ootbchakk. ·r1">, assistant in I \\"!11"Jc ,·, ,· •. · ·.it 11r•·. e11t 110 tnore ll1a11 . \\'c lun-e all styles and shapC's, ~-.·;·hi~~:1 ~~:is1\,;,.:;:~:.1n~y ~::.·n~::: the food and elm!( laboratory of lh•' a plan, neY;rthele•:' the committee is Sll~;,.t spring he was elcetecl prcoident both in Hk and

1'k. Demorest nf Boz('man. ~[iss Grace :.late bo3rd of health, was the Yicti111 'l •riously eon .. idcring making these rooms of the Alumni a~sociation and as he has Leslie E Gage rk. •11


s('nt the department a sam- of ~ pninful and f'Nious_ aecid.eut 'l'ues-1tbe. plae~ where trophies of college Yie· alwa.:·s taken nn :1cth·e part in college I • of the South .African bark clotit, <la~ afternoon. He was rnser t1ng neon· tor1 es will be kept and where the pi e- affairs, both before and after grndun- Jeweler and Optician

ich the nati\"e~ usr in the manufac- denser made of gla5>s into a stopper, hires of athletic ~tars and teams wi1I tion, it was fitti11g tlrnt he wa!-. the Bozeman, Mont. c of tht>ir :-c:rnt clothing. when the c?ndenser broke an~l eut a j be hung. I f thi~ is done there will be ·man to be chosen to the position. II~ 1----------------

- •!._ d.eep gash Jn the- palm of his hand .. 111 a<lrled attraction to thr place other has a host of friends. both among the

~ollowing the game Satunlay, n num· 'lhe cut hlC'cl P1:ofuse~.\-.. , bnth a largeltlu10 that of the pleasure afforded tl"llalumni ancl the undergraduates, who of the mc>mherR of the tenm were artery .ancl a Y£'lll he111g sc,·en~11. U .:? I the students. Other ~ehools have tried wish him all manner of :mccess in his

• it<>cl np tn th<' Hi~nm Chi fraternity was gl\·en medienl nttC'n t ion allfl is 1 t his pl :rn and it is highly probable that DC\Y umlortnking. tst' at th<' nniYt.•r:-;it;· anll nil of th1' a hie to be about although rather weak I it will he tried hl'rf', if not this ~·ear, ------

f•·om the> loss of bloMl. H e will not be I tl1en next. J BASKETBALL AND CROSS-ege mt•u wt•l't' askt>d to attC'ml the t1bl<> to usC' tlie han(l for !:-e,·eral k

ll'C g'I\ t•n that t'' 1•n111g in the Ulll\"'t'r-1 wee ·s. COUNTRY WORK BEGIN 1ho\\c,·er. ORCHESTRA IS NOW AT WORK

g~:mna-.nun. .\.II rC'port that th, I I \"'N~ity peoplt• tr<>ate1l them royall.'· J - •:•- . ---f('w of th~· mt•n h'ft for hnmC' that! The members 11f thl' Hnme Economic~ I (l'ontrnuc<l from Page One) ning antl thl' rt'st of the team )('ft clulJ were hostt.>~ses at a rC'~eption in th<.' . . <'Olleg-e fin• will hC' kC'pt hu:5;-.

m'xt morning n•:1ehin~ B()zcrnau home ~·.,·iC'n~t' rooms .n•stcrda,· aft<'!'- pr<lYlllC'~ a plal'C for m_ore student en- l'ro .. s country work for thC' hasketh~1!I r:•tn:· C\"ening:. \noon at four o "clm·k, at "\\:hich )lr" ;_rg_,. anrl opC'rl:- a nt'W f t'hl c1f netn ity.

'"'"':=============~ T;ler R. Thompson of .'.\Iis .. oula , was tilt~ J hf> llC'l'tl for s,urh an org.1n1znturn ha ..

(C"ontinuerl from Page One.)

Think Then Eat




Office Michigan Bldg.

Suite No. 17. Bozeman, Mont



Rooms 1 and Story Block

Phone 46 blk. Bozeman, Mont.



Golden Rule B\k. Bell Phone 9i bile



Office anll Hrsitlcncc ~01 S. Third

PhonC's-BC'll .H)-J. red-Home ~H6~

Bozeman, :Montana .


ORAL SGRGEOXS Ten per cent discoount to student'3

Commercial Xntional Bank Bldg. Bozeman, )fontnna



Post Office Block. Bozeman, )font




Bozeman, )font:ma.


"\ TTORXEY .\ T-L.\ \\"

1 gpest of honor. .\11 the (']uh "onwn oj JI ______________ _

1the e1ty \\Crc inY1tctl to meet )[r... 1

!Thompson, :ind :l gr<>at many took a•l Lyric Theatre [adi~s' 'Can Russia Calf

·111.l track llll'n has ltel'U in onh'r sincC' Tat~~da,\- anll 1f the good \\"'(':tther ton­tinu('s an i11tt•r-l'i:iss run will he :nraug­ed. A ~imilar l'lll't' was hl•ld last n•nr ior the first timf'; the juniors c·an;·in!! oH the honors of winning. the ~Pnior-;

H'cond aud thC' frC'~h111e11 and sopho· Jll'lrcs ti<'in~ for third. Earh C'!nss hns ht.'<'11 urgNl to t:lltC' Llw mattt•r up :rntl t•ntl1ouhtcdl~· IC'ams will be :-.C'lC'ctt.•d for thf~ contC'st.

I Suite 5 Gnllatin Block



1 Button Boots, 16-button Flexible, heavy oles

Price the pair $3.50

~icho l on·~ Shoe ~ tore

"Let us do your shoe repairing

1 Yanta¥~ of the opportunity to ma kc her

lticqna111ta11<"l' Ht.•tn~shnH•nt~ "rre :-rr\-0~ at the l'loso of th" afternoon . ) !:·<. High Class Moving

l'lhompson i:;peaks ut tht.' woman·8 a!-!· • l"<mbly this morning. Pictures :: 5 and IOc




I KODAKS ~~;~ .'";IC'.,~

And everything pertaining to PHOTOGRAPHY

vru~::~:ecorner (ial/afin Drug Co.

Thc frl'shmt1n·~dphomor0 football g.llHl• will not he play('1l, hut th(' pre· rnr:.tnry rll'pnrtnwnt nucl sd101)) of :I;!·

ri1·11lturC' ha\"P arrangt••l a g:ull(' for thi.; :1frnnoo11 . noth tt•ums ha\·e UN•n out H'::?nlarl,,· for tin• past \H'C'k a111l ;.1 cln<1t! :"H.i i:·xdtiug g:lllll' b lookC'd for. 'l"hc tt:am"' \Yill lim• up a:-; follow:-.:

Prt•ps 1fonson. full h:irk: l?ic·ril:rn. :.nil )l[cl>oug-nl. half hacks: <'uok, qu:tr i.~thack: Bt•ltl111, ('1'nh•r: .lal'qllt' ... an.1 Hl"tll','", gu:1r11s; Pink anil Xt>lsnn. t:id:.­lt:- : Hanil nnd Whilf', en1ls.

:-:.horthorn.. Fluhr, quarter; \\~arn·n

ri1H1 Dorrantz, half hack~; X°l•lson. full l·al'i.:; Tnok. ('t'nter; Swt't'll.\" au1l Dahl­... trom. gnnnls; Alphin and )frLcan . t.aek!('s: Fr.'· and :\[urr.', ends.

The football team will lea,·c to met-.t the ntC'n of \\ .. a~hingtou ~trite l'Olll'~~ at Pollman. Tht' W<'l'k hns sePn hard prac· t!ec on 1Iont:rna fif."lil. The Orizzlil's ~xprct to play' the 'Yashin~tou tl":im ri clu~l' g:rn1e. Captain I>ornbla!'er j...,

again out in tog"' nl't~r his hrit"f illlll'"'~

nut.I will he in the lineup ~arunl:l;·.

NATIONAL BANK Capital Stoek ............. $1.30,00tl.00

Sul' plus und Profih:i. ..... 2:10,0tlO.VO

GEORGE cox, Cashier

BOZl'lll:J.11. - -:\[pntana


LUMBER -00- -


LUMBER COMPANY 320 West M ain St.



Nelson Cab Co. Oldest and most reliable in

the City Cabs for weddings, parties

and funerals a specialty Bell Phone 273 Home Phone 1962



--(Continued front Pagl" One.)

-I th~se outing~ \fi-.~ rox :iskC'1t the t·h:1. c!rt'll what interC'sh•d tlll'nt most. Utu•

1 !ittl< buy, pointing- to the hnr1z11n 1 Tl ... I plit.•d

1 • 1 Do you xet.' that line \\ .. ell.

1 nC'\·er ~aw that lint.> ht•forC'. '' The

IY. \\f. (', .A. girls ns~ist in g-i,·iu~ pro­gram~ at the ~t•ttl1•mf'nt nnt.l mit;sioa h.iusc~. Their work cnl111i11:1tl•1l in opl"u­

ing an ('\'eniug s4•hool for thC' girl:-; wh~ work1.•<l during the day. Thl°' atten1l-

Single Tii•k ts ................................... -........ _ .. _.$5.00 :.r.ce rni:-e rnpidly to 300. Two hundrl• 1 Two TickC'l" ··-··········-···········---····· .... .... $9.0') g-irls frvm th1' t•oll('g"t' ht~l1•t.~1l in ch~

lwork of in!'truct on. ~inging, iln• ... ..;. Any 5 cent dish frre with a 3.3-cent


11wking and other eln"'-C's w~re ('Sta1>-

meal. h:o.hl'd .

Pago 4

THE NEW COLLAR Ask to see the MADRAS BELMONT-it's dandy. We are receiv­

ing new suits every day. Can save you money at $17.00 to $30.00.

Call and see the new patterns and styles.

and compare our goods.

Costs nothing to examine


THE HUB Walk-Over Shoes Interwoven Hose

Ed and Lou Howard, Props.


It is the ioteorion of Coach Doci.:.· T. M. KEHOE INSPECTS slader to have a cross country run just before Tbauk!:;gid.ng. The different tfasse~ ban~· been urged to enter am] s?nd out their best tenm for the raee. ...;O far IitLle interest bns been taken in

ltl1c1 matler1 I.mt if the good weather con· t.inue::i there seems to be no ren.son why it stlC'uld not be held. A race ''°as held 1H5't faJI under the worst of weather


Tuesda:-· T. ::\L Kehoe, a member uf

tht:' state board t'f pharma('y, ·was :l.

visitor on the bill on busines~. :U:: . Kehoe wns repr(lsenting the :Xew lor1\: board of education and he spent the g reater part of Tuesday inspecting the school of pharmacy.

c~·udition!'l ::rnd to rnpe:\t under i:;jmilur The Xew York boa rd of eJucation cin~umstanees might be of little benefit. governs nil tbe puhlie schools n.nd col· tv eYeryonc. H owl'-Ycr. the classes leges in the stnte of Ne,,,. York and in­Clugbt to tako somo interest in the mat- EJ)eets :ma rates n.11 of the i!Olleges our-

;_ ____________________________ ~lter nnd if pllSsible mnke it ouc i)f th(' side of ~e·w York .. .\t> it would incur a.

inter-<:Jass afJ.'ai-rs of the ~-~n1·. largo expense to senll u nrnb here to in·

Look for our Imprint When you see a piece of neat printing, just look for our imprint. We make a specialty of letter press printing with the twentieth century touch.

The Shop of

Detrick the Printer 6 West Main Both Phones

$25.00 GRAPHAPHONE -- :-pect the school of ph:irm~H.·~-. the ho~1nl ;------------------------------<: \\"rC'stling wjJJ nho stnrt in a WC('\: I decided that in lieu of Ollf> of tht'ir We have something

And thirty double disc records given to the contestant regis tering the largest vote in the Automobile Contest on our next two contest days-November 15 and December 1 _ Tickets change colors November 1 5. All outstanding votes must be registered on that date.

or Sll .• \.. Inrgc> numher hnY(' signified men, they would aecept tbe repo.rt of :1 ABSOLUTELY NEW their intcnriun to enter this form of member of the state board of pha1·

I a'hletics autl it is thought that a lurgo macy. to our customers in stationery line class will trnswer llie first call for can- .Accord.ingsly )lr. Kehoe was selected

ilid::ttes. to do the work. He n1m(' 1n·er Tues· - ask to see it. -tlay und sp£'ut np:1dy all 1ln;· goio.; p

HENRY'S STATE CHAMPIONSHIP IS LOT <"-e" the outline of tho wnrl< ofJm•J ost Office News Stand

OF UNIVERSITY IN FOOTBALL .and inspecting tlte l:tbortttorics. :\Ir. Kehoe spent mn~t of his time inquiring ,i nto the scope of the course, and th~

coUcge authori ties feel quite certain of .,.,-----------------------------·;< a favor~1b!o report from liim.

(C'ontinned from j)age ~)



Suit Shop Cleaning and Pressing .7/sk ab"ut (IU~ Suit Club

WE ARE GLAD TO SEE THE OLD STUDENTS BACK ·w·e hope the Freshmen will follow· rhc old ones, ~nd they will


for high class work. \\"e specialize on i..,oll~ge work. C. A. McINTYRE

Can punted 30 )·:uds to Hunt, who re­turned tbe bnll six :nnds.

Fourth Quarter. •rhe grenter pnrt of the first team

was sent back at the opening of the fourth t}Uflrter. Rounn bit the line for fi,·e yards:. Ow!'le;· failed to gnin and on the next play ad\-anced the ball two .'-ards. Ronan failed to make the r".!· quired i.listauce and thr ba11 went o,·er. i....'onnor 1111.Hh~ a prett:- 3-5-yard nm .Ows­ley brokl.' up a pn!':S. 'l'ben one from Gosman to Hengney made five yards nud 011e to l'onuor three. Failing to

Jf n favo r 11 ble report is sent in, it means a g:re:1t deal to the school for it the board giq•s the pharmacy schoCll a rating of first class. auy stude11t can go from here to any school in tJ1c

country and receh·e full credit ""ithout haYing to take an examination. Mr. Kehtle is a graduate of the :llinneapolis sehool of ])harnrncy and is fully quaL· fiecl for the work that was giYen hirr •.


m~ke di~nuee the ball. went o\·er. Gault [ J:;,r~clay the fre~h .meu beld n sbm!: gained !.) :--nrdR on a take forward p::i~:s. •1·oet111g for the pu:rpo~c of nrrangiug

Uwsle;· lost a ;•nrd on nn nttem11ted enU. y--relimiu:iries for the .freshmen-sopho· nrn. Carr interecptl1 tl a n1rsit,v pnss. lmorc llehate, to be helcl December J3. A pass hit llw ground :rna was brought About ten memherb Y01un1eered for tlM bntk. ..A11otht1 r a I temptetl :'lcrial netted f tryout~, to be behl Thursday afteruoori Oll(' ;-aril. H11dg-;kis~ th~n p1rnted 30 0f tliis week.

yanl.::. and 3.[c(':trth.'· tL1 turoed 13 yer(fa., After some prt'111uinary bt1siness con· A fonvaril pa"ii foiled. Ows.le.'· nrnJe n c~rning- the selection of a. pennant an] ;·nrd OYel' right rnekk. Ifc> 11it thl' saml' lgiYing a cfanee, the pre~i1lcnt a!:'ketl fo1·

:-op<1t for a J.i.yrutl g:tiu. Dehnert failed. /Yolnntcers. tn try out for the clebat.:?. A :-:plit buL·k with Ow:-olC'y enrrying the 1 Tt:'n member-- offrn•d tn come out. a11.l ball v;'as gnor1 for :!.I :·anls. Dehnert I Thur~da;· nif!ht was the day "et iur lo"t n y;:ir,1. hut ~ainC'll f01n on tho nex!:

1 the eYent. The ten were <lidded intn

pJny. lh•bn~"l't madl' two _Yaras ~lllil 1 f\\'Q ~el'tfom,, OD(' sedion to fo.k(' till' Ow:5l~·y m:1tfo tlil" linC'nwu u10Ye up thei1·


nfi'irmath·e :ind the otllcr the negatin" . ..:;ti~k:;. Dehnert gained six yards on tW·:l Ench <ll'hntC'T lrns lrn11 wo1·k in this line

line plungl1 s. Owsley fumblod. but .. \o · 10o1'ore, am1 thry hop~ to hnn.1 a wir"· dcr:;on rt.'t'O\ erNl the Im!!. Ou the n~xt ning tenm by Der<'mber 13, tll(' day ,.,.,.t 11b;v Ow~ley 'H'lll o\'er for thC' In.st seore fo1· the L'Ontt>!'t. Th(' ones trying out nf the g:un('. .\ punt out failed and the L:r::·e: _\nS01l Bnxtt11·, n:n;cl Rteell Alice :-;(·ore wa,.: uniYersi1y, 3H; eollecre, 3. :rimer. )foll~· Allc>n, Frtrnk l'rtS$idy. Flor·

The :-nh ... titutt•s WN(I c:illC'tl baek intojenec \\""ight,Thllntas Driscoll, Lulu TH:·

the game and th<' re11;ular' 11iketl for the


. th', Yi,·ian Connor :rnd ..::\.lex Chri~tie. 1lrl•,..,:-.ini! room~. Stone l.irougl1t thC' col-

------------------------------ h.·~l' kiekoff hal·k 1.} ;·nnl~. Il1lU<ln 'i'EN MEN TO RECEIVE g~1ine1l fiH•. Hunt negor-fate<l fir~t I FOOTBALL EM.BI.EMS.


d11Ynl. Two fnrwanl p:-t'•se"' faile<l nn1l

Stone ,,·ns throwu for a lwo-Yartl loc::-s. --Dl'bnert punt eel 43 yards to~ -·'Hkins: Yesterd:1y at n0on t110 e:xe('nti>e t\tll·

Tb1• enlleg:L~ :1ttemptl"d tu kick, but itjletic eon\mittee ht'lll 11 short meeting L1·

wns hlock1•d and th~ nn .... it,· reeovf're<.1 gctllor "1th t'oaeh Dock .. tuder anU Cap· 1 ht~ ht1ll. The pigskin restL~d ~n the four- to in llodgskiss of the football team . to

yar1l linC' when time was called. <.ktermine who should receiYe footbnU

"'ith the game with the ·yarsity ;;:t:rn 1~:i 1d, Uut were nnnble to stop all Tho team....- linetl up as follows: letters. Accon1i11g to tlle Tnling of the

~aturday end1:d, the football senson al' of the lltlles in th\, line. It h, pos~ible <'oll<•J.~:e. Position l~ni\·ersify· ntbletic n~soe:iatiou. a person must play

)J. S. C. for the present year. \\bile it that th<> ·\·ar~it~· improYed consi\ler- Heague;v .......... . .......... Gauit irr 15 per cent of the qunrters in foo.:-

i::. true thut the college did not al'eom· :.ibly duriug their l'tah trip. but with Hif!ht encl ball an<l nntler this rule it wns decided

plish much in the way of winning Dornhl:i:;er out of the game. there Xoble ....................... l:raighe3t1 diat tho followh1g men should reeeh ~

games. it did prepare the way for !l ~et!ms to he no re:1son ·why rhe c11llrgc Right tackle their football letters:

ehampicmt-hip organization ni'xt "°eason. line :::hnuld present ~uch a weak front. \\. Jiollgskiss........ . ..... Day, .Anderson "·m. lleagney. Edwnr<l .N'oble, \\ ... m.

.l. great deal of footb:ill was t:1ugbt t.~ ?""'ri1ru those who :mw the game it :i~· Right guarll HodJ?:$.kiss, Ed. IIodgskiss, ..llex Chris-

the men this year and the:· ba,·et hno J'P:'l~1~.l :is though thC' l'Olle;!e tC'~lm th•l lpink ····-·························· Str~it tie, "'\\"niter Grim('s, )fyron Carr, lrm. · k t t · J t I l J "1 · I )faddox nncl l~eorge Gosman. Wm. the r'\-rflrience of one :•eaT s wor - 0· ,~10 ng i tts ian n:. t le)' UH 111 tie l 'C'nter

I I l ti I · I h · ,. f I'ink ·will be giYen a eertifi('ate en-rether. f eYery man w 10 m<H e 11! pr1~~. 1ou~ g:unl!. ". 11c 1 ::;omew at ltlul· E lI 1 1

. ( t ) Hll:! team retur;ts tCl s('houl next 5e:l- cates wli;· thC' ~core wn~ not much clos· · o~ g:- \:J:-<!'. eap · ······ ············ titling his to a letter when he enters

... D:-uue'i, Bmdrn, l'raighe:1a co11ege ns a fre~hman. ~c·n. anJ upon this point dcpenas th~ ..


er. LC'ft guanl I ~ucee"'::; oC the 1wxt nggrqratinn, )1. S. --

t '. will pnt n tC"nm into the fiel\J thnt BaskC'tlrnl! pra('tiet> wn~ hC'gnn Tues· Hartman L~:~:~·--~~~~:k·j~~---~- ······ K.leb.;- NEW FURNITURE FOR

will :il.ways. he in ~h~ running fol" t'he 'day ''.11.11 prospt•.1•ts for "unt• u:· Ui.l' h~.-t Christie \\"i.>hlm:rn I SECRETARIAL COURSES, 1hamp1nt1f;h1p. It ls 1111 to OYery stu- te:in1~ 111 thP ht:-;f,iry or the 111~t1tut1on]

<lent ia th<' S<'hO<!l to ReO that theso "IL< 1ie1w hdqllt.-r. (;n'l1tc111. ifod111a11, <lrin1<''· .\tkiti-~eft. "";1lcl'artln" Sloth'

1 fn ad

1d1:inn to the ntl~er fnrnirur.:-

iPt:'lt Tetnrn, oflh•1·wi~c> green materinl 1 I1n~s. JT,ul;.r~ki"s :11111 \\'ill'omh of la--~ tlu:nterlinek · l t Htt 1:::. l{'IU!! _ IW·talbl Llus ,,·pek. ~e\·. ""l\ill l1.l'\p to lh' wb1ppetl into -.hatie and c..c.1so1,.. :tl!~ll,!!.t'H1n •• r~ ...::u'.1 tr~iu,.:: l'onnnr .. ~ l)w~lt·v. Ilmit p:·aJ l!CW lh·~k~ and l'irnirs a~e being iq-tliC' college '\\Ill ugain }1.nc only a Dll'd lfo1 plnl'•'"' ancl l\1 luC'r •111~1 Pluhr nr • · ~,allc1l ll the room" 0L·enp1ed b;- the l,.;llrC- tl'am. ::d"'O hk1~1'· tan.l1d.1t,.. r 1: J·0~11tnu ... Th·· Hi~h halfb:u·k S\ i·r. t:n1nl subjL•crs in .\gricultuml

1 'arr :--ml~a.l, Rnn:rn tir-.t ,'.!':lllll' "II hL' pl.\\'t11 1hnut th·· Fullli:h•k Illll. Thi.>:-oc de:-k:s :lrt' rc>gnl:ttfon r:~pc·

1 1 1 ln.i1l1ll1• 01· [ll·~,mht•r with !ht• ~h1111ziion~ ''riter ~fr~ks and maki..' a much neede·.l Fur .:>Oil\(> n':l!"llll or aiwt i_l'r, ! _rn t:tl. oi 1he i·11:1st. tht• Ur1·;.!nn .L:;r i·11ltur.-• Un:<"mnn, \J;ul1l11.x Hc~L·hamps, DC>hnC'rt impr(l\·enwnt t•l thC' cquipmt,nt oi' the

]l•g-e did not 11Jay the g:1ml" 1n lr1sst1ul.i , I . . , Lt•lt l1alJli:1ck . .i, [l',lrtni""nt .. \In tl" ,,.,·tit t.h" ,]es!,-.. "''" Tlt"t Lil"'' ·!"1'1 at. h11m•1 , Th•• liue wbien l ul t'j!l'. "ur.J irnm lht> 11111 '·\~r:"ity in· · l · ... ,..., ... --~

n .... • .. ' l ti l l OJfil!iu :- :dc-t:migh, l'('ll'.'l'('l~i ~afford. clrnir:-. ~ueh n~ arL~ tomnwnh· tlt<·•d 1,;. till~ .,.:i·r~it)· foiled to peudratc '\Yith l ll'lll('!" . l'lt I IP\" l'Xpt~d l•l l:l\'(' :l fo<i.t- 'lllll[lire; (ir1'1•ur111.~h. I I r .. .. . . . 'teiun tl•1s \\intC'r, while th(' :\I iue-. will lt·ai rncsuJa!l. Stl'nngr:iplrnrs am1 thl'Sl' t0g~tber with

11r,:-:s,1t1ly ouiJ exeept1~11 wb:u 11layrng tn 1:-ii..:;o h\• It' •r':<f'llH•ll. Thi" iusul't'S ., .!.'imc of c 1 ·rnrter~. l:J minuti.>s. 'tlic desks will go far in retn('lhincr the Eoz('D!.111. WC'Ut to ptl'l't'S 1u thC' Sel'n111l , 1. . , ~ l""

H·Jmr. tl!Hl th€' •rarsity g~tined tLrough lllllllh'.•r ot tntrrC'~ting ~:111.)('<; lll )!1rn- )"(']e (l1•e111•d for ~l~th time tliil:l ye:1r CJ~lW<led stnte o( nff:tirs in Lhis a.-.. ~hem nt will. Tia'> h;cks plaved UJ1to t.rnrn Ill th\• m•rir futnre a11d a cla':>~ l'l!l'•' :-.fl ~1w i:-- at till' b<Jilin~ point. Rnt it r.:rtment. O!h~r fnrnihtt'l' thflt is he·

=============·== for th(• (·lrnmpium·hip will nn1lonbtNll:,· lll:l.\' liC' ~l::! in th[· ~lmrhi :iftt•r the> Har· 111ftnllt:'d is n TIL"W tot of tk81\ eliairs for


it ' "t l l'f I t nt•l ~ ~m. Jl ..;:ro1·k

T , 1· 1 "" 111. 1 r d1'.1' , " to 111~ Wt'l..~11' t \ ll,.t.Jt t,, l•t'.

\\I t11er : i.l i1. t

ll 1:l -t,

I l I"

(i! o 1i r> 11n1l \11

The Willson Co. /

l'l"l'nlt. , nrd gain'" nse in the English 1kpurtmcnr.

l .'"!\ ''I•'",'11'\" - - '& ' .., -~ i'OUT!l~\ LL >'l/l' \ f -1!112 t:l U:\IT'lOKS OF :JOXT.I XA

Great Values in Apples A.Ja.."Xanders, fttncy large red stock ..................... ······-·····$1.20 Wealtbis and \Volf Rh·ers, fancy 5-t.icr stock........ .. . .............. 1.20

Mcintosh Reds, fancy wrapped 5-tier stock ............................. ................... $1.50 Delaware :R eds and .i.: orthern Spies, fancy larg,c WTapped stock ............. $1.50

Let us put an assortment of these apples in your cellar at the abO'\e prices t

THOS. H. REA & CO. Prompt Delivery Both Phones 24

HCOLLEGE WINSB By having the opportunity of patronizing

~allatin baitn.d:t£ <Cnmµan~ W. B . VESTAL, ~R., COLLEGE AGENT

Tuxedo Billiard Parlor • 4 •• • .··..: 'f. : _f'"--~\ - ' • ' .. :. •


Michigan Block F. C. Brandeburg; Pre

TRACY FLORAL CO . . For all kinds of Cut Flowers, Pot Plants and Bulb!

Come and see us. You are always welcome, whethc you buy or not.

Both Phones Free Deliv ·

Al.1ol ... pounc/ gfg_q J<rr• with humidor .....

In their famous es says, CiceroandEmer son both omitted ti say that many life-Ion: friendships have ha( their beginning in th College pipe.

51;1~£!:7 'i'QE!ACCO

is the kind that foste1 friendship and glor fies good fdlO\Yshii

This d lioh' il ti bacco h.1s a t.r 'te th tickl~s th ' to igt~c < fault findtrs mt \Yards of praise-ar LH in as to the rnout1i of s;offers the smi of satisfaction.
