The Ultimate backpackers guide to THE WhitSundays · The Ultimate backpackers guide to THE....


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WhitSundaysThe Ultimate backpackers guide to THE

ForewordAirlie Beach is the starting-point for your Whitsundays island hopping, waterfall jumping, hill climbing, reef diving tropical adventure. It'll be your base camp. Everything can be organised, researched, pencilled in, lined up, and discovered while you enjoy a cold brew (beer, ale, tallie, schooner, whatever you want to call it) with people from all over the world.

74 tropical islands, 70% Marine and National Park, average yearly temperature of 27 degrees, an unrivalled nightlife and a tropical ecosystem unlike any other… Airlie Beach and the Whitsundays will have your loved ones trolling through your social media accounts trying to figure out where on earth you are and how to get there.

FREE THINGSTO DO in the WhitSundays

1.Kick-it at the Lagoon.

You won't find any swamp monsters here, maybe a few budgie smugglers, but no monsters. Airlie Beach Lagoon is a man-made oasis built right into the coastal landscape.

The Lagoon gives you a sun-drenched, palm tree lined, beach style swimming hole perfect for a lazy, chilled day of hacky-sack and people watching. You'll find plenty of shade and grassy areas, as well as public BBQ's to cook up a feed.

2. Saturday MorningMarkets

Still feeling like someone's bangin' around inside your skull from all the… fun... you had on Friday night? Well, the Saturday markets are a great place to get the blood flowing and back into the world of the living. Of course walking around the markets and taking in the local atmosphere is free, you may, however, want to pick up a few supplies from the local farmers.

You'll find local produce from all over the surrounding areas of Airlie Beach right on your doorstep. Between the produce, the great food stalls and a cheeky little rubdown (not like that), you'll be well on your way to another huge night out.



It doesn’t get any cheaper than FREE!

Australia can be expensive. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not feeding you ‘free’ cause you’re a backpacker. Quite the contrary, free is awesome because it gives you a break from spending 20 bucks for a meal and 18 bucks for a cocktail.

3. Conway National Park

You can wander around in pluggers (thongs, flip-flops, jandals) 99% of the time and fit into Australian life with seamless precision.

But, a sturdy pair of walking or hiking shoes/boots will come in handy for those harder to find, more rugged adventures.

Enter: Conway National Park.

Conway National Park is about 6.5km out of Airlie Beach, and the vegetation is closely tied to that of the Whitsunday Islands. Thousands of years ago the area was covered in sea water which is how the Whitsunday Islands came to be. Between the 8 different walking tracks ranging from short walks to several hours, the pick of the bunch (according to some very reluctant locals) is by far Honeyeater Lookout. With views of the Whitsundays and the Great Barrier Reef, Conway National Park is worth the trip.

Your Instagram followers will thank you.

4. That’s not a beach - THIS is abeach!Sure, the Whitsundays has 74 Islands and Airlie Beach - despite the name - doesn't have the prettiest beach. But, there are countless hidden gems ripe for exploring, flaunting and sunbathing the days away.

Hydeaway Bay

It's a lazy 50km drive from Airlie Beach, so pack a lunch, your fishing rods and some good tunes. According to the locals, there's good chance you may be the only ones here. And if you're there at just the right times, you may even come across, whales, dolphins, turtles or even a dugong (think, sea cow).

Coral Beach

Coral beach offers a mixture of exploring and chilling out on a unique stretch of the coast. When you arrive, you’ll have a short 2km walk to reach the sand… err, coral. The beach is covered in coral washed up from years of mother nature doing her thing. It’s an almost surreal feeling and one to experience in the flesh.


45. Cedar Creek FallsYou’ll defo (definitely) get plenty of salty water while you're in the Whitsundays. And there is nothing more refreshing than a cool dip in a fresh waterhole surrounded by waterfalls to clean your salty body.

Cedar Creek Falls has you covered. Feeling a bit dusty? (under the weather from a few too many drinks) Get a late start and head out to the falls in the arvo (afternoon).

Feeling a bit more adventurous? There are some neat little walking tracks to explore the surrounding areas. Once you've worked up a sweat, you can cool off and hang out with a few of the local turtles.

Contact us at Gypsy Travel for more info on how to get to Airlie Beach and the Whitsundays most iconic and spectacular locations. 5

We’ve got maps and some really cool people who know the area back-the-front.

Call 0435 903 996 or inquire here


1.Overnight Sailing TripsYep - Overnight!

If you're going to experience the Whitsundays properly and completely immerse yourself in everything the Great Barrier Reef has to offer, one day ain't gunna' cut it. Planning ahead will guarantee you secure passage on a vessel you're stoked (happy) to be on.

The Atlantic Clipper

Again, it’ll come down to preference. If you want to party on a boat, then the Atlantic Clipper is your go-to boat. Partying is just one small part of what this vessel offers, though. You'll have a full 2 days and 2 nights to explore the Whitsundays over multiple locations. Plus, throw in a couple of monster slides, a hot tub and DJ booth for good measure.

Plus, the savvy crew are fully certified scuba instructors. Whether you're new to scuba diving and wanna’ give it a go, or you’ve been doing it for years, The Clipper offers introductory and certified diving.

You'll be hard up to find a vessel that'll tick this many boxes.

New Horizon

Want a trip with a slightly more chilled out pace? We've got just the vessel for you. Introducing New Horizon.

Your Whitsundays exploration will be tailored to the vibe of the crew and at the mercy of what you want to do. Having too much fun snorkelling a particular location or sunning yourself on the upper deck? Not to worry, the crew will make sure you're doing exactly what you want when you want.

Including, stand up paddle boards, a diving board, water slide and onboard diving instructors for any intro and certified divers. And, they only fit 32 bodies aboard this beauty leaving you heaps of room to spread out and chill.

2. Scenic Flights

“…i wanna see Heart Reef… HOW CAN I SEE HEART REEF!?!?!”

Firstly, calm down. Secondly, you’ll want to book yourself on a scenic flight with one the following scenic tour operators (unless you brought your own plane?).

It’s all about perspective. And yes, you’ll get to see Heart Reef - I Promise.

Air Whitsunday

Until you see the Great Barrier Reef and dozens of the 74 Islands making up the Whitsundays from the air, you really can’t imagine how vast and diverse this part of the world is. And the kicker; not only does Air Whitsunday do scenic flights, but they also land you on the ocean so you can get up close with world renowned locations like Whitehaven Beach and Hardy’s Lagoon.

GSLYou can choose a 25 minute or 60 minute flight depending on your preference. GSL won’t let you get out of the plane, though (I mean they will, but after the flights over).

So, to give you the full experience both in the air and in the water, they’ve paired up with Ocean Rafting Adventure Tours so you can get your snorkel on once your scenic flights is done.

Let me stop you right there - YES it’s safe!

And if you die you’ll get a full refund. Just kidding, you won’t get a refund ;-)

All jokes aside, this IS the only way to fly… or fall… it doesn't matter. Once you leave the plane and settle into the free fall, you'll be overcome with the sheer size and beauty of the joint. Arguably the most breathtaking places in Oz to skydive (Screw it! It is the best spot to Skydive in Oz… there I said it). You'll forget you're falling because it feels more like floating, and with the Whitsunday Islands directly below, and Whitehaven beach off in the distance, you’ll be happy you jumped.

Once your highly skilled and world class instructor (who you are firmly attached to) releases the shoot, you'll be surrounded by a blissful silence as you float back to earth like a feather. Other than your harness now being wedged inside of you (which is the only downside considering you just jumped out of a perfectly good plane), this will be one experience you'll be kicking yourself for NOT doing. (That means you should do it!).

3. Sky Diving

4. Jetski Tours

Backpackers are a nomadic people, constantly on the move, searching for their next, sun-bleached adventure. What better way to get the adrenaline coursing through your veins and the wind blasting through your hair then putting a jet ski between your thighs. 1.5 hours through to 4-hour trips will see you zipping in and out of coves, sunbathing on secluded beaches and explore the naturally abundant wildlife scattered over the clear blue Whitsunday waters.

You’ll be ushered by a super smart and knowledgeable guide as they boost your understanding and appreciation of one the largest and most diverse ecosystems on the planet.

5. Nightlife

Now to be fair, you may have cut your evening short (maybe knock it on the head at 5am?) just to get to your chosen activities. So, don't go spending all your hard earned cash on awesome tours and life-changing trips to only fall short because you fell asleep in the park due to one too many Jaeger-bombs and missed your trip. Trust me, it happens all the time (I may have even done it myself).

But, if you insist, get yourself and your new crew of otherworldly travel campaigns and head down to BOOM Nightclub. The bartenders know their stuff, the music is about the music; not the top forty or whatever the ‘kids’ are listening to, and the atmosphere is built to groove and dance your night away. Plus, you’ll find the after-parties from all the overnight cruises and day cruises pack into BOOM, adding to the already pumping atmosphere. Not to be missed!

Hit us up at Gypsy Travel for some VIP cards to help get you night started.

We could keep going here until the boats come home. So if you need some more info on who's who in the Marina, you can contact our ship-shape crew at Gypsy Travellers. Call 0435 903 996


How to Eat Airlie Beach?

5 Hot Spots Straight From The Locals.

You're probably not going to hit the restaurants and eateries every night. At some point, you'll probably want a nice home cooked meal and a quiet night in with a few new friends.

But when you do venture out you don't want to be throwing your money at bad food you wouldn't feed your dog. Here are five of our favourite eating joints.

Location: 3/259 Shute Harbour Road

Little Vegas Burger & Ba

Set me up at a street vendor anywhere in the world, and you'll have a hard time dragging me outta' there. At Little Vegas, you'll find some next level street food headlined by some serious kickass burgers.

Backed by two of the most passionate owners in Shelly and Mitch, your entire experience will give you no other choice but to keep coming back time and time again. The cocktails are spot on, the food is simple and perfectly executed, and the people make Little Vegas a must.

Location: 263 Shute Harbour Road

Mr Bones

It’s pizza, it’s tapas, it’s dessert burgers, and it’s a super cool joint that you’ll be stoked (happy) you checked out. (Yeah… I said ‘dessert burger’. I didn’t know that was a thing, either - but it is.) The beautiful thing is you don't need to spend your entire wad (all of your cash) on your meal. The food is simple and well thought out and easily affordable.

And let's face it, backpacking is about meeting new people, enjoying a new experience and sharing some good food and drink with new friends… My Bones will help you do it all.

in the WhitSundays

356 Shute Harbour Road

346 Shute Harbour Road


According to Tripadvisor, these guys can do no wrong, and I tend to agree. Firstly, coffee. If you need a great coffee look no further, unless of course, you like rolling the dice and drinking shit coffee. Garuma is arguably one of the best coffees in Airlie.

Once you're there, you might as well check out their menu which is also bang-on! (super great!). Perfect for checking out first thing in the morning before you hit the reef, islands, Jetski's, walking tracks, booze or whatever else you kids are into these days.

This Guide isn't the Final WordIt is, however, great place to get your feet wet by finding out what’s on offer. Having said that, the opportunity to have an unforgettable trip surrounded by great people is endless.

At Gypsy Travel we can help your tailor your trip down to the finest detail. Whatever you've heard, Googled, or researched before getting here can be organised for you. We love chatting to newcomers and help people make their wildest and craziest dreams come true.

So, if you're in need of some human contact (we give cuddles, but that's as far as we go), you can contact us on our details below.

Down Under Bar & Grill

Here's another one-in-all-in type of bar. You'll get fed for cheap and be pretty happy about it considering it’s only 15 clams (dollars), you even get a free tipple (drink) to wash it all down. Then, take the party to the DF (dance floor) with the locals and visitors alike once you’re done.

Down Under Bar & Grill also have an indoor-outdoor section, heaps of party games and giant Jenga (If you're travelling around Oz for any length of time, you'll need to know how to play Jenga. Google it!). If you're after a few drinks and some good food, you'll feel right at home, here.Bonus: These guy’s have a hidden little gem squared away out the back called the ‘Shed Bar’. They play host to the best (and probably only) Sunday Session Pool Party. Packed with beautiful bodies and supported by a bangin’ Dj set - enough said.

356 Shute Harbour Road

Beaches Bar & Grill

Beaches Bar & Grill is like your one-stop-shop. You can get a cheap and tasty (and massive) meal for only $15 with a free drink to cleanse your palate. You’ll find many like minded individuals here due to it being attached to a backpackers. Definitely worth stopping by.

Gypsy Travel specialises in backpacker travel around Australia.

Finding you the best places to go, the best tours to experience and the best prices to ensure you have the best holiday in Australia. From the Whitsundays to Uluru, Sydney to Perth, the gypsy has been there and knows all the best places to go, see and stay.

Where the gypsy goes, the gypsy knows.

We can beat any written quote and have some amazing last minute specials for travel within 7 days. Get in touch to find out how we can save you more!

Call 0435 903 996 or inquire here
