The Sweetness of Pharmacotherapy · 2020. 8. 10. · CV Effects ASCVD: benefit in...


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  • Type 2 DiabetesThe Sweetness of Pharmacotherapy

    WebinarJuly 15, 2020

    LA2968 0720

  • Learning Objectives

    • Given a patient, develop regimen for diabetes based on age, comorbid conditions, and current treatment guidelines

    • Design evidence-based monitoring and treatment plans based on patient’s comorbid conditions, and concurrent medications

    • Counsel a patient on appropriate use, drug interactions and expectations of anti-hyperglycemic agents

    • Identify medication-related and patient factors of antidiabetic agents to support patient-pharmacist shared decision making

    • Optimize drug regimen with respect to other comorbid conditions, potentially leveraging pharmacy management services (e.g., medication therapy management, medication reconciliation post-discharge, ambulatory care pharmacy)

  • Road Map

    • Diabetes Pathophysiology

    • Clinical Pearls• Pharmacological Agents

    • Cardiovascular Risk Reduction

    • L.A. Care Health Plan Services

    • Questions

  • Background

  • • Type 1: Caused by autoimmune beta cell destruction, leading to absolute autoimmune deficiency

    • Type 2: Progressive insulin secretory defect on background of insulin resistance

    • Body overcompensates and starts to secrete more insulin and eventually pancreas dies out


  • Neurotransmitter


    Increased lipolysis and

    reduced glucose





    Decreased glucose uptake


    incretin effect

    Increased hepatic

    glucose production

    Increased glucagon


    Impaired insulin


    Diabetes Care 2013 Aug; 36(Supp 2): S127-S138.

    Meds and Pathophysiology

  • Neurotransmitter dysfunction

    • GLP-1 receptor


    • Amylin

    • Bromocriptine Increased lipolysis and

    reduced glucose


    • Thiazolidinediones





    • SGLT-2


    Decreased glucose


    • Metformin

    • Insulin

    • TZDs


    incretin effect

    • Metformin

    • α-



    • Colesevelam

    Increased hepatic

    glucose production

    • Metformin

    • Insulin

    • TZDs

    Increased glucagon


    • GLP-1 receptor


    • DPP-4 inhibitors

    • Amylin

    Impaired insulin


    • Sulfonylurea

    • Meglitinide

    • GLP-1 receptor


    • DPP-4 inhibitors

    Meds and Pathophysiology

    Diabetes Care 2013 Aug; 36(Supp 2): S127-S138.

  • Progression of Type 2 Diabetes

    Adapted from: International Diabetes Center (Minneapolis, Minn.)



    Uncontrolled Hyperglycemia



















    Years of Diabetes

    -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

    -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30





    IGT Diabetes



  • Complications of Diabetes

    Diabetes Complications. Jan 2019. The Diabetes Centre.

  • Glycemic Recommendations for Adults with Diabetes


  • Clinical Pearls

  • Diabetes Medications

  • Efficacy Hypoglycemia

    Diabetes Medications

  • Clinical Pearls

    • DPP-IV inhibitors

    • Thiazolidinediones

    • Sulfonylureas

    • Insulin

    • Others

    • Biguanides

    • SGLT-2 inhibitors

    • GLP-1 agonist

  • Clinical Pearls

    • DPP-IV inhibitors

    • Thiazolidinediones

    • Sulfonylureas

    • Insulin

    • Others

    • Biguanides

    • SGLT-2 inhibitors

    • GLP-1 agonist

  • alogliptin, Januvia, Onglyza, Tradjenta

    Efficacy Intermediate

    Hypoglycemia No

    Weight change Neutral

    Cost High

    Dosage Form Oral

    Cardiovascular(CV) Effects

    Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: (ASCVD): NeutralHeart Failure (HF): Potential risk in saxagliptin

    Renal Dosing Progression of Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD): Neutral Dosing/Use Considerations except linagliptin

    Comments Potential risk of acute pancreatitis Joint pain

    DPP-IV Inhibitors

  • DPP-IV Inhibitors

  • pioglitazone; Avandia

    Efficacy High

    Hypoglycemia No

    Weight change Gain

    Cost Low

    Dosage Form Oral

    CV Effects ASCVD: Potential benefit in pioglitazoneHF: Increased Risk

    Renal Dosing Progression of DKD: Neutral Dosing/Use Considerations: No adjustment required but not recommended in renal impairment due to fluid retention

    Comments FDA Black Box Warning (BBW): Congestive Heart Failure Fluid retention, risk of bone fracture, bladder cancer (P),↑LDL (R)Benefit in NASH


  • Thiazolidinediones

  • glyburide, glipizide, glimepiride

    Efficacy High

    Hypoglycemia Yes

    Weight change Gain

    Cost Low

    Dosage Form Oral

    CV Effects ASCVD: NeutralHF: Neutral

    Renal Dosing Progression of DKD: Neutral Dosing/Use Considerations: Glyburide not recommended

    Comments FDA Special Warning on increased risk of cardiovascular mortality based on studies of an older sulfonylurea (tolbutamide)


  • Sulfonylureas

  • Insulin

    Efficacy Highest

    Hypoglycemia Yes

    Weight change Gain

    Cost Human insulin (NPH, premixed formulations): Low; Analogs: High

    Dosage Form Human insulin: Subcutaneous, inhaled; Analogs: Subcutaneous

    CV Effects ASCVD: NeutralHF: Neutral

    Renal Dosing Progression of DKD: Neutral Dosing/Use Considerations: Lower insulin doses required with decreased eGFR, titrate with clinical response

    Comments Injection site reactions Hypoglycemia higher with human insulin


  • Others

    • Alpha glucosidase inhibitors (Acarbose, Miglitol)

    • Meglitinides analogues (Nateglinide, Repaglinide)

    • Amylin Mimetics (Pramlinitide)

    • Bile Acid Sequestrants (Colsevelam)

    • Dopamine Agonist (Bromocriptine)

  • Others

  • Clinical Pearls

    • DPP-IV inhibitors

    • Thiazolidinediones

    • Sulfonylureas

    • Insulin

    • Others

    • Biguanides

    • SGLT-2 inhibitors

    • GLP-1 agonist

  • Biguanides

    metformin, metformin ER

    Efficacy High

    Hypoglycemia No

    Weight change Neutral (potential for modest loss)

    Cost Low

    Dosage Form Oral

    CV Effects ASCVD: Potential Benefit HF: Neutral

    Renal Dosing Progression of DKD: Neutral Dosing/Use consideration: Contraindicated with eGFR

  • Biguanides

  • Steglatro, Invokana, Farxiga, Jardiance

    Efficacy Intermediate

    Hypoglycemia No

    Weight change Loss

    Cost High

    Dosage Form Oral

    CV Effects ASCVD: Benefit in canagliflozin (C), empagliflozin (E)HF: Benefit in canagliflozin, empagliflozin, dapagliflozin (D)

    Renal Dosing Progression of DKD: Benefit in C,E,DDosing/Use consideration: Renally dose in all

    Comments FDA BBW: Risk of amputation: CRisk of bone fractures: CDKA risk (C, E, D) Genitourinary infections, risk of volume depletion, hypotension, ↑LDL, risk of Fourier’s gangrene

    SGLT-2 Inhibitors

  • SGLT-2 Inhibitors

  • Ozempic, Rybelsus, Trulicity, Victoza, Byetta, Bydureon, Adlyxin,

    Efficacy High

    Hypoglycemia No

    Weight change Loss

    Cost High

    Dosage Form Subcutaneous, Oral (semaglutide)

    CV Effects ASCVD: benefit in liraglutide>semaglutide>exenatide ER HF: Neutral

    Renal Dosing Progression of DKD: Benefit: liraglutideDosing/Use Considerations: Renal adjustments in liraglutideand exenatide

    Comments FDA BBW: Risk of thyroid C-cell carcinoma Gastrointestinal side effects (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) Injection site reactions Acute pancreatitis risk

    GLP-1 agonists

  • GLP-1 agonists

  • Glucose-lowering medication in type 2 diabetes: overall approach.

  • Pharmacy Management Services

  • Statin Therapy for Patients With Cardiovascular Disease (SPC)

    • HEDIS* Accreditation Measure:

    Medi-Cal and Medicare

    • Description: The percentage of

    males 21-75 years of age and

    females 40-75 years of age who

    were identified as having clinical

    ASCVD and are taking a

    moderate to high-intensity statin

    medication. Two rates measured:

    ‒ Received statin therapy

    ‒ Remained on statin for at

    least 80% of treatment


    ‒ Rationale: SPC measure is in

    line with the 2019 American

    College of Cardiology/American

    Heart Association (ACC/AHA)

    Guidelines, which recommends

    statin use for nearly all patients

    with clinical ASCVD*HEDIS: Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set.

    2019 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;March 17

  • Statin Therapy for Patients With Diabetes (SPD)

    • HEDIS Accreditation Measure: Medi-Cal and Medicare

    • Description: The percentage of members 40-75 years of age with diabetes who do

    not have clinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) who are taking a

    statin medication. Two rates measured:

    ‒ Received statin therapy

    ‒ Remained on statin for at least 80% of treatment period

    • Rationale: Per 2019 ACC/AHA Guidelines and 2020 ADA Guidelines, a statin is

    recommended for nearly all patients with diabetes

    Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2020 Abridged for Primary Care Providers. American Diabetes Association. Clinical Diabetes 2019 Dec; cd20as01.

  • L.A. Care Pharmacy Dept. SPD and SPC Intervention

    • To address statin non-adherence in Cal MediConnect (CMC) members with

    diabetes and cardiovascular disease

    • Intervention: High-touch telephonic member outreach to encourage

    changes in behavior while addressing barriers that have previously

    attributed to the members’ non-adherence (e.g., side effects, forgetfulness,

    transportation issues)

    • Tools and resources to promote medication adherence:

    ‒ 90-days supply of medication

    ‒ Health Education referrals

    ‒ Mail order pharmacy program

    • PPG Performance: Diabetes, hypertension, and cholesterol medication

    adherence reported in the quarterly CMC Provider Opportunity Report

    (POR) – Gaps in Care

    • Provider Performance: Diabetes, hypertension, and cholesterol

    medication adherence and SPD/SPC performance reported in the quarterly

    Prescriber Scorecard

  • Medication Therapy Management (MTM)

    • Two types of clinical review provided free of cost:

    1. Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR)

    2. Targeted Medication Review (TMR)

    • To qualify for L.A. Care’s MTM program, CMC members must meet ALL of the following criteria:

    1. Have at least 3 of the following conditions or diseases:

    2. Take at least 8 covered Part D medications

    3. Likely to have medication costs exceeding $4,255 per year.

    1. Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR) - An interactive, person-to-person, or telehealth medication review and consultation of the beneficiary’s medications (including prescriptions, over-the counter (OTC) medications, herbal therapies, and dietary supplements) performed in real time by a pharmacist or other qualified provider with a summary of the results of the review provided to the targeted individual in CMS’ standardized format.2. Targeted Medication Review (TMR) - TMR is distinct from a CMR because it is focused on specific actual or potential medication-related problems.

    ‒ Bone Disease


    ‒ Chronic Heart Failure (CHF)

    ‒ Diabetes

    ‒ Dyslipidemia

    ‒ Hypertension

    ‒ Depression

    ‒ Asthma

    ‒ Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

    Disease (COPD)

    ‒ Hepatitis C

  • Medication Reconciliation Post-Discharge (MRP)

    • PPG Performance: Reported in the quarterly CMC Provider

    Opportunity Report (POR) – Gaps in Care

    2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

    18.00% 13.57% 8.47% 1.67% 0.43%

    • HEDIS Accreditation Measure: Medicare

    • Description: The percentage of inpatient discharges for members ≥

    18 y.o. for whom medications were reconciled the date of discharge

    through 30 days after discharge.

    • HEDIS Rates:

  • MRP Benefits & Challenges


    • Medication reconciliation by L.A. Care Pharmacy Department

    - Coordination of care, provide medication counseling, and prevent medication-

    related problems

    - Address gaps in information for PCPs

    • Outpatient prescriptions picked up by members

    • Knowledge of members admitted & discharged from hospital

    • Collaboration between L.A. Care and PPGs to align resources and improve MRP


    • Timely transfer of key data across care settings

    - L.A. Care Pharmacy team has been manually outreaching to request discharge

    paperwork from hospitals by phone and sending medication reconciliation to

    PCPs by fax


  • MRP Action Items

    • Establish a communication channel with PPGs

    - PPGs to send discharge paperwork to L.A. Care Pharmacy Dept., if available

    - L.A. Care Pharmacy Dept. to send medication reconciliation to PPGs, so PPGs

    can share with their care transition team and member’s PCP

  • L.A. Care

    • Provide health insurance

    • Minimize system costs and maximize health care delivery

    Medical Groups

    • Provide health care services

    • Deliver outcomes and maximize patient care

    Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Program

    L.A. CareClinical Pharmacist will be dispatched to medical group

    partners and work at provider clinics to manage mutual


  • Community Pharmacy Value-Based Program

    • Provide Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) services to L.A. Care

    high-risk members by utilizing a network of community pharmacies

    • Key players:

    - California Rights Med Collaborative

    - USC School of Pharmacy

    - L.A. County Department of Health

    - Inland Empire Health Plan

    - L.A. Care Health Plan

  • Questions?

  • Appendix

  • Antidiabetic Combinations with metformin

  • Antidiabetic Combinations with metformin

  • Antidiabetic Combinations

  • Diabetic Supplies

  • Class Medication Reduced eGFR Recommendations

    Biguanides Metformin 30-45 Do NOT INITIATE

  • References

    American Diabetes Association. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2020 Abridged for Primary Care Providers. Clin Diabetes. 2020;38(1):10‐38. doi:10.2337/cd20-as01

    Type 2 DiabetesThe Sweetness of PharmacotherapyLearning ObjectivesRoad MapBackgroundPathophysiologyMeds and PathophysiologyProgression of Type 2 DiabetesComplications of DiabetesGlycemic TargetsGlycemic Recommendations for Adults with Diabetes

    Clinical PearlsDiabetes MedicationsClinical PearlsDPP-IV Inhibitorsalogliptin,Januvia, Onglyza, Tradjenta

    Thiazolidinedionespioglitazone; Avandia

    Sulfonylureasglyburide, glipizide, glimepiride


    OthersBiguanidesmetformin, metforminER

    SGLT-2 InhibitorsSteglatro, Invokana, Farxiga, Jardiance

    GLP-1 agonistsOzempic, Rybelsus, Trulicity, Victoza, Byetta, Bydureon, Adlyxin,

    Pharmacy Management ServicesStatin Therapy for Patients With Cardiovascular Disease (SPC)Statin Therapy for Patients With Diabetes (SPD)L.A. Care Pharmacy Dept. SPD and SPC InterventionMedication Therapy Management (MTM)Medication Reconciliation Post-Discharge (MRP)MRP Benefits & ChallengesBenefitsChallenges

    MRP Action ItemsAmbulatory Care Pharmacy ProgramCommunity Pharmacy Value-Based Program

    Questions?AppendixAntidiabetic Combinations with metforminAntidiabetic CombinationsDiabetic Supplies

