The Stone Age Periods PaleolithicMesolithicNeolithic Period


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The Stone Age Periods

Paleolithic Mesolithic Neolithic Period

From 25.000 B.C. until around10,000 B.C!

Paleolithic PeriodOld Stone Age

During this period human beings started to settle near riversand lakes, where they started to create the 1st PICTORIC manifestations in their surroundings.

They were still NOMADIC, they moved from place to place.

Paleolithic PeriodOld Stone Age

Cave ArtMost of the cave art paintings are found in

France and Spain.

Altamira Cave

Lascaux Caves

Paleolithic PeriodOld Stone Age

Paleolithic PeriodOld Stone Age

Look at the cavepainting inAltamira Caves.

What do you noticeabout the shapes and colors?

What type of paint and tools did humans use?

Paleolithic PeriodOld Stone Age

Stone toolsSome of the first tools humans used were made during this period.

Ovate hand axe. 98mm x 76mm

 Pointed handaxe.107mm x 74 mm.

Ovate hand122x76mm.

These tools are probably more than 100,000 years old!

Mesolithic PeriodMiddle Stone Age

Period between the LAST GLACIATION (12,000 years ago)and the beginning of the Neolithic period (7,000years ago)

 It was a period of climatic instability.During the Mesolithic,humans learned to huntin groups and to fish, and began to learn how to domesticate animals and plants.

Mesolithic PeriodMiddle Stone Age

Mesolithic art is geometric, with a restricted range of colors, dominated by the use of red ochre. 

Art objects include: painted pebbles, ground stone beads, pierced shells and teeth, and amber.

Mesolithic PeriodMiddle Stone Age

Artifact from Lepenski Vir, Serbia.

The Mesolithic period saw the first small cemeteries!

Mesolithic PeriodMiddle Stone Age

Some of the burials included grave goods, tools, jewelry, shells, and animal and human figurines;

goods that archaeologists suggest are evidence of the emergence of social stratification.

Grave 13Skateholm

Megalithic tombScania

Mesolithic PeriodMiddle Stone Age

Atfer the ice melted, humans began to visit new hunting grounds.They invented many new tools, including the Tranchet adze which was meant to be re-sharpened. They also began to use the picks more regurlaly.

Tranchet adze. 151mm x 48mm

Blade. 76mm x30mm

microlith - used  to make arrow heads, spears, and other

weapons and tools

Neolithic PeriodNew Stone Age

The Neolithic age represents a spree ofhellzapoppin' innovation

Humans were settling

themselves down into agrarian societies and

began to explore some key concepts

of civilization, namely, religion,

measurement, the rudiments of

architecture and writing and, yes,


Neolithic PeriodNew Stone Age

Climatic stability allowed humans to abandon their wandering ways and begin to construct more-or-less

permanent villages. Huge developments in agriculture were made.

What kinds of art were created during this time?

This is called

The Neolithic Revolution!

Neolithic PeriodNew Stone Age


Clothes, textiles and straw mats held a prominent place in the daily life of Neolithic farmers.The main weaving fibers were flax and wool.

Neolithic PeriodNew Stone Age

Architecture - megaliths

Simple structures that were normally used as temporary

shelter. Some of the earliest forms of Neolithic architecture

can befound in Asia.Common materials: Mud bricks and Stone.

Neolithic PeriodNew Stone Age

Mud Bricks

Stone walls

Naturally shaped stone roof


Neolithic PeriodNew Stone Age

Stylized pictographs

They were well on their way to becoming writing.

Neolithic PeriodNew Stone Age


Their theme dwelt primarily on the female/fertility, or "Mother Goddess" imagery.

The “thinker" and the “sitting woman" of Hamangia

Neolithic PeriodNew Stone Age


It left the caves and cliffs for good, and became a purelydecorative element

Neolithic PeriodNew Stone Age


It began replacing stone and wood utensils at a rapid pace,and also become more highly decorated.

Neolithic PeriodNew Stone Age

Key characteristics of Neolithic art

Functional More images of humans than animals It was used for ornamentation
