The publicly available single scattering and radiative transfer … · 2011. 12. 30. · 3rd I3RC...


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3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

The publicly available single scattering andradiative transfer codes at IFM-GEOMAR:Example applications from the UV to the


Andreas Macke, Ronald Scheirer, Mario Schewski, Steffen Meyer, IngoSchlimme, Susann Klotzsche

Leibniz-Institute for Marine Research, IFM-GEOMARKiel, Germany

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005


❑ Single scattering codes (geometric optics)❑ rt.f90: ray-tracing at randomly oriented polyhedral particle

❑ rt-2d.f90: same for horizontal or partly tilted particle orientation

❑ rt-mc.f90: as rt.f90 with internal scattering/absorbing inclusions

❑ rt-ellipsoid.f90: ray-tracing at randomly oriented ellipsoid

❑ rt-raindrop.f90: ray-tracing at rotational symmetric particle defined byChebychef polynomial expansion

❑ Radiative transfer codes (Monte-Carlo)❑ mc-unik.f90: forward Monte-Carlo, estimate for radiance calc.

❑ GRIMALDI: MC package incl. documentation, gas abs., scattering library

❑ 3rad-unik: MC package for 3d microwave and thermal radiative transfer

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

Scattering phase functions

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

Cirrus Clouds: Solar broadband fluxes- SZA = 65 degree -

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

Complete MC package (GRIMALDI)

❑forward scheme to solve radiativetransfer in 3d scattering and absorbingatmosphere with directed (solar)illumination

❑preprocessor for absorptionproperties of atmospheric gases

❑monochromatic and spectral bandfluxes and radiances for finite sizedangular bins

❑photon path length pdf for finite sizedangular bins

❑data base for scattering phasefunctions and single scattering albedosfor spherical and non-spherical cloudparticles

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

Forward Local Estimate MC (MC-UNIK)

❑forward scheme to solve radiativetransfer in 3d scattering and absorbingatmosphere with directed (solar)illumination

❑monochromatic fluxes andradiances for discrete directions(Local Estimate scheme)

❑data base for scattering phasefunctions and single scattering albedosfor spherical and non-spherical cloudparticles

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

Backward Local Estimate MC (MC-UNIK-BW)

❑backward scheme to solve radiativetransfer in 3d scattering and absorbingatmosphere with directed (solar)illumination

❑monochromatic radiances for discretedirections (Local Estimate scheme)

❑photon pathlength pdf forpredefined viewing geometries andviewing locations

❑data base for scattering phasefunctions and single scattering albedosfor spherical and non-spherical cloudparticles

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

Backward MC (3RAD-UNIK)

❑backward scheme to solve radiativetransfer in 3d scattering, absorbing andemitting atmosphere

❑monochromatic radiances for discretedirections

❑preprocessor for gas absorptionfrom the thermal to the microwave

❑data base for scattering phasefunctions and single scattering albedosfor spherical cloud particles

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

Codes available at:

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

Orientation of hexagonal columns


Klotzsche and Macke (2005), Appl. Opt.

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005




Solar broadbandradiative fluxesof orientedhexagonal columns

Maximum tilt angle ->


r zen

ith a



3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

Θ0 = 150

Θ0 = 750

Θ0 = 600

Θ0 = 450

Θ0 = 300



T =


R = ReflectionA = AbsorptionT = Transmission

Solar radiation budget

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

GESIMA: 3d, non-hydrostatic, bulk cloud physicscloud water, rain, ice, snow/graupel

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

Clouds & UV total downward flux

HOM - 3D ICA - 3D

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005

MTG Infrared Sounder Simulator

IR-Sounding from Geostationary Orbit ->Diffraction induced Point Spread Function

3rd I3RC Workshop, IFM-GEOMAR, Octaober 11 – 14 2005
