The Presbyterian · BASKING...


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The Presbyterian Church


January 5, 2014

Each day holds a surprise. But only if we expect it can we see, hear,

or feel it when it comes to us. Let’s not be afraid to receive each day’s surprise,

whether it comes to us as sorrow or as joy. It will open a new place in our hearts,

a place where we can welcome new friends and celebrate more fully our shared humanity.

~Henri Nouwen

We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to God by your experi-ence with us.

A special welcome to visitors – we're glad you're here! When our welcome pads are passed down the pew, we invite all worshippers to take a mo-ment and sign their name, and for visitors to also include their address and phone number. Following both of our worship services, everyone is invited to gather for fellowship & coffee in Westminster Hall.

Childcare and Sunday School Childcare for infants and toddlers is available in the nursery downstairs. Pagers are used to contact parents during the worship service when necessary.

9:00 am The Nursery is open for infants & toddler s through age 2. Please br ing chil- dren ages 3 through grade 5 directly to their Sunday School classrooms. They may be picked up by their parents in Westminster Hall at 9:45 a.m.

10:15 am Children ages 3 through Grade 2 are invited to attend Children’s Church in the Chapel after the Message for Children. Children in grades 3 and up are invited to remain in worship with their families.

Calendar of Prayer Sessions and Congregations are invited to pray for the congregations, pastors, members and staff of the Presbytery of Elizabeth during 2014. This week we pray for The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge.

Online Sermons Recorded audio sermons from the most re-cent Sundays are available on the church website at To access, click on the sermons link on the main menu.

Amplification Headsets So that all may enjoy the worship service, sound amplification headsets are available from the ushers for those who need assis-tance with hearing.

Statement of Purpose God calls the Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church to be a living community and light to the world, guided by the Holy Spirit and transmitting God’s love revealed through Christ Jesus. In response to God’s call, we seek to realize the Kingdom of God as we

Welcome everyone into our community with open arms, Care for each other both in times of joy and in times of sorrow, Worship together creatively and enthusiastically in gratitude to God, Prepare each other through Bible-based education and open discussion to Serve Jesus Christ as disciples in local and global ministry and to Share our wealth, time, talents and faith with the world.

Therefore encourage one

another and build each other up, as indeed you are doing. The

grace of our Lord Jesus Christ

be with you. I Thess. 5:11, 28


Order of Worship

9:00 a.m. - Chapel; 10:15 a.m. - Sanctuary January 5, 2014 epiphany sunday

(As the prelude begins, please prepare prayerfully for worship and be sure all cell phones are turned off.)

PRELUDE How Brightly Shines the Morning Star Dietrich Buxtehude


Leader: In the beginning was the Word,

People: and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Leader: The Word became flesh and lived among us,

People: and we have seen his glory.

*HYMN 63 As with Gladness Men of Old dix


PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) Immanuel, God-with-us, we confess that we have not embraced your love. Christ has come into the world, and yet we did not know him. He has called us to be his own, and yet we do not accept him. Forgive us, loving God. Show us your grace and truth until we know in fullness

good news of great joy in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



*RESPONSE OF PRAISE Gloria, Gloria (sing two times)


Leader: Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

People: And also with you.

Leader: I invite you to turn and greet one another with a sign of Christ’s peace.

*Those who are able are invited to stand.



MESSAGE FOR CHILDREN (10:15) Jacqueline Obregon (Children ages 3 through Second Grade may leave for Children’s Church in the Chapel. Children in grades 3 and up are invited to remain in worship.)

*HYMN 602 (10:15) Song of Zechariah merle’s tune

SCRIPTURE LESSONS Jeremiah 31: 7-14 p. 734 John 1: 10-18 p. 91

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

MEDITATION New in the Neighborhood Dr. Maureen Paterson


ANTHEM (10:15) Behold a Star from Jacob Shining Felix Mendelssohn

Sanctuary Choir

*DOXOLOGY (unison) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.





Minister: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Minister: Lift up your hearts People: We lift them up to the Lord. Minister: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

People: It is right to give our thanks and praise. Minister: Let us pray...…


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.



Gloria, Gloria, Text: Luke 2:14, music: Jacques Berthier. © 1979. Used by permission. License #11278.

PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Minister: Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us.

People: Grant that we may go into the world in the strength of your Spirit, All: In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

*HYMN 386 O for a World azmon


POSTLUDE Psalm 19 (The Heavens Declare) Marcello

Special thanks to Jeff Haines for playing the organ at the 9 a.m. service.

2014 Offering Envelopes are now available outside the Chapel and in the Narthex for those who requested them.

The Flowers on the Piers this morning are given to the glory of God:

~ By Lynn Wallace, in loving memory of her sister, Barbara Estes.

~ By Bob Reichenbach and family, in loving memory of Janet Reichenbach.

The flowers that grace our sanctuary each week are gifts from members of the congregation. Flowers may be given in memory or in honor of some one or to celebrate an occasion. If you would like to donate an arrange- ment, please contact Debbie Schaub at 908-507-3844; e-mail address

Our Greeters this morning are Helen Koenig and Betty Duckworth at the 10:15 a.m. ser-vice. Join us for Coffee and Fellowship in between services beginning at 9:45 a.m., host-ed by Evelyn Helland and Bev Prochazka and after the 10:15 am service, hosted by Barbara and Bruce Wilber.


Church Family


Loving Our Neighbor...Christ in Action Thank you to the families and individuals who have made pledge commitments for 2014. Those of you still in thought and prayer about your commitment to the mission and ministry of our church are encouraged to return a pledge card as soon as possible. You may also pledge online at or call the church treasurer (Janet Bentley) directly.

Without the faithful servants who have come before you, and—make no mistake about it—without you, none of this ministry would happen. What is God calling you to do?

Senior High Fellowship (Grades 9-12) Tonight from 7-9 p.m. –Walleyball! Tonight we kick off the new year with a Senior High Fellowship favorite, Walley-ball! Meet at the church house by 7 pm., where advisors will shuttle everyone to Warren Racquet Club. Wear sneakers and clothes you can move in! If you have not been on a Senior High Fellowship trip yet this program year, you MUST have a signed Parental Consent form with you. Friends are welcome!

Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Middle School Fellowship (Gr. 6-8) Wed., Jan. 8- 6-7:30 p.m. – Youth Ctr. Come join this fun and vibrant group for a night of games, fellowship, and a Bible story. We start the night with a sit-down pizza dinner, and proceed with a program geared to please our Middle School youth’s thirst for fun as well as enrich their understanding of God and the Bible. With strong attendance this past fall, we hope to see this group continue to grow! Friends are always welcome!

Calling All College Students All college students are invited to an infor-mal gathering at the Pratt’s home (273 Douglas Road, Far Hills) on Thursday, Jan-uary 9 at 6:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Claire at

Senior High Trip—Sandy Relief, 1/11 Join us for an all day event to aid in Hurri-cane Sandy relief at the NJ shore. Work-camp style projects—help with sheetrock, paint and flooring. If you are interested, please contact Jenna at We look forward to this opportunity to give back.

Opportunities to Give and Serve

Coffee and Fellowship Time Please consider volunteering to host a Fellowship time by taking a few moments from your busy week to give of yourself in service to your church family. While fellowship is vital to the life of the church, for some individuals Sunday is the only opportunity they have to con-nect. It is a time they look forward to each week. Sign up to volunteer by contacting Nancy Sinni at 908-696-0317 or through email at

Interfaith Hospitality Network Sign-Ups Continue Today We start our 2014 schedule of hosting homeless families for IHN the week of Jan 12 – 19. Check your calendars and stop by the sign-up table today to volun-teer your time to this meaningful and successful program! Don’t hesitate to call me at 908- 930-3575 if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your kind support! ~Koert VanderVoort

Women’s Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry—Resumes Tuesday, January 21 The Prayer Shawl Ministry will begin the New Year on Tuesday, January 17 at 10 a.m. in the Church House Library. Please join us as we make plans for the coming year. Knitting and crocheting lessons are available. We welcome one and all. For more information, please contact Jean Dorr (908-766-0228) or Sally Warman (908-766-0490)..

Sunday Morning Groups Our 7:45 a.m. Early Bird Small Group resumes this morning with a study on the Prophetic Gift. Join us in the Church House Library for a lively discussion!

9:00 a.m. Small Group—Join us in the Church House Parlor to study the sermon texts of the morning.

Adult Education


Exploring Membership Class—Save the Date! February 9, 11:15 a.m.—1:45 p.m. in the Church House Parlor Are you interested in becoming a church member? We extend a warm invitation to our “Exploring Membership” class on Sunday, February 9, 11:15 a.m.—1:45 p.m. in the church house parlor, across the street from the sanctuary building. This is an excellent opportunity to share your faith journey and learn more about the beliefs and ministry of our church. Lunch will be served and childcare will be provided (if requested in advance.) Call the church office at 908-766-1616 for further information.

Join Us for the Ecuador Mission Trip 2014! BRPC and the Pluckemin Presbyterian Church will be returning for our churches’ 6th mis-sion trip to Ecuador, from June 28 to July 4th, 2014. This is a hands-on mission trip, and we will be working in a village on a river island outside of Guayaquil. On this trip we plan to build a small community health center and homes for families in great need. We work hard and get to know people who truly make a difference in our lives, as we try to make a differ-ence in theirs. No previous skills are needed… training is onsite. If you love working with people, enjoy laughter and new experiences and want to know more, please call Judy Pasnik at 908-568-6343 or email: The cost of the trip while in Ecuador is $650. Each team member makes their own flight reservations allowing you to use mileage. Appli-cations may be picked up from Cara Burchett at the church office or emailed to you. We look forward to having you join our team on this mission.


Our next meeting will be held on Friday, January 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the Church House Li-brary. We will discuss the Preface, Introduction and Chapter One of Paul and Jesus by James Tabor. Evelyn Drake will lead the discussion. Please bring your calendars so we can determine discussion leaders for the rest of the book. A tentative schedule is: January 10—Preface, Introduction and Chapter 1, January 24—Chapters 2,3 and 4, February 14—Chapters 5 and 6, February 28—Chapters 7 and 8, March 14—Chapter 9 and Appendix.

Friday Evening Book Group—Next Meeting, January 10


Early Bird Bible Study, 7:45 am ...... Library Worship, 9:00 am............................. Chapel Christian Ed. For All, 9:00 am ......... Fellowship, 9:45 am ......................... Westminster Hall Worship,10:15 am ............................ Sanctuary Fellowship, 11:15 am ....................... Westminster Hall Senior High Fellowship, 7:00 pm .... Warren Racquet


SCEEP, 3:00 pm ............................. Church House Session, 7:30 pm .............................. Parlor


Oak Tree Quilters, 9:30 am .............. Westminster Hall Alpha Bell Choir, 6:00 pm ............... Knox Room Communications, 7:00 pm ............... Library Knox Bell Choir, 7:15 pm ................ Knox Room Small Group, 7:30 pm ...................... Off-Site


Women’s Bible Study, 9:30 am ....... Parlor Middle School Fellowship, 6:00 pm Youth Center Cemetery Heritage Committee, 7:30 pm Geneva Rm. Alt. Worship Comm., 7:30 pm ......... Parlor


Mary Circle, 12:00 pm ........................................ Parlor Sanctuary Choir, 7:30 pm ......................... Knox Room Scout Troop #351, 7:30 pm .................... Youth Center


Book Group, 7:30 pm ...................... Library


Sandy Workday, 7:15 am ................. E. Allen Lot Men’s Coffee & Conv., 7:30 am ...... Library SUNDAY—JANUARY 12

Early Bird Bible Study, 7:45 am ...... Library Worship, 9:00 am............................. Chapel Christian Education for all, 9:00 am Fellowship, 9:45 am ......................... Westminster Hall Worship,10:15 am ............................ Sanctuary Fellowship, 11:15 am ....................... Westminster Hall Adult Small Group, 6:30 pm ............ Library Sr. High Fellowship, 7:00 pm .......... Youth Center

The Presbyterian Church One East Oak St., Basking Ridge NJ 07920

908.766.1616 FAX: 766.4450

e-mail: - Pastor & Head of Staff

Rev. Dennis W. Jones ......................... ext. 15

Associate Pastor

Dr. Maureen Paterson ......................... ext. 11

Acting Director of Ministries to Youth, Young Adults and their Families

Jenna Meyers ...................................... ext. 17

Director of Ministries to Children

Jacqueline Obregon. .......................... ext. 14

Tree House Director Jennifer Nowack. ............................ 221-1619

Minister of Music Mary Lou Stevens .......................... 953-9809

Director of Children’s Music Ministry Beth Donley .................................. 953-9809

Handbell Director Linda Langstaff ...................... 908-347-9664

Church Administrator & Treasurer Janet Bentley ..................................... ext. 18

Assistant Treasurers Nancy Kuhn ..................................... ext. 21

Liz Messineo ...................................... ext. 21

Pastoral Administrative Asst. Cara Burchett ..................................... ext. 19

Church Administrative Asst. Pam Smith ......................................... ext. 12

Interim Website Coordinator Gary Ingram ...................................... ext. 13

Sexton Staff Peter O’Connor ................................. ext. 16 David Brownlee


All the People

Clerk of Session Dick Fryling

President of Trustees Jeff Schaub

Moderator of Deacons Jann Slapin

Weekly Calendar
