The Outsider



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SCI-FI The Outsider is an alien who has landed on planet earth.The alien sees a pile of dead human bodies.The Earth has been destroyed by Aliens and there are very few human survivors.There are two gangs- One is the aliens and the other is the humans who are fighting back against the aliens.Three of the humans break up the aliens space scooter.The Alien then disintegrates all three of them using a special beam.

HORROR The outsider IS a human.he hears a scream coming from in the distance.he runs over to help and finds a woman being attacked by what seems to be a zombie.He runs over to help and they end up being attacked by a group of zombies.After killing the zombies the women explains how the earth has been over ridden by zombies and that there are few human survivors.The man decides to join the group to help them survive.

Gangsters The outsider is a person in the East end of London during the 1960sHe hears gunshots which make him walk down an alley.The alley leads to the Blind beggars pub but he just carries on.He passes a group of hookers who laugh and mock him.He meets a newspaper seller who tells him that there are two feuding gangs the Krays and the Richardson's. The man is very scared about this gangster feud and doesnt want to be caught up in the middle of it. He rushes out of the pub and bumps into the Kray twins, They then brutally attack him. In revenge he finds his way to the Richardson's side of town and agrees to join with them to get back at the Krays for attacking him.
