The Meal Box



Tired of family mealtime conversations that stop before they start? Try one of the conversation cards in The Meal Box to get some great family conversations cookin’!

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Bret Nicholaus and Tom McGrath

Fun questions and family faith tips to get mealtime conversations cookin’

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© 2009 Loyola PressAll rights reserved

Interior design by Mia McGloin, Loyola Press

ISBN-13: 978-0-8294-2813-1ISBN-10: 0-8294-2813-5

Printed in China09 10 11 12 13 14 15 GP 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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The Meal Box

How to Enjoy The Meal Box1. Pick any card in the box at any time; there is no

particular order to the questions.2. Ask a question. Allow each person time to

respond, encouraging them to expand on their answer whenever possible.

3. Watch the fun unfold! Parents are encouraged to use the tip on the back of the card as a way to nurture their family’s faith at breakfast, lunch, dinner—and beyond.

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7 Ways to Be a Better Listener

1. Stop whatever you’re doing.

2. Look your child in the eye.

3. Pay attention not just to what your child is saying,

but to the nonverbal messages.

4. Don’t interrupt.

5. Ask questions to encourage more conversation.

6. Check that you understood your child correctly.

7. Go to for more

ideas and tips.

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The Meal Box

If you could open the back door

to your house and step out into

the perfect backyard, what would

that yard be like? Be as specific

as you can.

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Food for Family Thought

Take a moment to imagine in what ways heaven will be the perfect place. Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” Take one action today that will make life in your

family more like your vision of heaven.

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The Meal Box

If you could transport yourself

back in time and experience first-hand

any story in the Bible, which one

would it be?

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Food for Family Thought

The story of our salvation that is recounted in the Bible continues in our own lives

today. Right now, look for one way that God is active in the life of your family. At dinner

or before bedtime, be sure to share your observations with your child.

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The Meal Box

For kids: What aspect of being

an adult are you looking forward

to the most?

For adults: What aspect of being

a kid do you miss the most?

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Food for Family Thought

As a parent you have many responsibilities. But don’t forget how much fun it is to play. Set aside one night a week as family fun night. Play board games, sing songs, play charades. Let your inner child come out to

play. You will connect more with your child and you’ll live a more balanced life.

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The Meal Box

If you could release a helium balloon

with a message card attached to the

end of the string, what message would

you write for the unknown recipient

to read?

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Food for Family Thought

Try this for fun. Have each family member pull from a hat the name of a family

member. Include extended family members, if possible. For a whole week, ask each

person to pray for the family member whose name he or she picked. At the end of the

week, reveal everyone’s “Secret Pal.”

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The Meal Box

Kids: In your opinion, what is the most

important thing your parents have

taught you to this point?

Adults: In your opinion, what is the

most important thing your kids have

taught you to this point?

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Food for Family Thought

Odds are you learned about right and wrong through life experience rather than lectures.

Seek out experiential opportunities that convey your values to your child—

by helping others together, by watching how you talk about those who are less fortunate, by treating all people you

encounter with respect.

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The Meal Box

When it comes to things that make

you really happy, what five things

would you rank at the very top?

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Food for Family Thought

When asked what it would take to get to heaven, Jesus said, “Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, and clothe the naked.”

That’s what parents do each day. It’s a paradox that our greatest happiness comes when we freely give of ourselves. Think

about that the next time you’re fixing supper or folding laundry.

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You’ve come to the end of The Meal Box, but that shouldn’t mean that the fun conversations have to stop. It’s time to think outside the Box. Together, as a family, come up with your own creative, original questions for discussion. The questions can be as silly or straightforward as you want; the important thing is to have fun and keep the family interaction going. And parents, keep thinking outside the Box with regard to your family’s faith, too. There is no greater gift you can give your children than that of a faith-filled home, and there are literally countless ways to provide them with that gift. Be creative—and trust God to guide you.

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Designed for all ages, The Meal Box is guaranteed to be a humongous hit around the table. Each of 52 cards features a question designed to spice up conversations and get parents and kids talking like never before; the reverse side offers a practical tip to help parents apply the general theme of the question to their family’s life of faith.

Sample front: If you could build a private bridge or tunnel that would take you directly from your home to any place at all, what would it connect you to?Sample back: Prayer is one of the surest ways we connect with God. At any time, in any circumstance, you can talk to God heart-to-heart. Make prayer a daily habit in your home.

$9.95 52 Servings of Fun and Faith!

ISBN-13: 978-0-8294-2813-1ISBN-10: 0-8294-2813-5

Printed in China

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