, I r V .4 II "X" MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY Hi, 191. bo Jiitit.'if t:ON HONOLULU, II. I., 40 OtNrf. tS MO"Ti- - GINGHAMS! GINGHAMS P Mm (M Win. (i. Irwio Company, iAA lis V! IMMENSE VARIETY NOW OPEN AT N. S. SACHS', 104 Fort St., : : : : Honolulu. CASTLE & COOKE. Life, Fire & Marine Insurance Agents ! AGKNTS FOR New Bagftmd Mutual Life Ins. Co., ' OK BOSTON, Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, UNION Insurance Company. 're & .Wfirlnr. OF SAN FliANClSCOj-CAUKOHNIA- . Plaid Ginghams ! Striped Ginghams ! LATEST & NEWEST PATTERNS. lOO 11 Fanoy Dress Ginghams ! EACH PIECE DIFFERENT ! -- a feT NO TWO PIECES ALIKE ! We are offering this lot at. the low price of K28 YARDS FOR S1.00-S- 8 POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 101 Fort Street, Honolulu. Cor. Edinburg & Queen Sts. Gate & Salinas -- m FLOUR - 91 Telephone No. 92. Telephones, No. 175. ftSftiT u ION FEED CO. OFFER AT BED ROCK PRICES CALIFORNIA HAY, OATS, BRAN, OIL CAKE MEAL, LINSEED MEAL, BARLEY, ROLLED BARLEY, MIDDLING GROUND BARLEY, WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR. FLOUR Alta, Golden 1 p. o. Box 145. efljrj0 cINTYRE 8i Em., IMPORTERS AND Vol. X.V. ito. 39. ffTSl BULLBliK " Is I'i UI.ISI1KD Every ktuA Lxcept Sundays At tho Ollioc, Qu;tiii street, Honolulu, H. 1. ARTHUR JOHNSTONE Editor & Manager, kou Tim Di'.lLY BULLETIN PUBLISHING COIVir'ANY, ("Limited.) HI list Itll' I'lOV".: Daily Bulletin, 1 year 00 ' " months 3 00 " " ior iiicttii li (de- livered) 60 Wekkly JJllletin Summary, 1 year " 00 foreign 1 00 -- a.itii 'r !'iii)iMH-- . !S.. "ts gayAddress all business communica- tions '"Daily Bulletin." jrAddress all matter for publica- tion "Euiroit Daily'Biilluvin." I". O. Hot Hit. Honolulu. II. I. DRS. BRODIB & FURRY, Physicians. Olliee: 81 Bere-au- ia street, Honolulu, 11. 1. JORRIN A. THURSTON, at Law. Ofllee : Over Bishop's Bank, Honolulu, 11. I. JM. MONSARRAT, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Merchant street, Honolulu. F Alfred Magoon. Attorney at Law aud Notary rnblic. No. 42 Merchant street, Hono- lulu. DAVID DAYTON (Kewiki) be in his private office from 12:30 to 1:30 v. M. Office: 91 Kins street, (up stairs). HW. Schmidt & Sons, Importers & Coinm's'-'io- Mer- chants. Fort street, Honolulu. HHACKFELD & CO., Commission Agents. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Hono- lulu, 11. I. GW. Macfarlane & Co., Importers and Commission Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu, H. I. GONSALVES & CO., Grocers and Wine Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu, II. I. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise. Queen street, Honolulu, 11. I. CASTLE & COOKE, aud Commission Mer- chants. Importers and Dealers in Gen- eral Merchandise. No. 80 King street, Honolulu. WILDER & CO., in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt aud Building Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. L EWERS & COOKE, Importers and Dealers in Lum- ber and all kinds of Building Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. a BREWER & C(L (M1IITKI, General Mercantile AND Commission Agents. LIST OF OKFICUKS : 1'. C. Jones, Jr.. .. President & Manager . O. Carter Treasurer & Secretary ijiuectohs: lion. O. It. Bishop. S. C. Allen, 11. Waterhouse. CASTLET COOKE, IMPOKTKK, Hardware, Shipping AND Commission Merchants DEALKllS IN General Merchandise 1 Plantation Agents, Life, Fire & Marine Insurance Agents. 1J HONOLULU", II. 1. 01 HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Honolulu, I I H- - I. Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings; Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to Ship's Bhicksinithing. Job Work ex- ecuted at short notice. A. II. IiASEMANN, JJook-bind- er, Paper-rule- r & bo k Ma;ufa turer. No. Merchant street, (up stairs). CHANGE of ItESIDHNCE! Ir. OMVKK Has removed from Fort street to Ro-bei- io Lane. Palaina Okhce lloi ii: 9 A. m. to 12 m and 8 p. M. to 0 l. M. Mutual 608 ""fcjTELEPHDNEStajP Bill 475 Groceries, Provisions and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. n New Goods received by every packet from Eastern States and Europe, Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. (1.1 II IT M.) OFKKIt KOU SALE PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S COMPOUNDS and ROOFlfiC, REED S P4TEKT Felt Steam Fipa Covering, &1I sizes. FERTILIZERS : WOOL DUST, BONE MEAL, FISH GUANO, ALSO BOCK & OHLANDT'S High Grade Chemical Cane Kannra. GRASS SEEDS : COCKSFOOT, KYE GKASS Ami CLOVERS. Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. SALMON IX BAKU ELS. Unlnwin ( UQ1UH1U OCblll The undersigned having been aipointea sole agents for the Hawaiian Islands F ir the Celebrated From the works of Bur-ham- Parry, Williams & Co., I'hilaitelpliiu. l"eiii.. Are now prepared to give estimates and receive orders for these engines, of any size and style. The Baldwin Locomotive Wokks are now manufacturing a style of Loco- motive particularly adapted For Plantation Purposes, A number of which have recently been received at these Islands, and we will have pleasure in furnishing plantation agents an I managers with particulars of same. The superiority of these Locomotives over all other makes is not only known here but is acknowledged throughout the United States. Win. C. IRWIN & Co., L'd, Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. (i.miTKi.) Win. G. Irwin. . .President & Manager Clans ispreckels ut Walter M. Uiffaid Secretary A Treasurer Theo. O. l'orter Auditoi SUGAll FACTOKS Commission Agents. AGENTS OK THU SUii Glfl'F, Of Nun FraiM'lm'o. Cat. Metropoiitan Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER. - - Manager. Wholesale & Eetail B ttchers NAVY COTKACTOIiS. ui TAI WO CHAN, Manufacturer of Ladies' & Geutlemeu's French Kid, Calf & Kangaroo SKIN SHOES .MA11E TO OKOEH. I'i'USCil or Neni'it. AIho. NndIItN. 8S Nuuanu St., : : : I1. O. Box 203. . MULLEU & Co., PRACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street. "Dan'ou's Illoik.', Corner store. Surgical A Musical Instrument. neatly repaired at reasonable rates. vewin Machines and repairing of all kinds a speciaitv. All kinds ot Mfes & Scales repaired. Household tewing Jlachiues or Bale. T 1 31 Si TAKLK For San Francisco. Australia Fob 7 Alameda Feb 12 Australia Mar 3 Mariposa Mar 12 From San Francisco. Australia Feb 2 Zcaliindiiif Feb 12 Australia Fob 21 Alamcdaf Mar 12 From the Colonics. f For tbo Colonics. The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship Alameda,' Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu from Sydney aud Auckland on or about Feb. 12. 1831. And will leave for the above port with mails and passengers on or about that dale. t&F For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to Wm Q. IHWLK & CO.. I'd, Agents; For Sydney and Auckland 1 The New aud Fine Al Steel Steamship " Zealandia," Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco on or about Feb. 12, 1891. And will have prompt dispatch with mails and passengers for the above ports. tlT For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to Wm Q. iaWlJi & CO.. I'd, Agents. 74 King St, 74 King St. "2JP&L Importers of Rattan arid Reed Furniture. Pianos and Furniture Moved With Care. Matting and Carpets Laid. CORICEPOLES. Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Specialty. CUAI1WTO IKjNrr. 1IUSTACE, Rotaofl'HilSuCoclL DRAYMEN. All orders for cartage promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping Of good In transit to the other Islands. Also. Black & White Sana In quantities to suit at lowest prices. IfcsT' Oi'FlCE : Next door to Jas. F. Morgan's auction room. Mjtual 1 9 -- fcffl TELEPHONES itir 9ell 414 THE ARLINGTON, Hotel Ht., t Jloiioltilu. J. H. FISHER, Pi op. TKKMS: Board and Lodging, per week, to location of rooms... .10 00 to f 12 00 Transient, per day 2 00 Table Board, per week 7 00 Single Meals AO tfif Visitors will lind this one ot the most comfortable a oil cunveiMi'lit houses in the city, the rooms being large, light and airy. Hot and cold water bathd. sTrm 'kinau; LORuNZEN, Ccm.nander, Will leave Hi. noluln at 2 o'clock 1 M., touching at Lahaimi, Maalaea Bay and Makeiiu the same day; Mahu-kon- Kawaihae and Lnnpuhoehoe the following day, arriving at Ililo at midnight. LEAVKS HONOLULU Tuesday " 20th Friday " UOth Tuesday Feb. 10th Friday " 20th Tuesday Mar. .'id Friday " 1.5th Tuesday " 24th AlililVKS AT HONOLULU. Wednesday " 28th Siiturdav." Feb. 7lh Wednesday " JSlli Saturday ' 2Sth Wednesday Mar. 11th Saturday " 21st Wednesday April 1st g0 No Freight will be received after 12 noon of day of sailing. STHR. 'CLAUDINE,' DAVIES, Ci'inmandor, Will leave llouolulu every Tuesday at ! o'clock l'. m., touching at Kuhu-lu- i, 1 nolo, Hana, lliimoa and Kipa-- 1 ul ' t. lieturning will arrive at Hono- lulu every Sunday morning. 2T No Freight will be received alter 4 p. m. on day of sailing. Consignees must be at the landings to receive their freight, as we will not hold ourselves responsible after such freight has been landed. While the Conany will use due diligence in handling live stock, we decline to as- sume any responsibility in case of the loss of si' me, and will not be responsible for money or jewelry unless placed in the care uf Tiirsers. V. C. WILDER, President. S. I!. BOSK, Secretary. CAT'!'. .!. A. KING, Port Supt. D. M. CROWLEY, 110 King street near Alakea street, oppo. California Fruit Market. Designer and Manufacturer of ART FURNITURE, Furniture elegant cover- ings; First-cla- ss Bedding Made, and Old liedding e, French Polishing By a llrst-cla- ss man, C LRFETS MADE and LAID. Window Poles, Cornices and DRAPERIES, . Designed and made in the highest style of art. (Sample may be seen in the Legislative Hall). t" Deal with the workman, and save middleman's profit. 17 tf All J 'J I XxjLI iJ s? . 27o. S i. The LvrwVtnvy "o'oud poison of icrofula develops in tho titsii's or tho (train, nier.tnl we fcnu&e and inlirmii i;s, idiocv a:i I resauitv. Iten- I'H'gcs the of the tli oat, impairs the'seniie of smell and tasiu or breaks' into consumiug ulcc son ihe ruck. It destroys the l'p.'gs, or fills thera with tuberculous se reiiois It eats awav ihe coaling of the stomach, inla-ge- the liver, logs the kidneys, crc.tes constipation and iuihces piles. . No human nseney con so speedily, per manently and tconorsicnlly cleanse the blood ot scroti. Ions pm on, dear me complexion and skin, scalp an I i lnod, -- .3 Mfulcr' T!i j'o. 3, the yreat blood puriu. r. Renter's Healing Soap Use it always if you iih for a fair, clear skin, a mil, .pple skm. Uives niiturd tint, i up els fr shness, re- moves blotciius, pievtuu eruptions. HOLLISTER & CO., 1 Distributing Agents. ltn rIWKKS pleasure in informing the 1 public that he will resume prac- tise at N'o. " School stn et. residence ot Hie late Cupt. A. W. Pierce, on January 12th. loifl. Bell Telephone No. 14U. 8 lin Telephones, No. 119.- - FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Assets, $5,288,000. Anglo-Neva- da Afsur. Corporation, (Fire & Marine), Capital, paid up, $2,000,000. Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co., (Limited;, Assets, $6, 24,057. New York Life Insurance Co., Assets, $105,053,600.96. C.O.BEKGER, HONOLULU. General Agent for Hawaiian Islands. NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $105,053,600.96 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At every ago, on every premium table, aud in every year, the AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies of the New York Life Insurance Co. have been LARGER than those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing similar policies. lef For particular apply to V. it. BHUUEIt, Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands. Atlas kwnm Company OK I.Ol0. H. W. SCHMIDT 4 SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. fflf STE&M CANDY FACTORY A A I IIAKKUY. F. IlOliX, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Baker. 71 Hotel St. &eagg" Telephone 74. T. li. WALKER, Conl rnclor ul lluildei-- . Brick, Stone and Wooden Building esti- mates given. Cenieiary Work and Job- bing attended to. 6 King street, llono, lulu. Beli Telephone 107. 9-- M. 15. MAC1IADO & CO., House Painting Graining and Ini-- r IIunKlrK Ml work guaranteed. All orders left at the Hawaiian Hardware Co. will leceive prompt attention. 18 1m XOTIOE TO SHIPPERS. IT..r...ifi- -r .ill frci-- ht ior L.t)PA- - lHlKiloK will !.' taken by steamer Ghas. Ilustace, King Street. Having leased the stores in the brick building known as the "Lincoln Block," nearly opposite the old stand, and having disposed of that portion of my stock damaged by the late tire, and being in receipt of New Goods per last, steamer, and more on tho way, 1 am prepared to (ill all orders aH before. Thanking the public for the liberal patronage bestowed on me for the past seven years, I hope by prompt attention to all orders to merit a continuance of the same. At the new stand shall be pleased to see all my old cus- tomers, and as many new ones as may liml it to their advantage to call. Island orders solicited and faithfully executed. (J HAS. I1USTACE. Telephone 240.- - -- -el LEWIS & CO., HONOLULU, II. I., Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions, DEALERS IN P. O. Box 372. tsr- - -- P. O. Box 297. Ill Fort Street, ICF eat - BARGAINS! Honolulu. tar -- . By each steamer of the O. S. M. Co. from California fresli California Roll Bjitter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Gume, Vegetables, etc., etc. A complete line of Crosse & BlaekwelPs it J. 'J'. Morton's Canned & Bottlid Goods always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line of German Pates and Totted. Meals and Bottled Preserved Fruits, Lewis & Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons and California Riverside Oranges, Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. BARGAINS! - : THE PACIFIC HARDWARE CO.. L'd., Beg to announce that in consequence of extensive repairs to their building, tliey are liemovin their Stocks of Goods to the IUeIIMIrVY -:- - BLOCK. t&r During removal, in order to save expense of handling "itiS JMr Entire stock Is Offerefl at Mmi Bates TO 'I'll 10 TlAlIO ! flT Persons requiring anything in their line will lind this a specially favor- able opportunity. NiW Goods ! New Goods ! Have, lately been received and fresh invoices are ou the way. PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd., "Likiliki ." No more freight will lie taken bv the "Klnau" for above port. WILDEU'S S. S. CO. Jan. 20, 1691. 17 tf Fort Street, tl i


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, I r

V .4 II"X"

MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY Hi, 191. bo Jiitit.'if t:ONHONOLULU, II. I., 40 OtNrf. tS MO"Ti- -

GINGHAMS! GINGHAMS P Mm (M Win. (i. Irwio Company,iAA lis V !


N. S. SACHS',104 Fort St., : : : : Honolulu.


Life, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents !


New Bagftmd Mutual Life Ins. Co.,


Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford,


Insurance Company.'re & .Wfirlnr.


Plaid Ginghams ! Striped Ginghams !


lOO 11

Fanoy Dress Ginghams !


We are offering this lot at. the low price of

K28 YARDS FOR S1.00-S- 8

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,101 Fort Street, Honolulu.

Cor. Edinburg & Queen Sts.

Gate & Salinas --m FLOUR-91

Telephone No. 92.

Telephones, No. 175. ftSftiT





FLOUR Alta, Golden1

p. o. Box 145. efljrj0


Vol. X.V. ito. 39.



Every ktuA Lxcept Sundays

At tho Ollioc, Qu;tiii street, Honolulu,H. 1.

ARTHUR JOHNSTONE Editor & Manager,

kou Tim



HI list Itll' I'lOV".:Daily Bulletin, 1 year 00

' " months 3 00

" " ior iiicttii li (de-livered) 60

Wekkly JJllletin Summary, 1

year " 00

foreign 1 00

-- a.itii 'r !'iii)iMH-- . !S.. "ts

gayAddress all business communica-tions '"Daily Bulletin."

jrAddress all matter for publica-tion "Euiroit Daily'Biilluvin."I". O. Hot Hit. Honolulu. II. I.

DRS. BRODIB & FURRY,Physicians. Olliee: 81 Bere-au- ia

street, Honolulu, 11. 1.

JORRIN A. THURSTON,at Law. Ofllee : Over

Bishop's Bank, Honolulu, 11. I.

JM. MONSARRAT,Attorney at Law and Notary

Public. Merchant street, Honolulu.

F Alfred Magoon.Attorney at Law aud Notary

rnblic. No. 42 Merchant street, Hono-lulu.

DAVID DAYTON (Kewiki)be in his private office from

12:30 to 1:30 v. M. Office: 91 Kinsstreet, (up stairs).

HW. Schmidt & Sons,Importers & Coinm's'-'io- Mer-

chants. Fort street, Honolulu.

HHACKFELD & CO.,Commission Agents.

Corner Fort and Queen streets, Hono-lulu, 11. I.

GW. Macfarlane & Co.,Importers and Commission

Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu,H. I.

GONSALVES & CO.,Grocers and Wine

Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu,II. I.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise. Queen street, Honolulu,11. I.

CASTLE & COOKE,aud Commission Mer-

chants. Importers and Dealers in Gen-

eral Merchandise. No. 80 King street,Honolulu.

WILDER & CO.,in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt aud Building Materialsof every kind. Corner Fort and Queenstreets, Honolulu.

LEWERS & COOKE,Importers and Dealers in Lum-

ber and all kinds of Building Materials.Fort street, Honolulu.


General MercantileAND

Commission Agents.LIST OF OKFICUKS :

1'. C. Jones, Jr.. .. President & Manager. O. Carter Treasurer & Secretary


lion. O. It. Bishop. S. C. Allen,11. Waterhouse.


Hardware, ShippingAND

Commission MerchantsDEALKllS IN

General Merchandise 1

Plantation Agents,Life, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents.

1J HONOLULU", II. 1. 01


Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings;Machinery of every description made toorder. Particular attention paid toShip's Bhicksinithing. Job Work ex-ecuted at short notice.

A. II. IiASEMANN,JJook-bind- er, Paper-rule- r &

bo k Ma;ufa turer.

No. Merchant street, (up stairs).


Has removed from Fort street to Ro-bei- io

Lane. Palaina

Okhce lloi ii: 9 A. m. to 12 m and 8p. M. to 0 l. M.

Mutual 608 ""fcjTELEPHDNEStajP Bill 475

Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

nNew Goods received by every packet from Eastern States and Europe,

Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attendedto and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orderssolicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.





Felt Steam Fipa Covering, &1I sizes.






High Grade Chemical Cane Kannra.




Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.


Unlnwin (

UQ1UH1U OCblll

The undersigned having been aipointeasole agents for the Hawaiian


F ir the Celebrated

From the works of

Bur-ham- Parry, Williams & Co.,

I'hilaitelpliiu. l"eiii..Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Wokksare now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents an I managers with particularsof same.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughoutthe United States.

Win. C. IRWIN & Co., L'd,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.


Win. G. Irwin. . .President & ManagerClans ispreckels ut

Walter M. UiffaidSecretary A Treasurer

Theo. O. l'orter Auditoi


Commission Agents.AGENTS OK THU

SUii Glfl'F,Of Nun FraiM'lm'o. Cat.


Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER. - - Manager.

Wholesale & Eetail B ttchers



Manufacturer of Ladies' & Geutlemeu's

French Kid, Calf & KangarooSKIN SHOES .MA11E TO OKOEH.

I'i'USCil or Neni'it. AIho. NndIItN.8S Nuuanu St., : : : I1. O. Box 203.


Bethel Street. "Dan'ou's Illoik.',Corner store.

Surgical A Musical Instrument. neatlyrepaired at reasonable rates. vewinMachines and repairing of all kinds aspeciaitv. All kinds ot Mfes & Scalesrepaired. Household tewing Jlachiuesor Bale.

T 1 31 Si TAKLK

For San Francisco.Australia Fob 7

Alameda Feb 12

Australia Mar 3Mariposa Mar 12

From San Francisco.Australia Feb 2

Zcaliindiiif Feb 12Australia Fob 21

Alamcdaf Mar 12

From the Colonics.f For tbo Colonics.

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

Alameda,'Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyaud Auckland on or about

Feb. 12. 1831.And will leave for the above port with

mails and passengers on orabout that dale.

t&F For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Wm Q. IHWLK & CO.. I'd,Agents;

For Sydney and Auckland 1

The New aud Fine Al Steel Steamship

" Zealandia,"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

Feb. 12, 1891.And will have prompt dispatch with

mails and passengers forthe above ports.

tlT For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Wm Q. iaWlJi & CO.. I'd,Agents.

74 King St, 74 King St."2JP&L

Importers of

Rattan arid Reed Furniture.

Pianos and FurnitureMoved With Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Specialty.




DRAYMEN.All orders for cartage promptly attended

to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & ShippingOf good In transit to the other Islands.

Also. Black & White Sana

In quantities to suit at lowest prices.

IfcsT' Oi'FlCE : Next door to Jas. F.Morgan's auction room.

Mjtual 1 9 --fcffl TELEPHONES itir 9ell 414

THE ARLINGTON,Hotel Ht., t Jloiioltilu.

J. H. FISHER, Pi op.

TKKMS:Board and Lodging, per week,

to location of rooms....10 00 to f 12 00

Transient, per day 2 00Table Board, per week 7 00Single Meals AO

tfif Visitors will lind this one ot themost comfortable a oil cunveiMi'lit housesin the city, the rooms being large, lightand airy. Hot and cold water bathd.

sTrm 'kinau;LORuNZEN, Ccm.nander,

Will leave Hi. noluln at 2 o'clock 1 M.,

touching at Lahaimi, Maalaea Bayand Makeiiu the same day; Mahu-kon-

Kawaihae and Lnnpuhoehoe thefollowing day, arriving at Ililo atmidnight.


Tuesday " 20thFriday " UOthTuesday Feb. 10thFriday " 20thTuesday Mar. .'id

Friday " 1.5thTuesday " 24th


Wednesday " 28thSiiturdav." Feb. 7lhWednesday " JSlliSaturday ' 2SthWednesday Mar. 11thSaturday " 21stWednesday April 1st

g0 No Freight will be receivedafter 12 noon of day of sailing.


Will leave llouolulu every Tuesdayat ! o'clock l'. m., touching at Kuhu-lu- i,

1 nolo, Hana, lliimoa and Kipa-- 1

ul ' t. lieturning will arrive at Hono-lulu every Sunday morning.

2T No Freight will be receivedalter 4 p. m. on day of sailing.

Consignees must be at the landingsto receive their freight, as we will nothold ourselves responsible after suchfreight has been landed. While theConany will use due diligence inhandling live stock, we decline to as-

sume any responsibility in case of theloss of si' me, and will not be responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed inthe care uf Tiirsers.

V. C. WILDER, President.S. I!. BOSK, Secretary.

CAT'!'. .!. A. KING, Port Supt.


110 King street near Alakea street, oppo.California Fruit Market.

Designer and Manufacturer of

ART FURNITURE,Furniture elegant cover-


First-cla- ss Bedding Made, and Oldliedding e,

French PolishingBy a llrst-cla- ss man,


Window Poles, Cornices and


Designed and made in the highest styleof art. (Sample may be seen in theLegislative Hall).

t" Deal with the workman, and savemiddleman's profit. 17 tf

All J 'J I XxjLI iJ s? .

27o. S i.

The LvrwVtnvy "o'oud poison oficrofula develops in tho titsii's

or tho (train, nier.tnl we fcnu&e andinlirmii i;s, idiocv a:i I resauitv. Iten-I'H'gcs the of the tli oat, impairsthe'seniie of smell and tasiu or breaks'into consumiug ulcc son ihe ruck. Itdestroys the l'p.'gs, or fills thera withtuberculous se reiiois It eats awavihe coaling of the stomach, inla-ge-

the liver, logs the kidneys, crc.tesconstipation and iuihces piles. . Nohuman nseney con so speedily, permanently and tconorsicnlly cleanse theblood ot scroti. Ions pm on, dear mecomplexion and skin, scalp an I i lnod,--.3 Mfulcr' T!i j'o. 3, theyreat blood puriu. r.

Renter's Healing Soap

Use it always if you iih for a fair,clear skin, a mil, .pple skm. Uives

niiturd tint, i up els fr shness, re-

moves blotciius, pievtuu eruptions.

HOLLISTER & CO.,1 Distributing Agents. ltn

rIWKKS pleasure in informing the1 public that he will resume prac-

tise at N'o. " School stn et. residence otHie late Cupt. A. W. Pierce, on January12th. loifl. Bell Telephone No. 14U.

8 lin

Telephones, No. 119.- -




Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Assets, $5,288,000.Anglo-Neva- da Afsur. Corporation,

(Fire & Marine),

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000.

Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited;,

Assets, $6, 24,057.

New York Life Insurance Co.,

Assets, $105,053,600.96.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $105,053,600.96

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every ago, on every premiumtable, aud in every year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiesof the New York Life Insurance Co.have been LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

lef For particular apply to

V. it. BHUUEIt,Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

Atlas kwnm Company


Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.



Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook &Baker.

71 Hotel St. &eagg" Telephone 74.

T. li. WALKER,

Conl rnclor ul lluildei-- .

Brick, Stone and Wooden Building esti-

mates given. Cenieiary Work and Job-bing attended to. 6 King street, llono,lulu. Beli Telephone 107. 9--

M. 15. MAC1IADO & CO.,

House Painting Graining and

Ini-- r IIunKlrKMl work guaranteed. All orders left atthe Hawaiian Hardware Co. will leceiveprompt attention. 18 1m

XOTIOE TO SHIPPERS.IT..r...ifi- -r .ill frci-- ht ior L.t)PA- -

lHlKiloK will !.' taken by steamer

Ghas. Ilustace, King Street.

Having leased the stores in the brick building known as the"Lincoln Block," nearly opposite the old stand, and having disposedof that portion of my stock damaged by the late tire, and beingin receipt of New Goods per last, steamer, and more on tho way, 1

am prepared to (ill all orders aH before. Thanking the public forthe liberal patronage bestowed on me for the past seven years, I

hope by prompt attention to all orders to merit a continuance of thesame. At the new stand shall be pleased to see all my old cus-tomers, and as many new ones as may liml it to their advantage tocall. Island orders solicited and faithfully executed.


Telephone 240.- - ---el


Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions,


P. O. Box 372.

tsr- - -- P. O. Box 297.

Ill Fort Street,

ICF eat



tar -- .

By each steamer of the O. S. M. Co. from California fresli California RollBjitter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Gume, Vegetables,etc., etc. A complete line of Crosse & BlaekwelPs it J. 'J'. Morton's Canned& Bottlid Goods always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line of GermanPates and Totted. Meals and Bottled Preserved Fruits, Lewis & Co.'s MalteseBrand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream OatFlakes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons and California RiversideOranges, Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc. Satisfaction guaranteed.



Beg to announce that in consequence of extensive repairs to their building, tlieyare liemovin their Stocks of Goods to the

IUeIIMIrVY -:- - BLOCK.t&r During removal, in order to save expense of handling "itiS

JMr Entire stock Is Offerefl at Mmi Bates

TO 'I'll 10 TlAlIO !

flT Persons requiring anything in their line will lind this a specially favor-able opportunity.

NiW Goods ! New Goods !

Have, lately been received and fresh invoices are ou the way.

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.,"Likiliki ." No more freight will lietaken bv the "Klnau" for above port.

WILDEU'S S. S. CO.Jan. 20, 1691. 17 tf

Fort Street,tl



BY AUTHORITY. Auction sales Dy P. fe.'n

IfliThey wore the club's colors, red andwhite, in the form of rosettes trimmedwith crape,

The United Chinese Society andthe Tong Iling Society together madeup a body of 120, which included ahuge proportion of the wealthy Chi-

nese merchants. A white and blackbanner was carried in front of the

Tin; Cabinel Ministers.The Diplomatic Corps and Rear-Admir- al

Brown's Staff.Justices of the Supreme Court.The President of the Legislature.

Members of the Legislature.The Ladies of the Court.

The Privy Councilors.Olliccrs of U. S.'F. S. "Charleston,"

U. S. S. "Mohican," and H. B.M. S. "Nymphe."

Consular Corps.Circuit Judges.

Members of the Bar.Government Ollicials.

Foreign Residents.The Public.

of Palace Square was strewn with

cut grass. It, looked like a field ofnew-mow- n hay.

The various bodies to enter theline began assembling at the Squareshortly after 10 o'clock, and as fastas they formed were disposed in

their appointed order along Kingstreet. Crowds of people at thesame time began to assemble on bothsides of the entire route. It is safeto say that there w.re 10,000 specta-tors to the procession, while thenumber composing it would be some-

where between three and live thou-

sand.The advance of the column began

to move at ll:i!8, halting some dis-

tance up Nuuanii street. It was aquarter to 12 when the police turnedthe corner. There was a break in

the line at 12 o'clock between 1'ieFire Brigade and the Myrtle B jatClub. The first minute guu announ-cing the body's departure from thePalace sounded at 12:18, the batteryon the summit of Punchbowl starling.The Mohican's battery followed,then the Charleston's, after whichthe Puncnbowl buttery tired the in-

termediary guns. The Mohican firedISO guns, the Charleston M9, andPunchbowl, continuing till the closeof ceremonies at the Mausoleum,fired 120 guns. When the first gunsounded the head of the column was50 yards above Ktiktii street, three-quarte- rs

of a mile from the Palace.The rear of the procession passed

the corner of Kim: and Nuuantistreets at 12:51, and tlio bead of theprocession entered the MausoleumPark at about 1:11. At the chielpoints the procession yielded grandspectacular effects. The long row

of school girls in w hite, the militarybearing of the St. Louis College andKainchameba School, the brilliantstreak of scarlet plumes of theKnights of Py thias, the shining de-

tachment, of the U. S. Marines, andthe excellent marching of the Am-

erican and British seamen, joined in

one battalion for the. occasion all

were striking features of the kaleido-scopic scene.

The never lo be forgotten sight ofall, however, was that of the gloomilygrand catafalque and its surround-ings. There were the hundreds ofwilling hands of the white jiarmentedS, ns of Hawaii drawing the car.Tiicu the kahilis like a moving forest,of fiiant flower trees from Fairylandburst on the view and moved on theirway like a vision. There were n

round fitly of great kahilis, and halfas many of the smarter ones, makinga group of these richly colored in-

signia which, either in repose or in

motion, made a picture of incompar-able pomp. The following is the

Smith, J. K. Bush, II. Kuihelaui, J.K.i.ic, 10. K. Lilikahmi, S. M. Da-

mon, A, N. Tripp, J. G. lloapili, A.Rosa, J. It. Afherton, J. T. Water-hous- e,

J. En:i, Wm. White, L. W.P. Kaneaiii, J. W. Kalua, P. t'ock-cU- ,

J. Nawahi, R. W. Wilcox, A.

Kauhi, W. II. ll.dstcad, P. Katnai,A. P. Paehaole, W. 11. RivUard, O.K. Apiki, J. II. Waipuilaui.

Behind these were the CircuitJudges and District Justices. Onthe left side of the collin in the frontrank was the Diplomatic Corps ar-

ranged from left to right in the fol-

lowing order: His lOx. John I.. Ste-

vens, I.'. S. Minister Plenipotentiary;A de Souza Canaviirro,

Charge d'Affairea and Consnl-Gen-e- r

d for Portugal; Mijor J. II.Wodehouse, Commissioner and

lor Great Britain ; Moiis.G. M. G Boseront d' Anglade. Com-

missioner, and Chancellor Vizzavonuaof France, and Molts. Taizo Masaki,Diplomatic Agent and Consul forJapan. Immediately behind theDiplomat ic Corps came the Consulsheaded by F. A. Schacfer, Italy ,

II. W. Severance,!;. S. ; J. K. llack-fci- d,

Germany, Belgium and Rusda;II. W. Schmidt, Sweden and Nor-

way; II. R. Macfarlane, Denmark;A. J. Cartwiight, Peru; J. 11. l'aty,Nctncrlands ; II. Renjes, Mexico andSpain : 10. Subr, Atisi.ro Hungary ;

T. It. alker, Vice-Consu- l, GreatBritain; A. W. Richardson, Vice-Consu-

U. S. ; Attaches of Chineseand Japanese Consulate. Facing theleit-hau- d corner of the Throne Room

wire seated Fleet Engineer PhilipInch, Fleet Surgeon G. W. Woods,Fleel Paymaster Arthur Burtis, andmany otie r olhceis of the FlagshipCi arlcston, the ship Mohican, andII. B. M. S. Nymphe. Behind thesevarious groups were olliccrs of thevarious Government departments.

When the various bodies had allbeen seated Mr. Wray Taylor playedthe "In Memoiiam" composed byhimself for the occasion. and while thesolemn strains floated on II. e scent-lade- n

air the Bishop of Honoluluand the Anglican clcrsry slowly en-

tered the Throne Room and tooktheir place at the foot of the collinon the left-han- d side. His Lordshiptlu Bishop bioke the mournfulsilence by reading the wntence, "1am the resurrection and the life,saith the Lord," in Hawaiian. Thenfollows the hymn, "When our headsare bowed with woe." A surplicedchoir id boy s and men then sang in

perfect harmony to the beautifulaccornpainmt nt of the organ the 90thPsalm, Domine Refiigium. to a singlechant composed by Her Majesty Li-

liuokalani. Then the hymn "Brieflife is here our portion"' was sungin Hawaiian, alter which Rev. W.II. Barnes read in Hawaiian thelesson taken from the loth chapterof the (irsl of Corinthians. The

Church Choir then sang in

Hawaiian, "Jesus lover of my soul."After momenta of deathlike silence,all heads ate bowed in prayer

The reigning Queen and the QikciiDowager are sobbing, softly theKing's late Chamberlain stands withbowed liead making manly efforts tocontrol his grief, while aii4around on

every lace and in every heart is

plainly seen that, the Kingdom huslost not oi.ly a King but a man of thenation. Tlie Bishop ami clergy file

out of the throne room followed by

iaHiaiiniriIIt M

Full Details of tlie Pro-


Religious and Masonic Exer-


Pbisonagfs in ths Throne Room---Th- e Pall

Bearcr-Scene- s at the Mausoleum.


Sunday, February 15, was the dayappointed for bearing to the tomb allthat was earthly of the late KingKalakaua. The period that the bodyhad rested in the Throne Room hadbeen a solemn one. His Lordshipthe Bishop of Honolulu had per-

formed frequent service over tliedead Monarch. Morning and even-

ing prayers had been offered by theBishop, at w hich tlie Dowager Queenwas always present. At 11 o'clockyesterday morning the scene in theThrone Room was most impressive.Invitations had been issued to all theollicials and personal friends of thedead king. As the invited guestsentered tlie Throne Room they wereushered to their seals by iUr. Kd.Styles, Clerk of the Foreign Ollice,and Vice Chamberlain Robertson. Atthe head oi the collin sal Her MajistyQueen Liliuokalani, the Queen Dowa-

ger Kapiolani, Her Royal HighnessPrincess I'ooniaikelaui, Hon. John(). Dominis, 11. M.'s Consort; Hon.A. S. Cleghorn, father of the HeirApparent; His Excellency John A.Cummins, Premier. Cols. J. II.Boyd and Geo. W. Mactarlaue, staffofficers of the sovereign, stood behind Her Majesty, to the right andleft respectively. Immediately in

rear of the royal party were Mrs. C.Clark and Mrs. C. U. Wilson, ladiesin waiting to the Queen. Col. R.lloapili Baker and Major J. T. Bakerstood at the head, on the right andleft of the casket.

The dais on which the throne chairsrested was draped in black, the brightcrimson of the ordinary hangingshining through the sombre veil.Resting in the centre of the Throneroom was the collin, covered with aheavy black pall, over which wasplaced the famous yellow cloak ofthe King, made of the leathers of

the (Jo. The scene was at onceweird and fantastic ; the splendor of

tlie costumes of the staff olliceis,tliebright yellow of the feather cloakand covering and capes, the sombreblack of the drapings, the rich deepmelody of the organ rolling forth itsvolumes, the sweet singing of thenative choirs, all of which renderedthe scene peculiarly effective. Thecrown, sceptre and sword of his lateMajesty lay at the head of the collin ;

on Ihe right side of the collin restingon a beautiful black velvet pillowrested the crown jewels and decora-tions of His Majesty. A guard of

twenty men, ten on each side of thecollin, wearing the yellow feathercapes indicative of kahili bearers,of the rank of subordinate chiefs,waved kahilis of a sombre hue. Therythmical motion of the kahilis as-

cending and descending, moving fromside to side in perfect accord withthe music, lent an air of peculiarsolemnity to the impressive scene.Around the collin kahilis of an im-

mense size stood in bearers. At thehead of the collin the two whiteLikelike kahilis stood contrastingbeautifully with the sombre background. Around the colli n wereranged artistically carved ebonytables upon which rested loveyl tro-

pical flowers. There were crossesmade of roses, Harps and Crownsmade of Marguerites and stephauotis,pillows and crowns made of plumaria,carnations, white roses, and tube-

roses. Two lovely while doves in

the act of Hying resting on an ex-

quisite harp were especially notice-able among these loving tributes to

the dead Monarch. Prominent amongthe floral designs at the head of thecollin were !,he wreath which theyoung Princei.e cabled from London tobo placed on the casket in San Fran-

cisco, and the two special piecesthat were ordered to be placed onthe collin by Mous. Herman Oclrichs(nee Tessie Fair) and a magnifi-

cent one sent by Airs. E. B. Crockerand her daughter Mrs. (Jillig ofSacremento. In one corner of theroom stood a magnificent floral offer-

ing from the Masonic order in ;nuiFrancisco.

To the right of the Royal fani-l- y

facing the collin were seatedChief Justice Judd, Justices McCul-ly- ,

Bickerton and Dole, AdmiralGeorge Blown, Captain Remey, Lieut.Dyer, Lieut. Blow, of the Charles-ton, and Capt. Turner of the Britishship Nymphe all comprising the Ad-

miral's staff with the except ion of('apt. Turner of the Nymph. Fueinydirectly opposite .he Royal Familyat the foot of the collin four chairswere placed, which were occupied byHis Ex. Godfrey Brown, His Ex C.N. Spencer, His Ex. A. P. Peterson,members of the Cabinet, premierCummins being with the RoyalFamily. Behind these were scaledthe Nobles in the following order:

Hons. Sam. Parker, W. II. Corn-wel- l,

W. Y. Hornet , E. C. Macfar-lane, 11. A. Widemann, II. G.Crabbe, J. S. Walker (President ofthe Legislature), P. P. Kanoa. II. P.Baldw in, C. O. Berger, C. J. McCar-thy, It. D. Walbridge, J. Phillips, J.Kauhane, J. Anderson.

On the row behind the Nobles werethe members of the Legislature andPrivy Council in the following order:

Hons. II. M. Whitney; V. J.

Auction Sale cf

Household Furniture !

On W' iDN'liSDAY, Feb. 18,A P 10 Od'l.O't'K A. nr.,

At the residence of Mr. Alex. Young,corner of Victoria and King streets, Iwill sell in Public Auction, the House-hold Furniture, comprising:

B. f . fluliM Parlor Set,

B. W. Miubietop Table,

1 Decker Barn's Sqnaie Piano,

In good order ;

Lace Curtains it Cornices,Large Center & t'ofa Hugs,

1 Hs-uv- Pi ite Glass Mirror,Walnut What not. Hcuipiet Tabl. s,U; bolstered Loun;;.-- bookers,

hth Bedroom Bets,Milttrasses, feather 1'illows,1 IJ. W. Kxtension Dining Table,IS. W. ('bail's, Ohanilelieis,

3. W, Mublotop Sr EBOaBD,

1 Set Double I larncss,1 Top Buggy, Klc, Etc., Etc.

I Lii?ht Wagonette,Premises will be open for in-

spection on Tuesday, Feb. 17th.

JAS.8fi "it Auctioneer.


tuitions & Colts!By order of Mr. Paul Isenberg I willsell at Public Auction, at the stableaat rear of the ollL'e of J. 1. Dowsett,Queen street,

?u '1 UESD V V, Feb'y lTtluAT 12 O'CLOCK NOOK,

1 Norman Stallion,1 Hawaiian Bred Stallion,


25 Iicafl of Herses & Colts,

Broken to saddle and harness.


JAS. F. 51 OHO AN,35 5t Auctioneer.

T 11 1Z

1km Mi BaiiyHART& COJ


On Monday, Feb 16th,The '"Vienna Model Bakery" will com-

mence to deliver tirst-cia- ss

Bread for Families,

French, Cream, Milk and I'hiiti White indifferent styles. Also,

Rolls, Pies, Cakes and Fancy Pastriesof all kinds.

Breakfast Rolls and Buns a spccial'y.

Parties wishing to he suppliedwill kindly leave orders at the


85 Hotel street.

leW Coffee, Tea and Chocolate servedat the "Elite."

338 Mutual. TELEPHONES Bell 182.37 Iw


Per Bark "CHARLOTTE," a number of

PIANOS!From the celebrated factory of

C. BECHSTEIN, London & Rerlin; fNow ready for inspection.


H. HACICFELD & CO,Sole Aleuts for Hawaiian Islands.

37 tf

Grujskeon Lawn !


Celebrated Whiskey,

Iu Stone Jars and Glass;

Just received and for sale, in bond orduty paid, by

GONSALVES & CO.37 1 in


'IMIE regular quarterly Meeting of theJ I'niou Feed Co.'.' (LM), Ayill be

held at the Company's olliee, Queenstreet, on MONDAY, "the lUlh i list , at11 o'clock A. M.

F. R. V1DA,36 !Jt Secretary.


t SERVANT Girl, German preferred,to look after a child of two years

and do light house work. Apply nt thisOffice. 33 If

Tong Ilings, coupling the nameof Kalakaua with that of the society.

The two large Portuguese societiesmade a numerous appearance. TheSociedade Beueficente de Hawaii,headed by its President, Mr. Ma-no- el

A. Puxoto, had 91 members inthe column. It had a handsomewhite banner, with gilt fringe andmourning drapery, bearing the so-

ciety's name in blue letters. ThePortugese Mutual Benefit Society,under iis President, Mr. J. M. Vivas,mustered G8 men. This is Ihe elderof the two societies, having establish-ed pleasant headquarters on Punch-bowl Hill some years ago. TheSanto Antonio, about a year old. hasrecently taken commodious quarterson King street.

The American Legion of Honor, ofwhich His late Majesty was a mem-

ber insured for a snug amount, had10 member to represent the two localCouncils, Mr. Julius Asche beingmarshal. They wore the modest redbadge of the Order, trimmed withcrape.

The Knights of Pythias, generally,were represented by Mr. Thos. F.Lloyd, Senior Past Chancellor, withMessrs. It. Cay ford anil J. Degreaveson either side of him as Aids.

The Uniform Rank of the Knightsof Pythias made one of the most bril-

liant features of the procession. Theynumbered about 30 all told, in com-

mand of Sir Knight Captain C. J.McCarthy. In military uniform ofdark blue blouses and trousers, scarlet-pl-

umed white helmets, and redbelts, stripes and epaulets, withwhite trimmings, the-- presented agay sight. A curious thing to theuninitiated was th ir carrying of

caps strapped to their backs.At times they walked full rank front,and without halting would form intosymbolic figures, such as single anddouble triangles, Maltese cross, etc.

Geo. W. de Long Post, G. A. It.,had fifteen veterans in line, underCaptain John Ross, Post Commander.This was a very creditable showing,considering that "some memberswalked in other bodies, and that thisis an organization which cannot berecruited except from Union soldiersand sailors t the American rebellion.

Excelsior and Harmony Lodges,Independent Order of Oddfellows,contributed twenty-on- e members tothe procession. They were mar-

shalled by Mr. E. B.Thomas, and dis-

tinguished by various regalia andbadges, according to rank and office.

The Freemasons in line numberedfifty-six- , conducted by Captain theHon. J. Tripp as Marshal. They worethe characteristic white aprons overblack suits, and in wheeling at cor-

ners passed under the arch of crossedwands. At the Mausoleum theywere joined by a score or so ot breth-ren who had walked in other organiz-ations, P.M.'s A.J.CortwrightJ. A,Hassinger and D. Dayton fell intoline near the Mausoleum as repre-sentatives of the Masonic VeteranAssociation of the Pacific Coast.Mr. II. J. Nolte, in regalia, repre-sented the Knights Templar amongthe pall bearers, where Mr. GideonWest, of the 3 2d degree, representedthe Knights of Kadosh, 30th degree,Scottish Rite, the highest branch ofthe order in Honolulu.

The Executive Committee of theIlui Kalaiaina, for all the Islands,fell in behind the Masons. Thenumber was fifty, wearing whitesashes on black suits. Mr. DanielLyons, marshal, wore a red sash.

The Liliuokalani Educational So-

ciety, First and Second Divisions,made a grand turnout of about sixtymembers. This society is composedentirely of Hawaiian ladies, and wasfounded by Her Majesty, whosen one it bears. The object is to pro-mote the education of Hawaiian gills,providing for the expense of thework in the case of Ihe poor. Anumber of the wards of the societywalked between the ranks at regularintervals. Most of the ladies woreblue and yellow rosettes on the leftbreast.

Another important native ladies'society followed, being the Hoolaand Hooula Lahui Society, which isalso uiidcr the patronage of theQueen. It had over 140 membersin line, including many venerabledames. This organization is one ofbenevolence, having bad much to dowith the Kapiolani Maternity Home.

J he Lei Mamo Society (or societyof the mamo feather lei)followed wear-ing gold badges with the name of thesociety.

A grand display was made by theIlaje Naua Society, of which the lateKing was the founder ant President.It turned out with thirty-si- x femaleand nineteen male members, besidessome aged members who joined themat the Mausoleum. The ladies woreyellow pa-u- s, red aprons with a whitestar, and yellow capes with crescentsof different colors. The gentlemenwere dressed in white suits withyellow capes. Mr. William Auld,as High Priest, was at the headof the society. Mr. Charles Clarkacted as marshal and bearer ofthe sacred "talking" calabash, andMr. George Washington as bearer ofthe ancient feather helmet, the sym-bols being- - borne on yellow plushcushions. Mr. Mokualn held aloft awand having near the top a sphere ofFrench marigold flowers, represent-ing the ancient tabu stick, which ofold was. composed of red and yellowtapa ploth- - When this was displayedat the door of a chief in past days itsignified to all that the dreadfultabu was in force.

Cotttinuid on 3rd page.


It luiving pleased Almighty God to

close the earthly enreer of King

KiihiUuuit on the l!0ih inst. in

Kan Kniueisco, Californiu,U. S.

A., Wo, tin: members of tin Cabi-

net of His lute Majesty, hereby

J'noci.AiM, by virtue of the 22d

Article of the Constitution, HerRoyal Highness the PrincessI.iuuokalam UK EN of the Ha-

waiian Islands, utnler the styleHtul title of LIUIOKALAM.Goi) PliESERVE TDK Ql'KKN.

Given at loluni Palace, this twenty-nint- h

day of January, A. J). USUI,


Minister of Foreign Affairs.


Minister of Finance.('HAS. N. Sl'KXCER,

Minister of Interior.A. I'. PETERSON,

Attorney-General- .

1't 7t-- 4 4t

Irrigation fiotice.

HoNOl.t'l.ti, H. I., Aug. 9, 1S!)(.

Holders of Water Privileges orthose paying Water Kales, nie herebynotified that tlie hours for usingwater for irrigating purposes are fromC to 8 o'clock a. m , and 4 to i o'clock

P. M.

Oil AS. 15. WILSON,

Supt. Hono. Water Works.A pproved :


Minister of the Interior.n?7 tf

By virtue of the authority in mevested by the Constitution and thestatutes of this Kingdom, and deem-

ing it essential to the promotion ofjustice, I do In toby order that theregular term of the Fourth JudicialCircuit to be held at. Nawiliwili, Isl-

and of Kauai, on the first Tuesday of

February, 18'Jl, is hereby postponeduntil WEDNESDAY, March 4, 1801,

at 9 o'clock a. m.

Witness my hand and the, seal of the Supreme Courtrr y

at Honolulu, this 31st dayof January, A. D. lSUl.

A. F. JUDD,Chief Justice Supreme Court.

Attest :

Hknisy Smith,Clerk Supreme Court. 20 2w

Depaktmhnt ok Finance, (Honolulu, 11. I., Jan. 29,1891.-

Notice is hereby given that all

material, etc., required for the Fune-

ral Ceremonies of His late Majesty

Kalakaua is only to he furnished onrequisitions signed by the Minister of

Foreign Affairs.GODFREY BROWN,

Minister of Finance.25 tt

From and after this date all war-

rants and other processes of all theCourts of t.li is Kingdom must be in

the name of "LIUUOKALAM, by

the Grace of God, of the HawaiianIslands, Queen."

By the Court,HENRY SMITH,

Clerk Supreme Court.Aliiolani Hale, Jan. 29, 1891.

25 If

G. Kaluakini, Esij., has this daybeen appointed an Agent to TakeAcknowledgments to Labor Contractsfor the District of Lahaina, Island of

Maui. C N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Ollice, Feb. 12, 1891.3(5 3t

fhiilu fjulM.iiPledged to neither Sect nor 'arty.But esttiliiishrd for the benefit of all.

MONDAY, FE15. If,, 1891

Science has its martyrs as well asreligion. Reports from Germany tes-

tify that five scientists have latelydied there after testing the bacillusof glanders.

The salutes, which should have

been tired this afternoon in recog-

nition of the accession of Her Ma-

jesty to the throne, were recalledat the last moment. The Noblesof the Kingdom met Her Majestyat one o'clock. Her Majesty

them that She was not ready-t-o

meet them and requested thatthey would assemble at the Palacetomorrow, to meet bcr at an hourto be hereafter appointed. HerMajesty's Cabinet were in councilas the Lii LLtTiN goes to press. I



detachment of police, composedof Hi men from each of the threewatches, were the pioneers of thecolumn. They were in command ofCapt,. Juen, as Major, assisted byCaptains Kamana as Adjutant,and Lieutenants Makaila, Kai-en- a

and Nuhoolewa acting cap-

tains of the watches. At their headrode the Marshal of the Kingdom,Mr. Chas. L. Hopkins, with the De-

puty Marshal, Mr. Gardner K.Wilder, and Captain 10. Hopkins asAids on either side. The 52 police-

men were in the new uniform of thecity force dark' blue with brightblue trimmings and black hats andbeing all of sturdy physique wereuniversally admired for their fineappearance. Their military bearingon the match and their smartnessand proficiency in guard duly at theMausoleum showed a well-drille- d

condition. Besides the ordinary drillto which the force is regularly sub-

jected, for this occasion they hadbeen given a course of military drillby Ollicer J. Nahora Ilipa, formerlyMajor of the Queen's Own.


St. Louis College mustered 110

boys in three divisions the band,boarding scholars, and the day schol-

ars. They were in charge of Bro-

ther Henry, assisted by other Brothersof the faculty. The band under Bro.Francis, came in well near the headof the procession, its excellent musicgiving time to the marchers beforeand for a long stretch behind. Thepupils made an attractive section ofthe column, in their snug navy bluemilitary uniforms with ultramarineblue trimmings and brass buttons.

Kamehamclia School made an ex-

cellent turnout of 100 boys, in iheirmartial-lookin- g gray uniforms. Theywere marshaled by Mr. C. Davis,mechanical instructor, mounted, andI hey marched in good order and step.

The public schoo'8 were marshaledbv Ollicer J. Nahora Ilipa, truantpoliceman for the District of Kona.Their teachers in most cases marchedwith the respective schools. Thechildren wore mourning badges ontheir arms, and the girls were dress-

ed in white with black trimmings.The Royal School turned out 110,

and the total of the pupilo schoolsw as 944.

The Reformatory School boys look-

ed neat in blue overshirts, whitetrousers, and military caps.

Ouhu College and Punahou Prepa-ratory School turned out 52 studentsand scholars, conducted by Princi-pal Ilosmer and other gentlemen ofthe faculty.


China Engine Co. No. 5, leadingthe way, had a splendid turnout of70 men and voluiiUer hose hoys,making a line showing, as they al-

ways do on parade, in their ultrama-rine blurt shirts and black trousersand hats. They were commandedby Foreman Chang Kim and Assist-ants Ho Mow and Fook Yee.

Protection Ilook & Ladder Co., in

black hats and trousers and redshirts, was 22 strong under ForemanI I en it Kaia.

Honolulu Engine Co. No. 1, mus-

tered 58 all told, led by ForemanRobert More and Assistant J. D. Mc-

Veigh. Their ncuntly adopted uni-

form consists of black trousers andhats and blue shirts with white trim-

mings.Mechanic Engine Co. No. 2, in

command of Foreman Jas. Hunt andJ. W. McDonald and L.

Kenake, rallied to the number of 52.Their uniform is composed of blacktrousers and hats, with bright re I

shirts having the letter "M." work-

ed in white on tlie breast. Themembers were decorated with mourn-

ing badges bearing the portrait ofthe late King.,The Fire Police, whose first pub-

lic appearance on parade was in thetorchlight, procession on the lateKing's last birthday, turned out 22or about tUte full strength. ForemanThos. Krouse was in command. Themen are all stalwart fellows, makinga striking appearance. Their uni-

form is a neat one, of white flannelshirts, black trousers ami militarycaps. They wore mourning badges.

Hawaii Engine Co. No. 4, of whichthe late King was formerly an activemember and at death an honoraryone, held the post of honor in thebrigade. It mustered 40 men andhose boys, under command ofAssistant Foreman William Ke-aw- e.

The uniform is made up ofblack hats and trousers with scarletshirts, decorated on this occasionwith Kalakaua inclining badges.

Chief Engineer C. B. Wilson, FirstAssistant ,Geo. Norton. Fire MarshalJ. C. White, and Mr. Henry Smith,Secretary, represented the Board ofRepresentatives of the Fire Depart?incut. The Chief and Assistant worefull dress white helmets and carriedbrazen trumpets. Counting the oflircers the fire battalion numbered 2C8.


The Myrtle Boat Club attended ina body, to the number of 20, mar-

shaled by Mr. A. G. U. Robertson.


Mars al of the Kingdom and Aids.Police.

St. Louis College Hand.Students of St. Louis College.

Ka nii'hamelia School.I- 'i.mi College.Public Schools.

Kawaiaiiao Female Seminary.St. A mlrew's Pi iory.

Oahti College.Honolulu Fire Department.

Myrtle Boat Club.Chine-- e Societies.

Pori.uguese Societies,American Ligion of Honor.

Knights of Pythias.G . W. De Long Post, No. 45, G.

A. R.Independent Order of Odd Fellows.R. preseniatives of the Masonic Vete-

ran Association f the Pa- -

cilic Coast.Free and Accepted Masons.

Executive of the Hut Kalaaina.of the Medical Fraternity.

Attending Physicians to Ihe lateKing.

Ahahui Opiopio Putin ai Lokahi.Liliuokalani Educational Society.Hoola a'ld IIooulu Lahui Society'.

Lei Mamo Society.Hale Nana Society.

Band of U. S. F. S. Charleston.N.ival Battalion of Marines ff)U) tlie

" Charleston," and Bine Jacketsfrom the " Charleston," U. S. S." Mohican," and II. B. M. S." Nymphe."

Royal Hawaiian Band.King's Guards.

Her Majesty's Household Servants.Servants of the late King.

Konohikis of Crown Lands.Kenoliikis of Her Majesty's Private

Lands.Konohikis of the late King's Private

Lands.Colonel Commanding and Staff.

Protestant Ciergy.Clergy ol the Roman Catholic

Chu rch.Right Reverend the Bishop of Olba.

Choir.Olliciating Clergy.

Right Reverend the Bishop of Hono-

lulu.The late King's Charger.

His late Majesty's Chamberlains,The llonorables Majors It. II. Baker

and J. T. Baker bearing theCrow n Jewels.

The Native Sons of Hawaii drawingCat afalque.


a Q

ItItoy.d Carriage with Her Majesty the

Queen Dowager and II. It. II.Princess Poomaikebmi.

The State Carriage w ith Her Majestythe Queen and His ExcellencyIhe Hon. J. O. Dominis, Coils

sort, attended by II. M.'sStaff Mounted.

Carnage of II. R. II. Princess Kaiu-lan- i,

bearing the Hon. A. S.Cleghorn, and Rear-Admir-

Brown, L. S. N.The Chancellor of the Kingdom.

the different bodies in regular order.the meles anil wailing begin anewas tlie solemn procession marchessf.wly from the Palace. The ein--

ms of royally, the crown, sceptreand sworci of the late monarch weretaken from oil' the collin and reposedon a black velvet, pillow fiinged withgold which was carried by Col. llo-apili Baker, while the cown jewelsof his late Majesty were lifted fromtheir stand at the head of the collinand carried by the Hon. John Baker.The crown tabu pole and gold balldraped in black, the emblem sacredonly to royalty, was then removed,sturdy sons oi Hawaii tenderly liftedthe collin Jrom iis resting place, andto the " Dead March tu Saul,"slowly and solemnly the niourntuicortege descended the steps of thepalace and placed the mortal remainsof their beloved monaich on thecatafalque winch was to bear himfrom their sight fotever.

After the cofliu was removed fromthe Throne Room the Royal partyremain there instill the processionwas formed and the catafalque .villithe Royal remains was in its pos-it- ii

n. Then the Royal carriages weredriven to the front entrance of theIV.! ace and the Royal party emergedfrom the Throne room and descendedthe Palace steps to the carriagesin the following order : (Vice Cham-be- :

lain J. W. Robertson conduct-ing the party), Her Majesty theQueen Dowager leaning on thearm of the Hon. A. S. Cleghorn,father of the heir apparent;Her Royal Highness Princess

leaning on the arm of Col.G. W. Macfarlane, His Majesty'sChamberlain. Alter the Queen andHer sister had entered their car-rho- :e

the Queen descended the stepsleaning on the arm of lion John0. Dominis, her Consort. Afterentering Her carriage which wasimmediately behind the Queen Dow-

ager's, the Hon. A. S. Cleghorn withAdmiral Brown entered the

carriage ami the King'sChamberlain took his position im-

mediately behind the King's chargerwi:h a guard of I'Ucii bearers andimmediately behind him the Hon.lloapili Baker and Col. John T.Baker bearing the crown, scpterami sword, and the crown jewels.The procession then began movingin regular order,


All mornius g"'gs of prisonerswive emplie(1 in (leaning ralaeeSquare arid the sli'-ei- s of the funeralroute. Black sand was laid .down in

places which the previous nigh I 6

rain Lad made miry, and the whole i


It J... (Coiiinted Jrom 2nd jmtje.) his remains to ihe place of interment,and there to rlcpo.-i- t them with the Ifflpoitant to Planters !

Calhediai, who on Ibis nceasi n worethe gown and hood f the ChinchChoir Guild of London lie alsoplayed the music at the Ma-oni- c

service. The music by Ihe threebauds, St. Louis College, I'. S. Flag-

ship Charleston and Royal Hawaiian,during the procession was par-ticularly fine. Special mention mustbe made of the Kalakaiia FuneralMarch, the composition of Prof.Henry Berger, bandmaster of the

earthly pursuits are vain, let us nolonger postpone theconcern of preparing for eternity;but let us embrace the present mo-

ment, while time and opportunityare offered, 10 provide against thatgreat change when all the pomps andpleasures of this Meeting world willpall upon die sense, and the recol-lection of a virtuous and we!l-sp"-

life will yield tin; only comfort andconsolation. Thus we shall not behurried, unprepared, into the pre-sence of that all-wi- and powa ri'ulJudge, to whom the secrets of allheai ts are known; and ou the greatday of reckoning we shall be ready-t-

give a good account of our stewar-

d-hip while here on earth."Willi becoming reverence, then,

let, us supplicate the Divine Graceto ensure the favor of that EternalBeing whose goodness and powerknow no bounds; that, on the arrivalof the momentous hour when thefading taper of human life shall faint-ly glimmer iu the socket of existence,our Fuiili may remove the darkshroud, draw aside the sable curtainsof the t.imli, and bid Hope sustainand cheer the departing spirit.

"The city of the (h ad, my brelhren, has an overwhelming emphasisin its solemn silence. It tells of thegatheiing, within its embrace, of theparent's fondest hopes; of the dis-

severance of all earthly ties to thedepu ted ones who gave us birth ; ofthe darkness into which the brightprospects of the loving husband andthe devoted wife have suddenly beenengulfed; of the unavailing grief ofI he affectionate brother and tendersister; of the dread sleep of deathwhich here envelops the subjects ofmany an early, many an instan-taneous call into eternity, given inthe midst of health, of gaiety, andof brightest hopes.

"And our departed brother, whereis lie Ail that remains of him hereon earth is now enclosed in that nar-row eollin, a lifeless muss of clay.The deep, the agonizing sorrow ofthose to whom he was most near anddear the scalding tears which havebeen shed upon his last earthly tene-ment the manly and fraternal griefof his brethren of the mystic tieare all by him unheeded. His everyfaculty has lied ; the purple currentwhich sustained his lile has ceased 10

How ; the tongue, which was wont togive utterance to the emotions andfeelings of the heart, perforinsno more its functions; the eyes,which so late rellected the move-ments of the intelligent prineip'ewithin, are now closed in death;untitled to remain longer on earth,we lay him reverently beneath lissurface. A little, narrow spot is allthat he now can fill; the clod willhide him from our view, and theplaces which have known him herewill know him no more forever.

"We consign him to the graveto the long sleep of death ; and soprofound will be that sleep that thegiant tread of the earthquake evenshall not disturb it. There will heslumber until the Arch-Angel- 's

trump shall usher in that eventfulmorn, when, by our Supreme Grand

E. (J. M icfarlane, C. O. Berger uudV . II. Comwell iii a wagonette, na-

val olllcers, Privy Councillors, mein-bei- s

of the Legi dalure, of the Con-

sular Corps,, nf the Bar, and citizensiu carriages. The number of car-

riages following the catafalque wasabout thirty.

Attending the state carriage,mounted, were Col. J. II. Boyd, Chiefof Stuff, with Majors J. i ). Holt,Jr., and II. F. Beitelmaun, andCapt. E K. Lilikalani.


The cortege was awaited at theentrance of the Mausoleum by Mr.Jas. W. Robertson,

and the undertaker, Mr. II. II.Wiilhnii. Just before the catafalquereached the spoi, Col. Maefarlaneand Minister Cummins appeared outhe steps. The different organiza-tions composing the line had beencoimtcnmirched round the building,and the naval battalion drawn up in

front. As the occupants of the royalcarriages alighted, the funeral chanting and wailing, that had been loudall along tin1 route, broke out wilhgreatly increased volume and vigor.Princess Poomaikelaiii was support-ed into the Mausoleum on the arm ofI'on. A. S. Cleghoru, the QueenDowager leaning upon Col. Maefar-lane, and Her Majesty the Queenhaving the aid of her Consort, Hon.J. O. Dominis.

As the body entered its last restingplace, soft minor music was playedon the organ. The committal ser-vice was read by the Bishop of Hono-

lulu, who with' the clergy slood atthe head of the coflln. The choirwere arranged in a recess to the leftand sang the Aniens to the prayers,and concluded the service by render-ing the hymn, "Now the laborer'stask is o'er." The entire services atthe Palace and Mausoleum were inHawaiian, with the exception of the

hymn, which was inEnglish. The Masonic services areelsewhere ruported.

After the Mason's hymn had diedaway, the Hale Nana Society march-ed into the building, to perform theceremony of depositing the sacredcalabash on its late President'scasket.

At the close of the church service,the U. S. marines outside performedthe lust military honors by firingthree volleys in the air, which theydid iu perfect unison,

Four large kahilis were fastenedupright to the earth in front of theMausoleum, there to remain accord-ing to ancient custom till the lastshied is blown away. The Kalakaiiaemblematic torches were burning infront of the building throughout theceremonies.

At 3:21 o'clock the Royal Partyleft the Mausoleum, their appearaueeluting the signal for a mighty chorusof dirges and wails. Long after theyleft the grounds the dismal sounds ofgrief rose from the throats of scoresol male and female lamenters of thedeparted Sovereign.


Lodge le Progres de 1'Oeeanio, A.

formalities of Ihe GaM."In conformity to 1.1, is tisane, .and

in accm dance with the duty whichwe owe to our departed brother,whose loss we now most deeply dodeplore, we have assembled in thecharacter of Masons to offer up tohis memory, before the world, thelast sad tribute of our affection,thereby demonstrating the sincerityof our past esteem for him, and oursteady u'Lichment to the principlesof our beloved ( baler.

"The Great Creator having beenpleased, in Ilis infinite wisdom, toremove our brut her from Ihe caresand troubles of lids transitory life,thus severing another link in thefiat tmiI chain by which we arebound together let. us who survivehim be yet more strongly cementedby the lies of union, friendship andbrotherly love; that during the briefspace allotted to us here we maywi-el- y and usefully employ our time,and, in the reciprocal intercourse ofkind and friendly acts, mu'ii illy pro-mote the welfare and happiness ofeach other.

" L'nto the giave we have con-

signed the body of our deceasedbrother earth to earth, ashes toashes, dust to dust; there to remainuntil the last trump .shall sound onthe resurrection morn. We cantrustfully leave him in the hands ofa In ncliceiil Being who has done allthings who is glorious in His holiness, wondrous 111 His powa r, andboundless in His goo hies-- ; and itshould only be our endeavor so toimprove the solemn warning now be-

fore ii", that, on the great day ofaccount, we too may be found worthyto inherit the kingdom prepared forus from the foiimla'ion of the world.

" To the bereaved relatives of himwe mourn, who now stand heart-stricke- n

by Ihe heavy hand whichhas thus been laid upon them, wehave but little of this world's conso-lation to present. We deeply, sin-

cerely, and most affectionately sym-pathize with them in this allliciingdispensation; and we put up ourmost fervent prayers that 'lie whotempers the wind 10 the shorn lamb'will look down with compassion uponthe widow and the sister in thistheir hour of desolation, and willfold the benevolent arms of His loveand protection around those who arethus bereft of their earthly stay."

Past Master Rev. Alex. Mackin-tosh then offered the followingprayer:

"Almighty and Eternal God inwhom we live, and move, and haveour being, and before whom allmen must appear at the Judgmentday to render an account of theirdeeds done in this life we, who aredaily exposed U the flying shafts ofdeath, and who now surround thegrave of one who has (alien in ourmidst, do most humbly beseech Tineto impress deeply on our minds tin',solemnities of this day, and to grantthat their rcineiubi ance may be ihemeans of turning our thjughl- - fromthe Ueting vanities of the pic-cn- l

world, to the lasting glories of theworld to come. Let Us contintiailvbe reminded of Ihe. frail tenure bywhich we hold our earthly exist-- ne, ;

thai in the midst of lite we are indeath; and that, however uprightmay have been our walk, and how-

ever square our conduct, we must allsubmit us victims to the gn at des-troyer, and endure the humble levelof the tomb. Giant us Thy divineassistance, U most merciful God, toredeem our misspent time; and, inthe discharge of the important dutiesw hich TRuu hast assigned us in theerection of our moral edifice, willThou give us wisdom to direct us,strength to support us, and thebeauty of holiness to adorn our laborsand render them acceptable in Thysight. And when our work on e:irl.his done, and our bodies shall go downand mini;le with their kindred dust,may our immortal souls, freed fromtheir cumbrous clay, be received intoThy keeping, to rest forever in thatspiiilual house, not made with hands,eternal iu the Heavens. Amen!"

Past Master Ilassinger next cametorw ai d and said :

"Soft and safe, to you, my brother,be this earthly bed! Bright andglorious by thy rising from it! Frag-rant be the cassia sprig that hereshall fluurish! May the earliestbuds of spring unfold their beautiesover this your resting dace, and heremay Ihe sweetness of the summer'slast rose linger longest. ! Though t hecold blasts of autumn may lay tl u

in the dust, and for a time destroythe loveliness of their existence, yetthe destruction is not final, and inthe spring tiny shall surely bloomagain. So, in the bright morning ofthe world's resurrection, your mortalframe, now laid in the dust by thechiding blast of Death, shall springagain into newness of life, and ex-

pand, in immortal beauty, in realmsbeyond the skies. Until then, dearbrother, until then, farewell!"

Mr. Mackintosh pronounced thebenediction, and the brethren leftthe building utter singing Ihe follow-ing funeral dirge, .Mr. Taylor givingthe tune on the organ :

Solemn strikes the funeral chime,Notes of our departing time;As we journey here beanv,Though a pilgrimage of woe.

Here, another Guest we bring!Seraphs, of celestial w iny;.To our funeral altar come-Wal- l

a friend and brother home.

('aim, the good man meets his fale;Guards celestial round him wait.See. be bin sis these mortal chains,And o'er Iieaih the victory guns.

Lord of ail below, above,Fill our souls w iih iruih a..il love;

s dissolve- - our eaillilv lie,Take lis to lliy f.oug-o- llih!


Tic musical portion of the servicesat ti e ihronc room .ml palace w. reun-V- the direction of Mr. WruyTa lor, organist at fct. Andrews


The naval and military escort waspreceded by the hand of Ike V. S.

Flugtdiip Cliai leston, numbering 21

pieces, and followed by tbc UoyalHawaiian Hand. Handinnstei' Hergcrleading, iMtli its full complement ofil(i pieces. The Irmcd States MarineCorps headed the escort, nninlienngforty-tw- all told. Thou came fourcompanies of blue jackets from theCharleston find two companies fioint lie U. S. S. Mohican, ab aa 11 1 rankand lile, followed by a company ofblue jackets from il. 15. M. S..Nymphe at lliiny-tw- o strength.

The naval battalion was com-

manded by Commander K. M.

Shopard, U. S. N., as Co oiiel, wit ii

First Lieutenant L. K. Kannany, L'.

S. M. V., as AdjiilanL. 'J'be companycouimanders were as follows : Firstcompany (Charleston murines), Cap-

tain W' S. Muse, L S. M. C. ; se-

cond (Mohican marines), First Sei-gea-

Clifford, U. S. M. C. ; thini(Charleston seamen), Lieut. X. J.K. Patch, U. S. X., with First Lieut.Naval Cadet T. 1'. Magruder ; fourih(Charleston seainen), Lieut. (1. M.

Money, U. S. N., with First Lieut.Naval Cadet A. W. Catlin ; liilh(Charleston seamen), Lieut. K. F.Qualtrough, U. S. N., with FirstLieutenant Naval Cadet A. Gartley ;

sixth company (Charleston acumen),Lieut. J. J. lluuker, U. S. N., witliFirst Lieutenant Naval Cadet C. T.Vogelgesang ; seventh company (Mo-hican seamen), Ensign J. IJ. Mc-

Donald, willi First Lieutenant NavalCadet L. A. Kaiser; eighth company(Mohican seamen), Ensign 11. K.

l'armenter, with First Lieut. NavalCadet li. M. Dution : ninth company(11. B. M. S. Nymphe seamen),Lieut. Musgrave, li. N.,with Messrs.(Sims and Woods, wan ant ollicei s, asguides.

Following the Hawaiian Band camethe lioyul Household Guards rein-

forced to a strength of 80, besidesolllcers, from former native volunteercompanies.


The Queen's Household servantsin livery of blue jackets with brassbuttons, the servants of Ilis lateMajesty, konoliikis (tenants) of llerMajesty and of the late King, and a

further detachment of native socie-

ties, all numbering about 7,j menand 300 women, next swelled themournful column.

Col. C. F. Iaukea was Marshal ofthe Day, having as Aids Major Svn.Nowlcin, Capt. Ii. W. 1'arker andMr. Thomas 1'. Cummins, all mount-ed and in while uniforms.


The Protestant clergy were repre-sented by lievs. C. M. 'llyde, D. D.,Ii. G. Boekwith, D. I)., J. Waiamuu,S. E. Bishop and II. II. Parker, to-

gether with the students of the NorthPacific Missionary Institute, thewhoie number being about. bO.

The Roman Catholic clergy con-sisted of His Lordship the Bishop ofOl ha and Rev. Fathers Clement, Syl-vester and Valentin, in full sacer-dotal robes.

The olticiuting clergy consisted ofHis Lordship Bishop Willis of St.Andrew's (Anglican) Cathedral, andRvvs. Alex. Mackintosh, W. II.Barnes and V. II. Kitcat in full can-

onicals. They were preceded 111 thecolumn by the white stirpliced choir.


1 1 is lute Majesty's black chargerwas led by two equerries. The sad-dle held the dead King's boots re-

versed.The Hons. Ii. Iloapili Baker and J.

T. Baker, bearers of the crown jewelson cushions, 111 ide a noble appear-ance with their majestic physique.

Chamberlain the Hun. Geo. W.Maefarlane followed the jewel bear-ers on foot. His grief-stricke- ap-

pearance was marked by all behold-ers throughout the obsequies.

The Chamberlain was followed byfour torch-bearer- s, immediately afterwhom came the Native Sons of Ha-waii, numbering about, 150 in twoHues, drawing the catafalque byropes of black wound spirally withwhite ribbon.


The following were the pall bear-ers, chosen for their representativecapacities: His Excellency Chas.N. Spencer, representing the Cabi-net; His Honor R. F. Bickerton,the Supreme Court; Hon. II. A.Widemann and Hon. P. P. Kanoa,the Legislature; Hon. Samuel Park-er, the Privy Council; Mr. Jos. ().Carter, the business community;Lieut. Dyer, secretary to liear-Adtnir-

Brown, the United StatesNavy; Staff Surgeon Leonard II.Kellet. M. A., M. I)., II. li. M. S.Nymphe, the British Navy; Mr.Gideon West, ScottUh Kite Masonry,and Mr. II. J. Noltc, Knight Tem-plar-


The royal carriage containing theQueen Dowager and princess

tame next to the cata-falque, followed by the stale car-riage containing Queen Liliuokalaiiiand Hon. John O. Dominis. PrincessKaiulani's carriage next, containedHon. A. S. Cleghorn and Rear-Admir- al

Brown, and was succeeded bya carriage containing Chancellor andChief Justice the Hon. A. F. Judd ;

Ministers Cummins, Brown and Pe-

terson iu one carnage; atid I'. S.Minister Stevens, Portuguese Charged' Affaires Canavarro, BriM h Com-missioner Wodehouse and wile,French Commissioner d'An hu!e andCheneellor Yi.zuvonna, Japanese Di-

plomatic Agent I'o and SecretaryMuMiki, Judges McCully ami Dole,in ctniages respectively. Thesewere followed by Hons. J. S. Walker,

MONDAY, FEB. 1G, 11.

TillCH. Mill 1111(1 IS (Mill.IIV 0. J. LYONS.

DAY. ii 'I' li r 2- si

a in. p.ni. p.m. u. in.Sun. i ui ., i; a sic Ii :l."i 51 ft .17

Muu. 3 :'.U ; . 8 u.J 10 iwj Ii S 55; 7 0;

Tues. 110 8 II (Ml 0 an S 50 S 11

Weil, ill .1 .1 4 '.i .i II to ii :i:l' 5 rul ii 11Tlnn-.s- jli ii mi; ii mho so ii a ii .a 5 fli.iu 11

p. in. '11. in.Fri. h O'l: 7 DO II III '.' :illl (i 33. si; 11 10hut, 4. S mi, K In1 6 oil! Ii ill! ft ftsj

The Hunt slifiuil I'm- tin1 port is fivcn nt 12h,Dm. Usee, (midnight nf (liccnwicli Hum orHi. iMscc. p. 111. nf Honolulu ObservatoryHunt. 11 is given hy l int siciiin whistle of theHonolulu l'luninir y,ii, n lew clcmrx ahovotint Custom House. Tint same whistle issounded correctly nt Honolulu mean noon,Obsei viitory nieriiliini, or loll, aim. --lisec. of




To Tn lie F. fleet (li'lul.i'r 5. IH'.tO.

A.M. A.M. !.). i'.M.

Ifisvn Honolulu... .6:15 S:4r, 1:43 4:;Mf.i riv: . . 7 : '. :41) 2:1!) 5 :35t

Leavn Ho.ioulnili.. .7 ::j(i 10:51 oiol 5 :4."tArrve Ho'ielidu 8:;io 11:53 4:55 6:501

Sundays excepted,t Saturdays only.

Feb MStmr ( laudine from MuniSi i nr M :kiitiiil:i from KauaiHtmr lwalani from HamakuaSi nil' Kaimilna from HainakiiaSlmr Mokolii from Molokaillwa bk Mauua Ala. Smith, from New-

castle, X s vv

Bk C O YVbitmore, Ward, 77 days fromNewcastle, N S VV

Feb chr

Luka from KohalaSchr lika from Komi

DfcPARTURsS.Feb It',

Stmt' Kaala forKilanea and IlanaluiStmr Mokolii for Molokai Ht 5 p inStmr 1'ele for Knkai iu at 10 a 111

Sluir Kaala for Kauai


Stmr Claudine for Maui at 5 p mSlinr Mikahala for Kauai at 5 p inStmr W G Hall for iVJaui and Hawaii at

10 a m(Stmr .las Jlakee for Kauai at 4 p m


Stmr Waialeale 'i'XM bus's sugar.Stmr Olauiliiie C470 ska sugar, 100 pkgs

sundries.Stmr iviokolii 750 bugs sugar. 185 sheep

and 'i tons simd. v pkgs.htnir Mikahala 52li2 bags siignr, bags

bone ashes, 7 green bides, 20 calvesand 1 horse.

Stmr lwalani -- 4(i,'S5 bags sugar and IJ0pkgs sundries.

Stmr iwiimiloa 4428 bags sugar.

From Maui, per st,mr Claudine, Feb15 G l Wilder, lln U 1) Walbridgeanil wife, Mrs Walbridge, lion 11 PBaldwin, v 15 Mal;ee and wile, MissViolet Makee, A F Lhn'er and wile, lionJus Anderson, Mr Von Ullle, A neck-ings, J 11 McLean and wife, J J Drum-mon- d,

John Kalama, John Kaiuna, a,

John Kiieliu, cry Rottcitsnn,Miss Langford. R Albiecht,' I, M John-stone, Mr Keahi and child, li Aheong,Chas Baldwin, Miss Mexander, Thos 1

Kochfort, A If Marshall, K Oinsleiid.A hoi, M C Koss, Tom Hennessey, MrsLam Chung, Mrs 4h Hung. Fred Ilay-sclde- n,

V 11 Kitcar, Mrs K Ilosea, MrForsyth, S Kto and 57 deck.

From Kauai, per simr Mikalnilii, Feb10 Hon G N Wilcox. Hon VV O 8mil.li,Judge liaidy. Or Welters. II Lose. J KFarley, II Rice, .ir, Miss ti Wode-hous- e,

J Gandall and wife, Master A

Gandall. Miss Gaud ,11, Mrs .1 II Mahoeand family, Mrs Achi, Sarah Kekumu.Dr Kawadu, K Katsura, K L Kauai, MrsM Makaila, Judge Kapuiiiai, Jas Smiili,Mrs Fredenberg, Mr Schlcmma, 5 Chi-nese and 0!) deck

From Hainakiia, per stmr Iwa'ani, Feb15-- 11 S Mahuka, 11 Hall and son, H ALyman, lion W 11 Kickard and 17 deck.


A notice is given Unit there will be110 electric light

The Weekly Bulletin to he issuedtomorrow will Contain, besides ourvery full report of the lute King'sfuneral, the descriptions of the casketand its plate.

The U. B. F. S. Charleston will sailfor San Francisco at 10 o'clock Wed-nesday. Through the courtesy ofKeai-Admir- Jlrown she will carry amail, which will close at the l'ostOflice at 9 o'clock.

Mb. Lionel. Stague, of Clemen'sNews Agency, San Francisco, ands'pccial csrrcspondent of the Cincin-nati Eiuiuirer and Washingtonjaipers, represented the liri.LETlN atthe services in the Throne Itoom. Thethanks of this paper are duo, also, toSir, Wruy Taylor, for assistance kindlyfurnished hi o,ir reports of services atthe r.ilace and at the Mausoleum.

At the meeting of the Uai yester-day in' rniug, Mr. W. O. Siiiilli iresid-ing- ,

it was decided to present KearAdmiral Brown with a cane. 1 hefollowing committee was appointedfor the purpose : Hon. A. Iiosa, Mr.S. K. Kane, Mr. I). Kahaulelio,Hon. J. H. Waipnil.uii, andMr. V. O. Sini h (honorary). To-tla- v

the committee wailed on theAdmiral on board the Charleston, amipresented him with a must elegantgold-heade- cane, composed of 12dill'ercnt kinds of Hawaiian w mils,bearing the following inscription :

V Admiral G orge Ifrown, from theJluwaiinii it.r, February lli, SyL"Air. Smith as made agraceful presen: t ion speech, to whichthe Admiral responded m felicitousterm s.

nii'D mum T?nDmTn7nDnIfiD DCDl rcnilbUiffllO


i A j i i 1 1 :

fe, Coal & FerliUzing Co.

Ot I- i iicci.sro.

IxtY These Fertilizers after actu il'ti ial

on many of the principal plantations

have given 11101 salisfactory results

under all circumstances.

fciiSr Several hundred tons of different

grades are kept, iu stock in our new

warehouse. W'e invite scrutiny and

sell only under a disdnct guarantee that

our Fertilizers will hold fully up to the

agreed formula.

JQ1" For further particulars or for

orders address


Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands,

la If- -: tf

riOM'J.I MM !


All Abo-r- for Waialua ai.dWay Stations !

'TRAINS leaving Honolulu RailwayI Station at 1 :43 !'. M on MON-

DAYS, V Kl)M-:liAV- and FRIDAYSwill carry Passengers. Mail and SmallPackages for Waialua.

Transfer w ill he made at Pearl City toWhite's Pioneer F.xpress. which willcommence to run Mondav inoniing, Dee.2:nh.

Single tickets from Honolulu toWaialua can be bought at Honolulu Rail-way .Station lor $:i ; round trip tickets i.

The, Pioneer Kxpie-- s will leave Waia-lua in time lo conned with the passen-ger train leaving i'e ol ( itv for Hono-lulu at 4:1.--

. ;. M.. on Tl'KSD YS,TIU'RSI) AYSand SATURDAYS, arriv-ing at Honolulu station at 4:a'i r. m.

This new line will start from Waialuaon Tuesday, Dec. ;tu, lsao.

li. F. DILLINGHAM,IU 1m General-Manag- er O. L. A R. Co.


(d- - )iv ysf

- i' CCSQk, M

C-- J

pa fCoColeo P3CO I ',lETAl,!3MfD!Cisl,ol'1.

OH kai.i: itv




ii m it i

Honolulrj, H. I., & Sad FranciiA CaJ.

M. S, Giinbaum President,C. Ilolte

iit 5c Treasurer,A. Asehheiiu Secret ary,M. Louisson Auditor.

M. S. Grinlmum A Co., (L'd). Hono-lulu. H. I . and San Franei-co- . Oil., hasiissun ed tin; assets and liabilities of il.S. Grinbaum A Co an 1 of C. Unite, and

111 continue the get al busiress for-merly eoiied ou by llio-- e two linns.

llonolu'u. Feb. :l, I ; !1 . is lm

Thorcughbrad Poultry

1)ARTIF.S in want of Fine Poultry,of any kind, or F.girs for

hatching, will tiud it to their interest towrite or call w hen iu San Francisco at.he -- Alameda Poultrv YtrJs," Ala-meda, Cal.. cor Kuciii.d avenue andHi h street, terminus narrow-- gaugerailroad.

sTAL'LKS & SIMON'DS,9 tf- -i tf Proprietor.

Royal baud. It is a beautiful pieceof mournful music, and was playedby the band as the body was movedout of the palace into the catafalque.

Great lri'u;n is now offering specialinducements in the way of subsid-ized sieamship line, and the like,for closer commercial relations wilhthese (Ihe Hawaiian) Islands,Springfield Republican.

i:l; i;t-- LiM I :

The public and pairi-u.- of to" F.lec-- 1

tie- i.ifjit. Serice are notified that,owing to the l.i, ing of a wdei pipe,there will be no l'ghl TO N HillT.

:(. H.

' IKK! r'VMhfly Apparently part Collie,

black long li iir, tan h g;

Y Whili throat, ehest--:. '.Vj and part of ii.il. Outer

ear, have it on puj ing lor ihi.s notice,on application to

C. II. KLDHIDGF,!! .'It At W. G. Irwin A- Co.V

AHxijfu-- ' Solif;i to Credi-tors.

'I'D'' undersigned, Assignee in Bank-ruptcy of the Eslate of A. K. Pal. i,

of Honolulu, Oabu, hereby givesnotice to all the creditors who haveproved their claims against the saidbanki npt estate, that he has sub-mitted to .Mr. Justice McCully hislinal account wilh said estate, andhas bled the account, in t!ie ollice ofthe Clei k of the Supreme Court, andthat on MONDAY, Feb. 2:1, 1WU, at10 o'clock A. m., he will apply to saidJustice tor a .settlement ol his accoiiu;.as such Assignee, and for a dischargefrom all liability.

W. G. I'AKKE,.Wignee of the Buikrupt Estate of

A. K. I'alekaliibi.Honolulu, Feb. Id, 1,N!H. :;) Th

I (Hi NAM3

., . 1 I.KASKiK Hd) w ith liuild--.v.-

i ings and improvements$t1ravl,& on the premises, situate onlane off Fori sired, above Kiikui ; thelease has 5 years lo run. the house eon-- t

ins 4 rooms and kitchen, with a largecellar; good location. For further par-ticulars applv to

J. M. CAM A H A, Jii..Real F, iate ami General Agent, Sprec-keis- "

.'oe1. llnoui No. In. L1H (it

van i ik ntII K Premises now occupied

i he If W Moll s si.d.'iiee, on Fort street- Hoi se

lor any one wishing to k.'ep'"oniers. and witmn short uisian..e otHie business pait of Ihe city. Tram carspass Ihe door. I'os.es-io- u given imme-diately. Impure of

G. K. !:o.KI)M.i,."1 If ( iistom House.


't UK estate known usyi 5 Hanch. Kim,

Hawaii, wilh all its helong-fc'-- T

Vif1' injrs. The. Ranch containsMiW lsl.OOO acres. There is on

the Bunch a large and valuable forestof Koa and Ohia. For lurllier parti-culars, apply to KAIIl'Kl.,

tf Kan. Hawaii.


iX the matter of the bankrupt eslate ot'turn Lock, notice is hereby given

lo a creditors who have proved theirclaims thai Ihe mulct signed hus'prepi-ralor- y

to a Una! dividend, submitted hisaceoiinl in the mailer before one of theJustices- of the Supreme Court, that hew ill apply for a settlement of ihe sameand for a disch'iige from all liability asassign if said bank upt estate, tiedI hal said Court lias appointed TC Kl AY,February lb, at 11 o'clock A. M , iu

liiolani Hale, for hearing said appliea--Co- n.

when and w here ail creditors inter-ested many appear and show cause whythe same should not be grunted.

. I. IIOPl'KK.tssignee of the Kuiikriipl. Kstate of

( hun Lock.Honolulu, Feb. 12. Istll. 3" ,tf


Per 'CHARLOTTE," iheCelebrated

K0LBTEN BEER,Warranted fresh mid in perfect



1 st 11 !lxt"y: lii.Fiydciilaud licev,

Flensbiug Beer.Felsenkeller Bran,

Crystal Lag orbier,And an invoice of fine

Rl II NEW INKS,From Aug. Keuter, KueiUshcim and

lirenicr Rathskeller.


H.W.Schmidi&Sons..18 1 W

n. mm & co..House Pali, ti-- i Graining and

lilx-i- - i Iu lltit lljx.All whi k guaranteed. All old, fs left atthe Hawaiian llaniwaie Co. will lecviveprompt alteutiou. let liu

Master's word, he will be raised tothat blissful Lodge which no timecan remove, and which, to thoseworthy of admission, will remainopen during the boundless ages ofeternity In that Heavenly Sanctu-ary the Mystic Light, unniingledwith darkness, will reign unbrokenand perpetual. There amid the sun-beam smiles of Immutable Love, un-

der the benignant bend of theEye, in that temple not made

with hands, eternal in the heavens,there, my brethren, may AlmightyGod, of His infinite mercy, grantthat we may dually meet, to part nomore."

Past Master Dayton, after deliv-

ering a series of invocations to whichthe brethren responded, "So mote itbe!" took a white apron and said:

"This Lambskin, or white apron,is an emblem of innocence, and thepeculiar b.olge of a Mason. It ismore ancient than Ihe Golden Fleeceor the Roman Eagle, and, whenworthily worn, more honorable thanthe Star or Garter, or any other or-

der which earthly power can confer.This emblem I now deposit in thegrave of our departed brother.(Drops il on the casket.) By thisact we are reminded of the universaldominion of Death. The arm ofFriendship cannot oppose the Kingof Terrors ; the shield of FraternalLove cannot protect his victim; norcan the charms of Innocence averthis fatal touch. All, all must die.This grave, that eollin, and this cir-cle of mourning friends remind usthat, we, too, are mortal, and thatere long our bodies, also, shall moul-

der into dust. How important thenit is for us to know that our Re-

deemer liveth, and that he shall standat ihe latter day upon the earth.

(Taking the sprig of acacia iu hishand). " This evergreen, which oncemarked the temporary resting placeof one illustrious in Masonic history,is an emblem of our euduriug faithin the immorlality of the soul. Byit we are reminded that we have animmortal part wilhiu us which shallsurvive the grave, .and which willnever, never die. By it we are ad-

monished that, though like ourbrother, whose remains now lie be-

fore us, we too shall soon lie clothedin the habiliments of death, and bedeposited iu the silent tomb; yet,through the loving goodness of ourSupreme Grand Master, we may con-fidently hope .that, like this ever-

green, our souls will hereafter nour-

ish in eternal spring.Here the brethren moved round

the casket in procession three times,giving tho grand public honors and,on the second time, each depositingon the casket the sprig of evergreenht had carried

"From time iminemonal it has'been the custom among the Fraternityof Free and Accepted Masons, at therequest of a brother, to accompany

F. it A. M., together wilh membersof Hawaiian Lodge and visitingbrethren by invitation, assembled inits hail ou King street at 9 o'clock.Worshipful Master F.J, Iliggins presided and was assisted iu the cere-monies by Past Masters J. A,Ilassinger, A. J. Cartwright, Sr.,and J. M. Monsarrat, with W. M.,John Phillips, of Hawaiian Lodge.The lodge w as opened in 'the usualform as a "lodge of sorrow." TheW. M. presiding delivered a feelingaddress in memory of the late royalbrother. Mr. I Iassingcr also gave animpressive tribute to the lamentedKing's career as a Mason.

At, the Mausoleum the Masonsformed in position to receive the cor-tege. They marched into the build-ing under the arch of the Steward'srods, and to, k their several stationsaround the cask, t and the mourners.When the church services had con-cluded, they proceeded to pay thelast rites iu "full ancient form."

Worshipful Master Phillips, in fineelocution, deliveml the followingaddress:

"Once more, my brethren, havewe assembled to perforin the last sadand solemn duties to the dead. 'Themournful noles which betoken thedeparture of a spirit from its earthlytabernacle have again alarmed ourouter door, and another has beentaken to swell the numbers in thatunknown laud whither our fathershave gone before us.

"Our brother has reached the endof life. The brittle thread whichhound hi in to earth has been severed ;

and the liberated spirit has wingedits llight to the undiscovered world.The silver coal is loosed ; the goldenbow l is broken ; the pitcher is brokenat the fuuniain; and the wheel isbroken at the cistern. The dust hasreturned to the earth, as it was ; andthe spirit has returned to God whogave it.

"While we deplore the loss of ourbeloved brother, ami pay this frater-nal tribute to his memory, let us notforget, my bretliien, that we, too,are mortal ; that our bodies, now sostrong and vigorous, must, ere long,bke his, become tenants ol the nar.row grave; and that our spirits, too,like his, must return to the God whospake llieni into existence. 'Manthat is born of woman is of few days,and full of trouble. He comelh forthas a llower, and is cut down ; heIh elh also as a shadow, and h

not.' Thealmightyfiat hasf.nic forth - 'Dust thou art, and untodust shalt thou teuirii;' and thatwe are ull subject to that dread de-

cree, the solemn cause of our pre.-e-nt

meeting, the daily observation 0 ourlivea. and the mournful mounds

hii h indicate this population of thedead, furnish evidmee not to be

"Seeing then, my brethren, thatlife is so uncertain, and that all




R. MORE, : :

Natural Mineral


Koltlo. Dozen, or Ciiwi,




Engineers & Iron Founders,Office & Works, : Esplanade, Honolulu.

MANUIMCn ITltlOISf-- l tSugar Machinery, Iirigating Machinery, Steam Eng.'"-

Steam Boilers, Juice Tanks, ('i.oler, Molassc '" " par Cars,Cane Cars, Elevators, t'oiiveyors, Furnace riunigs.

Wrought & Cast Iron Work for House Builders,Water Wheels & Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Diffusion Machinery in all its Branches.



GOODSBlack Laces,black Kuchiug,LUack Veiliug,Black C'aliu;eie Shawls,Black Kid Cloves,Black Silk Gloves,Black Hats,Black Caps,Black Crape,Black Hosiery,


one MustJjrinkUAnd Napa Soda is just the thing

for a Pure, RefreshingBeverage.



lOtt i out f'Jn ct.

Black Silks,lllack Uremidine,Black Satins.Black Cashmere-.- ,

Black Marinos,Black Nunsvcilinjr.Black Fancy liibbon-- ,Black C'haiuhnc,Black Alpaca,Black El hits,

's & Boy's Black Suits,Ladies' & Children's &ho;s.

A large assortment of White Goods, Cashmere, Nuusveiling, Alpaca, Lawn,Swiss, Musliug, Etc., Etc. USE HAWAIIAN II;

'f I mf- -'S . - i


S. EllKLiCli & CO.,Corner l or & IIo1l Strwta.

BHole Aitrnts llanallan iHlaiidN tur the


Hardware, Crockery, Glassware,2, li and Chandeliers and Electroliers, Metal and Glass

Lamps, Lamp Fixtures,

PAINTS, OILS Si VARNISHES,Lard Oil, Cylinder Oil, Mecca Engineand Cylinder Oils, Dynamo Oils, Powder,

Shot and Caps, Chamberlain's Patent Macliine-loade- d Cartridges,


Silver Plated 7 ire, Table Cutlery,

George Wesienholin's Pocket Knives, Wade it Butcher's Razors,Plows, Planters' Steel Hoes and othei Agricultural Implements, Handles,


flF Repairs of all kinds of Machinery done at reasonable rates andat snort notice. fi!)6 tf


Ful! Line of P. D. & 0. P. Corsets !

Large invoice of Black H .siery for Ladies and Cl.ildrcns,

Black Gccds of all Description !

gjS" Dressmaking under the management of Miss CLARK. JJff

OF EVllltY

Hart's Patent "Duplex" Dio Stock for Pipe and Holt Cutting;Rubber Hose, either Plain or Wire Bound ; Spiinklers and Stands;

New "Easy" Pennsylvania Liwn Mowers, High Grass Cutters;Manila and Sisal Rope.

eir li-l- .

(H)OI)!i:Black Crape, good quality;

Black Frock Coats, broad clolh ;

B'ack Plants, broad cloth ;

Black Stiff Hats,Black Hats,Black Ties of all kinds,Men's Shirts, all quality and sizes;Men's White Kid Gloves,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

IftuT ftnet

BLACKBlack Silk Goods,Black Cashmere & Merino,Black Henrietta Cloths,Black Ginghams,Black Calicos & Ribbons,Black Silk Handkerchiefs,Mourning Linen Han lkerchiefs,Black Silk Gloves & Mitts,Black Kid Gloves,Black Hosiery, Ladies', Children's

and Men's,


Drug StoreOF

& CO.,: s iloiimliilii, II. I.

RE CO,, L'd,,


lmv fti n Mr.U VI illUbUinU 1I11LU



improved Pattern !

all kinds and descriptions of rnillwork.


Hartnian's Steel Wire Fence and Wire Mats,Neal's Carriage Paints,W. G. Fisher's Wrought Stoel Ranges and Fire and Burglar-proo- f Safes,Gate City Stone Filters,New Process Twist Drills.

T III? V "I7TJ f fVrOT) Admitted bv everyone to be the1 11 1j Al1jlVm U i UlV, very best Windmill in existence.


It is made of Steel and will last, longer and give better satisfactionthan any other manufactured.

NEW GOODS received by every Steamer. NO OLD GOODS IN STOCK!

7"Oi'ders from the other Islands solicited and promptly filled.


1. O. BOX No. 4 2X

: Managjck.SuTEIilNTKNDKN'r.


Steam Job PriBii

This oflice having added a large, varietyof the latest styles of

Elegant Type !

To Its Job Printing Room

Is better prepared than ever to executeall orders in that line, comprising:

Bocks, Pamphlets,Bill Heads,

Business Cards,Law Blanks,

Letter Heads,Circulars, Invitations,

l'lantation Blanks,Banking Forma,

Weildins Cards.Calling Cards,

Posters, Handbills, Dodgers,

Programmes, Etc., Etc.,


ISg" Address

"Daily Bulletin Office,"


mi 3 f5"


Alaki'iv, near uteii St.Tf lflitiif Rti.


Contractor. fe Ituilili-rn- .

Brick, Stone aud Wooden Buildings jestimates given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 70 King street, liell Telephone Ko. 2. 1. O. I ox 423. ap-o--

GEORGE LUCAS,Contractor & Builder.

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, blinds,Sashes, poors, and all kinds of wood-work llnisli Turning, Scroll aud BandHawing. All kinds of Sawing andl'laidug, Morticing and Tenanting,Pr5" Orders promptly attended to and

work guaranteed. Ordurs from thoother Islands solicited,


Contractor & Bui der.

Estimates Given on Trick, Iron, Stone& Wooden Buildings. Jobbing

Attended to.


Brick, Lime, Ctiner-t-, Piaster of Pan.,Marble Dust, Wire Lath,

California North Beach & Santa

Cm? Sand.

Quarry Tiles 0x1! - rod, white and blue)Minton, I'lastie and Encaustic Tiles Invarious patterns, all kinds of DrainageWare.

Slgjf" Office Southeast corner Ala-k- ea

aud Queen streets.

Mutual TELEPHONES jgr Bell $51uihl-90-l- y


ANY person or persons found shootson the lands of Knkuluaett

and Koula. will be pnecuteU to thefull extent of the law737 lm Mils C. P. WARD.


1)ROWX Leghornsa.e. tuai anteed

thoroughbred. Address "Hai-.waii- au

Ostrich Farm," Ka- -piolaul Park; Mutual lele

pboiiu itto. C86

Have just received per German bark

"CHUiLOTTIVIVr steamers and other late arrivals

a large and complete assort-ment of


Prints, Cottons, Sheetings,Denims, Tickings, Regattas,Diills. Mosquito Netting,Curtains, Lawns, Linens,

A tine selection of


In the latest styles. A splendidline of

Black & Colored Merinos & Cash-

meres,Flannels,Velvets & I'lushes,Crape, Etc., Etc., Etc.

TAILORS' GOODS,A full assortment ;

Silcsias, Sleevclinings, Stil'flinen,Italian Cloth, Moleskins,Corduroy, 1'antstulT,Kamnigarns & Buckskins,Serge, Etc., Etc., Etc.


Over & UndershirtsShawls, Blankets, Quilts,

Towels, Napkins,Tablccovers,

Handkerchiefs.Gloves & Mitts,Hosiery, Hats,Umbrellas, Ribbons,Laces, Embroidery,

RUGS and CARPETS,Cutlery, Jewelry,

Perfumery & Soaps,Pipes, Combs & Brushes,

FANCY GOODS,Buttons, Looking Classes,Stationery & Notions, Threads,

Bast E i;iisii & AUralian Saddle,

Tape, Braids, Elastic,Accordeons &. Harmonicas,

BOOTS & :3HO8,Sugar, Bice & Coal Hags,Burlaps & Filterprcss Cloth,Sail Twine, Wrapping Twine,Wrapping Paper, Printing Paper,Vienna Furniture, Iron Bedsteads,Iron Garden Furniture,Iron Meal Safes, Etc., Etc.

PIANOS,From C. Bechstein & Ed. Seiler;

Asphaltum Pooling, Roofing Slates,Firebricks, Fireclay,Hockjalt, Cotton Waste,Stockholm Tar, in drums and bar-

rels ;

Carbolineuni Avenaiius, it woodpreserving Paint Oil ;

Palm Oil, Cocoanut Oil,

1 Baxter EDgine,Chamber Fillerpress. completeChamber Fillerpress, complete

Sugar Oonlcis, Galv'd Iron Tubs,Sheet Zinc, Sheet Lead, Tinplates,Leadplates, Plain Galvanized Iron

Sheets, Charcoal Irons,Black Fence W ire, Steel Rails,Fishplates, Bolts, Spikes,Steel Sleepers, Coal Baskets,Market Baskets, Demijohns and


GROCERIES,Blue Mottled Soap, Windsor Soap,Yellow Soap, Washblue, Cream of

Tartar, Carb. Soda, Vinegar,Stearin and l'arallin Candles,Camphor, Castor Oil, Hair Oil,Epsom Salts, Lozcr.gex, Chocolate.Braunkohl, Sauerkohl,Mealsausages,Liversausages, Split l'eas,French Peas, Tablesalt, SardinesJams, Pickles, Salad Oil, Pepper,Mustard Condiment,Cocoa, Whole Bleached Ginger,

Etc., Etc., Etc.

31 inorjil Wuterw.Ilar.er Koenigsbrunnen,Johannaberger Saueriing,

LIQUORS,Champagne, Port Wine, Sliorry,Rhine Wine, Claret, Bitters,Brandy, Etc., Etc., Etc.,St. Pauli Beer, Furstenbrau,Pilsener & Bavarian Beers.

Baweiian Snpr ml Rice,

Golden Gate, Diamond andEldorado Flour,

Salmon, Corned Beef, Lard,Etc., Etc., Etc.

fcajr For 9'r on the most liberalterms and at lowest prices by

H. HACriFELB & CO.31 2w

en ) 1XIIVb.U bbOlllil 1 1



The l'roinieiois of the above enterprise, beg to inform their patrons,that in accordance with the spirit of the limes, and 10 meet the requirementsof tbeii' inereai ing business they have enlarged and improved the premisesnow occupied by llieni and placed in

The Equitable Life AssuranceSociety of the United States,

Are now selling their Bonds, and upon easy terms. I'he additional fea-

ture of Insurance goes with every Bond.

The following are a few of the many attractive forms offered by thisoriginal and progressive Company :


The Company is equitable, Us payments prompt and certain, and itspopularity unbounded.

From the New York Han, Aj ril 4th, 1890.)

The Largest HusintHs Ever Transacted by a I Ate Assur-ance Company.

The new business of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New

York for the first quarter of the presefit year is reported to exceed FiktiMillion Dollars. This is at the rate of two hundred millions of assur-

ance for the year, and is unprecedented in the annals of life assurance.

cheerfully furnished to any who will write to or call

upon the undersigned at his office.

ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance So-

ciety of the U. S.


Jewelry, Silverware,MANUFACTURED BY


Nan FrunrlMco, : i Califoruin.

Christmas Novelties:Diamonds, Watches,

Silverware, Silver Jewelry,Silver Mounted Canes,

Silver Mounted Umbrellas,Onyx Mantel l 'locks.

Gold Pens & l'enclls,

Fine licothcr Goods,Reliable Goods at Reasonable

iicj:h i

t&T Catalogue sent to any address freeon request.

BayMHil orders promptly and care-fully executed.

ISTDiauioiuls and Precious Stonesmounted in the latest styles.


New Model Lli Room,

Open All INlglit h

Gentlemen ;

Having fitted up the upper floor of

our premises as first-clas- s lunchroom, we are prepared to furnishmeals of the best the market affords ;

cooked to suit your taste. After thenext steamer, December 12th, wewill have constantly on hand FrozenOysters, Game, Etc., Etc., in theirseason.

jfSEnlrance by step, niauka ofmain enUance.

Hoping that you will give us acall we are respectfully yours.

732 lm


The Beit Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at U Hour?The Finest Brawls of



4-- ways on lant.II. .1. KOI.TK.




King Street, Honolulu, II. I

Particular attention paid to allkinds of repaifs. jan

WENNER &"C0.iMrnnfartiirlnR JewUer.

1VO. 63 FOUT H'lll ivr.Constantly on hand a large assortment

of every description of Jewelry. WatchesGold and Silver Hated Ware, &c.

958 ly

y. R. SALTEIl,

Watchmaker & Jeweler,

King street, 1 Honolulu, II. I.,(Next Qeo. Lincoln's).

Fine watch repairing a specialty.738 tf


From aud after this date wewill not be responsible for anyfreight after same has beenlanded. Parties to whomfreight is consigned must be atthe lauding to receive theirfreight.

WLLDEK'S S. S. Co.Honolulu, Sept. S, 1600. 660 tf

Hew Machinery of

And are now enabled to undertake

Hits, M,Mm,


This department is under the management of Mr. HINGLEY, whosepractical knowledge and experience is well-know-







Granite, iron and Tin Ware I

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,


House Keeping Goods,jeHTHIBING. TIN, CGPJfEE AND

Sheet Iron Work.81

Can be prepared at short notice by a local architect of considerable know-ledge and experience.

t0f Estimates given, and as all contracts and work are under the per-sonal supervision of the firm, satisfaeti m is guaranteed in every instance.

faST All orders from the other Islands will meet with prompt attention.21 a