The Learning Journey Group: The Africa Oil Palm By: Sean Seng, Lai Wei Xin, Genessa Tan, Thong...


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The Learning JourneyGroup: The Africa Oil PalmBy: Sean Seng, Lai Wei Xin, Genessa Tan, Thong IsabelleClass:5C

The Problem Some pupils went to Little India for a

learning Journey. They were taking some photograph of

some building and they saw a plant growing from a crack in the wall.

Some think that the bird carried the seed there, some think that the seed flew there, some think that someone climb up the wall and planted the seed there.

Learning Journey !!!The School brought us to the Singapore Botanic Gardens to find out the answer.

We were given a paper with 8 Stations to complete at the Singapore Botanic Garden.

We departed school at 8am. We arrived at about 9am. We went to the Visitor Centre to look for a

plant named Dillenia Philippinensis. The plant dispers by having the birds eat

the seed and the fruit and it will be passed off as bird droppings.

The characteristics of the fruit which aid in its dispersal is that the seed attracts the bird to eat it and it also floats on water.

Station 2 The next station’s title is Along The

Heliconia Walk. We must find a plant named Heliconia.

The method of the reproduction for this plant is that it reproduce by spores.

There are other plant that are like this plant example as Ginger plant and fern.

The next station is called Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage.

We had to compose poem using the word LILY.

LListening IIs LLearning YYeah!!

Station 5 The next station is The Orchid Plaza. The name of the Singapore’s National

flower is Vanda Miss Joaquim. The ways that the orchid plant

reproduce is by seed and stem-cutting.

The next station is the Ginger Garden. The spores are light so it can be

dispersed by wind. The Banana plant reproduce by suckers

and shoot.

The next station is the Passing of Knowledge. The Ginger plant reproduce from sexual

reproduction by seed. They start rooting once they touch the ground.

They come in different colours and shapes. The birds and bees help to pollinate the ginger

plant. We want to find out whether the plants disper

other than wind

We learned the plants can dispers in many ways ,example , by seed, wind, stem-cutting, underground stem ,suckers and shoot.

After all this learning journey and research ,we found out the answer, the answer to the problem is that the seed flew there.

Question 1 What is the name of the plant we were

looking for at the visitor centre?

Answer: Dillenia Philippinensis

Question 2 What are spores dispersed by?

Answer: By Wind

Question 3 What are the two animal that help to

pollinate the Ginger plant?

Answer: Birds and Bees

Question 4 Where did we go at station one?

Answer: Visitor Centre

Question 5 What is the title of station 7?

Answer: Passing of Knowledge

The End Thank You For Your Kind

