The Lantern - St Andrew's Church Deal · 2019-05-15 · The attention-grabbing title of this...


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The Lantern

June / July 2019

The magazine for Deal St Andrew, the Church of England Parish at the North End.


Who’s Who in the Parish

Parish Priest: Vacant


Ann Carey: (01304) 373417

Waveney Brooks: 01304 367961 (until 23rd May) Chris Hobbs-East: 07871 642667 (from 23rd May)

PCC Officers:

PCC Secretary: Carole Gabriel PCC Treasurer: Geoff Hobbs-East Electoral Roll: Christopher Gabriel

Director of Music: Tim Woodhead

Lantern editor: Telephone: (01304) 381131


Lantern advertising: Grace Reeves at

Hall Manager: Rosemary Lanaway (01304) 366589

The Parish Office:

St Andrew’s Church, West Street, Deal CT14 6DY

Telephone: (01304) 381131


The Parish Office is not manned full-time but mail and telephone messages are checked regularly.

Contributions for the August issue are due by 6th July


A Message from the Editor

Welcome to the early summer edition of your Lantern, the bi-monthly magazine for the Parish of St Andrew's. We received some very positive feedback relating to the content of the Spring edition which has resulted in several people being inspired to write and submit articles for inclusion in this and future editions and we thank them for that. We have continued to include a varied content in this edition, we trust that you, the readers, will enjoy likewise.

We do not however, forget that this is a Parish magazine from St Andrew's church and as such on pages 2, 4 and 8 there is all the important church information, covering key people in the church and their contact details, and the notice boards for general business and the forthcoming two months' events. Along with these news items, on pages 5 and 6, there is our regular Parish Letter, this time from Father Toby.

On a more sombre note on pages 10 to 12, fond and thoughtful obituaries for two well-loved people who had a major impact on St Andrew’s and its congregation. They have been written by members of the church who knew them well.

On pages 16 and 17 we cover the church's annual "Quiet Day" visit to Minster Abbey. The piece gives you a good insight into what the day is all about and the spiritual benefits it provides. Maybe it will prompt you to join in and take part next year? Page 18 tells two un-BEE-lievable tales!

Our Church open week inspired Sue Trawick to reflect on the peace and tranquility she experiences from being inside St Andrew’s. Read her observations on page 20. On Sunday 5th May we heard young Charley Woodhead sing for the last time in our choir. Our loss of his angelic tones however, is the gain of St Paul’s Cathedral, where he has secured a scholarship. On page 24 we pay tribute to him and his family and their contribution to St Andrew’s. Grab a coffee and settle down to our Wordsearch on page 26 and finally, we hope that you have a great summer and hope to see you at the Blessing of the Sea on May 25th or at our Church Summer Fair on 22nd June.


In Church each week at St Andrew’s

Matins is said at 8 am on Saturdays; otherwise at 9 am on

weekdays. Evensong is said at 6 pm except on Wednesdays when it

is 5.30 pm.

Sunday 8.00 am Low Mass (Traditional Language)

10.00 am Parish Mass (Common Worship) 6.00 pm Sung Evensong (with Benediction on

The first Sunday of each month.)

Monday 9.30 am Low Mass

Tuesday 9.30 am Low Mass

Wednesday 9.30 am Low Mass

Thursday 9.30 am Low Mass

Friday 9.30 am Low Mass

Saturday 8.30 am Low Mass (see below)

A priest will normally be available for spiritual counsel after Evensong on Saturdays or otherwise by appointment. On Festivals and Holy Days, service times may vary - please see our Notice Board or our website at Please note:

1st Saturday 11.30 am OLW Cell Mass, Angelus and Rosary

1st Wednesday 9.30 am Low Mass and Healing Rites

1st Sunday 6.00 pm CBS attend Evensong and Benediction Holy Baptism, Weddings and Funerals Please contact Ann Carey on (01304) 381131 for inquiries about any

of these services.


Father Toby writes …

“Watch your language…especially in Church!”

The attention-grabbing title of this article is meant to do just that. Grab your attention. Of course we should always watch our language and in church of all places. But I want to suggest that there is more to religious language than meets the eye.

For two thousand years now, Christians, (some Christians), have taken much of the language, especially of the New Testament and the Early Church literally. When trying to describe the things of God and of the spirit most writers have to reach for the metaphor and for poetry. We all know that poetry is not meant to be taken literally. So for instance when describing the Ascension of Jesus, a Feast that falls at the very end of May this year (and hopefully after you receive your copy of The Lantern), Luke, the only writer to describe the event, in both his Gospel and in the Acts of the Apostles, uses the language of Jesus being “carried up” and being “lifted up” and of a “cloud hiding him from their sight”. That may well have been how it seemed at the time. But remember Elijah, in the Old Testament, was “carried up in to heaven” and remember that a cloud is almost always a sign of the presence of God. (The cloud followed the Children of Israel after the Exodus, the Mount of Transfiguration had a cloud etc. etc.) And the last thing that Luke would want us to believe is that Jesus shot off like a rocket. At the speed at which you could see him go he would now be reaching the outer edge of our solar system....ridiculous!. No, we use language of “height” to express feelings of happiness and supremacy. “I feel on top of the world”, “I am on a high”, “thumbs up”. The story of the Ascension tells us that Jesus has ended up “on top”, “supreme” “exalted to the highest heaven”. The language is poetic rather than descriptive. The same is true of Pentecost. (9th June this year). The experience of the coming of the Holy Spirit was so strong and awe-inspiring that Luke uses language of a rushing wind and of flames of fire to describe it poetically. What matters is not how it happened but what happened as a result of it. Frightened and ignorant men and women suddenly found the strength and boldness to proclaim a new truth. And to do so in the face of crowds, in the face of authorities, in the face of potential ridicule. That experience was


really powerful, obviously! The rest of Acts and indeed of the New Testament is the working out of that experience in the life of the early Christians, and supremely in the life of St Paul. The same is true of The Trinity (16th June this year). More than three centuries of argument, debate and mental wrestling, resulted in the formulation of both the double nature of Christ, (true Man and true God) and the Three-fold nature of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Mortals do not have two natures. Three cannot be One. This is language being stretched to express the inexpressible....a bit like poetry, though few would describe the formulations of the Church in the 4th Century as poetry! So we would do well to watch our language...especially in Church. Let us get in to the habit of asking ourselves “what must the truth be for those who wrote the books of the Bible to express it in the way they did, given the context in which THEY lived, which is not the context in which we live?” All of a sudden some of the things that we might find difficult about our faith, like the mechanics of the Ascension of Jesus, turn out not to be so difficult after all. Much about God will always be, gloriously, mysterious to us, but we don’t have to let it all be incomprehensible. I once had a conversation with a fellow Christian who said “I simply do not know what you mean by the word religion is “God-in-a-box” religion. It’s all quite clear.” God-in-a-box religion was what the Ark of the Covenant and later the Temple in Jerusalem was all about. God has led us on from there......... but no doubt there is still some way to go.

Toby Marchand


If you would like to donate online to support St Andrew's

you may do so via

It's easy! Go to their website and search for

St Andrew's Church, Deal. You will see a splendid picture of the

church and an option to make a single or a monthly donation. Alter-

natively our website has a link on each

page to Thank you.



Forthcoming Events

MAY Saturday 25th 2.00pm Blessing of the Sea. Leave from St

Andrew’s at 1.45pm to walk to the sea.

After, process back to St Andrew’s for

short service and tea

Thursday 30th 9.30am ASCENSION DAY Mass

Friday 31st 8:30am Visitation of the BVM Mass

JUNE Saturday 8th 4.30pm An hour of prayer across the Diocese Sunday 9th 10.00am PENTECOST Celebrant & Preacher

Archdeacon Darren

Thursday 13th 2.30pm Ladies Group Marcia’s strawberry tea at


Fri 14th - Sun 16th all day Art exhibition in church

Saturday 22nd 10.00am St Andrew’s Summer Fair

Sunday 23rd 10.00am CORPUS CHRISTI with procession

Monday 15th 10.30am Coffee Concert in the Church.

Friday 28th Deal Music and Arts Festival begins


Wednesday 3rd 10.30am Coffee concert

Sunday 7th 10.00am Deal Festival Mass, Rev’d Canon Roberts,

Rector of St Clement’s Sandwich

Thursday 11th 10.30am Coffee concert

2.00pm Ladies Group in the Hall


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discover our child focussed learning environment.

Please call 01304 363180 or email:

Creative Minds Nursery, 25 Stanhope Road, Deal CT14 6AD


Ian Roderick Shackleton RIP 22nd November 1940 - 4 March 2019

When Fr Ian moved on from St Andrew’s to begin a new stage in his life, it gave him time to enjoy his many passions - his large family, his music, especially playing the piano and organ, his garden, and his love of entertaining and being entertained. His sister-in-law, Jackie, said to me after the Funeral Requiem Mass that, ‘Ian was the life and soul of every family party, of which there were plenty, and his death will leave an enormous chasm’. How we will remember him by those fun-filled evenings in the Parish Hall at the piano, delivering his amusing ditties, or at the Golf Road Centre Christmas Carols and the all too rare occasions when he played the organ in church. He was, indeed, a talented musician. Fr Ian trained for the ministry at St Francis College, Brisbane. He was ordained Deacon at St John’s Cathedral, Brisbane in 1972 and was priested in the same year. He served in Australia from 1972 until 1978. Back in England his ministry up to his retirement was spent in parishes in Manchester and Liverpool dioceses as well as serving as a Prison Chaplain.

Photo: Gregory Dunn


Fr Ian spent ten or more very happy years in retirement assisting at St Andrew’s. As well as regularly saying Mass, baptising infants, marrying couples and burying the dead he was an exceptionally faithful, loyal and pastoral priest who tended the sick, the dying, the lonely and the desperate, and loved into holiness all the people with whom he came into contact. In his last few months Ian, as he was now a layman, was received into the Ordinariate, at the church of St John the Evangelist, where the ceremonial restores many of the old gestures, attitudes and accoutrements which Fr Ian so dearly loved and valued; baroque altars, birettas, lace-clad servers in smoke filled sanctuaries, hearty singing, crashing organ music and sanctus bells. The faith which Fr Ian believed, and still practised unapologetically, of traditional Anglo-Catholicism provided for him a totality, enveloping and influencing all that he was, thought and did. It was in reality, as well as emotionally, the “gateway to Heaven.” At its centre was the “Word made flesh which dwelt among us. And we beheld His glory …” This gave meaning and purpose to life and death for him. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen.

Christopher P Gabriel

A friend remembers Barbara Leigh

Born in 1935 in Lambeth, it was perhaps sharing her birthday with Nelson that sparked in Barbara a lifelong interest in history. Her’s was a long and varied career serving and living abroad but she knew Deal well as both her mother and grandmother had lived here and indeed she was to continue to occupy their pew at St Andrews where she was a regular worshipper. In 1972 she married her beloved Bert and took on the care of a very young stepson. In 1992 they came to Deal and started A History for Pleasure group, an enormous success, with lecturers, such as Dr David Starkey. Her abiding passions for bridge and cricket following the Kent and England teams took her as far away as Australia and Sri Lanka. Her long and happy marriage sadly ended when Bert passed away in 1999. Despite her sad loss, the lessons continued gaining new members and broadening the horizons of all who participated until her health began to fail. Following a major operation in late 2017, she coped admirably, even enduring a very long day visiting Ypres. Barbara left us on February 21st, falling peacefully asleep, to be reunited


with her beloved Bert. Much missed, hers was a warm, loving, loyal and generous spirit which she gave generously to Deal and to all who knew her.

Muriel Taylor’s personal memories Moving from Lancashire to Deal, feeling a bit lost I arrived at St. Andrew’s one Sunday morning determined to change that. Invited to stay for coffee after Mass, I only had to utter the word CRICKET to Barbara and a good friendship was born.

Such was her enthusiasm for the game she loved that, within one week, I found myself a fully paid-up member of Kent County Cricket Club, with multi fixtures in my diary. We spent many days watching cricket matches, sustained by cups of coffee on cold days and lots of chocolate. Following her example, included in my picnic lunch there was always an illicit small bottle of wine and Barbara loved her red!

Her passion for History was renowned and I had the pleasure of going to Wales in search of Henry the V11 with her history students, before joining her class. She always had that little snippet of information that surprised or made you laugh, and I would find history magazines behind my door with hand-written notes on which page to read, hand delivered by Barbara.

As her health deteriorated, she became less able to walk but that didn’t preclude her from going on a cruise, where she could enjoy onboard entertainment and doing what she loved – talking to people, without the need to walk more than a few feet. We cruised up the French rivers to Bordeaux and hatched a plan to get her off the ship and into the city, where she had wonderful memories of exploring with her late husband. It all depended on the height of the river, the deck we disembarked from and the gradient of the gangplank. Success!! We left the ship, got into a taxi and away we went. In the city centre we transferred to a motorised rickshaw and spent two hours sightseeing, before ending the day enjoying a meal together in a pavement restaurant. It seemed that where there was a will – there really was a way.

Barbara was very kind and offered her friendship without reserve. She took me to some beautiful places of interest, country houses, castles, cafes, coffee shops etc. and it was through her that I got to know some of her other friends. I will miss her smile, her love of life, her dogged determination to remain independent and her unconditional friendship.

Thank you Barbara, may you rest in peace.


at St. Andrew’s every Wednesday

(during school term-time)

9.30 to 11.30 am

Mums and Toddlers

Want to meet some new

friends? Why not come to St

Andrew’s for

Coffee & Chat

Tuesdays 10 o’clock to 11.00

put on for all by St Andrew’s

Ladies’ Group.


junior football


If you are in years 1 to 9, and enjoy playing football, then join us at Deal Parochial School on

Sundays from 10.00

Telephone: (01304) 381131 for further information.


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St Andrew’s Church Quiet Day at Minster Abbey

On a bright but blustery Saturday morning in March, a group of eighteen from the congregation and four Priests assembled in St Andrew’s church for Mass.

A quiet breakfast of croissants and coffee in the church was enjoyed before we set off for the "wilds of Minster Abbey" where we were met by one of the Abbey's resident Nuns, before being shown into our large, warm barn.

Canon Christopher led the rest of the quiet day, starting with a short dissertation on the painting "November Moon", by Paul Nash, explaining how this Autumn painting can effect our meditation.

From 11 am to 12.20 we all remained in quiet meditation in the barn, in the chapel or outside in the garden. At 12.20, there was a short service in the chapel led by the Sisters, after which, we moved back to our allocated barn to tuck into our packed lunches, eaten mostly in silence.

We remained together for another worshipful address by Canon Christopher, this time featuring another painting "The Magic Apple Tree" by Samuel Palmer. Then followed more wonderful and necessary quiet time. We prayed, we meditated and retained the holy silence, feeling very close to God.

At 3.30, we gathered again for evening prayers and evensong. Finally, we quietly retrieved our cars, for a return to this "noisy World".


Monastic Life at Minster Abbey

The present Abbey building dates back in part to the eleventh century and is the home of a community of twelve Benedictine Roman Catholic Nuns, a monastic community committed to living the Gospel values in a radical way according to the rule of St Benedict..

The first "Mynster" or monastery here was founded by St Domneva in 670AD, less than one hundred years after the arrival of St Augustine. The original monastery was on the site of the parish church.

Benedictine life was re-established here in the twentieth century. Life at Minster is rooted in prayer balanced with work, community life and hospitality. The daily celebration of the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Nuns’ life. They gather to sing the Divine Office seven times a day beginning with the Office of Vigils at 5.30 am in the Chapel. The other offices of Lauds, Terce, Sext, None and Vespers are spaced throughout the day, ending with Compline when darkness has fallen. The day is concluded with a period of silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. The sisters also sponsor Parkminster Gardens and Tea Rooms, adjacent to the Abbey, which are run by "Looking Ahead", a local organisation providing support and work training placement for adults with special learning needs. For more information visit


Praise Bee! A massive colony of bees has been removed from an Oxfordshire church after its hive caused the roof to sag and honey to drip down the walls.

The 50,000 insects were disrupting services at St Nicholas' Church in Piddington, which has been home to the bees for about 20 years. The Reverend Stephen Hayes said: "I'm hoping they're attracted by the dynamic preaching... their hive is directly above the pulpit."

He added: "We've got a sagging roof. We've got honey dripping down the walls and of course... as the sun gets warmer we have 100-200 bees coming in and not able to find their way out. "They're attracted by the bride's white dress, and so they will come and investigate during a wedding which is not always welcome." Specialists from the Tree Bee Society have now rehomed the bees.

And in Paris, some 200,000 bees inhabiting hives in Notre-Dame cathedral survived the recent inferno that engulfed the heritage landmark in a miraculous escape, their beekeeper said.

Nicolas Geant who looks after the hives which are kept on top of a sacristry that adjoins the cathedral thought at first that the three hives had burned but confirmed the bees were alive after seeing satellite imagery.

Geant said he had been taken aback by calls of support from all corners of the world. He said that this kind of bee does not abandon its hive, instead gorging on honey and not abandoning the queen bee. Each hive at Notre-Dame on average produces some 25 kilogrammes of honey each year which is sold to Notre-Dame staff.

Beehives can be found on rooftops all over Paris, with some passionate Parisians even installing hives in their offices and on apartment balconies.


Are you 6-16? Do you enjoy

singing? Why not join our

Junior Choir? We meet at St Andrew’s Church

on Wednesdays from 6 to 6.30pm

for a practice and on the first

Sunday of the month at 10am

to sing in the Mass.

Why not come along one

Wednesday and try us out

or contact Mrs Jo Woodhead:

to find out more?

Join us at the at The Alma,

12 noon on the last Sunday of each month

(excluding August and December) for the


Price for two courses: Adults £10, Children £5.

A choice of roasts and vegetarian option.

To book tickets or for more information contact

Isabel Burrows either at the parish mass or



A Time for Reflection We settled ourselves into the Church during the Easter Open Church week, looking forward to showing the public around St Andrews. I had brought the newspapers and my husband had quietly got on with the crossword puzzles while we waited. We were sitting with Pauline Bell and busy chatting away, when all of a sudden the door flung open and we jumped up and almost grabbed the visitors with excitement, who were from the knitting group next door who had popped in just to say hello to us! St Andrew’s church is wonderful in so many ways and if you ever

get a chance to just explore like me, you will see why. I wandered up to the altar and looked at the wonderful tiles on the walls on either side. Since I had always wondered about the organ and the narrow space, I squeezed myself into the seat, not to play I will tell you ... but as I tried to get out, I wondered if I could get out without my husband laughing at me. The flowers were stunning with perfume and the last drops of incense hung in the air, what a combination to enjoy. The flowers were artistically arranged and formed patterns of light in their display. I sat back in the pew and watched the light and shadows that came from the stained glass; its warming and mysterious light as it cast shadows, watching the gentle movement of the dust rising in the air. The time had come to leave our tranquility and go home... I have spent many a time reflecting on my time there with peaceful enjoyment and hope in the future you do too !

Sue Trawick


Fun for all the family:

Clog dancers, music, tombola, games, china smashing, refreshments, portraits, stalls,

bric a brac, Pimms, toys, books…

Blessing of the Sea The annual Blessing of

the Sea ceremony will

take place on Saturday

May 25th.

This popular ceremony

begins with a procession

from St Andrew’s at

1.45pm to walk to the


After, process back to St

Andrew’s for a short

service and tea and cake!

Saturday June 22nd 10am -1pm

St Andrews Church West Street, Deal


Need a Venue either for your Special Occasion or for your Regular Activity?

Thought about St Andrew's Church Hall?

It has a small kitchen, lavatories (including disabled and baby-station facilities), cinema

system and paved area.

Hire Charge is £8.50 per hour.

For more information contact Rosemary Lanaway on 01304 366589

Have you thought of sponsoring a church lamp? Many of us look for ways of marking the date of an occasion that is special, or important to us. This could be a birthday, christening, wedding anniver-sary, a special event, in memory of a loved one, or to give heartfelt thanks for special blessings that we have received. One inexpensive way of doing this, is by sponsoring one (or more) of eight Lamps, which burn in different locations in our very beautiful Church. You do not have to be a regular Churchgoer to sponsor a lamp. Prices: 1 week (£5), 1 month (£10), or 1 year (£100). Please contact Muriel Taylor ( who would be pleased to help you arrange sponsorship and answer any questions you may have.


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St Andrew’s has Talent!

It was with great sadness and huge pride that we said ‘Goodbye’ to Charley Woodhead as he left St Andrew’s to take up an amazing opportunity, having been awarded a choral scholarship at St Paul’s Cathedral. He has been singing there during the week for the past term as a Probationer and is now starting full time as a chorister singing seven services a week. Happily, Charley’s younger sister Anna remains as a member of the Junior Choir. She attends weekly rehearsals and sings one Sunday a month with her fellow choristers. We are also blessed to have Mum and Dad, Jo and Tim at the heart of the musical tradition of St Andrew’s. They have been with us for eight years. Tim, our organist graduated from The Queen’s College Oxford, and then worked at Manchester Cathedral. Jo, who sings soprano and leads the Junior Choir graduated from Oriel College Oxford and both have been involved in school and church music ever since. The choir is an integral part of the worship at St Andrews and hugely appreciated by regular worshippers and visitors alike.. Any singers who would like to join are welcome and should speak to Tim or Jo.


REAL DEAL FOOTBALL CLUB Did you know that St Andrew’s formed and supports a football club for children from the age of 6? The club was started to provide activities outside school hours for the children to kick a ball around in a safe environment, both for themselves and their neighbours’ windows! It started small and over the years has grown considerably with some of the original children going on to train as coaches themselves, coming back to the club to help, alongside some parents.

The club is organised by Simon Earl, a sports coach, who welcomes any child from the age of 6, coaching them in football every Sunday in the playing fields at the Parochial School. If you or your children would like to join, please contact Simon on 01304 381131 for more information.



Children’s Page



A social table tennis club for all ages and abilities. We meet in the church hall during school terms

on the first and third Sundays of the month from 12 noon to 1pm.

Bats and balls provided.

Sessions are run by a Qualified Table Tennis England coach.

Attendance at Mass is not a requirement.

