THE HO,IE GARDE~ - · 3rd growing season and each growing season thereafter...


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virginia home food production FERTILIZER RECOMMENDATIONS



Ja nu a r y l q ~? , ... _


Age of beds frOfD planting

1st growing season

2nd growing season2

Tirue to app1y fertilizer

Kind of fertilizer

at plant i ng none tlme (mid-Much to mi d-Apd 1)

2 to 3 weeks after planting

armionilllTl nitrate (331 actual nitrogen)

first or second same a.s above week of August --- . ' ·' · ..


'" as soon ~s ha·,::.. same as above vest hes ended for the season and bed.s have been r-enova ted

first or second same as above week. of AuguH

2 lo 4 ounces

4 to 6 ·ounces

4 ounces

6 to 8 ounces


Method of application

spread uniformly in a band 14 " wide over the row when foliage is dry . Brush fertilizer off the leaves to avoid leaf burn.

same as above

same as above

same as above

------------These r-ecomnendations are based upon matted-bed widths of 14~ to 16". to be ~d.h1sted accordingly if widH or r1arrower beds 4re used.

Rates of application will need

2. Repeat recomnendations of 2nd growing season for each succeeding year.

Stravberry pllll1lt1ng,,; au com:DOnly hcsrvested for aeveral years in the hocw garden before they are replaced vith new plantlnga. It ts. therefore, extremely 1a;>ortant that th« eo1l be teated ct laaet a year ~rore ple.ntlng. and that pH (&oil acidHy). phoaphorous, potacahm, calcluc. and u ·gnoaium be adjuoted wh<ln necrsaary. The recommended ;imou.nts of u~ 3nd f~rtlli:ers should be aprl1ed ruefully 110 that over- and undn-11ppltcattona ere avoidt:d . Li~ &llDuld be applied 6 months .to one year bf' fore plantin~. vhile phosphC'roua and potustum may be applic,ad a!. c.l~!h: 415 2 wcdc.s bef0r •. • pl.l1\Ci ·n ~. Prepl.:int Jµpltcoitio:'"ls of lt~. ph..:>sph.Jtr, and potash may be auf(1c1.:nl for the life of the pl.lnt1n>- and, for thU rcal'un, r.i. .tyn1tro~cnconLo1n1n,- fert111z~rs ne~d b~ dpplled on an annu.ll b.lsis.

The amount of hHroKen hrt: lizcr n<',·ded for best pt.>rfonii.ancc of any cru1• wtll 'oe affe.:te.; Ly nun:erous factl'r& 1ncludlni;: a1nOuT1t 01 orh.J11lc m..icrer in (or addotd to, e)i: . , · l.:31 1ru,ld .ir tl.itnurl'' tht' st,l\; soll tvl'"; und e>easoncJl d~stributton of r.Jifllull 1.:11 lrrlp.ath•n}; prt.>11alcnct: and control of d1st'8 Sf!'S •• r ins<'• ts; effects of shad1ni; from trees o·r b ... ildin.;s n.:;1r the ~drdu:n; .:ot!lp<'tltl..,n fror:. woteds ; 1·r c.•1rr .1. "R.rcn~· nd.ltlons .. should theref..,re hr trearrd -'6 i:uidt J int- ~ r•r .1 st.1rr In!!, point fr,•111 whlrh the h.•ft>t' ~ard;n;r-;;:;~~~· .:r.p ... .:t reosf\n ablv

f!.OOd rt'sults, b~l whi c h ,· an b·· ~..,d1l1 t' J · '" r,··i "l1.·J .

n1e timinr, for nltro~t'n .tpplic.ltl;JO:. t •.. Sf1.olofberrlrS 1S b.JSC'J 11pon fo'rt.dn re.-o,.;nlZd\'ie " l.l~~S tn lhe Jt'11elope.ent of a pl.lnt and the fl•>,: vr ... .-,..~. Tht'y a;hn ... ld be ~Je . 11t thr lllk8 !..,.,_ ,., c--.t~d In thesf' rtCOllll:;)>cnJat tons.

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;~K ~GR_A_P_E_S~~~~~~~~~-:-·~~--~~2 ~3 ---Age of vines from planting

Time to apply Method of application K1nd of 1 4 Amount to apply • ·- fertilizer •

At planting none

lst growing season soon after growth starts in · the spring

spread uni fonnly in a sodium nitrate (16'.t actual nitrogen)

2 ounces or 1/4 cup per plant

6 weeks after first appl ica­tion

411 band arountl, but not closer than 1 O" from, the trunk.

same as above same as above same as above

2nd growing season just before growth starts in the s-pring

spread unifonnly in a 24" band around, but not closer than 12" from, the trunk .

same as above 4 ounces or 1/2 cup per plant

3rd growing season and each growing season thereafter

same as above spread uuifonnly in a 36" band around, but not closer tha11 12" from, the trunk .

same as above 2 ounces per year of plant age, up to a maximum of 8 ounces or l cup per vine


1. Gn1pe varieties differ ln their nutrient requirements, p11rtlculnrly for nitrogen. The needs of each variety and of individual plAnts within A variety ere in turn affected by a number of outside conditiona. Some of the conditions which affect variety end indlvid11aJ plant nutrient requirements include: the type and productivity group of the Roll; the amount and senRonal distribution of rainfall (or irrignt1.on); tr~llis height and the distance hetween vines (i.e., the ~race and trellis area allotted to each vine); the pruning and training ByRtem; fr11fl thinning pr11cticee and the amount of fruit left to mature on the These and other factors may act to increase or decre~se shoot growth Jn a given yea·r, and one or mare may need to be changed if Altering the fertUlzer program 'fails to give ·the desired results.

2. New canes (current year's growth) Rhould average lengths of 3' to 6' on mature (3 years and older) bearing vines. If most new canes Rre less thrm J' long at pruning time, then add an extra 2 ouncee of sodium nitrate per vine to the regular recommendation. Add 2 more ounces of sodium nitrate per vine in each following year until new cnnes average 3' to 6' in length. Similarly, if shoots average 1110re than 6' in length, reduce 11pplic~tJons by 2 oz. ench year until vigor le sufficiently lowered.


It may be neceesary to substitute othr.r kinda of fertillzerR Yhen the recommended kind ie not available ' or when soil tests, leaf aymptomR, or tJ.saue analyses indicate that phoephatee, potash or other nutrients are deficient in the soil. When aubatitutlons are made, be sure to adjust the amount of substituted product to eupply the quAnlity of _actual nitr~.~~ recommended 11bove.

Method for calculating the amount of :i Rtshstitute fertili.zer which will give the same amount of actual nitrogen provided hy socHum nitrate:




Multiply the number of pounds of sodium nitrate recommended by the percent nitrogen in sodium ·!

nitrate (16% .. 0.16) to determine the amount of actual nJ.trogen recommended.

Divide the amount of actual nitrogen recommended (aa calculated in etep "a." above) by the percent nitrogen in the new source to find ho" much to apply.


(Substitute sulfntP. (2ffoNi _for 8 oz. nltrnte]:

1. (8 oz. sodium nitrate) X ( .16 actu11l nitrogen Jn sodium nitrate) • 1.28 oz • . · ac;tual nitrogen.

U. (l.28 oz. actual nitrogen recommended) t (.20 actual nitrogen in ammonium sulfate) 0 6.4 oz.

/ /

I ,. ,; · ..


/ 1


Age of bushes from planting

1st growing 5eason

2nd growing season

3rd and later growing seasons

T1me to apply fertilizer

at planting

1st week of June

2nd week ·of March

same as above


Kind of fert~l .izer


Anunonium sulfate (21% actual nitro9e11}

same as

same as above

Amount to apply

2 ounces (1/4 cup) per plant

sa111e as above

l ounce for each yeaa· of the plant­in~' s age up to a max imwu of 8 ounces (l cup} per plant

· in the 8th iH1d fol­l o·rd 119 qrow i ng seasons

method of application

spread unifonnly in a · 12" wide band iround. but not closer than 611 from. the transplant's ' stem

same as above

same as above. except increase the band width by 3" each year to a maximum of 2.5' in the eighth year

Blueberry root systems ore typically shnllow, not p1:1rtl.c11lnr.Jy lerge, ond they an ectd soll in order to absorb sufficient quontittea · of lron nn<l other micro-nutrients for good gro-wth end health of the entire plent. Preplent soil tests an<l adjustment of soil 0cldlty to give a pH within the range of 4.5 to 5.5 ere absolutely · eeae~tial; TI1is adjustment of anil ocidlty may be done for the entire area of the gard.en where blueberriee will be planted, or :it mny be conff.ned to 6' wide r'Jtripe centered on future row sites. In either cAse, sulfur should be app]led ot tl1e rate of J/4 lb. per 100 square feet of soil for each full plf unit the soil teats above 4. 5 in A Mindy SO fl. lleevJer soils requl re the uae of more sulfur to obtain the same change ln pll; l~ to 2 lb./ JOO Sf1trn1·e feet should he used for each full pll unit of change desired on loams, sandy clay loams, silt loamA, etc. As blueberry roots require good aeratlon, it is usunlly wise to Avoid sltee located on clay or c]~~ lonm aolle.

Incorporation of organic matter tc~de to Increase the water and nutrient holding capacities of sandy soils, which le important to the drouth Renel.tlve blueberry plnnt. Well decayed organic inatter (cg.• composted leaves, or decomposed sawdust), peat, or sphagnum should be incorporBted vith soil in the planting hole beneath the plant as well es in the soil .ueed to fUl in around the plant~• A peck or more of organic matter/plant will be beneficial as a source of nutrients as well es improvlng the water relations of the plant. The gardener should reali7.e thnt while a ]erge hole should be dug so that organic matter may be mixed with soil under the plant, he muRt realRt the temptation to insert roots too deeply beneath the soil surface. The plant should be eet no deeper then the depth nt which it grew in the nursery, and horizontal roots must be allowed to retnfn this orientation when planted in the garden; otherwise, deeply planted roots will die for lock of sufficient oxygen.

A permanent mu] ch of lrny, peat moAs, leaves, c:r11Rhed corncnha, woodchf.pR, bark, sawdust or other bulky organic material should be malntained at n depth of S" to 6" And extending At leaet 2.5' on all siden of the plant. These materials will eventunlly decompoae and relenae nutrients for use by hlueberry plants but the decomposition proceaa temporar lly t f.~s up nitrogen it unav:illnb le. Thie may be a more ptonounced problem vlth finely ground materinlA, Ruch SR aawdw1t, than It le wt th le Re rapidly decomposing, smaller surface-area materials such aa woodchtpa. lt ie s11ggented tlint 3/4 pound of ammonium sulfate be applied for each bushel of newly applled eawrtust. ' .

Cottonseed meal may be substituted as the sole nltro~en nource tn place of ammonium sulfate suggested in the accompanying chart of fertilizer reconunendationn. lt Rhould be l'lpplied at the rate of it pound per non-bearing plant, and 1 pound per fr111t-he11r:1ng plant.


first Growing Season:

kind of crop

all blackberries and raspberries

time to apply

at planting

just after growth starts in the spring

method of application


spread unifonnly in 4" bands around, but not closer that 6" from, the transplant's stem or "handle".

kind of fertilizer 1 amount to apply

none none

anmonium nitrate 1/2 to 1 ounce per transplant

- - - ·- - - - -- - - - - ------------"-----------------------------'Heritage' red raspberry when grown for faIT­crop only

repeat the above applica­tion 6 weeks later

spread in a 4" band along, and not closer than 6" from, the row of transplant handles.

same as above 2.5 to 3.0 pounds per 100 feet of row

Second Growing Season and Each Growing Seas~n Thereafter:

kind of crop

all blackberries and raspberries if grown in hedgerows or as closely spaced hills, (eg., 2' to 3' be­tween plants)

'Heritage' red rasp­berry when grown for fall-crop- only

Semi-erect thorn-' less blackberry with a spacing of 6' to 8' between plants

time to ~pply

just before growth starts in spring

same as above

same as above

method of application

spread unf fonnly in a 2' wide band over the row.

same as above

spread uni fonnly in a 3' wide band over the row.

kind of fertilizer2

anmonium nitrate

same as above

same as above

amount to apply

2.5 to 3.0 pounds per 100' of row length

3.0 to 7.0 pounds per 100' of row length

same as above

----OR----- OR·----------uR--------.... •R-------

same as above spread uni fonnly in a same as above 3 to 8 ounces per 5' to 6' diameter plant' circular band around, but not closer than 10" from, the plant's crown.

NOTES: 1. lime should be applied (according to soil test resultsT 6 mos. to 1 yr. before planting. -~ Phosphorous and potassium should be applied (according to so11 test results) and incorporated wHh J ~ 2. the soil at least 2-3 weeks before planting . Only nitrogen ts recomnended during the year of planting.

3. The soil should be tested every 2 years for acidity, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, and magn_es1um. If these tests indicate a pit of 5.7 or higher, and medium or high levels of the above nutrients · only nttrogen 1s needed on an annual basts. Lower pH readings, or low levels of tndiv1duaf nutrients indicate a need for 11f!1e and/or a more cCJnplete fertfltzer such as 10-10-10.

Prepared by: Herb Stiles, Extension Horticulturist, Fruit, Va. Tech, Southern Piedmont Research and Continuing Education Center, Blackstone, VA 23824.
