The Health Benefits of Tomato Soup


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The Health Benefits of Tomato Soup

There are health benefits to this tomato soup as it is high in Lycopene. Lycopene is an

antioxidant that is not made in the body, so we need to eat vegetables that have good source

of Lycopene in them. And tomatoes are one of those vegetables that are very high in natural


Studies have shown that Lycopene can guard against cancer, especially prostate cancer in

men, and cancer of the digestive tract, colon and lungs. Lycopene guards against aging of the

skin and can be helpful with diabetes and cardiovascular problems and keeping vision healthy

by preventing cataracts. Some studies are showing that it could prevent osteoporosis

They also now make supplements but they are not as good as getting the Lycopene from

natural sources.

Health Benefits of Tomato Tomato juice is useful for the production of many anti aging and sunscreen products as

it protects our skin from UV rays and also prevents wrinkling at earlier age. Tomatoes are antioxidants and so help in cancer prevention. Tomatoes can prevent heart diseases. Tomatoes help in reducing high cholesterol levels. Tomatoes help in reducing high blood pressure. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin K and so prevent hemorrhages. Tomatoes act as natural blood purifiers. Digestive system is kept healthy by them.


Broccoli - has secured a great importance in the diet of any health conscious person. This may be because it contains broccoli as its main constituents. Broccoli exhibits a range of benefits of eating which does not allow you to skip it from your diet. The major benefits include lowering the cholesterol rate and also reduce the risk of having prostate cancer. This contains a range of nutrients and vitamins which reduces the possibilities of colon, breast along with bladder cancer to minimum level.

It belongs to the cruciferous vegetables family which is rich in phytochemicals. The main constituents of the broccoli salad are the raw broccoli or cooled broccoli which can be obtained from steaming. This is considered as one of the best salad for your home and away if you are out for a picnic.

Cucumber Salad - is another most widely used salad for its health boosting reasons. It exhibits a great natural cooling effect which might be the reason for its regular use in salads and sandwiches. As it exhibits cooling effect, it is used in cleansing the palate and hence served as appetizers. This is one of the most popular and the most widely used element of the salads. Most common cucumber salad is prepared by slicing and peeling to a thinly and applying pickling solution. Pickling solution is prepared from mixing sugar with vinegar in equal proportion along with water and salt. Cucumber salad goes great with grilled pork.

Carrots Raisins Salad - is one of the best salads which are very popular around all over the world. This is famous just because both carrots and raisins are considered as rich in several vitamins and minerals such as beta-carotene and vitamin A . Raisins are also included in salad as they constitute iron, vitamins, calcium and potassium and several other vitamins along with vitamin B.

Cabbage Salad - is considered as one of the cheap and the complete source of antioxidants. It also includes some of the most vital health boosting constituents such as potassium and folic acids along with several vitamins like vitamin C &B6. These salads are considered as one of the most refreshing and simple to make.

Salads are very healthy. Dieticians always advise you to include salads in your daily diet.

Usually, we eat salads as a side dish or before taking the full course. However, let me tell you

that you can have salads as a meal. Rather, the meal is better, as itpromises you low calorie

but loaded with vitamins and anti oxidant agents.

When I am talking about salads, don’t think that it would be your simple garden salad. Salads

can be of many varieties including the ingredients like nuts, fruits, lean meats and lots of

green veggies. Here in the following I would give you some tips to make verities of salads to fill


For a real low calorie filling diet, green salads are best. Green salads are full of fiber, which fills

you and at the same time, it does not give you unnecessary calories. What you can use for

green salads is spinach, lettuce, iceberg, leaf and etc. For better taste, you can use a bit of

butter, only if you are having salad as your full meal.

Vegetable salads are also common and easy to prepare. Here, you can add any raw vegetable

according to your choice. There is a range of choice like green beans, carrots, radish, snap

peas, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes and many more.

You also have the option of choosing fruit salads. To prepare this salad, you can use

blueberries, apple slices, pineapple slices, and raspberries, dry fruits like resins, nuts as well.

According to your taste, you can add a pinch of salt. To make it more filling and delicious, you

can add some yoghurt.Out of various leaned cooked meat, you can prepare delicious filling salads. Yes, you can use hardboiled egg apart from cooked chopped and cooked lean beef, shrimp, and chicken breast. However, you have to remember that meat salads have more calories than fruits or vegetable salads.  When I am saying cooked meat means, they are supposed to be plainly boiled meat, not the fried one.

Importance of juices:-

Juices not only help in overcoming fatigue but also boost energy and work wonders in a state of dehydration. They revitalize body with vitamins, minerals and enzymes. But ensure that the sources, from which they are good quality for flavor and nutritional value. Even in summers, none would deny that there is no better way to deal with the rising heat than by relishing a cool glass of fresh fruits and vegetables is beneficial to health.

Certainly, munching on fruits and vegetables is beneficial health, but one would also agree that juices and fruit cocktails are cooler, pleasurable and exciting than just having vegetables or fruits.

Juices not only fight fatigue and boost your energy but also work wonders when you are dehydrated and need to realize your body as a whole. Moreover, they are rich in various kinds of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, low in calories and do a load of good in boosting our immune system.

Having a glass of orange juice with your breakfast is a great way to start your day. Besides being loaded with vitamin C, it is rich in antioxidants. One can also interchange it with a tall glass of vegetable juice comprising carrot, beetroot and tomato. Add to it a piece of ginger, a dash of lemon juice, salt and rock salt to keep you energetic throughout the day.

Pineapple juice: Alternatively, pineapple juice is also a good source of vitamin C and helps in digestion. Steamed and raw peaches and apples also make healthy and tasty fruit juices.

For the hot summers: Chilled water-melon, cucumber and grape juices are simply made for the afternoons in hot summers and every evening, when the heat is at its worst. Add to the juice chunks of melons and grapes and your energizing health is complete. Grape juice not only helps incurring constipation but also rich in vitamin C.

Fruits and vegetable juices can be made tangy and tasty adding rock salt, a pinch of cinnamon powder, a dash of lime juice or ginger juice and black pepper for extra flavor.

However, a few words of caution for buying and storing fruits and vegetables. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables in season for preparing juices. It will not only prove to be cheaper but they also will be at their flavor and nutritional peaks. Also wash fruits and vegetables with clean water before using them for making juices. When buying vegetables and fruits from the shops, avoid fruits and vegetables that look brownish, oily dull and dried out.

So, go natural and load up on juice instead of usual coffee, tea, or soft drinks this season. Moreover, it is proven fact that the nutritional goodness of fruit and vegetable juice with a  diet that is low in fat and cholesterol and containing whole grain products and cereals decrease the risk of heart disease and cancer

[Importance of juices in nutrition of infants and preschool and school children]

[Article in Russian]

Kon' IIa.


The data on assortments and nutritional value of infant's juices are reviewed. Special attention

is devoted to the disputable problem of the time when the juice is to be introduced to the

infant diet. The necessity of further investigations on the quality criteria of juices for infant

nutrition is emphasized. Modern data on nutritional value and physiological role of juices for

preschool and school children are also presented. The perspectives of future investigations on

the development and manufacture of new juices for infants and children are outlined.

Vegetable juices

The juices extracted from fresh raw vegetables are highly beneficial as they furnish all the cells and tissues of the body with the elements and the nutritional enzymes which they need. It is true that the body can derive these elements from whole vegetables. But the fresh juices can provide them in the manner in which they can be most easily digested and assimilated. A vitamin and mineral deficiency can thus be made much more quickly by drinking fresh juices than by eating raw vegetables.

Practically all vegetables make good juices, but some bitter than others. Vegetable juices may be divided into three main types. These are (i) Juices from vegetable fruits, that is, tomatoes and cucumber (ii) Juices from green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, celery, lettuce, spinach and parsley and (iii) Juices from root vegetables like beetroot, carrot, onion, potato and radish

In most cases it is desirable to use juice individually and in no case more than three juices should be included in anyone mixture. The broad rules applicable to combination of vegetable

juices are that juices from vegetable fruits may be combined with those of the green leafy vegetables but not juices of root vegetables. Juices of green leafy vegetables may be combined with those of the root vegetables. Vegetable juices soothe jaded nerves and gently carry away toxic matter and accumulated waste products. They are best taken at least half an hour or more after meals. They should not be taken before meals or near the same time as fruit juices. Many common ailments respond favorably to raw vegetable juices.

Curative Value of vegetables

Vegetables contain various medicinal and therapeutic agents. There are a large array of laxatives, sedatives and soporifics or sleep inducing in the vegetable kingdom. Vegetables like. onion, radish and celery exercise a tonic effect and are excellent for the nerves. Certain vegetables are highly beneficial in the treatment of various diseases. Carrots are good for the blood. White crisp juicy stalks of celery serve a much better medicine in case of rheumatism or nervous dyspepsia than any nerviness that relieves nerve disorder. A dish of spinach or dandelion will be beneficial in the treatment of kidney troubles. Lettuce can be used as a food remedy for insomnia. Onion can be used with advantage in the treatment of cough, cold, influenza, constipation, scurvy and hydrophobia. The leaves of fenugreek are highly valuable in the treatment of indigestion, flatulence and sluggish liver. Garlic can be beneficially used in heart diseases, hypertension, hypoglycemia, diabetesand even in fatal form of meningitis It has been effectively used in lowering blood cholesterol and preventing blood clotting.

Gastro-Intestinal Disorders

Fibres in vegetables act as the mechanical intestinal expand ers draw more water.and proteins in them and help easy expulsion of the waste in the form of stool. They prevent habitual constipation and keep the entire intestinal tract free from harmful germs. Fibres in the form of cellulose help the elimination of cholesterol Beet root, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, green peas and beans are specially valuable in this. They are useful in case of arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and constipation. But when there is inflammation in this intestines, vegetables having less cellulose content such as tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes and vegetable juices should be taken.

Pectin found in vegetables such as brinjal, radish, pumpkin and beet root absorb water, kill certain bacteria and toxins and eliminate them from the body. Garlic, onion, radish and mint contain pectin as well as antimicrobic qualities.

Blood Disorder: Vegetables also supply trace elements which are necessary for the human organism. Iodine, for instance, is essential for thyroid hormone which regulates much physical and mental activities, cobalt for increasing the number of blood corpuscles, and zinc for proper growth.

Importance of Juice Fasting in Rejuvenating Your Health

Fruits and vegetables in raw state or juices helps detoxify and rejuvenate your body cells.

Intake of fresh juice is the quickest way to get rid of unwanted body wastes and toxins that

keep accumulating inside your colon and other organs over the years. And these toxins are the

primary cause fat build-up in the body that decreases your overall fitness level.
