The Beat 27 March 2015



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27 March 2015



Justin Steyn

“Be on the lookout forcrocodiles” was the warning thatwas issued after four straycrocodiles had been caught inBospoort,Bela-Bela.Piet Cronjé, a known wildlife

expert, says he was informed onSunday 22 March that threecrocodiles, each measuring twometers in length, had beenspotted near the area’s golfcourse and another near aresidential small holding.“I was phoned in the early

morning by several people whosaid they have spotted thecrocodiles near their homes andthe golf course nearby. I thendrove to the areas where thecrocodiles have been reported tohave been seen and it was therethat I found three of them nearthe golf-course and one near asmall holding,” said Cronje.Armed with rope and

experience, Cronjé rounded up

Lizzy Bapela

A 35-year old man fromModimolle was given a lifesentence when heappeared before theModimolle regional courton Wednesday, 11 March.Magistrate Semenya gavethe accused, Josaya OupaMonyeko, a life sentencefor rape and three yearsfor robbery.Modimolle police

spokesperson WarrantOfficer James Findlay saidthat Monyeki was alsosentenced on severalcases that also occurred inModimolle in September2014. He said that these


sentenced tosentenced tosentenced tosentenced tosentenced tolifliflifliflife in prisone in prisone in prisone in prisone in prison

Oupa Monyeki was recently sentenced to life inprison by the Modimolle regional court. Photosupplied

include six rape cases, forwhich he was sentenced tolife in prison, as well as 12months for theft and threeyears for robbery.The magistrate and the

prosecution both praised theinvestigating officer, WarrantOfficer Gerty van derMerwe, for her commitmentand accomplishment inclosing the case. Warrantofficer van der Merwe wasthe investigating officer in allthe cases and is servingunder the supervision ofLieutenant-Colonel G.Louwrens of the ProvincialTask Team of the HarmfulOccult-related Practices andMissing Persons.


each crocodile away fromdanger and they were taken to asmallholding belonging to GeorgeRogozin who is currently in theEastern Cape on a business trip.Cronjé said that he informed the

local police as well as natureconservation about the capturedcrocodiles.“As required by law I phoned

the police and natureconservation about what hashappened. We had the option ofeither shooting the crocodiles orcapturing them so that they maybe taken to a place of safety,”Adri Pelser, a cattle farmer and

horse breeder, said that he wasalso informed about thecrocodiles via the area’sneighbourhood watch.Pelser said that further

investigations made it clear thatmore crocodiles are still movingabout in the area“The crocodiles that were

caught all came from an easterlydirection and other tracks have

been found where a crocodilehas headed northward. It ispossible that there might beanother one or two crocodilesthat have not yet been caught,”He has since moved his

livestock in small camps awayfrom water springs that pose anythreat.At this stage it is unclear where

the crocodiles had come from butone suspicion is that they mayhave come from a farm nearThaba Manzi, a rhino sanctuary.The owner of the crocodile farm

Thaba-kwena, Wiccus Pretorius,said that he had only been toldthat crocodiles have been spottedin Bospoort but said that all thecrocodiles have been accountedfor on his farm.“Piet Cronjé told me that there

where crocodiles roaming aroundin Bospoort and after aheadcount was conducted staff atthe farm confirmed that nocrocodiles had gone missing,” hesaid

Justin Steyn

Lizzy Bapela


roam free inroam free inroam free inroam free inroam free in


Photo as illustration, Website: 2 BEAT 27 March, 2015

Justin Steyn

One man has been arrested after arhino calf was found dead at asanctuary outside Bela-Bela. Accordingto Bela-Bela police detectives’commander Colonel Abel Phetla, fourpoachers were on the premises when thecalf was shot with a bow and arrow onFriday, 20 March.The police were tipped off by a witness

while the calf’s horn was being hacked off.When the police arrived three of the fourmanaged to escape in a white vehicle ofunknown make.

Justin Steyn

Police in Modimolle are looking for threeescaped prisoners who were awaitingtrial.Jenuika Vuarayayi, Alex Matayaya and

Edson Chuma were three of thirteenprisoners who were being transportedfrom Pretoria to Modimolle on Tuesday,17 March for their court appearances.Vurayayi and Matayaya were facingcharges of armed robbery while Chumawas charged with housebreaking andtheft.It is believed that the three prisoners

escaped from the back window of the

Lizzy Bapela

A well-known traditional healer fromModimolle was sentenced to twelveyears in prison for the rape andmurder of his girlfriend. The accused,John Nkomape Modimola, wassentenced when he appeared in theModimolle Regional Court on Tuesday,10 March, and received seven yearsfor attempted murder and five yearsfor rape.Modimolle police spokesperson

Warrant Officer James Findlay saidthat Modimola assaulted the womanon 10 October 2013 with a knobkieriebefore taking her back to his wife’shouse where he assaulted her further.He added that the accused wanted toset the victim on fire by pouringparaffin over her, but could not light

Justin Steyn

AfriForum in partnership with the Bela-Bela police and neighbourhood watchesin the surrounding areas are planning amass action campaign in the fightagainst crime. Residents say that theyhave had enough of the violent attacksthat have occurred in the past fewmonths and something drastic has to bedone to ensure the safety of residents.In a meeting on the 20th of February

the group organized a strategic plandesigned to involve community membersinvolved in the safety of their residentialareas. The police station commanderColonel Lindie Marx said that this hasproven to be an effective way ofreducing crime and its success hasbeen noted in other towns across thecountry.AfriForum’s safety coordinator in Bela-

Bela, Tarien Cooks, said that theoperation strengthens carious structuresand safety systems by increasing visiblepolicing in the areas and discouragingcriminal activity. Those involved in the

Lizzy Bapela

Law enforcement officers from Limpopo,North-west and Gauteng provinces saythat they are prepared for the comingEaster weekend. Which will run fromThursday, 2, to Monday, 6 April, and itsassociated events. The team held aninter-provincial operation to create roadsafety awareness on Friday, 20 March.The team embarked on a road black atthe N1 North and R101 North roadsbetween Hammanskraal and Bela-Bela,where hundreds of vehicles were stoppedand searched.Some of those present included road

safety officials from the traffic department,the police, the Road Accident Fund, theLimpopo Economic Development andVehicle Identification Unit from local,district, provincial and national bodies.The Waterberg Road Safety TrafficManager Simon Kekana said that theoperation was meant for provinces thatare sharing boundaries, and was aimed atcreating and ensuring visible policing on

This rhino calfwas found deadat a sanctuaryoutside Bela-Bela. Accordingto statistics fromsavetherhino.orgrhino deathscould exceedbirths in as littleas two years,followed veryshortly byextinction, ifsomething is notdone to curb thepoaching ofrhinos. Photosupplied

AlleAlleAlleAlleAlleggggged rhinoed rhinoed rhinoed rhinoed rhinopoacpoacpoacpoacpoacher arher arher arher arher arrrrrrestedestedestedestedestedin Bela-Belain Bela-Belain Bela-Belain Bela-Belain Bela-Bela

The fourth poacher, Moses Mokonyane,was found and arrested, allegedly whileholding an axe used to strip the rhino of itshorn.The 39-year old Mozambican national

appeared in the Bela-Bela Magistrate’sCourt on Monday, 23 March, and the statehas opposed bail. The case has beenpostponed to Monday, 30 March for furtherinvestigation and to verify Mokonyane’sresidential address. He remains in custody.According to statistics provided by the

Department of Environmental Affairs 49Rhinos have been poached in 2015, withonly 17 arrests made.

Well-known traditional healer sentencedfor rape and attempted murder

the matches because they had gottenwet.“The victim suffered multiple head

wounds and fractures to her hands,as well as broken ribs and shoulderbone. The accused is a well-knowntraditional healer from the Modimollearea, and he was arrested on 14October 2013, four days after theincident,” said Findlay.During sentencing, the court ordered

that two years of the five-year term beserved concurrently with the sentencefor attempted murder. The court alsofound the accused unfit to possess afirearm.Magistrate Pierre Prinsloo and

Prosecutor Pienaar facilitated thecourt case, with Warrant Officer AnitaPretorius from the Modimolle CISbranch as the investigating officers.

Three escape custody en route to trialvehicle they had been transported inwhen it stopped to turn into Modimolle.The other ten prisoners did not escape.According to Limpopo police

spokesperson Ronel Otto, one of thedetainees was in possession of a smallsaw and knife which he allegedly usedto escape. All three the escapedprisoners are from Zimbabwe.“He threatened the other detainees to

keep quiet while he sawed through themesh in front of the window in the backof vehicle, and waited for the vehicle tostop before escaping,” she said. Policeare investigating how the prisoners cameinto possession of the sharp obects.

Law enforcement prepares for Easter

Many residentsof Bela-Bela andsafetystakeholdersjoined a safetymeeting aimed atreducing risingcrime rates inBela-Bela. Photo:Justin Steyn

Mass action plannedMass action plannedMass action plannedMass action plannedMass action plannedaaaaagggggainst crime in Bela-Belaainst crime in Bela-Belaainst crime in Bela-Belaainst crime in Bela-Belaainst crime in Bela-Bela

campaign will be provided with redreflector jackers during patrils, andsigns warning that patrols will be madewill be placed at the homes of thoseinvolved. The campaign also seeks toeducate members with self-defenseclasses, anti-rape classes and methodsof identifying suspicious persons in anarea.The official planning meeting of the

campaign will be conducted onFriday, 10 April at the Bela-Belapolice station and will discuss issuessuch as patrolling hours, theestablishment of a joint operationscentre and patrol visibility. The firstmass patrol will take place onSaturday, 18 April, and theeffectiveness will be discussed inanother meeting with stakeholdersafter that.Esrom Nkwinikwa of the community

safety in Bela-Bela Township said thatthey are happy that such a jointventure is taking place. He said thatthe increase in visible patrols willreduce criminal activity.

the roads.“The main purpose of the operation was

the caution motorists about the Eastertraffic and ensuring visibility on the roads,”said Kekana. “Our main target is drunkdriving, and we will be screening drivers foralcohol and drug use while on the roads.The SAPS will search for stolen property,while the RAF will also interact with themotorists and passengers. As roadofficers, we need to share experienceswithin our provinces and what is happeningin Limpopo must also happen in Gauteng inNorth-West in terms of practice.”The inter-provincial operation is an annual

program that the three provinces embarkon. In Limpopo, only areas in theWaterberg District take part. A total of 60members from integrated law enforcementagencies formed part of the operation, withKekana as the overall commander.The program was considered a success,

considering the number of vehiclessearched and motorists interacted with,faults discovered and the general level ofcooperation shown.

Justin Steyn

Lizzy Bapela

Lizzy Bapela

Justin Steyn

Justin Steyn

BEAT Page, Website: 27 March, 2015

Andries van der Heyde

Since contractors started excavation onroads in Bela-Bela’s CBD, motoristshave had to exert their patience to thelimit.Ritchie Street was closed on Friday, 6

March, and weekend traffic was routedvia Marx-, Sutter-, and Pretoria Rd.Traffic officers and the police weredeployed to ensure smooth trafficmovement.The streets which will be rebuilt are

Ritchie-, Sutter-, Marx-, Potgieter-, andPretoria Rd. The project will cost aroundR12 million and will take roughly fourmonths to complete.Arcade Ndikumagenge of MSW

engineering consultants told The BEATthat the project has started well, butthere have been challenges.“We’ve had problems with workers

regarding payment, but these have beensolved,” he said. “The shifts will beadapted to permit more workers perhour. We are confident that the project

Justin Steyn

Upgrades at the Bushveld Centre aremoving along at a brisk pace.Construction has been halted onseveral occasions due to tendersfrom different buyers. The centre wassold to Excelerate Properties lastyear which allowed upgrades tocontinue without interruptions.The section where shops such as

PNA, Shoe City and Vodacomoriginally operated has beendestroyed and these shops havemoved to other areas. Debruin Steynof Embrinex Building Contractorssaid that the construction isproceeding well and he is positivethat they will meet the deadline.The leasing agent for the centre,

Anton Killian, told The BEAT more

Repair work to Bela-Belaroads making progress

Contractorsrecently beganwith the processof upgradingroads in Bela-Bela’s CBD.Ritchie Rd wasfirst in line, withPotgieter-,Sutter-, Marx-,and PretoriaRoads soon tofollow.

will proceed smoothly, because we havethe manpower and the machinery tocomplete the task.”Businesses in the area may have to

close briefly while the building isongoing, and there are concerns thatthe process may cause Easter trafficjams in the town.Ndikumagenge said that the aim is to

start work on Potgieter Rd from Wimpyto van der Merwe Street. Stop-and-goroadblocks will be in use on this area,and contractors hope to have this roadcompleted by Easter Weekend.“We plan to delay doing the crossing in

Marx Rd where two gas stations flank theroad until after Easter to avoid serioustraffic issues,” he said. “The taxi standat the corner of Potgieter and Ritchie Rdis still open, and taxi drivers are still freeto park their vehicles there, but they willneed to take longer routes.”Ndikumagenge told The BEAT that

although the situation was mildlyconfused when work commenced,drivers quickly adapted to the situation.

BushvBushvBushvBushvBushveld Centreld Centreld Centreld Centreld Centre halfwe halfwe halfwe halfwe halfwaaaaayyyyyto completionto completionto completionto completionto completion

Constructionat theBushveldCentre is saidto beproceedingapace, and willbe completedby the end ofApril. Photo:Justin Steyn

about the new shops that are plannedto feature by the end of the upgradeprocess.“Steers and Panasonic will have

outlets at the centre. PNA and ShoeCity will relocate to their original areasonce the rebuilding is complete. Wecan still confirm that Woolworths willbe opening a clothing store in thecentre,” he said. Killian alsomentioned that the centre will beconverted into a double story andthat an escalator will be put inplace.If all goes according to plan,

Killian said that all upgrades will befinalized by the end of July.“We plan to finalize everything by

the end of July, but we are going toget new tenants in as quickly aspossible,” he said.

Justin Steyn

Andries van der Heyde, Website: 4 BEAT 27 March, 2015

Marlene Vermaak

According to well-known conservationist,writer, and artist Clive Walker, theWaterberg region has a rich and varieddiversity of plants, far greater than isgenerally recognised by its residents.“The currently known species consists

of 130 species of trees, 195 species ofshrub, 1 292 species of forbs, 206species of grass, 75 species of sedge,79 species of geophytes, 18 species offern and 20 species of parasitic plants,”said Walker.Walker is developing a botanical

garden at the Living Museum outsideVaalwater.“Given the proposed expansion of the

Waterberg Biosphere boundary, theregion will cover some 1 750 000hectares. This will provide a vast area ofplant diversity from the northernmountain range where the baobab(Adansonia digitata) maybe found to thehigher southern slopes of MarakeleNational Park.The Waterberg Biosphere will then

encapsulate three broad habitat types.They are the sour bushveld with its steepslopes, cliffs and bare rock faces,secondly the riverbeds and wetlandareas and thirdly the sweet bushveld onmore nutritional sandy soils, mainly inthe north west areas of the proposedWaterberg Biosphere area and themixed bushveld which may vary fromdense, low grass savannah to a sparsertall grass savannah,” explained Walker.“Within this vast area we have a

wonderful mix of plants including somefynbos stragglers and a number of rareendemics (pertaining to the Waterberg),which I have endeavoured to track downover the years I have spent photographingand listing flowering plants.”

Marlene Vermaak

The health of our wetlands is critical toensure water security.“Wetlands in South Africa are listed as

one of the most threatened eco-systemsmainly due to various human inducedeffects such as pollution, drainage,habitat modification, invasive plantspecies and siltation. Wetlands used tocover approximately 10% of SouthAfrica’s land surface, but 50% of thishas now either been disturbed orcompletely destroyed. With the countrybeing classified as one of the mostwater scarce areas on the sub-continent, one begins to realise howcritical it is to maintain these vital eco-systems,” explained Samuel Davidson-Phillips, conservation officer at theWelgevonden Game Reserve.Not everything is doom and gloom,

though. The Working For Wetlands(WFWetlands) programme focuses onkey areas to rehabilitate and maintainwetland areas to ensure increased wateroutput and improve ecosystem services.WFWetlands is part of the ExpandedPublic Work Programme (EPWP) whichprovides jobs and skills training to manydisadvantaged people as well as to localsmall and medium business enterprises.Welgevonden Game Reserve (WGR),

situated on the Waterberg Plateauoutside Vaalwater, is a priority

TK Mashaba

Hlamarisa Simango from Bela-Bela wasselected as the new regional chairpersonfor Nehawu during a recent RegionalCongress, which was held in Mokopanefrom Tuesday, 17, to Wednesday, 18March.Simango was the Bela-Bela branch

chairperson leading the recent protestmarches that ended in the resignation ofBela-Bela Hospital CEO RicardoEscobar. During the congressionalmeeting, he was up against ThaboRadebe and Joe Mojela, but his supportheld firm and he was elected.In a brief interview with The BEAT on

Tuesday, 24 March, Simango said thathe is happy with the support he receivedfrom the member.“It’s an overwhelming feeling to be the

chairperson, thought at the same time itneeds a lot of hard work and dedication,”he added. “As a leader you must alwaysput the interests of those you representahead of your own.”The former chairperson, Thulasizwe

Legodi, was suspended a few monthsago.In related news, Manaka Angela has

been placed as Acting Chief Officer atBela-Bela Hospital.“The position has been advertised and

at the right time we will tell you who thenew CEO is,” said Simango.

Lizzy Bapela

The Council of People with Disabilities inBela-Bela is planning to disrupt thecoming local government election, tovoice their grievances following adisappointment by the local mayor,Lucas Nhlapo. A spokesperson for thecouncil, Isaac Sithole, informed TheBEAT of this intention during a workshopby the local IEC (Independent ElectoralCommission) at the local community hallon Friday, 20 March.The council thanked the IEC for

hosting them and turning the faileddisability indaba into an awarenessworkshop. The workshop was aimed atcreating awareness for people withdisabilities on issues of concernincluding exercising their rights duringelection times.The council expressed their

unhappiness with the local municipality,saying that the mayor had promisedthem that the indaba would definitelytake place as planned. The municipalitywas initially the main supporter of theevent, with other sector departments onboard.“We engaged with him and the

municipal spokesperson MatomeSebelebele on several occasions, butnothing fruitful came of the

New botanicalNew botanicalNew botanicalNew botanicalNew botanicalgggggarararararden deden deden deden deden devvvvvelopedelopedelopedelopedelopedin the in the in the in the in the WWWWWaaaaaterberterberterberterberterberggggg

Well-known conservationist andartist Clive Walker claims that theWaterberg has an incredibly diversepopulation of plants and animals.Photo supplied

Hibiscus waterbergensis is one of theendemic species that has been onWalker’s list to observe and study. “It isa slender, partly solitary plant, withbeautiful scarlet-red flowers about 25mm across which flower betweenOctober and January. It favours welldrained, rocky soils in light shade. Iknow of three locations of the species,two of which are located in LapalalaWilderness and a third on the dirt roadto Melkrivier,” he told The Post.The current development of a botanical

garden at the Living Museum will includea herbarium and research archive.Observations of these species will bewelcome for the database of Custodiansof Rare and Endangered Wildflowers(CREW). Walker requests residents tolet him know if they see this plant.

Hlamarisa Simango becomesNehawu Regional Chairperson‘As a leader you must always put the interests

of those you represent ahead of your own’

Simango making a speech after hewas elected Photo: TK Mashaba

Local Disability CouncilLocal Disability CouncilLocal Disability CouncilLocal Disability CouncilLocal Disability Councilthrthrthrthrthreaeaeaeaeatens to disrtens to disrtens to disrtens to disrtens to disrupt localupt localupt localupt localupt localgggggooooovvvvvererererernment electionsnment electionsnment electionsnment electionsnment elections

engagements. The mayor referred us toSebelebele, who never replied to ourcalls and was never available in hisoffice when we needed to meet withhim,” said Sithole. “The mayor himselfkept promising us a successful event butended up not delivering on his promise.These people use us during electiontimes and just dump us when they aredone. Now that they don’t need us, theyfail to assist, but they always rememberus come election time,” Sithole said.The council said that to express their

anger in order to make the leaders takethem seriously, they plan to boycott theelections and discourage their familiesfrom voting. They also plan to visit IsaacMashaba of the National DisabilityRights Association to update him on thematter. Mashaba reportedly spoke to themayor about the indaba and otherissues involving people with disabilities,and he was reported to have assuredhim that everything would be alight.“The mayor previously promised to

ensure an improvement of at least 2% inemployment, 4% on skills developmentand 5% on procurement for people withdisabilities, but nothing has beenforthcoming,” Sithole said.At the time of going to press the

municipality could not be reached forcomment.

Successful projects protect our wetlandscatchment area. The Waterbergcatchment forms part of the Limpopobasin with four rivers that rise in thearea namely the Palala, Mokolo,Matlabas and Mogalakwena rivers.“The Welgevonden Reserve has four

perennial streams with two originating inthe reserve, the Taaibos andPlatbosspruit. These eventually feed intothe Mokolo river and play an importantpart in providing water to the Mokolodam. Welgevonden is therefore a vitallyimportant service provider to the watersupply in the region,” said Davidson-Phillips.“WFWetlands has been working in

Welgevonden since 2012, mainly on theold disturbed lands in the southernregion of the reserve. It has achievedmany positive outcomes. In 2014/2015the programme provided 114 jobs andspent R1 241 995.49 on infrastructure inthe reserve - projects includedearthworks, rock packing, gabions andmasonry work,” said Davidson-Phillips.The projects in the Waterberg region

have been implemented by RainbowMoon Trading on behalf of the SouthAfrican National Biodiversity Institute(SANBI).The WFWetlands projects are a

continuing success story in theWelgevonden Game Reserve — not onlyfor the reserve, but also for the greaterWaterberg region.

Lizzy Bapela

Marlene Vermaak

Marlene Vermaak

TK Mashaba

BEAT Page, Website: 27 March, 2015

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Poachers are stealingfrom their children

Imagine a day, fifty years from now.Your granddaughter comes homewith a picture of a rhino. She doesn’tthink they ever existed. You knowbetter, but you can’t show it to her. Toher, Tyrannosaurus Rex is as real asthe rhinoceros. They’re both extinct,after all.The difference, of course, is that

dinosaurs died because the worldchanged. There was an ice age, oran asteroid — nobody is entirely surewhat happened, but everyone knowssomething did. Something changed,and the dinosaurs died.But the rhinoceros is dying, not

because of some great cataclysmthat changed the face of the earth (anasteroid would have plunged theplanet into darkness for years, untilthe dust settled) but because it hasthe misfortune to have somethingvaluable. It’s not a very valuable thing,and it is only valuable to one race: themost vicious species of animal ever tocrawl out of the swamps.We’re talking about mankind, of

course. There’s no animal moredangerous than man. Sure, a lioncan eat a man — but more lions arekilled by men every year than theother way round. Sure, a rhino canstomp a man to goo — but how manypeople have been killed by rhinos thisyear?It’s always amazing to realize that

these people are jeopardizing thesurvival of an entire species for theirown despicable greed. What animalwould do something like that? Lionskill when they are hungry, and eat nomore than they need. Why does manget to say ‘I will kill this thing for sport,or so that an elderly man can have agood time’?. What makes that elderlyman’s pleasure more important thanthe life of a living creature? Leavingaside for the moment the fact thatthese quack nostrums, tiger testiclesand rhino horns and so on, havenever worked, what gives us theright?What gives that old man the right to

decide that his grandchildren willnever see a living rhino in exchangefor his three minutes of fun?Poachers, and the people who

support the industry, are no morethan thieves. They’re no differentfrom the man who walks into a shopand walks out with half the contents ofthe shelves tucked into his baggyjacket 0151 they are worse. Worse,because they are not stealingsomething physical, something wecan point at and say ‘give that back.’Instead, they are stealing the most

valuable thing we have — our future.In a hundred or two hundred years,the air will not be fit to breathe andyou won’t be able to go outside atnoon. The only living things on Earthmay be us and the cockroaches —–and honestly, I’m not too sure aboutus,And why?Because of greed. Because we

allowed short-sighted, hard-of-thinking fools to make decisions thataffect the whole world and everycreature on it for centuries, but theywere keeping their eye on the bottomline and thinking no further than nextyear, or next month.And the thing is, dear readers, that

once our future is gone, there’s nogetting it back. You can’t beat it out ofthe man who took it, and the policecan’t confiscate it. Once it’s gone, it’sgone for good. Just like the rhino.Just like T. Rex.

This lady was spotted making her way, heavily burdened, along theroad across from The BEAT’s offices. Photo: Dion van Eck

MaleselaMusana, aMasakhaneresident,writes: On Page 3 of the

IDP document of 2012/2013, theMasakhane Ward 9 Gravel RoadsProject was budgeted atR1 705 249.00. The Project Status ismarked as ‘completed’ and theamount spent matches the budget.But the contractor took the money.

We who live in Masakhane are livingin worse conditions than before theproject. The street corners destroyedby the contractors have becomedams, the streets are filled with mud,and the contractor vanished withouteven paying his workers.The CLO and the PSC are reluctant

to speak to the community, the WardCouncillor gives us the run-aroundwhen asked about the issue, and theMayor avoids the issue.When four people were removed

from the Ward 9 Ward Committee inSeptember 2014, we were replacedunjustly. Bela-Bela Local Municipalitythen had 90 Ward Committeemembers, but 94 stipends were paidout.We as the community deplore the

sad state of affairs and are beggingthe local government to attend to ourissues and not continue to avoid andcheat us., Website: 6 BEAT 27 March, 2015






In the matter between:MARIUS DE JAGERLAUBSCHER Identitynumber: 760223 5087 083Plaintiff andWILLEM MSTEENKAMP Identitynumber: 610219 5056 088DefendantIn pursuance of aJudgement granted on 10September 2014, in theabove Honourable Courtand under a Writ ofExecution issuedthereafter the movableproperty, being theDefendants interest in theClose Corporations listedhereunder will be sold inExecution on 19th May2015 at 10h00 by theSheriff of the Magistrate’sCourt, Bela Bela at theoffices of the Sheriff at 52Robertson Avenue, BelaBela, to the highestbidder:Description: 1.Defendant’s 100% interestin the Close CorporationChateau Larize CC,Registration Number:2006/191764/23.The assets and liabilitiesof the Close Corporationare unknown andalthough the followingappear, nothing isguaranteed:(a) According to a DeedSearch the CloseCorporation is the ownerof the immovable propertydescribed as Portion 143of the farm Roodepoort467, RegistrationDivision K.R., Limpopo,in Extent 7.1344 hectareswhich property is subjectto a mortgage bond.(b) The property isimproved with severalbuildings andconstructions including aGuest House and/orRestaurant;(c) The Close Corporationhas substantial equipmentand other movable assets.2. Defendant’s 100%interest in the CloseCorporation EmaliniEnterprises 75 CC,Registration Number:2002/037252/23. Theassets and liabilities ofthe Close Corporation areunknown and althoughthe following appear,nothing is guaranteed:The Close Corporation isthe owner of a number ofSectional Title propertiesin the Scheme known asDomaine Miste of Erf 37Eau Montagne.3. Defendant’s 100%interest in the CloseCorporation ChevalRyskool CC, Registrationnumber: 2006/191772/23.The assets and liabilitiesof the Close Corporationare unknown andalthough the followingappear, nothing isguaranteed:(a) According to a DeedSearch the CloseCorporation is theregistered owner ofRemaining Extent ofPortion 34 of the farmRoodepoort 467,Registration DivisionK.R., Limpopo, in Extent5.1976 hectares whichproperty is subject tomortgage bond.(b) The property isimproved with severalbuildings and/orconstructions.4. Defendant’s 100%interest in the CloseCorporation Montagne DeVue CC, Registrationnumber: 2006/19774/23.The assets and liabilitiesof the Close Corporationare known and althoughthe following appear,nothing is guaranteed:(a) According to a DeedSearch the CloseCorporation is theregistered owner ofRemaining Extent ofPortion 20 of the farmRoodepoort 467,Registration DivisionK.R., Limpopo, in Extent14.7209 hectares whichproperty is subject tomortgage bond.(b) The property isimproved.The purchaser shall beresponsible for the

submission of allnecessary documents tothe Registrar of CloseCorporations to have theinterest registered in hisname, and shallfurthermore be liable forall costs anddisbursements in respectof the transfer of theregistration of the interestin his name.Dated at Bela Bela on this18th day of March 2015.D P DERKSENSLIN & FOURIEATTORNEYSPlaintiff’s Attorneys43 Luna Road, Bela Bela,0480P.O.Box 98, Bela Bela,0480Tel: (014) 736 2177Fax: (014) 736 DP DERKS/DI2014


Notice is hereby given toall whom it may concernthat in terms of clause 23of the Modimolle Land

Use Scheme, 2004, I, M.C.MOKONYANE

(Property owner) intendapplying to the

Modimolle LocalMunicipality for Special

Consent to: Operate aTavern (type of business)on (property and surburb)8623, Modimolle locatedin a “Residential 1” zone.Any objection, with the

grounds therefore, shall belodged with or made in

writting to: TheDivisional Manager:

Town Planning, GroundFloor, Modimolle

Municipal Building, orPrivate Bag x1008,

Modimolle, 0510, within28 days of the publicationof the advertisement in theLocal newspaper, viz: 27

March 2015.Full particulars and plans(if any) may be inspectedduring normal office hours(08:00 - 13:00 and 13:45- 15:00) at theabovementioned office, fora period of 28 days afterthe publication of theadvertisement in the Localnewspaper. Closing datefor any objections: 24April 2015. (27/3&2/4).







(ORDINANCE No 15 OF1986)

We, GEO PROJECTS,authorised agents of theowner of portion 357(portion of portion 29) ofthe farm Bospoort 450KR Bela Bela herebygive notice in terms ofsection 56 (1) (b) (i) ofthe Town Planning andTownships Ordinance,1986 (Ordinance No 15of 1986) that we haveapplied to the Bela-BelaMunicipality for theamendment of the TownPlanning Scheme, knownas the Bela-Bela Land UseScheme, 2008, by theamendment of the zoningof the property by theaddition of an annexure tothe existing Agriculturezoning, to make provisionfor over nightaccommodation andancillary uses, asindicated in the annexure179 to the amendmentscheme. Particulars of theapplication will lie forinspection during normaloffice hours at the office ofthe Municipal Manager,Municipal Offices, BelaBela, for a period of 28days from 27 Maart 2015Objections to orpresentations in respectof the application must belodged with or made inwriting to: The MunicipalManager at the aboveaddress or Private Bag X1609, Bela Bela, 0480,within a period of 28days from 27 Maart 2015Address: P.O. Box 919,Bela Bela, 0480, Tel:082 881 725227/3 en 2/4

Justin Steyn

Ikageng Youth Centre is currentlyfighting the scourge of substance andalcohol abuse in Bela-Bela. According tothe organization’s chairperson, JanMohloki, the organization was startedwhen he and the organization’ssecretery, Jim Modimola, observed thedamage done by alcohol and drugabuse by the youth.Mohloki said that they want to provide

IkaIkaIkaIkaIkagggggeng plans to unite theeng plans to unite theeng plans to unite theeng plans to unite theeng plans to unite theyyyyyouth aouth aouth aouth aouth agggggainst drainst drainst drainst drainst drugsugsugsugsugs

Jim Modimolaand JanMohloki, whoare aiming toimprove thelives of youngpeople in Bela-Bela. Photo:Justin Steyn

young adults and children with lifestylechoices that avoid drug abuse and helpthose affected by substance abuse.They do so by means of encouraging

children to participate in activities suchas drama and sports, and have visitedschools such as Raeleng and MaopeSecondary School.Modimola explained that for those who

are involded in drug and alcohol abusethe organization helps by means ofrehabilitation which is done in

conjunction with the Department ofSocial Decelopment.Job creation is another aspect the

organization plans to focus on. Theyplan to plant several gardens inExtension 1.“The project will create jobs and help

people to fend for themselves,” saidModimola.Anyone who would like to help the

organization can contact Mohloki on079 107 9487.

Lizzy Bapela

The Limpopo ProvincialGovernment celebratedHuman Rights Day inThabazimbi on Sunday, 22March at the NorthamSports Ground. The eventwas held under the theme“Celebrating Equal HumanRights for All 365 Days,”and honours the memoriesof the men and women whofought tirelessly fordemocracy and freedom.Provincial spokesperson

Phuti Seloba said thatSouth Africa has beenadversely affected byunsavoury practices andhuman rights violations. HEadded that several foreign-owned shops had beenplundered by resentfulcommunities, and some ofthem have been burneddown.“This is a clear indication

of human rights violations,especially the right toproperty, and the SouthAfrican Human RightsCommission has beenestablished to promoterespect, observance of thelaw and the protection ofhuman rights for everyonewithout fear or favour. TheLimpopo ProvincialGovernment denounces theillegal actions of those who

Thabazimbi celebrates provincial Human Rights Day

Limpopo Premier Stan Mathabatha could not attendthe Human Rights Day celebrations which were held inThabazimbi. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

violate other people’s rights bydamaging their property.Moreover, South Africabelongs to everyone who livesin it, and this implies that evenforeigners are entitles to livein South Africa and beprotected by the law,” saidSeloba.During the event, Limpopo

MEC for CoGHSTA,Mmakoma Makhurupetje,addressed attendees onbehalf of Limpopo PremierStan Mathabatha. Members ofthe provincial legislature,mayors and other dignitariesincluding residents ofThabazimbi flocked to thevenue to celebrate.The events of 21 March,

when the Apartheidgovernment shot and killed 69protesters, led to the daybeing dubbed Human Rightsday to commemorate thosewho were killed in their fightfor freedom.“This day is not just another

public holiday, but animportant day for us to remindourselves of the sacrifices thataccompanied the struggle fordemocracy in our country,” saidMakhurupetje“Because of our experiences

and what we see in the rest ofthe world, we know that therespect for human rights is aprerequisite for development,peace and tranquillity,” she said.

Lizzy Bapela

Justin Steyn

BEAT Page, Website: 27 March, 2015

A second season of the popular realitytelevision show Your Perfect Sishebo willcome to SABC1 at 18:00 on the 2nd ofApril.As in the previous seasons, contestants

will showcase their cooking talents onscreen while sharing their life stories.The ten contestants were selected from

thousands of entries from across thecountry, and will be joined by a group ofcelebrity judges and guests.The show’s team visited a range of

candidates in their homes to discover

Lizzy Bapela

Artists from across the WaterbergDistrict will be showcasing their talentduring an arts festival scheduled tobe held in Bela-Bela on Friday, 27March. The event will take place atthe local community half and isfunded by the National Department ofSports, Arts, and Culture. The focuswill be on a variety of art formsincluding the visual, performing andphysical. The event is taking placeacross all districts of the provinceand has already occurred in Vhembeand Sekhukhune. Capricorn andMopani are next in line to host theevent.The arts festival is an initiative by

the Limpopo Federation ofCommunity Arts Centres (LIFCAC), aregistered NPO.Precious Marobele, the chairperson

of the federation, told The BEAT thatthe aim of the federation was toassist the artists in marketingthemselves, and for communities to

TK Mashaba

The music fraternity in the Waterberglost a promising young artist in arecent accident. Bengke StonyaneMonama, who played lead guitar forthe band formerly known as YahwehLive Band, now Rudiments Virtuous,passed away on Sunday, 22 March,after being involved in a car accident.Monama passed away shortly after

updating his Facebook status to say:“Five years ago on this day I wasinvolved in a car accident. I thank theLord for a second chance,” notknowing that it would be his last statusupdate before his death.Monama’s death comes just two

months after Modimolle artist BujoMoju Lehlake passed away after ashort illness.Monama’s rise to success has been

meteoric, and his death trendedlocally on Twitter and other socialmedia sites.Katlego Mashaba, the lead singer of

Metronome RNB, a local Afro-popgroup, told The BEAT that ‘I amstunned and deeply saddened by thesudden loss. He was a hugesupporter of our band, but moreimportantly he was a good friend, hadthe biggest heart, and it was anhonour and a privilege to work withhim and know him.”“There will never be another Bengke,

he was a great musician, my thoughtsand prayers are with his band and hisfamily.”

Your Perfect Sishebocomes to SABC1

first-hand the diversity of stories andrecipes linked to the much-loved dish,and the top contestants reflect a widevariety of cultures, personalities andcooking styles, and will compete in aseries of challenges each week.There will be competitions for the

audience as well, and the audience areinvited to participate by answeringquestions related to the show.Those interested can see backstage

information on

Bela-Bela hosts arBela-Bela hosts arBela-Bela hosts arBela-Bela hosts arBela-Bela hosts art ft ft ft ft festiestiestiestiestivvvvvalalalalal

recognize the talent in their midst.The event is also aimed at creating

work for the artists.Marobele was also elected the

deputy secretary in the NationalActors Council of South Africa(NACSA), where she is serving withother artists and officials of thedepartments. Former Generationsactress Pamela Nomvete was electedchairperson for the NACSAcommittee, with an official of theDepartment in the Free State EnerstMoikangwa as her deputy.Generations actor Thato Molamo waselected as secretary, with Isidingoactors Sisa Hewana elected astreasurer and Motlatsi Mafase as thePublic Relations Officer (PRO). Eachprovince is represented by twomembers and theatre actors HermanTema from Mogalakwena andBafedile Masasa are representingLimpopo. The two worked with formerThobela FM presenter and well-known theatre group Get Downfounder and director Paul Rapetswa.

KatlegoMashaba who

will beperforming at

the ArtsFestival. Photo


RRRRRudiments udiments udiments udiments udiments VVVVViririririrtuous losestuous losestuous losestuous losestuous losesband member in accidentband member in accidentband member in accidentband member in accidentband member in accident

Bengke Stonyane passed away ina car accident recently on 21March. Photo: TK Mashaba

Lizzy Bapela

Every familyhas its own

sishebo recipe,and the show

plans toexplore them

all, Website: 8 BEAT 27 March, 2015

The BEAT wants to hear from our readers. If you have a great story or something that you want us tobring to light, please email or send an SMS to one of our reporters.

Lizzy: 072 264 7740 or TK: 076 756 9740.We would also LOVE to see some of your weird and wonderful photos for our editorial page.

TK Mashaba

Two players from Bela-Bela in theWaterberg have been added to thenational beach soccer team calledBanana Banana. The players,Donnie Alberts and Phillip Mongwai,both Total Surrender players, wereboth given game time during arecent match.Alberts, who is a wizard at

dribbling, played in Banana

Bela-Bela soccer starBela-Bela soccer starBela-Bela soccer starBela-Bela soccer starBela-Bela soccer stars shine fs shine fs shine fs shine fs shine fororororornananananational beactional beactional beactional beactional beach soccer teamh soccer teamh soccer teamh soccer teamh soccer team

‘I am happy to be a part of this team’

The South African National Beach Soccer team with DonnieAlberts during the national anthem. Photo: TK Mashaba

Alberts showed skill in the field during their game againstMadagascar. Photo: TK Mashaba

Phillip Mogwai in the VIP tent duringthe national anthem. Photo: TKMashaba

A Madagascar keeper missing in apenalty shoot. Photo: TKMashaba.

The Madagascar team celebrating after beating SouthAfrican beach soccer team. Photo: TK Mashaba

The South African keeper blockingon a ball from a Madagascarplayer. Photo: TK Mashaba

A Madagascar player in tussle for the ball against SouthAfrican team player at Beach soccer. Photo: TK Mashaba

Banana’s last game againstMadagascar, which they lost 4-2. In aninterview with The BEAT, he said that itwas his biggest soccer break.“I am happy to be part of the team,

and it is a totally different gamecompared to soccer played on grass,”he said. “We had a tough time gettinga combination together but in the endit was worth it. The guys showed somuch character especially in the lastmatch.”

“Beach soccer is very different fromnormal soccer. It needs more stabilitybecause of the soil. You have to bephysically and mentally prepared,” saidAlberts.Alberts said that it was his first camp

as part of the national team.“I have learned a lot playing in the

tournament and it has made me moreopen. I know the basics and I have thechance to make it big if I quit grasssoccer and focus on beach soccer full

time,” he added.Phillip Mogwai, who attended the

camp but was not fielded, said thathe was also proud to be included.“It is such an honour to be a part

of our national team — it takes alot of guts to be selected for thatteam.”Although Mogwai did not play this

time he is still enthusiastic and iswaiting for the right time to showhis skills.

TK Mashaba
