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The American Monk | Burt Goldman |


How To Open Your Mind To Ideas & Inspiration

Is Psychic Ability Real?

b y B u r t G o l d m a n

I am often asked, “Is there really such a thing as psychic

ability?” Since I’ve been teaching ESP (the scientific

term for psychic ability) for thirty years now, I can confidently answer “yes”.

Several years ago, I presented a seminar on how to connect to your psychic self. After the seminar, I went to dinner with my sponsor Wanda and several other people who practiced intuition on a daily basis. Sitting in a Chinese restaurant, the conversation turned to the different methods we use to reach a psychic state of mind.

One of the psychics, Helena, used a crystal ball of all things. Wanda used visualization and meditation while Monica was a palm reader. And then my fellow psychics turned to me.


The American Monk | Burt Goldman |

Now, had this not been a social gathering, I might have answered more seriously. But since we had been telling jokes and funny stories, I was feeling humorous and answered, “Fortune cookies.”.

This set off the laughter again and when it died down I said, “Really. I use fortune cookies.”

The group asked me to demonstrate.

We agreed I would do a reading on Monica and I smashed a fortune cookie on the table. Everyone watched intently as I studied the crumbs that had spread all over the table. I circled three crumbs and said, “You have three children, the oldest ran away from home and is living with her uncle. Your middle child is threatening to leave you and go live with your ex-husband. Your youngest child wants you to stay home more because she wants you to teach her how to cook a chicken.”

Now, while I am always open to receiving psychic images, I have to tell you that I was making all of this up. I just said the first thing

that popped into my head, expecting the group to burst into laughter after hearing my ridiculous reading.

But instead, Monica jumped up crying and ran to the restroom. Helena looked at me seriously and said, “How could you have known that, Burt?”

So, how did I so accurately tap into a woman I had never even met? I used an Icon, a metaphor to help bring out my ESP energies.

I’m going to show you this icon so you can tap into your own psychic energies whenever you need them. But first, let’s talk a little about exactly what psychic energy really is.

WHAT IS ESP?Everyone has psychic abilities—yes, even you. It’s part of our design, an inherent piece of who we are. It’s just that most people don’t know they have it or if they did, they don’t know how to bring it out on command.


The American Monk | Burt Goldman |

When you think about someone and then they call you on the phone, that’s ESP. When you take a different route to work out of the blue and later discover you avoided a terrible accident or extensive traffic jam, that’s ESP too. You can call it clairvoyance, psychic abilities or ESP—it’s all the same. You are receiving information with your inner senses.

On the other end of the scale, there are also people who have negative ESP. Their attraction abilities are just as strong, but they seem to draw only misfortune and chaos. These people are often accident-prone. They are the ones who experience one disaster after another. They have a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and despite how “good” this person might be, they just can’t seem to catch a break.

So, how can you develop your psychic abilities to make them stronger? And if you’re someone with negative ESP, how can you turn that around into a posI believe we can all postpone death and aging… the key is setting a goal!

CLEARING OUT ALL THE CLUTTERPeople produce energy waves; in fact, these brain waves are actually measurable. That means that to some extent, every single person on Earth is in

the room with you right now. Or at least, their energy waves are. That’s billions of energy patterns. Billions of people in the palm of your hand as we speak.

Now, say that you wanted to “read” one of them. Someone random—just one out of the 6 plus billion waves floating around you at this very moment. How on Earth could you single out just one person?

This is the problem with obtaining information psychically. It’s not with the material itself—the psychic material always comes through, no matter what.

The problem is that often too much material comes through, including information about people and events other than the specific one we are seeking.

This can make the psychic process very confusing because your reading may not always apply to the person who’s being read. The result is that we think we’re wrong—obviously, we don’t have psychic abilities after all because nothing that we “saw” was right. But that’s not the case at all.

What you saw was in fact, psychic material. It just didn’t apply to the person you were reading.There are some psychics of course, who have an impressive accuracy rate. Uri Geller is one, the only psychic I personally know that is right most of the time. But for most of us, our psychic ability is still fairly immature.

We still feel “silly” and self-conscious when we sit


The American Monk | Burt Goldman |

d ow n a n d t r y t o “ c o n j u re u p s o m e unexplainable knowledge”.

Add this to the multitude of information we might be receiving at any given time and its easy to see why we’re a little shy when it comes to exploring our psychic ability. But by clearing out the clutter (and using a trick I’m going to show you in just a bit), you can improve your ability to zero in on the right information and make an accurate reading.

No, it’s not foolproof—you still may get mixed messages some of the time—but it will definitely help you fine-tune your skills and learn to interpret the array of psychic images that might come your way.

So what happens when you clear the clutter and confidently rely on your

psychic senses?

HERE’S HOW YOUR LIFE CAN CHANGE…Your business and career will soar. Professor John Milasky of the Newark College of Engineering did a study and found that CEOs who had stronger intuition also performed better at guiding their companies. Company revenue growth was directly linked to a CEOs sense of intuition!

Parents with strong intuition have a better rapport with their kids and can sense moods better.

Patients with strong intuition can better maintain their health and find themselves being guided to the right doctors and therapies.

Writers, inventors, musicians with strong intuition are able to produce better works of art. Paul McCartney of the Beatles said that the song “Yesterday” came to him in a dream. Best Selling author Richard Bach, said he was able to complete his book Jonathan Livingston Seagull through intuition.

A group of computer techies I know invented a new website that made them $200,000 through intuition that came while meditating.

These things are possible when you reach a higher consciousness. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do here.

ALTERING YOUR STATE OF AWARENESSJust about everyone knows what “consciousness” is. Even the most skeptical person understands the meaning of the word. But to say that consciousness is simply a state of “being aware”

Remember, creation and intuition are one and the same—you can’t tap into one without accessing the

other as well through the spiritual plane.


The American Monk | Burt Goldman |

doesn’t even begin to do it justice.

Your consciousness is that part of you that identifies the “I” You are aware of being you, a concept that can literally lead you down the rabbit hole if you contemplate it long enough. But even that consciousness, that elusive, mysterious awareness is just the tiniest tip of the iceberg.

Because “you” is not where the consciousness stops. Quite the opposite, the self-awareness that you currently know is nothing more than one state of consciousness. One of many to be exact, and in order to raise your consciousness and tap into the wonderful world of ESP, you have to acknowledge that those different levels exist in the first place.

Spiritual consciousness or higher consciousness comes about by altering your current state of awareness and realizing that you exist on other planes as well.

While you may reside in your body on the physical plane, “You” also exist on the mental plane and the spiritual plane too. Each of these planes represents a different level of awareness and within these levels are sub-levels of your conscious!state.

Forget religion for a moment. Just set it aside and approach this next statement with an open and accepting mind:


If you see the two as separate entities, then you may experience difficulties tapping into your intuition.


Because by separating God into an individual “being”, our mind projects similar attitudes, desires and perceptions, just as we would with another person.

Think of it this way:

But when we see the two as “One”, we begin to understand that our connection to the spiritual plane is more than just abstract guidance from a separate source but rather, a direct line to the Universe and Creation itself. When he said “I am that, I am,” he was telling us that he was everything, Infinite. This, that and all that is.

Well, you are part of “all that is” aren’t you?

So then, how can you be separate from God?

The reason that I make this distinction is that in order to tap into your creativity, your ESP and your intuition, you need to understand that they are all the same thing. And more importantly, they come from the same Source.


The American Monk | Burt Goldman |

Intuition and ESP are nothing more than your connection to the spiritual plane, the plane where your God resides. God is creation in its purest sense so when you tap into your intuition, you are tapping into creation. This is what we mean when we say we were “inspired”. Inspired by whom, exactly? Intuition or Creation? The answer is both because they are one and the same.

INSPIRATION AND INTUITION: WHAT IS THE!DIFFERENCE?Inspiration comes from the same source – Higher Intelligence, God, Your Higher Self, Universal Intelligence or whatever you like to call it.

Generally when we talk of inspiration we refer to ideas that help us create something new—a business, a song, an essay, a work of art, the list can go on and on.

It’s almost as if, Higher Intelligence, the “Creator” as some call it, is calling on us to apply to our creative skills to bringing more happiness and beauty into the world.

Intuition on the other hand, is used to describe the sensing of something that already exists—the emotions of a child, a danger on the road ahead, a “gut” feeling telling you to make a certain business decision or to avoid someone.

As you begin to move into the spiritual plane, you’ll likely discover a “knowing” that seems to be almost second-nature. You’ll sense what to do and where to go and find that your creative energies have returned in full glory.

Remember, creation and intuition are one and the same—you can’t tap into one without accessing the other as well through the spiritual plane.

THE CONCEPT OF PARALLELS DIMENSIONS.The concept of infinity has been contemplated by a number of scientists over the years. To accept infinity is to put to the test the belief that our universe is billions of years old. If there was a beginning, then there should also be an ending and this is where many scientists admit to being a little confused.

In an infinite universe, there is no beginning or end.

It just always was, always is and always will be.

To understand infinity, think of a number, let’s say twenty. But twenty isn’t the end, is it? There’s always 21. But 21 isn’t the end either. Add one more and you’ve got 22. Even if you thought of a number with a billion zeros at the end of it, you can always still add one more.

That’s infinity. It just simply never ends.

If we apply this same concept to the Universe, then we come to the possibility of parallel dimensions. The idea of parallel dimensions came about in the 50’s when physicists tried to explain all the paradoxes of reality. These parallel dimensions are regions of space and time just like the one we know. They contain matter, galaxies, stars, and yes, even people.


The American Monk | Burt Goldman |

In fact, with an infinite number of dimensions or universes, there must also be an infinite number of you’s residing in each one. And if God is all that is, then anything is possible and everything is reality.

That means that there is a parallel you who’s an artist and another who’s a doctor. In one of those universes, you are a singer, a writer, a banker and a cook. In one of those dimensions, the Earth is just now beginning its prehistoric period while in yet another, the year is 3007.

Does this concept rattle your mind? You’re not alone. Even the physicists who study it utilize mathematical equations to keep everything straight. Quantum physics is an exciting and mind-blowing science, but a science it is. So while these ideas may sound a little far-fetched, I find it interesting that so many scientists continue to ponder these possibilities.

But let’s assume for a moment that parallel universes do in fact, exist. My next question then becomes:

How can I meet one of the other me’s?

SELF, MEET SELFDuring a seminar I taught in the 90’s, we worked on the concept that there were indeed an infinite number of realities and in each one, “you” were whatever and whoever you could possibly conceive to be.

The seminar, called Parallel Dimension Quest (or PDQ for short), used meditation exercises to attempt to contact our doubles who were

successful in a parallel dimension in an area we were interested in pursuing here.

What we discovered was that it was actually possible and I used this process to ease into art. As a result, I’ve painted numerous pieces—one hundred and five to be exact—in just an 18 month period! How’s that for an energy boost?!

Is it possible that I had the talent all along? Perhaps, but it was this spiritual process that brought it out and that’s the point.

What hidden talents do you have that you’d like to uncover? And what might your doubles be waiting to teach you? Remember, the possibilities are endless because the universe is infinite

SO HOW DID I DO AN ESP READING BY CRUSHING A FORTUNE COOKIE?At the beginning of this lesson, I said that I wanted to show you an easy technique to help you focus your ESP ability and hone your skills. And now that you’ve learned to clear out the clutter by raising your awareness and connecting to your higher Self, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I call it The ESP Hat Technique

The hat of course, is nothing more than a metaphor, but what a powerful metaphor it is. Using the hat, you are training your mind to connect to the spiritual plane and tap into all the

energy and wisdom it holds.


The American Monk | Burt Goldman |

Again, no technique is foolproof when dealing with ESP—there’s just too much energy out there to guarantee an accurate reading every single time. But the ESP Hat can help you focus on the answers you seek and open you up to receiving them.

As for the cookie that was just showmanship. The cookie had nothing to do with the reading :-)

ENLIGHTENMENT FOLLOWS YOUR INSPIRATIONI hope you already feel inspired by all the chances that your life offers to you.

You are wondering:where you are going?what is the point of evolution?

The purpose is to allow you to live a life of unlimited potential. A Stanford professor revealed an interesting study recently. He found out that all babies below the age of 4 are tested near genius levels for child intelligence.

But something starts to happen after this. The child’s capabilities start wavering. Some continue to show high intelligence. Others stumble and slow down.

What made the difference?

The professor believed that children slow down because they are given limitations, drummed into them by their parents, teachers and friends: “Don’t say silly things!”, “Stop playing with your imaginary friend!”, “No, silly—that isn’t real!”.

When I found out how to go beyond my limitations I realized that I could pick up skills beyond the ordinary.

I want you to cast away all these limitations and to capture the potential you may have had hiding in you since you were 4 years old.

Lesson 6: Download & Listen To The Table of Creativity Technique here.
