The 62+ Consumer TR Mann Consulting. Love their Grandchildren: TR Mann Consulting


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The 62+ Consumer

TR Mann Consulting

Love their Grandchildren:

TR Mann Consulting

Men and Women age 62-plus:

They spend nearly $30 billion each year on their grandchildren.

74% buy quality clothing

60% buy books

38% buy toys

Source: Age Wave CommunicationsTR Mann


Men and Women age 62-plus:

They buy 1 in every 4 toys sold

in America.

Source: Age Wave CommunicationsTR Mann


Financial Clout

TR Mann Consulting

Men and women age 62-plus:

• Represent 60% of all stockholders

•Own 60% of annuities

Source: Age Power: How the 21st Century will be ruled by the New Old by Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D. (Tarcher/Putnam 9/2000)

TR Mann Consulting

Men and women age 62-plus:

Own 40% of all mutual funds ($1 trillion)

Represent 50% of all IRA and Keough holders

Source: Age Power: How the 21st Century will be ruled by the New Old by Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D. (Tarcher/Putnam 9/2000) TR Mann


Men and women 62-plus:

Earn $2 trillion in income

TR Mann Consulting

Men and women age 62-plus:

Account for 12.3% of the total population

(that’s 35.6 million people)

TR Mann Consulting

Men and women age 62-plus:

Own more than

70% of financial assets in America

TR Mann Consulting

Men and women age 62-plus:

Represent nearly $2.4 trillion in buying power

TR Mann Consulting

Men and women age 62-plus:


74% of all prescription drugs

Source: Age Power: How the 21st Century will be ruled by the New Old by Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D. (Tarcher/Putnam 9/2000)

TR Mann Consulting

Men and women age 62-plus:

51%of all OTC drug sales

Source: Age Power: How the 21st Century will be ruled by the New Old by Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D. (Tarcher/Putnam 9/2000) TR Mann


$pending to Live Better…

TR Mann Consulting

New vehicle purchases exceed $54 billion

Source: US Mature Market, TR Mann Consulting

More than $62 million spent on entertainment

Source: US Mature Market, TR Mann Consulting

Represent $168 billion market for the food industry

Source: US Mature Market, TR Mann Consulting

High-income 62-plus households have doubled over the past decade

Source: US Mature Market, TR Mann Consulting

Online in the Golden Years… TR Mann


46% have been using the internet for

over 5 years

TR Mann Consulting

Over half of adults age 62-plus own computers

Source: US Senate Committee on Age: Senior Net 2002, eMarketer,com, Forrester Research, Center for Media Research

TR Mann Consulting

72% research health information online

Source: US Senate Committee on Age: Senior Net 2002, eMarketer,com, Forrester Research, Center for Media Research

TR Mann Consulting

72% stay current with news and events

TR Mann Consulting

Source: US Senate Committee on Age: Senior Net 2002, eMarketer,com, Forrester Research, Center for Media Research

92% have shopped online

Source: US Senate Committee on Age: Senior Net 2002, eMarketer,com, Forrester Research, Center for Media Research

TR Mann Consulting

“People turning 65 today have another 20

years of their adult life ahead

of them”TR Mann


Median Household Net Worth

•<35: $7k

•35-44: $44k

•45-54: $83k

•55-64: $112k

•65-69: $114k

•70-74: $120k• >74: 100k

Source: U.S. CensusTR Mann Consulting
