Text Students of Pharmacy



English for Pharmacy - Intro

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    bybybyby Jusztina Nagy Jnossy, Zsuzsa Kiss,Jusztina Nagy Jnossy, Zsuzsa Kiss,Jusztina Nagy Jnossy, Zsuzsa Kiss,Jusztina Nagy Jnossy, Zsuzsa Kiss,

    Mnika Krasznai and Gabriella MarschalkMnika Krasznai and Gabriella MarschalkMnika Krasznai and Gabriella MarschalkMnika Krasznai and Gabriella Marschalk





    Jusztina Nagy Jnossy, Zsuzsa Kiss, Mnika Krasznai and Gabriella Marschalk

    Department of Foreign Languages

    University of Debrecen

    Medical and Health Science Center



  • Preface .. 4

    The History of Pharmacy 5

    Digestive system.7

    Major parts and functions of the system.8

    Word building...10


    What herbs may relieve the condition?.11


    Some diseases affecting the gastrointestinal system.14


    Vocabulary ...17


    How can I tell if I am getting enough of the B vitamins?20

    Water soluble vitamins..20

    Fat soluble vitamins..21


    The lungs and respiratory system..27

    Word building...31



    Herbs used as a natural asthma remedy38


    Herbal cough medicines40



    Major parts and functions of the skin44

    Word building...47


    What herbs may relieve the condition?.48

    Types of skin preparation..49

    Skin disorders50

    Vocabulary ...52

    The eye.54

    Word building...55


    Dry eye..56

    Contact lens problems...57

    Applying medicines to the eye..58


    The ear.60

    Word building...61

    Outer ear problems62


    Applying ear drops62


    The mouth ...65

    Mouth ulcers..65

    Medicines for mouth ulcers...65


    Treatment for thrush..68

  • Vocabulary69

    Cardiovascular system71

    Blood pressure..71


    Medicines for high blood pressure75

    Word building...77

    The heart78

    Circulatory problems.79

    Blood Clots80



    Methods of drug administration ...86

    Enteral medication ...87

    Parenteral medication ...88

    Topical application ...89

    Drug forms ...90

    Vocabulary ...92

    Prescription Writing...94

    Appendices .... 99

    1 Zantac 75 Relief 100

    2 Zirtek ...103

    3 Germolene Cream .. 107

    4 Amoxycillin .110

    5 Oraldene . 114

    6 Amoxicillin . 116

    7 Germoloids . 118

    8 Table of chemical elements .120

    English-Hungarian vocabulary122


  • Preface

    You are holding a new textbook for students of pharmacy. This book was initiated by the

    Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical and Health Science Centre of the University of Debrecen as

    well as a special project called Vilgnyelv Program. The book is aimed at teaching pharmacy

    students some of the basic vocabulary of their field of science to enable them to communicate

    their knowledge in English at scientific meetings, conferences or everyday situations at work.

    Students may also benefit from the teaching material when, preparing their diploma work,

    they have to read or skim quite a few articles in English.

    The material has been chosen to meet the above expectations, that is why only certain topics

    have been selected in the texts and exercises. Each topic is presented in a similar way: There

    is a short introduction of an organ or system, followed by some Latin and Greek word roots,

    suffixes and prefixes. This is usually followed by the outlining of some common conditions,

    their remedies, and lots of exercises. In the Pharmacology section special attention has been

    paid to the different types of classical drugs while alternative medicine has been included

    in sections briefly discussing herbs and their effects. Each unit is completed with a

    Vocabulary section and you will also find an English-Hungarian vocabulary at the end of the


    About the topics: it was kept in mind that students need a vocabulary which they can use in

    everyday situations. Clients (especially foreigners) are most likely to seek a pharmacists help

    for minor problems such as certain skin irritations, aches and pains, coughs, sore eyes,

    feverish conditions or diarrhoeas, etc., which require an immediate solution, sometimes even

    before they can see a doctor. As each unit is self-contained you may not wish to insist on the

    order in which the individual topics are discussed. You decide which one you would like to

    start with.

    The authors look forward to and welcome any comments and/or recommendations.


    The digestive system (also known as the gut or gastrointestinal system) includes the

    gullet (oesophagus), stomach, small and large intestines, the rectum and anus. Chewed food

    passes from the mouth into the oesophagus, down into the stomach where digestive juices

    (including hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsin) break down the food into smaller

    particles; these pass into the small intestine, where more enzymes break them down (digest

    them) into molecules small enough to be absorbed through the intestinal wall into the

    bloodstream. These molecules go to the liver, which sorts them and breaks them down further

    (metabolises them) into nutrients for the body to use. The remnants of digestion pass to the

    large intestine (colon) where water is absorbed into the bloodstream leaving stools (faeces),

    which are passed out of the body through the anus.

    Digestive system


  • Exercise 1 True ( ) or false ( )? 1. The digestive system is also referred to as the gullet.

    2. The digestive system, among others, contains the intestines.

    3. The digestive system ends at the anus.

    4. Digestive juices are produced in the oesophagus.

    5. Digestive juices are absorbed through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream.

    6. The large intestine is called the colon.

    7. The contents of the colon are referred to as the faeces.

    8. Hydrochloric acid is an enzyme in the stomach.

    9. The liver metabolises molecules from the small intestine into nutrients for the body to use.

    10. Chewed food passes from the mouth into the small intestines.

    Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Match the words in columns A andMatch the words in columns A andMatch the words in columns A andMatch the words in columns A and BBBB

    Column A

    Column B

    1. gastrointestinal

    2. colon

    3. hydrochloric acid

    4. pepsin

    5. faeces

    6. metabolise

    7. digest

    8. anus

    9. oesophagus


    a. break down into nutrients

    b. stools

    c. final portion of digestive system

    d. gut

    e. gullet

    f. HCl

    g. break down

    h. large intestine

    i. ingredient in food

    j. enzyme

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Major parts and functions of the system

    Food provides us with fuel to live, energy to work and play, and the raw materials to build

    new cells. All the different varieties of food we eat are broken down by our digestive system

    and transported to every part of our body by our circulatory system.


    Teeth bite off and chew food into a soft pulp that is easy to swallow. Chewing mixes the food

    with watery saliva, from six salivary glands around the mouth and face, to make it moist and



    The oesophagus, or gullet, is a muscular tube. It takes food from the throat and pushes it down

    through the neck, and into the stomach. It moves food by waves of muscle contraction called



    The stomach has thick muscles in its wall. These contract to mash the food into a semisolid

    mass. Also the stomach lining produces strong digestive juices. These attack the food in a

    chemical way, breaking down and dissolving its nutrients.

  • Pancreas

    The pancreas, like the stomach, makes powerful digestive juices called enzymes which help

    to digest food further as it enters the small intestines.

    Gall bladder

    This small pear-shaped structure is tucked under the liver. It stores a fluid called bile, which is

    made in the liver. As food from a meal arrives in the small intestine, bile flows from the gall

    bladder along the bile duct into the intestine. It helps to digest fatty foods and also contains

    wastes for removal.

    Small intestines

    This part of the tract is narrow, but very long - about 20 feet. Here, more enzymes continue

    the chemical attack on the food. Finally the nutrients are small enough to pass through the

    lining of the small intestine, and into the blood. They are carried away to the liver and other

    body parts to be processed, stored and distributed.

    Large intestine

    Any useful substances in the leftovers, such as spare water and body minerals, are absorbed

    through the walls of the large intestine, back into the blood. The remains are formed into

    brown, semi-solid faeces, ready to be removed from the body.

    Rectum and anus

    The end of the large intestine and the next part of the tract, the rectum, store the faeces. These

    are finally squeezed through a ring of muscle, the anus, and out of the body.

    Exercise 3 Refer to the reading passage Major organs and functions of the digestive

    system and label the diagram.


    The main part of a medical word is called a word root. It is usually derived from Greek and

    Latin and indicates a body part. The combining form is a word root plus a vowel, usually o.

    word root +



    = combining form meaning

    stomat O = Stomato mouth

    dent O = Dento teeth

    gastr O = Gastro stomach

    duoden O = duoeno duodenum

    enter O = entero small intestine

    col O = colo large intestine

    rect O = recto rectum

    chol E = chole bile

    hepat O = hepato liver

    pancreat O = pancreato pancreas

    A suffix is a word ending. Whenever you change the suffix, the medical word takes on a new

    meaning. In medical terminology, a suffix usually indicates a procedure, condition or disease.

    suffixes meaning

    -megaly enlargement

    -ectomy removal

    -itis inflammation

    -oma tumour

    -plasty surgical repair

    -scopy visual examination

    Exercise 4 Analyze the basic elements of the following medical words.

    enteroplasty ___________________________ hepatoma __________________________

    pancreatitis ____________________________ rectoplasty _________________________

    hepatomegaly __________________________ appendectomy ______________________

    colitis _________________________________ gastrectomy ________________________

    enteritis _______________________________ cholecystitis _______________________

    colonoscopy ____________________________ gastritis ___________________________

    cholecystectomy _________________________ gastroenteritis ______________________

  • IndigestionIndigestionIndigestionIndigestion

    Indigestion is a term which is often used to describe a feeling of fullness or gaseousness in the

    stomach. Indigestion may be a symptom of a disorder in the stomach or intestines. Symptoms

    can include gas, a bloated feeling, nausea, belching and a burning sensation after eating.

    Indigestion can be caused by swallowing air or decreased secretion of digestive juices and

    enzymes. Some foods and beverages, including alcohol, vinegar and greasy or spicy food,

    may also cause indigestion because they are irritating to the digestive tract. Heartburn usually

    occurs alongside indigestion. Heartburn is a burning feeling caused by stomach acid

    regurgitating into the oesophagus from the stomach (also known as GERD = gastro-

    esophageal reflux disease).

    What herbs may help relieve the condition?What herbs may help relieve the condition?What herbs may help relieve the condition?What herbs may help relieve the condition?

    There are several herbs which may have a carminative action including Peppermint, Fennel

    seed, Garlic, Parsley and Oregano. A carminative is a substance which may help to prevent

    the formation of gases and help remove gas already formed.

    Antacids are commonly used to relieve indigestion and a more natural alternative to using

    antacids is to use herbal bitters. They are believed to increase saliva production as well as

    promoting stomach acid and digestive enzyme production. Important herbal bitters include

    Devils Claw, Dandelion, Camomile, Yellow dock and Goldenseal.

    Artichoke may be beneficial for people prone to indigestion, particularly when the actual

    problem is a lack of bile production by the liver.

    Ginger is often used due to its benefits relieving nausea but it also contains chemicals

    which soothe the gut and improve digestion by increasing the contractions which move food

    through the intestine.

    ExExExExercise 5 ercise 5 ercise 5 ercise 5 Read the passages about indigestion and herbs which relieve it. Match the terms and Read the passages about indigestion and herbs which relieve it. Match the terms and Read the passages about indigestion and herbs which relieve it. Match the terms and Read the passages about indigestion and herbs which relieve it. Match the terms and

    definitions in columns A and B.definitions in columns A and B.definitions in columns A and B.definitions in columns A and B.



    1. nausea a.) a woodland plant, having small greenish-white flowers and

    a yellow root formerly used medicinally

    2. antacid b.) usually alcoholic liquid made with herbs or roots

    3. goldenseal c.) a substance, such as magnesia or sodium bicarbonate, that

    neutralizes acid

    4. peristalsis d.) a drug or agent that induces the expulsion of gas from the

    stomach or intestines

    5. oregano e.) burp

    6. GERD f.) feeling of sickness in the stomach with an urge to vomit

    7. carminative g.) a perennial herb of the mint family, having aromatic leaves

    that are used as a seasoning

    8. bitters h.) condition caused by acid regurgitating to the oesophagus

    from the stomach

    9. camomile i.) counteracting or neutralizing acidity, especially of the


    10. belch j.) contractions moving food through the intestine

  • Pharmacology

    Medication Action

    Antacids neutralize excess stomach acid and relieve gastritis and ulcer pain; also

    used to relieve indigestion and reflux oesophagitis (heartburn)

    Antidiarrhoeals relieve diarrhoea either by absorbing the excess fluids that cause

    diarrhoea or by lessening intestinal motility (slowing the movement of

    faecal material through the intestine), allowing more time for

    absorption of water



    suppress nausea and vomiting, mainly by acting on brain control

    centres to stop nerve impulses; also used to control motion sickness

    and dizziness associated with inner ear infections. Some

    antihistamines and tranquillizers have antiemetic properties.

    Antiflatulents reduce the feeling of gassiness and bloating (flatulence) that

    accompany indigestion. These agents facilitate the passing of gas by

    breaking down gas bubbles to a smaller size and mildly stimulating

    intestinal motility

    Antispasmodics prevent or reduce smooth muscle spasm by acting on the autonomous

    nervous system , thus relieving certain spastic conditions of the bowel.

    cathartics, laxatives,


    promote bowel movement or defecation or both; in smaller doses, they

    relieve constipation and are called laxatives; in larger doses, they

    evacuate the entire GI tract and are called purgatives (used before

    surgery or intestinal radiological examinations)

    Emetics used to induce vomiting, especially in cases of poisoning

    Exercise 6 Exercise 6 Exercise 6 Exercise 6 Read the sentences and underline the correct verbs.Read the sentences and underline the correct verbs.Read the sentences and underline the correct verbs.Read the sentences and underline the correct verbs.

    1. Antacids promote / relieve ulcer pain.

    2. Purgatives slow / promote defecation and bowel movements.

    3. Antiflatulents induce / reduce bloating that accompanies indigestion.

    4. Antispasmodics facilitate / prevent smooth muscle spasm.

    5. Laxatives slow / relieve constipation.

    6. Antidiarrhoeals absorb / neutralize the excess fluids.

    7. Antacids relieve / break down heartburn.

    8. Antinauseants act on / evacuate brain control centres.

    9. Antacids absorb / neutralize stomach acid.

    10. Antiemetics suppress / impress nausea and vomiting.

    11. Antiflatulents mildly stimulate / slow down intestinal motility.

    12. Antispasmodics increase / decrease smooth muscle spasm.

    13. Emetics reduce / induce vomiting in poisoning.

    14. Purgatives exacerbate / relieve constipation.

    15. Some tranquillizers lack / exhibit antiemetic properties.

  • Exercise 7 Exercise 7 Exercise 7 Exercise 7 In each group, two of the verbs cannot go with the noun. WhiIn each group, two of the verbs cannot go with the noun. WhiIn each group, two of the verbs cannot go with the noun. WhiIn each group, two of the verbs cannot go with the noun. Which ones?ch ones?ch ones?ch ones?

    A) suppress promote


    vomit stop

    control break down


    B) absorb relieve


    defecate block evacuate


    C) neutralize relieve

    protrude evacuate

    inhibit reflux



    relieve induce

    reduce alleviate

    secrete prevent


    Exercise 8 Test your vocabulary.

    1. heartburn A hernia

    2. hole B internal

    3. movement C acute

    4. bloating D oesophagitis

    5. causing vomiting E emetic

    6. arising suddenly F perforation

    7. lasting for a long time G jaundice

    8. inside H chronic

    9. yellowing of the skin I external

    10. outside J motility

    11. tissue death K flatulence

    12. protrusion L - necrosis





  • Some diseases affecting the gastrointestinal systemSome diseases affecting the gastrointestinal systemSome diseases affecting the gastrointestinal systemSome diseases affecting the gastrointestinal system

    Acute diarrhoea

    Diarrhoea is an increase in the frequency and looseness of your bowel movements. Water is

    normally absorbed from the remnants of digested food in the large intestine and the waste left

    over from this water-recycling process becomes stools, which are then passed out of the body

    at regular intervals. If this absorption process is upset, less water is taken back into the body

    and the remainder is passed out in liquid stools. Serious loss of water is called dehydration; it

    causes thirst, dry mouth, dry skin, reduction in quantity and darkening of urine, fast breathing

    and fever. Sudden (acute) diarrhoea generally lasts only a few days.

    Common causes include viral or bacterial infections in the digestive system (food poisoning)

    or a change of country and climate (often called travellers diarrhoea), which is often

    accompanied by abdominal pain, cramps feeling or being sick, and occasionally fever.

    Anxiety, alcohol, food intolerance and some medicines can also cause acute diarrhoea.

    Chronic diarrhoea

    Chronic diarrhoea is a long-term condition where the stools are loose or watery sometimes

    bloody or fatty.

    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a very common disorder of bowel movement. Its symptoms

    include griping, colicky pain across the lower abdomen, bloating and a disturbed bowel habit

    with frequent, loose stools and/or constipation with hard, rabbit-pellet stools. Diarrhoea

    often occurs at the onset of pain. You may feel sick or have flatulence, heartburn, wind or

    fatigue. These symptoms can be intermittent or you may experience them all the time.

    Sometimes other symptoms, such as back pain, urinary frequency and generalised muscle and

    joint pains may also be associated with IBS. Symptoms often start after an acute intestinal

    infection or after a course of antibiotics. Stress, lifestyle changes and intolerance to some

    foods can trigger IBS. Women aged under 40 seem to suffer most from IBS, and symptoms

    are often worse before a menstrual period.

    Crohns disease

    Crohns disease is an uncommon inflammatory bowel disease. The wall of the intestine

    becomes inflamed, causing bouts of colicky pain and frequent diarrhoea with blood. You may

    feel unwell, lose your appetite and lose weight because food is not properly absorbed. The

    aim of treatment is to bring about (include) remission with medication in the acute phase, and

    then to prevent relapse.

  • Medication/TreatmentMedication/TreatmentMedication/TreatmentMedication/Treatment

    Medicines for acute diarrhoea

    In an acute attack of mild to moderate diarrhoea, you can replace the water and salts lost from

    your body with a glucose and salt solution. Glucose increases the amount of water absorbed in

    the large intestine, which allows the salts in the solution to get into your body too. This

    process is called rehydration.

    The diarrhoea is the bodys way of getting rid of harmful substances and it may be unhelpful

    to interfere with this natural response.

    Antidiarrhoeal medicines

    Treating diarrhoea with an antidiarrhoeal medicine is of less importance than rehydration.

    Babies, young children, frail people and elderly people must always be rehydrated with

    glucose and salts solution; they should avoid antidiarrhoeal medicines.

    Home-made salt and glucose solution: use one small level teaspoon (3.5g) of salt and eight large level teaspoons (40g) of sugar or

    four large level teaspoons (20g) of glucose powder to one litre of water. A small amount of

    fruit juice or squash can be added to flavour the solution.

    Medicines for chronic diarrhoea

    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) It may not be necessary to take a medicine to control symptoms if they are mild and

    intermittent or related to foods that you can avoid. However bulk-forming preparations are

    used to improve the consistency and regularity of bowel movements. An antimotility

    medicine reduces stool frequency and urgency.

    Antispasmodic medicines work either by slowing down intestinal movement or by exerting a

    direct relaxant effect on intestinal muscle. Antispasmodics relieve stomach cramps and

    colicky abdominal pain.

    Crohns disease

    Active disease of the small intestine is usually treated with corticosteroids. Sometimes an

    antibacterial may be prescribed to control bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. Crohns

    disease can cause general ill health because your body may not absorb nutrients and water

    properly through the intestinal wall. You may need food, mineral and vitamin supplements

    and rehydration treatment to prevent malnutrition.

    Antimotility medicines

    These slow down intestinal movement (peristalsis). Although these medicines relieve

    diarrhoea symptoms, they can prolong contact between harmful micro-organisms and the

    intestinal cells. Opioids (derivatives of the poppy plant) have long been used: these include

    liquid mixtures of opium or morphine. These products are of limited use in controlling acute



    Travellers diarrhoea

    Avoid drinking tap water, and even using it for cleaning teeth, unless you are sure that it is fit to drink. Use bottled or treated water; add chemical water purifying tablets or

    ten drops of weak iodine solution to a litre of water in parts of the world where water

    supplies are suspect. In areas where amoebic dysentery is likely, boiling water for half

    an hour will kill the organisms and any amoebic cysts satisfactorily.

    Avoid ice cubes in your drinks unless you are sure of the water. Avoid eating unwashed salads and vegetables and unpeeled fruit (even drinks). Avoid eating dishes containing uncooked eggs, shellfish, unpasteurised dairy products

    and food from street traders that is not freshly prepared or hot.

    Wash your hands or use an antiseptic wipe after going to the toilet and before you handle food or eat.

    Take with you a supply of salt and glucose sachets and an antidiarrhoeal medicine. Do not buy or use an antibiotic to treat diarrhoea, unless under guidance from a


    Exercise 9 Comprehension check. Answer the following questions!

    1. When do we speak about acute diarrhoea?

    2. What can be the consequences of diarrhoea?

    3. When can we speak about chronic diarrhoea?

    4. What are the common medicines for diarrhoea?

    5. How do the these medicines work?

    6. How do these medicines affect the patients?

    7. Are there any risks or special precautions?

    8. What is IBS?

    9. What kind of medication is suggested in the case of IBS?

    10. What kind of medicines are used in the case of Crohns disease?

    11. Are any other food supplements needed in the case of Crohns disease?

  • Exercise 10 Exercise 10 Exercise 10 Exercise 10 Fill the table with the proper infFill the table with the proper infFill the table with the proper infFill the table with the proper informationormationormationormation....

    type site symptoms drug type

    acute diarrhoea


    Crohns disease


    abdominal hasi, hasregi

    absorb felszv

    accompany ksr

    acute heveny, akut

    agent szer, hatanyag

    aim cl

    alleviate enyht

    amoebic dysentery ambs vrhas

    antacid savlekt

    antibacterial baktriuml (szer)

    antidiarrhoeal hasfog

    antiemetic hnyscsillapt

    antiflatulent szlhajt

    antinauseant szdlscskkent

    antiseptic wipe ferttlent trlkend

    antispasmodic grcsold

    anus (s), ani (pl) vgbl

    anxiety aggds

    appendix (s), appendices (pl) freg-


    appetite tvgy

    arise fellp, kialakul

    artichoke articska

    ascending colon felszll vastagbl

    at regular intervals rendszeres id-


    attack roham

    autonomous nervous system vegetatv


    bacterial bakterilis, baktrium-okozta

    be absorbed felszvdik

    belching bfgs beneficial jtkony hats

    beverage ital

    bile duct epevezetk

    bile epe

    bite harap

    bitter (gyomor)keser

    bloated felfvdott

    bloating felfvds

    block elzr

    bloodstream vrram

    bloody vres

    bout roham

    bowel bl

    brain agy

    break down lebont, megemszt

    bulk-forming ballasztanyag-kpz

    burp bfgs

    camomille kamilla

    carminative szlhajt

    cathartic (enyhe) hashajt

    cell sejt

    chew rg

    chew megrg

    chewing rgs

    chronic idlt, krnikus

    circulatory keringsi

    colic vastagbl-

    colicky kliks, grcss

    colon vastagbl

    common gyakori, ltalnos

    condition llapot

    constipation szoruls, szkrekeds

    contraction sszehzds

    counteract ellenttesen hat / mkdik

    course of antibiotics antibiotikumos


    cramp grcs

    dandelion pitypang, gyermeklncf

    defecation szkletrts

    dehydration kiszrads

    descending colon leszll vastagbl

    devils claw rdgkarom

    diarrhoea hasmens

    digest megemszt

    digestion emszts

    digestive emszt

    digestive juice emsztnedv

    disease betegsg disorder rendellenessg

    dissolve felold, kiold

    distribute eloszt, sztoszt

    dizziness szdls

    dose adag

    drug gygyszer, drog

    emetic hnytat

    entire teljes, egsz

    enzyme enzim

    evacuate kirt

    exacerbate slyosbt, rosszabb tesz, ront

    excess flsleges, tlzott

    excrete kivlaszt

    exert an effect vmilyen hatst fejt ki

    exhibit mutat

  • expulsion eltvolts, eltvozs

    facilitate elsegt

    faeces szklet

    fatigue ltalnos gyengesgrzet

    fatty zsros, zsr-

    fennel seed kmnymag

    fever lz

    flatulence puffadtsg

    flavour zest

    fluid (test)nedv, folyadk

    food intolerance tel-allergia

    frail trkeny /gyenge egszsg

    frequency gyakorisg

    fuel zemanyag, hajtanyag

    gall bladder epehlyag

    garlic fokhagyma

    gaseousness felfvds

    gassiness szelessg

    gastric gyomor

    gastritis gyomorhurut

    gastrointestinal gyomorra s blre


    generalised ltalnos

    GERD reflux-betegsg

    GI tract emszttraktus

    ginger gymbr

    glucose gllz

    goldenseal hidrasztisz (hydrastis


    greasy zsros

    griping pains hascsikars, szlgrcs

    gullet nyelcs

    gut bl

    harmful kros, rtalmas

    heartburn gyomorgs herb gygynvny

    hernia srv

    hole lyuk, nyls

    hydrochloric acid ssav

    improve fokoz

    increase nvel, fokoz

    indigestion gyomorronts

    induce kivlt vmit, elidz

    infection fertzs

    inflammatory gyulladsos

    inhibit gtol

    interfere with beleavatkozik

    intermittent idnknt fellp, visszatr

    intestinal bl-

    intestinal motility blmozgs

    iodine jd irritable bowel syndrome irritbils bl

    tnetegyttes (IBS)

    jaundice srgasg

    joint zlet

    lack hinyzik belle vmi

    large intestines vastagbl

    large level teaspoon ppozott kvskanl

    laxative szkletlazt

    leftover (tel)maradk

    lifestyle letmd

    lining bls

    liquid folyadk, ital

    liver mj

    loose bowel movement hasmens

    lose ones appetite elmegy az tvgya

    lose weight (le)fogy

    magnesia magnzium

    malnutrition rosszul tplltsg, alul-


    mash sszetr, ppest

    medication gygyszer, gygyszerezs

    menstrual period havivrzs, menzesz

    metabolise tvltoztat, anyagcservel


    mild enyhe

    mineral svnyi anyag

    mint menta

    mixture keverk

    moist nedves

    molecule molekula

    morphine morfium

    motility mozgs

    motion sickness mozgs kvetkeztben

    kialakul melygs

    movement mozgs

    muscular izmos

    natural termszetes

    nausea hnyinger

    necrosis szvetelhals

    nerve ideg

    neutralise kzmbst, semlegest

    nutrient tpllk, tpanyag

    oesophagitis nyelcsgyullads

    oesophagus nyelcs

    opioid pium szrmazk

    oregano oregano

    overgrowth tlszaporods, elszaporods

    pain fjdalom, fjs

    pancreas hasnylmirigy

  • parsley peterzselyemzld

    particle rsz, rszecske

    peppermint borsmenta

    perennial vel

    perforation kilyukads, perforci

    peristalsis perisztaltika, perisztaltikus


    pharmacology gygyszertan

    poisoning mrgezs

    poppy mk

    preparation ksztmny

    prescribe receptre felr

    prevent megelz, megakadlyoz

    process feldolgoz, talakt

    prolong meghosszabbt

    promote elsegt, serkent

    property tulajdonsg

    protrude kitremkedik

    protrusion kitremkeds

    pulp ppes anyag

    purgative hashajt

    rabbit-pellet stools nyl bogys

    szklethez hasonl szklet

    radiological, radiolgiai, rntgen-

    raw material nyersanyag

    rectum rektum

    recycling visszanyers

    reduce cskkent, enyht

    reflux visszafolys

    reflux oesophagitis gyomorgs

    regurgitate visszajut, visszakerl

    rehydration rehidrls

    relapse visszaess

    relaxant lazt

    relieve enyht, cskkent remains maradvny, maradk

    remission javuls

    remnant maradk, maradvny

    removal eltvolts

    remove eltvolt

    response reakci

    root gykr

    saliva nyl

    salivary gland nylmirigy

    seasoning fszerezs, fszer

    secrete elvlaszt

    semi-solid flig kemny, flig szilrd

    sickness melygs

    sigma bowel szigmabl

    sigmoid szigmabl

    slippery csszs

    sloppy ppes, ppszer

    small intestines vkonybl

    small level teaspoon csapott kvskanl

    smooth muscle simaizom

    sodium bicarbonate szdabikarbna

    solution oldat

    soothe nyugtat, csillapt

    spasm grcs

    spasmodic grcss

    spastic grcss

    spicy fszeres

    squash szrp

    squeeze kiprsel, kinyom

    stimulate serkent, stimull

    stomach gyomor

    stools szklet

    store raktroz

    substance anyag

    suffer from szenved vmiben

    supplement kiegszts/kiegszt

    suppress visszaszort, elfojt

    surgery sebszi beavatkozs, mtt

    suspect gyans

    swallow lenyel

    tap water csapvz

    thirst szomjsg

    tissue szvet

    tract traktus, rendszer

    tranquillizer nyugtat

    transport szllt

    transverse colon harntvastagbl

    treatment kezels

    trigger kivlt, elidz

    ulcer fekly uncommon ritka

    urge to vomit hnyinger

    urinary frequency gyakori vizels

    urinary hgy-, vizelet-

    vinegar ecet

    viral vrusos, vrus-

    vomit hnys

    waste salakanyag

    water purifying tablet vztisztt tabletta

    water supply vzellts

    watery hg

    wave hullm

    woodland erds-tiszts

    yellow dock fodros sska (rumex crispus)
