Team Building


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Team Building


Our Objective

i. Teams

ii. Stages of Team Building

iii.Recipe for Team Building

iv. Meaning of the Team

v. Exercise

When several people use their skills and knowledge together, the result should be positive. People working together can sustain the enthusiasm and lend support needed to complete the task.

Why have teams?

What is a team?A team is a group of people who are mutually dependent on one another to achieve a common goal.

How do Teams Work Best

Teams succeed when members have:

• commitment to common objectives;

• defined roles and responsibilities;

• effective decision systems, communication and work procedures,

• managing timelines; and,

• Good personal relationship

Stages of Team Building

• Results • Direction

• Trust• Process

Performing Forming



Stage 1



Teami. Define Team

ii. Determine individual roles

iii.Build trust and communication

iv.Develop Norms

Taski. Define problem and its


ii. Planning and Strategy

iii. Identify information needed

i. Encourage and maintain open communication.

ii. Help the team develop and fellow team norms.

iii.Help the team focus on the task.

iv.Deal constructively with conflict.

Role – Team Leader

Team Norms

i. How can we support each other?

ii. What can we do when others have


iii.What are my responsibilities to the


Stage 2



After a relatively polite forming stage, members grow in confidence and an amount of power struggle is likely. The “Team Leader” has to deal with:

i. realize that the task is more difficult than they imagined;

ii. have fluctuations in attitude about chances of


iii.may be resistant to the task;

iv.have poor collaboration.

Storming Diagnosis

Ever member of the team needs to go through a self diagnosis:

i. Do we have common goal and objectives?

ii. Do we agree on roles and responsibilities?

iii.Do our task, communication and decision

system work?

iv.Do we have adequate interpersonal skills?

Negotiating Conflict

After the Diagnosis, Team Leader needs to resolve conflicts(if any) within the team.

i. Separate problem issues from people issues.

ii. Be soft on people and hard on the problem.

iii.Look for underlying needs, goals of each

party rather than specific solutions.

Addressing the Problem

i. State your views in clear non-judgmental language.

ii. Clarify the core issues.

iii.Listen carefully to each person’s point of view.

iv.Check understanding by restating the core issues.

Stage 3


Norming Now the group moves on to establish norms in the forms of system and procedures, i.e. how it should work and a basis for decision making. During this stage members accept:

i. their teams

ii. teams rules and procedures

iii. their roles in the team;

iv. The individuality of fellow members.

Team members realize that they are not going to

“crash and burn” and start

helping each other.


i. Competitive relationships become more cooperative.

ii. There is a willingness to confront issues and solve problems.

iii. Team develop the ability to express criticism


iv. There is a sense of team sprit.

Giving Constructive Feedback

i. Be descriptive

ii. Do not use labels.

iii.Do not exaggerate

iv.Do not be judgmental

v. Speak for yourself

vi.Use “I” messages

vii.Restrict your feedback to things you are sure off.

viii.Help people hear and accept your compliments when giving positive feedback.

Receiving Constructive Feedback

i. Listen carefully

ii. Ask questions for clarity.

iii.Acknowledge the feedback.

iv.Acknowledge the valid points.

v. Take time to sort out what you heard.

Stage 4



Finally, the group becomes far more of a cohesive unit and starts to perform as a team. The Team members have:

i. gained insight into personal and team processes;

ii. a better understanding of each other’s strengths and weakness;

iii.gained the ability to prevent or work through group conflict and resolve differences;

iv.developed a close attachment to the team.

Leaders delegate and oversees!

Recipe for Successful Team

Effective system and processes

i. Clear communication

ii. Beneficial team behaviors; well defined decision procedures and ground rules

iii.Balanced participation

iv.Awareness of the group process.

v. Good personal relationship.





Lets do a small test to see if we have learnt something from this training…

Now look at the picture and answer the following questions:

1.Which step was not properly executed during team building?

2.Give reasons why this happened?

3.How would you have done this if you were the “Team Leader”?

“The way a team plays as a whole determines its

success. You may have the greatest bunch of

individual stars in the world, but if they do not play together, the Team wont be worth a dime”

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