Task 2 annotating a print advert


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Task -Annotating a Print Advert

By: Jonathan Newton

Photo annotation one The product is a trainer designed and created by Nike. The purpose of this ad is to make the customer understand and appreciate the amount of work that goes into making one of their shoes. This effect is achieved by making the shoe a similar size of a building. This gives the customer an idea of how much effort and time goes into making just one shoe. The products main audience is young people, male and female, who use trainers regular and are looking for a well made reliable upgrade. The photo may also be admired by small children as they may find the small people in the picture amusing. This ad can be easily reached by the target audience as it would be on display in shoe shops and at bus stops. This is a humorous and surreal advert, as giant shoes and tiny people are not real, which is also why a child may find it funny.

Photo annotation twoThe product is a car made by BMW. The purpose of the ad is to disguise the car in the shape of a shark, a top predator, stronger and faster than anything. This ad could also cause a conversation between people discussing the uncertainties and therefore making more and more people learn and here about the new BMW. This advert was design for people with a lot of money who want a luxury car. This ad would most likely be found on TV and on the internet as the target audience would most likely have one of these. This is a surreal advert because the car isn’t really a shark.