Student Township Meeting Mid-Year Review of Expectations


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Student Township Meeting Mid-Year Review of Expectations

WOO HOO!!!!!

WAY TO GO!!!!!


Be SafeBe ResponsibleBe Respectful

Rules and procedures are put into place to create order and structure, which help to keep everyone in our school family safe!

Strive to be someone that others can count on! Be a good role model by following all the rules

and expectations!

If you have done something that you should not have done, then own up to it.

Remember - We ALL make mistakes!

Be accountable to yourself and to others!

Use kind words when talking to others,Take care of things that you use

and be polite to everyone you meet!

Remember – In order to GET respect, you must GIVE


As yourself these three questions before you speak:

Is it kind?Is it true?

Is it helpful?

If you cannot say “yes” to each of these questions,

then you probably shouldn’t say it!

I make a COMMITMENT to take a stand against bullying.

I will treat others with RESPECT and KINDNESS

I will have COMPASSION to not bully and the COURAGE to not be a bystander

It is my RESPONSIBILIITY to help others being bullied and to report bullying

Work with others to make things run smoothly. Share items

in your classroom and work as a team!

Look for ways tobe helpful to others.

The “Changing of Colors” is meant to help all students self monitor their own behavior.

The colors are consistent in all of the classrooms, Kindergarten through 5th Grade.

Students are rewarded for Positive Behavior! So try to stay on GREEN!

We realize that everyone has a bad day now and then, so we do allow for a certain amount of BLUE days, but you have to learn from those BLUE days and make changes to the choices you are making!


Walk on the right side. Use Level 1 silent voices during

transitions. Follow adult directions. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Enter and exit quietly. NO PLAYING!!!! Use the facilities appropriately. Always flush after using the commode or

urinals. Wash hands with soap. Dry hands with paper towels. Place paper towels in trashcan and

NOT on the floor!

Share, Share, Share! Follow all directions given by adults! Never leave the playground area without

teacher permission. Stay away from ditches and puddles. No throwing of rocks, sticks, dirt, or grass. Stay away from the front and back of

moving swings. Use equipment appropriately. Be a good sport and play nicely with others!

Follow the classroom rules that you and your teacher have agreed upon.

Use your planner/agenda – Show it to your parents every night.

Do all your homework! Even if you don’t understand it, at least put forth the effort to try and complete it.

Do all your class work! Same thing! Just try!!! Listen to the teacher, the teacher assistant,

and/or any adult directing you. That includes parent volunteers and substitutes.

Raise a quiet hand to ask for help. Be respectful to others – Treat others how you would like to be treated! Try your best – Your best is better than nothing at all!

During breakfast, students should place their book bags at the designated spot.

Listen to all directions given by an adult. Go through the breakfast line quickly and quietly. No pushing, shoving, or horseplay of any kind! Sit down at the designated table. Eat quickly and quietly. No time to socialize! Pick up your tray/trash and throw into the


Stay in line when entering using Level 1 Voice. Lunch boxers go directly to table unless buying

milk. Keep hands, feet, and all other objects to self. Have lunch ticket ready. When entering the serving line, have your choice

already in mind. Speak politely to the lunchroom workers. Do not leave the cafeteria without permission. Get everything you need the first time you go

through the line! Eat first and then talk in a Level 2 voice. Follow the directives of the teachers.

Speak clearly to the server Be ready with your choice Silent unless giving food choice Be sure to ask for ketchup, mustard,

mayo, or any other sauces. Don’t forget forks, spoons or napkins Be sure to get milk Walk to check out

Have name tag ready Tell cashier if buying a snack before tag

is scanned Carry tray with 2 hands to table

Use Level 2 voices, after completing your 10 minutes of quiet eating time.

Keep hands and feet to yourself. Raise hand and wait for help. Keep your hands on your own food and

tray and not on others. Speak nicely to the students next to you

and in front of you. Sit correctly in your seat, face forward,

and remain in your seat until time to go.

Place trash on trays – look around you on the table and the floor for any trash that needs to be thrown away.

Lunch boxers gather your trash and throw it away at the appointed time.

Wait for the monitor or teacher to excuse your table.

Walk to trash can or recycling bin to dispose of trash CAREFULLY (no tossing/throwing)

Line up with your class in a straight line and quietly wait for the teacher.

Students should use the restroom PRIOR to going down to the holding zones.

Students should get in their appropriate lines (Car/Bus) and travel down the hallways on a Level 1 to their holding zones.

Once seated in the holding zone, students may read a book quietly or just sit quietly while they await pick-up.

When it is their time to transition, either to a car or bus, the student should REMAIN on a Level 1!

Bus Riders – You should board the bus on a Level 1 and remain on a Level 1 until the bus leaves the campus.

Car Riders – Listen for your name. Walk quickly and quietly to your car and let an adult from the safety team help you get in your car.

Remain on a LEVEL 1 silent voice while boarding the bus and maintain that voice level until you leave school grounds.

Once you are on the road, use a LEVEL 2 quiet speaking voice. This will help the driver be able to concentrate on the road.

Sit bottom to bottom, back to back in the seat. No standing up or moving about the bus while it

is in motion! Keep hands and all objects to yourself! Use respectful and kind language! Listen and obey the bus driver’s directives! NO PLAYING!!!!

You CAN do it!!!!
