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1. Prezena militar O.N.U n lume(hart)2. Cheltuieli cu aprarea a rilor(pt Europa cauti Eurostat pe google, pt Orientul mijlociu cauti tot pe google ca nu stiu acuma ())

3. Personalul military desfasurat n operaiuni onu si non onu (Annual review of global peace operations)

4. Desfasurarea personalului military onu si non onu in operaiuni de pace, pe regiuni (idem 3)

5. Contributia principalelor organizatii international de securitate, exceptand onu, in operaiuni de pace non onu(idem 3.4.)

Si alea 2 cu refugiatii (cati sunt in lume azi vs 90), si nu mai stiu ce ai zis acoloas vrea si ceva legat de Siria ca e situatie actuala si cred ca d bineceva gen personalul military onu in siria in 2012 si in 2015 sau ce gasesti legat de onu si siria

Fig. X. Harta misiunilor active de meninere a pcii ale ONU la mijlocul anului 2014

Fig XX. Desfurarea trupelor militare i poliieneti ale ONU pe regiuni n 2012

Potrivit datelor prezentate de ONU pe site-ul oficial, actualizate n 31 martie 2015, organizaia are un numr de 71 de misiuni de meninere a pcii din 1948 pn astzi, din care 16 sunt misiuni nc n derulare. Conform aceluiai site, trupele de meninere a pcii ale ONU nsumeaz peste 106 mii de persoane, din care aproape 92 de mii de militari, peste 13 mii de poliiti i circa 1.800 de obervatori militari. n ultimii 15 ani, numrul acestora a fluctuat, cu o tendin de cretere graduat anual. Aceast cretere este semnificativ n ultimii doi ani, din 2013 n prezent.Fig 1. Grafic al fluctuaiei pe ani a numrului de personal ONU angrenat n meninerea pcii medie lunarrile europene i non-europene membre ONU care au contribuit semnificativ la meninerea pcii pot fi consultate n tabelul de mai jos. Datele prezentate din perioada 2000 2014 reprezint contribuia medie lunar a unei ri pe an.Contribuia rilor non-UE la trupele ONU de meninere a pciiContribuia rilor UE la trupele ONU de meninere a pcii

Bangladesh 7.920Italia1.104

Ethiopia 7.717Frana875

Pakistan 7.581Spania 591

India 7.060Olanda548

Rwanda 5.072Finlanda 353

Nepal 4.358Irlanda 336

Ghana 2.760Marea Britanie 282

China 2.687Serbia 195

Indonesia 2.516Germania 175

Nigeria 2.495Austria 173

Fig 2. Primele 10 ri ale lumii ce contribuie cu personal militar la operaiunile de meninere a pcii ale ONU(n stnga) i topul rilor member UE ce contribuie cu personal militar la operaiunile de meninere a pcii ale ONU (n dreapta)Bugetul aprobat pentru operaiuni de meninere a pcii ale ONU pentru anul fiscal 1 iulie 2014 30 iunie 2015 este de aproximativ 7,06 miliarde de dolari, potrivit notei nr. A/C.5/69/17 a secretarului general al ONU din ianuarie a.c. Prin comparaie cu bugetul militar nsumat al rilor lumii (estimat la 1.747 miliarde de dolari n 2013), aceast sum reprezint doar 0,5% din cheltuielile militare mondiale cumulate. n ceea ce privete contribuia financiar pentru ONU din partea rilor lumii, pe primul loc se situeaz SUA, cu 28,38% din total, urmat, la mare distan, de Japonia, cu 10,83%.

Fig X. Primele 10 ri ce contribuie major din punct de vedere financiar la bugetul destinat meninerii pcii cifre exprimate n procente

Agenia de Refugiai a ONU (UNHCR), n raportul Mid-Year Trends 2014, analizeaz situaia refugiailor pn n anul 2014. Astfel, Afganistan a fost cea mai mare ar-surs de refugiai pentru mai mult de treizeci de ani, culminnd n 1990-1991. Numrul refugiailor afgani trece de ase milioane, cea mai mare parte dintre aceste persoane au ajuns n Pakistan i n Iran. Pn la mijlocul anului 2014, la mai mult de trei milioane de refugiai nregistrai, numrul sirienilor refugiai l-a depit pe cel al afganilor, Siria ajungnd s fie ara cu cei mai muli refugiai. De altfel, situaia ultimilor ani din Siria a dus la prezena trupelor ONU de meninere a pcii pe teritoriul rii arabe n numr mare, de aproape 800 de militari i 156 de reprezentani civili ai ONU. De vazut:

Fig. XXX (:D) Proveniena i numrul refugiailor, exprimat n milioane pn la mijlocului anului 2014

Fig XXX. Populaia de refugiai sub mandatul UNHC, n perioada 1990 2014 (sfritul anului)

Fig. X. Misiunile ONU i non-ONU de meninere a pcii n perioada 2010-2012ar


i (Miliarde $)

% din PIB





Arabia Saudit 80.8




Marea Britanie











Korea de Sud














Fig XX. Lista rilor cu cele mai mari bugete ale aprrii

The United Nations (UN) has made no secret of its desire to see greater numbers of European troops in its peacekeeping operations, especially those in Africa. It also desires European Union (EU) cooperation to bridge key capability gaps, like rapid deployment. Despite the need for European armies to stay operationally engaged after leaving Afghanistan, however, their rapid integration into UN operations or rapid deployment in support of UN operations will not happen automatically or without effort on all sides. This paper assesses progress on several areas of recent European military cooperation with the UN and offers recommendations for consideration by the EU, the UN and European governments in discussing the opportunities for collaboration in the coming years.

The EUs Plan of Action

For a number of reasons, the implementation of the Plan of Action has been uneven to date. In general, technical areas have progressed, such as the development of modalities for cooperation in the planning of EU and UN missions in the same theater. But areas which required further member state action at a political level have seen less progress, such as identifying EU member state capabilities for possible use in UN missions. Despite limited progress on the related provisions of the Action Plan, however, the UN has recently seen important contributions of enabling capacities from European states to its mission in Mali (MINUSMA), and the EU deployed an autonomous peacekeeping force to the Central African Republic (CAR) to assist the African Union (AU) and the French forces there until the UN could deploy. Importantly, as well, European member states, led by Italy, France, and Spain, have remained steadfast contributors to the UN peacekeeping operation in Lebanon. Such events were not necessarily facilitated, however, by the institutional cooperation processes envisioned in the Plan of Action, since EU member states have expressed a strong preference in favor of dealing with the UN directly when it comes to their own contributions to UN missions, rather than using the European External Action Service (EEAS) as a go-between. Despite the EU member states agreement to the Plan of Action in 2012, it did not reflect a genuine high-level political consensus to move towards a more reliable and joined-up mechanism for EU (military) crisis response or an interlocking peacekeeping mechanism with the United Nations. Increasing European Participation in UN Peacekeeping The EU does not currently provide capabilities directly as a component to a UN mission (the so-called modular approach), but as of 1 September, 2014, European countries individually were contributing 5,667 troops to UN peacekeeping operations, led by Italys contribution of over 1,100 troops. European contributions constitute 6.7 percent of the total number of UN troops deployed, up from 6.0 percent at the end of 2013, but down from its most recent high of 13.8 percent in 2007. Focus on Africa and the Middle East Currently, 1,254 European troops are deployed to the UNs missions in Sub-Saharan Africa. The largest concentration of blue-helmeted European troops in Africa serves in MINUSMA (684) where the Netherlands has deployed 370 military personnel supported by four Apache attack helicopters and three Chinook helicopters. The Dutch are leading an All Sources Information Fusion Unit (ASIFU) jointly with a contingent soon to be deployed from Sweden. European forces are present in large numbers in three other UN operations outside Africa: UNIFIL (Lebanon, 3,716 troops), UNDOF (Golan Heights, 136 troops) and UNFICYP (Cyprus, 561 troops). In Lebanon, Italy provides over 1,000 troops, Command and Control assets for other national units, critical enablers and four helicopters search and rescue and medical evacuation in support to the UNIFIL HQ. Collectively, European states are deployed in four EU military operations in Africa working alongside UN and AU operations: EUNAVFOR Atalanta (Horn of Africa); EUTM Somalia; EUTM Mali, and EUFOR RCA (Central African Republic).

Of course, in looking toward the future of European contributions to UN peacekeeping or to the deployment of new EU military missions, one must also consider how continued instability in the Middle East and Ukraine will affect the picture. Two recent events are of note in this regard. First, some have blamed the lackluster force generation of EUFOR RCA on European preoccupation with the Ukraine crisis. Certainly continued interference of Russia in that region would drop sub-Saharan Africa conflicts down the list of EU member state security priorities. Second, in terms of the Middle East, and specifically the spillover of the Syrian conflict, the UN is likely to need more high-capacity European armed forces participating in its missions in the region. In UNDOF, the deterrent capability of the UN has been compromised by the capture of the missions Filipino and then Fijian troops. It was the Irish contingent that successfully assisted in the escape of a Filipino contingent from their besieged compound. It may be that the missions reinforcement with more high-capacity European troops is the only thing that can save UNDOF.

Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities (CIPA) - $2.93 B UN peacekeeping constitutes the largest deployed military force in the world, with more than 120,000 personnel deployed on 17 peacekeeping missions in hotspots around the world. These operations help promote our nations national security goals and core values without requiring the commitment of U.S. troops. They are also extremely cost-effective, as UN missions overall are eight times cheaper than U.S. forces acting alone. UN peacekeeping missions are currently facing a number of critical and increasingly weighty demands, and it is therefore essential that they receive full funding through the CIPA account. For example, robust CIPA funding is necessary to help peacekeepers protect more than 100,000 South Sudanese civilians who have sought shelter at UN bases to escape the fighting; facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance to hundreds of thousands more who have been forced to flee their homes; and monitor and document human rights violations. The UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) is also working alongside the UN Childrens Fund (UNICEF) and others to help end the recruitment of child soldiers in South Sudan. In late January, the UN helped negotiate the release of 3,000 child soldiers from a rebel militia in South Sudan, one of the largest demobilizations of children ever. Full funding for CIPA will also be vital to ensuring that the UN Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), is able to continue to help stabilize key population centers in northern Mali that, up until early 2013, were under the control of several radical Islamist groups, including an affiliate of al-Qaeda. This mission has proven to be particularly dangerous, as 32 peacekeepers have been killed since the mission deployed in July 2015, making continued support all the more critical. In the Central African Republic, full funding is also critical to the UNs new peacekeeping mission there, which is currently working to restore order in the country and protect civilians after nearly two years of political strife and sectarian conflict between Christians and Muslims. In addition to fully funding FY16 peacekeeping needs, BWC also requests that Congress include language in the FY16 SFOPS appropriations bill allowing the U.S. to pay its peacekeeping dues at the full assessed rate of 28.36%. Similar language lifting reimbursement to countries like Bangladesh, Ghana, and Jordan who contribute troops to peacekeeping operations; and potentially deny critical resources to missions that are squarely in our nations security interests. Requested language is as follows: Notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds appropriated or otherwise made available under the heading Department of StateInternational Organizations Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities in this and prior acts shall be available for United States assessed contributions up to the amount specified in the Annex accompanying United Nations General Assembly document A/67/224/ Add.1.

TheUnited Nations Supervision Mission in Syria(UNSMIS) is aUnited Nationspeacekeepingmission inSyria, set up in 2012 as a result ofUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 2043in response to theSyrian Civil War.[1]It was commanded byNorwegianmajor generalRobert Mood[2]until 20 July 2012 followed byLieutenant GeneralBabacar GayefromSenegal. Although observers remain in the country, Mood suspended their mission on June 16, 2012 citing "escalating violence."[3]Observers will conduct no further patrols and stay in their current positions until the suspension is lifted. On 20 July 2012, the Security Council extended UNSMIS for a final period of 30 days. According to resolution 2059, the Council would only consider more extensionsin the event that the Secretary-General reports and the Security Council confirms the cessation of the use of heavy weapons and a reduction in the level of violence sufficient by all sidesto allow UNSMIS to implement its mandate.[4]United Nations Security Council Resolution2043was unanimously adopted on 21 April 2012.[1]The resolution resulted in the setting up of theUnited Nations Supervision Mission in Syriato observe the implementation of theKofi Annan peace plan for Syriaon theSyrian Civil War. TheUnited Nations Supervision Mission in Syriawas frozen in early June 2012, following an increasingly unstable and violent situation in Syria.

As 2012 came to a close, violence in Syria continued unabated despite efforts by joint UNAU Special Representative Lakhdar Brahimi to mediate between the conflict parties and to reconcile differences between member states over the approach to the crisis. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, national forces cautiously returned to Goma after M23 rebels withdrew, but the situation remained volatile. In Mali, amid preparations for an African-led international intervention force to expel Islamist groups affiliated with al-Qaeda, insurgents advanced farther toward government-held territory. The growing threat prompted the launch of a French military operation in early January 2013, at the transitional governments request, to halt the Islamists and accelerate the deployment of African troops. Events in 2012 demonstrated the critical role that peace operations can play as a tool for crisis management, but also brought their limits into sharp relief. Political and security advances in a number of countries allowed for reductions in deployments. However, across the Middle East and much of Africa, peace operations came under severe strain as they struggled to respond to deteriorating security conditions, as in eastern Congo, and to unraveling political agreements, as in Guinea-Bissau and the Central African Republic. The confluence of the two in Syria resulted in the resignation of Kofi Annan from his post as Special Envoy and the withdrawal of the short-lived observer mission. The international community continues to struggle to develop a roadmap for the way forward, with divisions in the Security Council hampering progress in finding a resolution to the crisis. In addition to the authorizations in Syria, in 2012 the Security Council upgraded the UNs political presence in Yemen to assist with the transition process and established the post of Special Envoy for the Sahel. In December the Council authorized an African-led military force in Mali and asked the SecretaryGeneral to submit detailed proposals for a multidisciplinary UN presence in Mali to support the political and security process. These events took place against an evolving debate on the financing and support of both peacekeeping and political missions at the UN. At UN headquarters, the divide between troop- and financial-contributing member states continued, but the senior advisory group on troop costs presented a series of recommendations to be deliberated by member states in 2013 that have the potential to break the stalemate on this issue. Proposals to strengthen the funding and backstopping arrangements for political missions failed to move forward. However, there are some promising signs that agreements may be reached on some aspects of financing in 2013. While political missions still lack a dedicated forum at the UN, where all member states can express their views on these operations, a request by member states for the Secretary-General to provide a comprehensive report on the UNs political missions in mid-2013 may provide a venue for further discussion. Commitments by the Security Council and General Assembly to strengthen the UNs conflict prevention and mediation capacities may be a harbinger of new momentum EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s

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Datele prezentate din 2000 - 2015 reprezint contribuia medie lunar a unei ri pe an, media fiind cea a anului 2014.





















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Desfurarea trupelor militare i a poliitilor ONU pe regiuni - 2012

Orientul Mijlociu; 13,80%

Asia Central i de Sud; 1,00%

Europa ; 0,90%

Asia de Est i Pacific; 1,20%

America Central i de Sud; 12,70%

Africa; 71,30%


Desfurarea trupelor militare i a poliitilor ONU pe regiuni - 2012

Orientul Mijlociu13.80%

Asia Central i de Sud1.00%


Asia de Est i Pacific1.20%

America Central i de Sud12.70%







Mijlocului lui 2013

Sfritul lui 2013

Mijlocul lui 2014


Mijlocului lui 2013Sfritul lui 2013Mijlocul lui 2014






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Fluctuaia numrului de peacekeeprs

Fluctuaia numrului de peacekeepers (2000-2015)


Fluctuaia numrului de peacekeeprs

















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Contribuii financiare la bugetul ONU destinat meninerii pcii

Contribuii la bugetul ONU destinat meninerii pcii


Contribuii financiare la bugetul ONU destinat meninerii pcii





Marea Britanie6.68






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