St Joseph's Regional College Newsletter 17th May 2013



weekly newsletter

Citation preview

SUNDAY Pentecost Sunday

Mass Times: St. Agnes’ Port Macquarie Our Lady of Lourdes Wauchope Saturday Vigil – 6.00pm Saturday Vigil – 6.00pm and Sunday 7.30am Sunday – 7.30am, 9.00am & 6.00pm Long Flat – 9.00am 2nd & 4th Sunday

Kendall – 9.00am Mass (1st Saturday month 10.00am Mass Comboyne)

Telegraph Point – Thursday Night 6.00pm Beechwood – 9.00am 1st & 3rd

Lake Cathie – Sunday 8.00am Laurieton – Saturday Vigil 5.30pm, Sunday – 7.30am

What’s on Term 2, Week 4

MONDAY, 20th May (Day 6)

- Year 11 Examinations U/14’s Rugby League Cochrane Cup SAPSS Jazz Band in Performing Arts Centre 4.30pm-6.00pm Homework Hub in Library till 4.30pm SAPSS Advisory Board Meeting

TUESDAY, 21st May (Day 7)

- Year 11 Examinations U/13’s Rugby League Country Cup Year 12 Award Ceremony in PAC 8.50am, followed by m orning tea for Senior Pastoral Care teachers and parents Homework Hub in Library till 5.00pm SAPSS Concert Band in Performing Arts Centre 4.00pm-5.30pm Drumline in PAC 1.05pm-1.45pm

WEDNESDAY, 22nd May (Day 8)

- Year 11 Examinations Year 12 Retreat Senior Percussion Ensemble 1.05pm-1.45pm in Performing Arts Centre Homework Hub in Library till 4.30pm

THURSDAY, 23rd May (Day 9)

- Year 11 Examinations Year 12 Retreat Year 8 RE Primary School visit Diocesan Secondary Cross Country in Port Macquarie Year 11 Biology Field Trip to Shelley Beach Homework Hub in Library till 5.00pm

FRIDAY, 24th May (Day 10)

- Year 11 Examinations Year 12 Retreat Concert Band 7.45am-8.45am in Performing Arts Centre Homework Hub in Library till 4.00pm

DATES TO REMEMBER: Tuesday 28 th May Proclaim 2013 - Pupil Free Day Thursday 30 th May Year 7 Immunisations Tuesday 4 th – Friday 7 th June Year 7-10 Exams Tuesday 11 th June Athletics Carnival

17th May 2013 Term 2, Week 3 P.O. Box 231, College Drive PORT MACQUARIE 2444

Ph: 02 5525 4100 Fax: 02 5525 4199

“The Truth will set you free”



Congratulations to all our schools for hosting wonderful school based celebrations for the Centenary of Catholic Education in Port Macquarie on Friday, 3rd May. There were great liturgies and assemblies where we had the opportunity to reflect on our history and thank God for the great legacy of the Sisters of St Joseph. We were privileged to have two of the sisters here for the occasion, Sr Jan Tranter and Sr Marjorie McLaughlin. Sr Jan was a teacher at St Joseph’s Regional in the early 1970s and Sr Marjorie also taught there for two periods in the late 1970s and again in the l990s. She now lives in Port Macquarie and does great work as the Coordinator of the Soup Kitchen which she runs every Monday morning.

Sister Jan spoke at the St Joseph’s Regional College assembly. She spoke of the hardship endured by the sisters in the early days. When they added a secondary school in 1933 they used the verandah as their classroom. When it rained they had to move into the hat room. The first student to complete the Intermediate Certificate in 1933 was Sr Anne who is now aged 96.

A secondary school was opened in Warlters Street in 1969. The original school, St Joseph’s Hastings Regional, has now been demolished and has been rebuilt on a new site at Sovereign Hills. She spoke of the sadness felt upon seeing the original St Joseph’s Regional demolished to make way for a shopping centre. However, Sr Jan made the point that while the buildings were demolished the spirit of school lives on in people who moved from Warlters Street to Sovereign Hills.

Sr Jan also emphasised that the most important people in the school were the students. She also made mention of our beautiful school facilities but said these were not a school’s best resource. She said “the best resource in a school was the staff, the teachers”.

Sr Jan finished by praising the Port Macquarie community which always made the sisters welcome throughout the years. This continues to this day as the community gives great support to Sr Marjorie and the Soup Kitchen.

Our next major centenary celebration is the Centenary Ball scheduled for Saturday, 15th May at Panthers Auditorium. Tickets are $65.00 and cover a three course meal and entertainment. I would encourage you to get a table of 10 friends together and celebrate this great milestone.

PROCLAIM 2013 – PUPIL FREE DAY A reminder to all families that Tuesday, 28 th May is a pupil free day. Proclaim 2013 is a year-long call to all staff who work within Parish Schools of the Diocese of Lismore to be active partners involved in co-designing the future of Catholic education over the next three years and the decade beyond. Further details about the day will be included in next week’s newsletter.

Mr Jim O’Brien Coordinating Principal

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Year 7, 2014 Information Night

On Tuesday the 7th of May St Joseph’s Regional College staff gathered for our very well attended Year 7, 2014 Parent Information Night. Feedback from the evening was very positive. I would like to thank all staff for their tremendous efforts in preparing this evening. Also to the 200, or so, students who attended in the capacity of musical performance, serving hors d’oeuvres, delivering speeches and conducting tours of College learning areas. Many parents of prospective students commented on the well-mannered and engaging natures of St Joseph’s Regional College students. We should never forget that St Joseph’s Regional students are our best form of marketing. It gave me great reason to be proud of them.

Year 7 Enrolment Interviews Commence Last Saturday members of the St Joseph’s Leadership Team members conducted seventy five Year 7 interviews for 2014.

It is imperative, that families seeking enrolment at St Joseph’s Regional College contact Michelle at the College office by Monday, 20 th May 2013 on 5525 4100 to arrange an interview time as places will be offered at the end of May.

I wish to extend a ‘big thank you’ to Assistant Principal, Mrs Cath Eichmann, Leader of Evangelisation and Catechesis, Ms Nora Swain, Curriculum Coordinator, Mr Ian Lutton, Administration Coordinator, Mr Chris Kalchbauer and Leader of the Office, Mrs Michelle Reynolds for giving of their time on this day. We hope to offer placements to families by the conclusion of this month. A great team effort, indeed. NAPLAN Testing This week Year 7 and 9 completed NAPLAN Testing in Literacy and Numeracy. I would like to particularly thank Mrs Janine Handley and Mrs Joanne Hall for their tremendous work in organising this testing in such a seamless fashion.

Year 12 Retreat Year 11 Exams I wish Senior students of the College all the very best next week as Year 11 commence their semester examinations and Year 12 embark on their retreat. Staff News This week I would also like to extend my congratulations to Mrs Nicole Prior who will be relieving Mr Adrian Ryan as House Coordinator of Flinders House. We wish Nicole all the best in her new role and Adrian well while on leave for the remainder of the term.

Finally this week, I commend to you Fr. James’ Chaplain’s Report. Fr. James is incredibly supportive of our College and wider St Agnes’ Parish Secondary School community. During this time Fr. James has given so much to us through his Year 9 Reconciliation Program, as Celebrant of School Masses, and through his participation in the College’s Retreat and Reflection Day programs. God Bless Jim Dempsey Principal


It has been a little while since I have penned a report and indeed so much has been happening within our parish school family. However, it is not surprising that there have been so many wonderful liturgies and experiences given the great leadership team, RE teachers and PC teachers we have leading us in catechesis and evangelisation at St Joseph’s Regional College. Centenary Mass Success

I did not want to let another week pass without first congratulating and thanking all the staff and students who contributed to such a highly uplifting Mass to celebrate the Feast of St Joseph the Worker (our school patron) and 100 years of first class Catholic education in Port Macquarie. Unfortunately, one of the prime organisers, Ms Nora Swain, was unable to be there with us because she was attending a Diocesan gathering of Leaders of Catechesis and Evangelisation. While we have video-recorded the Mass, nothing could give justice to the great spirit that was present. We owe a great debt to Nora Swain, Helen Gilbert, Richard Battiston, Wendy Welsh, Jim Dempsey, Cath Eichmann, Jim O’Brien and John McQueen, our Altar Servers, our Musicians, and the many staff and students involved in various ministries, for making the Mass and celebrations such a highlight in our College’s rich history. Project Compassion- Terrific Generosity

From the Mass, having been nourished by the Eucharist, we are called to go forth and witness to Christ in our lives. One of the most powerful examples within our parish in recent times has been the amazing contribution of St Joseph’s Regional to Caritas’ Project Compassion. Having raised $4600 (a total of $12,420.05 from all our parish schools); many parishioners and various Clergy throughout the Diocese, have remarked to me over the last week about this profound generosity. Your support will literally improve the lives of hundreds of some of the poorest people in our society- well done and thank you to all! SAPSS 2013 Theme and Christian Unity

I read with interest a recent report from the Australian Catholic Bishops Commission for Ecumenism and Inter-religious Relations. During this last week, there has been a National Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

“This year the theme is What does God require of us? (Micah 6: 6-8), with a sub-theme of Walking, Walking the Paths of Justice, Mercy and Humility. This subtheme ties in with the theme of the tenth Assembly of the World Council of Churches to be held in Busan, Korea in 2013: God of life lead us to justice and peace.”

To see the St Agnes Parish Secondary Schools theme for 2013 being the theme for this week of Prayer for Christian Unity, was a timely reminder that Micah’s call to ‘Act justly, Love tenderly, Walk humbly with God’ is timeless and reaches across different races, cultures, ages, Christian denominations, and religions. May we all work together as we seek to respond to Micah’s call, which ultimately develops us to be better people, builds up a better society, and strengthens our relationship with God. Wishing Year 12 a Great Retreat

On a final note, on behalf of the Priests and Pastoral team of the Parish, I would like to wish our Year 12 students a wonderful Retreat next week. I am aware that Nora Swain, Gordon West, and a team of staff and students, have been working tirelessly to make this a very rewarding experience. I am sure this will be an experience you will always treasure throughout your lives, as you reflect on your lives, your relationships with others, and your relationship with God. Please be assured of our prayers for you during this time!

May Jesus continue to pour out his love upon you and your family,

Fr James College Chaplain


Have you got your tickHave you got your tickHave you got your tickHave you got your ticket yet?et yet?et yet?et yet? Come and Celebrate at the Centenary Ball!Come and Celebrate at the Centenary Ball!Come and Celebrate at the Centenary Ball!Come and Celebrate at the Centenary Ball!

Why not get a table together…

OR if you can’t form a table, book a ticket/s, mention

St Joseph’s Regional, and we’ll place you and/or your

group on a table…

**Tickets are also available from our College office. **

Come and celebrate 100 years of Catholic Education in Port Macquarie.

Parents and families, members of staff at our schools- past and present,

and anyone associated with our schools are welcome to attend….

Year 11 Mass

Thursday, 6th June at 9.15am in the

Performing Arts Centre

Year 7 Mass

Thursday, 13th June at 6:30pm St Agnes Church


CENTENARY BOOK This comprehensive historical document will be professionally printed and will include photos and stories of Catholic education in St Agnes’ Parish. It will include St Joseph’s Family Services and all Parish schools and will be very reasonably priced at just $20.

For purchases or enquires, please contact Parish Administration on 6588 7444 or email:

Thank you for your assistance.

John McQueen Director Parish Education


Year 12 Retreats

The Year 12 students will be attending their annual retreat this week at Valla and Scotts Head. Both staff and students are looking forward to this opportunity to step away from their regular routines to reflect on this important time in their lives, their relationship with others and the recognition of God’s presence in their lives. Thank you to all staff who have been involved in the preparation of the Retreat and particularly for taking this time away from their families. I am sure the students will find this a highlight of their final year.

Kath Evans

Kath Evans will visit our College on Thursday, 30th May. Come along to share her life-changing story.

Nora Swain Leader of Catechesis and School Evangelisation


National Sorry Day is on Sunday, 26th May 2013. There will be a Reconciliation Walk from Town Beach (Skate Park end) to the Glasshouse Regional Gallery. At 9.30am we will gather on the grassed area near the Skate Park and walk down the Break Wall to the Glasshouse Regional Gallery where morning tea will be waiting and two Aboriginal Art Exhibitions: Bungaree the First Australian and Stranded - Warwick Thornton will be officially opened. The walk is to commemorate the Stolen Generations and to celebrate the start of National Reconciliation Week 2013. Participants are asked to wear either a black or white shirt this is to show commitment to the progression of Reconciliation. Please register at Wet weather plan: If it is raining the walk leg of the event will be cancelled. Participants are asked to attend the Glasshouse Regional Gallery at 10.00am, where morning tea will be awaiting your arrival followed by the Official speeches and the opening of the two Aboriginal Art Exhibitions. There is also an Art competition for Primary and High School students. Draw or paint a picture that shows what you think of when you imagine a fair and happy life for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our community. Entries will be on exhibition in the Glasshouse for the community to select the winners who will have their art work featured in the Aboriginal Reconciliation Strategy 2013 - 2017. Entries close 21st May 2013.


Red Cross Blood Donations

Once again St Joseph Regional College had a very successful day with many of our wonderful student’s giving blood. We are very lucky at St Joseph’s Regional College to have the facilities that allow the Mobile Red Cross Blood Donation Unit to come to our school. Our beautiful students took up the opportunity to give blood with 35 successful donations received, helping 105 people in need of blood products. I want to also thank, the many students who volunteered to give blood, but were unable to donate on the day. These students are always so apologetic that they were not able to participate in the giving process.

It makes me extremely proud to be a teacher at St Joseph’s Regional College when I see the generosity that our students have.

Jess Horsburgh Hamish Bell Tim McMillan Jayde Mitchell Erin Badewitz Rohan Ellis Aurora Howland Tahnee Borg

Malcolm Turner Katelyn Nickl Josie Pepper Michael Mitchell Gemma Laurie Alana Macrow-Cain Kirralee Ratko Malachi Gooding

Courtney Figgins Grace Philp Jordyn Tyrell Teejay Payne Galina Betzis Benen Livermore Jade Sage Adam Hancey

Eamonn Shannon Tim Border Dane Moore Ben Hughes Molly Walker Sam McGrath Stephanie Figgins Tori Marr-Harris Jonti Groth Bianca Davidson Riley Mahon Tim Bleasdale Lisa Fraser Keeley Hall Eliska Marczan Grace Malony

Madeline Sharp Cara Glen-Holmes Jamie McWhirter Liam Rourke Chelsea Butler Sam Turner Melissa Cook James Hughes

Matt Dunn Jamie Lightfoot Jayden Burgess Jayden Goodison Meg Coyne Elizabeth Hackett Rhani Perkins


Claudette Stace Leader of Creative Arts

Yr 9 Canberra Excursion: 24 th - 27th June 2013 Term 2, Week 9

The cost of the excursion is $390, and covers accommodation, transport, meals (except for lunch on the trip down and dinner on the trip home) and all entry fees. The amount has been billed to your school account.

Any outstanding balances are required to be paid by Monday, 10 th June 2013

* The deposit is a binding non-refundable commitment to attend the camp.

If you are unable to meet this cost, please contact Mr Warneken or Mr Johnston as soon as possible. No student should miss out because of financial difficulties.

As this excursion is an integral part of the HSIE curriculum and an important community building exercise, it would be extremely advantageous for your child to attend.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding this excursion, please do not hesitate to contact either Mr Warneken or Mr Johnston at the College.

Mr. Jason Warneken Mr Frank Johnston Leader of HSIE Leader of Oxley

MATHS VAULT PROBLEMS Mathew is participating in a school fundraiser by selling cakes and lollies. He sold 4 packets of cakes and 2 packets of lollies and collected a total of $12.80. If the price of a packet of cakes is double the price of a packet of lollies, what is the cost of each packet of cakes? Last Week’s Answer: 12 volunteers will take 4 hour s

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Upcoming author visit Next week, author Richard Harland will be visiting for half a day, and speaking to English classes in Years 11 and 10. Richard is an acclaimed Australian author who writes in the ‘Steampunk’ genre. This is a subset of Science Fiction where fantasy and steam-powered machinery come together. We have some of Richard’s books in the Library, and he will be selling some on the day to any interested students as well. Visit his website for more information at #Summer Competition Our winners (there are 3 joint first-place-getters), runners-up, and staff winners are all listed below. Thanks to everyone who contributed entries in this competition, and to Mr Cato for undertaking the difficult task of determining the best… they were all great! The winners received beautiful canvas prints of their work, whilst the runners-up received an iTunes card. Well done, thanks, and congratulations to all – we have some awesome talent in our College community. Joint Winners

Jackson Smith, Daniel Gray Monique Geronimi

Technical details: Jackson used a Canon 600D with 70>300ml lens, and his shot was random. Daniel used a Telstra Frontier phone and his shot was random. Runners-Up Jessica Gardner Olivia Bentley Jamie Williams Mikaylie Gooding Jackson Smith Cody Cosgayon Shakira Branch Staff Popular Pick Mrs Tinsey Mr Cannon You can view a gallery of some of the amazing images contributed by students for this competition at the St Joseph’s Regional College Library FaceBook page: Please click the “Like” button while you’re there so that you will receive regular Library updates in your NewsFeed. Follow us on Twitter – @sjrcexchange

2 FREE AUDIOBOOK DOWNLOADS EACH WEEK: 30 TH MAY – 15TH AUGUST, 2013 Teens and other readers of Young Adult Literature will have the opportunity to listen to bestselling titles and required reading classics this winter. Each week from 30th May – 15th August 2013, SYNC will offer two free audiobook downloads.

The audiobook pairings will include a popular young adult (YA) title and a classic that connects with the YA title's theme and is likely to show up on a student's summer reading lists. For example, Maggie Stiefvater's The Raven Boys (Scholastic Audiobooks), the first book in a bestselling series about a group of teenagers search for the supernatural ley lines, will be paired with the Latino classic of magical realism, Rudolfo Anaya's Bless Me, Ultima (Recorded Books).

Visit to find out when you can download titles to listen to on the run this summer. While there, register to get email updates during the promotion period. And you will need to visit to download Overdrive Media Console, the medium for listening to these audiobooks. Happy listening!

The first two SYNC Titles are: May 30 - June 5, 2013 ‘Of Poseidon’ by Anna Banks, read by Rebecca Gibel (AudioGO) ‘The Tempest’ by William Shakespeare, read by a Full Cast (AudioGO) HSC LIVE This website has an archived set of audio-visual resources to which content is being added regularly. Upcoming content includes Ancient History, Biology Electives, Business Studies Part 2 [Operations & Human Resources], Chemistry, CAFS, Drama, Earth & Environmental Science, Economics, PDHPE. Students may choose to take out a monthly subscription for $19.00 which allows access to all content. Alternatively, students can watch live streaming for free.

Go to to explore, and sign up if you wish. NATIONAL CYBER SECURITY AWARENESS WEEK (20-24 MAY) This is an annual government initiative promoting simple steps that all Australians can take to protect themselves online. It is particularly important that our students understand the issues surrounding being safe online. Each week for the next few weeks, I will I include a fact sheet about a specific Cyber Security issue.This week: Malware Why is malware bad? Malware is any kind of bad (malicious) software. There are different types of malware, and it is a serious threat. Malware can steal your passwords or other personal information. It may also let a hacker take control of your computer, so they can pretend to be you online or use your computer to commit a crime. Malware will probably slow your computer down, and may corrupt, destroy or delete your files. Malware can also forward itself from your computer to other computers without your knowing about it. How can malware get onto my computer? Malware gets onto a computer if the user accidentally downloads an infected file by viewing a corrupted site (a drive-by download) or clicks a bad web link in an email, on a website, or on a social networking site. What is a computer virus? A computer virus is a type of malware that can wreck a computer and all the files you have stored on it — photos, videos, games, music, and even your school work! How can a virus affect my computer? A computer virus can be dropped from an email or spread by an infected email attachment, bad download, CD or DVD, or USB (flash) drive. That’s why you should scan everything you load onto your computer. How can I avoid a computer virus if I use email? Don’t open emails or attachments, or click links in emails, if you don’t know the sender and are not expecting the email. This includes emails that have been forwarded to you. How can I avoid a computer virus if I use file-shar ing? Always take extra care if you use file-sharing (P2P) programs, or when you share files with friends. What is a firewall for? A firewall is a barrier to control information coming to and leaving your computer. Make sure your computer has a good firewall, and make sure it’s enabled all the time.

What is spyware? As the name suggests, spyware is an intelligence-gathering tool used to spy on people, and secretly collect personal information like banking and credit card details or other private information. Spyware is usually installed on a computer by accident or by the user getting tricked. What is adware? Adware delivers advertisements to your computer, or other content that’s pushing you to buy goods or services. Adware can be installed accidentally and without you knowing about it, when you download free software. What’s the problem with popups? Most popups are just advertising, but some are scams or fake ads designed to trick you. Even the harmless popups can become really irritating. To get rid of a popup safely, click the [X] in the window to close. Don’t click the links on a popup. Use the popup blocking settings of your web browser. Or try a different web browser. And be sure to keep your browser software up-to-date. You need to remember, if an offer sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. It’s probably a scam. What is a Trojan? A ‘Trojan’ is a bad code which is hidden in a computer program or other computer file which may appear to be useful, interesting, or at the very least harmless to you when using your computer. When this program or file is run, the code is also triggered, which sets up or installs the malicious Trojan Horse program. If a Trojan gets onto your computer, it could give cyber-criminals backdoor access to your computer, to steal your personal data or use your computer to commit a crime. How will I know if my computer has been infected? Install and use anti-malware software to scan for spyware, adware and other malware. You should remember to scan any files that come into your computer i.e. files that come by email, that are downloaded or that are copied from USB, DVD or CD-ROM. And keep your security software up-to-date. Most malware will slow your computer down, and it may corrupt, destroy or delete your files. However you won’t always know until damage is done, and that’s why it’s important to scan regularly. How can I stop my computer from getting infected? Never open files that come from people you don’t know. And take care with files you download—you can’t know what they really contain. Install and use anti-virus software — use it to scan everything you download onto your computer. Keep your anti-virus software up-to-date, and make sure your anti-virus software is always turned on and set to ‘scan’. Check for security updates regularly for all your software, including for your browsers, email clients and media plug-ins. Make sure your computer has a good firewall, and make sure it’s enabled (turned on) all the time. A firewall is a barrier to control information coming to and leaving your computer. Set your firewall to prompt you—for example, ‘do you want to allow this inbound or outgoing connection’? Why should I back up my data? Back up all your data regularly, and store your back-up files in a different place. This way, if the worst happens, you won’t have lost everything.

Find out more at

Karen Bale Teacher Librarian

HOMEWORK HUB The Library is a great place for students to complete class work and assessment tasks. All of the Library’s resources are available for use during this time. On Wednesdays, Mrs Rosenbaum, our Leader of Mathematics, is available to assist you with mathematical problems. The hours are: Monday and Wednesday 3.15pm - 4.30pm.

Tuesday and Thursday 3.15pm - 5.00pm. Friday 3.15pm - 4.00pm.

The Homework Hub is for people who are "getting things done". Mrs Narelle Mathews Homework Hub Supervisor

CAREERS WORK EXPERIENCE If your child is interested in undertaking work experience, each individual case will be considered on its merit. Students would need to discuss with us suitable dates but preferable these will be in holiday times and only under exceptional circumstances would this condition be waived. If you require further information, go to the College Moodle site and access it via students – Careers – Work Experience. CAREERS WEEKLY EMAIL NEWSLETTER All Year 10, 11 and 12 students and parents will receive each week a newsletter detailing all careers information that we receive. We hope some of the websites and information will be relevant to you and your son or daughter. Please contact us if you require further information or delete if nothing is relevant.

If you are not receiving these emails please check with the college office that your contact details are up-to-date. All of our careers information is broadcast through this method so it is vital that details are current. REGIONAL CAREERS WEBSITE Our new Regional College Careers website at offers up-to-date information for parents and students in all year groups.

MOODLE – CAREERS Always updated with important documents for work experience and university information. Parents can access this information via your child’s login. YEAR 8, 9 and 10 – TAX FILE NUMBERS Tax file number forms are processed by Mrs Tinsey every Friday. New forms are now available from the office.


The MID COAST CAREERS MARKET is a fun and interactive, hands-on Expo for Years 9 to 12.

Students are able to discuss their career options with local businesses, industry representatives and training providers and receive up-to-the-minute, relevant information. Talking to people who already work in their field of interest enables young people to learn about training and study pathways first-hand. They can find out what types of positions are available, how to get them and which growth areas can provide sustainable employment.

Students also have the opportunity to interact with support services with the capabilities to foster and guide them in their quest for their chosen career. All exhibitors attending are encouraged to present highly interactive and entertaining displays to attract students to ‘get involved’ and contribute to the fun and energetic atmosphere.

If you have a student in the family aged 15 or over please encourage them to attend and find out what career options are available to them!

We also welcome local businesses, interested in connecting with students to let them know about career pathways, training options and occupations in your business or industry. Registration is free – just contact Michelle Fisher at Mid Coast Connect on 0448 877 953 for more information.

Mid Coast Careers Market

Port Macquarie Race Club, Tuesday 28 May 2013 10.00 am to 2.00 pm FREE ADMISSION

Karen Bale & Leanne Tinsey Leaders of Careers and University Transition

WOOLWORTHS EARN & LEARN PROGRAM The Woolworths Earn & Learn program is back! This community program enables schools and early learning centres throughout Australia to earn educational resources simply through the school community shopping at Woolworths.

From now until Sunday 9th June 2013 , when you shop at Woolworths you will be given a Woolworths Earn & Learn Point. There’ll be one Woolworths Earn & Learn Point for every $10 spent, excluding cigarettes, liquor and gift cards. Completed sticker cards can be dropped into the box in the office.

The Woolworths Earn & Learn program offers products to suit students of all ages. Schools and early learning centres can choose resources based on their unique needs, across every educational category possible, including mathematics and English resources, science equipment, arts & crafts materials, sports gear and more.

CANTEEN ROSTER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The College canteen needs some extra help. If you would like to help on any day during the week between 9.30 -1.30pm (or even just a couple of hours in the middle of the day) please phone Emma Daley at the College Canteen on 5525 4100.

Term 2, Week 4

Monday Deb Quilligan Tuesday Dianne Hughes Wednesday Viccy Tickle Thursday Stephanie McKinnon Friday Michelle Cramp

UNIFORMS UNIFORM SHOP The College second hand uniform shop is open every Monday from 2.45pm – 3.45pm. Please go to office for directions.


A reminder to all parents, notes must be in within 7 days of your child's absence or the absence will be reported on your child's report as UNEXPLAINED.

Students who have more than 15 days leave in a year must have supporting documentation from a doctor or make written application to the Assistant Principal. This may also require an interview with the Principal or Assistant Principal.

�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PARENTS / GUARDIANS EXPLANATION FOR PUPIL’S ABSENCE

PUPIL’S NAME _______________________________________Year__________ PC ________

DATE(S) OF ABSENCE _________________________________________________________

REASON FOR ABSENCE ________________________________________________________

PARENT / GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ________________________________ DATE __________

*Failure to have an absence explained within 7 days of returning to school MUST, BY LAW, be recorded and reported as UNEXPLAINED ABSENCE.

Community Notice Board

TERM 2 Week 4 Mon 20th May CCC Basketball Selections

Mon 20th May Open Girls Triple Jump Tue 21st May 13s & 15s Country Cup Rugby League - Port Macquarie Wed 22nd May 14s Swan's Cup AFL Thur 23rd May Diocesan Cross Country - Port Macquarie

Week 5 Tue 28th May Pupil Free Day Thurs 30th May 13s High Jump - Oval Fri 31st May 12s High Jump – Oval

Week 6 Mon 3rd June Open Boys Triple Jump Tue – Fri Yr 7-10 Exams Tue 4th June Dio Southern Open Soccer - Kempsey Wed 5th June CCC Touch - Penrith (Dio Teams)

Congratulations- Volleyball success Sabrina Lowe has been selected to represent New South Wales All Schools in Volleyball. She was selected after lengthy trials in Sydney on the 11th May. Sabrina will be competing in the Australian under 16's Volleyball Championships in Queensland from Saturday 17th August to Friday 23rd August. We congratulate Sabrina on her selection and wish her all the best in Queensland. Touch Football - Diocesan Trials In week 2, St Joseph’s Regional College had four teams represent the school at the Diocesan trials here in Port Macquarie. Erin Gallagher from St Paul’s did a great job organising over 40 teams and 100 games on the day. A big thank you goes to Port Macquarie touch for their involvement in refereeing and selecting, the day would not have been possible without them.

Junior Girls: The Junior girls had been training together for a couple of years as part of the touch academy and it all payed off with a championship win. After being undefeated all day the girls met arch rivals St Paul’s, in the grand final, and with team captain Sinead McNamara having the best tournament of her school life, the girls never looked like getting beat with an eventual 4-0 victory. Special congratulations to Sinead McNamara, Taylor Lo Monaco, Tahlia Hunter and Alex Avery who were selected in the Diocesan team and to Lily Budnick and Jess Slater who were selected as shadows. Congratulations to all 12 girls who have endured many a 7am training session over the last three years on a thoroughly deserved win and great display of sportsmanship.

Senior Girls: The Senior girls played extremely well. The girls improved throughout the day and worked very well as a team under the leadership of Brittany and Laura. The girls won two of the round games and lost two coming third in their pool and narrowly missing the finals. The girls only went down by 1 try to MacKillop who went on to be overall winners on the day. The girls want to congratulate Brittany Avery in making the Diocesan Team and Laura Cook, being named as a shadow.

Junior Boys: This year’s Junior boys team looked vastly different to previous years with a lot of fresh new year seven faces taking the field. Having never played together as a team, the boys improved with every game, finishing the day with 3 losses and 2 draws. There were some great signs throughout the day, particularly from our year seven students, who showed great knowledge of the game. I get the feeling that this team will accomplish big things in the future. Best on field for the tournament went to Ezra Gibson.

Senior Boys: The Senior boys, made up of stalwarts Jake McNamara, Shaun Hinton and Macca Murray, combined with some fresh faces to the open boys team: Josh Myers, Zac Parnell, Steven Hackett, Tom Hooper, Brad Clancy and Jamie Lightfoot. The boys gave their all throughout the tournament and came away with a respectable 2 from 4. These boys will play in the same team in 2014 and will have plenty of time to reassess between now and then. The positive attitude and camaraderie shown by this team made them a pleasure to coach and I look forward to seeing what they are capable of next year. Jake McNamara was select in the Diocesan team with Shaun Hinton making it as shadow reserve. Players player for our team was Sean McNamara, Josh Myers and Steven Hackett for 3, 2, 1 respectively.