St. John’s Lutheran ·...


Citation preview

August Happenings

Page 14

Bible Study

Page 8

175th Anniversary

Pages 5—7

Thrift Shop

Page 10


Cross Connection

St. John’s Lutheran Church

What a beautiful blessing!

Pastor Jon

Pages 2

From the

Intern’s Desk

Page 3 & 4

Lori Holt

Page 4

Church Council

Pages 13 & 14


Pastor Jon’s Letter

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On August 1st and 2nd, as a congregation we will say goodbye to Intern Larry and his

wife Carolyn. What a joy and blessing they both have been to this congregation and

will be sorely missed.

It has been an absolute joy to work with Larry this year. He came to us with good

gifts for ministry and we have shared with him as he has sharpened those gifts.

While I hate to lose him (a very selfish perspective), I rejoice in the fact that soon he

will be called and ordained into a ministry of Word and Sacrament. Our personal

loss is the Church's gain. It will be exciting to see where the Lord calls Larry to

serve. And where ever that is, Larry will be a blessing to them as he has been to us.

And to you the good folks of St. John's, what a joy and blessing you have been to

Larry and Carolyn! You have taken seriously the role as a teaching congregation in

your support of Larry (and previously Russ). The support, encouragement and feed-

back Larry has received has been instrumental in his growth.

Now we move on. I am disappointed we have not received an intern for this coming

academic year. I get the numbers – 23 intern sites, 11 interns. Yet we have proven

ourselves as a valued intern site. Just frustrating. But we will apply again in Novem-

ber. By then, the big change will be fully implemented – seminary students will have

a 2 year internship. It should be interesting. As always will keep you posted.

Finally, I would encourage you to read over the information in this newsletter con-

cerning the opportunity for a congregation wide Bible study this fall. You will have

the opportunity to gather in small groups for this study. The times, days and places

will vary – a lot depending on who is in your group. This 11 week study can fit into

just about any body's busy schedule.

Summer is going fast. Blessings and peace to each of you in the name of Christ

Jesus our Lord.

Pastor Jon


From the Intern’s Desk

Well…here we are at the end of this incredible journey. August 1 is moving day, and Au-

gust 2 is my last day with you. I can never express how deeply grateful I am for the fact that this

congregation so quickly embraced and accepted both me and Carolyn.

Carolyn and I are moving to Fairborn, Ohio for my final year of seminary. Carolyn, as some

of you know, works in Fairborn at Hondros College as a lab manager and nursing instructor. She

had been at the branch in Westerville, Ohio, just outside of Columbus, and managed to transfer to

the Fairborn branch so that she could be with me in Sidney. But she did have to promise them two

years, so now she will be only 5 minutes away from her work, and I will be the one with the com-

mute. I will be returning to Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus for my final year. Before regu-

lar classes begin, however, I have a two week immersion class in Omaha, Nebraska, from August 9-

21, called “Ministry With and Among People with Developmental Disabilities.” Regular classes at

Trinity begin on August 31, and I will graduate on May 21, 2016. I will not bore you with a list of

what I will be studying, but I will admit that it will be very difficult to get back into “student

mode”. The assignment process happens very quickly, and by March 1, 2016, I should know which

of the 65 synods in the country I will be going to. After that, I begin the call process, interviewing

with specific congregations.

So many people to thank:

Thank you to the bread ministry team: Tina Werntz, Diane Lynch, Mandy Gutman, Nancy

Mitton, Kay Bonnoront, and my wife, who answered my call to join a ministry to team so that we

can celebrate communion with real bread instead of tasteless wafers!

Thank you to Becky Mann, Bev Kocher, Holly Fannon, Tyler Gutman, and Deb Mertz, who

all worked at some point with either Carolyn or me in chancel choir, bell choir, or special music.

Special kudos to Deb, who was so very patient with a guy who had never played in a bell choir be-

fore in his life!

Thank you to the confirmation teachers: Kathy Vogler, Abby Steinke, Kerri Adkins, and

Eric Johnson, who allowed me to observe and/or teach your classes. I truly value the experience.

Thank you to the incredible staff:

Dan Gutman, who was so incredible in the way he put together the mission trip, (then let me tag

along!), as well as for all his help in Detroit.

Lori Holt, who leads the praise band and the Wired for Christ band, that gives us such incredi-

ble music at 8:30, along with her other duties.

Zoe Reynolds, who is a master at keeping everything in the office running so smoothly

And especially to Bob Vogler, who gets my personal MVP award. I could not have survived the

year with him. Whenever anything was wrong at the duplex, he was always right there.

Thank you to all the children and youth. I love all of you. I so very much enjoyed talking

with you in children’s sermons, teaching you in confirmation classes or in the summer classes, and

going with you to Pine Ridge or Detroit. You are not the future of the church, you are the church




Intern Larry’s con’t.

Thank you to the internship committee: Jenny Jones, Molly Johnson, Eileen Ferree, Karen Ad-

kins, Duane Mullen, Bob Leonard, and Gary Paul, for all of your support and input, and to the

whole congregation for supporting the internship program. The fact that three people here are en-

rolling in seminary is incredibly awesome, and shows that you have a true commitment to form-

ing leaders for God’s work in the world.

I know that I have not included everyone, for this letter would go on and on, but know that

I truly do appreciate all of it: the folks who shared their faith stories with me in my visits to your

homes, those who hosted Carolyn and I in your home for dinner, the ones who let me assist in

your ministries, and those who told us how blessed they felt to have us be a part of your congre-

gation, if only for 12 months.

Finally, a huge thank you to “Da Man”, “Papa Jon”, aka Rev. Jonathan Schriber. You are

so blessed to have this man of God be your shepherd, and I was so honored to have him as my

supervisor. I have learned so much from you. If, God willing, I am ordained, I formally now ex-

tend the invitation to you, Pastor Jon, to preach at my ordination. And I also now formally invite

everyone in this congregation to attend.

I hate saying goodbye, so I will simply close by saying: “Whether it be in this life or the

next life, may God be with you until we meet again”.

In the abiding hope of the empty tomb,

Vicar Larry

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Happy August!! Summer continues, but school begins!!

It is with a heavy heart we say farewell to Vicar Larry and Carolyn!! Their

voices and presence will be missed greatly!! Larry, I will miss your sense of

humor, your preaching and you children’s sermons; which are just wonderful!!

God bless you both as you leave St. John’s and continue on your journey of


LOMO Day Camp will take place the week of August 3rd.

We will have our monthly community meal on Saturday, August 29. If you can help out with prep and/or

cleanup for this ministry, please let the office know!! As always your help is very much appreciated!!

We’re trying something new this year regarding Mentors and Mentees!! Papers have been sent to the par-

ents of the in-coming 6th graders. These papers have the guidelines for them to help select the mentors for

their children. No family members can be their mentors, but godparents/sponsors can fill the bill as long as

they are members of St. John’s. They also must be 21 years old.

Rally Sunday is Sunday, August 30!! It appears that it will take place here at St. John’s this year!! It will be

a fun time, as always!! Be sure to bring the family here for a good time of fellowship!! AND this is where

the Mentor and Mentees will be introduced!!

Love in the risen Christ,



175th Church Anniversary

Our 175th Anniversary Worship and Banquet Celebration was a joyous day, touching

the hearts and lives of so many folks. While “thank yous” were shared at the ban-

quet, I have included a complete list (hopefully) of all those who had a part in plan-

ning and implementing the day for us.

First, there were many involved in planning the worship service:

The Worship Task Force – Carroll Cutler, Holly Fannon, Steve Holt and Becky


Deb Mertz and St. John's Bell Choir

John Streb and the Chancel Choir

Carroll Cutler and St. John's Brass

Steve and Lori Holt and members of the Praise band and Wired for Christ

We thank these folks for their musical gifts offered this morning:

Rod Mitton and Holly Fannon and their piano solos

John and Chris Troutman – for their duet

Beth Linker Kenreich for playing and for the magnificent hymn she authored and

composed for us today.

Beverly Kocher – our pianist for today

Becky Mann for helping put this service together and her leadership at the organ

Thank you to Cinda McAlexander for her beautiful bulletin cover design.

Second, likewise there were many folks who helped with the banquet:

The Banquet Task Force – Kermit Dorsey, Becky Mann, Ann Meyers, Judy Paul

and Charlotte Puthoff

Myron and Sharon Koester and their crew for an outstanding meal.


175th Church Anniversary

To members of the Sidney High School Band for outstanding service

Thank you to the adults and teens who worked hard on Saturday to get everything

set up – could not have done it without your help

Thanks to many of those same folks and others who helped clean up.

Thank you to Holly Fannon for coordinating the bulletin and for her, Lori Holt and Zoe

who spent the better part of a day assembling our bulletins and for all the other details

these wonderful ladies took care of.

Thank you to Zoe Reynolds for coordinating everything that came through the office

concerning the bulletin, the worship service, publicity, tickets and so much more.

Thanks to Bob Vogler who, along with Altar Guild & Patti Puckett had the sanctuary

sparkling and the grounds looking great. Bishop Eaton commented on how well our fa-

cilities looked.

Thank you to Duane Mullen for writing the article for the Sidney Daily News.

To Mark Reedy and Thrivent for their wonderful gift.

We are only half way through this celebration year, so they still have work to do, but let

us thank our Anniversary Year Co-Chair – Nancy Mitton and Tyler Wilson

A special thank you to all the quests who joined us from near and far to add to the joy of

our day.

Then a very special thank you to Bishop Suzanne Dillahunt, Southern Ohio Synod. She

will be back to preach Reformation Sunday.

Thank you Bishop Eaton, with the schedule you keep, we

have been truly honored and blessed to have had you with us

today. Your message touched us deeply and I pray that you

carry with you found memories of this place and all of us.


175th Anniversary Folks Helping Us to Celebrate in August

Pastor Charla Grieves Emily McCroskey, Violin

August 8th & 9th August 9th

Worship Service Worship Service

Visitation Pastor David Buckenroth Lay Worship Leader Jeff Blust

August 22nd & 23rd August 29th & 30th

Worship Service Worship Leader

ELCA Disaster Relief for Nepal

The initial collection from all Northern Exposure Cluster congre-

gations was $5,803.66 and the St. Jacob-Anna endowment team

matched that number for a grand total of $11,607.32. St. John’s

donated $2,605.00 ($1,605.00 special offerings and $1,000.00

from the Memorial Fund).

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

Winston Churchill


Bible Study



The Bible contains hundreds of stories-thousands of names. How does a person begin to under-

stand and remember it all?

ADULT CROSSINGS is a unique Bible overview. It explores what many scholars consider the

eight core stories of the Bible. This is what theologian Walter Brueggemann calls “the primal

narrative-that most simple, elemental, and non-negotiable story line that lies at the heart of bib-

lical faith.”

The core stories include:

God's call Davidic Rule

The Exodus Jesus' Life

Sinai Covenant The Cross

Promised Land Resurrection Life

In studying these ancient stories we can begin to see how God continues to act, here and now in us

and through us.

This is an 11 week series one hour each week. It includes a 20 minutes DVD presentation and

then discussion.

This Bible Study opportunity will be offered in small group settings. Like we did a number of

years ago with 40 Days of Purpose, you are invited to gather with friends and neighbors for this

study. Each group will have a facilitator (there will be a training session). Dates, times and loca-

tions of each group will be determined by the group.

Watch for further information in the weekly bulletin and look for sign up sheets in the two main

entry ways as well as the church office.

This is a great opportunity in the midst of busy lives to read and study

God's word together.

Pastor Jon


Compassionate Care & Hospice

Compassionate Care of Shelby County

Compassionate Care of Shelby County is a non-profit, faith based organization founded due to the increased need of medical care for people without health care choices. They are the only free health care clinic for uninsured and under-insured community members. CCSC provides services that include medical and nursing clinics, preventative care, pre-scription assistance programs, dental services and social service counseling.

While many of their patients are being cared for through Affordable care Acts, they are see-ing an increased number of working people, for whom employers are opting out and not providing insurance, or the premiums/deductible have increased so much that it is no long-er affordable. CCSC has expanded their eligibility guidelines from 200% at or below pov-erty level to 250%. While CCSC does see qualifying patients with unaffordable insurance, we do NOT see people with Medicare or Medicaid. Compassionate Care does not bill for their services and rely only on grants, or individual or corporate donations.

Please visit their website for additional information to see if your family qualifies or if you’re interested in making a donation.

Hospice of Miami County

Hospice of Miami County share “comfort blankets (afghans, quilts and fleece blankets)” with each of their Hospice patients. They are seeking donations of handmade blankets which will then be taken to each new patient. If you are able to provide materials or labor toward this effort , please contact: Krissy McKim-Barker, Volunteer Coordinator 937-573-2115 or

Nursing Home Communion Services

In order to provide communion for St. John’s members who live in nursing homes,

monthly worship services are scheduled. All residents of these nursing homes are invit-

ed to attend, and members of St. John’s are encouraged to come and accompany a fami-

ly member or friend. Services scheduled for August:

Fair Haven County Home Dorothy Love Retirement Community

Tuesday, August 4th Tuesday, August 18th

2:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m.


Thrift Shop Leaders:

The leaders at the Thrift Shop during the

month of August will be:

August 3 Lynn Pitchford 492-2175

August 10 Gloria Current 492-2175

August 17 Rhonda Vance 492-2175

August 24 Barbie Covault 492-2175

August 31 Lynn Pitchford 492-2175

In May we had sales of $2,241.76 from

596 customers.

65 individuals were served for a value of


Thrift Shop Report:

Anyone interested in volunteering at

St. John’s Thrift Shop? Do you

have a friend that is looking to

serve? Please give Lynn Pitchford

or Barbie Covault a call at 492-2175

and find out

what our minis-

try is all about!

Thrift Shop

Additional Worship Opportunities

Sales were steady. Donations were down during May. We still were able to assist one

with an ID., one with assistance for in home care, three for prescriptions, three families

with lodging, four families with electric, five with gas for doctor appointments and two

with gas for home.


Thank You

To the Staff of St. John’s Lutheran Church

Thank you so much for the beautiful and moving worship service for the 175th Anniversary of St. John’s. As with all

things, the amount of work put into something shows. The service was MAGNIFICANT!

With God’s Love and mine,

Helen Wildermuth

Dear Pastor Schriber & St. John’s Lutheran Congregation,

Thank you for your support over the last four years for my time at Capital University. Your support has made a big

impact on my life and has helped me financially. It has made my education a worthwhile experience and I appreciate

all you do.

St. John’s Lutheran Church has been a second family to me and I know that I can always come back feeling welcomed.

Your friendship means a lot to me and I will continue to stay in contact with you.

Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Many Blessings,

Dru Olding

We would like to thank Pastor Jon and our fellow members of St. John’s for the visits, prayers, and cards that we re-

ceived during my recent illness. It’s such a blessing to have the love and support of our St. Johns’ family.

Mike & Patti Puckett

St. John’s Family,

I am blessed to have so many from the congregation express their condolences during the loss of my mother. Your

prayers, cards and thoughts brought me great comfort and peace during this difficult time.

The words “Thank You” seem so inadequate but I am at a loss for words. You touched my heart and I will be re-

minded of your kindness each time I think of Mama.


We want to thank Praise Band and Wired for Christ for their time and effort in the 175

th anniversary worship service. Erin Stephens, Erin Fultz, Savanah Koester, Car-

roll Cutler, Cindy Ohlsen (twice), Bob, TJ and Katy Leonard & Courtney Fox and Reece Pitchford. Special thanks also to the Leonards and Pitchfords for delaying your vacations! St. John’s and we are all blessed as you share your musical gifts!!

God bless you, Steve and Lori


Official Acts for June/July

Serving the Lord in August


Marriages: Nicklas Collier & Suzanne Neubauer June 13, 2015

Baptisms: Jason Wesley Schlater June 7, 2015

Charlotte Rose Teasley June 28, 2015

Altar Guild: August: Pam Allen, Charlotte Puthoff, Elaine Latimer

Communion Assistants:

August 2 8:30 am Sheila Stephens

10:30 am Pam Wilson & Judith LeFevre

August 9 8:30 am Brian Lundy

10:30 am Pam Wilson

August 16 8:30 am

10:30 am Judith LeFevre

August 23 8:30 am

10:30 am

August 30 8:30 am

10:30 am

Lectors Acolytes

August 2 8:30 am Lauren Barker & Taylor Bisbee

10:30 am Jace Conrad & Hayden Davies

August 9 8:30 am Lauren Barker & Taylor Bisbee

10:30 am Jace Conrad & Hayden Davies

August 16 8:30 am Lauren Barker & Taylor Bisbee

10:30 am Jace Conrad & Hayden Davies

August 23 8:30 am Lauren Barker & Taylor Bisbee

10:30 am Jace Conrad & Hayden Davies

August 30 8:30 am Lauren Barker & Taylor Bisbee

10:30 am Jace Conrad & Hayden Davies


St. John’s Lutheran Church Council Minutes

June 8, 2015

June Council Meeting

Call to Order – Becky Drinnen

Opening Devotions – Larry Novak

Adoption of Agenda – A motion was made by Carroll Cutler to accept the Agenda for June’s meeting. The motion was

seconded by Phil Kocher. The motion was passed.

New Business-

A motion to skip the July council meeting was made by Darin Davis. The motion was seconded by Sheila Stephens. The

motion was passed.

Old Business –

Storage shed – There are still safety concerns over the placement of the storage shed. As a representative of the property

committee, Ted Tinsler would like to table further discussion until a suitable location can be found. In the meantime, he

proposed that we use a small shed over by the duplex to house some lawn equipment. The issue of the Nativity Scene

could be solved, to some extent, by relocating where the pieces are stored within the church, and getting more people to

help carry them up and down each year.

Secretary’s Report – A motion was made by Charlotte Puthoff to approve the May Secretary’s Report. The motion was

seconded by Judith LeFevre. The motion was passed.

Treasurer’s Report – A motion was made by Pam Wilson to approve the May Treasurer’s Report. The motion was se-

conded by Darin Davis. The motion was passed. Jeff presented a month-by-month comparison of revenue for the past

several years, which highlighted the declining trends that the church is experiencing.

Staff Reports

Pastor Jon

We need volunteers to help sell tickets before & after services for the 175th anniversary banquet. The tickets are $10/

adult, $5/child (6-12 yrs,) and children under 6 are free.

Passed around a Thank You card for Beth Linker, who wrote a special song for our anniversary celebration.

Charlotte Puthoff shared her experience as a representative to the Synod Assembly. She passed along a certificate that

was presented to St John’s to commemorate our 175th anniversary. She talked about some of the issues and resolutions the

Assembly dealt with. Pastor Jon reminded us what a unique opportunity it will be to have both Bishop Eaton and Bishop Dillahunt with us on

July 12th. Bishop Eaton’s message is always very vibrant and gospel-oriented. It is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

for us to have them both here to celebrate with us. Larry Novak – Per submitted report. He enjoyed the Synod Assembly. He is preparing for the Mission trip to

Pine Ridge and the National Youth Gathering.

Lori Holt – Per submitted report. She is putting together a list of possible mentors for the incoming 6th grade confir-

mation students. The Mentee-Mentor Movie Matinee has been scheduled for November 22nd. There will be no cate-

chism or Luther League that night.

Theological Discussion – Continued the discussion about age and confirmation restrictions on receiving the Sacrament of

Holy Communion. Pastor Jon shared the draft of a letter that he plans to send out to parents of young children (fifth grade

and younger,) inviting them to an open discussion of the issue. Council felt this was a good step to take to get additional

feedback and address concerns.

Committee Reports Music and Worship – Talked with Pastor Jon about asking Joshua Brodbeck, master organist, to play for a Sun-

day afternoon concert and hymn-fest. The committee will contact him to see if he would be willing to come in the



Church Council Con’t. & Happenings in August

Rally Sunday

August 30th

LOMO Day Camp

August 3rd thru August 7th

Men’s Breakfast

August 8th

8:00 am

American Legion

Community Meal

August 29th


Quilting Circle

August 26th

at 9:00 am

Men’s Prayer



6:00 am



August 13th, Noon

Church Basement

Lunch & Window Presentation

We Need You!

Lectors play a vital part in the worship service. You’ll notice on the following page we

currently do not have any lectors scheduled. Please check your schedule and contact Zoe

if you’ll be able to help with this ministry.

492-8047 or


Parish Life – Further discussion of the Hog Roast. It will be held at the VFW hall on 10/17/15. The event will

be coupled with an evening of music by Steve Holt’s duo, Thick and Thin. They are working out additional



Community Meal – June 27th, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Newsletter Deadline – July 22 for August Newsletter

Communion Assistants – See Bulletin

Next Meeting – August 10, 2015 – 7:00 pm

Closing Devotions – Pastor Jon

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Sheila Stephens and seconded by Carroll Cutler. Meeting adjourned.

In Attendance: Pastor Jon Schriber, Jeff Fannon, Carroll Cutler, Darin Davis, Becky Drinnen, Holly Fannon, Phil

Kocher, Myron Koester, Judith LeFevre, Charlotte Puthoff, Sheila Stephens, Ted Tinsler and Pam Wilson

Excused: Jill Bisbee, Eric Johnson, Brian Lundy

Absent: John Widney,

Respectfully submitted, by Holly Fannon, Church Council Secretary


Remember Our Shut-Ins in your Prayers

Prayer List

Judy Harvey Carol Wick Rachel Kinninger

Carol Overholt Alice Smith

Dorothy Love 3003 W. Cisco Rd. Lela Pulfer, Vera Hall, Becky Anderson, Elly Young,

Bob Bertsch, Gail Shively, Dorothy Barker

Dorothy Love 2500 N. Kuther Rd. Marcella Wick, Ruth Weimer,

Fair Haven 2901 Fair Rd. Delores Applegate, Paul Gross, Vic Stangel

Lane Park 1150 Russell Road Bud Corbett, Merle Leininger, Betty Flanagan

Norma Durnell Diane Ferree Helen Dill

632 Folkerth Ave. 1196 St. Mary’s Ave. 15100 Birchaven Lane, Apt. 116

Sidney, OH 45365 Sidney, OH 45365 Findlay, OH 45840

Iva Klopfenstein LeRee Metz Rhonda Vance

1170 Westwood Dr. 19821 Elton Rd. 1302 Spruce St.

Sidney, OH 45365 Sidney, OH 45365 Sidney, OH 45365

Mary Davis Bob Hatfield Eileen Silvers

205 North Highland Ave. Heartland of Bellefontaine 6195 Hardin-Wapak Rd.

Sidney, OH 45365 211 School Street Sidney, OH 45365

Bellefontaine OH 43311

Virginia Zeller Dick Walklet LeRee Metz

114 Barr Dr. 5780 Toulon Ct. 19821 Elton Road

Sidney, OH 45365 Huber Heights, OH 45365 Sidney, OH 45365

Betty Eckhart Teresa Fultz

Arbors West 819 Lori Court

375 West Main St. Sidney, OH 45365.

West Jefferson, OH 43162

Phone: 937-492-8047

Fax: 937-492-2462


St. John’s Thrift Shop 319 South Ohio Ave.

Sidney, OH 45365

Phone: 937-492-2175

St. John’s Lutheran Church

120 West Water St.

Sidney, OH 45365

Worship Services Saturday, 6:00 p.m.

Sunday, 8:30 & 10:30

Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.

At St. John’s, we are given the opportunity to worship God,

study His Word, and serve Him in many capacities, while

at the same time enjoying Christian fellowship.

Please consider ways that you can get involved!

God’s Vision,

Our Mission

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptiz-

ing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of

the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything

that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with

you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

We’re on the Web:

